Elementary April 8th 2012

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Equip (for parents) Equip is additional background information that will help as you introduce this passage of Scripture to your children this week. date



Inspire (for parents)

Matthew 21:1–11; John 12:12–19

normal—something that’s part of growing up. I’m not sure when it happened. Maybe it was I know it has a lot to do with her peers. I know overnight. Maybe it was gradual and I didn’t we’re a lot alike, and that doesn’t help in our notice. But, clearly, something has happened. tougher moments. And I know I can do things My daughter has become a “tween.” My to be proactive. I can take her on dates and try once-little girl has grown into an older, more to just “be” with her. I can intentionally seek to emotional, strong-willed, negotiating version of carve out space for herself. We have good days and we It is baffling to ponder: her to spend time wonderful girls have bad days. Or, this God, who is King and with who will rub off on rather, we have good moments created the entire world, her in positive ways. and we have bad also handpicked this child Most importantly, I moments. Often can pray and ask for for me. these moments wisdom. Because I overlap in a way that makes me say, “What in truly feel ill-equipped in these moments. I feel the world is going on here?” my human limits stretched tight as I navigate A couple of weeks ago, I found myself in my room on the edge of my bed, trying to collect my thoughts. The previous conversation played over again in my head, and I still can’t figure out how a simple conversation about weekend plans turned into an all-out emotional meltdown, but it did. All I could do was pray the same words over and over: “Help me, God. Give me wisdom.” I know it’s a new season of development and that my daughter is experiencing something

how to parent in uncharted territory. There was no chapter in the manual for this. It is baffling to ponder: This God, who is King and created the entire world, also handpicked this child for me. He chose her for me and me for her. It humbles me and settles my heart knowing Jesus the King put us together, and He will give me the wisdom to navigate these seasons.

The people of Israel had long awaited their coming Messiah. From the beginning to the end, the Old Testament records the history of God’s people awaiting the arrival of their promised Savior. They envisioned a king who would come with a sword and make Israel the leader of all the nations. Their hope for this sort of Messiah is evident in the way they welcomed Jesus on what we refer to as “Palm Sunday” or the “Triumphal Entry.” As Jesus approached Jerusalem, crowds scurried to cut palm branches and wave them over Him as He entered the city. The palm branch was a symbol of Jewish patriotism. It represented victory for the Jewish people. Palms were used in decorating Jewish coins, buildings, and even synagogues. They were prominently displayed during many of their major feasts and festivals. Throughout the Old Testament and various Jewish texts, palm branches were used to symbolize Jewish pride, and Israelites would only cover the ground with them for honorable and worthy individuals. For them, to lace Jesus’ path with palm fronds while waving branches over Him as He passed implied that they perceived Him to be a king coming to rescue them. In fact, the people cried out, “Hosanna,” which means, “Save us” or “Rescue us.” The people shouted it in celebration, as if to say, “Hooray—He is here to save us!” In His first coming, Jesus didn’t intend to be an earthly warrior king. He came to restore a broken relationship between mankind and God. Instead of bringing a sword, He brought a message of peace and humility for true salvation. To the Israelites, that wasn’t what they were looking for. To the Pharisees, Jesus’ claim was an outrage, and this ultimately led to His crucifixion. To many, Jesus seemed an unlikely Messiah. Jesus brought revelation instead of revenge

and called people to love their enemies instead of conquer them. Those who followed Jesus had to be willing to embrace a new concept of kingship, one of love and inclusion rather than domination and exclusion. And one day He’ll return to earth as our conquering King. One day, people from every tribe and tongue will shout, “Jesus is King!”


(for parents & kids) This week, JUST FOR FUN, give each of your children the opportunity to become “King or Queen for the day!” Allow them to choose their favorite meal or dessert—maybe even both. Let them pick their favorite television show or play their favorite game. Find ways to give them the royal treatment. After children have had the opportunity to be “the King or Queen” tell them you are going to read a part of The Big God Story where Jesus revealed that He was King. Read Matthew 21:1–11. After reading, ask your children what the people were yelling. Explain that “Hosanna” means “Save us” or “Rescue us.” Discuss with your children that God’s people were looking for a king to come and save them. They wanted Him to be a warrior king—they didn’t understand that Jesus had come to bring peace and lay down His life for them. Ask your children, “What would you have done if you were there that day?” Pray together, thanking God for sending Jesus to be our King. Remind your children that what they just heard is a part of The Big God Story and they will learn more in church this week about Jesus being our King.

This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word before your children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we know that as you grow spiritually, your children will grow spiritually as well.

by Ali Bray © 2012 David C. Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

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