2012/2013 Uganda Studies Program Brochure

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w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p

V i S i t w w w. b e S t S e m e S t e r . c o m / u S p

Still want to know more?


usp@Bestsemester.com [E]


wa S H i n g to n D c 2 0 0 0 2

3 2 1 8 tH S t r e e t n e

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p / e x p l o r e


The uganda Studies Program is offered in partnership with Uganda Christian University (UCU), a CCCU affiliate member in Mukono, Uganda—15 miles from the capital city of Kampala. The large hillside campus is a perpetual summer paradise, with temperatures in the 70s, views of Lake Victoria and Red-tailed monkeys feasting on mangos. The university setting also means that you’ll have the unique opportunity to get to know Ugandans in your stage of life, asking the same questions you are asking—about studies, faith and their future.

a program of the

Your whole life

you’ve been surrounded by people who look like you, talk like you and even think about God like you. It’s time to ask big questions of the assumptions you’ve subconsciously held—from your definition of poverty to what being a Christian means. It’s time to marvel at everything from the hospitality of your Ugandan hosts to the magnificent hills and valleys of the Rwandan countryside. Participate in Ugandan community and learn much about your own identity in the process. Be exposed to the social and economic injustice present in East Africa, explore the Biblical perspective of injustice and then wrestle with faithful Christian responses. Your semester at the Uganda Studies Program will be time spent in society, nature and spirit. Be ready to be changed.

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w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p

V i S i t w w w. b e S t S e m e S t e r . c o m / u S p

Still want to know more?


usp@Bestsemester.com [E]


wa S H i n g to n D c 2 0 0 0 2

3 2 1 8 tH S t r e e t n e

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p / e x p l o r e


The uganda Studies Program is offered in partnership with Uganda Christian University (UCU), a CCCU affiliate member in Mukono, Uganda—15 miles from the capital city of Kampala. The large hillside campus is a perpetual summer paradise, with temperatures in the 70s, views of Lake Victoria and Red-tailed monkeys feasting on mangos. The university setting also means that you’ll have the unique opportunity to get to know Ugandans in your stage of life, asking the same questions you are asking—about studies, faith and their future.

a program of the

Your whole life

you’ve been surrounded by people who look like you, talk like you and even think about God like you. It’s time to ask big questions of the assumptions you’ve subconsciously held—from your definition of poverty to what being a Christian means. It’s time to marvel at everything from the hospitality of your Ugandan hosts to the magnificent hills and valleys of the Rwandan countryside. Participate in Ugandan community and learn much about your own identity in the process. Be exposed to the social and economic injustice present in East Africa, explore the Biblical perspective of injustice and then wrestle with faithful Christian responses. Your semester at the Uganda Studies Program will be time spent in society, nature and spirit. Be ready to be changed.

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p

V i S i t w w w. b e S t S e m e S t e r . c o m / u S p

Still want to know more?


usp@Bestsemester.com [E]


wa S H i n g to n D c 2 0 0 0 2

3 2 1 8 tH S t r e e t n e

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p / e x p l o r e


The uganda Studies Program is offered in partnership with Uganda Christian University (UCU), a CCCU affiliate member in Mukono, Uganda—15 miles from the capital city of Kampala. The large hillside campus is a perpetual summer paradise, with temperatures in the 70s, views of Lake Victoria and Red-tailed monkeys feasting on mangos. The university setting also means that you’ll have the unique opportunity to get to know Ugandans in your stage of life, asking the same questions you are asking—about studies, faith and their future.

a program of the

Your whole life

you’ve been surrounded by people who look like you, talk like you and even think about God like you. It’s time to ask big questions of the assumptions you’ve subconsciously held—from your definition of poverty to what being a Christian means. It’s time to marvel at everything from the hospitality of your Ugandan hosts to the magnificent hills and valleys of the Rwandan countryside. Participate in Ugandan community and learn much about your own identity in the process. Be exposed to the social and economic injustice present in East Africa, explore the Biblical perspective of injustice and then wrestle with faithful Christian responses. Your semester at the Uganda Studies Program will be time spent in society, nature and spirit. Be ready to be changed.

recommended & required Credits

uganda studies e mphasis (use) FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

intercultural ministry & missions emphasis (imme)

Applicants to the uganda Studies Program will apply to either the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE), the Intercultural Ministry and Missions Emphasis (IMME) or the Social Work Emphasis* (SWE). To help put the Uganda experience in perspective, USP students spend a week in Rwanda traveling and hearing from church leaders and missionaries and visiting different ministries and organizations. While some time is spent looking at the 1994 Genocide, most of the focus is on what Rwandans and others are doing to build up society and the church. Rwanda has been recognized as a recent success story and is a great case study for both issues of governance and civil society development. w w w.be sts e m e st e r .c o m/usp/learn

*Social Work Emphasis available only to students with a social work major.

FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context croSS-cultural miniStry practicum aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

social work emphasis (swe)

uSe and swe students live most of the

Junior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For junior leVel aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 7 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

14-17 credits

senior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For Senior leVel

4 creDitS 12 creDitS

total credits

16 credits

Social work emphasis (Swe) is open only to social work majors and requires direct communication between the uSp Social work coordinator and the social work department at the student’s home institution.

african context courses aFrican literature eaSt aFrican HiStory From 1800 to inDepenDence eaSt aFrican politicS Since inDepenDence religionS in contemporary uganDa

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS

elective courses

iMMe students live the entire semester with a host family within walking distance of the university, in addition to one week with a rural host family. The semester-long homestay allows students to truly be adopted as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. IMME students also spend several weekends traveling to different places in Uganda, learning from Ugandans and expatriates involved in Christian ministry and development work. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/l i v e

from Sudan to South Africa

to suburban America, USP alumni are seeking ways to live faithfully in a fallen world. Many students leave Uganda with a deep desire to return to Africa or go elsewhere overseas. Others have a renewed—and often surprising—conviction to return to their own cultural context and seek creative ways to live out the Gospel. Whether your long-term goal is to live in America or the Amazon, you’ll be connected with hundreds of other USP alumni who are a little further down the road of discovering what life after graduation means. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with these alumni and learn more about the organizations, jobs and opportunities they’ve explored since leaving the Uganda Studies Program. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/al u m n i

additional electives may be available when students register in uganda. courses subject to change unDerStanDing tHe olD teStament unDerStanDing tHe new teStament unDerStanDing worlDViewS unDerStanDing etHicS HealtH & wHoleneSS law & cHriStian political tHougHt in aFrica luganDa i anD/or ii SwaHili i anD/or ii

semester with Ugandan and other African students in the UCU dorms, a setting conducive to friendships that often end up being the core of the student experience. Students also spend two weeks with a host family within walking distance of campus and another week with a rural host family.

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3-6 creDitS 3-6 creDitS

recommended & required Credits

uganda studies e mphasis (use) FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

intercultural ministry & missions emphasis (imme)

Applicants to the uganda Studies Program will apply to either the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE), the Intercultural Ministry and Missions Emphasis (IMME) or the Social Work Emphasis* (SWE). To help put the Uganda experience in perspective, USP students spend a week in Rwanda traveling and hearing from church leaders and missionaries and visiting different ministries and organizations. While some time is spent looking at the 1994 Genocide, most of the focus is on what Rwandans and others are doing to build up society and the church. Rwanda has been recognized as a recent success story and is a great case study for both issues of governance and civil society development. w w w.be sts e m e st e r .c o m/usp/learn

*Social Work Emphasis available only to students with a social work major.

FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context croSS-cultural miniStry practicum aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

social work emphasis (swe)

uSe and swe students live most of the

Junior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For junior leVel aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 7 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

14-17 credits

senior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For Senior leVel

4 creDitS 12 creDitS

total credits

16 credits

Social work emphasis (Swe) is open only to social work majors and requires direct communication between the uSp Social work coordinator and the social work department at the student’s home institution.

african context courses aFrican literature eaSt aFrican HiStory From 1800 to inDepenDence eaSt aFrican politicS Since inDepenDence religionS in contemporary uganDa

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS

elective courses

iMMe students live the entire semester with a host family within walking distance of the university, in addition to one week with a rural host family. The semester-long homestay allows students to truly be adopted as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. IMME students also spend several weekends traveling to different places in Uganda, learning from Ugandans and expatriates involved in Christian ministry and development work. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/l i v e

from Sudan to South Africa

to suburban America, USP alumni are seeking ways to live faithfully in a fallen world. Many students leave Uganda with a deep desire to return to Africa or go elsewhere overseas. Others have a renewed—and often surprising—conviction to return to their own cultural context and seek creative ways to live out the Gospel. Whether your long-term goal is to live in America or the Amazon, you’ll be connected with hundreds of other USP alumni who are a little further down the road of discovering what life after graduation means. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with these alumni and learn more about the organizations, jobs and opportunities they’ve explored since leaving the Uganda Studies Program. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/al u m n i

additional electives may be available when students register in uganda. courses subject to change unDerStanDing tHe olD teStament unDerStanDing tHe new teStament unDerStanDing worlDViewS unDerStanDing etHicS HealtH & wHoleneSS law & cHriStian political tHougHt in aFrica luganDa i anD/or ii SwaHili i anD/or ii

semester with Ugandan and other African students in the UCU dorms, a setting conducive to friendships that often end up being the core of the student experience. Students also spend two weeks with a host family within walking distance of campus and another week with a rural host family.

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3-6 creDitS 3-6 creDitS

recommended & required Credits

uganda studies e mphasis (use) FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

intercultural ministry & missions emphasis (imme)

Applicants to the uganda Studies Program will apply to either the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE), the Intercultural Ministry and Missions Emphasis (IMME) or the Social Work Emphasis* (SWE). To help put the Uganda experience in perspective, USP students spend a week in Rwanda traveling and hearing from church leaders and missionaries and visiting different ministries and organizations. While some time is spent looking at the 1994 Genocide, most of the focus is on what Rwandans and others are doing to build up society and the church. Rwanda has been recognized as a recent success story and is a great case study for both issues of governance and civil society development. w w w.be sts e m e st e r .c o m/usp/learn

*Social Work Emphasis available only to students with a social work major.

FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context croSS-cultural miniStry practicum aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

social work emphasis (swe)

uSe and swe students live most of the

Junior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For junior leVel aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 7 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

14-17 credits

senior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For Senior leVel

4 creDitS 12 creDitS

total credits

16 credits

Social work emphasis (Swe) is open only to social work majors and requires direct communication between the uSp Social work coordinator and the social work department at the student’s home institution.

african context courses aFrican literature eaSt aFrican HiStory From 1800 to inDepenDence eaSt aFrican politicS Since inDepenDence religionS in contemporary uganDa

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS

elective courses

iMMe students live the entire semester with a host family within walking distance of the university, in addition to one week with a rural host family. The semester-long homestay allows students to truly be adopted as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. IMME students also spend several weekends traveling to different places in Uganda, learning from Ugandans and expatriates involved in Christian ministry and development work. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/l i v e

from Sudan to South Africa

to suburban America, USP alumni are seeking ways to live faithfully in a fallen world. Many students leave Uganda with a deep desire to return to Africa or go elsewhere overseas. Others have a renewed—and often surprising—conviction to return to their own cultural context and seek creative ways to live out the Gospel. Whether your long-term goal is to live in America or the Amazon, you’ll be connected with hundreds of other USP alumni who are a little further down the road of discovering what life after graduation means. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with these alumni and learn more about the organizations, jobs and opportunities they’ve explored since leaving the Uganda Studies Program. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/al u m n i

additional electives may be available when students register in uganda. courses subject to change unDerStanDing tHe olD teStament unDerStanDing tHe new teStament unDerStanDing worlDViewS unDerStanDing etHicS HealtH & wHoleneSS law & cHriStian political tHougHt in aFrica luganDa i anD/or ii SwaHili i anD/or ii

semester with Ugandan and other African students in the UCU dorms, a setting conducive to friendships that often end up being the core of the student experience. Students also spend two weeks with a host family within walking distance of campus and another week with a rural host family.

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3-6 creDitS 3-6 creDitS

recommended & required Credits

uganda studies e mphasis (use) FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

intercultural ministry & missions emphasis (imme)

Applicants to the uganda Studies Program will apply to either the Uganda Studies Emphasis (USE), the Intercultural Ministry and Missions Emphasis (IMME) or the Social Work Emphasis* (SWE). To help put the Uganda experience in perspective, USP students spend a week in Rwanda traveling and hearing from church leaders and missionaries and visiting different ministries and organizations. While some time is spent looking at the 1994 Genocide, most of the focus is on what Rwandans and others are doing to build up society and the church. Rwanda has been recognized as a recent success story and is a great case study for both issues of governance and civil society development. w w w.be sts e m e st e r .c o m/usp/learn

*Social Work Emphasis available only to students with a social work major.

FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context croSS-cultural miniStry practicum aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

13-16 credits

social work emphasis (swe)

uSe and swe students live most of the

Junior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For junior leVel aFrican context courSe electiVe/aFrican context courSe (optional)

4 creDitS 7 creDitS 3 creDitS 0-3 creDitS

total credits

14-17 credits

senior Level FaitH & action in tHe uganDan context Social work practicum For Senior leVel

4 creDitS 12 creDitS

total credits

16 credits

Social work emphasis (Swe) is open only to social work majors and requires direct communication between the uSp Social work coordinator and the social work department at the student’s home institution.

african context courses aFrican literature eaSt aFrican HiStory From 1800 to inDepenDence eaSt aFrican politicS Since inDepenDence religionS in contemporary uganDa

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS

elective courses

iMMe students live the entire semester with a host family within walking distance of the university, in addition to one week with a rural host family. The semester-long homestay allows students to truly be adopted as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. IMME students also spend several weekends traveling to different places in Uganda, learning from Ugandans and expatriates involved in Christian ministry and development work. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/l i v e

from rom Sudan to South Africa

to suburban America, USP alumni are seeking ways to live faithfully in a fallen world. Many students leave Uganda with a deep desire to return to Africa or go elsewhere overseas. Others have a renewed—and often surprising—conviction to return to their own cultural context and seek creative ways to live out the Gospel. Whether your long-term goal is to live in America or the Amazon, you’ll be connected with hundreds of other USP alumni who are a little further down the road of discovering what life after graduation means. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with these alumni and learn more about the organizations, jobs and opportunities they’ve explored since leaving the Uganda Studies Program. w w w. b e sts e m e st e r . c o m /u s p/al u m n i

additional electives may be available when students register in uganda. courses subject to change unDerStanDing tHe olD teStament unDerStanDing tHe new teStament unDerStanDing worlDViewS unDerStanDing etHicS HealtH & wHoleneSS law & cHriStian political tHougHt in aFrica luganDa i anD/or ii SwaHili i anD/or ii

semester with Ugandan and other African students in the UCU dorms, a setting conducive to friendships that often end up being the core of the student experience. Students also spend two weeks with a host family within walking distance of campus and another week with a rural host family.

3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3 creDitS 3-6 creDitS 3-6 creDitS

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p

V i S i t w w w. b e S t S e m e S t e r . c o m / u S p

Still want to know more?


usp@Bestsemester.com [E]


wa S H i n g to n D c 2 0 0 0 2

3 2 1 8 tH S t r e e t n e

w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / u s p / e x p l o r e


The uganda Studies Program is offered in partnership with Uganda Christian University (UCU), a CCCU affiliate member in Mukono, Uganda—15 miles from the capital city of Kampala. The large hillside campus is a perpetual summer paradise, with temperatures in the 70s, views of Lake Victoria and Red-tailed monkeys feasting on mangos. The university setting also means that you’ll have the unique opportunity to get to know Ugandans in your stage of life, asking the same questions you are asking—about studies, faith and their future.

a program of the

Your whole life

you’ve been surrounded by people who look like you, talk like you and even think about God like you. It’s time to ask big questions of the assumptions you’ve subconsciously held—from your definition of poverty to what being a Christian means. It’s time to marvel at everything from the hospitality of your Ugandan hosts to the magnificent hills and valleys of the Rwandan countryside. Participate in Ugandan community and learn much about your own identity in the process. Be exposed to the social and economic injustice present in East Africa, explore the Biblical perspective of injustice and then wrestle with faithful Christian responses. Your semester at the Uganda Studies Program will be time spent in society, nature and spirit. Be ready to be changed.

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