w w w. b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m / I s P
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is offered in partnership with Bishop Appasamy
College of Arts & Sciences (BACAS), a CCCU affiliate member located in Coimbatore, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Known for its flourishing textile industry, Coimbatore is a heavily industrialized city situated on the banks of the Noyyal River. From ancient temples and mosques to Christian churches (Christian missions date back to 1647), the architecture
alone reflects the diversity of India’s history, people and customs. And with an extensive two-week travel portion built into the program, you’ll not only be immersed in the diverse culture of Coimbatore but you’ll also get the chance to explore Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, the Taj Mahal and more. www.bestsemester.com/isp/explore
a r e Yo u Pa S S I o n aT e a b o u T T h e I S S u e S o F
V i S i T W W W. b E S T S E m E S T E R . C o m / i S p
STill WaNT To kNoW moRE?
isp@Bestsemester.com [e]
Wa S H i N g To N D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
social justice? d o Yo u h av e a h e a r T F o r l e a r n I n g best practices to help the disen-
franchised? Do you ever wonder what it’s like to live as a Christian in a multi-religious society and culture? Whether you’re studying social work, theology, missions, art & design, communications, business or cultural studies, there is a place for you at the India Studies Program. With more than 20 recognized languages, nine religions and 2000 ethnic groups, India provides countless opportunities to learn how to be a servant-leader for Christ in a pluralistic world of beliefs, cultures and needs.
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is offered in partnership with Bishop Appasamy
College of Arts & Sciences (BACAS), a CCCU affiliate member located in Coimbatore, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Known for its flourishing textile industry, Coimbatore is a heavily industrialized city situated on the banks of the Noyyal River. From ancient temples and mosques to Christian churches (Christian missions date back to 1647), the architecture alone reflects the diversity of India’s history, people and customs. And with an extensive
a r e Yo u Pa S S I o n aT e a b o u T T h e I S S u e S o F
two-week travel portion built into the program, you’ll not only be immersed in the diverse culture of Coimbatore but you’ll also get the chance to explore Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, the Taj Mahal and more. www.bestsemester.com/isp/explore
V i S i T W W W. b E S T S E m E S T E R . C o m / i S p
STill WaNT To kNoW moRE?
isp@Bestsemester.com [e]
Wa S H i N g To N D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
social justice? d o Yo u h av e a h e a r T F o r l e a r n I n g best practices to help the disen-
franchised? Do you ever wonder what it’s like to live as a Christian in a multi-religious society and culture? Whether you’re studying social work, theology, missions, art & design, communications, business or cultural studies, there is a place for you at the India Studies Program. With more than 20 recognized languages, nine religions and 2000 ethnic groups, India provides countless opportunities to learn how to be a servant-leader for Christ in a pluralistic world of beliefs, cultures and needs.
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is offered in partnership with Bishop Appasamy
College of Arts & Sciences (BACAS), a CCCU affiliate member located in Coimbatore, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Known for its flourishing textile industry, Coimbatore is a heavily industrialized city situated on the banks of the Noyyal River. From ancient temples and mosques to Christian churches (Christian missions date back to 1647), the architecture alone reflects the diversity of India’s history, people and customs. And with an extensive
a r e Yo u Pa S S I o n aT e a b o u T T h e I S S u e S o F
two-week travel portion built into the program, you’ll not only be immersed in the diverse culture of Coimbatore but you’ll also get the chance to explore Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, the Taj Mahal and more. www.bestsemester.com/isp/explore
V i S i T W W W. b E S T S E m E S T E R . C o m / i S p
STill WaNT To kNoW moRE?
isp@Bestsemester.com [e]
Wa S H i N g To N D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
social justice? d o Yo u h av e a h e a r T F o r l e a r n I n g best practices to help the disen-
franchised? Do you ever wonder what it’s like to live as a Christian in a multi-religious society and culture? Whether you’re studying social work, theology, missions, art & design, communications, business or cultural studies, there is a place for you at the India Studies Program. With more than 20 recognized languages, nine religions and 2000 ethnic groups, India provides countless opportunities to learn how to be a servant-leader for Christ in a pluralistic world of beliefs, cultures and needs.
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is structured to provide you with both immer-
sion in a local community and broad exposure to the diversity of India. You will participate in two core courses designed to provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographic and economic landscape of India. Building on your basic understanding of India’s past and contemporary realities, you’ll have opportunities to explore a variety of issues—poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism—through the eyes and experiences of Indian Christians. Rounding out the semester experience, you’ll also have the opportunity to take courses in your particular area of study with Indian professors. www.bestsemester.com/isp/learn
core courses
CoNTEmpoRaRy iNDia: CulTuRE, SoCiETy aND CHallENgES
iNDia’S REligiouS laNDSCapE
electives (cHoose tHree) iNDiaN SoCiETy aND SoCial WoRk iNTERVENTioN
CuliNaRy DimENSioNS of CulTuRE: iNDiaN CuiSiNE, TRaDiTioNS aND fESTiValS
iNDiaN fiNE aRTS
iNDiaN DESigN: TRaDiTioNal iNDiaN CoSTumES aND TExTilES
totA l c r e D i t s
a S a n I S P S T u d e n T, you’ll be part of the College’s community life and have end-
less opportunities to embrace local culture and cultivate meaningful friendships. You will live alongside your ISP peers in a housing complex near the Bishop Appasamy campus, with easy access to laundry and cooking facilities. Lunch will be provided at BACAS daily, and arrangements will be made to assist in shopping for and cooking typical Indian dishes. Public transportation in and around Coimbatore is readily available. www.bestsemester.com/isp/live
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is structured to provide you with both immer-
sion in a local community and broad exposure to the diversity of India. You will participate in two core courses designed to provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographic and economic landscape of India. Building on your basic understanding of India’s past and contemporary realities, you’ll have opportunities to explore a variety of issues—poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism—through the eyes and experiences of Indian Christians. Rounding out the semester experience, you’ll also have the opportunity to take courses in your particular area of study with Indian professors. www.bestsemester.com/isp/learn
core courses
CoNTEmpoRaRy iNDia: CulTuRE, SoCiETy aND CHallENgES
iNDia’S REligiouS laNDSCapE
electives (cHoose tHree) iNDiaN SoCiETy aND SoCial WoRk iNTERVENTioN
CuliNaRy DimENSioNS of CulTuRE: iNDiaN CuiSiNE, TRaDiTioNS aND fESTiValS
iNDiaN fiNE aRTS
iNDiaN DESigN: TRaDiTioNal iNDiaN CoSTumES aND TExTilES
totA l c r e D i t s
a S a n I S P S T u d e n T, you’ll be part of the College’s community life and have end-
less opportunities to embrace local culture and cultivate meaningful friendships. You will live alongside your ISP peers in a housing complex near the Bishop Appasamy campus, with easy access to laundry and cooking facilities. Lunch will be provided at BACAS daily, and arrangements will be made to assist in shopping for and cooking typical Indian dishes. Public transportation in and around Coimbatore is readily available. www.bestsemester.com/isp/live
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is structured to provide you with both immer-
sion in a local community and broad exposure to the diversity of India. You will participate in two core courses designed to provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographic and economic landscape of India. Building on your basic understanding of India’s past and contemporary realities, you’ll have opportunities to explore a variety of issues—poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism—through the eyes and experiences of Indian Christians. Rounding out the semester experience, you’ll also have the opportunity to take courses in your particular area of study with Indian professors. www.bestsemester.com/isp/learn
core courses
CoNTEmpoRaRy iNDia: CulTuRE, SoCiETy aND CHallENgES
iNDia’S REligiouS laNDSCapE
electives (cHoose tHree) iNDiaN SoCiETy aND SoCial WoRk iNTERVENTioN
CuliNaRy DimENSioNS of CulTuRE: iNDiaN CuiSiNE, TRaDiTioNS aND fESTiValS
iNDiaN fiNE aRTS
iNDiaN DESigN: TRaDiTioNal iNDiaN CoSTumES aND TExTilES
totA l c r e D i t s
a S a n I S P S T u d e n T, you’ll be part of the College’s community life and have end-
less opportunities to embrace local culture and cultivate meaningful friendships. You will live alongside your ISP peers in a housing complex near the Bishop Appasamy campus, with easy access to laundry and cooking facilities. Lunch will be provided at BACAS daily, and arrangements will be made to assist in shopping for and cooking typical Indian dishes. Public transportation in and around Coimbatore is readily available. www.bestsemester.com/isp/live
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is structured to provide you with both immer-
sion in a local community and broad exposure to the diversity of India. You will participate in two core courses designed to provide a broad overview of the historical, religious, geographic and economic landscape of India. Building on your basic understanding of India’s past and contemporary realities, you’ll have opportunities to explore a variety of issues—poverty, social justice, rapid social change, religious pluralism—through the eyes and experiences of Indian Christians. Rounding out the semester experience, you’ll also have the opportunity to take courses in your particular area of study with Indian professors. www.bestsemester.com/isp/learn
core courses
CoNTEmpoRaRy iNDia: CulTuRE, SoCiETy aND CHallENgES
iNDia’S REligiouS laNDSCapE
electives (cHoose tHree) iNDiaN SoCiETy aND SoCial WoRk iNTERVENTioN
CuliNaRy DimENSioNS of CulTuRE: iNDiaN CuiSiNE, TRaDiTioNS aND fESTiValS
iNDiaN fiNE aRTS
iNDiaN DESigN: TRaDiTioNal iNDiaN CoSTumES aND TExTilES
totA l c r e D i t s
a S a n I S P S T u d e n T, you’ll be part of the College’s community life and have end-
less opportunities to embrace local culture and cultivate meaningful friendships. You will live alongside your ISP peers in a housing complex near the Bishop Appasamy campus, with easy access to laundry and cooking facilities. Lunch will be provided at BACAS daily, and arrangements will be made to assist in shopping for and cooking typical Indian dishes. Public transportation in and around Coimbatore is readily available. www.bestsemester.com/isp/live
T h e I n d I a S T u d I e S P r o g r a m is offered in partnership with Bishop Appasamy
College of Arts & Sciences (BACAS), a CCCU affiliate member located in Coimbatore, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Known for its flourishing textile industry, Coimbatore is a heavily industrialized city situated on the banks of the Noyyal River. From ancient temples and mosques to Christian churches (Christian missions date back to 1647), the architecture alone reflects the diversity of India’s history, people and customs. And with an extensive
a r e Yo u Pa S S I o n aT e a b o u T T h e I S S u e S o F
two-week travel portion built into the program, you’ll not only be immersed in the diverse culture of Coimbatore but you’ll also get the chance to explore Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, the Taj Mahal and more. www.bestsemester.com/isp/explore
V i S i T W W W. b E S T S E m E S T E R . C o m / i S p
STill WaNT To kNoW moRE?
isp@Bestsemester.com [e]
Wa S H i N g To N D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
social justice? d o Yo u h av e a h e a r T F o r l e a r n I n g best practices to help the disen-
franchised? Do you ever wonder what it’s like to live as a Christian in a multi-religious society and culture? Whether you’re studying social work, theology, missions, art & design, communications, business or cultural studies, there is a place for you at the India Studies Program. With more than 20 recognized languages, nine religions and 2000 ethnic groups, India provides countless opportunities to learn how to be a servant-leader for Christ in a pluralistic world of beliefs, cultures and needs.