www.be sts e me ste r.com/MESP
Wa l k i n g t h r o u g h a lo c a l m a r k e t, o n e
encounters people of all varieties… …and a myriad of artisan handiwork. Calls to prayer, spirited conversations, children’s laughter and music fill the air while the smells of vehicles, food stands, bakeries and incense greet the senses. Strangers to the region find the locals ready to help and gracious with hospitality. Located in Jerusalem, the Middle East Studies Program is based at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, just minutes from the Old Cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The facility, managed by the University of Notre Dame, has breathtaking views of the Judean hills and the Jordan valley. The Arab Christian communities of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour are just out the back door.
V i s i t www. b estse m ester . c o m / M E S P
Still want to know more?
MESP@bestsemester.com [E]
[ PH ]
Wa sh i n g to n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
www.bestsemester .com /m esp/ex p lor e
a n d e x p e r i e n c e a g e n u i n e p e o p l e a n d c u lt u r e o f h o s p i ta l i t y.
Bargain with shop keepers in Old Jerusalem or on the streets of Bethlehem to test your most recent Arabic lesson, or listen to the concerns of Israeli and Palestinian youth. Be transformed by experiences and life lessons that mere book learning can never replicate. You can sit at a desk answering test questions correctly OR you can experience the rush that comes with seeing and touching thousands of years of history at ancient sites like Mt Sinai, the Old City of Jerusalem, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Petra and Biblical Decapolis in Jordan, or walking alongside the Sea of Galilee, to name only a few. Join the journey with MESP.
www.be sts e me ste r.com/MESP
Wa l k i n g t h r o u g h a lo c a l m a r k e t, o n e
encounters people of all varieties… …and a myriad of artisan handiwork. Calls to prayer, spirited conversations, children’s laughter and music fill the air while the smells of vehicles, food stands, bakeries and incense greet the senses. Strangers to the region find the locals ready to help and gracious with hospitality. Located in Jerusalem, the Middle East Studies Program is based at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, just minutes from the Old Cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The facility, managed by the University of Notre Dame, has breathtaking views of the Judean hills and the Jordan valley. The Arab Christian communities of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour are just out the back door.
V i s i t www. b estse m ester . c o m / M E S P
Still want to know more?
MESP@bestsemester.com [E]
[ PH ]
Wa sh i n g to n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
www.bestsemester .com /m esp/ex p lor e
a n d e x p e r i e n c e a g e n u i n e p e o p l e a n d c u lt u r e o f h o s p i ta l i t y.
Bargain with shop keepers in Old Jerusalem or on the streets of Bethlehem to test your most recent Arabic lesson, or listen to the concerns of Israeli and Palestinian youth. Be transformed by experiences and life lessons that mere book learning can never replicate. You can sit at a desk answering test questions correctly OR you can experience the rush that comes with seeing and touching thousands of years of history at ancient sites like Mt Sinai, the Old City of Jerusalem, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Petra and Biblical Decapolis in Jordan, or walking alongside the Sea of Galilee, to name only a few. Join the journey with MESP.
www.be sts e me ste r.com/MESP
Wa l k i n g t h r o u g h a lo c a l m a r k e t, o n e
encounters people of all varieties… …and a myriad of artisan handiwork. Calls to prayer, spirited conversations, children’s laughter and music fill the air while the smells of vehicles, food stands, bakeries and incense greet the senses. Strangers to the region find the locals ready to help and gracious with hospitality. Located in Jerusalem, the Middle East Studies Program is based at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, just minutes from the Old Cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The facility, managed by the University of Notre Dame, has breathtaking views of the Judean hills and the Jordan valley. The Arab Christian communities of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour are just out the back door.
V i s i t www. b estse m ester . c o m / M E S P
Still want to know more?
MESP@bestsemester.com [E]
[ PH ]
Wa sh i n g to n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
www.bestsemester .com /m esp/ex p lor e
a n d e x p e r i e n c e a g e n u i n e p e o p l e a n d c u lt u r e o f h o s p i ta l i t y.
Bargain with shop keepers in Old Jerusalem or on the streets of Bethlehem to test your most recent Arabic lesson, or listen to the concerns of Israeli and Palestinian youth. Be transformed by experiences and life lessons that mere book learning can never replicate. You can sit at a desk answering test questions correctly OR you can experience the rush that comes with seeing and touching thousands of years of history at ancient sites like Mt Sinai, the Old City of Jerusalem, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Petra and Biblical Decapolis in Jordan, or walking alongside the Sea of Galilee, to name only a few. Join the journey with MESP.
Introduction to Arabic
Islamic Thought and Practice
Conflict & Change in the Middle East
Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
Total Cr editS
A n i n t e g r a l a s p e c t o f a n y c r o s s - c u lt u r a l e d u c at i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e
is time to interact with citizens of the host country. MESP includes excellent opportunities for interaction with Israelis and Palestinians, guest speakers and service project personnel. Students experience Middle Eastern life, language and hospitality. A range of activities is designed to meet the spiritual needs of students during the semester, including morning devotionals led by staff and students. Sunday mornings are open for exploring local church options, and weekend and other travel make student-initiated fellowship and devotionals a primary means of worship. Students are asked to take ownership of devotional time, whether sharing a lesson, a song, a word of encouragement or other forms of expression. www.b ests e me ste r.com/me s p/live
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16 credits by their home institution. to e x p e r i e n c e t h e c o m p l e x wo r l d o f t h e m o d e r n M i d d l e E a s t,
exploring its diverse religious, social, cultural and political traditions through interdisciplinary seminars. Students also study Arabic and work as volunteers with various local service organizations, both Palestinian and Israeli. Through travel in the region (most recently Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Tunisia and Turkey), students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of local cultures. At a time of tension and change in the Middle East, MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim, Eastern Christian and Jewish worlds in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered manner. www.bestsemest er .com /m esp/l ea r n
As part of the culture component of the program, students participate in a weeklong homestay with Palestinian families. Each family has an English-speaking contact person of the same gender, allowing students to better communicate. The homestay is a positive and necessary part of appreciating the people and cultures of the Middle East. S e rvice Opp or t unit ies
Students participate in service projects every Tuesday for nine weeks. Opportunities include serving the hungry, the sick and elderly, the handicapped, and teaching English, among other possible options. On occasion, a student’s special skill may be matched to a particular service project. Service options exist in both Israeli and Palestinian communities. *Service projects may be subject to change and assignments distributed at the discretion of MESP staff. Cu lt ur e and Language E xchange
The Culture and Language Exchange program is designed to build personal relationships between MESP students and their local Palestinian counterparts. Individuals meet early in the semester, exchange email and phone numbers, and meet occasionally for informal talk and fun activities. Through the CLE program, MESP hopes to encourage relationships between young people that lead to meaningful and candid discussions. MESP also provides opportunities to meet with Israeli youth for similar purposes. T ravel
For the last decade, MESP has traveled to: Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt. MESP currently travels to Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia or Morocco. Due to regional change, please note that all travel is subject to change based upon safety considerations.
e n g ag i n g t h e c u lt u r e , language and people of the Middle East, many MESP alumni seek to bridge the worlds of faith and vocation by returning to the region. Alumni now serve with NGOs, development organizations, service providers and the U.S. State Department. Others pursue further language or academic study as graduate students, Fulbright scholars, business entrepreneurs, teachers or ESL instructors. Working on the home front, some assist local U.S. authorities serving newly arrived, Arabic-speaking immigrant communities. Whatever eventual career they choose, MESP alumni carry an important legacy of experience, education and relationships to any future endeavor, domestic or international.
Introduction to Arabic
Islamic Thought and Practice
Conflict & Change in the Middle East
Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
Total Cr editS
A n i n t e g r a l a s p e c t o f a n y c r o s s - c u lt u r a l e d u c at i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e
is time to interact with citizens of the host country. MESP includes excellent opportunities for interaction with Israelis and Palestinians, guest speakers and service project personnel. Students experience Middle Eastern life, language and hospitality. A range of activities is designed to meet the spiritual needs of students during the semester, including morning devotionals led by staff and students. Sunday mornings are open for exploring local church options, and weekend and other travel make student-initiated fellowship and devotionals a primary means of worship. Students are asked to take ownership of devotional time, whether sharing a lesson, a song, a word of encouragement or other forms of expression. www.b ests e me ste r.com/me s p/live
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16 credits by their home institution. to e x p e r i e n c e t h e c o m p l e x wo r l d o f t h e m o d e r n M i d d l e E a s t,
exploring its diverse religious, social, cultural and political traditions through interdisciplinary seminars. Students also study Arabic and work as volunteers with various local service organizations, both Palestinian and Israeli. Through travel in the region (most recently Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Tunisia and Turkey), students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of local cultures. At a time of tension and change in the Middle East, MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim, Eastern Christian and Jewish worlds in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered manner. www.bestsemest er .com /m esp/l ea r n
As part of the culture component of the program, students participate in a weeklong homestay with Palestinian families. Each family has an English-speaking contact person of the same gender, allowing students to better communicate. The homestay is a positive and necessary part of appreciating the people and cultures of the Middle East. S e rvice Opp or t unit ies
Students participate in service projects every Tuesday for nine weeks. Opportunities include serving the hungry, the sick and elderly, the handicapped, and teaching English, among other possible options. On occasion, a student’s special skill may be matched to a particular service project. Service options exist in both Israeli and Palestinian communities. *Service projects may be subject to change and assignments distributed at the discretion of MESP staff. Cu lt ur e and Language E xchange
The Culture and Language Exchange program is designed to build personal relationships between MESP students and their local Palestinian counterparts. Individuals meet early in the semester, exchange email and phone numbers, and meet occasionally for informal talk and fun activities. Through the CLE program, MESP hopes to encourage relationships between young people that lead to meaningful and candid discussions. MESP also provides opportunities to meet with Israeli youth for similar purposes. T ravel
For the last decade, MESP has traveled to: Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt. MESP currently travels to Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia or Morocco. Due to regional change, please note that all travel is subject to change based upon safety considerations.
e n g ag i n g t h e c u lt u r e , language and people of the Middle East, many MESP alumni seek to bridge the worlds of faith and vocation by returning to the region. Alumni now serve with NGOs, development organizations, service providers and the U.S. State Department. Others pursue further language or academic study as graduate students, Fulbright scholars, business entrepreneurs, teachers or ESL instructors. Working on the home front, some assist local U.S. authorities serving newly arrived, Arabic-speaking immigrant communities. Whatever eventual career they choose, MESP alumni carry an important legacy of experience, education and relationships to any future endeavor, domestic or international.
Introduction to Arabic
Islamic Thought and Practice
Conflict & Change in the Middle East
Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
Total Cr editS
A n i n t e g r a l a s p e c t o f a n y c r o s s - c u lt u r a l e d u c at i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e
is time to interact with citizens of the host country. MESP includes excellent opportunities for interaction with Israelis and Palestinians, guest speakers and service project personnel. Students experience Middle Eastern life, language and hospitality. A range of activities is designed to meet the spiritual needs of students during the semester, including morning devotionals led by staff and students. Sunday mornings are open for exploring local church options, and weekend and other travel make student-initiated fellowship and devotionals a primary means of worship. Students are asked to take ownership of devotional time, whether sharing a lesson, a song, a word of encouragement or other forms of expression. www.b ests e me ste r.com/me s p/live
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16 credits by their home institution. to e x p e r i e n c e t h e c o m p l e x wo r l d o f t h e m o d e r n M i d d l e E a s t,
exploring its diverse religious, social, cultural and political traditions through interdisciplinary seminars. Students also study Arabic and work as volunteers with various local service organizations, both Palestinian and Israeli. Through travel in the region (most recently Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Tunisia and Turkey), students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of local cultures. At a time of tension and change in the Middle East, MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim, Eastern Christian and Jewish worlds in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered manner. www.bestsemest er .com /m esp/l ea r n
As part of the culture component of the program, students participate in a weeklong homestay with Palestinian families. Each family has an English-speaking contact person of the same gender, allowing students to better communicate. The homestay is a positive and necessary part of appreciating the people and cultures of the Middle East. S e rvice Opp or t unit ies
Students participate in service projects every Tuesday for nine weeks. Opportunities include serving the hungry, the sick and elderly, the handicapped, and teaching English, among other possible options. On occasion, a student’s special skill may be matched to a particular service project. Service options exist in both Israeli and Palestinian communities. *Service projects may be subject to change and assignments distributed at the discretion of MESP staff. Cu lt ur e and Language E xchange
The Culture and Language Exchange program is designed to build personal relationships between MESP students and their local Palestinian counterparts. Individuals meet early in the semester, exchange email and phone numbers, and meet occasionally for informal talk and fun activities. Through the CLE program, MESP hopes to encourage relationships between young people that lead to meaningful and candid discussions. MESP also provides opportunities to meet with Israeli youth for similar purposes. T ravel
For the last decade, MESP has traveled to: Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt. MESP currently travels to Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia or Morocco. Due to regional change, please note that all travel is subject to change based upon safety considerations.
e n g ag i n g t h e c u lt u r e , language and people of the Middle East, many MESP alumni seek to bridge the worlds of faith and vocation by returning to the region. Alumni now serve with NGOs, development organizations, service providers and the U.S. State Department. Others pursue further language or academic study as graduate students, Fulbright scholars, business entrepreneurs, teachers or ESL instructors. Working on the home front, some assist local U.S. authorities serving newly arrived, Arabic-speaking immigrant communities. Whatever eventual career they choose, MESP alumni carry an important legacy of experience, education and relationships to any future endeavor, domestic or international.
Introduction to Arabic
Islamic Thought and Practice
Conflict & Change in the Middle East
Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
Total Cr editS
A n i n t e g r a l a s p e c t o f a n y c r o s s - c u lt u r a l e d u c at i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e
is time to interact with citizens of the host country. MESP includes excellent opportunities for interaction with Israelis and Palestinians, guest speakers and service project personnel. Students experience Middle Eastern life, language and hospitality. A range of activities is designed to meet the spiritual needs of students during the semester, including morning devotionals led by staff and students. Sunday mornings are open for exploring local church options, and weekend and other travel make student-initiated fellowship and devotionals a primary means of worship. Students are asked to take ownership of devotional time, whether sharing a lesson, a song, a word of encouragement or other forms of expression. www.b ests e me ste r.com/me s p/live
The program recommends that students be granted the equivalent of 16 credits by their home institution. to e x p e r i e n c e t h e c o m p l e x wo r l d o f t h e m o d e r n M i d d l e E a s t,
exploring its diverse religious, social, cultural and political traditions through interdisciplinary seminars. Students also study Arabic and work as volunteers with various local service organizations, both Palestinian and Israeli. Through travel in the region (most recently Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Tunisia and Turkey), students are exposed to the diversity and dynamism of local cultures. At a time of tension and change in the Middle East, MESP encourages and equips students to relate to the Muslim, Eastern Christian and Jewish worlds in an informed, constructive and Christ-centered manner. www.bestsemest er .com /m esp/l ea r n
As part of the culture component of the program, students participate in a weeklong homestay with Palestinian families. Each family has an English-speaking contact person of the same gender, allowing students to better communicate. The homestay is a positive and necessary part of appreciating the people and cultures of the Middle East. S e rvice Opp or t unit ies
Students participate in service projects every Tuesday for nine weeks. Opportunities include serving the hungry, the sick and elderly, the handicapped, and teaching English, among other possible options. On occasion, a student’s special skill may be matched to a particular service project. Service options exist in both Israeli and Palestinian communities. *Service projects may be subject to change and assignments distributed at the discretion of MESP staff. Cu lt ur e and Language E xchange
The Culture and Language Exchange program is designed to build personal relationships between MESP students and their local Palestinian counterparts. Individuals meet early in the semester, exchange email and phone numbers, and meet occasionally for informal talk and fun activities. Through the CLE program, MESP hopes to encourage relationships between young people that lead to meaningful and candid discussions. MESP also provides opportunities to meet with Israeli youth for similar purposes. T ravel
For the last decade, MESP has traveled to: Israel, Palestinian areas, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt. MESP currently travels to Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia or Morocco. Due to regional change, please note that all travel is subject to change based upon safety considerations.
e n g ag i n g t h e c u lt u r e , language and people of the Middle East, many MESP alumni seek to bridge the worlds of faith and vocation by returning to the region. Alumni now serve with NGOs, development organizations, service providers and the U.S. State Department. Others pursue further language or academic study as graduate students, Fulbright scholars, business entrepreneurs, teachers or ESL instructors. Working on the home front, some assist local U.S. authorities serving newly arrived, Arabic-speaking immigrant communities. Whatever eventual career they choose, MESP alumni carry an important legacy of experience, education and relationships to any future endeavor, domestic or international.
www.be sts e me ste r.com/MESP
Wa l k i n g t h r o u g h a lo c a l m a r k e t, o n e
encounters people of all varieties… …and a myriad of artisan handiwork. Calls to prayer, spirited conversations, children’s laughter and music fill the air while the smells of vehicles, food stands, bakeries and incense greet the senses. Strangers to the region find the locals ready to help and gracious with hospitality. Located in Jerusalem, the Middle East Studies Program is based at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, just minutes from the Old Cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The facility, managed by the University of Notre Dame, has breathtaking views of the Judean hills and the Jordan valley. The Arab Christian communities of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour are just out the back door.
V i s i t www. b estse m ester . c o m / M E S P
Still want to know more?
MESP@bestsemester.com [E]
[ PH ]
Wa sh i n g to n D C 2 0 0 0 2
3 2 1 8 TH S T R E E T N E
a program of the
www.bestsemester .com /m esp/ex p lor e
a n d e x p e r i e n c e a g e n u i n e p e o p l e a n d c u lt u r e o f h o s p i ta l i t y.
Bargain with shop keepers in Old Jerusalem or on the streets of Bethlehem to test your most recent Arabic lesson, or listen to the concerns of Israeli and Palestinian youth. Be transformed by experiences and life lessons that mere book learning can never replicate. You can sit at a desk answering test questions correctly OR you can experience the rush that comes with seeing and touching thousands of years of history at ancient sites like Mt Sinai, the Old City of Jerusalem, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Petra and Biblical Decapolis in Jordan, or walking alongside the Sea of Galilee, to name only a few. Join the journey with MESP.