目錄 Content 事工展望
Vision Sharing
Major Events
Literacy Ministry
Community Services
Herald Cancer Association
Family & Education
Herald Christian Health Center
• 以服務活出基督徒的愛心
Herald Community Center, ESGV
Vision & Mission
San Diego Herald Center
San Fernando Valley Herald Center
Music Evangelism
China Ministries
• To express the Christian value through Literature
Sichuan Children Village
• To proclaim the Christian faith through Evangelism
Financial Reports
異象.使命 揉合佈道工作與社會服務,建立一個完整的基督徒見證。 • 以文字表達基督徒價值觀 • 以佈道傳講基督徒的信仰
Building up a holistic Christian witness through the integration of community services and evangelism.
• To demonstrate the Christian love through Services 創辦人/總幹事:勞伯祥 牧師 顧問:陳伯輝 牧師、邱茂松 牧師、鍾世豪 牧師、黎彼得 牧師、林道亮 牧師*、劉富理 牧師 Founder / General Director : Rev. Pak Cheung Lo Advisors : Rev. Pak Fai Chan, Rev. Morson Chiu, Rev. Peter Chung, Rev. Peter Lai, Rev. Timothy Lin*, Rev. Felix Liu 策劃委員 周子森牧師、羅少瓊傳道、唐柏佳弟兄、王慶元長老(主席)、胡翼權牧師 Planning Committee Rev. Samuel Chow, Barbara Lo, Bill Tong, Elder Daniel Wong (Chairman), Rev. Michael Wu
* 林道亮牧師已於2009年10月安息主懷 * Rev. Timothy Lin has been with the Lord in Oct 2009
事工展望 Vision Sharing
事工展望 Vision Sharing
A Caring Heart Will Bring Hope
Rev. David Lee
Superintendent of Southern California District
過去兩年,我們目睹了四川大地震和台灣水災,也經歷了金融海嘯和可能 會一觸即發的甲型流感。面對這連串的世紀性災難,面對人們生活上的種種困境,
In the past two years, we have seen two major disasters: the Sichuan earthquake and the Taiwan floods. We also experienced economic collapse and the possible outbreak of H1N1. What can we do in response to these disasters and hardships? How should CCHC respond?
我們能作甚麼?角聲能作甚麼? 我們曾參與籌款賑災,也曾為社區提供了各項不同的社會服務。雖然,我們的工作並不能 把歷史改寫,也不能扭變人們的命運。可是,透過這些服務,藉著這些行動,我們帶給了他們一 分關懷,也為憂傷的心靈帶來了一線希望。 過去兩年,角聲除了地處聖蓋博市的社區中心和醫療中心外,東區辦事處和 聖地牙哥中心都相繼投入服務,癌症協會也遷進了一個面積較大的辦公室。此外, 因應四川地震而成立的綿陽市角聲華恩兒童村(孤兒院),建築工程已在進行中, 可望於2010年落成啟用。然而,這些事工的最終目的,並非是活動、工作或策略
We have raised funds for disaster relief and provided many services for our community. Although we can neither rewrite history nor change the destiny of others, through our care, we can bring hope to wounded souls. In the last two years, we have added to the original Herald Community Center, to the Herald Christian Health Center, an East San Gabriel Valley office, and the San Diego Herald Center. Our Cancer Association has moved to a bigger facility. We founded a Sichuan Children Village (orphanage) in response to the earthquake there. It is now under construction and is expected to open in 2010. However, it is not work, activity or strategy that motivates us to be involved in those ministries; the ultimate goal is to demonstrate the love of God through our care, for “if I … have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” (I Cor. 13:1)
,乃是要透過具體的關懷來見證上帝的大愛。因為「沒有愛,我就成了鳴的鑼, 響的鈸一般。」(哥林多前書13:1) 真摯的關懷,的確可以給人帶來希望。但,只有從上帝而來的希望,才是 最美、最實在的。角聲的使命,是要叫人從我們的服務中,「看見」上帝的愛, 認識基督的福音。除了透過行動上的見證(服務),我們也有直接的佈道事工。
A caring heart indeed can bring hope to the others. But everlasting hope can only be found in God. Therefore, the mission of CCHC is to let others “see” the love of God through our services, so they may know the Gospel of Christ. In addition to witnessing through actions (service), there is also direct evangelism. In the coming year, our musical evangelistic team, Herald Crusaders, will host a Gospel tour, “Soar Like an Eagle,” in major cities of the U.S. and Canada as well as in Hong Kong.
未來的一年多,角聲使團(音樂佈道隊)將到美、加各大城市,及香港,舉辦 「振翅翱翔」巡迴福音之旅。 常常有人對我說:「角聲確實做了很多工作!」事實上,對我們來說,事 工的多寡,並不重要;重要的,是我們的工作,是否真正來自我們對人的關懷? 跟我們接觸過的每個人,是否因此而「看見」福音?所以,迎向2010年,角聲 的目標,不單是聚焦在工作的拓展上,而是一個很簡單,卻是不可缺的理念: 多一分關懷,多一線希望!
Very often people say to me “CCHC has indeed done a lot!” However, it is not the quantity of work that counts. It is more important to ask: Do we have a caring heart behind all we have done? Can those who come into contact with us “see” the Gospel? Pondering over these thoughts comes the theme of 2010. It is not just about expansion in ministry, but a simple, yet fundamental idea: A caring heart will bring hope.
大事小記 Major Events
大事小記 Major Events 大事小記 (9/1/2008-8/31/2009)
CCHC Annual Dinner
Our CCHC 16th Anniversary Dinner was held at the San Gabriel Hilton; more than 1,000 people attended.
Seattle Evangelistic Music Meeting
11/22 家庭暴力關注午餐會 Domestic Violence Awareness Luncheon
角聲使團應邀到西雅圖舉辦《心弦接觸》音樂聚會,350人出席,12人決志。 Herald Crusaders was invited to host “Soul Connection” musical meeting in Seattle; 350 people attended, 12 accepted the Lord.
假阿市Almansor Court舉辦家庭暴力關注午餐會,邀請有關律師、 社工,以及家庭專家發言,過百位社區代表出席。 The Domestic Violence Awareness Luncheon was held at Almansor Court in Alhambra. The speakers included lawyers, social workers and family specialists. More than 100 community leaders attended.
San Diego Herald Center New Office
為聖地牙哥角聲中心辦事處先後舉行開幕禮及奉獻禮,以此成 為服務當地華人的據點。
12/13 週年癌友慶生會 Annual Celebration of Life
An Opening Ceremony and Dedication Service for the new office of the San Diego Herald Center to provide services for local Chinese was conducted.
假希望之城醫院禮堂舉行一年一度的癌友慶生會, 有多位醫師及專家講解有關主題,並一同慶祝和 分享癌症後的新生,共183位癌友及家屬出席。
Celebration of Family Rally
The annual Celebration of Life for cancer survivors was held at the City of Hope Hospital. Talks were given by doctors and specialists. People could also celebrate and share their new lives after cancer. 183 survivors and family members attended.
為支持一男一女婚姻及22號提案,於蒙市巴恩思公園舉辦集 會,約300人出席,提案公投成功通過。 In support of one man one woman marriage and Proposition 22, a Celebration of Family Rally was held at Barnes Park in Monterey Park; around 300 people attended. The proposition later passed.
“Pink Ribbon” Symposium
為乳癌癌友及家屬舉辦一年一度的大型研討會,118人參加。 This annual Symposium is for breast cancer survivors and their families; 118 people attended.
11/1, 11/4
Nov – Dec
“Love Warms Your Heart” Senior Visitation
先後到11間療養院、老人中心探訪長者,藉著表演節目、送禮物,和個 別的問候,表達對他們的關懷。約有25位義工參加,被訪者超過860人。 Seniors in 11 convalescent homes and senior centers were visited and shown care through performance, gifts and personal touch. About 25 volunteer participated; 860 seniors were visited.
Community Health Day
先後在角聲醫療中心(聖蓋博)及東區角聲中心(羅蘭崗)舉辦社 區健康日,提供免費疫苗及多項醫療服務,共約600人參加。
Community Health Day was held at Herald Christian Health Center and Rowland Heights Office on two consecutive Saturdays, providing free flu shots and other medical services. A total of 600 people attended.
San Diego Cancer Caregiver Training
San Diego Herald Center held its first cancer caregiver training; over 40 volunteers received training to prepare for the upcoming cancer care ministry.
大事小記 Major Events
大事小記 Major Events 2/15 東區辦事處異象分享餐會 Vision Sharing Meeting for our Rowland Heights Office 假凱悅大酒家舉辦角聲社區中心 – 東區辦事處的首次異象分享 餐會,460多人出席,表示對角聲在當地工作的支持。 The first vision sharing meeting for the Herald Community Center – Rowland Heights Office was held at the Happy Harbor Restaurant. 460 people attended to support our work in that area.
CCHC Walkathon & Charity Carnival
舉行一年一度為社區服務的籌款活動。步行籌款共有 300多人出席,嘉年華會則超過1,000人,共籌款約 70,000元。 The walkathon is an annual fundraising effort for our community services. Around 300 people attended the walkathon and over 1,000 people participated in the carnival. A total of $70,000 was raised.
“Soar Like an Eagle” Music Rally in HK
假香港伊利沙伯體育館舉行一連四場培靈佈道音樂會, 約6,000人出席,44人決志信主。同期出版《振翅翱翔》 全新音樂專輯。首批3,000張CD於一個月內售罄。
A dozen high school students and two teachers from HK United Christ College came to California for an education program organized by CCHC which included: training, site visits at prestigious universities and interaction with local students.
4/4, 5/2
Ground Breaking Ceremony for Mianyang Children Village
Community Health Day
先後在角聲醫療中心(聖蓋博)及東區角聲中心(羅蘭崗) 舉辦社區健康日,提供多項免費醫療服務,合共約 600人參加。
為角聲與香港華恩基金會在四川地震後聯合開辦的兒童村 舉行奠基儀式(動土禮)。兒童村設於四川省綿陽市梓潼縣 (綿陽市是北川與多個重災區所在之地)。預計明年年初可 開始接收孤兒及其他特困兒童。
Community Health Day was held at Herald Clinic and our Rowland Heights Office on two consecutive Saturdays, providing different free screening and medical services; a total of 600 people attended.
Following the Sichuan earthquake, CCHC and HK Gratia Foundation set up a children village in Mianyang City (where Beichuan and other hard hit areas are located). The Ground Breaking Ceremony was held and the home will start taking orphans and children with other hardships at the beginning of next year.
3/14, 21; 6/13; 7/18, 25 電子廢物回收活動
E-Waste Recycling Program
先後在聖蓋博角聲社區中心(3/21, 7/18)、東區辦事處(3/14, 7/25),和聖地牙哥角聲中心(6/13),合共舉辦5次大型電子 廢物回收活動,幫助社區,支持環保,反應熱烈。
Community Legal Consultation Day
由7位角聲義務律師按社區的需要,舉辦10場講座,並提供免費法律諮詢服務,近300人出席。該活動是與 星島日報合辦。 In response to the need in the community, seven CCHC volunteer lawyers provided 10 workshops and free consultation. Around 300 people attended. The event was co-sponsored with Singtao Daily.
Five e-waste recycling activities were held: at the Herald Community Center San Gabriel (3/21, 7/18), Rowland Heights Office (3/14, 7/25), and the San Diego Herald Center (6/13).
Hong Kong Project Ascent
在角聲安排下,來自香港匯基書院的12位中學生及2位老師 到加州進行交流活動,其中包括:訓練學習、參觀多間 著名學府,以及與本地學生交流等。
Herald Crusaders hosted four musical rallies at the Hong Kong Elizabeth Stadium. 6,000 people attended; 44 accepted the Lord. The latest music album “Soar Like an Eagle” was released at the same time. The first edition of 3,000 CDs was sold out within a month.
大事小記 Major Events
大事小記 Major Events 4/18, 25, 5/2 《振翅翱翔》培靈音樂會 “Soar Like an Eagle” Music Rally
角聲使團分別在蒙市、桃核市,以及聖地牙哥的教會舉辦本 地首輪的《振翅翱翔》培靈佈道音樂會,合共1,660人 出席,41人決志信主。
Because the work of Herald Cancer Association has expanded, it moved to a new office space double in size. Representatives from several major medical organizations came to the ribbon cutting ceremony.
San Fernando Valley Hepatitis B Awareness Dinner
假UCI大學舉辦北嶺首次乙型肝炎關注餐會,由肝病權威唐廷 贊醫師主講,超過100位社區領袖及醫師出席。 The first San Fernando Valley Hepatitis B Awareness Dinner was held. Dr. Myron Tong, a world known liver specialist was the keynote speaker. Over 100 community leaders and doctors attended.
4/29, 5/13
Summer Enrichment Program Evangelistic Meeting
今年共有70多位小朋友參加角聲暑期成長計劃,其間為他們舉辦了 佈道會,有34位小朋友決志信主。 More than 70 children attended our Summer Program. An evangelistic meeting was held in the middle of the program; 34 children accepted the Lord.
Music Evangelistic Meetings for Restaurant Workers
東區角聲中心特為餐館團契舉辦兩場音樂佈道會,合共184人 出席,8人決志。
“It’s Still Beautiful” Single Mom Mothers’ Day Luncheon
A Mothers’ Day Celebration Luncheon was held at Almansor Court in Alhambra. It was a touching meeting with music, sharing, gifts and games. 54 people attended.
4th Annual “Hope Conference”
假Almansor Court舉辦第四屆《癌症希望研討會》,讓癌友及家屬認識最新 癌症資訊及如何適應癌後生活。213人出席。
台灣88水災音樂會 (協辦)
Taiwan Flood Disaster Relief Concert (co-sponsor)
由洛華音樂基金會主辦,於聖迦谷羅省基督教會舉行。200多人出席。 音樂會連同當天角聲派員於停車場所收到捐款,約為$21,000美元。 The concert was organized by the LACA Music Foundation and held at First Evangelical Church of San Gabriel. More than 200 people attended. A donation was collected during the concert as well as in the parking lot that day, totaling about US $21,000.
The 4th Annual “Hope Conference” was held at Almansor Court in Alhambra to provide the latest cancer-related information for survivors and families. 213 people attended.
Project Ascent – Youth Cross-cultural Leadership Training
22 high school students, under the guidance of three teachers, went to Sichuan, China to lead an English camp for local students and visit earthquake victims there. They also went to Hong Kong for cultural exchange activities with local students there.
假Almansor Court特別為單親母親舉辦母親節餐會,有音樂、分享、禮物 和遊戲,溫馨感人,54人出席。
展翅計劃 – 青年跨文化領袖訓練
22位中學生在3位老師的陪同下,到中國四川為當地中學生舉辦英語 營,並探訪地震災區,及後到香港與當地中學生舉辦交流活動。
Our Rowland Heights Office has co-sponsored two music evangelistic meetings for restaurant workers. 184 people attended, 8 accepted the Lord.
Ribbon Cutting for the Cancer Association New Office
因為事工的擴展,角聲癌症協會搬往比以前大一倍的辦事處, 並邀請多位主流醫療機構代表舉行剪綵儀式。
Herald Crusaders held its first local music rally program of “Soar like an Eagle” in Monterey Park, Walnut and San Diego. A total of 1,660 people attended; 41 accepted the Lord.
文字事工 Literacy Ministry
文字事工 Literacy Ministry
每月發行量 Monthly Distribution: 441,500
2008/7 保險人生 A Secure Life
ᑛ Europe 7% 30,000
2008/8 北京迎奧運 Beijing Welcomes the Olympics
ഏ England 7% 33,000
խতભ South/Central America 1% 5,000
ףஞՕ Canada 17% 76,000
2008/9 粉紅絲帶對我說 What The Pink Ribbon Tells Me
ભഏ United States 45% 197,500
ଉཽ Hong Kong 23% 100,000
2008/10 綠卡夢移民心 My Green Card Dreams
美西南版 Southern California Edition: 40,000 Hawaii ڎ 6% 2,500
2008/11 金融海嘯 Tidal Wave in the Financial World
Colorado ઝᢅࢮڠڍ 1% 500
Others ࠡה 3% 1,000
Arizona ࠅߺௌ߷ڠ 10% 3,800
2008/12 繽紛耶誕節 A Riot of Colors at Christmas
San Diego ᆣୂ׃چ 6% 2,400 Orange County ᖨᗼʳ 11% 4,200
Los Angeles County ޜᗼ 63% 25,600
感言 Reflection 《號角》已成為夏威夷華人不可缺少 的精神食糧,無論基督徒或非基督徒 都喜歡。我於週末在唐人埠集市派發 號角報紙及福音單張已有八年了,很 願意將這一份溫情傳遞出去。(迦南 賴天保牧師) Herald Monthly has become the indispensable spiritual food of both Christian and non-Christian Chinese in Hawaii. I have been distributing this monthly paper at the market place in Chinatown for eight years. It is my wish to pass on this loving warm message to others. (Rev. Lai of Canaan Community Center) 送報後的第二天去跟蹤行情。驚奇的 發現,50份報竟被一掃而空。當問及 詳情時,聽到一位讀者的快言快語: 「《號角月報》是大家的最愛,裏面 有很多免費的社區服務消息,當然拿 的快嘍!」(吳姊妹)
I checked the spot where I had placed fifty copies of the Herald Monthly the day before and astonishingly found all had been taken. I asked around and one of the readers told me, “We all love to read Herald Monthly for it provides free community service news thoroughly. Of course the copies go quickly!” (Sister Wu) 《號角月報》可讀性高,綜合性強, 對時局時事反映確切。且常能藉文化傳 統、生活習俗的談論中深入淺出地闡明 基督信仰的相關性和重要性。對信仰和 實際的掌握,十分的平衡和切實。我們 很欣賞。 (Colorado州一讀者) Herald Monthly has a wide range of coverage on daily news with objective and definite reports. It also reveals the connections and importance of Christian belief in our daily customs and cultural heritage. We appreciate its interpretations and balanced view-
points between Christian belief and practical daily life. (A reader from Colorado) 請按期寄《號角月報》給我的侄女。 她一個人在法國。據說她居住的附近 沒有中國人的教會,我希望她住在國 外能接觸到教會,能接受主耶穌做她 的救主。(Alice) Please send Herald Monthly to my niece who lives alone in France. I heard that the town where she lives has no Chinese churches. I pray that one day she will have contact with a church and receive Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. (Alice) 《號角月報》是我中文的精神食糧, 很感激你們。(Freda) Herald Monthly is my Chinese spiritual food. My gratitude to all of you. (Freda)
同工 Staff 陳惠玲 Cecilia Chan Director, Literary Department
2009/1 邁向新時代 Marching Into A New Era
2009/2 戀愛容易結婚難 Dating is Easy Marriage is Hard
內容 Content 每月主題 Monthly Theme 時事評論 Opinion on Current Events 副刊
2009/3 心臟健康 Heart Health
2009/4 知多點少受罰 Learn More Punish Less
天倫樂 Family Zone
生活資訊 Info for Living
生命線 Faith & Living
愛心滙點 Focus on Love
健康篇 Health Zone 趣味人生 Fun Living
教會/社區消息 Church/ Community News
美味人生 Delicacy of Life
教會目錄 Church Directory
角聲動態 CCHC Updates
聖地牙哥園地 San Diego Section 夏威夷園地 Hawaii Section 2009/5 情繫四川 Love for Sichuan
2009/6 做個好男人 To Be A Good Man
亞利桑那園地 Arizona Section
洛杉磯東區園地 East San Gabriel Valley Section
讀者寄來的決志表,甚至閱讀《號角》後親自 來到社區中心索取聖經,是何等的令人鼓舞, 讓我們更努力地預備每一期的《號角》。 How encouraging it is to receive Decision Cards from readers in the mail and even greet readers who come to the Community Center asking for copies of the Bible after reading articles in the Herald Monthly! Let us give our utmost effort in putting together each issue of the Herald Monthly.
吳曉光 Christine Wu
顏曉茵 Heedi Ngan
Project Coordinator
Graphic Designer
義工 Volunteers:
發行 Distribution:
李陳靈德律師,趙李秀珍律師,方見堯律師,劉哲沛律師,葉智良 律師,薄尚樂律師,屠森醫師,張磊中醫博士,林達誠醫師,何百 鳴,Deborah Wu, T.L. Fu, Jenny Yu, Claudia Huntwork, Rosita Ling, Maggie Chang, David Lin, Serena Peng, Pastor Kuang-Fu Yang, Alex Yu, Kathleen Ting, Kwong Y. Au, Angela & Michael Lan, Gary Tam
地區聯絡 Outstation:
文章 Article:
郵寄 Mailing: 吳黃和盛,吳朱明,馮蘊琴,劉陳玉英,夏吳慶惠,蔡永福,唐允 助夫婦,余鐵邦,沈程志芬
曾國強牧師,楊緒昌牧師,楊廣權,唐柏佳,陳崇文,周奮權, 林基信牧師,劉陳玉英,Joyce Lai, Keiko Wei, Peter Ng, Florence Mak, Andrew Leung, Mr. & Mrs. Archee Loo, Magdalen Hung, Stacey Lan, Esther
夏威夷 Hawaii:迦南社區福音中心、夏威夷中信福音中心 亞利桑那 Arizona: Ken & Maggie Tong 科羅拉多 Colorado: Paul Lam 橙縣 Orange County: Mia Lee
社區服務 Community Services
社區服務 Community Services 關懷事工 Caring Ministries
服務項目 Services 興趣課程 Special Interest Classes 支援小組 Support Groups 老人探訪 Senior Visitation
生活諮詢 General Consultation 法律諮詢 Legal Consultation 各項申請 Assistance with Forms andApplications
生活諮詢 General Consultation
保險諮詢 Insurance
503 2,262
稅務諮詢 Taxation 其他諮詢 Other Enquiry 電話諮詢 Telephone Enquiry
諮詢項目 Type of Consultation
法律諮詢 Legal
長者團契 Senior Fellowship 為長者提供有益身心、靈性與生活兼備的活動。其中包括:講座、 運動、見證、營養食療、太極運動、福利資訊、旅行等。每週四 10:30 am-12:30 pm舉行。 Provides seniors with activities benefiting both body and mind, including workshops, exercise, testimonies, nutritious meals, tai chi, benefits information, outings, etc. Meetings are held every Thursday, 10:30 am-12:30 pm.
展能計劃 Challengers Program
Other Enquiry
Telephone Enquiry
26,797 1
人數 Clients
各項申請 Assistance with Forms and Applications 入籍申請 Naturalization Application
糧食券申請 Food Stamp Application
低費房屋申請 Section 8/Public Housing Application
低收入家庭報稅 Low Income Tax Return
孕婦低費醫療 AIM Application
健康家庭保健計劃 Healthy Families
入籍申請 Naturalization Application, 12%
長者/殘障者福利權益 Senior/Disabled Welfare 10%
糧食券申請 Food Stamp Application, 6%
長者/殘障者房屋津貼 Senior/Disabled Housing Allowance, 16%
低費房屋申請 Section 8/Public Housing Application, 7%
加州醫療卡 Medi-Cal
長者/殘障者福利權益 Senior/Disabled Welfare
加州醫療卡 Medi-Cal 16%
低收入家庭報稅 Low Income Tax Return, 18%
Through dancing, crafts, singing, workshops, outdoor activities and so on, mentally disabled teens are helped to develop their talents and establish social skills. The parents also meet together as a support group during this time. Meets every 1st and 3rd Sat, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.
曙光團契 Son-Light Fellowship 為肢體殘障人士而設的支援小組,藉歌唱練習、生活分享、聖 經真理、郊遊參觀,來彼此支持、互相鼓勵。每月第一、三週 六,2:30pm-4:30pm舉行。 Provides a support group for the physically disabled. They meet together for singing, sharing, Bible study, outdoor activities etc. Meets every 1st and 3rd Sat, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm.
長者/殘障者房屋津貼 Senior/Disabled Housing Allowance 275
孕婦低費醫療 AIM Application 1%
法律諮詢 Legal Consultation 律師 Attroney:
趙李秀珍律師 Agnes Chiu
健康家庭保健計劃 Healthy Families, 14%
方見堯律師 Daniel Fong
“Love Warms Your Hearts” Senior Visitation 葉智良律師 Edward Ip
其他 Others, 109
透過跳舞、手工、歌唱、專題講座、戶外活動等,幫助智障青少年 發展潛能,建立社交技巧。同時家長們也可互相支持。每月第一、 三週六,1:00 pm-3:00 pm舉行。
在聖誕節期間,到老人中心和療養院探訪和關懷老人家,與他們分享 神的愛。 During Christmas season, visit and share God’s love with the seniors in senior housings and convalescent homes.
移民 Immigration, 154
商業 Business, 4
錢債 Financial, 24
林麗仁律師 Cloris Lam
車禍 Car Accident, 30
劉哲沛律師 Harry Liu
李陳靈德律師 Linda Ly
薄尚樂律師 Charles Pok
樓宇/契約 Building/Contract, 51
離婚 Divorce, 131
社區服務 Community Services
社區服務 Community Services 感言 Reflection 感謝角聲像朋友和家人一樣,幫我 解決很多問題,讓我們這些新移民 感到很溫暖。(Lily) Thank you CCHC for being like a friend and a family member, help me resolve many problems and letting new immigrants like me experience such warm kindness. (Lily)
特別活動 Major Events 日期 Date
活動 Event
人數 Participants
講座:中文節能知識講座 Energy Saving Workshop
我是新移民,英文不好。感謝角聲經常 幫我看信、翻譯、填表格。服務態度 特別好。(葉女士)
電子廢物回收行動 E-waste Recycling Program
同工 Staff
《送暖顯溫情》長者探訪 “Love Warms Your Heart” Senior Visitation
《以愛還愛》音樂會 Lincoln Pau’s Loving Concert
《理財與稅務》講座 Financial & Taxation Workshop
阿市《四海迎春》聯歡攤位 Chinese New Year Street Festival Booth
電子廢物回收行動 E-waste Recycling Program
角聲社區嘉年華 Charity Community Fair
社區法律日 Community Legal Consultation Day
I am a new immigrant and my English is not good. Thank you CCHC for frequently helping me with reading letters, translation and filling out forms. The attitude of the staff in serving us is especially good. (Ms. Ye) 我與丈夫離婚,但同住一屋。角聲 法律諮詢和醫藥保險 Medi-cal 的申請, 對我幫助很大,非常感謝!(馬女士) My husband and I are divorced but we live in the same house. The CCHC
legal consultation and Medi-Cal application assistance has helped me a lot. Thank you very much! (Ms. Ma) 我移民美國六年,大小事都來找角聲 幫忙,非常感謝角聲社區中心各位員 工。多謝!(林太太) I immigrated to the U.S. six years ago and have always asked CCHC for help on different issues. Thank you to all the coworkers in CCHC! (Mrs. Lin)
劉鳳儀 Eppie Lau Director, Community Service
每天都有聽不完的故事。真是「人生不如意事十有八九。」願神的安慰臨到他們, 也叫我們懂得感恩。 Each day there are stories without end. There is a Chinese saying that nine times out of ten, life doesn’t go the way we wish. May God’s comfort be with those people, and also may we be thankful.
曾淑雯 Joanna Tsang
楊子清 Chris Yeung
程卓華 Stacy Cheng
莫煥娟 Wun Kuen Mok
Community Service Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Community Service Assistant
義工 Volunteers: 填表 Assistance with forms and applications: Tally Ng, Winnie Chu, Sindy Ip, Irene Lee, Trung Lam, Cam Wu, Doris Cheng, Howard Cheng, Queence Li, Nancy Wong, Michelle Yuen, Barbara Tsang, Lily Lau, David Cheung, Elaine Loh, So Wah Lee
報稅 Income Tax Return: Howard Cheng, Phoebe Shen, Joann Yu, Anita Ng, Young Wu, Esther Cheng, Canly Chan, John Tcheng, Vivian Guan, Darren Xie
興趣班老師 Tutors: Alice Lou, Shirley Shih, Joy Xing, Lisa Li, Rosita Lin, Ming Lipock, Patty Li, Chi Huynh, Joyce Lai
團契 Fellowship:
專業諮詢 Consultation:
長者 Senior: 王師母,楊國璋夫婦,蘇伯母,周子森牧 師,Judy Ng, Elizabeth Eng, Wei-lan Poon, Jenny Yu, Pearl Lau, Grace Yu, Alice Lou, Ruth Tsui, Lisa Li, Annielee & Wayland Ma
Winnie Ho, Wendy Chan Dong, Anita Sum, Alexandra Yeung, Kim Mak, Cindy Tao, Helen Yang
展能 Challengers: To Li, Yandy Li, Virginia Kong, Vivian Chow, David Tong, May Cheng, Wing Leung, Mandy Ma, Chris Lam, Jeff 曙光 Son-light: John Li, Phobe Lew, David Lee, Ruth Tsui, Peter Leung, Ivan Ko, Jennifer Chan, Angela Lo, 慧芝,錢姊妹,嫻姊妹
法律諮詢 Legal Consultants: Attorneys - Agnes Chiu, Cloris Lam, Linda Ly, Daniel Fong, Harry Liu, Edward Ip, Charles Pok
社區活動 Community Activities: Hanna Hsu, Lisa Li, Alice Lou, Esther Chen, Lisa Lee, Christine Au Yeung, Kitty Lam, Pauline Chan, John Li, Ruby Eng, Sam Chan, Lawrence Chan, Maddelina Chu
角聲癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association 服務內容 Services 電話諮詢 中文資訊 公共教育
Help-Line Chinese Information Public Education
關懷輔導 互助小組 癌症篩檢 研究企劃
容光「換髮」美容講座 “Look Good, Feel Better”
角聲癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association 互助會參加人次 Support Groups Participants
Patient Care Support Groups Cancer Screenings Research Studies
由專業美容師教導正在電/化療中婦女淡妝技巧,重建內心與 外表的自我形象 Women, who are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, receive cosmetic training from professional to rebuild their self image
水仙合唱團 Daffodil Choir
癌患關懷者訓練會 Caregivers’ Training Workshop
Bereavement Seminars
07/2008~06/2009 新癌友的人數及癌症類別 Newly Reached Cancer Patients & Cancer Sites Breast乳癌
其他 胃癌 攝護腺癌 卵巢癌
鼻咽癌 肝癌 肺癌 大腸直腸癌
角聲癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association
角聲癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association 感言 Reflection
乙型肝炎防治活動 Hepatitis B Awareness Campaign 參加人數 (Workshop Participants)
驗血人數(Blood Tests Participants)
聖蓋博 (San Gabriel)
核桃市 (Walnut)
南灣 (Torrance)
阿罕布拉 (Alhambra)
總數 Total
雖然生命中有不幸,卻能有幸遇到 「角聲」,使我可以走在一條幸福、 輕省的抗癌路上。(葉德懿,卵巢癌) Although there is misfortune in life, I had the good fortune to encounter CCHC, and it has helped me to get on a happy and smooth path for facing cancer. (Ms. Yeh with ovarian cancer) 「角聲」是我的救命恩人,不但 幫我檢查出身體的毛病,也幫助我 申請到了乳癌治療基金,使我能 無憂慮地對抗癌症。(李小姐,乳癌) CCHC is my life-saver. Not only did it help me discover my sickness, but it also helped me apply to a breast cancer treatment foundation so I can fight cancer without worry. (Ms. Lee with breast cancer) 當醫生宣佈我罹患癌症時,已懷有
特別活動 Special Events
楊王惠真 Lucy Young Senior Director, HCA
癌症協會在中心大樓內搬了三次家,越搬越大,感謝神在各方面奇妙的供應! HCA has moved for the third time within the Mission Building. With each move we grow even more. Thank God for His amazing provision in all ways!
Grant Writing Class
Cancer Survivors’ Picnic 9/14
義工 Volunteers:
Cancer Survivor Mr. Wong Evangelistic Sharing Dinner 10/11
辦公室 Office:曲王巧瑛、楊銘遠、陸丁乘、謝雨
珊、Kathleen Ting、Kristal Choi
“Pink Ribbon” Conference for Cancer Survivors & Family 12/13
7th Annual “Celebration of Life”
癌友會 Support Groups:鍾伍妙麗、溫碧霞、曾 潤生、郭達恩、楊凱茵、陳鳳儀、趙敏、華如
Volunteer Appreciation Party 5/15~16
施旭傑 Jack Shih Assistant Director, HCA
施朱小梅 Shirley Shih Project Coordinator, HCA
陳仁玖 Jennifer Lin Project Coordinator, HCA
4th Annual “Hope Conference” 7/11
New Office Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Cheung、Pinky Chan
婦科篩檢 Cancer Screening:吳鄭綺芬、譚郁 樺、郭蕙珠、朱宗瑾、賴愛明、唐正懿、簡敏玲、黨 慧中、楊芝穗、郭陳映紅、姜薇華、丘星美、Olivia 宋、Wendy Wan、Lisa Yip
容光「換髮」美容講座 “Look Good Feel Better”:岑文潔芝、許月雀、Amy Lam、Amy 合唱團 Choir:方美盈、蔡崇明
Senior Community Service Employment Program Staff
「傳遞異象」研討會 “Pass It On” Conference
參加「角聲」容光「換髮」美容 課程,除獲得精美化妝品外, 讓沮喪的我重拾自信心,也更有 動力去面對未來。課堂上老師與 同學的互動讓我倍感溫馨。(張小 梅,乳癌) I attended the “Look Good Feel Better” program held by CCHC. I not only received a box of make-up, but I regained my self-confidence and it spurred me on to face the future. I sensed genuine warmth in the teachers’ interaction with students during the class. (Ms. Chi with breast cancer)
人數 Participants
在醫院接受治療時,才知道 「角聲」,因此有機會參加他們 主辦的講座,從中學習到許多知 識,讓我有正確的觀念去面對癌 症。(余華喜,大腸癌) I didn’t know about CCHC until I was receiving treatment in a hospital.
After that I attended a workshop held by CCHC. I learned a lot and with that knowledge was able to face cancer with a proper outlook. (Mr. Yee with colon cancer)
同工 Staff
日期Date 活動Events 8/8
身孕的我整個人都呆了,因為我根 本不知道「癌症」是什麼。好在有 「 角聲」,伸出援手。如今兒子平 安地出生,我也正在進行化療。(伍 燕,乳癌) When the doctor told me I was diagnosed with cancer, I froze in shock because I was pregnant at that time and I had no idea about cancer. Fortunately there was CCHC, where people reached out with helping hands. My son has since been born safely, I am receiving chemotherapy. (Ms. Wu with breast cancer)
林惠慧 Helene Lin
蕭亮真 Silky Chen
朱宗瑾 Julie Hsu
特別活動 Special Events:林宏澤、譚鄧佩媚、 謝君文、侯舒豪、魏有平、魏有義
家庭教育 Family & Education
家庭教育 Family & Education 項目 Program
服務項目 Services 諮詢輔導 Consultation 妍雅軒(單親)姊妹會 Single Moms’ Support Group 青少年成長計劃 Youth Enrichment Programs 展翅跨文化成長計劃 Project Ascent Cross-Cultural Youth Leadership Training 親職教育 Parenting Education 項目 Program
人數 Participants
婚前輔導 Pre-Marital Counseling
48 sessions
電話協談 Telephone Consultation
親子協談 Parenting Consultation
婚姻協談 Marital Consultation
青少年協談 Teenager Consultation
靈性輔導 Spiritual Consultation
家庭輔導 Family Consultation (parent/child)
情緒輔導 Emotional Consultation
其他協談諮詢及轉介 Others and Referral
藥物或家暴輔導 Drug/Domestic Violence Consultation
人數 Participants
課後成長計劃 After School Program
暑期成長計劃 Summer Enrichment Program
展翅計劃 Project Ascent
妍雅軒(單親)姊妹會 Single Moms’ Support Group
決志 Decisions 37
246 人次
決志 Decision
特別活動 Special Event 3
人數 Participants
2008 9/21
穩步邁向大學門 Workshop: “Preparation for College”
親子溝通技巧 Seminar: “Understand Today’s Teenager”
11/15, 22
大學助學金講座 FAFSA Workshop
《家暴零容忍》社區午餐會 “Domestic Violence” Gatekeeper Luncheon
大學助學金講座 FAFSA Workshop
穩步邁向大學門 Workshop: “Preparation for College”
親子講座:他們真的準備好?Parenting Seminar: “Are they really ready?"
3/7, 3/14
災後重建關懷輔導技巧訓練* Post Disaster Mental and
Spiritual Health Rebuilding Support – Caregiver Training*
振翅計劃 (美國學習交流營) Project Ascent Hong Kong
親子旅行 Family Picnic
婚前及婚姻強化輔導課程 Pre-Marital/Marital Enrichment Program
「一樣的美」單親媽媽母親節特會 Mothers’ Day Celebration Luncheon
內容 content:
「食出健康」單親媽媽退修會 Single Moms’ Support Group Retreat
兒童佈道會 Children Evangelistic Meeting
暑期成長計劃開放日 Summer School Open House
展翅計劃 Project Ascent
性愛、家庭計劃 Sexual Expectation/Family Planning 財務管理 Financial Management 信仰/價值觀 Spiritual Belief/Value 姻親關係 In-Law Relationship 彈性與親密度 Flexibility and Closeness
性格評估及分析 Personality Assessment 原生家庭的影響 Family of Origin 婚姻的期許 Marital Expectation 溝通技巧 Communication Skills 衝突處理 Conflict Management
* 與恩泉輔導中心合辦 Co-Sponsored with Living Grace Counseling Center
61 (37人決志)
家庭教育 Family & Education 展翅計劃(跨文化青少年領袖訓練) Project Ascent – Cross-Cultural Leadership Training 結合中西文化優良傳統,培養第二代華裔青少年,成為具備國際視野,領袖才能,勇於承擔責任,樂於服務社群 的精英。 Equipping 2nd generation Asian Youth to become a person with a global perspective and leadership skills; be responsible and willing to serve the community.
2010 暫定行程 Tentative Itinerary 日期 Date: 8/2-8/16 課程內容 領袖訓練:香港正生書院,香港匯基書院, 四川本地高中,山區學校 生活體驗:地震遺址,孤兒院,貧民區 文化學習/觀光:太平山頂,香港歷史博物館, 成都文化村,熊貓館
Content: Leadership Training: HK Zheng Sheng College, HK United Christian College, Sichuan local high school, village school Life Experience: earthquake disaster vestige, orphanage, slum area Sightseeing/Cultural Learning: The Peak, HK Historical Museum, Panda Museum, Chengdu Cultural Village
振翅計劃 – 美國文化學習交流營 Project Ascent Hong Kong 藉著在美國的生活體驗,及精心設計的訓練課程, 幫助香港中學生拓展視野,建立積極、目標導向的 人生觀。 A unique program designed to coach teenagers from Asia to acquire a global perspective and to develop a purpose-driven life.
家庭教育 Family & Education 感言 Reflection 我是個重度憂鬱症患者,無意中認識了角聲。接受多次 輔導後,使我從憂傷中走出來而成了基督徒,感謝神的 恩典!希望其他傷痛的人,好像我一樣來認識上帝, 走出憂傷,變得喜樂、堅強、有智慧。(Kathy) I have been suffering from serious depression, and I happened to come to know about Herald Community Center’s services. Praise God that with His grace and after participating in several counseling sessions, I was able to come out of sorrow and I also became a Christian. I hope other depressed people can also come to know God and step out of sadness to possess joy, strength and wisdom. (Kathy)
profound faith in God. God works through people and Pauline is one of those people. (A client) 婚前輔導課程使我們對婚姻有了更實際的認識。結婚 至今已兩年多,在課堂學到的技巧,特別在溝通及處理 衝突上,讓我們安然渡過了許多不必要的爭執。 (Tom and Stephanie) Premarital Counseling has offered us a deeper understanding on marriage. We have now been married for more than two years. The skills we learned at the counseling sessions, especially in communication and conflict resolution have enabled us to eliminate many unnecessary arguments. (Tom and Stephanie)
我參加角聲心理諮詢近6個月。年屆五十的我,在應付 碩士學位的課程中,又有多份部份時間工作來維持生活。 在許多的壓力下,輔導員Pauline聆聽我的困難,也分享她 過去的經歷。她讓我認識自己的長處,也看到了她對神的 信心。神藉著人來工作,而Pauline就是其中一位。(一位 受助者) I have been attending counseling sessions at Herald Christian Family Center for almost six months. I met with my therapist, Pauline, to discuss stressful life issues. In my 50s, I have been working at several temporary jobs while working towards completing a Master degree. Pauline listened to me and shared her past personal struggles. Pauline assisted me in recognizing of personal strengths and expressed her
一個偶然的機會,我在《號角》報紙獲知角聲服務中心 提供心理諮詢,懷著試一試的心情與角聲聯絡,輔導員以 基督的愛與聖經的教導,幫助我走出了一段黑暗且沮喪的 艱苦日子。今天我也成為一名重生的基督徒,感謝神! 也願意更多人藉著角聲得到幫助。(Joy) By chance I read from the Herald Monthly that Herald Community Center offers psychological counseling. Wanting to give it a try, I contacted the Center. Based on the love of Christ and the teaching of the Bible, the counselor helped me step out of a dark, depressed and difficult time of my life. Thank God! I have become a born again Christian and wish many others can receive needed assistance from Herald Community Center. (Joy)
同工 Staff
籃球體育事工 Basketball Ministry 華人基督徒籃球聯賽 Chinese Christian Basketball League 參與教會 Participating Churches: 17 永愛聖經宣道教會(Agape Bible Mission Church), 真道靈糧堂(Bread of Life Christian Church), 洛杉磯靈糧教會 (Bread of Life Church), 中橙縣華人浸信會(Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County), 西區聖道堂 (Chinese Bible Church), 羅省華人聖經宣道教會(Chinese Bible Missions Church of Los Angeles), 華人錫安浸信會 (Chinese Zion Baptist Church), 洛杉磯台福基督教會(Evangelical Formosan Church of Los Angeles), 東區播道會 (Evangelical Free Church of Walnut), 恩典基督教會(First Christian Church of El Monte - Disciples of Christ), 路德會合一堂(First Evangelical Lutheran Church - Chinese Mission), 房角石循理會(Foothill Community Chinese Church), 新希望國際教會(Hope International Church), 洛杉磯華福佳音教會(Los Angeles Good News Church), 東區宣道會(San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church), 羅省基督教新曙光教會(Sunrise Community Church), 路德會鍚安合一堂 (Zion Lutheran Church - Chinese Mission)
秦黃業玲 Jessica Chun Director, Family Center
每個人,每件事,每個處境,每個挑戰,在讓我對「我的恩典夠你用,因為我的能力, 是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。」這經文,有更深的體會。 Every individual, every situation and every challenge brings me to a deeper understanding of His words: “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
屈李潔華 Dr. Louisa Wat Associate Director, Education
角聲青少年籃球會 (為8歲至16歲青少年而設) Herald Youth Basketball Club (for 8-16 years old youth) 參加人數 Number of People 2008年冬季組 Sept ~ Dec Winter Section 2008: 54 2009年春季組 Jan ~ June Spring Section 2009: 50
莫世淳博士 Dr. Pauline Mok Volunteer Counselor
義工 Volunteers:
暑期班老師 Summer School Teachers: Dereck Pan, Stephanie
Cheung, Jennifer Williams, Danny Moore
暑期班義工 Summer School Volunteers: MiggieWong, Rosalind Chow,
Jedidiah Chun, Jenny, Philip Tsui, Philip Yu, , Ru Hua, Chris Li, Joshua Lee, Joyce Li, Tiffany Wu, Valerie Lam, Gavin Tse, Ontin Ho, Marise Wong, Marcus Cheung, Colman Cheung, Carmi Chao, Wesely Wong, Matthew Shum, Jennifer Chew, Michelle Lam, Grace Lee, Shannon Yu, Jense Hu, Stephanie Chow, Sara Wat, Emilie Ho
家庭服務義工 Family Service Volunteers: Esther Wang, Dr. David
Cheung., Dr. Chi Mak, Dr. Freda Cheung, Kelland Ong, Vincent Lo, Devin Lau, Lily Kwong, Coleen Louise, Esther Lee, Annielee Ma, Katherine Fung
籃球事工統籌 Basketball Ministry Coordinator: 胡文浩 Jonathan Wu
青少年籃球會教練 Youth Basketball
Club Coaches: Arthur Yuen, Stephen Wong, Ezra Wong, Ryan Szeto
角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center
角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center
醫療服務 Clinic Services 服務項目 Services 基本醫療 身體檢查 兒科保健 牙齒護理 中醫診治
Basic Health Care Physical Exams Pediatric Care Dental Care Herbal Treatment
針灸服務 癌症篩檢 防疫注射 醫師諮詢 營養諮詢 健康講座
Acupuncture Cancer Screening
1. 西醫服務 Medical Services
Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP)
Cardiology, Dietitian, ENT, Gastroenterology,
Helping the qualified cancer patients to apply
Gynecology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Physical
for the free breast cancer and cervical cancer
Therapy, Rheumatology, Urology.
2. 牙醫服務 Dental Services
5. 兒童健康與殘障預防計劃 Child Health and
Physician Consultation Nutrition Consultation Health Education Workshops
里程碑 Milestone Jan 2009
Aug 2009
成為加州婦科癌症篩檢計劃的提供者 Became the provider for Every Woman Counts – Cancer Detection Program 提供兒童健康與殘障預防計劃服務 Provided Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) services
特別活動 Special Events 日期 Date
活動 Event
人數 Participants
社區健康日 Community Health Day
4. 乳癌及子宮頸癌治療計劃 Breast & Cervical
Disability Prevention (CHDP)
Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Filling, Extraction, Root
Canal, Crown, Bridge, Implant.
Providing free physical check-ups and
3. 加州婦科癌症篩檢計劃 Every Woman
immunizations to qualified children and youth.
Counts-Cancer Detection Program
6. 預防疫苗 Immunization
Including Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine,
Free Mammograms and Papsmears are provided
Hepatitis AB vaccine, Flu Shot, and all vaccines for
by the State of California for women who are low-
income and have no medical insurance, leading to
提供免費肝炎疫苗注射和免費洗牙服務 Launch out Free Hepatitis Vaccination and Free Dental Cleaning Services
early detection, early treatment.
角聲醫療中心獲洛縣第五區總監安東諾維奇(Michael A. Antonovich)代表加州公共衛生局 贈予甲型肝炎疫苗和乙型肝炎疫苗,這將會有助亞裔社區降低肝炎疾病的罹患率。 另外,凱撒醫療機構(Kaiser Permanente)捐贈一萬美元,資助免費洗牙和牙齒檢查服務。 Herald Christian Health Center was granted the Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B vaccines. The 5th District of LA county superintendent Michael A. Antonovich represented California Public Health Department to present it. It helped to lower the rate of Hepatitis in the Asian community. In addition, Kaiser Permanente has donated $10,000 to sponsor free dental cleaning and screening services. 2009
社區健康日 Community Health Day
免費甲型流感疫苗注射 Free H1N1 Flu Shot
角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center
角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center
同工 Staff 服務人次統計 Patient Visits
吳周秀蘭 Carolin Eng
新病人 New patients
Chief Operation Officer, Health Center
7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009 新病人 New Patients
醫科人次 Medical Visits
牙科人次 Dental Visits
從不敢像雅比斯那樣去禱告。盡管診所在成長期面對經濟拮据,地方和人事短缺的挑戰, 我們卻更體驗神的賜福,祂親自擴張境界並常與我們同在的經歷。 Though I never dared to pray like Jabez, we truly experienced the blessings and companionship of God guiding us through financial difficulties and insufficient staff and space during the clinic’s early days getting established.
醫科人次 Medical visits
牙科人次 Dental visits
司徒陳秀慧 Emily Szeto
服務人次 Patient Visits
感言 Reflection 當我的乳房硬塊痛得我無法入睡 時,偶然間看到角聲「免費乳癌檢 查」的廣告,去檢查後證實我得了 乳癌。角聲醫療中心熱心為我安排 醫生,做化療,並介紹我到角聲癌 症協會。他們與我禱告,在心靈上 扶持我,使我能勇敢地面對人生。 感謝角聲!(Ellen Chan) The lump in my breast caused me so much pain I could not sleep. By chance I saw the advertisement for “Free Breast Cancer Check-Up” in the Herald Monthly. I went for the free check-up and was diagnosed with breast cancer. Workers at the Herald Clinic took action to
Franky Kwok
King Yan Lau, D.A.
Cashier, Health Center
Dental Assistant, Health Center
Raymond Chow
Bernabeth Sy
Sara Zhang, D.A.
Office Manager, Health Center
Networking Coordinator, Health Center
Dental Assistant, Health Center
Winnie Chi
Philip Chin, D.D.S.
Susan Jung, M.D.
Receptionist, Health Center
Dentist, Health Center
Medical Doctor, Health Center
Amy Lin
Emy Lim, D.D.S.
Helen Leung, M.A.
Receptionist, Health Center
Dentist, Health Center
Medical Assistant, Health Center
Juana Nip
Kimberley Chow, R.D.A.
Rosanna Che, R.N.
Administrator, Health Center
arrange for me to see a doctor and receive chemotherapy, and also referred me to Herald Cancer Association. They have prayed with me and given me spiritual support to strengthen my faith so I can face life courageously. A big thanks to workers at CCHC! (Ellen Chan) 角聲就像黑夜的一顆明星,帶領 我們走出黑暗,陪伴我們走向光 明。(Cherry) The Herald Clinic is like a star at night leading us out of darkness and accompanying us to move towards bright daylight. (Cherry)
感謝角聲醫療中心,他們有很高的 醫德,對病人的態度很好,有著父 母般的心腸,工作很認真。我每次 去都很感動。謝謝角聲幫我醫好了 牙齒,還省了很多錢。(陳女士) Thank you to the Herald Christian Health Center! They have high moral standards in treating the patients. Their attitude is so nice with intentions like that of parents. They are serious about their work. I’m so touched whenever I go there. Thank you for treating my teeth which has also saved me lots of money. (Ms. Chan)
董事會 Board of Directors: 勞伯祥牧師(主席),王慶元長老(副主席),余甘棠醫生,李吳淑儀,周簡艷珍,唐柏佳, 鐘伍妙麗,李林小燕
工作委員會 Working Committee: Dr. James Lau, Edward Wong, Janet Ching, Christina Hsu, Elaine Pang, Pollyanna Lee
義工 Volunteers: 醫師 Medical Doctors: James Chen, Alex Leung, Chiu Kao, Danny Chung, Edward Tsai, Edward Xu, Eugene Taw, James Lau, Jennifer Sun, Joel Doughten, Jung-Ming Chen, Ming Hsu, Paul Hanashiro, Samuel Chung, Stephen Eng, Tung-Hua Chieng, Wilson Chick
牙醫 Dentists: Stanlake Ye, Anthony Wong, Kathy Lin, Kenneth Ho, Michael Chan, Jeffery Lee, Joseph Kor, Richard Lau, Thomas Aul, Vincent Cheng
中醫師 Acupuncturists: Guo-Hua Xie, Lei Zhang, Sen Tu
醫生助理 Physician Assistants: Clement
Chan, Dick Chuang, Freddy Chan, Theresa Troung, Tung Cheung, Wing-Kay Pui
Rita Zhang, Shirley Lee, Sylvia Del Castillo, Tracy Hu
牙醫助理 Dental Assistants: Brittney Do,
其他醫護人員 Other Medical
Cindy Wu, Kin-Chung Wong, Livia Ye
物理治療師 Physical Therapists: Annie Tsui, Micky Chan, Mimi Tou
護士 Nurses: Agnes Chan, Angela Cheung, Anna Chen, Anna Lai, Anna Wong, Betty Cheung, Carol Chun, Carrie Chong, Fu-Yuan Ma, Grace Huang, Jennifer Leung, Laurel Chiu, Leo Wong, Margaret Lau, Megumi Ishii, Peony Wong, Pollyanna Lee, Ruth Co, Salina Yu, Fanny Wong, Sharon Chow, Snow Char, Sue Chen, YaFen Lin
醫護助理 Medical Assistants: Anh Deng, Lisa Pang, Lu-Ling Chen, Manmei Wu,
Cashier, Health Center
Professionals: Bill Tong (Dietitian), DongMei Sun (Respiratory Therapist)
福音大使 Gospel Ambassadors: Agnes Shing, Andy Zhang, Anny Hsu, Bernabeth Sy, Cam Wu, Canly Chan, Chao-Ying Hua, Emily Chien, Emily Ng, Esther Woo, Eunice Au, Doris Lee, Helen Lo, Irene Wu, Jacky Ip, Janet Chan, Janet Ching, Jason Ho, Jeanette Chan, Jeffrey Kuo, Jenny Yu, Jia Feng, Jimme Lee, Leeman Leung, Lily Kuo, Lisa Ng, Matthew Yu, Melody Loong, Michelle Wu, Princeton Ly, Renee Liu, Rick Liu, Rosanna Liu, Sandi Li, Shung-Shing Hsueh, Sophie Hung, Vivian Chow, WanChor Tong, Wendy Kong, Wilson Dong
Dental Assistant, Health Center
Registered Nurse, Health Center
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Yuki Miura
Linly Lai
Shirley Chen
Jessica Chiu
東區角聲社區中心 Herald Community Center, ESGV
東區角聲社區中心 Herald Community Center, ESGV Milestones
服務項目 Services 生活諮詢 General Consultation 協助申請 Application Aid 癌症服務 Cancer Services 興趣課程 Interest Classes 關懷佈道 Caring Evangelism
電話諮詢 Telephone Enquiries 11,800
低費房屋申請Section 8/Public Housing Applications
法律諮詢 Legal Consultation
協助申請糧食券 Food Stamp Applications
心理協談 Counseling
入籍申請 Naturalization Applications
稅務諮詢 Taxation Consultation
生活實用課程 Interest Classes
1/17/09 療養院探訪拓展至第六間 Expanded to the 6th Convalescent Hospital Visitation
協助申請醫療卡 Medi-Cal Application Help
2/15/09 舉行異象分享籌款餐會
低收入家庭報稅 Low-income Tax Return
其他服務 Other Enquiries
醫療諮詢 Medical Consultation
角聲美味人生餐福 Delightful Life Restaurant Fellowship
服務人次 Statistics
(每週三Every Wednesday 10:00pm) 生活實用課程 入籍申請
904 人次 participants
Naturalization Applications
協助申請糧食券 低費房屋申請
Interest Classes
Food Stamp Applications
Section 8/Public Housing Applications
低收入家庭報稅 協助申請醫療卡
Low-income Tax Returns Medi-Cal Application Help
其他服務 稅務諮詢
(每週五、六 Every Friday & Saturday) 2,540
Other Enquiries
Taxation Consultation
Convalescent Hospital Visitation 220
Medical Consultation
3600 人次 participants
Legal Consultation
Telephone Enquiries
1,000 人數 Clients
癌友互助會 Cancer Support Group (每月第三週六 Every 3rd Saturday 2:30pm)
265 人次 participants
乳房造影及子宮頸抹片檢查 Mammogram & Pap Smear Free Screening 293 Mammograms, 273 Papsmears
Started Full-day Services
Held Vision Sharing Fundraising Dinner
東區角聲社區中心 Herald Community Center, ESGV
特別活動 Special Events 日期 Date 2008
活動 Event
人數 Participants
餐飲業衛生講座 Hygiene Workshop for Restaurants
社區健康日 Community Health Day
11 - 12
《送暖顯溫情》關懷探訪長者活動 “Love Warms Your Heart” Senior Visitation
大學助學金講座 FAFSA Workshop
大學助學金講座 FAFSA Workshop
稅務諮詢講座 “Income Tax” Workshop
異象分享籌款餐會 Vision Sharing Fundraising Dinner
3/14, 7/25
電子廢物回收活動 E-Waste Recycling Program
骨髓登記活動 Bone Marrow Donor Register
東區角聲社區中心 Herald Community Center, ESGV
感言 Reflection 我全家移民來美兩 年,起初不懂英 文,角聲幫助我適 應新環境。我願意 義務教繪畫班回饋 角聲的愛心。(吳
full of worry and insomnia. A friend referred me to CCHC-Rowland Heights. Through the loving and professional help, I gained peace and found very practical help. (Bonita Chu)
健生) Two years ago, my whole family immigrated to the U.S. At first, I did not know anything about the U.S. and English. CCHC has helped me to adjust to this new environment. Now, I am volunteering as a drawing teacher in CCHC to repay the love that I have received. (Jason)
我來到美國舉目無親,後來覺得 胸口疼痛,但沒有健康保險,正徬徨 之際,發現角聲提供免費乳房X光檢 查。感謝角聲幫我查出乳癌,並為我 申請政府援助,安排治療,使我 痊癒。我願意作義工回報大家。 (常子秀) I immigrated to the U.S. by myself. There was no relatives around. Some time later, I felt pain in the chest but I had no health insurance. I found that CCHC has free mammogram service. Thanks to CCHC that I was diagnosed with breast cancer at early stage. CCHC has also helped me to apply the government
金融海嘯嚴重影響我家的生活,我充 滿了憂慮,時常失眠。朋友介紹我到 角聲東區辦事處,他們的愛心和專業 服務帶給我平安和實際的幫助。 Due to the economy tsunami, my family was greatly impacted. I was
emergency support and arranged all the therapy. I have recovered and became a CCHC volunteer to repay the love to the community. 人在異鄉,言語 不通,最近有推 銷員向我銷售一 些虛假或有誤導 意識的醫療保險 計劃,幸好我先向角聲查詢,才不致 被誤導或蒙騙。感謝角聲的免費諮詢 服務,保障了我們的權益。(姜梅) Due to barriers to the language, it is easy to be cheated. Recently a salesperson has misled me some kind of health insurance plans. I enquired CCHC about these plans and realized the fault. Therefore, I did not buy it. Thank you to CCHC for the free consultation which protects our right.
同工 Staff 鄭華和陳順 Victor & Esther Cheng
社區健康日 Community Health Day
Center Director & Associate Director, ESGV
能夠在社區中服務人群,使我們的人生下半場活得更精彩。服務社區, 最大的滿足是看到絕望的生命重拾希望,灰暗的人生披上彩虹。
餐福音樂佈道晚會 34 Music Evangelistic Meeting for Restaurant Fellowship 2人決志 (decision)
5/2, 7/11
UCI 糖尿病研究健康檢查 Diabetics Health Research for UCI
基層培訓大會 Training for Evangelism to the Working Class
餐福音樂佈道晚會 150 Music Evangelistic Meeting for Restaurant Fellowship 6人決志(decision)
B型肝炎講座、驗血 Workshop & Blood Test on Hepatitis B
205 118人驗血
It makes our second-half life to become more meaningful through serving the community. People find hope from despair. Their life becomes colorful from darkness. It is the greatest satisfaction to us. Senior Community Service Employment Program Staff 李小鈺 Alice Huang
宋學玲 Susan Song
馬輝娟 Betty Ma
義工 Volunteers: 導師 Tutors: Kelvin Lam, Ronald Mak, Wing Tim Lee, Doris Au, James Tung, Benjamin Yu, Victor Eng, Susan Song, Kwok Wing Li, Isabella Kuo, Thomas Choi, Ivy Lee, Sandi Li, Kay Chan, Amee Liu, Rosa Li, Joshua Keung
社區活動 Community Activities: Cloris Lam, Susan Song, Ivy Lee, Jinny Chow, Viola Fan, Joseph Chow, Raymond Ng, Franci Mi, Michelle Lu, Ann Ling, Michael Lee, Monica Liao, Miranda Wat, Sue Wong, Noreen Tang, Hamy Chau, Miu Lau, Philip Wong, Archie Jiang, Dr. KJ Sheu, Jill Tan, Victor Chen, Young Li, Canly Chan
聖地牙哥角聲中心 San Diego Herald Center 服務項目 Services
北區角聲中心 San Fernando Valley Herald Center 特別活動 Special Events
關懷者訓練會 Caregiver Training 哀傷輔導講座 Bereavement Seminar 協談輔導 Consultation
健康講座 Health Workshops 癌症篩檢服務 Cancer Screening 癌友會 Cancer Support Group
日期 Date
活動 Events
北區角聲中心成立 Establishment of SFVHC
B 型肝炎社區代表講座餐會 “B Aware” Campaign Gatekeepers’ Dinner
特別活動 Special Events 日期 Date
活動 Event
人數 Participants
癌症關懷者訓練會 Cancer Caregiver Training
兩代溝通法 Cross the Cultural Gap
《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 “Soar Like an Eagle” Music Evangelistic Meeting
電子廢物回收行動 E-Waste Recycle
朱黃金鳳 Grace Chu Center Director, San Diego
感謝主,使用聖地牙哥角聲中心將屬他自己的孩子、教會和社區帶回歸向祂自己。我們可以一起用 快樂和耶穌基督的福音來感動人們的心。 Praise the Lord that He is using the ministry of San Diego Herald Center to bring His children, churches and community to Himself. Together we can touch many people’s heart with joy and good news of Jesus Christ.
義工 Volunteers:
顧問 Advisers: Rev Albert Lam, Rev. Jack To
工作委員會 Working Committee: Stephen Wu, Nelson Leung, Wilson Wang
癌症事工團隊 Cancer Ministry Team: Stephen Wu, Nelson Leung, Canace Lam, Hiedi Chan,
感言 Reflection 我和太太經常來參加講座,題目很實際,信息很好且實用。 “My wife and I always come to the lectures. The topics are very practical. The lecturers are very good and we find the information very useful”. (attendee of a cancer support lectures)
Assistant Director, San Diego
Assistant Director, San Diego
母親患病到告別的三年間,角聲癌友關懷協會的姊妹帶領我依 靠和相信神,使我在逆境中感受到神所賜的力量與恩典。她們 如親人般的協助與關愛,讓父親和我深深感到我們是多麼的幸 運。(馬爾勤,癌友家屬) My mom had been sick for three years. During her sickness and passing, the sisters in the CCHC cancer support group led me to rely on God and trust in Him. I experienced His grace and strength in that difficult time. Their help and caring were like family members. My father and I felt so fortunate. (A family member of a cancer patient)
從住院、開刀、休養及接受治療,(北嶺)角聲給予我相當大 的幫助,無論是精神上或者是實質上,很感謝角聲同工及 義工的幫助、鼓勵和代禱。(楊陳玉玲,卵巢癌) Through hospitalization, surgery, recovery and therapy, CCHC has helped me a lot both psychological and materially. Thank you for the help, support, and prayer from the coworkers and volunteers in CCHC!
彭陳志玲 Elaine Pang
其他 Others: Judy Wu, Hibert Chu, Peggy Chu, Cyrus Chan, Edmond Chan, Cindy Leung, Lillian
Program Director
北區角聲中心在一年前成立,雖然我們有很多的限制,但神一直帶領和祝福我們的工作。 義工們忠心的服事,就如一顆顆閃耀的星星為基督照亮社區。願上帝得著榮耀和讚美! Since the inception of San Fernando Valley Herald Center one year ago, God has guided and blessed our work, in spite of our limitations. I am truly humbled by the dedication of our volunteers who faithfully serve in the community as a light shining for Christ. May God be honored and praised.
Wang, Lewes Leung, Steven Chan, Elizabeth Lee, Richard Wong, Le Chu, Bill Chu, Kathy Tang, Yik Fuk Cheong, Amy Chan, Jesse Sun, Michael Lam, Steven Lau, Gloria Lee, Vivien Gok, Ester Van, Yuk Chun Chiu, Ada Choi, Connie Lee, Peter Ly, David Siu, Audrey Lau, Lucinda Wong, Andrew Leung, Ruth Chang, Ka Yan Chu, Scott Yee, Sam Chu. Dr. Larry Chiang, Dr. Charles Liu, Dr. Tam Ka Wai, Dr. Tran Ton, Betty Tran, Mady Cheng, Alan Cheung, Fung Lin, Erica Ngai, Sing Yiu Wong, Can Ng
李淑德 Susan Shu
感言 Reflection
Assistant Director
神在我身上有祂的計畫。從《號角月報》建立聖地牙哥版時,我開始幫忙翻譯社區消息。聖地牙哥角聲中心成立後,我剛好 心理輔導課程畢業。神把我與角聲拉得更接近,我已準備好將自己奉獻給聖地牙哥角聲,成就神要我做的事! God has a plan for me! My involvement with SDHC dates back to years ago when the Herald Newspaper started its San Diego Section. I helped translate the community news from English into Chinese for a few years. Later on, when SDHC was established and I was also recently graduated from a counseling program, God drew me closer to Herald. I am ready to contribute what God has prepared me to do at SDHC! (Hiedi)
靠著幾位義工愛主的心,去關懷癌友;藉著他們的感激之情,榮耀 主的名。望更多癌友知道我們,及更多義工加入我們的團隊。 (李淑德,北區角聲癌友關懷義工) With a loving heart of the volunteers, we care the cancer patients. With a grateful heart of the beneficial, God’s name is glorified. We hope more cancer patients will know about us, and more volunteers will join us. (Susan Shu, Caregiver volunteer)
同工 Staff
Paul Hsu
張陳縵莊 Gillien Cheung
癌友互助會 Cancer Support Group 每月第一週六 2:30 - 4:30pm 聚會 Every 1st Saturday 2:30 – 4:30pm
多謝神差派角聲的姊妹給我支持和鼓勵,沒有妳們的打氣, 我這乳癌患者不知如何渡過難關。(Amy Lin) Thank God for sending the sisters in CCHC support group to support and encourage me. Without your encouragement, I do not know how I would face cancer.
同工 Staff
焦力忻 Katherine Liao
人數 Participants
義工 Volunteers: Elaine Pang (Director), Susan Shu (Assistant Director), Annette Tan, Esther Ling, Ann Su, Betty Li, Annie Fong, Tony Lee, Andrew Lai
音樂佈道 Music Evangelism
音樂佈道 Music Evangelism
角聲使團 Herald Crusaders
感言 Reflection
「角聲使團」成立於1994年,是基督教 角聲佈道團南加州分會屬下的一個音樂事 工。
Herald Crusaders was established in 1994 as a music ministry under the Southern California District of Chinese Christian Herald Crusades.
在聖經中,「角聲」有兩個功能︰ 第一, 是讚美神的聲音; 第二,是用來呼喚百姓 起來爭戰的聲音。而「使團」就是帶著使 命的團隊。「角聲使團」的使命,就是要 用音樂去讚美神,也用音樂去傳福音。
As described in the Bible, Herald Crusaders have two important functions: To give praise to God and to call up fellow citizens to arm for a war. The vision of Herald Crusaders is to praise God as well as to evangelize through music.
回顧過去的年日,神的恩手一直帶領著我 們。從頭一天直到今日,使團不斷地到不 同地方佈道,並繼續創作和出版新的詩 歌,竭力完成神託付我們的使命。
With His grace, God has led us through the years. Since the day of our establishment, we have vividly strived to accomplish the vision God bestowed on our shoulders to spread the Gospel to many lands and compose and publish new songs to glorify our Lord.
《香港角聲使團》Hong Kong Herald Crusaders 2008年2月14日,決定成立《香港角聲使團》,由回歸的角聲使團組員組成。 On Feb 14, 2008 it was decided to establish the “Hong Kong Herald Crusaders,” made up of former Herald Crusaders who have returned to Hong Kong.
培靈佈道音樂會 Evangelistic Concerts 日期 Date
聚會 Meeting
出席 Attendance 決志 Decisions
2008 8/1-3 香港《心弦接觸》音樂佈道會 “Soul Connection” Evangelistic Music Concert in Hong Kong 9/13-14 西雅圖《心弦接觸》音樂佈道會 “Soul Connection” Evangelistic Music Concert in Seattle
感謝主…透過角聲使團使我重新投入事奉;並提醒我 謙卑、包容、忍耐;「我的憐憫不至斷絕,每早晨 都是新的。」一切盡是恩典。 (歐詠恩,鍵琴手) Thank God that through Herald Crusaders I can get involved in the Lord’s work again. It has also reminded me to maintain a character of humbleness, acceptance and patience. “My mercy will never suspend. Each morning brings in a new day.” All are absolutely God’s grace. (Vivian Au) 這次聚會使我放下自己的自卑、自憐,我很清楚知道,天父 的愛一直都在環抱著我、支持著我。我會繼續出席後面的聚 會。(聚會者) Through this meeting, I have learned to put away my self-pitiness. I realize clearly that God’s love has been there to embrace and support me. I will continue to attend future meetings. (Response from a participant ) 角聲使團的音樂聚會令我驚喜!他們出色的音樂造詣以及創 作才華令我印象深刻。流露在他們臉上那份渴望榮耀神的熱 情,也叫我難忘。這一顆敬拜的心,深深的吸引我。(曾路 得,資深歌唱家) The gathering presented by Herald Crusaders astonished me! Their talant in music and gifted ability in composition made a deep impression on me. Their expression of eagerness to glorify God was unforgettable. This heartfelt worship experience has deeply drawn me in. (Ruth Tsang, Vocalist)
一首能洗滌心靈的詩歌,是要用心去作,用心去唱。 角聲使團從心出發,以優美的旋律和觸動的歌詞, 帶領我們回歸基督,以生命作為頌讚,回應上帝恩典。 我感謝上帝藉角聲使團彰顯祂的榮耀,安慰受傷心靈。 (譚志源,特首辦主任) Songs with spiritual purifying power need to be composed and sung with the whole heart and mind. Herald Crusaders presented their music scores from their heart using elegant tempos and touching lyrics to bring us back to Christ and to praise Him through our lives as our response to His grace. I praise God for using Herald Crusaders to display His glory and comfort the wounded spirit. (Raymond Tam, Director of the Chief Executive’s Office of HKSAR) 角聲響起何美麗,聲音頌唱主作為;使命傳揚父上帝,團隊 同心發光輝。願上帝繼續使用角聲使團的服事,成為更多生 命的祝福,正如過去十五年一樣!(盧永亨,現代聖詩創作 者) “How pleasing is the sound of the horn! Sounding praises of the Lord’s mighty deeds. Proclaiming God the Father as mission. Uniting as one to shine unshaded.” May God continue to use the service of Herald Crusaders to be blessings of the multitude as in the past fifteen years! (Wing Hung Lo, Composer of contemporary gospel hymns)
音樂專輯 CD Albums
10/11-12 羅省華人聖經宣道教會《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 900 8 “Soar Like an Eagle” Evangelistic Music Concert at Chinese Bible Missions Church of Los Angeles 2009 2/20-22 香港伊利沙伯體育館《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 5191 144 “Soar Like an Eagle” Evangelistic Music Concert at Hong Kong Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2/28, 3/1, 3/3 香港《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 “Soar Like an Eagle” Evangelistic Music Concert in Hong Kong
「角聲使團」團員Members of Herald Crusaders 歌唱手 Singers:
Derrick Chan (Leader), Jenny Lai, Kit Lai, May Chan (Associate Leader), Karen Lam, Connie Cheng, Elaine Wong, Fay Lau
4/18-19 東區第一華人浸信會《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 610 14 “Soar Like an Eagle” Evangelistic Music Concert at First Chinese Baptist Church in Walnut 4/25 羅省華人播道會《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 580 “Soar Like an Eagle” Evangelistic Music Concert at Chinese Evangelical Free Church
振翅翱翔 Soar Like an Eagle, 2009
樂器演奏手 Instrumentalists: 心弦接觸 Soul Connection, 2006
Ada Wong, Gary Chiang, Jocelyn Loong, Melody Cheng, Steven Tam, Albert Law, Freddy Chan, Sai Man Lau, Tammy Chan, Vivian Au (HK Coordinator)
生命陶匠 Potter of Life, 2004
技術支援 Technical Support: Annie Chan, Felix Tam, Isaac Ng, Lawrence Siu, Lucy Yue, Patton Ng, Richard Han, William So
5/2-3 聖地雅哥華人傳道會《振翅翱翔》音樂佈道會 450 14 “Soar Like an Eagle” Evangelistic Music Concert at Chinese Evangelical Church of San Diego
錄音團隊 Recording Team: 全地至高是我主 The Lord is the Highest, 2002
Alvin Lai, Amanda Chan, Anthony Wan, Daniel Chou, Jennie Li, Johnny Ng, Kent Lai, Ronald Mak, Winnie Lee, 陳錦豪, 龍羨詩, 張威, 陳慧姍
全然為祢 All for You, 2001
中國事工 China Ministries 兒童村簡介 Introduction of Children Villages
中國事工 China Ministries 感言 Reflection
Noah是幼稚園學生,每天上課不帶鉛筆,我要幫他 借。幾天後,他終於改進,帶了筆。我給他一個貼 紙表示鼓勵。我們都有過犯,需要上帝的憐憫和饒 恕,並要反省和改過。(周黃秀文) Noah is one of the kindergarten students who came to our Summer Program. Every day he failed to bring a pencil to class, and I needed to help him borrow one from others. On the last day of the program, he finally brought in his own pencil to class. I gave him a sticker as encouragement. I was reminded we all have our shortcomings and need God’s mercy and forgiveness. We should examine our deeds and repent. (Mrs. Chow)
● 美國角聲基金會與香港華恩基金會於2005年合作成立 Founded in 2005 by U.S. Herald Foundation and H.K. Gratia Foundation Ltd. ● 目前約有89名兒童,年齡6-15歲 Currently houses 89 children; ages range from 6 to 15 years old
很感謝我能有機會去兒童村。這兩週的時間,我們 沒有跟孩子們提「神」,卻可以處處感受到神的同 在,在整個村莊的學生和老師們身上,看到祂愛的 工作。我禱告,希望神允許我明年再回去兒童村。 I am very grateful for the opportunity to go to the Children Village (CV). During the two weeks, we never mentioned God to the kids, yet we could feel God’s presence everywhere. His love works in the whole village from the children to the staff. I pray that God would allow me to go back to CV next year! (Amy)
◎ 廣西省河池市華恩兒童村 Hechi City Herald Gratia Children Village, Guang Xi Province
日期 Date
地點 Location
四川 Sichuan
成人 Adults
摸底家訪 Family visitation to understand their needs
三明 、 河池 、 四川 San Ming & Hechi & Sichuan
家庭 、 成人 、 學生 Families, adults, students
參觀、探訪、體驗、參加綿陽市兒童村峻工禮 Visitation, observation and inquiring, and joining the completion ceremony for Mianyang Children Village.
四川 Sichuan
成人 Adults
摸底家訪 Family visitation to understand their needs
◎ 四川省綿陽市華恩兒童村 Mianyang Herald Gratia Children Village, Sichuan Province
河池 Hechi
成人或就讀大學以上學生 英語班、興趣班、生活體驗 Teaching English, interests classes, and Adults or college students experiencing the life there.
● 預期2010年中落成 Tentative completion date is mid 2010
三明 San Ming
成人或就讀大學以上學生 英語班、興趣班、生活體驗 Teaching English, interests classes, and Adults or college students experiencing the life there.
特別活動 Special Events
三明 、 河池 San Ming & Hechi
家庭 、 成人 、 學生 Families, adults, students
參觀、探訪、體驗、參加三明市兒童村五週年感 Visitation,
四川 、 三明 Sichuan & San Ming
家庭 、 成人 、 學生 Families, adults, students
參觀、探訪、體驗 Visitation, observation and inquiring.
為孤兒、特別貧困家庭和父母在服刑中的子女,提供住宿及生活照顧 Provides housing and care for orphans, children from extreme poverty and those whose parents are incarcerated
◎ 福建省三明市華恩兒童村 San Ming City Herald Gratia Children Village, Fujian Province
● 美國角聲基金會與香港華恩基金會合作成立,於2008年1月開始服務 Founded by U.S. Herald Foundation and H.K. Gratia Foundation Ltd, and opened in Jan. 2008 ● 目前約有80名兒童,年齡7-15歲 Currently houses 80 children; ages range from 7 to 15 years old
2010年兒童村愛心之旅 Children’s Village Love Trips in 2010
這一年度共有五隊愛心之旅曾探訪這些中國兒童村,共55人參與。 In this past year, there were five Trips of Love to visit these children’s villages. A total of 55 people participated. 參與者Participants: Danny Cheng, Rebecca Fong, Ronald Chung, Catherine Chan, Grace Louie Chan, Alice Yeung, Rev. David Lee, Ming Chik Chan, Siu Yee Lee, Lily Lee, Esther Yeung, Chak Wing Chan, Sio Leng Chong, Xuan Thi Hua, Siu Mui Wong, Carolyn Lew, Jason Fong, Tak Li Poon, Rebecca Soong, Connie Wu, Amy Hom, Sandy Chow, Jeanny Chan, Angelina Chung, Karen Zheng, Rachel Chan, Linda Lee, Julie Liu, Katherine Tse, Sabrina Yen, Shirley Wong, Esther Lee, Franco Lam, Lawrence Ho, Steven Chan, Kenny Lien, Jonathan Wu, Timothy Wu, Rev. Peter Yang, Li Ui Yang, Messina Tse, Lydia Tse, Nathanie Tan, Pin Tai, 官瑞瓊, 陳國強, 陳振威, 朱盛林
同工 Staff 胡嘉驥 Danny Wu Associate Superintendent
自2005年神感動我第一次踏足兒童村至今已有四年時間。近來神藉著兩件 事再次提醒我祂的呼召。孤兒院裏一個全身萎縮,不能自理的小女孩,總是微笑 著謝謝我們的幫助;她唱的一首「世上只有媽媽好」,深深地感動了我。而我的 兒子,曾抗拒去中國大陸。今年暑假探訪孤兒院後,竟問何時可以再來。感謝主 感動了他的心。所以我要繼續前面的服事路,願榮耀歸於父神! It has been four years since God led me to set foot in the Children’s Village in 2005. God has reminded me of His calling through two incidents recently. In the orphanage, there is a little girl who suffers from muscle dysfunction and cannot care for herself. She always thanks us with a sweet smile for helping her. The song she sings, “In This World, Only Mother Loves Me Most,” has deeply touched me. In the past, my son has refused to go to China. After his visitation to the orphanage this summer, he surprisingly asked when he could go and visit again. Thank God for touching his heart. So, I must devote myself to continue serving Him. Glory be to the Father!
年齡 Age
活動內容 Activity Content
observation and inquiring, and joining the 5th anniversary event for the San Ming Children Village.
四川災區關懷探訪隊 Sichuan Visitation Team
2008 8/13-22 災後角聲派出的第一支探訪隊 The first visiting team CCHC sent out after the earthquake 9/17-29 災區探訪,在臨時板房學校教英文,並出席由角聲資助重建教堂和兩所學校的奠基 禮。 Visitation, taught English at the temporary school, and attended the e Groundbreaking Ceremonies of the 1 church and 2 schools funded by CCHC. 2009 2/24-3/7災區探訪,在教會舉辦音樂佈道會,並出席兒童村的奠基禮。 Visitation, hosted a musical evangelistic meeting at a local church. 7/25-31 暑期災區探訪 Summer Visitation Members: Simon Ho, Victor Cheng, Esther Cheng, Stacy Chen, Pollyanna Lam, Perry Ho, Karen Zhang, Mingsheng Qin, Raymond Yu, Alice Ho, Kitty Law, Teresa Cheng, Paulson Wan, Sharon Chow, Jerry Cheng, Hazel Ng, Franco Lam, Shirley Wong, Sabrina Yen, Esther Lee, Danny Wu, 劉秀娟, 李秀英, 方淑華, 卜華, 葉永芳, 周彥君, 李偉強牧師, 勞伯祥牧師, 鍾志榮, 顧德龍, 張秀明, 鄭成珍, 陳麗琪, 聶貝, 戴永濤, 陳曼芬, 梅素平, 彭建, 金美文,徐嬌蓉, 吳軍, 操伊倫, 蘇鎮瑞, 崔志家
四川兒童村 Sichuan Children Village
財政報告 Financial Reports
南加州分會 Southern California District
Mianyang Herald Gratia Children Village in Sichuan
7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009
去年5.12四川大地震後,角聲獲得當地政府免費撥地,興建兒童村,收容孤兒、特困兒童,以及服 刑人員(囚犯)的子女;該院將由南加州角聲負責運作。 兒童村位於四川省綿陽市內,其中包括北川、安縣,兩個嚴重受災地區。座落於梓潼縣文昌鎮萬安 街69號。 After last year’s 5.12 Sichuan Earthquake, the local government granted a piece of land to CCHC for the establishment of a children village there, to take care of orphans, children living in severe hardship, or whose parents are in jail or seriously disable. This project will be operated by CCHC Southern California District. This Children Village is located at the Mianyang City, where the two most damage areas, Beichuan and An County, are located. ● 佔地面積 15 畝 ● 建築面積 30,000 平方呎 ● 最多容納 200名孩子 ● 建築成本 800萬人民幣 (~ 120萬美元) ● 落成日期 2010年中
Lot Size - 15 arches Building Area – 30,000 sq. ft. Maximum Capacity – 200 children Construction Price – RMB 8 million (~ US$1.2 million) Completion Date – mid 2010
現金收入 Cash Recei pt
現金收入 Cash Receipt
其他收入 Other Income 18%
現金收入 Cash Receipt 經常奉獻 Contribution 事工收入 Ministry Income 其他收入 Other Income 總現金收入 Total Cash Receipt
$ 562,690 $ 489,759 $ 223,587 $1,276,036
現金支出 Cash Disbursements 同工薪津 Staff Salaries & Benefits 事工支出 Ministry Expenses 號角月報 Herald Monthly Ministry 辦公室支出 Office Expenses 維修費用 Building Improvement 發展基金* Development Fund* 總現金支出 Total Cash Disbursements
$ 636,190 $ 215,960 $ 97,890 $ 297,577 $ 45,112 $ 43,676 $1,336,405
盈餘(不敷) Excess (Deficiency)
癌症關懷基金 Cancer Care Funding
事工收入 Ministry Income 38%
現金支出 Cash Cas h Di sbur sem s ement 現金支出 Cash Disbursements
維修費用 Building Improvement 3%
($ 60,369)
*發展基金 ── 用作支持角聲整體性事工之發展 *Development Fund -- to support CCHC in developing her national/ internationl ministry
四川孤兒院備用金 Sichuan Orphanage Reserve Funding
經常費奉獻 Contribution 44%
發展基金* Development Fund* 3%
辦公室支出 Office Expenses 22% 同工薪津 Staff Salaries & Benefits 49%
$ $
81,960 號角月報 Herald Monthly Ministry 7%
同工 Staff
事工支出 Ministry Expenses 16%
郭炎美 Connie Kwok Director, Administration
Major Events: 2008 May July
5.12 Sichuan Earthquake Initial exploration of the possibility to establish 7月 探討在當地開設兒童村的可能性 a children village. Sept Signing an agreement with the local office. 9月 與當地有關官員簽署協議書 2009 Mar Groundbreaking Ceremony. Initial construction 2009年3月 舉行奠基禮(動土禮),隨即開始前期工程 began. Apr The project was suspended due to some 4月 因等候有關官方文件,工程被擱置 official documents were pending. Sept Signing the official contract. Construction 9月 與當地政府重新簽約,並聘請林伯臻(美 project restored. Franco Lam, a US architect 國回流香港的土木工程師)為駐當地同 returned to Hong Kong, was hired as the local 工,監管建築工程 project manager. 10月 建築工程正式復工 Oct Construction project resumed. 2008年5月 四川大地震
感謝神引領我加入角聲這個大家庭,負責日常行政、政策及人事管理。每天充滿喜樂和感恩! Thank God that I have joined the big family of CCHC-LA! My responsibility is to manage daily routine administrative works, policy and human resources. Every day serving at CCHC is full of happiness and thankfulness. 何家慧 Perry Ho
葉符麗儀 Wendy Ip
宋碧珈 Rebecca Soong
Assistant to the Superintendent
Project Coordinator
特約義工 Special Volunteers: Johnny Chan, Lawrence Chan, Sam Chan, Ruby Ng, Foxman Lee, Alice Lai, Pollyanna Lee, Frank Lam, Kitman Shum, Flora Tong, Rev. Joseph Chun, Florence Mak, Paulson Wan, Monica Chan, Monica Wong, Samme Ip, Sean Chou
財政報告 Financial Reports
全球角聲事工分佈圖 Worldwide CCHC Ministry District Map
診所事工 Clinic Ministry 7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009
現金收入 Cash Receipt 奉獻 Contribution 由醫療中心大樓撥款 Transfer from Building Fund 診金 Physician Fee
$110,000 $338,450
總現金收入 Total Cash Receipt
10 15 4 7 5 6 8
22 20
$ 13,146
19 1,2 3 14
31 28 25 29
現金支出 Cash Disbursements 同工薪津 Staff Salaries & Benefits 營運支出 Operation Expenses
$282,456 $226,816
總現金支出 Total Cash Disbursements
盈餘(不敷) Excess (Deficiency)
24 30 32 27
現金收入 Cash Receipt
現金支出 Cash Disbursements 奉獻 Contribution 3% 由醫療中心大樓撥 款 Transfer from Building Fund 24%
營運支出 Operation Expenses 45% 同工薪津 Staff Salaries & Benefits 55%
美國 USA
「角聲」德州休士頓分會 CCHC Houston Branch Office
紐約總部 New York Headquarter
「角聲」費城分會 CCHC Philadelphia Branch Office
《號角月報》巴拿馬版聯絡處 Herald Monthly Panama
角聲使命中心 Herald Mission Center
《號角月報》紐英倫版聯絡處 Herald Monthly New England
《號角月報》秘魯版 Herald Monthly Peru
城l市佈道中心 Urban Ministries Center
《號角月報》芝加哥聯絡處 Herald Monthly Chicago
《號角月報》蘇利南版 Herald Monthly Suriname
「角聲」南加州分會 CCHC Southern California District
《號角月報》瓜地馬拉版 Herald Monthly Guatemala
角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center
《號角月報》加東版(多倫多) Herald Monthly CanEast (Toronto)
《號角月報》阿根廷版 Herald Monthly Argentina
「角聲」國際事工 Herald International, Inc.
《號角月報》加西版(溫哥華) Herald Monthly CanWest (Vancouver)
《號角月報》委內瑞拉版 Herald Monthly Venezuela
歐洲 Europe
《號角月報》法屬圭亞那版 Herald Monthly France Guiana
《號角月報》英國版聯絡處 Herald UK
《號角月報》巴西版 Herald Monthly Brazil
《號角月報》歐洲版聯絡處 Herald Europe
《號角月報》千里達版 Herald Monthly Trinidad
診金 Physician Fee 73%
醫療中心大樓尚欠 Building Loan on 6/30/08 「醫療325」基金尚得 “Healing 325” Funding on 6/30/09
$675,989 $318,507
南加州分會東區辦事處 Southern California East San Gabriel Valley Office 聖地牙哥角聲中心 San Diego Herald Center
加拿大 Canada
「角聲」北加州分會屋崙福音中心 CCHC Northern California Branch Oakland Gospel Center 「角聲」餐業福音使團 CCHC Restaurant Gospel Ministry 「角聲」癌友關懷網 Herald Cancer Care Network 「角聲」護家中心 Herald Family Rebuilding Center 「角聲」德州達拉斯分會 CCHC Dallas Branch Office
中南美洲 South America
非洲 Africa
亞洲 Asia 20
「角聲」香港分會 CCHC Hong Kong Branch Office
中國福建省三明市角聲華恩兒童村 Sanming Herald Gratia Children Village
中東 Middle East 33
中國廣西省河池市華恩兒童村 Guang Xi He Chi Shi Herald Gratia Children Village
《號角月報》南非版 Herald Monthly South Africa
《號角月報》以色列版 Herald Monthly Israel 角聲網頁:http:\\www.cchcla.org
基督教角聲佈道團–南加州分會 Chinese Christian Herald Crusades, Southern California District
角聲社區中心 Herald Community Center 角聲癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association 角聲家庭中心 Herald Family Center 715 E. Mission Road, San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel. (626)286-2600 Fax. (626)286-2486
基督教角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center 923 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel. (626)286-8700 Fax (626)286-8650
角聲社區中心–東區辦事處 Herald Community Center - East San Gabriel Valley Office 19267 Colima Road, #J, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel. (626)964-9525 Fax (626)964-9521
聖地牙哥角聲中心 San Diego Herald Center 8912 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite 212, San Diego, CA 92123 Tel. (619)212-1796 Fax (858)277-7686