8院長的話: Nov to Dec 2009 It was already cold when I got back from America in mid-November. The tempreture dropped to 4 degree and it was no sun for almost a week. It makes me miss home so much coz there is always sunshine there! Thank God that finally the sun still came by to visit so that the tempreture went up a little bit higher. During this trip back to US, I had a chance to share the ministry in the children village in 2 churches and also the 17th Anniversary Banquet. Meeting the brothers and sisters after a year since I left, we encouraged each other through our sharing and thanksgiving. All the memory flash back each time I shared and again I affirmed that it’s all worth it. It’s almost near the Thanksgiving Season when I got back to Sanming, and coming December is my favorite month in a year coz this is a season of love. I want to thank Stephen for his message about thanksgiving, as an interpreter I learn a lot from him. “A person who are thanksgiving is a person who willing to give”, I love this sentence, it reminds me I need to share what I have. Christmas is nearby and I wish your heart will fill with love in this Christmas. (I know “busy” this word seems is a excuse, but I really can’t finish my newsletter on time and I’m really sorry about that. But even though it’s kind of late I still like to send my wish to you, coz Christmas is my favorite season.) Here’s some sharing: Letter to the children 11/26/09 Thursday As before, I wrote a letter to my kids in this season of Thanksgiving. I truly thank God for them. Dear child, Thank you for your smile, it brighten my day; Also thanks for your unconcern, so that I know I need more time with you. Thank you for your obedience, it shows that I didn’t do this for nothing; Also thanks for your rebellion, so that I know I hurt my parent’s heart years before. Thank you for your tiny notes, it wash away all my tireness; Also thanks for your jealousy, so that I know you really do care for me. Thank you for your hug, it makes me feel your love;
Also thanks for your bad attitude, so that I know I need more patient. Thank you for giving this oppoturnity to love you and be in your life, Thank you for making my life better and meaningful, Thank you for loving me coz I really, really love you. I do not have delicate speech or touching words, All I can do is prove it with my action. Please don’t forget our promise: ~“Love you always” Xue Shan Jie 2009 Thanksgiving Christmas at Sanming 2009
12/26/09 Saturday
Tonight’s program went well and everyone were exited. I spent 3 weeks to share with them the true meaning about Christmas during our weekly meeting, it’s not only for presents, big feast but a deep meaning behind this. I was worried when I prepared the message, will it be too much for them or too less that can’t bring out the point? But thank God that most of the children told me that they received the message that I brought out. This afternoon, the children can’t wait to put on their costume and hope that they will get the grand prize tonight. (I was worried at first that no one would like to involve in this activities therefore I tried to attract them by a big basket of snacks). I designed a old lady look for myself and dress up elaborately, as expected everyone was amazed by my make up skill (thank to my sister, Esther). By 5pm we can see so many strangers in our CV, a pirate, a killer, a superman, a little red riding hood, a witch, an Angel, a Mummy, a super fat lady and etc. I was wondering how come there were so many boys wanted to dress up like girls and girls dress up like boys…But anyway, everyone was excited and the cameras just keep snapping pictures for whole nights. After the Christmas feast, we started by some Christmas medley then followed by the presenting the best outfit of the night. We also had many games and finally reached the moment that the kids has been longing for ~ distributing the Christmas gifts. “we I look at the gifts under the Christmas tree wondering is there any gift for me? But it doesn’t matter coz I already received the most precious gift~ Jesus Christ”.” This is what I wrote on facebook. “Dear Jesus, today might not be the actual day you came to this world but on this
day that to remembrance you I wanted to say this to you again: Happy Birthday, thank you so much that you came.” Cried again 12/28/09 Monday Today I cried again when I talked a girl. Wonder why I’m always the one who start crying when I try to talk to them about their bad bahavior. I don’t want to cry so easily but the tears just can’t help faliing down. Perhaps I’m just another Jeremiah. When I think deeply I see this is a good sign coz it means that I still haven’t get numb by their attitude but still very care for them after a year. I always tell them that we had demands coz we care and I hope they would understand our hearts. With 90 kids and I always cry because of them and I said God, you loves each one of us in this world so much and I'm sure you always cry for our sins as well. I’m so fortunate to have you as my model. I will have more lesson to learn and facing more challenges but I will always remember your teaching,. Thank you for being with me. Thanksgiving: Thank God for His guidance all this year, there are always sunshine after the rain. Thank God for giving peace to my family members, most importantly my parents health so that I dont have to worry them so much. Also thank God for the two precious babies He gave us, they brought us so much joy. Thank my parents and all the family members for their supports, I cant keep on without them. Thanks to each prayer warrior, your prayers has been giving me firm and strong supports to me! Prayer Request: Pray for the kids to have soft heart. Most of them are stubborn and wont listen to us. Pray for the challeges in the new year, may God continue to use me as His useful utensils. Thank you for your prayer and support. May God bless you. His servant,
Joyce Mah
Sanming Herald Gratia Children Village( My old lady look. (I can see my future)
| Picture with the best outfit of the night.
| Kids with The Queen Dorcas
| Picture with two fairies.
| Fulled with gifts under the tree!!!
| Ji Gong, Superman, Clip Head...you name it, well have it.
| Picture with staff.
| SanMing Herald Gratia Children Village 2009