異象‧使命 Vision & Mission 揉合佈道工作與社會服務,建立一個整全的基督徒見證。 ‧ 以文字表達基督徒價值觀 ‧ 以佈道傳遞基督徒的信仰 ‧ 以服務活出基督徒的愛心
Building a holistic Christian witness through integration of community services and evangelism. ‧ Expressing Christian Values through Literature ‧ Proclaiming Christian Faith through Evangelism ‧ Demonstrating Christian Love through Services
目錄 Content 事工展望 Ministry Development
財政報告 Financial Report
事工剪影 Major Events
角聲使團 Herald Crusaders
社區服務 Community Services
癌症協會 Cancer Association
家庭中心 Family Center
籃球體育事工 Basketball Ministry
角聲社區中心─東區辦事處 Herald Community Center – East San Gabriel Valley Office
橙縣角聲中心 Orange County Herald Center
聖地牙哥角聲中心 San Diego Herald Center
號角月報 Herald Monthly
醫療中心 Health Center
中國兒童之家 China Children’ s Home
海外賬災 Overseas Disaster Relief
西安角聲學生中心 Xian Herald Student Center
創辦人/總幹事:勞伯祥 牧師 Founder / General Director: Rev. Pak Cheung Lo 顧問:陳伯輝 牧師、邱茂松 牧師、鍾世豪 牧師、黎彼得 牧師、劉富理 牧師 Advisors: Rev. Pak Fai Chan, Rev. Morson Chiu, Rev. Peter Chung, Rev. Peter Lai, Rev. Felix Liu Planning Committee 王慶元長老(主席) 、趙李秀珍、羅少瓊、戴斌、唐柏佳、胡翼權牧師 Elder Daniel Wong (Chairman), Agnes Chiu, Barbara Lem, Pin Tai, Bill Tong, Rev. Michael Wu 總監 Superintendent 李偉強牧師 Rev. David Lee 副總監 Associate Superintendent 胡嘉驥 Danny Wu
憑信踏出 到 成全生命 李偉強牧師
過去一年,角聲以《憑信踏出‧用心服侍》為主題。雖然面對著經濟的壓力和種種的挑戰,我們通 過不同的事工,用心服侍了超過八萬人,平均每週一千五百人。同時,我們也憑信踏上了以下四個 重要的里程:
成立《橙縣角聲中心》- 在爾灣地區租用辦事處,由當地一支義工團隊,推動癌症關懷、專業輔
擴充《醫療服務事工》- 醫療中心去年年底獲批成為「聯邦達標健康診所」,可以獲得更多資
出版《重投豐盛》詩歌專輯 – 角聲使團將以此主題到不同地方舉行音樂佈道會。計劃明年先後
《咸陽市角聲兒童之家》- 經過一年的建築工程,兒童之家於今年十月中旬開始接收當地的孤兒
和特困兒童入住,為他們提供一個溫暖的家。 踏入2015年,角聲的主題是《成全生命‧分享豐盛》。主耶穌曾說:「信我的人就如經上所說: 『從他腹中要流出活水的江河來。』(約翰福音7:38)」
一. 生命的成全 – 生命活水是從「腹中流出來」。 沒有上帝的同在,我們會因為不斷的付出而感到疲乏、枯乾,甚至耗盡。角聲今天的所有事工,不 是因為我們想要做,或是懂得做,乃是因為從上帝而來的異象、召命,和能力。真正的服事,是回 應上帝的託付,是對我們生命的成全。
二. 豐盛的分享 – 生命的活水是「流出的江河」。 活水是要不斷地流動,不然,便成了一潭發臭的死水。同樣,我們若要得著豐盛的生命,也需要學 習不斷的付出,透過實際的服事和對人的關懷,實踐信仰的真義。角聲在社區的服務,需要不斷的 付出和消耗。然而,過去廿二年,角聲一直在上帝的祝福下成長,告訴我們一個「活水的原則」: 越是願意跟別人分享,越能經歷上帝的豐盛。
A Step of Faith to Fulfill your Life From
Rev. David Lee
Last year, the theme of CCHC was“A Step of Faith, A Heart to Serve.”Although there have been many challenges and financial burdens, we have served 80,000 people through our various ministries, averaging 1,500 people per week. And by faith, we have reached four important milestones: Established the “Orange County Herald Center” – We have rented an office in the City of Irvine. It is operated by a local volunteer team and the ministry mainly includes cancer care, counseling and a youth enrichment program. Expansion of the “Health Ministry” – Since our clinic has just been designated a “Federally Qualified Health Center”, we can now utilize federal money to help more low income patients. Our annual visits are over 20,000, and we are in need of a facility expansion. “Return to Abundance” CD Album – The Herald Crusaders just released their new CD, and they will host a series of gospel concerts with the same title. In 2015, they will also organize 20th Anniversary Charity Concerts in Hong Kong, Sydney (Australia), and here in Los Angeles. Xianyang Herald Children’s Home – After a year of construction, the home opened in October, accepting orphans and children in extreme difficulty to provide them with a loving home environment. As we enter 2015 our new theme is, “Fulfill your Life, Share the Blessings.” Jesus once said, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘streams of living water will flow from within him’.” (John 7:38) 1. Fulfilling your Life – “The water flows from within” Without the Lord’ s presence, doing ministries will make us feel tired, dried up, and even burnt out. In CCHC, we work not because we want to or because we know how to, but because it is a vision, mission and passion from God. True ministry is a response to God’ s calling. It is a fulfillment of our life. 2. Sharing the Blessings – “Streams of living water” Only water that flows is “living water,” otherwise it becomes a puddle of smelly water. In the same manner, a blessed life is someone who knows how to share, and who lives out his or her faith through caring actions. The ministry of CCHC is a continuous giving and sharing with people in need. Yet, over the last 22 years, we have kept growing under God’s blessings. We have come to understand the “Principle of Living Water”-- the more we are willing to share, the more we can experience God’s blessings.
Fina n c i a l R e p o r t 南加州分會 Southern California District 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
其他收入 Other Income 15%
現金收入 Cash Receipt 奉獻 Contribution
事工收入 Ministry Income
其他收入 Other Income
總現金收入 Total Income
事工收入 Ministry Income 50%
現金支出 Cash Disbursement 行政部 Administration
佈道事工 Evangelism Ministries
本地事工 Local Ministry
奉獻 Contribution 35%
發展基金* Development Fund* 行政部 2% Administration 11%
中國兒童之家 China Children's Home
發展基金* Development Fund*
總現金支出 Cash Disbursement
佈道事工 Evangelism Ministries 12%
中國兒童之家 China Children’s Home 21%
盈餘(不敷) Excess (Deficiency)
*發展基金 ── 用作支持角聲整體性事工之發展 *Development Fund -- to support CCHC in developing her national/internationl ministry
本地事工 Local Ministry 54%
** 不包括醫療中心、賑災事工、及西安學生中心 **Excluding Health Center, Disaster Relief Ministry, and Xian Student Center
東區社區中心 East San Gabriel Valley 9% 社區服務 Community Services 21%
聖地牙哥事工 San Diego Ministry 2%
文字事工 Herald Monthly 18%
家庭中心 Herald Family Center 25%
癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association 25%
現金支出 Cash Disbursement 文字事工 Herald Monthly
癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association
家庭中心 Herald Family Center
社區服務 Community Services
東區社區中心 East San Gabriel Valley
聖地牙哥事工 San Diego Ministry
事工剪影 Major Events
2013-2014 同工 Staff:
建立癌症關懷團隊 招募一群有心參與癌症關懷事工的弟兄姊妹,提供密集 的專業訓練和退修會,建立團隊的精神後,再安排他們 直接參與關懷癌友的工作,並透過《綠洲團契》,建造 一個癌友的情緒和屬靈加油站。
行政部 Administration 陳惠玲 Cecilia Chan
Cancer Care Team The team recruits volunteers who are passionate about cancer care ministry and provides them with intensive training and a team building retreat. Trained volunteers then work directly with cancer patients. The Oasis Fellowship creates a place for cancer patients to recharge emotionally and spiritually.
Director, Administration / Herald Monthly
曾淑雯 Joanna Tsang Administrative Assistant
何家慧 Perry Ho Assistant to the Superintendent
葉符麗儀 Wendy Ip Finance
2013/8 大型《移民講座》 角聲社區中心與天下衛視和國泰銀行合作,舉辦 大型《移民講座》。由不同專人講解理財、法 律,以及社會福利等對移民息息相關的題目,共 512人出席,座無虛設,大家都獲益良多。
“New Immigrants”Conference CCHC, Skylink and Cathay Bank combined efforts and hosted a conference for new immigrants. Experts discussed financial and legal issues and social welfare benefits along with many other topics relevant to immigrants to America. A total of 512 people attended this workshop, learning and benefiting a lot.
2014/3 《青春無悔》 角聲家庭中心獲得「美國愛家協會」的委 託,舉辦《青春無悔》課程,幫助12-18歲青 少年建立良好的品格、正確的價值觀、在面 對誘惑如婚前性行為時,作出明確的決定。 今年三月,分別在聖蓋博市及東區舉辦講 座,共122人參加,反應熱烈。計劃日後將到 不同地區繼續推行 。
“No Apologies” CCHC was authorized by Focus on Family to use its“No Apologies”curriculum. The goal is to help teenagers 12 to 18 years old develop healthy character and proper values, so they will be ready to make good decisions when faced with temptations such as premarital sexual behavior. In March this year, the course was taught in both San Gabriel and in East San Gabriel Valley. A total of 122 people attended and the material was well-received. We plan to continue to host the curriculum and take it to other locations.
2014/4 敬牧餐會 與洛杉磯華人教會同工聯會合辦敬牧餐會,分 別在蒙市及爾灣舉行,招待近二百多位牧者及 社團代表出席。我們也藉此機會,在橙縣地區 介紹《橙縣角聲中心》的成立。
Ministers’Appreciation Dinner Along with the Greater Los Angeles Chinese Ministerial Association, we hosted Ministers’Appreciation Dinners in Monterey Park and Irvine. Close to 200 ministers and community leaders attended. We took advantage of the opportunity to share with those in Orange County about the establishment of Orange County Herald Center.
2014/4 同走愛心路 四百多人參與步行籌款活動,其中兩位從未間 斷參加、年屆九十的老姊妹,分別因為行動不 便和安息主懷而不能出席,卻有人願意接替她 們的位置,用行動繼續支持角聲的工作。之後 的慈善嘉年華會約一千人出席,氣氛熱鬧。
CCHC Walkathon Over 400 people participated in our walkathon fundraising event. We were without two elderly women in their nineties who had never before missed the walkathon. One is now unable to walk well and the other has gone to be with the Lord, but others stepped forward to take their places, using walking to continue to support the work of CCHC. The Charity Carnival afterwards had about 1,000 people in attendance, with a festive lively atmosphere.
建築效果圖 Construction Model
Xianyang Children’ s Home
The Xianyang Children’s Home is located in Shanxi Province, in Xianyang City next to Xian. The 14.5 acres of land was offered by the local government free of charge. With construction of 70,000 sq. feet in facilities, the Village has the capacity to accommodate 120 orphans and special needs children. Construction finished in September and the first group of children, about 40, has started to be accepted.
兒童之家位於中國陝西省咸陽市(即西安旁邊), 由當地政府免費撥地興建,佔地14.5畝,建築面 積七萬呎,最高可容納120名孤兒及特困兒童。 建築工程於今年九月完成,並開始接收第一批孩 子,約四十名。
2014/9 《重投豐盛》 詩歌專輯 角聲使團於九月推出全新現代中文聖詩專輯《重 投豐盛》,並以此主題,率先在香港浸會大學會 堂舉行一連五場的音樂佈道會,六千多人出席。 使團計劃日後再到不同地區舉行聚會。
“Return to Abundance”CD Album In September, the Crusaders released their new contemporary hymns album,“Return to Abundance.”With this as the main theme, we hosted five musical evangelical meetings at Hong Kong Baptist University. Over 6,000 people attended. We plan to host more of these events in other locations.
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
Community Services
Herald Crusaders
Cancer Association Family Center
籃 球 事 工
Basketball Ministry
東 區 角 聲
號 角 月 報
Herald Monthly
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
醫 療 中 心
Health Center
橙 縣 角 聲
Orange County Center
家 庭 中 心
San Diego Center
癌 症 協 會
ESGV Center
社 區 服 務
以現代中文聖詩傳遞永恆不變福音, 用動人心弦音符譜出敬拜讚美樂章。 Proclaim the Gospel through Contemporary Music, Worship the Lord through Inspiring Melody
從2013年7月至2014年6月,角聲使團在世界各 地共舉辦37場聚會,6,450人出席,其中175人決 志,另有十位弟兄姊妹願意全職事奉。 Herald Crusaders has held 37 meetings between July 2013 and June 2014, with 6,450 total participants, of whom 175 accepted Christ. Besides, 10 believers responded to the call for full-time ministry.
美國 USA - 加州California 9/21-22/2013 11/23/2013 12/15/2013
灣區華人聖經教會 聖蓋博第一衛理公會 聖蓋博第一華人浸信會
香港 Hong Kong 11/29/2013 11/30/2013 12/6/2013 12/7-8/2013 3/16/2014 7/4/2014 7/11/2014 7/12/2014 7/13/2014
基督教銘恩堂大埔堂 基督教宣道會東涌堂 拉法基金會 - 基督教宣道會希伯崙 中國基督教播道會尖福堂 播道書院道真堂 循道衛理聯合教會觀塘堂 觀塘潮語浸信會 基督教樂道會九龍城堂 宣道會愛光堂
音樂專輯CD Albums 全然為你 All for You 全地至高是我主 The Lord is the Highest 生命陶匠 Potter of Life 心弦接觸 Soul Connection 振翅翱翔 Soar Like an Eagle 祝福裡的琢磨 (單曲碟) Refined Blessings (Single) 讓愛留痕 The Traces of Love 重投豐盛Return to Abundance 2014
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
澳門 Macau 7/5/2014 7/6/2014 7/6/2014
北區宣道堂 美景宣道堂 高士德宣道堂
馬來西亞 Malaysia 3/7/2014 3/8/2014 3/9/2014 3/9/2014
吉隆坡加影衛理公會 吉隆坡衛理公會廣東堂 吉隆坡衛理公會廣東半山芭分堂 吉隆坡衛理公會廣東堂 10
Herald Crusaders
橙 縣 角 聲
七月,到香港和澳門多間教會舉辦音樂會,共60人 決志信主。澳門的一場培靈會中,有十位弟兄姊妹 回應呼召,願意全職事奉,在場所有牧者為著跪在 台前的他們按手禱告,求神使用他們。 In July, Herald Crusaders hosted meetings in both Hong Kong and Macau. A total of 60 people accepted the Lord. In the revival meeting in Macau, 10 believers responded to the call for full-time ministry. As these ten came forward and knelt before the altar, all the local pastors there laid hands on them and prayed for them.
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Cancer Association Family Center Basketball Ministry ESGV Center
東 區 角 聲
In March, Herald Crusaders hosted their first meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Due to the language needs there, in addition to Cantonese and Mandarin meetings, two of the meetings were bilingual with English translation. The gospel was not limited by language barriers, and 800 plus people attended the meetings. Over 30 people accepted the Lord.
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
三月,首次到馬來西亞的吉隆坡主領四場培靈佈道 音樂會。因應當地的需要,聚會分別以國、粵語舉 行,其中兩場更設有英語翻譯。言語的隔閡並沒有 阻礙福音的傳遞,合共800多人聚會,30多位決志 信主。
San Diego Center
家 庭 中 心
Herald Monthly
癌 症 協 會
Health Center
In September, Herald Crusaders released a new album, “Return to Abundance.” Held at the Hong Kong Baptist University Auditorium, a series of five gospel/revival meetings took place over three days, with a total of 6,000 attending. Over 100 accepted the Lord, and people responded to the songs and message in a very positive way.
社 區 服 務
Children’s Home
九月,角聲使團配合新專輯《重投豐盛》的出版, 在香港浸會大學會堂一連三日舉行五場《重投豐 盛》培靈佈道音樂會。共有6,000人出席,超過100 人決志信主。參加者對會中的詩歌和信息都有十分 熱烈的迴響。
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Ada Wong, Albert Law, Annie Wong, Anson Tang, Brandon Wang, Chun Ching Cheung, Connie Cheng, Derrick Chan, Doris Lee, Elaine Wong, Fay Lau, Felix Tam, Gary Chiang, Isaac Ng, Jenny Lai, Jocelyn Loong, Johnny Ng, Karen Lam, Kit Lai, Lawrence Siu, Leo Zhou, May Chan, Melody Cheng, Melody Loong, Patton Ng, Richard Han, Sai Man Lau, Samuel Wong, Steven Tam, Susanna Wong, Veronica Tse, Vincent Chan, Vivian Au
Recording Team: Vivian Au, Derrick Chan, May Chan, Patrick Chan, Connie Cheng, Jenny Lai, Kent11 Lai, Kit Lai, Jocelyn Loong, Melody Loong, Dongyi Yuan
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
hC Members:
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
協工 Volunteers:
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Family Center ESGV Center
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Health Center
醫 療 中 心
Childen’s Home
號 角 月 報
Herald Monthly
東 區 角 聲
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
San Diego Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
Beyond the Melody
這些年間,他們走過美洲、歐洲、澳洲,和亞洲。 留下的除了是舞台上的風采和美麗的詩歌外,更是 一夥夥被觸動的心靈。
Over the years Herald Crusaders have visited North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. They have left behind not only beautiful hymns and pleasant performances, but also hearts that were touched.
從門外到門內 有一年,角聲使團在美國德州帶領聚會。在呼召的 時候,有一對夫婦不約而同地舉起手來。接著在不 同的角落,有人抽泣起來。原來這對夫婦參加了教 會已有十年之久,但一直總是站在信仰的門外。因 此,當大家看見他們二人同時決志,終於走進福音 的大門,都非常感動,甚至為他們流淚感恩。
從加國到中國 四年前,角聲使團在加拿大多倫多一間教會帶領聚 會,當中提及有關角聲在中國的兒童村事工,會後 一位姊妹表示對此工作有負擔。她經過這幾年間到 當地的短宣探訪,在主裡的禱告尋求,再透過角聲 的安排,她終於在今年六月遷居中國的西安,出任 「咸陽市角聲兒童之家」的副院長。
從澳洲到澳門 去年三月,角聲使團到澳洲舉辦《讓愛留痕》音樂 會,除了傳福音,牧師也向基督徒發出呼召,要用 實際的行動,讓上帝的愛也能在別人身上留下痕 跡。其中一位弟兄回應了這個挑戰,希望能向自己 在澳門未信的親友傳福音。之後角聲使團兩次到澳 門佈道,他都特地從澳洲飛到澳門,帶他們去聽 福音。
From Outsider to Insider One year, the Crusaders hosted an evangelical meeting in Texas. In response to the altar call, a couple raised their hands and accepted Christ as their savior. At that very moment, someone in the audience started weeping because this couple had been in the church for over a decade, yet never once proclaimed their faith. As a result of their willingness to accept Christ publicly, everyone was encouraged and many even shed tears.
From Canada to China Four years ago, the Crusaders led worship services at a church at Toronto. At the meeting they mentioned about the ministry of CCHC Children’ s Village. After the meeting, a sister indicated she had a calling for that particular ministry. In the years that followed, she visited the Village as a shortterm missionary. After years of prayer, with assistance from CCHC, she eventually moved to Xian, China to serve as the vice principal of Xianyang Herald Children’s Home.
From Australia to Macau Last March, the Crusaders hosted another musical event, The Traces of Love, in Australia. Besides sharing the Good News, the pastor challenged the believers to act on their faith so that people could experience the love of our Lord. A brother in the audience accepted the challenge. He wanted to share the gospel with his relatives in Macau. When the Crusaders then hosted two evangelical meetings in Macau, this brother flew all the way from Australia to Macau just to bring his relatives to attend the evangelical meeting.
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
社 區 服 務
Community Services
Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s
法律諮詢 Legal
保險諮詢 Insurance 176
電話諮詢 Telephone Enquiry
10000 100000
各項申請 /服務Assistance with Forms and Applications 入籍/移民申請
Naturalization Application 285
Low Income Tax Return 1,978
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲
看信 / 填表服務 孕婦低費醫療 AIM Application
Forms Filling, Letter Interpretation 5,437
健康家庭保健計劃 Healthy Families 公證 / 翻譯
加州醫療卡 Medi-Cal /加州健保
Notary/Translation 17
2,038 長者/殘障者福利權益
糧食券劵 Cal-Fresh 374
Senior/Disabled Welfare 425
法律諮詢 Legal Consultation 其他 Others
兒 童 之 家
147 156 54
樓宇/契約 Building/Contract
錢債 Debt
車禍 Car Accident 13
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
醫 療 中 心
移民 Immigration
45 調庭
號 角 月 報
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
總人數 Total
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
ESGV Center
Orange County Center
San Diego Center
Herald Monthly
籃 球 事 工
Health Center
稅務諮詢 Taxation
Basketball Ministry
Children’s Home
生活諮詢 General Consultation 法律諮詢 Legal Consultation 各項申請 Assistance with Forms and Applications 興趣課程 Special Interest Classes 支援小組 Support Groups 老人探訪 Senior Visitation
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
生活諮詢 General Consultation
服務內容 Services
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
To Serve with Love, To Witness with Action
離婚 Divorce
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
Family Center Basketball Ministry ESGV Center
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
第一屆洛杉磯移民生活講座 Immigrants’Life Seminar
《全民健保與你息息相關》講座 Health Care Reform Seminar
溫馨攜手同遊‘福樂園’Outing for Seniors
21 週年餐會 21th Anniversary Annual Dinner 《送暖顯溫情》長者探訪 “Love Warms Your Heart” Senior Visitation
2014稅務巡禮 Taxation Workshop
10週年慈善粵曲欣賞會 Chinese Opera Night
角聲社區嘉年華 Charity Community Fair
格蘭長者大廈探訪 Senior Home Visitation
醫保在加州 California Health Insurance
電子廢物回收行動 E-waste Collection Event
5/31 7/12
《安享晚年全方位長者醫療及福利》講座 Seminar on Senior Health Care and Social Affair
480 422
Orange County Center
橙 縣 角 聲
健康常識講座 Health Workshop
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
Herald Monthly
籃 球 事 工
人數 (Participant)
Health Center
家 庭 中 心
活動 Event
Children’s Home
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
特別活動 Special Events
Herald Crusaders
東 區 角 聲
Through dancing, crafts, singing, workshops, outdoor activities and so on, mentally disabled teens are helped to develop their talents and establish social skills. The parents also meet together as a support group during this time. Meet every 1st and 3rd Sat, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm.
橙 縣 角 聲
曙光團契 Son-Light Fellowship 為肢體殘障人士而設的支援小組,藉歌唱 練習、生活分享、聖經真理、郊遊參觀, 來彼此支持、互相鼓勵。每月第二、四週 六,3:00pm-4:30pm舉行。 Provide a support group for the physically disabled. They meet together for singing, sharing, Bible study, outdoor activities etc. Meet every 2nd and 4th Sat, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm.
《送暖顯溫情》探訪計劃 “Love Warms Your Hearts” Senior Visitation
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
During Christmas season, visit and share God’ s love with the seniors in senior housings and convalescent homes.
Community Services Cancer Association Family Center
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
在聖誕節期間,到老人中心和療養院探 訪和關懷老人家,與他們分享神的愛。
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Basketball Ministry
透過跳舞、手工、歌唱、專題講座、戶外活動 等,幫助智障青少年發展潛能,建立社交技 巧。同時家長們也可互相支持。每月第一、三 週六,1:00 pm-3:00 pm舉行。
ESGV Center
籃 球 事 工
展能計劃 Challengers Program
Orange County Center
家 庭 中 心
San Diego Center
Provide seniors with activities benefiting both body and mind, including workshops, exercise, testimonies, nutritious meals, tai chi, benefits information, outings, etc. Meetings are held every Thursday, 10:30 am-12:30 pm.
癌 症 協 會
Herald Monthly
為長者提供有益身心、靈性與生活兼備的活 動。其中包括:講座、運動、見證、營養食 療、太極運動、福利資訊、旅行等。每週四 10:30 am-12:30 pm舉行。
Health Center
《歡樂家園》長者團契 Senior Fellowship
社 區 服 務
Children’s Home
關懷事工 Caring Ministries
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Cancer Association
家 庭 中 心
ESGV Center
橙 縣 角 聲
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
醫 療 中 心
Herald Monthly
號 角 月 報
Health Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Family Center
社 區 服 務
課程 Courses 音樂班: 鋼琴、電子琴、司琴培訓、吉他、聲樂 Music Program: Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Vocal
興趣班: 編織、烹飪、書法、繪畫、空手道、詠春拳、太極、健身 舞、粵曲 Interest Classes: Knitting, Cooking, Calligraphy, Drawing, Karate, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Fitness Dance, Chinese Opera
實用課程: 英文、入籍、電腦、中文輸入法、簡易圖片處理、平板電 腦、手機上網、基本維修課程、Power Point English, Citizenship, Computer, Chinese Input Method, Photo Processing, Tablet, Computer Maintenance, Power Point
同工 Staff:
劉鳳儀 Eppie Lau
宋碧珈 Rebecca Soong
鄧嵐 Lisa Deng
程卓華 Stacy Cheng
莫煥娟 Wun Kuen Mok
Director, Community Service
Project Coordinator
Community Service Assistant
Community Service Assistant
協工 Volunteers: 填表 Assistance with forms and applications: Trung Lam, Howard Cheng, John Ho, Michelle Yuen, David Cheung, Anita Cheng, David Zhou, Foch Tsai, Kwan Ying Tai, Gwen Chen, Lisa Khuan, Amanda Yang, Yin Lai, Kimberly Lam, Julie Ting, Angela Kao, Joshua Zhou, Maggie Yim, Marina Wong, Grace Chung, Peter Kwa 報稅 Income Tax Return: Howard Cheng, Phoebe Shen, Stanley Orr, Amenda Yang, Anita Ng, Mathew Li, Tony Shih, Trung Lam 興趣班老師 Tutors: Lisa Li, Ming Lipock, David Zhou, David Kwan, Raymond Chen, John Ho, Foch Tsai, Mina Yu, David Tong, Peter Kwa
團契 Fellowship: 長者 Senior: 王師母,蘇伯母,周子森牧師, Judy Guo, Elizabeth Eng, Wei-lan Poon, Pearl Lau, Grace Yu, Alice Lou, Annielee & Wayland Ma, Tony Chow, David Cheung 展能 Challengers: Chi To Li, Willie Tam, Chi Leung, Virginia Kong, David Tong, Vivian Chow, May Cheng, Allen Leung, Andrew Cheng, Chloe Deng, Erica Yip, Evan Leung, Katherine Fung, Connie Sui, Audrey Jow, Yendy Li, Sai Yuk Fong 曙光 Son-light: 忠仔, Phoebe Lew, David Lee, Peter Leung, Ivan Ko, Jennifer Chan, Angela Lo, 慧 芝,錢姊妹,嫻姊妹, Peter Kwa, Ruth, Rebecca, David Cheung 16
專業諮詢 Consultation: Anita Shum, Alexandra Yeung, Cindy Tao, Helen Yang, Vivian Chen, Yan, Yi Ping Wang, Gloria Ho 法律諮詢 Legal Consultation: Attorneys: Cloris Lam, Harry Liu, Edward Ip, Charles Pok, Kenneth Lee 社區活動 Community Activities: Lisa Li, Alice Lou, Simon Lai, Esther Chen, Lisa Lee, Christine Au Yeung, Kitty Lam, Pauline Chan, John Li, Ruby Eng, Maddelina Chu, Michelle Yuen, Julie Leung, Flora Ho, Betty, Yuki, Wai-lan Poon, Grace Yu, Jenny Yu, Yim, Irene Tsui, Alice Lai, Pollyanna Lee, Flora Tong, Paulson Wan, Sean Chou, Stanley Chan, Katherine Fung
Herald Crusaders
Through the support of Herald, a few of our Senior Fellowship volunteers also started an outreach program at an El Monte senior center. If you also want to partner with us in serving the seniors, please contact Herald and we would love to have you as a team to serve our God.
我盼望神可以讓我繼續服事長者朋友,除了在教會 長者團契丶、角聲「歡樂家園」團契服事之外;角聲 亦支持我和數位「歡樂家園」團契的義工以外展的 形式到El Monte的一所老人大廈開展新的團契事工。 若你有從神而來的感動,願意與角聲同工服事長者 朋友們,請與角聲聯繫;盼望能與你同工來服事神。
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Cancer Association Family Center Basketball Ministry
籃 球 事 工
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
三個月前,我雖然離任角聲的工作,卻不能離開「 歡樂家園」的團友丶同工們,繼續以義工的身份參加 來服事各長者團友。現在有全職工作的我可以有這 樣安排,除了是神主導之外;一定是有一様東西吸引 着我。若你想知道原因是什麼,請你逢星期四上午 十點半,親自到角聲來參觀了解,才能領會。
Even though I have left Herald for three months, I still come to help out as a volunteer in Senior Fellowship. Why? You may find out if you come to our Thursday meetings at 10:30am at the Herald Community Center.
家 庭 中 心
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
約莫二年前加入角聲後的工作,其中之一就是照顧 角聲的「歡樂家園」長者團契。這是一個逢星期四 都在角聲舉行的長者團圑契。它與教會長者團契不同 的地方除了每星期都有聚會之外,團友亦是來自不 同的教會;有不同宗派背景,但卻團結一致,同心 合意去事奉神。而且每一位同工都有獨特的恩賜並 且彼此相助。這是很獨特丶難得的表現,充分顯示神 的愛是在其中。
Although the seniors in our Senior Fellowship are from different churches and of different denominations, they would use their talents to serve God in one accord. They just want to lift up God’ s love in each meeting.
癌 症 協 會
ESGV Center
I grew up living with my parents and without any seniors in our family. Yet God prepared me to learn how to serve Herald’ s Senior Fellowship through the training of serving seniors at my church years before I joined CCHC.
Orange County Center
從小只與父母同住,家中亦沒有其他長輩;當所屬 的教會指派我去服事教會的長者團契時,心中十分 納悶;因為缺乏這種照顧長者經驗。雖不知神為什 麼有這樣的安排,只有安慰自己神必使軟弱的變剛 強;心中的納悶亦一掃而空。而多年的服事除了譲我 更關心長者們的需要之外,亦為我在服事長者朋友 的事工上打下基礎。
San Diego Center
David Cheung (Volunteer)
Herald Monthly
章可正 (義工)
社 區 服 務
Health Center
Close to My Heart
Childen’s Home
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
籃 球 事 工
Family Center Orange County Center San Diego Center
號 角 月 報
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
兒 童 之 家
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
醫 療 中 心
Health Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Children’s Home
橙 縣 角 聲
Herald Monthly
東 區 角 聲
Basketball Ministry
家 庭 中 心
ESGV Center
癌 症 協 會
Ca n c e r A s s o c i a t i o n
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
困顯 絕處迎生機‧病
s of air. Care in Time p s e D f o s e im T ope in
開懷學苑 Joy Luck Academy
講座 容光「換」髮美容 el Better Look Good…Fe 與美國癌症協會合作,提供 美容化妝課程,協助治療中 的婦女重建內在與外在的自 我形象。 In collaboration with the American Cancer Society, this two-hour class is designed to help female cancer patients to handle appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment and to rebuild self-esteem.
為完成乳癌治療兩年內的華裔婦女朋友所開設的 邁向康復課程,課程涵蓋了身、心、靈層面的需 要。採取學姊學妹制,讓新病友在學姊的細心關 懷中學習、成長。 A mentorship program with sessions on various topics for breast cancer survivors who have completed their treatment within the past two years.
“End-of-Life Care
水仙合唱團 Daffodil Choir
” Ministry
透過社區教育講座,提供有關生命末期關懷的資訊,來 提升華人家庭對於安寧療護及臨終關顧的認識與重視。 Providing education and information on end-of-life issues through community workshops to raise awareness of hospice and end-of-life care among Chinese families.
2007年成立,由喜愛歌唱的華裔癌症病友及家屬所組成。 Formed in 2007, the choir is consisted of Chinese cancer survivors and family members who enjoy singing.
11% 27%
肺癌癌友會 Lung Cancer 肝癌癌友會 Liver Cancer
Herald Crusaders
每月一次 Monthly
人次 (Participant)
東區癌友會(羅蘭崗) ESGV Support Group (Rowland Heights)
乳癌癌友會(聖蓋博) Breast Cancer (San Gabriel) 東區癌友會(羅蘭崗) ESGV Support Group (Rowland Heights)
每季一次(聖蓋博) Quarterly (San Gabriel) 肝癌癌友會 Liver Cancer 肺癌癌友會 Lung Cancer 腸癌癌友會 Colorectal Cancer 攝護(前列)腺癌癌友會 Prostate Cancer
4 4 4 4
47 90 97 69
癌症宣導與篩檢 Cancer Education and Screening 次數
乙型肝炎宣導講座與篩檢 Hepatitis B Education and Screening
乙型肝炎帶原者小組座談會Hepatitis B Patient Education
培訓 Training 次數 (Time)
人次 (Participant)
籃 球 事 工
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Cancer Association Family Center Basketball Ministry
腸癌癌友會 Colorectal Cancer
次數 (Time)
ESGV Center
乳癌癌友會(聖蓋博) Breast Cancer (San Gabriel)
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
攝護(前列)腺癌癌友會 Prostate Cancer
家 庭 中 心
Orange County Center
互助小組參加人次 Support Groups
San Diego Center
癌 症 協 會
Herald Monthly
社 區 服 務
Health Center
社區資訊 Cancer Information 關懷探訪 Visitation & Caring 喪親輔導 Bereavement Support 希望之聲 Newsletter“Voice of Hope” 臨終關懷講座 End-of-Life Care Seminar
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
電話諮詢 Telephone Help-line 互助小組 Support Groups 癌症手冊 Cancer Booklets 公共教育 Cancer Workshops 病患輔導 Patient Assistance 癌症篩檢 Cancer Screenings
Children’s Home
服務內容 Services
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
Community Services
癌友活動 Patient Activities
Cancer Association
家 庭 中 心
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
San Diego Center
號 角 月 報
Herald Monthly
橙 縣 角 聲
ESGV Center
東 區 角 聲
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Family Center
社 區 服 務
次數 (Time)
綠洲團契 Oasis Fellowship
第六、七屆開懷學苑 6th & 7th Joy Luck Academy
水仙合唱團 (練唱) Daffodil Choir Practice
病友「話療」手工坊Survivor Craft Workshop
容光「換」髮美容講座 “Look Good Feel Better”
癌友聯合聚會「水仙迎春」Joint Cancer Support Group
第八屆希望研討會8th Chinese Hope Conference
癌友與家屬一日遊 Patients and Family Outing
第七屆粉紅絲帶研討會 7th Pink Ribbon Conference
東區癌友感恩餐會 ESGV Thanksgiving Luncheon
第十二屆癌友慶生會 12th “Celebration of Life” Luncheon
「生命末期關懷」系列講座 “End-of-Life Care” Workshops
07/1/2013~06/30/2014 新癌友的人數及癌症類別 Newly Reached Cancer Patients & Cancer Sites 142 28 23 12
Health Center
醫 療 中 心
10 8 8 7
Childen’s Home
6 兒 童 之 家
3 3 3 3 2 2
Disaster Relief
海 外 賬 災
2 2
Xian Student Center
2 西 安 學 生 中 心
人次 (Participant)
總人數 Total
7 5
乳癌 Breast 肺癌 Lung 大腸直腸癌 Colorectal 淋巴腺癌 Lymphoma 肝癌 Liver 卵巢癌 Ovarian 鼻咽癌 Nasopharyngeal 攝護腺癌 Prostate 胃癌 Stomach 胰臟癌 Pancreatic 子宮癌 Uterine 子宮頸癌 Cervical 子宮內膜癌 甲狀腺癌 Thyroid 血癌 Leukemia 骨癌 Bone 舌癌 Tongue 腦癌 Brain 食道癌 Esophagus 一種以上癌症 Multiple Cancers 其他 Others
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
劉寶鳳 Carrie Liu
Assistant Director of Patient Service, HCA
Project Coordinator, HCA
Program Assistant
(Senior Community Service Employment Program Participant)
籃 球 事 工
協工 Volunteers:
開懷學苑 Joy Luck Academy (JLA) 協工 Volunteers - Wendy Huang - Yuchuan Yang 學姐 Mentors 第六屆 (6th JLA) Eva Hsu, Man Ying Chen, Judy Wang, Sierra Pon, Shireen Duong 第七屆 (7th JLA) Man Ying Chen, Judy Wang, Min Qiu Hu, Davina Vuong, Ellen Chan 講員 Speakers Dr. Jeannie Shen, Dr. Freda Cheung, Debbie Hwang, Annie Petzholt, Sheila Wu, Dr. Willow Liu, Hazel Ng, Yueh-Guei Book, Kitman Shum, Wendy Li, Angela Young, Alice Kan, Tina Ivie
癌友互助會 Cancer Support Groups: 講員 Speakers Dr. Yi-Kong Keung, Dr. Weber Chen, Dr. Jeannie Shen, Dr. Amy Wang, Dr. David Hsu, Dr. Stephen Huang, Dr. Maureen Chung, Dr. Felix Yip, Dr. Jeffery Tsai, Dr. Willow Liu, Dr. Pauline Mok, Dr. Eddie Lam, Michael Wang, Rachel Dunham, Suzie Kline, Angela Young
協工 Volunteers 乳癌癌友會 Breast Cancer Support Group Jenny Yu, Man Ying Chen, Linda Liu, Minqiu Hu, Nancy Liao, Susan Tuan, Ellen Chan, Esther Cheng
容光「換 」髮美容講座 “Look Good ... Feel Better” 講員 Speakers Kitman Shum, Anna Hsu, Amy Cheung, Pinky Chan, Michelle Hamry
綠洲團契 Oasis Fellowship 會長 Leader Annie Petzholt 協工團隊 Volunteer Team Rev. David Chi, Heidi Chi, Pauline Shen, Alice Kuo, Simon Saeheng, Rae Saeheng, Grace Kao, Yoshi Lue, Siao Ying Tu, Amy Lee, Jaime Peng, Yuchuan Yang, Amy Cheung, Gary Chen, Rose Wong, Goldie Tsai, Melody Tsou, Shireen Duong, Chi Ho 水仙合唱團 Daffodil Choir 團長 Nancy Peng 副團長 Esther Hsu 指揮 Kristine Yeh 伴奏 Annie Petzholt 委員 Committee Members Kristine Yeh, Nancy Peng, Esther Hsu, Helene Lin, Margarita Chung, Lysia Hao
生命末期關懷事工籌備委員 End-of-Life Care Project Planning Committee Members Gary Chen, Li-Yung Hou, Sophia Yeung, Jordan Su, Regina Wang, Angeline Chu
特別感謝清泉谷基督教會、南灣同工華人聯 會、聖城華人基督教會、橙縣華人協會及羅 蘭崗華人協會提供義工人力支持角聲乙型肝 炎活動。 Special thanks to Orange County Chinese Christian Assembly, South Bay Chinese Ministerial Association, Crosspoint Chinese Church, Chinese-American Association of Orange County and Rowland Heights Chinese Association for providing volunteers to support HCA’s hepatitis B community education and screening events.
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
ESGV Center
Angela Young, Chris Chen, Betty Chang, Jordan Su, Regina Wang, Sophia Yeung, Lysia Hao, Ivy Lin, Ping Huang, William Zhang, Yanna Huang, Le Tran, Alice Kuo, Kim Cheng, Shireen Duong, Tonga Duong, Hannah Qi, Fen Wang, Christine Wu, Anita Wong, Jason Hao, Yang Yu, Xuhong Jin, Judy Wang, May Liang, Mei Zhung Yan, Mei E Guan, Grace Kao, Teresa Yuen, Lucy Wang, Yiwen Chung, Sierra Pon, Lydia Hsueh, Tanie Hong, Wendy Tran, Man Ying Chen, Yu-Ping Wei, Yu-I Wei, Josh Cheung, Benjamin Cheung, Debby Hung, Sherry Huang, Steven Young, Wen-Mai Chen, Eunice Chen, Shie-Lu Gu, Ivan Chiang, Catherine Chiang, Alex Hou, Lisa Hou, Sam Wood, Jessie Wood, Tina Chow, Chris Ngai, Ada Ngai, Tony Ip, Brenda Ip, Lydia Po, Amy Lin, Erin Lin, Lucy Liu, Karl Chen, Yi Zhao, Julia Xu, Heidi Liang, Shirley Shih, Stephanie Lee, Dorcus Geng, Hui Chan Wu, Jane Li, Linda Liu, Tiffany Xu, Yan Chen, Jet Yeh, Helen Xie, Etta Cheng, Susanna Dayala, Vincent Chang, Alan Chiu, Weena Chiu, Mil Tse, Rosanna Wan, Raymond So, Michael Ng, Sam Young
Orange County Center
實習生 Interns
特別活動 Special Events
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
東區癌友會 East San Gabriel Valley Support Group Alice Lin, Li Ye, Yan Hou, John Wang, Junhua Zhu, Jianer Lin, Teresa Yuen, Yuet Tak Wong, Minna Wong, Jean Liu, Cicy Wu, Amiee Liu
Kwan-Ying Tai, Teresa Yuen, Lysia Hao
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
辦公室 Office
Yuchuan Yang, Cindy Liu
家 庭 中 心
Cancer Association
張智毅 Michael Zhang
Family Center
陳淑華 Jill Tan
癌 症 協 會
Basketball Ministry
Director of Breast Health Program, HCA
San Diego Center
Director, HCA
Herald Monthly
Senior Director, HCA
Health Center
王玨人 Carol Wang
社 區 服 務
Children’s Home
楊王惠真 Lucy Young
陸丁乘 Alice Loh
Community Services
同工 Staff:
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Family Center
橙 縣 角 聲
醫 療 中 心
唐素美 (癌症倖存者) 2013 年一月中旬,我咳得很厲害又鼻塞,還有流鼻 血、呼吸困難及發高燒的症狀。經過各樣檢查後, 得知的結果是非常殘酷的 ─ 我竟罹患第四期的鼻咽 癌!我在三月中開始化療,一共九次。五月份開始 接受35次的放療。放、化療的副作用折騰我太多: 嘔吐不斷,發冷發燒,口乾,口腔潰爛難以嚥水, 沒胃口進食,便秘,肚瀉,失眠,失聲…等等。四 個月的治療令我身心靈都崩潰,我感到無法再捱下 去了。就在六月底經過個人及家人懇切的禱告及國内 內外眾多肢體的代禱,我憑著單純的信心仰望全能 的上帝,交託我餘下的日子給祂!
Sumi Duong (A Cancer Survivor) In January of 2013, I suffered from severe coughing, a stuffy nose, difficulty in breathing and a high fever. After a series of tests I received the devastating news -- I have fourth stage nasopharyngeal cancer. During the three months of chemotherapy, I had nine treatments. In May, I started my 35 sessions of radiation treatment. The effects of the radiation treatments made me vomit, feel chills or feverish, have constipation and suffer from dry mouth. The ulcers in my mouth made me unable to swallow; I had loss of appetite, diarrhea and insomnia. I lost my voice... and so on. Four months of treatment totally collapsed my body and spirit. Around the end of June, through the prayers of myself and my family as well as many other people’ s prayers in this country and internationally, I decided to rely on my faith in God and let Him take care of the rest of my days on earth.
第一次參加「綠洲團契」的聚會,是因為最初有角 聲癌症協會的同工偕同一位鼻咽癌癌友來探望我, 鼓勵我要走出癌症的陰霾!我在「綠洲團契」聚會 中聽到快樂美妙的歌聲就被觸動了,整個心跳躍起 來,也融入在聚會的氣氛當中。癌症協會的楊師 母、同工、協工,與其他人溫馨的安慰,實在讓我 好感動!每次參加「綠洲團契」,我都從大家的分 享中得到對屬靈生命及生活的啟啓啓發。我嚴重的憂鬱 症有很明顯的改變,就是因為我多親近上帝 (快樂 的源頭) 及在「綠洲團契」中認識愛主又愛我、常 常關心我的姐妹,當然也有哥兒們!我也願意效法 「綠洲團契」的精神,擔任協工去關懷有需要的 人!
I attended the gathering of Oasis Fellowship for the first time after I was visited by a staff person from Herald Cancer Association (HCA) and a cancer survivor also suffering from nasopharyngeal. They encouraged me to leave the darkness of cancer behind! At Oasis Fellowship meetings, hearing the beautiful music and songs touched me, and my heart leaped in response. I melted into the wonderful atmosphere of the gatherings. Mrs. Young from HCA along with other staff and volunteers offered their loving care to me, and this truly moved me. Each time I attended the gathering of Oasis Fellowship, listening to others’sharing gave me inspiration about my spiritual life and being alive. My severe depression got noticeably better as I got closer to God, the source of happiness, and as I got to know sisters with love for God and for me. They (and the brothers too) care for me so much. I want to follow their footsteps in the spirit of Oasis Fellowship to go care for others who are in need.
Herald Monthly
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Rainbow after the Darkness
Health Center
號 角 月 報
Children’s Home
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
籃 球 事 工
Orange County Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
Herald Crusaders
癌 症 協 會
全人教育、才德兼備、全人關懷、身心俱長 Holistic Education: Virtue & Intelligence, Holistic Concern: Physical & Spiritual
家 庭 中 心
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
Family Center
Family C e n t e r
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
電話評估 Phone Screening
精神病 Mental Illness
首次面談 Initial Assessment
婚姻衝突 Marital Conflict
婚前輔導 Pre-Marital Counseling
家庭暴力 Domestic Violence
家庭/婚姻/親子協談 Family/Marital/ Parenting Consultation
憂鬱焦慮 Depression and Anxiety
親子教育 Parenting
青少年情緒/行為問題 Children and Youth
兒童學習障礙 Children Learning Problems 癮癖行為(毒品、賭博、上網) Addictive Behaviors 性別困惑 Gender Issue 生活壓力 Stress
性別困惑Gender issue Consultation
情緒輔導 Emotional Consultation
癮癖行為(毒品、賭博、上網) 輔導 Addictive Behaviors Consultation 靈性輔導 Spiritual Coaching Consultation 升學/就業 Career/College
哀傷失落 Grief and Loss 生命重建 Spiritual Coaching
18 10
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
ESGV Center Orange County Center San Diego Center
服務個案 Served Cases 電話諮詢 Telephone Enquiries
Emotional/Behavioral Disturbances
(July 2013-June 2014)
橙 縣 角 聲
18 海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
提供各項個人、家庭、夫婦輔導及 治療 Offer Individual, family, couple counseling services on:
輔導項目 Counseling Services
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
專業輔導 Professional Counseling
Herald Monthly
東 區 角 聲
Health Center
預防/倡導 Prevention / Education 展翅跨文化成長計劃 Project Ascent Cross-Cultural Youth Leadership Training
Children’s Home
專業輔導 Professional Counseling 青少年成長計劃 Youth Enrichment Programs
籃 球 事 工
Basketball Ministry
服務項目 Services
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
Community Services
服務次數及類別 By Session and Category
社 區 服 務
籃 球 事 工
Cancer Association Family Center Orange County Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
San Diego Center
號 角 月 報
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
Health Center
橙 縣 角 聲
醫 療 中 心
憂鬱症輔導 Depression Counseling 1140
情緒輔導 Emotional Counseling 378
20% 15%
暑期成長計劃 Summer Enrichment Program (10 weeks)
家庭/婚姻/親子協談 Family/Marital/Parenting counseling 483 教牧/信仰/靈性輔導 Pastoral/Spiritual Counseling 10
Xian Student Center
74 Students
週六英數班及SAT Prep. Saturday Math and English Clinic/SAT
214 Participants
27 Participants
14 Participants
展翅計劃 (跨文化青少年領袖訓練) Project Ascent---Cross-Cultural leadership Training 結合中西文化優良傳統,培養第二代華裔青少年,成為具備國際視野、領袖才能、勇於 承擔責任、樂於服務社群的精英。 Equipping 2nd generation Asian Youth to become a person with a global perspective and leadership skills, be responsible and willing to serve the community.
生活體驗: 烹調101 Cultural Exploration - Making Cinava 西 安 學 生 中 心
婚前輔導 Pre-Marital Counseling 103
青少年成長計劃項目 Youth Enrichment Programs
Herald Monthly
東 區 角 聲
諮詢評估 Assessment 323
Basketball Ministry
家 庭 中 心
ESGV Center
癌 症 協 會
升學/就業 Academic/Career Consultation 18
台東阿尼弗兒童之家 Taitung Kidsalive International
Herald Crusaders
關懷事工工作坊 Care Ministry Workshop
《走過憂傷‧迎向彩虹》Seminar on Grieving
《走過憂傷、迎向彩虹》支援小組 Grieving Support Group (6 sessions)
健康自我形像講座 Healthy Self-Image Workshop
婚姻輔導講座 Marriage Counseling Workshop
青少年教育輔導課程 Youth Counseling & Education Course
分享探訪雅安地震災民 Ya-An Earthquake Disaster Relief/Caring Ministry
家長親職教育講座 Parenting Conference
『如何防治耗盡』講座 “How to Beat Burnout?” Seminar
父母管教技巧-5堂 Parenting Classes (5 sessions)
創傷與危機輔導 Hurt & Crisis Counseling Courses
助學金講座 FAFSA Workshop
3/22 & 29
《青春無悔》講座“No Apologies”Seminar
3/22 & 29
親子教育講座 Parenting Workshop
『照顧長者需有智慧』講座 Wisdom of Caring for the Seniors Workshop
情緒管理 Emotional Management
『資源匯集』課程--3堂“Convergence 2”-- 3 sessions
5/3-4 & 17-18
創傷與危機輔導技巧 Hurt & Crisis Counseling Technique
情緒管理 Emotional Management
時間管理 Time Management
家庭輔導技巧 Family Counseling/Conflict Resolution
預防憂鬱症講座 Prevention of Depression
滾動愛心保齡球賽 First Annual Bowling Charity Event
癌 症 協 會
家 庭 中 心
籃 球 事 工
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Cancer Association
Family Center
親子教育講座 Parenting Workshop
Basketball Ministry
ESGV Center
Orange County Center
信徒夫妻關係成長班-9堂 Marital Enrichment Class for Christians
San Diego Center
Herald Monthly
Health Center
長者健康講座 Emotional Health for Elderly
Children’s Home
社 區 服 務
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
出席人次 Attendants
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
特別活動 Special Events
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
ESGV Center
橙 縣 角 聲
海 外 賬 災 西 安 學 生 中 心
Herald Monthly Health Center Children’s Home
兒 童 之 家
Disaster Relief
醫 療 中 心
吳子良 Sam Ng Clinical Director, Living Grace Counseling Services
Director, Family Center
鍾馮淑兒 Suky Chung
嚴鄧正儀 Janice Teng Yen
嚴王嵐 Lan Wang Yim
馮慧蘭 Ada Fung
Service Coordinator
M.A., Registered Marriage and Family Counselor
M.A., Family & Pastoral Counselor
Service Assistant
張惠嫻 Winnie Cheung Service Assistant
趙楊愛雲 Annette Jewik
蘇炳甘博士 Dr. Anthony So
韓鄭綱 Caroline Han
張錦亮 David Chang
MFT, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
PhD., Registered Marriage and Family Counselor
MFT., Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor
M.Div., Family and Pastoral Counselor
(PT Staff)
Xian Student Center
號 角 月 報
同工 Staff
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
父女兵 ─ 保齡球賽“Love Spinning”Bowling Event
秦黃業玲 Jessica Chun
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
Family Center
家 庭 中 心
國泰銀行慈善高爾夫球賽善款受益單位之一 Being selected as one of the charitable beneficiaries for Cathay Bank Charity Golf Tournament
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
林賈士基 Esther Lin
鄺朱蘋瑜 Margaret Kwong
莫世諄博士 Dr. Pauline Mok
謝奇美 Rebecca Zia
M.A., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
MFT, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Psy. D.
M.S.W., Registered Associate Social Worker
(PT Staff)
協工 Volunteers: 老師 Teachers:
暑期成長計劃 Summer Enrichment Program:
Alex Dent, Colleen Louis, Jonathan Tsang, Shannon Ho, Stephanie Cheung, Karen Xie, Yu Kim, Addison Bu, Aaron Chia, Josh Shih, Kevin Tsang
Karen Xie, Marco Seow, Addison Bu, Victor Zhang, Terrance Zheng, Richard To, Mandy Phung, Joshua Chun
家庭服務 Family Services:
輔導事工 Counseling Services:
Anita Shum, Anita Wang, Berrie Tsang, Catherine Wong, Chole Tsang, David Zhou, Dr. Freda Cheung, Jedidiah Chun, Jensine Chun, Rev. Joseph Chun, Joshua Chun, Peter Leung
Caroline Han, Margaret Kwong, Dr. Pauline Mok, Rebecca Zia
實習生 Interns: Trinity Wang, Ida Dam, Catherine Wong
Herald Crusaders
籃 球 事 工
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
Cancer Association Disaster Relief
海 外 賬 災 西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Family Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
ESGV Center
I have been receiving counseling from Herald Family Center for 4 to 5 years. Due to several factors and the pressures of life, I suffered from psychosis disorder and depression. Before my diagnosis, I was a computer engineer. Because of my sickness, I lost my job and hid myself at home. I lived under the frustration of fear and depression. Thankfully, my mother got in touch with Mr. Ng of Herald Family Center. He visited and counseled me. Mr. Ng also brought me to see a psychiatrist and helped me apply to a rehabilitation center. Later on, Dr. So became my counselor. To prepare me to return to the work force, he granted me an opportunity to volunteer at CCHC. Now, I am healed and already found a full-time professional job. Under the guidance of the counselors, I became a Christian. Mrs. Hao, one of HFC counselors gave me a Bible and encouraged me to study it. Even though I had many questions about life and God, therapist Ms. Wang patiently listened to me and guided me. Through our discussions, I grew a deeper understanding of the Bible, the Church, and Christ, and have learned how to love God and His people.
Orange County Center
我在角聲家庭中心接受輔導,已有四、五年的時 間了。生病前,我是個電腦工程師。在種種壓力 和打擊下,我患了思覺失調和抑鬱症。因此丟了 工作,並把自己關在家裹六年,生活在迷惘、恐 懼、抑鬱中。後來母親找到角聲的吳主任來探訪 我,他不只輔導我,更帶我去看精神科医 醫 生,並 聯絡政府的復康職訓中心,安排我到那裏接受培 訓。其後,蘇博士成了我的治療師,為我的復職 做準備,他安排我在角聲當義工。數年間,我漸 漸康復,年初,更終於找到一份全職的專業工 作。此外,在輔導員的引導下,我認識了基督。 我以前沒有閲 讀 過聖經,對基督的認識是很片面。 其中一位輔導員郝太太送一本聖經給我,並鼓勵 我多讀聖經。在閲 讀 的過程中,我雖然遇到了許多 困難,但輔導員王小姐很耐心地聽我提出的問 題,鼓勵我多作思考,並和我一起討論,使我對 基督和教會有更深入的認知,並學習愛神愛人.
San Diego Center
A Client
Herald Monthly
社 區 服 務
Health Center
Childen’s Home
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders
籃球體育事工 Basketball Ministry
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
籃 球 事 工
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
ESGV Center Orange County Center Children’s Home
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
Herald Monthly Health Center
兒 童 之 家
Xian Student Center
醫 療 中 心
西 安 學 生 中 心
華人基督徒籃球聯賽 Chinese Christian Basketball League
參與教會 Participating Churches:
San Diego Center
橙 縣 角 聲
號 角 月 報
Be a gospel platform for churches to reach out the non-believers.
參與隊數Total Number of Teams: 17
東 區 角 聲
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
洛杉磯靈糧教會 (Bread of Life Church)
羅省華人宣道會 (Los Angeles Chinese Alliance Church)
羅省華人聖經宣道教會 (Chinese Bible Missions Church of Los Angeles)
洛杉磯國語浸信會 (Mandarin Baptist Church of L.A.)
羅省華人美以美教會 (Chinese United Methodist Church)
羅省基督教新曙光教會 (Sunrise Community Church)
聖迦谷羅省基督教會 (First Evangelical Church of San Gabriel Valley)
Iglesia Evangelical Latina Temple Bethel, International Church
路得會合一堂 (First Evangelical Lutheran Church)
角聲青少年籃球會 Herald Youth Basketball Club 藉籃球活動,培養健康身心,團隊精神。歡迎8歲 至16歲青少年參加。 Through basketball activities, we nurture the well-being of the body and mind and strengthen teamwork skills. Welcome to 8-16 years old youth.
參加人數 Number of Members: 196
胡嘉驥 Danny Wu Operation Director
協工 Volunteers: 華人基督徒籃球聯賽網站維護 CCBL Webmaster: Shek Lam 青少年籃球會教練 Youth Basketball Club Coaches: Nathaniel Wu, Jonathan Miu, Dennis Lo, Sean Carrera, Candice Yen, Nelson Chan, Jason Argo, Kevin Chu, Thomas Trac, Vincent Ung, Jeff Lim 28
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
To Serve with Love, To Witness with Action
家 庭 中 心
服務項目 Services 興趣課程 Interest Classes 關懷佈道 Caring Evangelism 健康篩檢 Health Screening
籃 球 事 工
長者福利及電費補助 Senior Welfare and Electricity Assistance
橙 縣 角 聲
低收入家庭報稅 Low-income Tax Return
326 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
3015 138 10,900
電話諮詢 Telephone Enquiries 2,650
生活諮詢 Other Enquiries 0
號 角 月 報
10000 100000
醫 療 中 心
角聲美味人生餐福 Delightful Life Restaurant Fellowship
癌友互助會 Cancer Support Group
(每週三 Every Wednesday 10:00pm) 650 人次 participants
(每月第三週六 Every 3rd Saturday 2:00pm) 212 人次 participants
《送暖顯溫情》療養院探訪 Convalescent Hospital Visitation
角聲華人戒賭互助會 CCHC Gambler Support Group
(每週五、六 Every Friday & Saturday) 4,120 人次 participants
(每週二Every Tuesday 8:00pm – 9:30pm) 384 人次 participants
兒 童 之 家
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
法律諮詢 Legal Consultation
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
生活實用課程 Interest Classes
San Diego Center
Herald Monthly
申請糧食券及醫療卡 Cal Fresh & Medi-Cal Applications
Health Center
服務人次 Statistics
Orange County Center
ESGV Center
東 區 角 聲
Children’s Home
生活諮詢 General Consultation 協助申請 Application Aid 癌症服務 Cancer Services
Cancer Association
癌 症 協 會
Family Center
Basketball Ministry
社 區 服 務
Community Services
Herald Community Center, ESGV
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
Community Services
特別活動 Special Events
Family Center
籃 球 事 工
San Diego Center
號 角 月 報
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
人次 (Participant)
2013 7/29 & 9/28
B型肝炎帶原者座談會 Hepatitis B Patient Education
平板電腦的認知與使用 Use of Tablet PC
《 活得更健康 》講座 Live Healthy Workshop
退休規劃及健保改革講座 Retirement Planning and Health Care Reform Workshop
《全民健保與你息息相關》講座 Health Care Reform Seminar
驗血檢查Blood Test
10/12 & 10/19
社區健康日 Community Health Day
電子廢物回收活動 E-Waste Recycling Program
2014 2/1
大學助學金講座 FAFSA Workshop
CLEO 節能講座 Energy Saving Workshop
《青春無悔》講座“No Apologies”Seminar
父子同心同行嘉年會“Father and Children Together”Carnival
長者醫療福利講座 Senior Medical Benefit Workshop
B 型肝炎講座 Hepatitis B Workshop
Children’s Home
醫 療 中 心
活動 Event
Health Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Herald Monthly
橙 縣 角 聲
Orange County Center
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
55 103 30
江彭娟明 Sandy Chiang
宋學玲 Susan Song
Assistant Center Director, ESGV (volunteer)
Program Assistant, ESGV
Herald Crusaders
鄭淑英 Sue Zheng Program Assistant, ESGV
梁蕙蘭 Vivian Leung
陳小玉 Compound Chan
Program Assistant, ESGV
Program Assistant, ESGV
籃 球 事 工
橙 縣 角 聲
John Wang, Catherine Wang
專業諮詢 Professional Consultations:
稅表填報 Tax Preparation:
Cloris Lam, Jim S. Wei
Simon Shen, Shirley Chang, Ken Lin, Tiffany Lau, Kevin Lin, Tony Lin, Weena & Alan Liu, Tina Chow
療養院探訪 Convalescent Home Visitation:
健康日 Health Fair:
Yong Li Chang, Shirley Chen, Pat Wong, Mei Hsu, Maggie Ma, BoBik, Anita Tang, Ding Han Jiang, Bill & Alice Leung, Noreen Tang, David Chu, Paul & Mrs. Lin, Alex & Lily Ip, Zhiling Yu, Bill Leung, James Lui, 羅省東區華人播道會, 鑽石崗羅省基督教會, 羅蘭崗基督徒禮拜堂
Sharon Chow, Lilian Chou, Dr. Alex Leung, Dr. Doughton, Kimberly Fung, Lisa Li, Kathy Gao, Ruth Co, Na Jia He Chou, Shay Lin, Allan Tang, Darcy Du, Ning Ta Hsu, Angela Wen, Etta Cheng, Fang Chen, Jaime Peng, Jinny Kung, Miu Lau, Novita Shyr, Xin Feng
癌友互助會 Cancer Support Group:
《號角月報》派發 Herald Monthly Distribution:
Yan Hou, Li Ye, Jianer Lin, Jun Hua Zhu, Amiee Liu
Ben Lun, Kai Shui Mak, William Chou, Felix Wong, Min Lau, Jason Ng, Alex Kwan, Jerry Cheng
角聲美味人生餐福 Delightful Life Restaurant Fellowship: Miu Lau, May Chou
社區活動 Community Services: Young Li Chang, Jerry Cheng, Selina Jaung, Stella Leung, Tam Anita, Etta Cheng, Tina Chow, Susanna Dayala, Mil Tse
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Cancer Association
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
角聲華人戒賭互助會 Gambler Support Group:
Celia Szeto, Benjamin Yu, Dorothy Hsu, Lisa Peng, Aimee Liu, Wing Lee, Doris Au, Min Lin, Allan Hew, Wenqin Zhang, George Yang, James Tung
號 角 月 報
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
興趣班老師 Class Teachers:
Family Center
東 區 角 聲
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
協工 Volunteers:
Basketball Ministry
Center Director, ESGV (volunteer)
ESGV Center
Advisor, ESGV
SCSEP (Senior Community Service Employment Program)
Orange County Center
江宗哲 T. J. Chiang
San Diego Center
楊王惠真 Lucy Young
家 庭 中 心
Herald Monthly
同工 Staff:
癌 症 協 會
Health Center
英文會話班、入籍班、電腦班、電腦 iPad班、網上eBay班、電子琴基礎班、歌唱班、粵曲班、 二胡班、創意繪畫班、空手道班、健康舞蹈班、太極拳班、兒童歌唱班等 English, Citizenship, Computer, iPad, eBay, Keyboard, Singing, Chinese Opera, Erhu, Drawing, Calligraphy, Karate, Folk Dance, Tai Chi ,Children’s Choir etc.
社 區 服 務
Children’s Home
興趣班 Interest Classes
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Family Center Basketball Ministry
東 區 角 聲
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Health Center
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
海 外 賬 災 西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
醫 療 中 心
Disaster Relief
號 角 月 報
Herald Monthly
橙 縣 角 聲
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
San Diego Center
家 庭 中 心
ESGV Center
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
在角聲的第一天… 經歷神
First Day Volunteering in Herald …… Experiencing God
Mil Yue Tse (義工)
Mil Yue Tse (Volunteer)
在羅蘭崗角聲做義工已有幾個月,每次能幫助別 人,我內心便感謝神!給我最大鼓勵和感動是我 工作第一天的經歷。
I have been working as a volunteer in CCHC’ s East San Gabriel Office for several months. I always praise God whenever I have a chance to help people. The first day I reported to duty, I encountered the most heartwarming and encouraging moment.
那天早上十一點,一位女士拿著一袋文件,請我 替她解釋信件、申請醫療保險和報稅。我告訴她 報稅服務在下週一才開始,而且下星期都已經約 滿;若有人取消預約,才可請她來。
It was around 11:00 a.m. A lady came in with a handful of documents. She needed assistance with several issues: translating a letter, applying for Obamacare and filing her income tax returns. I told her the tax return filing service would not be available until the next week and that the bookings were full. Unless there was a cancellation, she would not be able to get an appointment for the following week.
當我為她看信件時,她很憂慮,原來她兒子申請 大學政府補助要求提供2013的稅單,她住很遠, 又怕開長途車。我問她我可否為她祈禱,她答 應。我們便一起求神給她平安,把她的需要交給 主,求主幫助。 午餐時,我問主任可否讓我幫她填稅表。因我有 會計工作經驗,主任很支持。下午我告訴這客人 這消息,她很高興。當我用電腦為她報稅時,電 腦卻出現狀況。這時,另一位男義工進來辦公 室,他誤以為那一天開始報稅服務,最後這男義 工完成了這客人的報稅單。我們一同讚美主,主 答允我們早上的禱告,絕非偶然。
In order to complete her son’ s application for Federal Student Aid, she had to file her tax returns. She lived far away and did not feel comfortable driving on the freeway, so she was very anxious during the time I translated the letter for her. With her permission, we prayed together. We prayed for God to grant peace and that she would lay down her burdens to Him.
這客人在離開角聲前對我說,她的牧師最近提出 一問題,如果你們只剩下三個月的生命,你們希 望做什麼呢?她告訴我她希望經歷神,她又很感 動地說:「今天我經歷了神!」
At lunch, I shared with my supervisor about this lady’ s situation and asked if I could help her to file her tax returns. Because of my accounting background, I got a green light. When I shared this news with the lady, she got very excited. However, I was not able to download the online tax form. At that very moment, a volunteer rushed into the office. He thought the tax service was starting that day. In no time at all, he helped this lady to file her tax return. We all praised the Lord for answering our prayers. It was not a coincidence!
我在角聲體會「服務人羣,見證上帝」這使命, 感謝主!
The lady told me that in response to her pastor’ s recent sermon, she had indicated she would like to experience God. With a smile on her face, she said,“Indeed, I have experienced God today!” On that day, I was able to comprehend the mission of CCHC: Serving People, Witnessing Christ. Praise the Lord! 32
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
家 庭 中 心
2/3 4/5 4/13 4/28-29 5/17
參與角聲癌友關懷培訓會 Participated in the Herald cancer caregiver training 組織步行隊伍出席《同走愛心路》,為橙縣事工籌款 Organized a walkathon team to raise funds for Orange County ministries 橙縣社區領袖/教牧乙型肝炎宣導講座餐會 Hosted Gatekeepers Hepatitis B Education Dinner 派代表出席角聲全美癌症闗關懷研習會(紐約) Attended Herald Nationwide Chinese Cancer Care Conference in New York 爾灣乙型肝炎講座與篩檢活動 Hosted Hepatitis B Workshop and Screening
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
Herald Monthly: Coordinator: Tina Chow & Eunice Chen Lily Ho, John Tsoi, Chris Ngai, Susan Wong, Mia Lee, Elaine Sue, Jian Zhang, 李俊民牧師, 章小芳, 章小芬
黃之怡 Sherry Huang Coordinator, Orange County (Volunteer)
Cancer Care Ministry: Sherry Huang, Wen-Mai Chen, Eunice Chen, Lisa & Alex Hou, Jessie & Sam Wu, Cathy & Ivan Chiang, Sandy Lee
蔡米玹 Michelle Tsai Project Coordinator, Orange County
Youth Education Ministry: Sherry Huang, Lydia Po, Chris Ngai, Tony & Brenda Ip
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
協工 Volunteers:
兒 童 之 家
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
同工 Staff:
Cancer Association
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
與橙縣信徒分享角聲異象 Shared CCHC’ s vision with brothers and sisters in Orange County
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
San Diego Center
青少年成長事工 Youth Enrichment Programs
Herald Monthly
癌症關懷 Cancer Care
Health Center
專業輔導 Professional Counseling
Children’s Home
服務項目 Services
Family Center
癌 症 協 會
Basketball Ministry
社 區 服 務
Community Services
Orange County Herald Center
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
聖地牙哥角聲中心 Sa n D i e g o H e r a l d C e n t e r
Family Center
籃 球 事 工
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Orange County Center Health Center
兒 童 之 家
西 安 學 生 中 心
以愛心服務人群,用行動見證基督 To Serve with Love, To Witness with Action
服務項目 Services 癌友互助會 Cancer Support Group 專業輔導服務 Professional Counseling
健康講座 Health Workshops 家庭親子講座 Family Workshops
Cancer Care 癌症關懷
Counseling 心理輔導
Health Care 醫療服務
提供個別癌友輔導、 舉辦互助會、癌症篩檢 (乙肝),及社區醫學講 座。 Provides personal consultation for cancer patients, organized support groups and offered cancer screening (Hepatitis B), and a community medical workshop.
招募及組織當地專業輔 導員及心理學家,為個 別有需要的人士提供專 業心理輔導,並舉辦專 題講座。 Local licensed counselors and psychologists were recruited and organized to provide professional counseling to people in need, and also hosted related workshops.
舉辦大型的社區健康 日,提供疫苗注射,和 基本身體檢查等服務。 並籌劃在當地開設專為 低收入家庭而設的牙醫 服務。 Organizes a “Community Health Day” to provide flu shots and basic physical checkups. We are also planning to set up dental services for low income families.
Care Network 關懷網絡 各教會派出義工組成「關懷大 使團隊」,接受角聲的訓練, 安排家訪社區中的癌友、重病 患者、身體不適的長者。若病 人及家人願意,帶他們到教會 得到屬靈關顧。 A “Caring Ambassador Team” will be organized, with delegates (volunteers) from local churches. They will be sent out to visit cancer patients, the chronically ill, and seniors in the community who are sick. If those visited are willing, they can also go to churches to receive spiritual care.
同工 Staff: 顧問 Advisers: Rev. Albert Lam, Rev. Jack To 工作委員會 Working Committee: Stephen Wu, Nelson Leung, Wilson Wang
Xian Student Center
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
醫 療 中 心
Children’s Home
號 角 月 報
San Diego Center
橙 縣 角 聲
Herald Monthly
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
朱黃金鳳 Grace Chu
焦力忻 Katherine Liao
張有鄰 Lynn Chou
Center Director, San Diego (Volunteer)
Assistant Director, San Diego (Volunteer)
Administrator, San Diego (Volunteer)
癌症的認知:食療篇 Cancer and Nutrition
關懷事工工作坊 Caring Ministry Workshop
了解老人痴呆及健忘症(2) Understanding Alzheimer Disease and Amnesia (II)
全民健保講座 Health Care Reform Seminar
聖誕送溫情(與靈糧堂合辦) Senior Home Evangelical Outreach (co-sponsored with Bread of Life)
家居安全講座 Home Safety Workshop
照顧老人痴呆及健忘症患者(3) Caring for Alzheimer Disease and Amnesia Patients (III)
2/22 3/15 5/24
社區健康日(與聖地牙哥華人傳道㑹合辦) Health Fair (co-sponsored with Chinese Evangelical Church of SD) 社區健康日(與榮光基督教會合辦) Health Fair ((co-sponsored with Glory Lutheran Church of SD) 社區健康日 (與愛加勉宣道㑹合辦) Health Fair (co-sponsored with Agape Chinese Alliance Church)
Herald Crusaders
家 庭 中 心
籃 球 事 工
Community Services Cancer Association Family Center
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
《醫療改革知多少及低收入福利》講座 Health Care Reform and Social Benefit Workshop Oceanside Senior Center 福音佈道 (與靈糧堂合辦) Evangelistic Meeting in Oceanside Senior Center (co-sponsored with Bread of Life) 鄰居嘉年華 (與聖地牙哥美南浸信會合辦) Neighborhood Carnival (co-sponsored with First Chinese Southern Baptist Church of SD)
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
Orange County Center
社 區 服 務
San Diego Center
活動 Event
Herald Monthly
日期 Date
Health Center
特別活動 Special Events
角 聲 使 團
Office Support: Ka Yan Chu, Scott Yee, Can Ng
Cancer Care Ministry: Sandy Liu, Eva Bao, Fung Lin Lai, Lucinda Wong, Melissa To, Sherry Wu
Others: Dr. Susanna Chou, Dr. Charles and Grace Liu, Judy Wu, Cindy Leung, Lillian Wang, Cyrus Chan, Lewes and Peter Leung, Josiah Lee, Stephen Wong, Ronnie Yu, Pastor Jenny Tsai, Pastor Tom Lin, Cheng Roo Chang, Terry Hui, Fuk Cheong Yik, Donny Khuu, Charles Chu, Andy Wong, Corina Sun, Kelly Fang
兒 童 之 家
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
Counseling Ministry: Hiedi Chan, Julia Yang, Agnes Tsoi, Dr. Tim Liu, Jesse Sun
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
Herald Monthly: Andrew Leung , Sam Chu, David Siu, Edmond Chan, Vivien Gok, Amy Chan, Le Chu, Bill Chu, Elaine Siu, Michael To, Jason Tong, Andy and Lucy Chu, Andy and Sandy Yu, Kathy Tang, Paul Ho
Children’s Home
協工 Volunteers:
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Family Center
籃 球 事 工
號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
Orange County Center San Diego Center
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Herald Monthly
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Health Center
橙 縣 角 聲
Childen’s Home
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
I’ d Rather Have Jesus
楊邱葉 (義工)
Julia Yang (Volunteer)
來角聲做志願者是我的願望,因為角聲為在心靈上 軟弱的,身體上有需要的人提供幫助。我在成為心 理治療師的過程中,服務過不少地方,比如,戒毒 中心,無家可歸者服務中心,厭食治療中心,退伍 軍人中心,監獄,以及診所等地方。多數這些地方 用政府提供的經費,所以有明確的規定,在為患者 提供幫助的時候不可以用“神”這個字。故此,幫 助人就完全依賴於治療師的技術。可是我過去許 多的經歷讓我清楚地體會到,我在許多方面是軟弱 的,而且就是在我軟弱的地方,方能顯出神的大能 和榮耀。每當我感到優越時,神就會用祂的方法, 讓我謙卑下來。
Volunteering at CCHC is my dream comes true because I have always wanted to help those that need help physically or emotionally. Before I became a therapist, I served in various working environments. For example, I spent time working in drug rehabilitation centers, homeless shelters, treatment centers for those with eating disorders, veteran service centers, prisons and clinics. Since most of these organizations were funded by the government, we were strictly prohibited to use the word“God”with our beloved clients. Thus all treatments were provided from a human perspective, even though my past experience has shown me I have many limitations and weaknesses. Thankfully God magnified His glory and power through my limitations. Whenever I was conceited and boastful, God would humble me.
“神說:你們要安慰,安慰我的百姓。”(以賽亞 書40:1)我們安慰人不是靠自己,而是我們成為一 個掏空的管道,讓主的愛經過我們流出去,流向被 幫助的人。我對“我寧願有耶穌”這首歌理解更深 了。
As the Scripture says,“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.”(Isaiah 40:1). God is the one who can bring comfort to people, not us. What we need to do is empty ourselves and become a channel of blessings so the love of God can flow through us to those who need help. My experience has brought me to a deeper understanding of the content of the hymn,“I’ d Rather Have Jesus.”
Herald Crusaders
Heral d M o n t h l y
社 區 服 務
以文字作為渠道‧將福音帶入人群 Utilizing Literature as the Channel, Bringing Gospel into the Community 夏威夷州 Hawaii 2,500
聖地牙哥縣 San Diego 2,700 橙縣 Orange County 7,600
洛杉磯縣(東區) East San Gabriel Valley 6,500
2014 尊重生命 珍惜生命 Respect and Treasure Life
消暑解熱 Beat the Heat
全民健保 息息相關 Obama Health Care Plan
什麼是 上帝的粒子? What is the God Particle?
ESGV Center
哇,地震了! Earthquake
與青少年溝通 How to communicate with teenagers
誰是你偶像 Who is your Idol?
橙 縣 角 聲
大麻真面目 The Truth about Marijuana
號 角 月 報
同工 Staff: 陳惠玲 Cecilia Chan
葛莊麗美 Belle Chuang
朱灝文 Alex Chu
張弦 Yin Cheung
Director, Literary Department
Advertisement Manager
Graphic Designer
校對及打字 Proofreading & Typing: Thomas Tran, Kathleen Ting, 戴鄧冠英 郵寄 Mailing: 吳黃和盛,劉陳玉英,蔡永福,唐允助夫婦, 余鐵邦,沈程志芬,楊小齊
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
協工 Volunteers: 文章 Article: 黃鄧敏,楊東川牧師,余創豪,趙時良, 陽光, 葛虹
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
發行 Distribution: 曾國強牧師, 楊廣權, 陳惠蘭, 謝作堅, 楊緒昌牧 師, 蔡權民, 余鐵邦, 黎澤光牧師, 盧光臨牧師, Bill Tong, Chanel Ma, Alice, Thomas Tran, Jenny Yu, Tony Chow, David Cheung, Kitty, Peter Ng, Florence Mak, Stacey Lan, Lisa Poon, Andrew Leung, Roger Ho, Lisa Yu, Cecilia Ip, Lisa Deng, Simon Chan, Sam Chang, Shirdy Lee, Tammy Lee, Ruby, Wendy Ip, Esther, Gordon Lee, Perry Ho, 韓騰, Barbara Lem, Annielee Ma 37
地區聯絡 Outstation: 夏威夷州 Hawaii: 迦南社區福音中心、夏威夷中信福音中心 亞利桑那州 Arizona:Ken & Maggie Tong 科羅拉多州 Colorado:Paul Lam 橙縣 Orange County:Tina Chow, Eunice Chen
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
做一個 現代的阿Q Modern “Ah Q”
亂婚世代 Marriage in the 21st Century
Orange County Center
男女有別?! 孩子們何去何從? Transgender Bath Room Bill
San Diego Center
一男一女 一生一世 One Man for One Woman For Life
東 區 角 聲
Herald Monthly
籃 球 事 工
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
家 庭 中 心
Health Center
Southern California Edition:
洛杉磯縣 Los Angeles County 22,200
Basketball Ministry
亞利桑那州 Arizona 3,000
Family Center
科羅拉多州 Colorado 500
Children’s Home
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Family Center
籃 球 事 工
Orange County Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Health Center
醫 療 中 心
Childen’s Home
號 角 月 報
Herald Monthly
橙 縣 角 聲
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
不可多得的報紙 梁鈞 (讀者)
Herald Monthly is a real treasure!
《 號角 》是一份在美西南區不可多得的報紙。
Kwan P. Leung (Reader)
我遷居洛市逾十年,因居住在荒野郊外老人村,華 人不多,華文報章僅從電腦找來看。去年底,應友 人邀約到San Gabriel相聚,餐後在一超市門外取到一 份《 號角 》,也不是十分重視它,只是免費的就拿 回家空時看看吧!但轉眼數月後的一天,《 號角 》 呈現在書報堆中,拾起一讀,嘩!!不讀則已,一 讀便不忍釋手,原來世間尚有一份這樣珍貴、值 得閱讀的報章?其內容豐富,專題外,尚有“綜合 時世評論”、副刊的天倫樂、趣味人生和恩泉信箱 等,更使我眼前一亮的是宣揚基督教義。
Herald Monthly is an exceptional newspaper in the American West.
說真話,我雖是一個年逾八十老頭,退休也逾十 載,更不是基督教徒;簡單生活卻一天從早忙到 晚,早上六七點起來,略進早點,便外出步行半小 時,進而在村內游泳池浸浸冷熱水,回家看看、聽 聽洛市華語電視、電台一兩小時,再略進一些清淡 午餐後,便埋頭在電腦中,讀一些至親友好從email (電郵)傳來的勸世文章、健身操練、健康食譜,隨 而世界大事、台灣芝麻小事給那群喪心病狂的傳媒 狂吠變成“大事” ,唯恐天下不亂! 幸好電腦也可讀到或看到一些“真聞” ,但想讀到 一份如《 號角 》這樣客觀、純潔、立場公正和宣揚 教義的報章,可說是“何可多得”?
I moved to Los Angeles over a decade ago and live in senior housing in an outlying area where Asians are rare and Chinese papers are only available online. Last year I came across Herald Monthly outside a supermarket in San Gabriel. I didn’ t pay too much attention, but since it was free, I took it home to look over later. A few months later, I noticed it still among my pile of newspapers and I started reading it. Wow! I couldn’ t put it down. It has numerous columns and with great content! Besides news and editorials, the sections such as Family Life, Life Interest, and Living Grace Mailbox proclaim the teachings of Jesus. To be honest, I am an old man in my eighties, retired for some time, and I am not a Christian. Yet my simple life has kept me busy each day starting at 6 am. After breakfast, I take a walk and then swim in the pool. Following that I go home and listen to the Chinese radio or watch some Chinese TV for about two hours. After a light lunch, I sit at the computer to check email and to search out interesting news and subjects. It is fortunate the internet can provide a lot of news, but Herald Monthly has objective, honest, fair-minded content, as well as sharing Christian teaching. How can you have too much of that?
Herald Crusaders
角 聲 使 團
醫療中心 為低收入/沒保險者提供高品質、低收費的全人關懷醫療服務 To provide quality and affordable holistic health care for the underserved
服務項目 Services
Dental Director (Volunteer)
吳周秀蘭 Carolin Eng
司徒秀慧 Emily Szeto
Chief Operation Officer (Volunteer)
Chief Financial Officer/Administrator
行政 Administration
周偉鳴 Raymond Chow
楊鄧佩霞 Amanda Yang
Office Manager
Business Manager
佘智媚 Bernabeth Ho
王心如 Alice Wang
Outreach Coordinator
Administrative Assistant
張爽 Ivy Zhang
李泳樺 Lillian Li
Eligibility Staff
Eligibility Staff
劉雋軒 Xen Lau
Vivian Velasquez
Eligibility Staff
Billing Clerk
Basketball Ministry
Founding Dental Director (Volunteer)
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
鄭治平醫生 Vincent Cheng
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Orange County Center
余甘棠醫生 Stanlake Ye
籃 球 事 工
San Diego Center
Medical Director (Volunteer)
Herald Monthly
Founding Medical Director (Volunteer)
Health Center
陳筱芬醫生 Hsiao Fen Chen
Children’s Home
陳清義醫生 James Chen
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
管理層 Management
董事會 Board of Directors: 王慶元長老 Elder Daniel Wong 徐吳瑞英 Christina Hsu 余甘棠醫生 Dr. Stanlake Yee 鍾伍妙麗 Margarita Chung 胡翼權牧師 Rev. Michael Wu 黃少先 Edward Wong 葉智良 Edward Ip 岑文潔芝 Kit-Man Shum 楊瑞昌牧師 Rev. John Duong 趙李秀珍 Agnes Chiu
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
同工 Staff:
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
基本醫療 Basic Health Care 身體檢查 Physical Exams 兒科保健 Pediatric Care 牙齒護理 Dental Care 癌症篩檢 Cancer Screening 防疫注射 Immunization 醫師諮詢 Physician Consultation 營養諮詢 Nutrition Consultation 健康講座 Health Education Workshops 白卡註冊 Medi-Cal Enrollment
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
Community Services
Health Center
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
社 區 服 務
醫療/牙醫服務 Clinic & Dental Services
服務人次統計 Patient Visits 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
新病人統計 New Patients Statistic 7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
醫 療 中 心
Health Center
號 角 月 報
醫科 Medical 2,926
醫科人次 Medical Visits 24,756
ESGV Center Orange County Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Herald Monthly
橙 縣 角 聲
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
Basketball Ministry
Dental Visits 籃 球 事 工
牙科 Dental 2,122
行政 Administration 林紫惠 Amy Lin
丁保梅 Bao Mei Ding
繆佩娟 Christine Lieu
馮嘉寶 Christine Phong
唐柳秀卿 Connie Tong
陳少屏 Shirley Chan
周銘軒 David Zhou
郭錦華 Franky Kwok
Office Clerk
Office Clerk
曲王巧瑛 Jessica Chiu
黎錕德 Linly Lai
嚴鳳明 Maggie Yim
胡鳳菱 Ranada Wu
Office Clerk
Office Clerk
Office Clerk
Office Clerk
胡靜儀 Ching Yee Wu Custodian
Herald Crusaders
橙 縣 角 聲
「投保加州」認證之代辦中心 Certified Covered CA Enrollment Entity
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
「聯邦特許醫療中心」 Federally Qualified Health Center 成為「聯邦特許醫療中心」,可以服務更多有 需要的社區朋友 Certified as Federally Qualified Health Center and more needy people can be served.
號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
Community Services Disaster Relief
海 外 賬 災 西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
角聲醫療中心獲得「投保加州」認證成為代 辦中心並免費為群眾提供投保服務。 HCHC is certified by Covered CA to provide free enrollment assistance to the public.
Cancer Association ESGV Center
東 區 角 聲
Orange County Center
加州州政府為低收入及沒有醫療保險的婦 女,提供免費的乳房X光造影和子宮頸抹片 檢查。藉此患者可以早期發現,早期治療。 Free Mammograms and Papsmears are provided by the State of California for women who are lowincome and have no medical insurance, leading to early detection, early treatment.
San Diego Center
成為認可的「病者醫療之家─最高級別的榮譽」 Recognized as“Patient-Centered Medical Home” by National Committee for Quality Assurance with the Highest Recognition Level 3.
籃 球 事 工
Herald Monthly
「病者醫療之家」 Patient-Centered Medical Home
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
癌 症 協 會
Basketball Ministry
社 區 服 務
Health Center
社區健康日 Health Fair
Children’s Home
加州婦科癌症篩檢計劃 Every Woman Counts-Cancer Detection Program
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
籃 球 事 工
Family Center Orange County Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
海 外 賬 災 西 安 學 生 中 心
Health Center Children’s Home
兒 童 之 家
Disaster Relief
醫 療 中 心
Xian Student Center
號 角 月 報
Herald Monthly
橙 縣 角 聲
San Diego Center
東 區 角 聲
Basketball Ministry
家 庭 中 心
ESGV Center
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
醫療團隊 Medical Team 吳培輯 Pei Chi Wu
林毅賢醫生 Michael Lam
張瀛之醫生 Susan Jung
黃至文醫生 Van Chi Vong
Associate Medical Director
Medical Doctor
Medical Doctor
Medical Doctor
閻世庭醫生 Yvonne Yen
麥翁智才 Pattie Mak
張越華 Theresa Truong
張秉東 Tung Ping Cheung
Medical Doctor
Nurse Practitioner
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant
車華蘭 Rosanna Che, RN
黎慶佑 Alvin Lai
秦小瓊 Carol Chun
符緻穎 Gigi Fu
Clinical Coordinator
Referral Coordinator
Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse
蔡綿真 Jane Cai
朱越 Jody Zhu
張延婷 Amy Zhang
張子豪 Jimmy Chang
Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant
蕭培莉 Lily Siu
何映霖 Joyce Ho
石觀德 Arthur Shek
谷思聰 Cindy Gu
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant
梁惠紅 Helen Leung
李漢盈 Hon Ying Li
Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant
彭如玉 Judy Peng Phlebotomist
牙醫團隊 Dental Team 鄒盛恩醫生 Jerry Tzou
朱逸祾醫生 Alvin Chu
湯廣信醫生 Daniel Tang
郭德福醫生 David Kuo
Associate Dental Director
陳佳佳醫生 Debra Tan
李冠義醫生 Kuan Yi Lee
何嘉盈醫生 Tracy Ha
伍雪瑩醫生 Seran Ng
侯海玲 Hai Ling Hou, RDH
周陳秋水 Kimberly Chow, RDA
趙美嫻 Angel Trieu, RDA
Jennifer Semanovich
Treatment Coordinator
Dental Hygienist
Dental Coordinator
Registered Dental Assistant
劉景欣 King Yan Lau
廖俊萍 Amy Liao
Clara Arcos
鄭敏秀 Michelle Cheng
Registered Dental Assistant
Dental Assistant
余月意 Michelle Yu
方永萍 Winnie Fong
Dental Assistant
Dental Assistant
鄺陳美鳳 Kitty Kwong
林泰峰 Tom Lin
Dental Assistant
Office Clerk (SCSEP)
Dental Assistant
Dental Assistant
Edith Fortuna Dental Assistant
梁順佳 Joyce Liang Dental Assistant
Herald Crusaders
癌 症 協 會
10/27 驗血檢查 Blood Test
10/27 社區健康日 Community Health Day
2014 1/1 2/1
獲得聯邦藥物補助計劃 340B Drug Pricing Program
成為「洛縣我的健康路」免費保健計劃的代辦機構 Certified as “My Health LA” agent
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
成為「聯邦特許醫療中心」 Certified as“Federally Qualified Health Center” 成為「投保加州」認證的代辦中心,提供免費申辦白卡及購買 醫療保險服務 Certified Covered California Enrollment Agency. Provide free services for Medi-Cal and Covered California application 成為認可的「病者醫療之家─最高級別的榮譽」 Recognized as “Patient-Centered Medical Home” by National Committee for Quality Assurance with the Highest Recognition Level 3
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Orange County Center
San Diego Center
免費流感疫苗注射( 全季) Free Flu Shot (whole season)
籃 球 事 工
Basketball Ministry
Herald Monthly
2013 10/19 社區健康日 Community Health Day
家 庭 中 心
Health Center
醫療健保改革講座(10場) Ten Workshops on Health Care Reform
Children’s Home
2013 Sept– 2014 Feb
人次 (Participant)
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
活動 Event
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
Family Center
特別活動 Special Events
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
A Thank You Letter
To the staff of Herald Clinic:
Cancer Association
感謝神,祂差派你們以愛來服事這個世代,以基督的 心來見證祂的榮美!讓洛杉磯的華人因為你們的付出 與幫助得到祝福! 堅強的醫師陣容,總是微笑親切的護士小姐,使人溫 馨又最有耐心的櫃台同工們,是角聲最吸 引人,感動 人又榮耀神的好見證。
Thanks be to God for sending you to serve this generation with love, to manifest His Glory through you having the same mindset as Christ Jesus. The Chinese community in Los Angeles has been greatly blessed by your devotion and assistance.
社 區 服 務
癌 症 協 會
Basketball Ministry
東 區 角 聲
醫 療 中 心
San Diego Center
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Herald Monthly
號 角 月 報
Health Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Childen’s Home
橙 縣 角 聲
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
ESGV Center
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
角 聲 使 團
謝謝湯醫師(牙科),他是我遇見最好的牙醫師,手輕 又準…… 願全能的神記念你們手所做一切的工!
Herald Clinic has a strong lineup: their nurses are always smiling and friendly, and the receptionists are most patient and make it a heartwarming place. This good witness attracts people and brings glory to God. Thank you, Dr. Tang. He is the best dentist I have ever met. His hands are gentle and precise... May the Almighty God remember the work of your hands!
Herald Crusaders
Rachel: Her father passed away and her single mother is raising three children.
廣西省河池市角聲華恩兒童村 Hechi City Herald Gratia Children Village, Guang Xi Province 「我感謝您在這個學期幫助我,讓我吃飽穿足, 快快樂樂」 班超智:父母雙亡,現無人照顧。2012年8月入住河池市角聲 華恩兒童村。
“Thank you for helping me this school year! As a result I have food to eat, clothes to wear and am happy.” Howard: Both parents have passed away and he has no one to take care of him. He has lived in Hechi Herald Gratia Children Village since August 2012.
四川省綿陽市角聲華恩兒童村 Mianyang Herald Gratia Children Village, Sichuan Province 「感謝您資助我,讓我可在很好的環境下學 習,有營養的飯菜、內容豐富的圖書館等。這 學期試,除了英語89分外,其他科目都在90分 以上,我會繼續努力!」 黃小語:父親去世,母親殘疾。
“Thank you for supporting me! I get to study in such a nice environment, with nutritious meals and a library with a large collection of resources. This last term, except for my 89 in English, I got above 90 points in all my subjects. I will keep up my good work.” Esther: Her father passed away and her mother is disabled.
Cancer Association Family Center ESGV Center
“Guardian Angel: You have guarded me six years, and your support, comfort and funding have never stopped...During these past six years we have never met, however, I believe you must be quite perfect. You have a warm heart to others. You have taught me to give and to be grateful.”
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Orange County Center
San Diego Center
「守護天使,您守護了我六年,所有的支持、安 慰、資助,從未斷過…。六年來,我們從未謀面, 但我相信,您一定很完美,您擁有一個溫暖他人的 心,您教會我如何去感恩,去付出…」
籃 球 事 工
Herald Monthly
福建省三明市角聲華恩兒童村 Sanming City Herald Gratia Children Village, Fujian Province
家 庭 中 心
Health Center
Our mission is to provide a loving home to orphans and children with special hardships. Through caring for them physically, emotionally and spiritually, their traumatized spirits receive healing. Through education, their potential and creativity are brought into play, and the children grow up into citizens of the highest character.
癌 症 協 會
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
為中國的孤兒和特困兒童,提供一個充滿愛和溫暖的家,讓他們的身、心、靈得著照顧,創傷的 心靈得著醫治;在優良的教育下,發揮潛能和創意,成為品格優良、理想崇高的公民!
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
激發愛心‧尊重生命 Kindle Love, Respect Life
社 區 服 務
Basketball Ministry
China Children’s Home
Children’s Home
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
Family Center
This is the fourth orphanage in China founded by CCHC. It is located in the City of Xianyang, next to Xian. This children’s home will be operated directly by CCHC – LA, and part of the funding was raised in China. The home opened in October, 2014, providing a loving home for orphans and children from extreme hardship who have no one to care for them.
橙 縣 角 聲
Orange County Center
籃 球 事 工
這是角聲在中國設立第四所的孤兒院,位於陝西省咸陽市(西安旁邊)。該院由南加州角聲全權負責營運和 管理,其中部份經費是在中國籌募。兒童之家於今年十月中旬開始啟用,專門收容孤兒,以及來自貧困山 區、無人照顧的特困兒童。為他們重建一個溫暖的家。
○ 加入「守護天使」助養計劃,長期關心及捐助支持 _________ 位小孩子。
San Diego Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
癌 症 協 會
「咸陽市角聲兒童之家」 Xianyang Herald Children’ s Home
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
○ 奉獻 $____________,支持角聲的中國「 兒童之家 」事工。
醫 療 中 心
Herald Monthly
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Will donate $____________ to support the Herald Children’ s Home ministry in China.
支票捐獻 ─ 請將回應表,連同支票(抬頭請寫CCHC,並註明「兒童之家」)寄回:
Health Center
號 角 月 報
(每小孩每月US$35,一年US$420,角聲將定期寄上小孩子的個人生活資料。) Become a Guardian Angel to care and sponsor _________ child(ren). ($35/month for each child, $420/year. CCHC will send out the child’s updates regularly.)
Check Donation -- Check payable to“CCHC.”Memo“Children’ s Home”Please mail this form and the check to: CCHC, 715 E. Mission Road, San Gabriel, CA 91776, USA
信用卡或美國以外地區捐獻 ─ 請與我們聯絡: For Credit Card Donation or Currency other than US Dollar -- please contact us: 電郵 Email: childrenhome@cchcla.org;電話 Phone: 626-286-2600 (美國) 捐獻可獲抵稅收據 Donations are tax deductible within tax limit
Children’s Home
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
守護天使Guardian Angels
Herald Crusaders
家 庭 中 心
Building Area: 70,000 sq. ft. Capacity: 120 children
橙 縣 角 聲
4/13 中國政府撥地選址 Chinese government granted a piece of land for the children’ s home
4/16 正式簽署工程合約 Signed the construction contract
6月 主體工程完成 Completed the construction of the buildings
8/4 工程正式動工 The construction started
7月 摸底探訪 Home visitation
9月 「奠基禮(動土禮) Groundbreaking ceremony
9月 完成內部裝修 Finished the interior design
9/20 與中國政府正式簽約 Signed the contract with Chinese government
10月 首批孩子入住 Accepted first group of children
院長及副院長到山區進行家訪和收生 評核,部份家庭仍住在山邊的窰洞 裡,生活艱苦。 The principal and vice principal traveled to mountain areas for admission screening home visits. Some families live in primitive homes built inside caves.
號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
Cancer Association
東 區 角 聲
ESGV Center
容納孩子數目:120 位
Orange County Center
Land Lot: 14.25 acres (free of charge for 30 years)
San Diego Center
建築面積:7,000平方米 (約七萬呎)
籃 球 事 工
Herald Monthly
佔地面積:14.25 畝 (免費使用三十年)
Location: Jinyang County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi, China
Health Center
Family Center
癌 症 協 會
Basketball Ministry
社 區 服 務
Children’s Home
咸陽市角聲兒童之家 Xianyang Herald Children’ s Home
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲
Family Center Basketball Ministry Herald Monthly
醫 療 中 心
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
號 角 月 報
Health Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
ESGV Center
籃 球 事 工
Orange County Center
家 庭 中 心
San Diego Center
癌 症 協 會
咸陽市角聲兒童之家 Xianyang Herald Children’ s Home 院監 Superintendent: 胡嘉驥 Danny Wu
院長 Principal: 許佩文 Dorcas Hua
副院長 Vice Principal: 羅曉霞 Amy Lo
(來自美國費城 from Philadelphia, US)
(來自加拿大多倫多 from Toronto, Canada)
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
2015 愛心之旅 Trips of Love 1/16-1/13
咸陽角聲兒童之家開幕禮 Xianyang Herald Children’ s Home Opening Ceremony
復活節假期 Easter Holiday
中國五一勞動節假期 China Labor Day Holiday
中學營 Middle School Summer Camp
中學營 Middle School Summer Camp
小學營 Elementary School Summer Camp
小學營 Elementary School Summer Camp
中秋節假期 Mid-Autumn Festival
十一國慶節假期 China National Day
聖誕節 Christmas Holiday
新年假期 New Year Holiday
參加者 Participants: 9/2013 – 8/2014 顏秀櫻, 賴詠祈, 余思樂, 伍儀霖, 丁泳, 劉凱汶, 許家晴, 周凱霖, 關卓潼, 吳曼喬, 薛曉文, 張曉瑩, 陳焮桐, 周秀嫻, 陳 筠宜, 余藹詩, 黃千潼, 吳子良, 李智傑, 曾德揚, 任浦陞, 胡諾呈, 梁倬僖, 鍾智愷, 袁家駿, 顧修明, 李峻昇, 張嘉𩓙, 蔡譽 騫, 陳迦南, 何思翰, 周浩銘, 梁燦超, 黎明志, 林志超, 陳明植, 李小儀, 陳雪芳, 歐春燕, 廖兆䣭, 林群英, 莫慧姿, 李雪蟾, 陳桂江, 董美琴, 司徒春梨, 黎華嵊, 許佳瑩, 方象宇, 林佩玲, 蔡聖薇, 林聖勇, 張毓君, 林寶馨, 許慧梅, 李善怡, 霍耀 洪, 林燕, 梁鑽娣, 胡襯蓮, 關子彥, Danny Cheng, Angelina Chung, Doris Yu, Daniel & Pek-Ju Hu, Gerhard Thompson, Kylie Su, Li Ma, Louis Ma, Connie Chen, Lilia Chen, Della Chen, Tracy Williams, Saulan Ho
Herald Crusaders
兒童村的四年生活,在我的腦海中,留下了許多美 好的回憶。兒童村,是我人生的轉折點,給了我 愛,給了我幸福,也給了我引導! 再見了,兒童村。謝謝您!永遠愛您!
Our cook Ms. Guo was there for us these four years. Every day she would prepare a table of delicious food for us. Ms. Wai was a good caretaker. In winter she always told us to dress warmly to avoid catching a cold.“Hat, gloves and scarf”was her signature reminder. The four years I spent in the Children’ s Home have filled my head with many many wonderful memories. Children’s Home was the turning point in my life. Children’ s Home gave me tender loving care and happiness, and also provided me the guidance I need for life! Farewell, Children’ s Home. Thank you! I will always love you!
籃 球 事 工
Cancer Association Family Center Basketball Ministry
家 庭 中 心
ESGV Center
東 區 角 聲
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲 號 角 月 報
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
Orange County Center
廚房的小高姐陪我們走過四年,每天她都會為我們 預備一桌子香噴噴的飯菜。霞慧姐是位非常好的姐 姐,每個冬天,她總是提醒我們多穿點衣服,以防 感冒。帽子、圍巾、手套彷彿成了她的記號。
Ms. Dorcas Hua was the one who brought me to the Children’ s Home. She was an older woman with very high standards for everything, from hygiene to academic performance. At first I was afraid of her, but ultimately it was from her I Iearned many principles on how to conduct myself in life, and proper society manners. I learned a lot from her life example. When I was in middle school, classes were not over until 9:00pm. Every night when I got home, Ms. Hua was still working in the office by herself. She indeed has done so much for us.
癌 症 協 會
San Diego Center
帶我到兒童村的是許阿姨,她是個對什麼都要求嚴 格的老奶奶,不管是衛生、學習。開始時,我還有 點怕她,可後來是她讓我學到了許多做人道理和社 交禮儀。在她身上,我學到了許多。初中一年級, 我要到晚上9點才下課,走進兒童村,還看見許阿姨 一個人在辦公室埋頭工作。許阿姨真的為我們付出 了許多。
When I first arrived at the Children’ s Home on August 27th, 2010, everything was strange, unfamiliar and scary. Slowly over time I discovered it wasn’ t like that after all. Our dorm “mom”loved us dearly. Once, I got sick and Lai Kuen, my dorm mom, rushed to the school and took me to the hospital. At that moment, I knew from her worried response how much she cared about me.
Herald Monthly
2010年8月27日,我來到兒童村,一切都是那麼的 陌生、生疏、可怕。漸漸地,我發現一切並非如 此。家舍裡的愛心姐姐,都非常愛我們。有一次, 我病了,麗娟姐急忙從家走到學校把我接去醫院, 那一刻,她的著急,讓我感受到她是多麼的疼我。
Health Center
Alice (a current graduate from Children’ s Home)
Childen’s Home
古嬌 (剛畢業離院的孩子)
社 區 服 務
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
Turning Point
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
Community Services
角 聲 使 團
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
癌 症 協 會
Cancer Association
家 庭 中 心
Family Center
社 區 服 務
Overseas Disaster Relief 去年11月8日發生在菲律賓的世紀風災,造成超過六千三百人死亡,數以萬計人的家園 被摧毀。當時,角聲第一時間作回應,籌募災款並參與賑災的工作。經過我們的實地 了解後,便與由當地華人基督徒組成的「關懷篷車隊」(Care Caravan)合作: On November 8th, 2013, a catastrophic typhoon in the Philippines caused over 6,300 deaths. Tens of thousands of homes were damaged. CCHC promptly responded to the needs by collecting donations to help victims. After inspecting the post-disaster areas, we collaborated with the “Care Caravan” formed by local Christians to address:
Basketball Ministry
讓漁民重獲生計 籃 球 事 工
撥款購買三十艘漁船,幫助首批失去生計的漁 民,讓他們以分期的方式購買漁船。我們把所得 的錢購買更多漁船,幫助更多漁民。
ESGV Center
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
San Diego Center
橙 縣 角 聲
Orange County Center
Making a Living 東 區 角 聲
Thirty fishing boats were purchased and resold to the very first group of victims, along with an installment package. The money received will be used to purchase more fishing boats, which in turn will be used to help a larger group of victims.
讓災民重建家園 撥款購買建材,「僱用」失去家園的災民建造, 讓他們既能重建自己的家園,又能賺取應急的 工錢。每間房子都配有太陽能電燈,並以十家一 組,建設公共農地及廁所。
Herald Monthly
醫 療 中 心
Health Center
Rebuilding Homes 號 角 月 報
Victims who lost their homes were hired to rebuild their homes, with construction materials provided by CCHC. This way they could rebuild their homes without having to worry about income in the short term. Every home will be equipped with solar lights. A piece of farmland and a public toilet were also built for every ten homes.
兒 童 之 家
Children’s Home
讓心靈得著安慰 角聲家庭中心的吳子良輔導主任,前往當地探訪 及關懷有特別需要的災民,並為當地教會代表及 義工團隊提供輔導技巧的培訓。
Disaster Relief
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
Comforting Souls 海 外 賬 災
Mr. Sam Ng, Clinical Director of Herald Family Center, went to the Philippines and provided on-site support and counseling to victims with specific needs. He also trained local churches and volunteers counseling skills.
Developing Young Leaders to Care for the Disadvantaged 由號角月報《愛心匯點》所資助的工作。透過招 募和訓練當地的大學生為志願者,為當地民工子 弟及其他貧苦學生提供免費課後補習,並舉辦不 同活動,用實際行動關懷有需要的地區。 Funded by Herald Monthly’ s Love Focus Fund, the Xian Student Center recruits and trains local college students as volunteers to provide tutoring and extracurricular activities to needy children. They use tangible actions to care for needy communities.
Herald Crusaders
癌 症 協 會
家 庭 中 心
籃 球 事 工
Community Services
Cancer Association
社 區 服 務
Family Center
Hera l d X i a n S t u d e n t C e n t e r
Basketball Ministry
角 聲 使 團
「感謝老師們對我們學習上的幫助,在這些日子裡,老師們的關愛使我更加有信心地、開心地學 習。」 We want to thank all the teachers who have helped us not only with our studies, but they also cared for us, which has given us confidence and happiness in our studies. 「老師們每天都耐心地用溫和的語氣來表達對我們的關心,我很感謝老師們。」 We appreciate all the teachers who taught us with patience and gentleness, showing their care for us. 51
醫 療 中 心
兒 童 之 家
San Diego Center Herald Monthly
號 角 月 報
Health Center
「這是一個充滿愛的地方,這裡有家的感覺,有無數的志願者留下最寶貴的時光…」 This is a place filled with love. It just makes you feel at home. Many volunteers have given their best years here with us…
聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Children’s Home
受助學生感言 Reflection on Beneficiary Students
橙 縣 角 聲
海 外 賬 災
Disaster Relief
在西安市的學生中心,以及北郊和南郊兩個工作 站,為貧困家庭及民工子弟提供免費補習,並安排 有益身心、品德培養的活動。受助中、小學生90 名。 We provide free tutorial and educational activities to 90 children from low income and disadvantaged families at the Student Center and at two other satellite sites in rural areas.
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
免費功課輔導Volunteer Tutorial
Orange County Center
ESGV Center
東 區 角 聲
Herald Crusaders Community Services
角 聲 使 團
2014/7/15 – 8/3 《山區支教活動》 Tutoring in Rural Areas
2014/3-6 探訪敬老院 Convalescent Home Visitation
十七位大學生入住山區,為約一百位小學生義 務提供支援教學。 Seventeen college students living in rural mountain areas provided volunteer tutoring to around 100 elementary students.
每週六組織 5-10 位大學生到敬老院探訪服務。 We organized Convalescent Home Visitation with
Family Center
籃 球 事 工
橙 縣 角 聲 聖 地 牙 哥 角 聲
Health Center
兒 童 之 家
西 安 學 生 中 心
Xian Student Center
海 外 賬 災
同工 Staff:
協工 Volunteers: 核心志願團隊 Core Volunteers:
Disaster Relief
醫 療 中 心
Children’s Home
號 角 月 報
5-10 college students every Saturday.
Herald Monthly
東 區 角 聲
San Diego Center
家 庭 中 心
Basketball Ministry
Cancer Association
2014/6 舉辦《六一兒童節聯歡會》 “Children’ s Day”Celebration
ESGV Center
癌 症 協 會
2013/12 學生中心四週年慶祝活動 Center’ s Fourth Anniversary
Orange County Center
社 區 服 務
特別活動 Special Events
劉人瑋、方鑫、張愛芳、柳環、王強、 劉楚洋、潘國柱、張黎、熊英、李晨、 陳麗君、陳曉漫、蘇振偉 田榮榮 Gloria Tin
李新娟 Xin Juan Li
Center Director
Assistant Center Director Development Consultant (Volunteer) 52
周嫻 Cecilia Zhou
全年志願者人數 Total Number of Volunteers:160
Ӓ౨ُᖐٱώϷշყ Worldwide CCHC Ministry District Map
20 13 12 6 9 15 7 8 14 10 11
18 16 4
2 3
42 41
40 38
27 31
30 26 25 23 24
34 33
44 43
छ USA ॗᗁൊ New York Headquarters Ȯၳڎѡඡȯग़ߍތȞॗȟ Herald Monthly (New York) ȶڎᗏȷᝯᜃڰЍ Herald Cares ڎᗏᇊরዃඞ Herald Gospel Plaza ڎᗏۻڹКѕ Herald Mission Center ࡱҾֶႽКѕ Urban Ministries Center ȶڎᗏȷޯЀჲжྻ CCHC Boston Branch ȶڎᗏȷࡑҐՍжྻ CCHC Southern California District Ȯၳڎѡඡȯग़֘ࡑߍȞःىᖧȟ Herald Monthly Southern California (Los Angeles) ڎᗏᛁᖚКѕ Herald Christian Health Center ࡑҐՍжྻڎᗏߤКѕ)ތ* Southern California Herald Community Center, ESGV ࡑҐՍжྻڎᗏᛁᖚКѕ)ތ* Southern California Herald Health Center, ESGV ࡑҐՍжྻڎᗏਛਲКѕ)ތ* Southern California Herald Family Center, ESGV
ȶڎᗏȷՍԃЀჲжྻ CCHC Houston Branch Office ȮၳڎѡඡȯՍߍ Herald Monthly Texas ȶڎᗏȷࡱжྻ CCHC Philadelphia Branch Office ȮၳڎѡඡȯКЂࣶ֘ߍ Herald Monthly Mid Atlantic
ϛࠒछࢸ South/Central America Ȯၳڎѡඡȯѐੋߍ Herald Monthly Panama Ȯၳڎѡඡȯ૪ᐆߍ Herald Monthly Peru ȮၳڎѡඡȯтӝԺᆬߍ Herald Monthly Ecuador
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯ߿Ґ৯ߍ Herald Monthly Chicago
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯែߍࡑ׀ Herald Monthly Suriname
ёσ Canada
ȮၳڎѡඡȯӝԳߍݛ Herald Monthly Guatemala
ȮၳڎѡඡȯҐߍތȞԺԺȟ Herald Monthly CanEast (Toronto) 37
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯࠠੲߍؗ Herald Monthly Argentina
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯаငߍݛ Herald Monthly Venezuela
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯॻߍ Herald Monthly UK
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯѐ֘ߍ Herald Monthly Brazil
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯገࣷߍ Herald Monthly Europe
ȮၳڎѡඡȯϼڧႿߍ Herald Monthly Trinidad
ȮၳڎѡඡȯҐ֘ߍȞ৯ົȟ Herald Monthly CanWest (Vancouver)
ዉࢸ Europe
ࢸٳAsia ȶڎᗏȷশสжྻ CCHC Hong Kong Branch Office Ȯၳڎѡඡȯশสߍ Herald Monthly Hong Kong Ȯၳڎѡඡȯᑫࠝߍ Herald Monthly Macau
ၐԳѰ৯ڎᗏКѕ San Diego Herald Center
Кᇊ࢙षϬށҾڎᗏົਾۊຆم Sanming City Herald Gratia Children Village
Ӡۻጄуྻ JoyLife Club ȶڎᗏȷᖛуᝯᜃᇨ Herald Cancer Care Network ȶڎᗏȷ᠕ਛКѕ Herald Family Rebuilding Center
Ԟ࢘ڰЍ India Ministry
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯॻߍ Herald Monthly New England
ᑕᒩڎᗏКѕ Orange County Herald Center
ȶڎᗏȷҔҐՍжྻ௬ᇊরКѕ CCHC Northern California Branch Oakland Gospel Center Ȯၳڎѡඡȯग़֘ҔߍȞϬҾȟ Herald Monthly Northern California (San Francisco)
中國福建省角聲婦女兒童關愛中心 Fuzhou Herald Women and Children's Center
ȶڎᗏȷՍႿݛжྻ CCHC Dallas Branch Office
Кዃ֘षޫհҾົਾۊຆم Hechi City Herald Gratia Children Village КұЌषᇬ༧᪦ڎᗏົਾۊຆم Mianyang City Herald Gratia Children Village
ϛ ݍMiddle East 41
ȮၳڎѡඡȯКߍތ Herald Monthly Middle East
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯѽ֒ԕߍ Herald Monthly Israel
ߨࢸ Africa 43
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯࡑࠧߍ Herald Monthly South Africa
ᐬࢸ Australia 44
Ȯၳڎѡඡȯᑫࣷߍ Herald Monthly Australia
К୴֘ष࡚༧ҾڎᗏۊຆНਛ Xianyang Children Home ֘ՉᐯӠКѕ Xian Student Center
基督教角聲佈道團 - 南加州分會 Chinese Christian Herald Crusades - Southern California District Website: www.cchcla.org
Email: la@cchcla.org
南加州 Southern California 角聲社區中心 Herald Community Center 角聲癌症協會 Herald Cancer Association 角聲家庭中心 Herald Family Center 715 E. Mission Road, San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 286-2600 Fax: (626) 286-2486
基督教角聲醫療中心(東區) Herald Christian Health Center, ESGV 2707 E. Valley Blvd., Suite 215, West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 667-8500 Fax: (626) 667-8503
角聲家庭中心(東區) Herald Family Center, ESGV
基督教角聲醫療中心 Herald Christian Health Center 921 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, CA 91776 Tel: (626) 286-8700 Fax: (626) 286-8650 Website: www.hchcla.org
角聲社區中心(東區) Herald Community Center, ESGV 18958 Daisetta Street, #303, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Tel:(626) 964-9525 Fax: (626) 964-9521
2707 E. Valley Blvd., Suite 215, West Covina, CA 91792 Tel: (626) 281-9280
橙縣角聲中心 Orange County Herald Center 16808 Armstrong Avenue, Suite #100, Irvine, CA 92606 Tel: (949) 300-1021
聖地牙哥角聲中心 San Diego Herald Center 6607 Convoy Ct., San Diego, CA 92111 Tel: (619) 212-1796
中國事工 China Ministry 陝西省咸陽市角聲兒童之家 Xianyang Children Home, Shannxi Province 陝西省咸陽市涇陽縣口鎮(211國道旁邊)
陝西省西安角聲學生中心 Xian Herald Student Center, Shannxi Province 西安市長安區文苑南路同輝商務樓4樓 (西北大學新區對面)