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WineHo - Wine Hospitality
Via San Zeno, 53 37011 Bardolino (VR) +39 349 7600766 cristina@wineho.it www.wineho.it WineHo nasce come realtà dedita alla formazione e consulenza sull’ospitalità per cantine vinicole. L’obiettivo di WineHo è valorizzare il vino quale volano di marketing-territoriale, in grado di de-stagionalizzare i flussi turistici e rendere il turismo vinicolo un’ulteriore fonte di reddito per le cantine. Forte dell’esperienza pluriennale in ambito turistico ed enologico, la fondatrice Cristina Mascanzoni Kaiser è anche docente al CUOA business school della nostra regione, ed in altre realtà accademiche. Accanto alla formazione da oltre 5 anni WineHo opera concretamente con consulenze personalizzate per cantine sia storiche sia innovative rendendole dei boutique hotels in cui vivere esperienze e non solo dei posti in cui stare. Nel 2021 con la collaborazione di Ama Terra Tours Wine Destination Management Company abbiamo ideato il progetto: “V.W.Y. – VERONA WINE TOURISM YOUNG - Give the next generation a Chance”, con il quale creiamo opportunità e crescita professionale per i giovani nel mondo dell’enoturismo.

WineHo was born as an entity dedicated to training and consulting regarding the winery hospitality. WineHo’s goal is to enhance wine as driving force for territorial marketing, able to de-season tourist flows and make wine tourism an additional source of income for wineries. With many years of experience in the tourism and oenological fields, the founder Cristina Mascanzoni Kaiser is also a teacher at the CUOA business school in our region, and in other academic entities. Alongside training, for over 5 years WineHo has been working concretely with personalized consultancy for both historic and innovative wineries, making them the most sought-after boutique hotels for experiential and not just tourist stays. In 2021 with the collaboration of Ama Terra Tours Wine Destination Management Company we created the project: “V.W.Y. - VERONA WINE TOURISM YOUNG - Give the next generation a Chance”, with which we create opportunities and professional growth for young people in the world of wine tourism.