Admin Mini Camp Playbook

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Counseling & Student Services QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 2021 - 2022

The mission of the Department of Counseling and Student Services, the alliance of synergistic interdisciplinary support systems, is to intentionally embrace barriers, empower students, and ensure access to learning to promote resiliency, life-readiness skills, and the unique strengths of each student through a holistic approach distinguished by assessment, prevention, intervention, integrity, and personal connections.

Who do I Contact and When? We are all here to help you in any way possible!

Use the flow chart and the information below to find out who can best help you with the needs that you have.

Dava West:     

Campus Emergencies (including after hours) Graduation Requirements Skyward Naviance Escalated Parent Concerns (High School go through Lead Counselor First)

Kristina Ford:    

Elementary Counselor Support Student Support Counselor Support SEL + Core Values = Character Education Questions Trauma Sensitive Resilience Focused Schools

Jeanne deVezin:  

If you have any questions about Prevention or At Risk Services feel free to contact either the person assigned to work on the topic (see flow chart) or Dr. deVezin Campus Community based mentoring program questions

Marina Keeton: 

Any questions regarding health services and nurses on each campus

Dr. Lourie: How   

to get him to your campus: Dr. Lourie consults with our District on Tuesday’s and Friday’s Call Cari Robinette at ext 40105 to place a student on Dr. Lourie’s list. Be prepared to tell Cari a little about the student and the reason for you request. Make sure that you can tell her that you have parent consent (verbal, in an email, or a signature on the permission for psych screening form)

Things to keep in mind when scheduling a visit:  Dr. Lourie CAN see general education students who you have completed CSSR screeners, Violence Risk Assessments, Postvention Plans, and students who you have general mental health concerns about  Dr. Lourie CANNOT meet with students who receive Special Education Services or are in the process of getting tested for Special Education services

SELF-HARM • Self-Harm can include: o o o o

Suicidal Ideation Suicide Attempt Self-injurious behaviors (i.e. cutting) Self-injurious statements

• Take any threat of self-harm seriously and take immediate action • Complete risk interview using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) for a person who has directly or indirectly expressed suicidal thoughts (ideation) or demonstrated other clues or warning signs. o


Who can complete the C-SSRS with a student? • Assigned Counselor • Student Support Counselor • Nurse • LSSP To locate C-SSRS and response protocol forms, go to: • Single-Sign In Portal o It’s Learning o Courses/CCISD Counselor o On landing page, look for “Looking for Something?” section  Crisis & Threat Intervention

• Always notify a parent/guardian of the results of the screener unless extenuating circumstances would further endanger a student. o o o o

Follow Triage points on the bottom of C-SSRS to determine response protocol No person with suicidal thoughts or behaviors should be sent home alone. Person with suicidal thoughts or behaviors must be supervised until a parent/guardian or other responsible party has accepted custody of the person. An administrator must remain on campus until the potentially suicidal person’s safety has been secured.

• Notify an administrator of the situation and consult as necessary to determine next steps including the Emergency Conference and postvention follow up. • Document actions taken including: C-SSRS screener, verbal and written communication with parent/guardian or other designated party, and all response protocol paperwork. • Follow-up with student/parent as arranged. Determine postvention plan to ensure safety of the student and school. CCISD Counselor Procedures for Addressing a Suicide Threat, including FAQs, can be found in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course.

Clear Creek Independent School District

Campus Procedures for Addressing Employee Suicide Ideation (Employee is currently at work)

‐ Take any threat of self‐harm seriously: The risk of suicide is raised when any district employee directly or indirectly expresses suicidal thoughts (ideation) or demonstrated other clues or warning signs (ex: hopeless thoughts/statements, social media posts, etc.).

‐ Take immediate action: Any employee that has concerns about another employee who is exhibiting suicide‐related clues/warning signs or making direct threats of suicide should notify an administrator immediately. Do not leave an individual at risk for suicide unattended; escort the person to help if necessary or designate one or more staff members to stay with and support the individual in crisis while help is being sought. ‐ Who do I contact: Staff Member with Initial Concern Contact Campus Administration Immediately Contact Campus Counselor Contact Human Resources Contact Assistant (If counselor is not available Superintendent of contact Campus Nurse or Elementary or Secondary LSSP). Education After consulting with Complete the C-SSRS. Campus Administrator and Counselor, follow appropriate HR protocol. Work with Administration to determine next steps. Contact Director of Counseling and Student Services if additional support or guidance is needed.

‐ Utilize the Columbia‐Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C‐SSRS) screener to complete a risk interview: A counselor, nurse, or other psychological services personnel assigned to the campus or providing support may conduct the C‐SSRS screener to determine suicide risk level. They will inform the individual of the limits of confidentiality as related to suicide and keep them informed of actions to be taken by school personnel. If not immediately available, involve the school counselor as soon as possible.

‐ Involve your campus/district SLO when: 1) an individual is in possession of lethal means (gun, knife, etc.), OR 2) the situation requires immediate transportation to a hospital emergency department or crisis service. ‐ Get the person Mental Health Support: o If IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS NOT NEEDED:  Encourage the employee to call and make an appointment with their current mental health provider OR give them the information for EAP (855‐506‐3173).  Provide Suicide Hotline information: o 1‐800‐SUICIDE (784‐2433) o 1‐800‐273‐TALK (8255) o 1‐800‐79904TTY (4889) for hearing & speech impaired o 1‐888‐628‐9454 (Spanish) o IF IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS NEEDED:  Call staff member’s emergency contact so that they can transport them to a hospital if it is safe to be moved by a family member.  If the staff member is in imminent danger and cannot leave your facility you can call:  911 – request an ambulance for an adult who is having suicide ideation.  Galveston County o Gulf Coast Center: 866‐729‐3848 o When the crisis line worker answers the phone state: “I have a person in crisis and I need a crisis worker to respond to my school today to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” o The crisis line will determine the risk level in order to determine whether to dispatch mobile crisis outreach staff or make appropriate referrals.  Harris County o The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD: 713‐970‐7000 and press #1. o When the crisis line worker answers the phone state: “I have a person in crisis and I need a crisis worker to respond to my school today to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” o The crisis line will complete a phone assessment and determine if they are sending the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) or send/make appropriate referrals. ‐ Debrief with staff members: Anyone who assisted with the intervention may need a quick debrief once the staff member is safe. Information discussed and shared during debrief may be limited based on input from Human Resources. If an employee is acting erratic or behaving in a way that is disruptive to your Campus and has not expressed suicidal ideation, please have an administrator call Human Resources so that they can work together help the employee.

Clear Creek Independent School District

Non‐Campus Procedures for Addressing Employee Suicide Ideation (Employee is currently at work)

‐ Take any threat of self‐harm seriously: The risk of suicide is raised when any district employee directly or indirectly expresses suicidal thoughts (ideation) or demonstrated other clues or warning signs (ex: hopeless thoughts/statements, social media posts, etc.).

‐ Take immediate action: Any employee that has concerns about another employee who is exhibiting suicide‐related clues/warning signs or making direct threats of suicide should notify a supervisor immediately. Do not leave an individual at risk for suicide unattended; escort the person to help if necessary or designate one or more staff members to stay with and support the individual in crisis while help is being sought. ‐ Who do I contact: Staff Member with Initial Concern Contact Supervisor Immediately Contact Director of Contact Human Resources Counseling and Student Services: Dava West: ext 40077 Coordinate site support After consulting with Supervisor and site support, follow Site support will conduct appropriate HR protocol. C-SSRS

Director and Site Support will work together to consult when determining next steps.

‐ Utilize the Columbia‐Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C‐SSRS) screener to complete a risk interview: The Director of Counseling and Student services will coordinate site support. Site support can be any of the following: a district counselor, nurse, or other psychological services personnel. The site support will conduct the C‐SSRS screener to determine suicide risk level. They will inform the individual of the limits of confidentiality as related to suicide and keep them informed of actions to be taken by school personnel.

‐ Involve your district SLO when: 1) an individual is in possession of lethal means (gun, knife, etc.), OR 2) the situation requires immediate transportation to a hospital emergency department or crisis service. ‐ Get the person Mental Health Support: o If IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS NOT NEEDED:  Encourage the employee to call and make an appointment with their current mental health provider OR give them the information for EAP (855‐506‐3173).  Provide Suicide Hotline information: o 1‐800‐SUICIDE (784‐2433) o 1‐800‐273‐TALK (8255) o 1‐800‐79904TTY (4889) for hearing & speech impaired o 1‐888‐628‐9454 (Spanish) o IF IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS NEEDED:  Call employee’s emergency contact so that they can transport them to a hospital if it is safe to be moved by a family member.  If the employee is in imminent danger and cannot leave your facility you can call:  911 – request an ambulance for an adult who is having suicide ideation.  Galveston County o Gulf Coast Center: 866‐729‐3848 o When the crisis line worker answers the phone state: “I have a person in crisis and I need a crisis worker to respond to my school today to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” o The crisis line will determine the risk level in order to determine whether to dispatch mobile crisis outreach staff or make appropriate referrals.  Harris County o The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD: 713‐970‐7000 and press #1. o When the crisis line worker answers the phone state: : “I have a person in crisis and I need a crisis worker to respond to my school today to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” o The crisis line will complete a phone assessment and determine if they are sending the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) or send/make appropriate referrals. ‐ Debrief with employees: ‐ Anyone who assisted with the intervention may need a quick debrief once the staff member is safe. Information discussed and shared during debrief may be limited based on input from Human Resources. If an employee is acting erratic or behaving in a way that is disruptive to your department and has not expressed suicidal ideation, please have a supervisor call Human Resources so that they can work together help the employee.

Clear Creek Independent School District

Campus/Non‐Campus Procedures for Addressing Employee Suicide Ideation (Employee is not a work)

‐ Take any threat of self‐harm seriously: The risk of suicide is raised when any district employee directly or indirectly expresses suicidal thoughts (ideation) or demonstrated other clues or warning signs (ex: hopeless thoughts/statements, social media posts, etc.).

‐ Take immediate action: Any employee who has concerns about another employee who is exhibiting suicide‐related clues or making direct threats of suicide should notify an administrator/supervisor. Campus Administrator or Department Supervisor will follow the steps below.

‐ Next Step(s): o

If you are…  Staff Member/Employee – Please contact your administrator or supervisor as soon as possible.  Administrator/Supervisor – Please follow the steps below to get the person immediate help. Once you have sent help contact Human Resources and make them aware of the situation.

‐ Get the person some immediate help: 

If you know the address where the person is located:  Call closest Police Station Non‐Emergency number as a concerned adult:  Ask for a welfare check for an adult with possible suicide ideation. Your information is not held confidential and you may not be privy to a follow up call. This will allow for a police officer trained in mental health assessments to visit staff member and decide if he/she is at risk of harm to self.  If you are not sure where the person is OR have to contact the person to find out more information: o It is best if someone who has a positive relationship reaches out to give support. The intent of the call is that the staff member knows you care and so that you can find out where the staff member is to send professional support. If possible, have another person in the room when calling so that an immediate call can be made to obtain emergency support. o What to say while on the phone:  Express concern  I have noticed (give some examples of concerning behaviors) and I saw your email, post, text, etc. I am concerned about you and would like to try to help.  Try to figure out where the person is.  Questions to ask to determine if the employee has intentions to take their life:  Have you decided how you would kill yourself?  Have you decided when you would do it?  Have you taken any steps to secure the things you would need to carry out your plan?  If immediate assistance is needed, stay on the phone with the person until help gets there or confirm that someone on their emergency contact is with them and will stay with them until help arrives.

‐ Get the person Mental Health Support: o If IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS NOT NEEDED:  Encourage the employee to call and make an appointment with their current mental health provider OR give them the information for EAP (855‐506‐3173).  Provide Suicide Hotline information: o 1‐800‐SUICIDE (784‐2433) o 1‐800‐273‐TALK (8255) o 1‐800‐79904TTY (4889) for hearing & speech impaired o 1‐888‐628‐9454 (Spanish) o IF IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS NEEDED:  If the employee is in imminent danger you can call:  911 – request an ambulance for an adult who is having suicide ideation.  Galveston County o Gulf Coast Center: 866‐729‐3848 o When the crisis line worker answers the phone state: “I have a person in crisis, I need a crisis worker to respond to their location to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” o The crisis line will determine the risk level in order to determine whether to dispatch mobile crisis outreach staff or make appropriate referrals.  Harris County o The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD: 713‐970‐7000 and press #1. o When the crisis line worker answers the phone state: “I have a person in crisis, I need a crisis worker to respond to their location to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” o The crisis line will complete a phone assessment and determine if they are sending the Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) or send/make appropriate referrals. ‐ Debrief with employees: ‐ Anyone who assisted with the intervention may need a quick debrief once the staff member is safe. Information discussed and shared during debrief may be limited based on input from Human Resources.

Resource: Youth Mental Health First Aid Participant Manual pages 137 ‐ 141

ADDRESSING A THREAT OF VIOLENCE Counselor Procedures for Addressing a Threat of Violence (updated 10/7/2019) •

Take any threat of violence seriously: The risk of harm to others is raised when any student, teacher or other school employee, parent/guardian or community member becomes aware of behaviors that may include verbal or written threats whether direct, indirect, veiled, or conditional indicating harm to others.

Take immediate action: A counselor who has knowledge of a potential threat or who has concerns about a student who may be exhibiting homicidal-ideation and/or making verbal or written threats of violence (direct, indirect, veiled, conditional) should notify campus administration immediately. Campus administration and SLP will begin the Serious Threat Investigation Checklist for Campus Administrators.

Utilize CCISD’s Violence Risk Interview Worksheet to help the Multidisciplinary Threat Team investigate the threat of violence: The CCISD Violence Risk Interview Worksheet is an important questionnaire to help the multidisciplinary team thoroughly explore (7) potential indicators for risk of violent behavior. The Violence Risk Interview Worksheet is NOT a diagnostic tool and is not to be used as the sole determinant of the severity of the threat. It may also be necessary to interview the student for risk of suicide (see self- harm section). Inform the individual of the limits of confidentiality as related to these interviews and keep them informed of actions to be taken by school personnel.

Always notify a parent/guardian of the results of the interview: When notifying a parent/guardian, do not negate the risk of harm even if the interview yielded low-risk responses. A student may attempt to minimize an expressed intent of harm to avoid further discipline and/or notification of parents. The Violence Risk Interview is not intended to assure parents their child is not at risk, which is something school personnel cannot know with certainty; instead, the interview’s purpose is to highlight the need to secure outside mental health services on behalf of the student who may be at risk for harming others.

Documentation to keep on file: Counselor documentation must include the CCISD Violence Risk Interview Worksheet, verbal and written communication with a parent/guardian or other designated party, and the following forms (not all forms below are needed in every situation, only include those that are needed - all are located in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course): • Notice of Emergency Conference (ALL students, including Special Education) • Consent to Exchange Confidential Information (ALL students, including Special Education) • Counseling and Psychological Resources (ALL students, including Special Education) • Permission for Psychological Screening (GEN ED students only)

Involve local and state agencies in extenuating circumstances. If school personnel has reasonable cause to suspect that a minor student has been or is likely to be abused or neglected, or appears to be at risk of violent behavior and the parent/guardian refuses to obtain necessary mental health treatment, he or she must make a report to Child Protective Services (CPS). Texas Child Protective Services: 1-800-252-5400.

Debrief with staff members: Set up a Postvention Safety Plan meeting with those who assisted with the intervention and those who must have knowledge of the situation to ensure the safety of the student and the school. Counselors and administrators should document the plan and interventions in the SST section of Skyward.

Follow-up with the individual and parent/guardian as arranged: Make sure that the individual and parent/guardians are aware of the interventions put into place with the Postvention Safety Plan. This must be done to ensure the continued monitoring of a student who returns to school after a threat of violence. CCISD Counselor Procedures and Resources for Addressing a Threat of Violence can be found in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course → Counselor Handbook → Section 4: Crisis Management → Violence Risk/Harm to Others

FAQs: CCISD’s Counselors Procedures for Addressing a Threat of Violence Is it the responsibility of the counselor or administrator to communicate with the family after a Violence Risk Interview Worksheet is completed? Both. Counselors must communicate with a parent after every Risk Interview Worksheet is completed making them aware of the interview and the results. In order to communicate as a team, we ask that you that you partner with your administrator when calling or meeting with the parent. Your only part in that conversation is to explain the risk interview, complete the emergency conference form if needed, and any other forms that might be needed. Your administrator will explain the investigation and if there are any consequences etc.

Do we have to ask the family of GenEd students for permission to see Dr. Lourie after every Violence Risk Interview Worksheet is completed? No. Dr. Lourie does not have to come out for a student every time a Violence Risk Interview Worksheet is completed. The goal of having Dr. Lourie come out is to see if he can gain any insight on a student that can assist the school in helping the child or assist the family in helping the child. As the counselor and mental health professional you determine if the student needs to be seen based on the situation and the student. If the student presents as a medium to high risk and is not receiving outside mental health, Dr. Lourie is a great resource to further assist the student.

Do we have to complete a Postvention Plan for every student who we complete a Violence Risk Interview Worksheet with? No. We are in the process of updating and creating procedures for the Postvention Plan. The goal of the Postvention Plan is to create a system in which all involved staff work together to create a safety plan for a student who is in danger to themselves or others during the school day.

What is the discipline policy for those who threaten an individual student verses the entire school? The CCISD Student Code of Conduct address the district’s response to managing students in the classroom and on the school grounds, disciplining students, and preventing and intervening in student discipline problems. Discipline is the responsibility of the administrator on a case by case basis using the Student Code of Conduct.

What is the validity of the Violent Risk Interview Worksheet? The FBI indicates that there is no universal screener to determine an individual’s potential to harm others. The FBI has indicated that while there is no screener, there are universal indicators or themes that pertain to a student’s actions, circumstances, etc. These indicators or themes are all addressed in our current Violence Risk Interview Worksheet including: motives, communication, inappropriate interests, weapons access, stressors, emotional and developmental issues, desperation or despair, violence as an option, concerned others, capacity to carry out an attack, planning, consistency, and protective factors. These indicators and themes are outlined in the July 2018 US Department of Homeland Security Enhancing School Safety Using a Threat Assessment Model document. At this time the Violence Interview Worksheet is the CCISD’s approved screener to use when a school is made aware of a threat.

How do administrators determine whether a counselor should be involved in a threat assessment? Serious Threat Investigation Checklist for Campus Administrators. This checklist has been given and reviewed with all Administrators and can be found on our CCISD Counselors itslearning page under Crisis and Threat Intervention → Violence Risk → Serious Threat Investigation Checklist for Campus Administrators. The 17th bulleted item states “Have counselor conduct threat assessment(s) and complete Notification of Emergency Conference form.”

CCISD Counselor Procedures and Resources for Addressing a Threat of Violence can be found in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course → Counselor Handbook → Section 4: Crisis Management → Violence Risk/Harm to Others


What are some tips or strategies for conducting the Violence Risk Interview Worksheet? Make sure that you first and foremost follow the procedures in the Counseling and Student Services Quick Reference Guide (playbook) • Don’t wait until a crisis to become familiar with the questions and content of the interview. The interview works best when it is more of a conversation instead of a barrage of questioning. The student could be on edge during this time so the more natural you can make the conversation the more likely you are to get the information that you need. • Make copies of your forms ahead of time. • Always go over your limits of confidentiality before completing the interview. • You can prefill information based on your knowledge of the student and any information that administrators have shared with you about the situation. • Do no ask everything from the suggested questions, pick the one that you feel best meets the student and the situation. • It is ok to fill out the assessment after talking to the student using the information that you gathered from your conversation. • You can phrase the questions in a manner that is developmentally appropriate for the student.

CCISD Counselor Procedures and Resources for Addressing a Threat of Violence can be found in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course → Counselor Handbook → Section 4: Crisis Management → Violence Risk/Harm to Others


POSTVENTION SAFETY PLAN What is a Postvention Safety Plan A postvention safety plan is created by a multidisciplinary team to address emotional and behavioral needs of student. This plan is also put in place to ensure the continued monitoring of a student who returns to school after the following situations: • Self-injurious statements • Self-injurious behaviors • Injurious statements towards others • Injurious behaviors towards others • Other behaviors/emotional needs that need to be addressed and monitored A Postvention Safety Plan must be completed if a student is: • returning from a hospitalization for self-injurious statements or behaviors • returning to school after a CCISD Violence Risk Interview Worksheet has been completed. A Postvention Safety Plan can be completed for ALL students, including Special Education

Who needs to participate in a Postvention Safety Plan: o o o o o o o

Student Support Counselor, Alpha Counselor, Lead Counselor Administrator (Assistant Principal or Principal) LSSP or Diagnostician SPED Team Lead Nurse Any other staff members that may be called upon to intervene in an unsafe situation on behalf of the student. Parents and the student have the option to attend if the committee feels that their participation will be beneficial to the completion of the plan.

As the counselor you may have to set up, invite attendees and lead the meeting. All documentation and interventions should be placed in the SST section of skyward, if the student is already in Special Education you will need to set up a staffing the SPED Team Lead.

How to complete the document: •

Page 1 (Fill out prior to the meeting): o Counselor pre-fills out this information prior to the meeting. This is the only piece that is completed without a group effort. Page 2 (Fill out as a group during the meeting): o List all people in attendance or who will get the information from the plan • See “Who needs to participate in a Postvention Safety Plan” o Determine the targeted behavior for the plan • Focus on the main behavior that cause concern for the student or schools emotional or behavioral safety. o Identify warning signs or triggers for target behaviors • Warning signs or triggers can be different in various areas and situations, make sure that everyone gets a voice in what they see or hear. o Create an Action Plan • This part must be specific and the team must identify how and the order in which staff can be contacted if safety becomes a concern. Page 3 (Fill out as a group during the meeting): o Procedures for Classroom Monitoring • As a group determine what the specific procedures will be to monitor the student. o Procedures for Unsafe Behavior in the classroom • You do not have to use the examples listed, they are just their as suggestions for specific procedures when unsafe behavior is observed

o o


Procedures for Student Self-Reported Unsafe Behavior • Determine how and who will be contacted to complete CCISD risk intervention procedures Follow-Up • Check all that apply and add dates for follow-up measures. • For a GEN EN student → the LSSP must determine at the time of the meeting if need for evaluation is present or not. It is ok if an evaluation is not needed but the reason for not needing at that point in time must be documented. • SPED student → the team must discuss the need for additional services or evaluation and document why or why they are not needed at this time. Termination Plan • This will be completed when the Postvention Plan is no longer needed and must include date and reason for termination.

Documentation to keep on file: • •

All documentation of the meeting will be kept under skyward in the SST section if the meeting is for a Gen ED student or with the SPED Team lead if the meeting is determined a staffing. All members of the Postvention Safety Plan Team need a copy of the document. You must have procedures in place for a confidential exchange of information and a procedure to get the information back when it is no longer needed or at the end of the school year.

Process for student leaving your campus with a plan in place: • • •

Postvention Safety Plan’s need to be re-evaluated each year to determine if there is still a need for the procedures put in place. If the student is in a transition year, the Postvention Safety Plan information should be discussed during Kid talk allowing for counselor to counselor follow up if needed. If a student moves to another CCISD campus, the counselor, when made aware that the student has moved should initiate communication between counselors.

CCISD Counselor Procedures and Resources for creating a Postvention Plan can be found in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course → Crisis & Threat Intervention → Postvention Plan


Flowchart for Campus/Department District Crisis Response Team (CRT) - What steps need to be taken: Campus/Department is made aware of the Critical Incident. Administrator or Designee:

Initiates Campus/Department Crisis Team (If have one in place)

Work through steps to facilitate a CRT

Contacts the Assistant Director of Counseling and Student Services

Assists and consults with campus/department as needed while they work through the steps to facilitate a CRT.

Notifies the Director of Counseling and Student Services

Assists CRT process

Establish Awareness

Develop a Plan

Notify District CRT members that are needed to support the CRT.

Prepare Communications

Implement the Plan

Notify any district departments whose staff might be impacted by the CRT (Health Services, Advanced Academics, etc.)

Bring About Closure


If appropriate, inform CCISD Counselors of event so that they can prepare to support anyone impacted on their campus.

Inform CCISD Consulting Psychologist of CRT.

Follow-Up with campus and CRT members as needed.

Consult with Administration and Office of Business Services (Michelle Nowell/Casey O’Pry) to determine if EAP services are needed.

Important Definitions: •

• •

Crisis Response Team (CRT): o An appointed group of campus counselors and Counseling & Student Services staff members who develop and execute district-wide procedures for the handling of mental health needs during a critical incident. Critical Incident: o Any traumatic event that negatively affects a student, a staff member or a significant group of the school population and usually involves serious emotional, psychological and/or physical injury or death. Crisis: o An acute, emotional, cognitive, and physical reaction to a critical incident.

Important Information: •

All CRT responses to critical incidents look different. While the steps listed above to facilitate the CRT are the same in any situation, the way they are carried out or delivered is solely based on each critical incident. The CRT team must work with the campus or department to determine the level of impact and the most appropriate response.

What makes our CCISD Counselors trained to respond to a CRT event? • In 2012 all counselors were trained in the TECIP – Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan through the National Institute for • • • • • • • •

Trauma and Loss in Children All counselors through their master’s programs should have received training in crisis response. All CCISD counselors are use Trauma-Informed practices daily. All CCISD Counselors follow the Texas Comprehensive School Counseling Program which includes – Responsive Services and System Support which are both needed during a CRT event. All CCISD counselors are trained in Psychological First Aid. All CCISD counselors are trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid. All CCISD counselors by September of 2021 (unless they were hired during or after the 2021-2022 school year) will have a Trauma and Crisis Management Specialist certifications from the American School Counseling Association. This specialization is the equivalent of 5 Continuing Education Hours and 50 direct hours. All CCISD counselors by September of 2021 (unless they were hired during or after the 2020-2021 school year) will have a Mental Health Specialist Certification from the American School Counseling Association. This specialization is the equivalent of 5 Continuing Education Hours and 50 direct hours. Every counselor has a CRT guide in their CCISD Counselor Playbook and receives yearly updates on this guide.

What additional training has your District CRT team had? • All staff on this team has gone through extensive additional training through the International Critical Incident Stress

Foundation, Inc. including: o Assisting Individuals in Crisis o Group Crisis Intervention o CISM Application with Children o Managing School Crises: From Theory to Application All the trainings above are two-day trainings.

How were the steps above and the CCISD Counselor Playbook CRT developed? • The steps above and the CCISD Counselor Playbook CRT Guide are based on the trainings from the International • •

Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc (ICISF). The ICISF is a research-based organization – the United Nations actual identifies this as a non-governmental organization. They are recognized by the US department of Education as the guide for developing high quality school emergency operations.

CRISIS RESPONSE TEAM (CRT) A Crisis-Response Team or CRT is a district response deployed to provide emotional support to a campus or department that has experienced any type of loss. The amount of support given to each campus or department will be determined by the impact of the loss.

• Crisis-Response Team can be initiated for the following circumstances: o Death of anyone who had a large or small impact on a campus

• Steps to take prior to a Crisis Response so your campus is prepared: o Create a Campus Crisis Team (Any word followed by an → indicates a resources that is available in the CCISD Counselors It’s Learning course or campus CRT kit.)

Principal, Counselor, Assistant Principal(s), Principal’s Secretary, Nurse, Team Lead, LSSP

Form → Crisis Team Plan (fill out contact list, review other available forms)

o Know contact information for District Leadership: • Dava West: Director of Counseling and Student Services ext:40077 cell: 832-202-6647 • Kristina Ford: Coordinator of Counseling and Student Services ext: 40175 cell: 979-492-5533 • Elementary: Holly Hughes OR Secondary: Karen Engle--Principal or AP will contact

• Steps to facilitate a CRT 1. Establish Awareness •

Verify Information •

• •

Contact District Leadership Assess Crisis Impact and Mobilize Resources • •

Form → Survivor/Family Interview

Form →Begin Traumatic Event Management Check Sheet Form → Rapid Assessment Guide

Notify and Inform Faculty – do this AFTER you “Develop a Plan” • Provide the facts • Normalize Common Reactions → Coping Strategies • Crisis Response Team Plan (how the day will look, where and how to send kids to get support) • Emphasize Stress Management o

Handout → Coping Strategies and Connecting with Others: For Adults

2. Develop a Plan •

Secure Safe Rooms • Room for students (possible primary room for large groups and secondary room for individuals)

o • •

Supplies →District CRT kit: Signage, Documentation Forms, Tissues, Playdough, Cards, Drawing materials, One- Minute Interventions, etc.

Room for faculty (a place where they feel comfortable and safe) o Supplies → Tissues, Snacks, Cards for family, EAP Handout, Coping Strategies Handout, etc.

Prepare Communications •

Critical Communications → o To staff (letter or email) o To Parents/Community (letter, email and phone response) o To Classrooms (directly and indirectly impacted) o Phone Response for Front Office Staff/Paraprofessionals

Prepare Classroom Support •

Steps for Classroom Support o Provide Facts ▪ ▪

o o


Examples → Announcement by Teacher Direct/Indirect Impact Example → Teacher Announcement Class or Morning Meeting

Normalize Common Reactions Guided Activity ▪ Elementary → Classroom Activities and/or One Minutes Interventions ▪ Secondary → Classroom Activities and/or One Minute Interventions Move toward routines as much as possible

3. Implement Plan • Classroom Support • •

Implement class support activities planned above Have district counseling CRT staged in certain places to support as needed or completing the classroom support as needed

Safe Room Support • Students: o o o o

Provide extra support for the most bereft Flexible environment – students can work in groups or individually Guided Activities (one minutes interventions, cards, etc) Move toward routine


o Provide support for the most bereft o Safe place for staff to utilize as needed o Flexible environment with resources o Move toward routine when possible Staff support throughout the day – identify those who will need check in’s

4. Bring About Closure •

Plan for Day two and follow-up • Determine if Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) needs to take place – if so, create plan • Identify students and staff who need more support, and determine if CRT or home campus will support Debrief with Faculty and Staff • Plan to meet at the end of the day or next morning briefly o Update facts and dispel any rumors o Explain Day two Plan o Emphasize stress management Debrief with Crisis Response Teams • Is CISM needed? • Create plan for day two and follow up

5. Follow-Up • •

CRT will return to provide extra support for staff and faculty as needed • Determine what space is needed and what supplies will be needed Follow-Up can happen the next day, days or weeks after an event

CCISD Counselor Procedures and Resources for a Crisis Response Team can be found in the CCISD Counselor It’s Learning course → Counselor Handbook → Section 4: Crisis Management 2

Skyward: Guidance/Office Visits

Setting Default

Navigate to: Office→Guidance→Entry by Student

1. Select any student and toggle down to see Defaults 2. Defaults: Use these defaults when manually adding an office visit to a student ➢ Use Current: Check to use current date of entry or uncheck to set a date ➢ Counselor: Set to your name to populate you as the person meeting with the student

Quick Entry Navigate to: Office→Guidance→Office Visits→Quick Entry

Waiting Queue  Add: Add student to waiting queue  Delete: Delete student from queue  Move to In Office: Move student to Office Queue Office Queue  Move to Waiting: Move student to Waiting Queue  Release: Release from office Edit Selected Student  Check In/In Office/Time Out: Edit time  Counselor: Edit counselor  Visit Reason: Update/Change Visit Reason  Notes: Add/Edit Notes  Protect This Note: Check if you want it to only be viewed by the user who entered the note. SSCs must enter the student’s MHCI entered in notes, if the student indicated a MHCI of 5 add actions taken. All counselors may enter MHCI in notes.

Skyward: Guidance/Office Visits

Entry by Student Navigate to: Office → Guidance → Entry by Student Add Office Visit     

Enter Date Enter Check In, In Office, and Time Out Counselor: Make sure your name is under Counselor Visit Reasons: Click on the reasons the student met with you Notes: Add/Edit Notes Protect This Note: Check if you want it to only be viewed by the user who entered the note. SSCs must

enter the student’s MHCI entered in notes, if the student indicated a MHCI of 5 add actions taken. All counselors may enter MHCI in notes. Student Profile Navigate to: Students → Guidance → Expand to see details

Guidance Office Visit Reason Codes:

Codes that will be removed from 2019-2020  Alt Credit Ops  Career Planning  College Planning  Clear Path Follow Up  Graduation Req  McKinney Veto Purposeful Coding for 2019-2020 Office Visits include:  when student is in front of you  when talking to a parent on phone/office  when consulting on a student in an SST/ARD/504 Office Visits are NOT:  informational meetings  classroom lessons  mass testing Academic includes:  Scheduling  Alt Credit Ops  Graduation Req  Career Planning  College Planning Personal includes: Clear Path Follow Up McKinney Veto PRS Support

eDocs Quick Guide

Managing the College Application Process in Naviance •

The Application Manager: The Application Manager is a tool for managing the application process online. If you are using eDocs, the office status will automatically update when you send documents electronically.

The Transcript Request Manager: The Transcript Request Manager lists all the students who have requested a transcript in Naviance Student. If you submit a transcript using eDocs, the date of submission will appear in the Mailed column.

Student Folder: Review the student’s Colleges I’m Applying To list and prepare and send documents for a student’s application(s). Student College Application Tasks

Add College, Request Transcripts and Letter of Recommendations (LOR)

If letter of recommendation is needed, complete Student Brag Sheet. Resume and Parent Brag Sheet is also suggested.

Complete Common App Account Matching Process, if applicable

Counselor eDocs Responsibilities •

Review Applications in Application Manager

Most Apply Texas university only require a transcript from campus. Registrars will send transcripts through Trex.

For students who are applying to a Common App school:


Confirm Transcript Request has been complete in Transcript Manager.


Confirm student has completed a Letter of Recommendation Request for Counselor.


Confirm student has completed Student Bragg sheet (and resume/Parent Bragg Sheet if needed) in order to compose letter of recommendation. If not, counselor will meet with student to confirm all needed materials and to ensure LOR request is made in Naviance.


Documents counselor will complete and upload for a Common App application: 

School Report (including School Profile and Active Transcript)

Common App Counselor Recommendation (including letter of recommendation; CCISD counselors may not select the option in the Common App form stating they will not be providing a Written Evaluation for the student). Common App Counselor Rec should be submitted with School Report or after School Report. LOR will be written and uploaded on campus letterhead.

For students who request School Report/LOR for non-Common App school o

Confirm Transcript Request has been complete in Transcript Manager.


Confirm student has complete a Letter of Recommendation Request for Counselor.


Confirm student has completed Student Bragg sheet (and resume if needed) in order to compose letter of recommendation. If not, counselor will meet with student to confirm all needed materials and to ensure LOR request is made in Naviance.


Documents counselor will complete and upload for a non-Common App application: 

School Report (use NACAC School Report and Active Transcript)

Written Letter of Recommendation

Upload/Prepare documents: eDocs tab/Prepare link

Send prepared documents: eDocs tab/Send link

Managing the College Application Process in Naviance-Counselor Tasks 1. To prepare documents, search for student, click eDocs tab, then Prepare link. Click +Add next to Counselor Documents to upload/prepare documents.

2. To submit documents, click on eDocs tab, then Send link. Click boxes next to documents that are prepared to send. If greyed out, all documents have not been prepared/uploaded

*Submission Icons:

NAVIANCE STUDENT INTERMEDIATE Learning more about Self, Career, and College is the purpose of Naviance Student activities. Purposeful learning, not just task completion.

CCISD NAVIANCE TASKS BY GRADE LEVEL Task Goal Setting – Core Values Goal (a part of Social Emotional Learning) Goal Setting – Personal Success Goal (a part of Social Emotional Learning) Complete "Career Key" Add Careers to "My List of Careers" Complete the "Career Cluster Finder Survey" Complete Strengths Explorer Complete Endorsement & DLA Survey Add career clusters to my list Complete a Four Year Plan Complete SuperMatch; college search Complete Game Plan survey Add Colleges to "My List of Colleges" Attend CCISD's College & Career Fair




Holland Personality Types for Career Key:

Six Competencies Crucial to Long-Term Success After High School found within Naviance Student

MENTAL HEALTH EMERGENCY • Take any threat of self-harm or threat to others seriously and take immediate action • Call the police when 1) an individual is in possession of lethal means (gun, knife, etc.), or 2) the situation requires immediate transportation to a hospital emergency department or crisis service. Galveston County Campuses Gulf Coast Center –866-729-3848 • All calls for crisis service should go through the Gulf Coast Center Crisis Line- 866-729-3848 • State to the crisis line worker answering the phone, “I have a person in crisis, and I need a crisis worker to respond to my school today to complete a crisis assessment and possible hospital placement.” • The Crisis line will do a phone triage assessment to determine the risk level in order to determine whether to dispatch mobile crisis outreach staff or to make appropriate referrals. • The Gulf Coast Center mobile crisis team is dispatched at the discretion of the hotline. • Mobile crisis team outreach team can deploy to the school or be on standby at a Gulf Coast Center facility for a crisis assessment. Mobile crisis outreach services are available 365 days a year and all hours. • The crisis line will direct the caller to have the legal guardian meet the mobile crisis outreach worker for the crisis assessment. Mobile crisis staff can start a crisis assessment before the legal guardian arrives, but the guardian will have to come to the scene to discuss the crisis resolution recommendations. Hospital placement referrals will require the legal guardian present.

Harris County Campuses The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD 713-970-7000 and press #1 • All calls to MCOT should go through the Harris Center Crisis Line. Anyone in crisis will call 713-970-7000 and press #1. The Crisis Line will do a phone assessment and send MCOT appropriate referrals. The Harris Center Crisis Helpline is answered 24 hours a day / 365 days a year. o Conducts crisis intervention, suicide assessments and intervention o Provides information about our services o Provides information about community resources including substance abuse o Helps direct calls relating to the administration of our services o Gives telephonic support to callers Harris Center MCOT Teams will be dispatched at the discretion of the Helpline. MCOT is available Monday through Friday until 10:00 PM. Parent/Guardian must be present for transportation of a minor.

Do not hesitate to contact Counseling and Student Services and Human Resources with questions or concerns, particularly when the person threatening suicide is a District employee. While waiting for a Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) to arrive: • Remain calm and speak in a normal tone. • Identify and address any safety concerns. Find appropriate officials who can resolve safety concerns beyond your control. • Give the individual space but do not let them leave the room unaccompanied. • Don’t take the things he/she says personally. • Remember silence is ok.


At-Risk Social Work Services The Social Work Services Specialist's goals are to remedy barriers to learning created as a result of socioeconomic disparity, systemic social marginalization, inadequate health care, intrafamilial crisis, and other social factors that may impede student success. Barriers are addressed through collaboration one-on-one with students, families, district staff, state, and community partners. Social Work Services Specialists provide support and resources to vulnerable populations of students at risk of not graduating. Students can be identified as homeless and foster children, migrant populations, students assigned to the disciplinary alternative education program or involved in the juvenile justice system, are pregnant or parents, and all other students identified as atrisk.

At-Risk Social Work Services Flow Chart Social Work Services Specialist intervene after Tier 1 Student Concern/Need

Campus Intervention

Parent Contact

Outside Referrals Given

Student Concern still Present

Prevention & At-Risk it’slearning Key Components

Social Work Service Referral

Counselors, Communities in Schools, Attendance Officers, Nurses all have access to the Prevention & AtRisk itslearning Page. A Social Work Services Referral and Operation School Bell Request should be completed through the Prevention & At-Risk itslearning Page. • Community Resources o Financial, Rent, Utility, and Emergency Assistance o Food Distribution List o Health Services Resources o Housing and Shelter Resources o Mental Health Resources o Transportation Assistance Resources o Adult Education, Job Training & Employment Assistance • Social Work Services Referral Form o Who can refer:  Counselors  Nurses  Communities in Schools (If applicable)  Administration  Attendance Officers • Operation School Bell Request o Campus Contact: Communities in Schools (If applicable), Student Support Counselor, Elementary Counselor • Community Events/flyers o Current community events posted • Pregnancy Related Services o All PRS forms are being updated and uploaded in it’s learning

FOSTER CARE • Foster Youth - Children and youth who are in the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) • DO NOT DELAY- IMMEDIATLEY ENROLL students in foster care!!! o Under Texas law, students in foster care should be enrolled immediately regardless of whether they have the necessary documentation and paperwork. •

Students in foster care may be lacking documents required for enrollment including birth certificates, social security cards, school records, immunization records, etc. ▪ The caseworker, caregivers, and school personnel should work together to obtain the students records in a timely manner. ▪ Students in foster care DO need to provide proof of residency except for students evoking their right to school of origin protection. o School of origin is defined as the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled Students in foster care should have TDFPS issued 2085 Placement Authorization form and 2085-E Education Decision-Maker form in the legal section of their cumulative folder. ▪ These forms should be presented upon enrollment. ▪ The 2085 Placement Authorization outlines who TDFPS has authorized to serve as the caregiver for the child. ▪ The 2085-E Education Decision-Maker outlines who has the authority to make education decisions for the student, special education rights and responsibilities, education decision-maker rights and responsibilities, biological family rights and responsibilities, caseworker rights and responsibilities, and school responsibilities. It is best practice to have the TDFPS caseworker and other key players such as Court Appointed Child Advocates (CASA) and attorney ad litems listed in Skyward.

• Forward 2085 Placement Authorization form and 2085-E Education DecisionMaker form to At-Risk Services o At-Risk Services will code the student in Skyward, set up child nutrition benefits, and work collaboratively with the TDFPS, campuses, caregivers, outside district foster care liaisons, etc. to address any concerns impeding educational success. o Please send forms to Amanda Cavazos at o The legal department no longer needs a copy of the 2085 documents. They will no longer enter legal summaries for students in foster care. For any questions please contact or

• Campuses should develop trauma – sensitive best practice systems to ease transition of a student in foster care during the first two weeks of enrollment. o Provide the student and caregiver with a welcome packet that includes information about enrolling in extracurricular activities, clubs, and tutoring opportunities. o Facilitate introductions of the student to faculty, other students, and to the school environment. o It is best practice to convene an enrollment conference with the student in the first two weeks. •

Campuses should develop procedures for assessing and awarding course credit — including partial credit, if appropriate, and electives — for work completed by a student in foster care while enrolled at another school. SPED and or 504 records should be closely evaluated ▪ Each student in foster care should have a recent psychological evaluation; the campus may request the evaluation from the caregiver or caseworker to assist in or alleviate the need for further testing and/or to provide guidance for accommodations. Consider completing a Personal Graduation Plan ▪ Consider programs such as Credit Recovery, Clear Access, Clear Stars, Credit by Exam, Credit Appeal Solutions, etc.

• Students in foster care in grade 11 or 12 must be provided information regarding tuition and fee exemptions for dual credit. • Support services should be provided for students in foster care when applying for admission to post-secondary study and when seeking sources of funding for postsecondary study. o FAFSA assistance, SAT waivers, College Application Waivers, TDFPS Tuition and Fee Waiver, Education Training Vouchers, Scholarships, etc.

• The district must provide notice to the child’s educational decision maker and caseworker regarding events that may significantly impact the education of a child, including: o Requests or referrals for an evaluation under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Section 794), or special education; Admission, review, and dismissal committee meetings; Manifestation determination review; Disciplinary actions under Chapter 37 for which parental notice is required; Citations issued for Class C misdemeanor offenses on school property or at schoolsponsored activities; o Reports of restraint; o Corporal punishment is not permitted for foster care students.

o o o o

• Questions related to students in foster care or for foster care guidance should be directed to At Risk Services - Amanda Cavazos P: 281-284-0176 E: [Type here] The Foster Care & Student Success Resource Guide is available for download in the At-Risk Services It’s Learning page and the CCISD At-Risk Services website

HOMELESS • Under the McKinney-Vento Act, children and youth who lack “a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” are considered homeless for educational purposes. o

A fixed residence is one that is stationary, permanent, and not subject to change. A regular residence is ne that is used on a regular (i.e., nightly basis). An adequate residence is one that is sufficient for meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in home environments.

• Living arrangements that fall into the following categories may qualify as homeless and are coded in Skyward for PIEMS purposes: o

Doubled up ▪

Sharing the housing of others due to a loss of housing, economic hardship, death, natural disaster, etc.

o Unsheltered ▪ Substandard housing - primary nighttime residence not ordinarily used for sleeping. o Hotel/Motel o Shelter ▪ Family Promise, BATP, etc.

• The term “unaccompanied youth” includes youth in homeless situations who are not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian. • Each student is required to have a Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) in their cumulative folder each school year. The SRQ is the districts main screening tool for McKinney-Vento/Homeless eligibility. o At-Risk Services will run a report in Skyward to identify students who have an SRQ that indicates the student is in a temporary living arrangement and may be in a homeless situation. o At-Risk Services will obtain more information from the student, campus, and/or the family in order to determine eligibility. o If a student is McKinney-Vento/Homeless eligible At-Risk Services will code the student in Skyward for PIEMS purposes.

• Students may become McKinney-Vento eligible at any point throughout the year. If this occurs, it is the responsibility of the campus to send At-Risk Services an updated SRQ for processing.

• Students who are McKinney-Vento eligible are entitled to the following: o IMMEDIATE ENROLLMENT!! ▪ Students who are in a homeless situation may lack documents required for enrollment including birth certificates, social security cards, school records, immunization records, etc. ▪ School personnel and the family should work together to obtain the students records in a timely manner. ▪ Note: families who are in a homeless situation may not be able to provide proof of residency. The campus should be aware of barriers to providing proof of residency and work with the families as much as possible. o Child Nutrition Benefits ▪ At-Risk Services will contact Child Nutrition to begin food benefits once homeless eligibility is determined. o School of Origin Protection ▪ School of origin is defined as the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled o Transportation ▪ The district is required to provide transportation to and from the school of origin for homeless students when requested. ▪ Transportation requests may be disputed if the transportation is not found to be in the best interest of the student.

• Campuses should develop trauma - sensitive best practice systems to ease transition for students in homeless situations. o Ensure student’s basic needs are stabilized: safety, school supplies, school clothing, etc. ▪ Consider referring to Operation School Bell and utilizing community resources o Facilitate introductions of the student to faculty, other students, and to the school environment. o It is best practice to convene an enrollment conference with the student in the first two weeks. o Campuses should develop procedures for assessing and awarding course credit — including partial credit, if appropriate, and electives — for work completed by a student who is homeless while enrolled at another school. o SPED and or 504 records should be closely evaluated o Consider programs such as Credit Recovery, Clear Access, Clear Stars, Credit by Exam, Credit Appeal Solutions, etc. o FAFSA assistance, SAT waivers, College Application Waivers, Scholarships, etc.

• Support services should be provided for students who are homeless when applying for admission to post-secondary study and when seeking sources of funding for post-secondary study. • Please contact the Homeless Education Specialist Griselda Granados P: 281-284-0178 E: for any questions or concerns. Please see the Texas Homeless Education Office for more information on the McKinney-Vento Act

CCISD Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Timeline 2021-2022



SEL Curriculum = Explicit Teaching and Modeling of Skills







Overview of Habits


Overview of Traits



Be Proactive





Begin with the End in Mind





Put First Things First





Put First Things First





Think Win-Win





Seek First to Understand





Seek First to Understand










Sharpen the Saw



What is Social and Emotional Learning or SEL? The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) defines SEL as “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

Remember: CORE VALUES = standards of behavior SEL = explicit teaching, modeling, and practicing of the standards of behavior

What are the 5 SEL Core Competence Areas? 1. Self Awareness: The abilities to understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts. Click HERE for a video to learn more. 2. Self Management: The abilities to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals and aspirations. Click HERE for a video to learn more. 3. Social Awareness: The abilities to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts. Click HERE for a video to learn more. 4. Relationship Skills: The abilities to establish and maintain healthy and supportive relationships and to effectively navigate settings with diverse individuals and groups. Click HERE for a video to learn more. 5. Responsible Decision Making: The abilities to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations. Click HERE for a video to learn more. Click

CASEL 5 SEL Framework

HERE for the CASEL Framework in English Click HERE for the CASEL Framework in Spanish

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