All right reserved to © Ching Chan. 2021. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the creator.
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Memento Mori! 勿忘你終有一死
Do you know your death well enough? You are about to find out with four of your friends and family (maybe three, or two, just you like). Now, before the journey starts, let's share a story… 勿忘你終有一死 ! 你對自己的死亡足夠瞭解嗎?你將會和你的 四個朋友和家人 ( 也許三個,或者兩個,隨你喜歡 ) 一起去尋 找答案。現在,在旅程開始之前,請聽我們講一個故事…
1 Your night begins with a loud thunder sticks to the east. A bad weather for camping. You think. Your friends cannot agree more, but there is no time for regret. It is raining cats and dogs and you had no choice but to pack up and search the wilderness for shelter from the storm. 這天晚上由東方傳來的雷聲開始。這是個露營的壞天氣。可不 是嗎 ? 你的朋友們簡直不能更同意了。可現在後悔已經太遲了 ! 大雨傾盆、雷電交加,你們無可奈何,唯有收拾行李在荒郊野 外尋找能避過這場暴風雨的地方。
2 "What is that!" Someone shouted. You all turn around and look that way. From the hills came the bright yellow glow of the fire, flickering through the heavy rain. Music and noise in the distance show that it seemed to be some kind of celebration. You all wonders: Who would hold a celebration in this kind of weather? “那是甚麼 !” 有誰大喊一聲。你們都轉頭往那方向望去。遠處的山丘傳來澄黃色的火光, 忽明忽滅。風中傳來音樂與喧鬧聲,似乎是一場慶典。你們都覺得奇怪極 了,誰會在這樣的天氣、這樣的地方舉行慶典 ?
3 You take a closer look: it is the Dance of Death Parade! Skeletons dance along arm in arm, with feathers on their skull and pointed shoes at their feet bones. It’s not going to be good if you get caught. You try to run away with friends, but it’s too late! The crowd comes close. You now must join the parade. 你們走近一看,大吃一驚——那是死亡之舞的遊行隊列 ! 骷髏們手挽著手, 頭頂著羽毛、穿著尖皮鞋,跳著舞向前走。被發現了就不妙了。你想,邊 要跟朋友們一起逃跑。太遲了 ! 骷髏向你們湧來,你們被推搡著加入舞列。
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4 What should you do? The skeleton holds your hand and try to talk to you. You have no clue but to answer its questions one by one. You have to answer all of its questions and dance until the end of the parade. Don’t let them spot you! Or else death is waiting ahead…Now, take a deep breath. The end is nigh! 該怎麼辨呢 ? 骷髏們握著你的手,白骨咯咯地抖動,居然跟你說話了。該 怎麼辨呢 ? 你全無頭緒,只得一一回答你的問題。現在,你得回答它的所 有問題,跳舞直到遊行結束。小心,不要讓它發現你們的不同 ! 現在,深 呼吸。死亡之舞開始了 !
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Choose your character 選擇你的角色
32 . Death Science 死亡科學
Game Book Guideline 使用指南
52 .
68 .
Before your Last Breath 在你臨終之前
Death Culture 死亡文化
88 .
109 .
Underneath your graveyard 在你的墳墓以下
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Join Deathnival 死亡共舞
Death Education Solution
How to choose your character? 如何選擇你的角色 ?
You can of course choose your character as you want, but we recommended you do a little quiz before starting the game. The quiz will tell you which of the five-character suit you the most, no matter its outlook, personality, and motto!
Pick up your card!
你當然可以選擇你喜歡的角色,但是我們建議你在開始遊 戲之前做一個小測驗。這個小測驗會告訴你五位角色中的 哪一位最適合你,無論是它的外表、性格還是座右銘!
After you have selected your role, take a look about their background and skills. Each character is assigned with 1 skill against the Death. Better get familiar with it, it might help!
在你選擇了你的角色 ( 或者被分配了一個角色 ) 後, 看看他們的背景和技能。每位角色都有一種技能用於 對抗死亡。最好熟悉它,它可能會有幫助!
Scan to access the test
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Playable Character
Child Wanderer Cat Suit Man Old Man
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Does the afterlife exist? No one knows, but you seem to believe it. Human have so many fantasies about afterlife, such as the Paradise and Hell that Dante visited in the Divine Comedy, the Elysian Fields in the underworld of Greek mythology... you may not be afraid of death, quite the opposite, you may even look forward to it. 死後的世界存在嗎 ? 沒有人知道, 但看來你對此深信不疑。古往今 來人類對死亡有著諸多幻想,比 如神曲中但丁所遊歷的天堂與地 獄、希臘神話冥界中的至福樂 土…你未必害怕死亡,甚至還有 些嚮往。
你相信死亡會帶回 失去的東西。
Playable Character
Death to you is a passage led to a place with eternal happiness. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet your lovable grandmother, and Pipi, the dog you raised when you were small... 死亡於你是前往另一個國度的通 行證,在那裡你會得到恆久的安 定與快樂。誰知道呢 ? 也許你會 重遇最疼愛你的奶奶,還有喜歡 追著你跑的小狗皮皮……
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What will happen in afterlife? Boo, you just don’t care. To you death means the end. Indeed, there are many wonders in life, but with all these wonders come endless trouble as well: unpaid bills, work to do, dishes for tonight’s dinner…Others think you are too pessimistic, but are you?
死亡是你的逃生出口 又有何不可呢?
Playable Character
死後的你會遭遇些甚麼 ? 呿,你 才不在乎。於你而言死亡即是結 局。生活中固然有許多難能可貴 的事情,但煩惱亦不可勝數:沒 能繳交的帳單、處理不完的工作、 今天晚餐的食材——或許在別人 眼中你總是過於悲觀。是嗎 ?
Death is nothing more than a timely end. Immortality? Not in this lifetime! You walk the earth like a wanderer, yet you don’t want to wander forever. At the end, we all want to end up somewhere. 死亡不過是適時劃下句點。永 生 ? 不死 ? 千萬不要 ! 就像流浪 一樣,你可不想永無止境地飄 泊。到了最後,我們都想停駐在 某個地方。
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People rarely think about death. They have so much to worry: their lunch, their partner, their future…death is at the bottom of the list! Yet the moment will come, perhaps something happens, and fear grabs hold of you. 人們在日常生活中鮮少思考死 亡。他們有太多事情需要煩惱: 午餐吃甚麼、情人節該怎麼過、 未來的模樣…死亡得排到最尾 ! 直 到某一刻,也許是發生在你身上 的一件事,陌生的恐懼會攫獲你。
死亡從未追上你, 所以你尚未想到死亡。
Playable Character
You realize Death is always there, like your shadow casted by the sun… 你會意識到:是的,死亡始終都 在。正如陽光投下陰影,死亡始 終尾隨。
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Suit Man
Alive fears the dead —— this is completely normal. All lives are equal upon death, no matter you are weak or strong, poor or rich…Grim reaper cares none of these things. There are so many things people fear about death: the fear of rotting flesh, 生物畏懼死亡——這是再自然不 過的事。在死亡面前眾生平等, 無論你柔弱抑或健壯、貧窮抑或 富足,死亡對這些都不大關心。 死亡有太多教人恐懼之處:對於 肉體腐爛的恐懼、
你眺望高遠, 因此比誰都要畏懼墜落。
Playable Character
the fear of the unknown in afterlife, the fear of being separated from loved ones forever... the most worrying of all, is how death deprives us from all possibility. You and I will be frozen in the moment when death arrived, like the heat death of the universe… 死後世界未知的恐懼、與所愛之 人永遠分離的恐懼…當中最使人 焦慮的,或者是死亡如何剝奪了 所有可能性。我和你都將被迫定 格在死亡的那一刻,無法前進或 後退,就像熱寂的宇宙…
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Old Man
Those who can dance with death must full of courage. You neither fear nor welcome death. Death to you is nothing more than nature, a life cycle. Reapers collect lives, and lives are born elsewhere. It is completely normal. 能與死亡共舞的必然是個勇敢的 人。對於死亡,你既不恐懼,亦 不歡迎它。它不過是自然生態的 一環,就如春生夏長,秋收冬藏。 死亡收割生命,生命從別處再次 降生,如此往回,生生不息。
你像擁抱老朋友一樣 迎接死亡。
Playable Character
And what is there to fear in the death of you, who is a part of this great wheel? With such thought, you cannot agree more with Tagore’s poems —— Let life be beautiful like summer flowers And Death like autumn leaves. 而同屬這巨輪一環的你的死亡,又 有甚麼值得懼怕呢 ? 這樣思考著的 你,對於泰戈爾的詩作是再認同不 過——生如夏花之絢爛,死如秋葉 之靜美。
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此處寫有你的問題 !
We have your question here!
Q0 This is a dummy question. 這是一道假問題。 Correct!
Mark for correct answers 正解得分
Type of Question 問題類別
+5 There is nothing to be answered 2
Mark for incorrect answers 錯誤得分
How can you be wrong if there is no question?
A Mark Question
This is a point calculation instruction 這是一個計分系統
I don't know what you are looking for, but the question you are viewing does not exist.
我不知道你在找什麼,但是你看到的問題並 不存在。
Nor the answer of this question exists. This
question, therefore you should not be
is a dummy paragraph for this dummy
How to use this book? 如何使用 本 指 南 ?
- 28 -
This section will have a detail explaination for the question. Will they cut your leg if you are too tall to fit the coffin? Read it here!
這部分包括了該問題的詳細解釋。為 了將過大的你放進棺材,工作人員會 砍掉你的腿嗎 ? 在這裡找出答案吧 !
reading this. Why are you stil reading
you how to use the book, none of these
anyway? This page is just a demo to instruct content matters. Please stop reading and
turn to the next page, I have nothing to offer. Life is precious do not waste your time on some fake dummy text. Ugh I finally have
何使用這本書的演示,這些內容都不重要。請 供的。生命是寶貴的,不要把時間浪費在一 些無聊的文字上。我終於有足夠的文字來填
enough text to fill the page.
Fake Additional Reading
Here are some additional material if you are interested, but it is not a must!
要是你感興趣,你可以看看這些書。隨你喜歡 !
Nothing to read here
Dummy Question
This is just a dummy question
This book does not exist
Turn to another page already!
Nothing to see here
I got nothing to offer
Runnin out of bullshit to type here
5 Most of the questions will include illustrationa and shor comics. It might be a bad pun, but at least we tried!
大多問題會配有插圖和短漫畫,它們 可能不太好笑,但至少我們嘗試了 !
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Ready to Dance? 準
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Death Science deck covers rational and scientific doubt about death. Do dead people sit up in their grave like in horror movies? Do my body expand and explode if no one bury it? We clear up your superstition about death with Science! 死亡科學包含了對死亡的理性和科學的懷疑。死人會像恐怖片 一樣從墳墓裡坐起來嗎?如果沒有人埋葬我的身體,它會膨脹 和爆炸嗎?我們用科學來消除你對死亡的迷信!
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Death Science
Death Education Solution
When I die, will my cat eat my corpse? 我死掉的話,我的貓會吃掉我的屍體嗎?
+5 They will proberbly eat my corpse
0 Um, I think they won't...
A Mark Question
是的 !
Your pet will eat your corpse. No matter you are havin g a cat, a dog, or a hamster…
你的寵物會吃掉你的屍體。不管你是養貓, 狗,還是倉鼠…
So you are probably thinking: why will my
所以你可能會想 : 為什麼我的寵物要吃我?他
sure if they love you or not, yet eating your
pet eat me? Don’t they love me? We are not dead body does not contradict their love.
You know vultures, crows, and coyotes these
kinds of scavengers who consume the dead to survive. It is just part of nature. Below, we
listed a few situations in which your pet may eat your corpse.
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們不愛我嗎?我們不確定他們是否愛你,但是 鷹、烏鴉和土狼這些食腐動物為了生存而吃 屍體。這不過是自然的一環。下面,我們列
Game Guidebook
In extreme cases, even humans might
that your pet might eat you to survive. There
practice cannibalism. So it is not strange
are cases all around the world in which dogs and cats consumed the owner’s dead body after they went out of food. In 2007, Science
Direct reported in a case woman’s body was eaten by her two dogs. Since the woman
存。因此,你的寵物為了活下去而吃掉你並 在主人沒有食物時吃掉了他的屍體。2007 年
的 Science Direct 報導了一起案件,一名婦女
的屍體被她的兩隻狗吃掉。死者在她死後一個 月才被發現,她的整個身體幾乎都被她的狗吃
掉了,只留下了一些骨頭碎片,頭骨和頭髮。 而現場同時留下了兩大包吃完的狗食包裝。
was discovered a month after her death,
almost her entire body was consumed by
her dogs. Only a few bone fragments, skull, and hair were left. Two bags of dog food were consumed and left at the scene.
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It is interesting to know that your pets will
is that the human face is soft and exposed
動物專家 Markus Rothschild 在他的文章中寫
start eating your face if you die. The reason thus easier to consume. Markus Rothschild,
an animal expert suggested in his essay your pet will not consider the taste when they
consume you. They may try to wake you up by licking your face, but accidentally take a
因為人類的臉是最柔軟的和最易消化的部分。 到你的寵物在吃你的時候的心理狀態。在你
死後,牠們可能會舔著你的臉試圖把你弄醒, 但是不小心咬了一口,在嚐到血味、激起獸 性後就停不下來了。
bite and cannot stop themselves after they tasted blood.
You may think you are safe if you are having
hamsters might not eat your body, they
a hamster. No, you are not! Though your might take your body part to build their
burrow. A case in 1995 recorded a 43-yearold woman who was found dead in her
flat. Her skin, fat, and muscle tissue were
removed by her golden hamster to build its new home. Animals building nest in a
dead body is not surprising, especially in the chest, as it provides a cozy and closed area for them. Although this situation is more common when the body is dried.
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1995 年的一宗個案中,一名四十三歲女子被
發現死在公寓內。她的皮膚,脂肪和肌肉組織 都被她的倉鼠用來建新家了。動物在屍體上築 巢並不奇怪,它們格外喜歡在胸腔位置築巢,
因為這為它們提供了一個舒適而封閉的空間。 不過,它們一般會選擇風乾後的屍體。
Will my cat eat my eyeballs?
Caithlian Doughty
Specific patterns of canine
Thomas Colard
On the temporal onset of
Rothschild, Markus A, &
Horrifying Stories Of Animals Eating
scavenging in indoor settings
postmortem animal scavenging
Their Owners
Schneider, Volkmar
中文延伸閱讀 寵物黑知識︰你知道家寵物有多想吃你嗎?
English Additional Reading
Death Science
Death Education Solution
Can everybody fit in a coffin? 棺材能裝進每個人嗎 ?
+5 Yes, it can fit everyone!
What if that guy is like really tall?
A Death Trap
Yes, it can!
Death Coin
The average size of a coffin is 150cm to 200cm tall, 70cm to 80cm wide. The range should be able to fit a wide range of people. Yet, you may wonder, what if the person is
really tall or fat? Can he or she still be buried properly?
棺材的平均尺寸為 150cm 至 200cm 高, 70cm 至 80cm 寬。這個範圍應該適合大部分 的人。 你可能會想,如果這個人真的很高或者很胖 怎麼辦?他或她可以被埋葬嗎?
First, to be clear, there is no way the funeral
in the coffin. Due to the gradually increasing
home will cut your dead body apart just to fit number of overweight and obese people,
the issue of oversize coffin is getting more and more attention, especially in the US.
Coffin makers can provide coffins as wide as 135cm, or simply remove some of the inner lining of a normal casket to make some
room. Yet, these customized coffin costs much more.
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進棺材而把你的屍體切開。尤其是在美國, 的問題越來越受到人們的關注。棺材製造商
可以提供寬達 135cm 的棺材,或者簡單地移 除普通棺材的內襯以騰出一些空間。然而, 這些定制棺材的收費要比一般的高得多。
Game Guidebook In fact, not just the coffin, grave plot, funeral
each of the burial procedure cost higher if
transportation, lifting equipment, cremation… you are a tall or fat person, as more workers, material and fuels are needed to handle a
body. However, it is hard to say that is fair to
charge a person more simply because he or
重設備、火葬 ... ... 如果你是個高個子或肥胖
處理一具屍體需要更多的工人、材料和燃料。 然而,很難說僅僅因為一個人的身體比較大 就對其收更多的錢這一行徑是否公平。
she has a larger body.
English Additional Reading Will my cat eat my eyeballs?
Caithlian Doughty
Dying Fat: Your Funeral Options
Ask A Mortician
How is the Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.
US-Funerals Oline
Can an Obese Person be Cremated?
US-Funerals Oline
impacting on the Funeral Industry?
- 39 -
Death Science
Death Education Solution
How do people die in space?
當人類在太空中死亡時會發生什麼? Nah.
+5 Die due to lack of oxygen
0 I think I might explode...
A Mark Question
Wait a second.
等等 !
Let’s clear up a few popular theories first – First, your body will not explode even if you die in space.
先讓我們澄清一些謠言——人類就算死是在 太空屍體也不會爆炸的 !
Let’s clear up a few popular theories first –
die in space. Though many believe that
First, your body will not explode even if you lack of atmospheric pressure will make the
human body explode in space, this is not the truth. Your skin and tissue will preserve all
炸。儘管許多人認為缺乏大氣壓力的太空會使 的。你的皮膚和肌肉組織會保護內在的器官, 使你不受外在氣壓影響。
your organs.
Second, your blood will not boil as well.
the easier liquid may boil, and thus your
Some said the lower the air pressure gets, blood will boil in space, a pressure-free
environment. That is not true as well. As long as your body is still an enclosed system, nothing is going to boil.
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究指出氣壓越低,液體的沸點便會隨之下降, 一樣,只要你的身體維持封閉的狀態,外在 氣壓不會影響到你。
Game Guidebook Third, your body is unlikely to freeze in space.
-270°C, space is a vacuum in which nothing
Even though the universe is as cold as
can absorb your body heat. Thus the theory goes against the thermal conduction law and is not true.
下 270 度,但因為宇宙是一個巨大的真空空
吸收這份熱量。這個理論違背了熱傳導定律, 也是不正確的。
So what exactly will happen? At 0 seconds,
那麼到底會發生甚麼呢?在 0 秒鐘的時候,
you cannot resist the pull of the vacuum. At
all of the gas will rush out of your body as
10 seconds, you will start to blackout since your brain can no longer function with no
oxygen supply. The blood vessel at your body surface will start to break, your lungs will be
torn, ruptured, and bleed in this no-pressure
environment. The body fluid that leaks out of you will boil in a vacuum, and soon you will
suffocate due to lack of oxygen. By the way,
if you are naked in space, you will experience a horrible sunburn as well.
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真空會扯出你的身體裡的所有的氣體;在 10 況下無法運作,你會開始昏迷。你身體表面
的血管將開始破裂,肺部仍會被撕裂、破裂、 甚至大量出血。你流出的體液,如唾液跟眼 淚會在真空中沸騰。你會因為缺氧而窒息, 最後死亡。順便說一下,如果你在太空中沒 穿好衣服,你將會體驗到可怕的曬傷。
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English Additional Reading Will my cat eat my eyeballs?
Caithlian Doughty
What Happens If You Die In Space?
The Infographics Show
What Happens if Your Body is Exposed to
Ask Us Anything: What happens to your
Popular Science
the Vacuum of Space?
body when you die in space?
Death Science
Death Education Solution
Have people being buried alive by mistake? What should I do if that happened? 如果人們在我昏迷的時候埋葬了我怎麼辦?
+2 I think this happened
+2 A Discussion Question
This rarely happen. In modern times, serval procedures will be carried out to ensure you are truly dead.
Nah, why would people being bured alive?
不小心埋葬活人的情況非常罕見。 在現代社會,為確保你真的死了,醫生會檢 查你的瞳孔反應、嘔吐反射、或者往耳道裡 注入冰水以確保你的死亡。
So you are being trapped in a tiny box
move your feet and hands, not to mention
埋總有一股奇怪的焦慮。2010 年的一部電影
six feet under the ground. You can barely
screaming for help and hope that someone up there can hear you. The anxiety of being buried alive is so prevalent that a movie is made in 2010, featuring a man being
trapped in a coffin trying his best to get out. But will that happen in real life?
- 44 -
移動你的手腳,更別說呼救了。人們對於被活 「活埋」便講述了一個被困在棺材裡的男人逃 出生天的故事。但在現實中這真的會發生嗎?
Game Guidebook To answer this question, this rarely happen.
答案是 : 非常罕見。在二十世紀之前,為確保
conducted to ensure one was dead before
測試如 : 在腳趾、心臟和胃扎針,或者砍掉你
Before the twentieth century, tests would be burial. The tests include shoving needles under the toenails, heart, or stomach,
burning the hand, or chopping off the finger… Back in the 1800s, the fear grew so intense that special coffins were made, with a
string linked the coffin and a bell above the grave. If you happened to wake up inside
死者在下葬之前已經死亡,人們會做一系列的 的手指等等 ... 而在 19 世紀,人們甚至製作了
一種特殊的棺材。這種棺材會連着一根繩子, 並在另一端系上鈴鐺。如果你剛好從昏迷中清 醒過來,你就可以扯扯繩子告訴人們你還活
著。然而,不小心埋葬活人的情況非常罕見, 在歷史上幾乎沒有任何記載。
your coffin from your deep coma, you may
ring the bell to tell people that you are alive. Though, being buried alive by mistake is so
rare that it does not have a record in history.
As in modern times, serval procedures will
For instance, the doctor will check your pupil
be carried out to ensure you are truly dead. reactivity, your gag reflex, or injecting ice
查你的瞳孔反應、嘔吐反射、或者往耳道裡 對吧?就算這些程序沒有用,你的禮儀師和 防腐師也能在工作中發現你還活着。
water into your ear canal to ensure your death. Much more humane than the old
days, right? Even if these procedures failed, the burial rituals like embalmment should ensure that.
- 45 -
But what should you do if that happened?
in a coffin for about five hours. By controlling
First, do not panic. A person can live in the air your breath, you may increase your chance of survival by saving oxygen. Second, try to
find a way out. Is your cell phone buried with you? If so, try to make a call. If not, you may
need to dig your way up from the coffin with whatever you have on hand.
- 46 -
首先,不要驚慌。棺材裡的氧氣只能讓你堅 氧氣來增加你的生存機會。其次,試著找到
一條出路。你的手機還在嗎?試著打電話吧。 如果沒有,你可能得用你手頭上的東西從棺 材裡挖出一條路來。
Will my cat eat my eyeballs?
Caithlian Doughty
What To ACTUALLY Do If You Are
The Infographics Show
Buried Alive
中文延伸閱讀 熱備資訊
如果被活埋了,該怎麼自救 ?
English Additional Reading
Death Science
Death Education Solution
Can I donate my blood after I die? 我死後可以獻血嗎?
+5 Yes, I can donate blood after death
Dead people cannot dontate blood
A Death Trap
Yes, you can!
Death Coin
是的,你可以 !
You are a regular blood donator who donates as much as 7 times a year. Even after your death, you want to help people with your blood——can you do
你是一個定期獻血者,每年獻血次數多達 7 次。即使在你死後,你也想用自己的血 去幫助別人ーー這可行嗎?可行。從技術
層面討論,屍體的血液在死後可以保存 6-8 個小時。只要你身體健康,而且生前沒有
that? The answer is yes. Technically
speaking, the blood of a dead body
stays usable for about 6-8 hours after death. As long as you have a healthy body and have not received any
medication before your death, your
blood will be usable. Yet getting blood from a cadaver is not that simple.
- 48 -
Game Guidebook
The first blood donation from the dead
1928 年,蘇聯進行了第一次屍體獻血實驗。
Union. Surgeon V.N. Shamov first experiments
experiment took place in the 1928 Soviet this with dogs. They drained out three-
quarters of the sample dog’s blood before infusing blood from another dog that died 6 hours ago. The experiment successfully
外科醫生 V.N. 沙莫夫先用狗隻進行實驗。他 後注入另一隻已經死亡 6 小時的狗隻血液。 實驗不但成功地證明了屍體的血液可以用於 活人,更重塑了公眾對死亡的看法:死亡不 再是一條清晰的分界線。人的身體並不會因 為死亡而立即變成另一種不同的物種。正如
proves that the cadaver’s blood is used
for living. It also reshaped how the public
views death as a strict borderline between
functional and dysfunctional. Just because
death happened, does not mean their body has suddenly become useless. As he wrote,
“The corpse should no longer be considered dead in the first hours after death.”
- 49 -
沙莫夫所寫,“ 在變成屍體的第一個小時並 不能算是真正的死亡狀態。”
Even if blood donation is allowed, getting
without a beating heart to pump blood out.
blood from a cadaver can be rather difficult Pathologists will need to open a large vein
in the neck and push out blood from there. Can the family accept their loved ones’
bodies being treated like this? Moreover, one main difference between cadaver organ
donation and blood donation is that blood
donation cannot trace back to its origin. Not to mention many may not accept receiving blood from dead bodies.
臟不會跳動,因此血液很難從屍體身上泵出。 口子,輸出血液。家屬能接受他們致親的身 體被這樣對待嗎?此外,屍體器官捐獻和屍 體獻血的一個主要區別在於血液的來源比器 官更難追溯。更不用說很多人根本接受不了 輸血的血液來自屍體。
English Additional Reading Will my cat eat my eyeballs?
Caithlian Doughty
Can You Give Blood After Death?
Dear Blocko
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Mary Roach
中文延伸閱讀 《中外醫學哲學》
It is not easy to face the fact that we are all dying, but you can always do something before your last breath! We are not talking about funerals and your preferred burial method. We are talking about what to do with those who loves you. At the end of the day, none of us know how much time is left to fulfill that bucket list of yours. 面對我們都將死去的事實並不容易,但是你總是可以在臨死之 前做些什麼!我們不是在談論葬禮和你會選擇的葬禮方式。我 們在討論如何對待那些愛你的人。畢竟,我們都不知道還有多 少時間來完成你的遺願清單。
- 52 -
- 53 -
Before Your Last Breath
Death Education Solution
What is a living funeral? 甚麼是生前喪禮 ?
+5 Oh, I know a living funeral is...
+0 Um, I guess it menas...
A Mark Question
A living funeral?
生前喪禮 ?
You know what a funeral is: A funeral is a ceremony which the deceased is buried with the attendant observances. Yet funeral is supposed for the dead, what is a funeral for the living?
你知道什麼是葬禮 : 葬禮是一個儀式,死者和 隨葬的儀式一起下葬。然而葬禮應該是為死 者舉行的,什麼是為生者舉行的葬禮?
A living funeral is also called a pre-funeral. It
know he or she will die soon, whether the
is a ceremony usually held by a person who reason is terminal illness or old age. Living Funeral is proved important in improving
the mental health of the participants and significantly help them deal with grief, as
it provides them a chance to express their feelings with and resolve regrets with that person before he die.
- 54 -
行,此人一般患有晚期疾病,或是年紀已經很 顯著地幫助他們處理悲傷,它使參加者能在主
Game Guidebook
English Additional Reading 7 Compelling Reasons Why a “Living Funeral” Can
Bradley Stone
Living Funerals Touch the Living
The Columbus
Make Your Final Moments Beautiful
中文延伸閱讀 死亡和生前喪禮:為活人辦後事為何越來越流行 與死亡相伴的人生:
30 歲時,我舉辦了一場自己的生前喪禮
BBC 中文網 The New Lens
Before Your Last Breath
Death Education Solution
What is the Advance directive? Can I make one now?
甚麼是預設醫療指示 ? 我現在就能下決定嗎 ? Nah.
+5 Oh, I know an Advance directiveis...
Um, I guess it menas...
A Death Trap
Advance directive? An Advance- Directive is a statement in which the patient indicates the form of treatment he prefers in case he is no longer competent to make decisions.
Death Coin
預設醫療指示 ? 預設醫療指示讓病人在有能力作出決定時選 擇在甚麼特定情況下拒絕接受維生治療。
You find out you have stage III lung cancer.
guarantee that the treatment or medication
The doctor tells you that there is no
will work, and all he can do is try to sustain your life as long as possible, which is a
maximum of 3 months. The treatment is
painful, and it does not help to relieve even a bit. Now, what will you choose? Will you
continue your treatment, or give up and wait for your last breath?
- 56 -
時沒有任何療法能根治你的病,他能做的只有 只能活 3 個月了。治療過程很痛苦,而且一
點也沒有緩解你的疼痛。那麼你會如何選擇? 你會選擇繼續治療,抑或等待死亡?
Game Guidebook Let us answer the second question first. If you
you cannot sign your Advance-Directive right
are not a terminal illness patient, then: No,
now. An Advance- Directive is a statement in which the patient indicates the form of
treatment he prefers in case he is no longer
competent to make decisions. Such decision includes refusing life-sustaining treatments,
不是一個絕症患者,那麼 : 不,你現在不能簽 能力作出決定時選擇在甚麼特定情況下拒絕 接受維生治療。維生治療包括心肺復蘇術、 呼吸機等只能延長生命,卻無法改善病情的 治療方法。
like CPR, ventilator, and treatment serves to
prolong life without reversing the underlying medical condition.
The Hong Kong government does not have a
came up with this Advance Directive system
law in this aspect, yet the Hospital Authority in 2010, allowing terminal illness patients
理局在 2010 年提出了預設醫療指示系統,允
接受治療,包括晚期疾病、植物人和其他晚期 不可逆轉的生存受限疾病。請注意,預設醫
to decide how they want to be treated
in an emergency. The situation includes
terminal illness, persistent vegetative state,
and diseases that only have life-sustaining treatments. Notice that the Advance
Directive is not a form of euthanasia, as
the patient has his right to refuse medical
treatment he does not want. The Advance Directive is more like a will that the family
and doctor should follow when the patient
can no longer make decisions, whether he is in a coma or unable to respond.
- 57 -
療指示並不是安樂死。病人有權拒絕他不想 要的治療。預設醫療指示更像是一份生前遺
囑,協助家人和醫生在病人不能再做決定時, 遵循他的意願下決定。
What about you? If you are a terminal
Advance Directive? Do you think the patient
illness patient, would you choose to sign the has their right to give up medical treatment?
- 58 -
English Additional Reading Types of Advance Directives
American Cancer Society
Introduction of the Concept of
Food and Health Bureau
Advance Directives in Hong Kong
中文延伸閱讀 醫院管理局
Snior CLIC
不作「心肺復甦術」? 病人、家屬知多些 !
Before Your Last Breath
Death Education Solution
How much time left you can spend with your parents before they die? 在父母去世前,你有多少時間與他們相處 ?
+2 Oh, I know a living funeral is...
+2 A Discussion Question
Um, I guess it menas...
This question is about how much time you left to spend with your parents.
這個問題是關於你還有多少時間可以和你的 父母在一起。
Time is probably the worthless thin we possess
still time to make compromise, or to resolve
when we were young. We think that there is
our regrets at the final moment, just like what
happen in a TV drama. Yet, as we grow old, our time become expensive. Moment like this in
fact seldom happens. What’s even worse, the time you can spent with your love ones is far lesser than you thought.
- 60 -
西。我們經常覺得自己的時間還很多,有足 相處。在死亡來臨之前,我們還有時間與秘 邊的人和解,就像電視劇裡演的一樣。隨著 我們長大,時間變得昂貴,我們開始明白這 種時刻並不會到來。事實上,你與你的家人 相處的時間比你想像的要少得多。
Game Guidebook In 2011, Taiwan did an interesting study on
2011 年,臺灣進行了一項有趣的研究計算在
parents before their death. They collected
據統計,台灣男性的平均壽命為 76 歲,女性
how much time your can spend with your
則為 82 歲。
the average life spent of Taiwanese male and female, which is 75 and 82, and put them in this equation:
(Average Life Spent – Your Parent’s Current Age)
( 平均壽命 – 目前年齡 )
(The time you can met them in a year X Average 6 hour) ( 每年相處的次數 x 每次相處的時間 )
If your father is 60 this year, the day you left
如果你的父親今年 60 歲,那麼你離開和他在
what you think, right? Try to calculate how
to spend with him is 55 days. Much less than much time you left to spend with your family.
What do you plan to do with this limited time?
一起的日子就是 55 天。比你想像的要少,對 人在一起。在這有限的時間裡你打算做什麼?
中文延伸閱讀 別以為還有 20 年,你跟父母相處的時間其只剩下 55 天
- 61 -
Before Your Last Breath
Death Education Solution
Can I donate my organs even if I have disease? 即使我有疾病,我可以捐贈我的器官嗎?
+5 I think I can as long as the donated organs is fine
I think not...
A Death Trap
Organ Donation?
Death Coin
器官捐贈 ?
As long as the organ you offer is healthy, you can still donate your organ.
即使你有疾病,只要你捐贈的器官是健康的, 你就可以選擇捐贈。
According to the Department of Health, people
donate organs: brain death donors, people
in the following criteria are recommended to who have adequate organ function, and no severe/systemic infection no HIV infection.
Cardiac death patients can only donate tissue but not organs.
- 62 -
官狀況良好、沒有感染任何傳染病或愛滋病, 贈組織,如眼角膜、皮膚及骨骼。
Game Guidebook
Not organs can be donated. Only heart, lung,
organs, tissues including bone, skin, and
liver, and kidney can be donated. Other than
cornea can also be donated. However, Hong Kong’s organ donation rate remains low. Not only because of the traditional values and
misconception the public has towards organ
肺、肝臟和腎臟。除了此之外,骨頭、皮膚 捐贈率仍然偏低。不單是因為市民根深蒂固 傳統觀念和誤解,更是因為香港只接受腦死 亡病人捐贈器官。
donation but also Hong Kong only accepts organ donation from brain dead patients.
The reason for not taking cardiac death
ethical. First, brain death donors still have
as organ donors is both practical and
heartbeat and blood circulation even after
their death, thus their organs are in a better state than cardiac death donors. Second,
者處於更佳的狀態。其二,在倫理層面而言, 為了保證心死者的器官活性,醫生會對捐獻者
施行侵入性的處置。此外,許多人擔心器官捐 獻會令他們的遺容受影響,或醫生會因為他
to ensure cardiac death donors ‘organ condition, several procedures must be
performed including invasive therapy. Also, many fear that taking organs away from
their deceased body unwhole. Their family, religion, and other external factors might
also stop them from donating organs, which results in patients and their family suffers from waiting for a suitable organ donor.
- 63 -
其他外部因素也是阻止器官捐獻的原因之一。 這些情況均令等待器官捐獻的病人和他們的 家人苦不堪言。
Will you donate your organs? How will you convince your family if they disagree with your decision?
- 64 -
你會捐獻你的器官嗎 ? 如果你的家人不同意你 的決定,你將如何說服他們?
English Additional Reading Know More about Organ Donation
Department of Health
中文延伸閱讀 心臟死後器官捐贈上路 拯救更多瀕死生命
Liver Disease Prevention &
Treatment Research Foundation
Before Your Last Breath
Death Education Solution
How to write a proper will? 要怎樣寫一份正式的遺囑 ?
+5 Oh, I know a will needs...
+0 Um, I guess it menas...
A Mark Question
A Will?
遺囑 ?
Anyone who age 18 or above can write their will.
The will indicates how a person's assets are to
making the Will is called the "testator". The
囑人」。立遺囑人需在兩名年滿 18 歲的見證
be distributed after his or her death. The person testator must sign the document witnessed
by two persons present at the same time who should then sign the Will as well. Notice that
the witnesses cannot be a beneficiary under
your will. A Will with legal validity should have a date as well.
- 66 -
如何被分配。訂立遺囑的人會被稱為「立遺 人同時在場的情況下簽署遺囑,而見證人不 可以是遺囑列明的受益人。一份具法律效力 的遺囑須寫上日期。
Game Guidebook
The reason why is recommended to write
will, the legal process is much longer, and
a will before your death is that without a
the result may not satisfy both the testator
and the beneficiary. Besides, will without the above requirements, for example without witnesses, is not legally validated. Such
document will be handed in to the court as a reference of how to handle the person’s
此外,不合私上述要求的遺囑,如沒有證人 簽署等,都不具有法律效力。相關檔會提交 法庭作為處理該人遺產的參考。然而,若後 人不尊重死者意願,該意願亦不能成為在法 律上爭產依據。
properties. Yet if the person’s relatives
and offspring have second opinion on the
decision, what you have written on the Will may not be followed.
中文延伸閱讀 如何訂立遺囑
- 67 -
A King ask a group of Ancient Greece people: “How can I make you eat your dead grandfathers’ body? The Greeks answered, there is no way they will do such horrible thing. The King then ask another group of Galatians, who’s famous of consuming the deceased’ body to honor them, “How can I make you cremate your dead grandfather’s body?” The Galatians all freak out. 一個國王問一群古希臘人 : “我怎麼能讓你們吃掉你們死去的祖父 的屍體 ?”希臘人回答說,他們決不會做這樣可怕的事情。國王然 後問另一群加拉太人,他們以吃掉死者屍體而聞名,“我怎麼能讓 你火葬你死去的祖父的屍體 ?” 加拉太人都嚇壞了。
- 68 -
- 69 -
Death Culture Death Eduecation
Is it legal to die at home? Let’s say in Hong Kong? 在香港,死在家裡合法嗎?
+5 It is not legal to die at home!
Yes, I think it is leagal...
A Death Trap
Nope, it’s not.
Death Coin
Regarding to the question, it is not legal to die at home in most circumstances.
In Hong Kong 2014, forty-six thousand people
在 2014 年,香港有大約四萬六千人死亡,其
Hospital seems to be the “right” place to die.
die in which 90% percent die in public hospital. However, that is not the case in the past. We
often see paintings depicting people in their
death bed. That used to be the norm. Yet with the well-developed public medical system, the modern age exclude death in our lives, making it distanced from people.
- 70 -
中 90% 在公立醫院離世。醫院似乎是“正確” 常看到描繪臨終病人的繪畫。這曾經是一種 常態。然而,隨著發達的公共醫療體系,現 代社會將死亡排除在我們的生活之外,使得 它與人們保持距離。
Game Guidebook
You may ask, why will people want to die at
scared! Dying at home seems horrifying in
home? I don’t want to make my family feel
our culture, since we believe that the house will become haunted if anyone die there.
讓我的家人感到害怕!在我們的文化中,死 死在家裡,房子會鬧鬼。香港的房屋供應極
為有限,我們不能讓太多的屋子鬧鬼。然而, 對於晚期病人,醫學幹預無濟於事,家屬遭受
With the extremely limited housing supply in Hong Kong, we cannot make too many
flats become haunted.Yet, for terminal illness patients, medical intervention cannot do
much to help, and family suffers from series of psychological pain. According to the
research, people prefer to die at their home
著一系列的心理痛苦。根據研究,人們更喜 歡死在自己的家裡,因為那是一個地方,他
們更熟悉。在一個充滿他們記憶的地方死去, 也有助於減輕他們的痛苦和家庭對於喪親的 悲傷。
because it is a place, they are more familiar with. Dying at a place full of their memories
help to reduce their pain and the grief of the family as well.
Thus, dying at home can also be viewed as
hard to promote this concept in Hong Kong,
a kind of hospice care. Despite these pros, is not only because of our tradition and laws,
but the lack of supporting services, such as the medical facilities and nurses.
- 71 -
So what exactly you need to do so you can die
their doctor fourteen days before their death,
at home legally? First, the patient needs to see and that the doctor understands the patient prefer to die at home. Second, the doctor
needs to confirm the death of the patient at
their home and signed certain documents. Or else, the police will involve ensuring the death occurred due to natural causes.
裡呢?首先,病人需要在死亡前 14 天去看醫 次,醫生需要確認病人在家中死亡,並簽署 某些檔。否則,警方將會展開調查和問話以 確保病人死亡的原因。
中文延伸閱讀 「好死」運動:重新認識死亡
明報 OL
BBC 中文網
香港好走: 怎照顧
在家離世 | 紓緩治療 | 上門醫生服務
Death Culture Death Eduecation
Can we consume dead body to survive in extreme circumstances? Will you do so? 在極端情況下,食用屍體來生存是可行的嗎 ? 你會這樣做嗎?
+2 Yes, I guess you can eat people to survive...
+2 A Discussion Question
It's workable.
Of course not!
It was the year 1884, the yacht Mignonette set sail to Australia with four sailors, Thomas Dudley, Edwin Stephens, Edmund Brooks, and Richard Parker.
1884 年,木犀草號載著四名水手—— 湯瑪斯 · 達德利、愛德溫 · 斯蒂芬斯、艾德蒙 · 布魯 克斯和理查 · 派克——啟航前往澳大利亞。
Their ship slinked in a storm. The four
limited food. On the 19 days, they ran out of
managed to escape to a lifeboat but with
food. What’s even worse, Parker was sick and
near his death. The boy soon fell into a coma,
when Dudley and Stephens decided to kill him for food.
- 74 -
上,但食物有限,到了第 19 天,他們的食物 他昏迷之後,達德利和斯蒂芬斯決定殺死並 吃掉了他的屍體。
Game Guidebook
To answer the question: yes, you may survive
circumstances as long as the meat provide
by consuming human flesh in extreme
protein and nutrition. Yet survival is not an
質和營養,你就可以通過在極端環境下食人生 人獲救後均被控謀殺。案件引起了公眾討論。 一些人認為派克的死亡令其他人可以得救,
excuse for any act. After the three were
rescued, they were arrested and charged with murder. The case raised public
discussion as some argued by consuming
human flesh the others can be saved, while
others disagree with their act of murder. The court sentenced them to death yet based
死刑,荃於事件的複雜性,女王赦免了三人, 並將死刑減判六個月監禁。正如女王所講, “求生並不能成為謀殺的理由。”
on public opinion, the Queen pardoned
three people and commuted the death
sentence to six months in jail. As the Queen
announced, “Survival cannot justify murder.”
The case of Uruguayan Air Force flight 571
在烏拉圭空軍 571 號班機空難中亦有發生同
1972, the Uruguayan amateur rugby team’s
飛機在阿根廷的安第斯山脈墜毀。45 個人中
also demonstrated survival cannibalism. In plane crashed in the Andes Mountains
類相食的情況。1972 年,烏拉圭橄欖球隊的 只有 16 個活了下來。在食物貧乏的雪山山峰
in Argentina. 16 of 45 people survived the
ordeal. The decision of cannibalism was
unavoidable. After running out of food, the
survival voted and agreed to consume
the dead bodies. The decision was not an
easy one, as most of the victims were close friends and classmates. After their rescue,
the survivors claimed that they were inspired by the idea of Last Supply, and would not
mind the others doing the same if they died.
The explanation helped sway public opinion, and the church later absolved the survivors.
- 75 -
獲救聲稱他們的行為是受到了“最後的晚餐” 所啟發。而且如果他們自己死了,他們也不
The two cases both show survival cannibalism,
one driven by the strong desire to survive,
yet the process of thinking varies with the former the latter one consumes human flesh after a painful but almost rational thinking process.
What about you? Do you think you would do
the same in the situation? Or would you rather starve yourself than commit cannibalism?
- 76 -
而幾乎是理性的思考過程後選擇食人。你呢? 你認為在這種情況下你也會這麼做嗎?還是 你會選擇餓死也不願意吃人?
English Additional Reading The Donner Party: What Really Happened?
Ask A Mortician
The Real Moby Dick Was So Much Worse
Ask A Mortician
The Rugby Team That Fell From the Sky
Ask A Mortician
Alive 1993
Frank Marshall
Britannica Uruguayan Air Force flight 571
Amy Tikkanen
中文延伸閱讀 食人有錯?:法律大案如何影響世界
Allan C. Hutchinson
- 77 -
Death Culture Death Eduecation
Can I use cremated human bones as jewelry? 用骨灰來做紀念首飾合法嗎?
+5 It is not legal to die at home!
+0 Yes, I think it is leagal...
A Mark Question
Yes, it is!
合法 !
You may hear of using ashes of deceased pets as jewelry. Do you know that in fact human ashes can be made into jewelry?
你可能聽說過把過世的寵物骨灰做成紀念飾 物。其實將人的骨灰做成紀念飾物也是合法的。
As stated by the government, as the
根據法律,每人最多可存放不多於 10 個骨灰
temperatures, it will not cause any hygiene
cremated ashes have been handled at high issues. It is allowed to store not more than 10 containers for the ashes, which each
container can only store the remains of one
person in their home. You do not necessarily need to place your loved one’s bones in a
cemetery, but somewhere close to you will be fine too.
- 78 -
容器,每個容器內存放不多於 1 名先人的骨
求的骨灰龕裡。現時有很多方法將骨灰做成 不同的飾物。讓你能將親人放在身邊。
Game Guidebook
During cremation, the human bones are
在火化過程中,骨頭會被放入 1700 度的火化
chamber. The high temperature will
placed into the 1,700-degree cremation
disintegrate body tissue and smaller bones.
Notice that not all of the bone will be cracked into ashes during the cremation. Larger
燒成骨灰。較大的骨頭在經過火化後仍是一 塊塊的,但高溫會使骨頭的結構受損和變得 脆弱。接下來會發生的情況有兩種,一是骨 灰直接交由家屬進行撿骨,二是殯儀從業員
bones will remain in pieces, though the
structure of these bones is damaged and
fragile. The bones will then be dehydrated.
Two situations may happen next. The ashes are either handled by the family or funeral staff. For the former one, the process is
called Kotsuage in Japanese. The family will
語中被稱為骨揚げ。家人會用筷子撿起骨灰, 並將骨灰放進骨灰盒裡。至於在美國和其它 西方國家,大塊的骨頭先被碎骨機壓碎,再 裝到骨灰盒裡交回給家屬。
pick up cremated bones and put them into the urn using chopsticks. As in the US and
other western countries, chunks of bones are pulverized by Cremulator before becoming fine ashes.
What about the jewelry part? You must
into jewelry. Take Algordanza memorial
Algordanza 紀念鑽石為例。製作尺寸為 1 克
know not all of your bones will be made diamond as an example. To make any size
memorial diamond of up to 1 carat in size, it
is recommended to have 500g of ashes. The amount of ashes required and the size of
the diamond are not relevant. The remaining ashes can still be stored in urns, or to be
scattered in memorial gardens or the ocean.
- 79 -
拉的紀念鑽石要用到 500 克的骨灰。所需的 骨灰量和鑽石的大小並無關。製作紀念鑽石 也不需要用完所有的骨灰。你可以將剩餘的 灰燼散落在紀念花園或海上。
English Additional Reading Will my cat eat my eyeballs?
Caithlian Doughty
中文延伸閱讀 食環署
- 81 -
Death Culture Death Eduecation
In Chinese tradition, why is it bad to give even number amount of money for funeral gift? 在中國的傳統中,為什麼帛金一定得是雙數?
+2 Well, I gues it is because...
+2 A Discussion Question
Even Number?
How will I know?
雙數 ?
You may think is weird enough to give the mourning family money at the funeral. What is even weird is that: in Chinese tradition, you must not give even number amount of money as a funeral gift.
你可能會覺得在葬禮上還要送錢給人很奇 怪——更奇怪的是,按照中國的傳統,帛金的 金額是有嚴格的規則的。
Even number like 2 means something might
(shuāng) also has the same pronunciation as
happen twice. The Chinese character of "even" “sad/ hurtful” (shāng). Though unavoidable, nobody wants to have too many funerals, right? Apart from this tradition, there are various rules on the funeral gift as well.
- 82 -
雙的意味。而「雙」與「傷」又是諧音。雖 太多遍,對吧?
Game Guidebook
1/The money must be given to the family in
represents that this pocket will be given
a sealed white pocket. The sealed pocket
once only. Nowadays, many will not seal the pocket for conveniency. Yet if you cannot
deliver the funeral gift to the family on your
色口袋裡。密封口袋表示帛金只送一次。儘 會再封口。不過若果你是託人代送帛金的話, 還是封口會比較恰當。
own, it will be better to seal the pocket.
2/ You must not give too much money to the
red packets in marriage, Chinese New Year’s,
family. It is common for the Chinese to pack
and other celebrational events. The amount of money for a red packet can be as much as 10 thousand dollars. As a funeral is not a
結婚、過年等喜事中包紅包給親戚朋友,紅 非喜事,帛金的金額不應太多。一般來說數 百至數千元足矣。
celebrational event, you should not give put too much money in a white pocket.
3/ You cannot take back the white pocket.
by putting a sign kěn cí diàn yí in the funeral
Some family might refuse to take funeral gift hall. Even though that happens, you cannot take back your white pocket directly. The
family will usually help to transfer the money
into a red pocket before giving it back to you.
- 83 -
葬禮上表示懇辭奠儀,即不收取帛金的意思。 在場家屬會協助你將帛金內的錢放到另一個 紅包內,這樣你才可以將帛金帶走。
Different regions also have different traditions
Kong has a strict rule on the funeral gift, in
單數,因此人們通常會在整數上加 1 元,以
on the amount of money for Funeral gifts. Hong which the last digit of the money must be an
odd number. People will usually add 1 dollar to the gift to follow the rule. In Taiwan, it is okay to give 500, 900, 1100, or 2100 as long as the
hundred digit is an odd number. In Japan, it is taboo to give the amount of money starting with 3, 4, and 9.
- 84 -
港對帛金有嚴格的規定,最後一個數字必須是 單數作結。在臺灣,像是 500、900、1100、
或者 2100 的金額都是可以的,只要百位數是 單數則可。在日本,金額多為單數字頭,但 忌以 3、4、9 作頭數。
中文延伸閱讀 白包的四大禁忌
- 85 -
Death Culture Death Eduecation
Which part of your bone will not be placed in the cremation urn after cremation? 火化後哪一個部分的骨頭是不會放入骨灰甕的?
+5 Teeth is also a part of bone!
+0 Why should I know?
A Mark Question
The answer is Teeth! You know cremation burns dead bodies to ashes, but do you know how cremation is carried out? What’s more, which part of the bone is not included in your cremation urn? The answer is Teeth.
答案是牙齒! 你知道火葬會把屍體燒成灰燼,但你知道火葬 是怎麼進行的嗎?骨頭的哪一部分不包括在您 的火葬骨灰甕?答案是牙齒。
There are two reasons behind not putting it
humans are born without teeth, others think
into your cremation urn. Some believe that
that leaving teeth in an ashes urn will bring your offspring bad luck. Therefore, teeth should not be included in your ashes.
- 86 -
死後自然也不應有牙齒;也有人認為把牙齒 因此牙齒是不會放入你的骨灰裡的。
Game Guidebook
Apart from that, cremation is much more
temperature can burn most of the body
complicated than you think. The high
parts into ashes, including silicone implants.
Metal implants such as Titanium and Cobalt Alloy will remain after the cremation and being separated from the ashes using a
metal detector. If the body has a Pacemaker, ICD, or any type of device with a battery,
please make sure you have informed the
假肢卻會保留下來。工作人員會用金屬探測 器將金屬從骨灰中分離出來。如果遺體裝有
心臟起搏器、 心臟除顫器或任何帶電池的設
備,請確保在火化前通知殯儀館並將之移除。 這些裝置會在火葬爐中爆炸,甚至可能使工 作人員受傷。
funeral home and remove the device
before cremation. These devices if burn-in cremation will lead to explosion and may even injure the cremation staff.
English Additional Reading What Happens to a Body During Cremation?
Ask A Mortician
Burning out: What really happens inside a crematorium?
Popular Mechanics
中文延伸閱讀 火化時的五個冷知識
BBC 中文網
- 87 -
You believe death is the end of things? Perhaps it is, and perhaps it is not. Underneath your graveyard talks about all sorts of things after your death. Do we have a soul? If so, where does it go after our body dysfunction? Will there be heaven or hell? 你相信死亡是一切的終結?也許是,也許不是。「在你的墓地 以下」,我們談論你死後將會發生的一切。我們有靈魂嗎?如 果是這樣的話,在我們的身體腐朽之後,它會去哪裡呢? 天堂、抑或地獄?
- 88 -
- 89 -
Underneath Your Graveyard
Death Eduecation
What happens when I die? 我死後會發生什麼?
+2 I believe I will go to heaven after death.
+2 A Discussion Question
Um, I do not believe in afterlife
死後的生命存在嗎 ?
There are no right or wrong answers, but here are a few discussion directions: Do you believe in the afterlife? If so, where do people go? Heaven, Hell or Reincarnation? Do you believe in the existence of the soul? Discuss together players, what do most of you think?
這道問題沒有正確或錯誤的答案,但這裡有一 些討論的方向 : 你相信來世嗎?如果是這樣, 人們會去哪裡?天堂,地獄還是轉世?你相 信靈魂的存在嗎?和玩家們一起討論吧,你 們大多數人怎麼想?
- 90 -
Game Guidebook English Additional Reading Life After Life
Raymond A. Moody
What Happens When We Die?
Echo Bodine
Your Soul’s Gift
Robert Schwartz
中文延伸閱讀 如果我們發現了死後世界?
Underneath Your Graveyard
Death Eduecation
Does the soul weighs? If so, how much does it weighs? 靈魂有重量嗎 ? 如果有,它該有多重 ?
+2 Soul weighs 21 gram?
+2 A Discussion Question
21 g?
How will I know?
21 克 ?
We don’t really know but you probably have heard of this: The idea of the soul weighted 21 grams came from a study publish by Duncan MacDougall.
我們真的不知道,但你可能聽說過這個 : 靈魂 加權 21 克的想法來自鄧肯 · 麥克杜格爾發表的 一項研究。
You probably heard of this: 63% of Hydrogen,
你可能聽說過這個 : 63% 的氫,26% 的氧,9%
Nitrogen, 0.25 % of Calcium, 0.00004% of Iron,
的鐵,0.04% 的鈉,0.19% 的磷ー這就是人
26% of Oxygen, 9% of Carbon, 1.24% of
0.04% of Sodium, 0.19%of Phosphorus—this is all the material you need for a human. Yet
adding all numbers up can only give you the
sum of 99.888042, there are still 0.111958. What did we miss?
- 92 -
的碳,1.24% 的氮,0.25% 的鈣,0.00004% 類所需要的全部物質。然而把所有的數字加 起來只能得到 99.888042%,當中仍然少了 0.111958%。我們漏掉了甚麼?
Game Guidebook
The idea of the soul weighted 21 grams came
靈魂重量為 21 克的概念來自鄧肯 · 麥克杜格
Though the research is considered flawed
from a study publish by Duncan MacDougall. and unscientific by most scientists, the
爾發表的一項研究。儘管大多數科學家認為 流行文化中仍備受推崇。麥克杜格爾的實驗 基於靈魂有重量的假設。他設計了一種可以
idea itself is popularized in the modern
安裝在病床上的天平,並對 6 名垂死者進行
age. MacDougall’s experiments based on the hypothesis that soul have weight. He
designed a balance which can be installed
on bed and tested 6 dying people including 4 Tuberculosis patients, 1 patient in coma
and 1 with unknow causes. Each patient was
了測試,其中包括 4 名肺結核患者、1 名昏迷 患者和 1 名原因不明的患者。每個病人都被 放置在這個特殊的床上,並在他們死亡的那 一刻測量體重的變化。
placed on this special bed and weighted the change in weight at the moment they die.
Among this six people, only one of the
not taken into account due to uncontrollable
有被考慮進去。這名男子死前被觀察了將近 3
patient results is usable. Other results were
variables. This man was observed for almost
3 hours before his death. His weight dropped slowly at a rate of 1 oz (28.3495 g) per hour, presumably due to evaporation of body fluids. At the moment of his death, the
weight dropped by three-quarters of ounce (34x28.3495 = 21.26 g). MacDougall then claim that human soul weighted 21g.
- 93 -
個小時。他的體重以每小時 1 盎司 (28.3495 克 ) 的速度緩慢下降,大概是由於體液的蒸
盎司 (34x28.3495 = 21.26 克 )。麥克杜格爾隨 即聲稱人類的靈魂淨重 21 克。
Scientifically speaking, this experiment is not
從科學上講,這個實驗根本不準確 : 實驗規模
the method itself is problematic, and only one
accurate at all: the sample size is too small,
of the six result meet the hypothesis. Despite these facts, New York Time in 1907 published
this study. The news was triggered discussion.
What’s more, the proof of existence of soul was
favored by many religious parties, which further popularized the idea. What is the truth? Do
humans really have souls? It is still a mystery.
- 94 -
還是在 1907 年發表了這項研究。這個消息引 起了討論。靈魂存在的證明受到許多宗教派 別的青睞,因此宗教進一步推廣了靈魂存在 的觀念。至於真相究竟是甚麼、人類真的擁 有靈魂嗎 ? 我們仍然無從得知。
English Additional Reading Duncan Macdougall - 21 Grams Theory
Historic Mysteries
中文延伸閱讀 21 克――靈魂的重量
- 95 -
Death Culture Death Eduecation
Can I sell my soul on Amazon? 我能在亞馬遜上販賣我的靈魂嗎?
+2 Yes, I guess?
+2 A Discussion Question
Sell Your Soul?
Of course not! What are you thinking?
In an age when virginity auction is legal, selling souls doesn’t sound that crazy either. A bit old fashion we will say. The concept of selling souls is nothing new.
在這種連初夜也可以販賣的年代,販售靈魂似 乎也沒那麼瘋狂,說實話聽上去還有些老套。 出賣靈魂的概念並不新鮮。
One of the first men who sell his soul may be
legend, who sells his soul with a crossroad
Faust, the protagonist of a classic German devil in exchange for unlimited knowledge
and worldly pleasures. We often link selling souls with devils, but this question is quite
practical: Can you sell your soul on Amazon.
We don’t know whether you can sell your soul
on Amazon, but you definitely cannot sell your soul on eBay.
- 96 -
向十字路口的魔鬼出賣自己的靈魂以換取無 魂和魔鬼聯繫在一起,但其實本問題很實際 :
你能在亞馬遜上出賣你的靈魂嗎 ? 我們不知道 你是否能在亞馬遜上販賣你的靈魂,但是你 一定不能在 eBay 上販賣你的靈魂。
Game Guidebook
Serval people have tried to sell their soul
不少人曾嘗試在 eBay、 Trade me 和其他幾
In 2001, Alan Burtle, a 20-year-old university
的大學生 Alan Burtle 在 eBay 上拍賣自己的
on eBay, Trade me, and several platforms. student tried to sell his soul on an eBay
auction. Serval people were interested, and the bidding reached 400 USD before eBay
pulled the auction from the site. Here is their
個平臺上販賣自己的靈魂。2001 年,20 歲
靈魂。不少人對此很感興趣,在 eBay 撤下拍 賣之前,競價已經達到了 400 美元。以下是 eBay 的聲明 :
eBay does not allow the auctioning of
eBay 不允許拍賣人類的靈魂,原因如下 : 如
the soul does not exist, eBay could not allow
human souls for the following reasons: If
the auctioning of the soul because there
would be nothing to sell. However, if the soul does exist then, by eBay's policy on human
果靈魂不存在,eBay 就不能允許拍賣靈魂, 靈魂真的存在的話,根據 eBay 對人體和殘骸 的政策,我們不允許拍賣人類的靈魂。
parts and remains, we would not allow the auctioning of human souls.
What about you? Do you believe in souls?
up your soul willingly? Try discussing with
What kind of temptation will make you give your friends!
- 97 -
English Additional Reading New Zealand Man Auctions His
Fox News
Soul Online to Highest Bidder
Turns Out You're Not Allowed To Sell Your Soul On eBay
買下你的靈魂 ?
- 99 -
Death Culture Death Eduecation
Is Near Death Experience a thing? 瀕死體驗真的存在嗎 ?
+2 Yes, I guess?
+2 A Discussion Question
Near-Death Experience?
Near Death Experience is just bullshit.
The Near-Death Experience we are talking about here is not just some vague and religious concept about heaven and hell, but structural and academic research across the world.
我們在這裡談論的瀕死經驗不僅僅是一些關於 天堂和地獄的模糊的宗教概念,更是世界各地 多年來針對瀕死體驗的學術研究。
There are organizations worldwide researching
Experience Research Foundation, Division
會、維吉尼亞大學的感知研究部門 ...... 他們的
on NDE for decades, including the Near-Death of Perceptual Studies…their research covers NDE, reincarnation, deathbed vision, even mediumship.
- 100 -
找出這些體驗的成因,包括瀕死經驗研究基金 研究領域包括瀕死體驗、轉生、甚至靈媒等。
Game Guidebook
Back in the early 1900s, NDE is nothing more
在 20 世紀初,瀕死體驗對大多人來說都是無
famous philosopher and scientist published
than a joke. Until, Raymond A.Moody, a
his book Life After Life in 1975. Among the
稽之談。直到 1975 年,著名的哲學家和科學 在穆迪所收集的 150 個案例中,不少人都有 著相似的瀕死經驗,包括看見一條發光的隧
150 people Moody studied, many have a
blissful experience nearing their death. Different people claim that they see a
tunnel/ passage/ portal during their death, in which they feel that they have left their
body and being embraced by a calm and
secure light of warmth. Such a phenomenon cannot be coincident. The study largely reshapes people’s perspectives about
death experience in the science field, and
溫暖的白光擁抱等等,使人很難相信這一切不 過是一個巧合。穆迪的研究重塑了科學家們對 瀕死經驗的看法,針對瀕死經驗的研究亦因
而增加。儘管仍有人認為瀕死體驗是由藥物、 缺氧和大腦活動等引起的幻覺,但截至現在 仍沒有一個完美的解釋來說明瀕死經驗的由 甚麼造成的。
various research was carried out afterward. Though some argued that NDE is a series of
illusions caused by medication, hypoxia, and brain activity, the result of several studies contradicts the assumption.
Today, NDE association across the world
people with similar experience to overcome
continue to research in the field while helping their difficulties. Since the public still regards NDE as nonsense, it can be hard for those
who had been through death to express their feeling and thought. It is exciting to know
what scientists might discover about NDE in the future.
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行研究,同時幫助具有類似經驗的人們克服困 之談,那些經歷過死亡的人因而難以被理解,
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English Additional Reading Surviving Death
Ricki Stern
From life to death, beyond and back
Thomas Fleischmann
Near Death Experience Research Foundation
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Death Culture Death Eduecation
What will happen to my Facebook after I die? 我死了以後,我的 Facebook 會怎麼樣?
+2 Well, I think...
+2 A Discussion Question
Afterlife Facebook? Have you wondered what happens to your social media account after your death? Will it is suspended automatically, or someone will be using your account?
Um, how would I know?
死後的 Facebook? 你有沒有想過在你死後你的社交媒體帳號會 怎麼樣?帳號會被自動注銷嗎 ? 還是交由他人 管理?
Will your family be able to access the NSFW
你的家人會看到你在 Twitter 上點讚的「不宜
you can tell Google to delete your browser
content you liked on Twitter? Well, lucky for you, record from your graveyard. Depends on what platform you are using, you can decide who can take charge of your account, making your account a memorialization area, or
automatically delete it before your death. Both
Facebook and Google provide a legacy contact that allows you to take the above decision.
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使用的是什么平台。Facebook 和 Google 都
能讓你事先決定在你死後如何處置你的帳戶。 你可以選擇讓你的帳戶成為一個紀念區、把 帳戶交由家人或朋友管理,或者自動刪除。 這樣其他人就不會知道你的瀏覽紀錄了。
Game Guidebook
If you want the same service like Google and
至於 Twitter、 Pinterest、 Snapchat 和
help from companies like Death Social and
Facebook on these accounts, you may seek
Perpetu. They are two of the company which helps people to manage their digital legacy after their death. Their service includes
managing your social media account and
sending pre-programmed messages to your
Instagram 等平臺則會在你的帳戶閒置 6 個月 念區或其他服務,你可以向 Death Social 和
Perpetu 等公司求助。他們的服務包括管理你 的社交媒體帳戶,以及在你死後發送預先設 定好的資訊給你的朋友。
friend when you die.
Other than the options above, you can also
account. Tech companies have been
be made into a chatbot on social media
developing reasonably accurate chatbots
based on your digital footprints. Despite the privacy and ethical issues, the chatbot can continue to accompany your friends and
family while sending season’s greetings on
帳戶上變成一個聊天機器人。科技公司研發 行舉止,使你在死後亦能以聊天機器人的身 份在網上陪伴你的朋友和家人,定時為他們 發送節日祝福。自然,這些服務所存在的隱 私和道德問題同時備受爭議。
your Facebook.
Would you want to stay quiet after your
death? Or stay as a part of your friends and family’s life as digitally?
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你想在你死後保持安靜嗎?或者成為電子幽 靈、繼續陪伴你的朋友和家人?
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English Additional Reading AI chat bots can bring you back from the dead
The Washington Post
What happens to your social media when you die?
CNN Business
中文延伸閱讀 從死者 FB 、Twitter 等社交告知朋友遺願
發推嗎 ?
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At the end of this dance with death... 在
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Mementomori! 勿忘你終有一死
Deathnival is a Death Education campaign for young adults to explore death. Our goal is to raise awareness of death preparation and encourage people to treasure their limited lifetime thus minimizing regrets.
「死亡共舞」是一個鼓勵年輕人探索死亡的教育 企劃。我們的目標是使參與者明白認識死亡的重 要性,鼓勵人們珍惜有限的生命、減少遺憾。本 企劃分為三個階段 : The campaign consists of three stages. First, we invite you to finish a test on your death alttitude. Second, a board game set will lead you through a discussion about death trivia with your family and friends. Finally, Deathtalk allows you to share your thoughts on death through social media. 首先,我們邀請你完成交互式測驗,以數條簡 單的問題反思自己對死亡的態度。其次,桌上 遊戲將以輕鬆幽默的形式帶領你探究關於死亡 的冷知識,讓你重新定義死亡。最後,社交媒 體企劃會引導你反思自己的死亡,並在最後一 口氣之前寫下你的臨終遺言。
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Death Attitude Test 死亡態度測驗
In this stage, we invite you to revise your death altitude through a simple test.
在這個階段,我們邀請你回答數條簡單的問題, 反思自己對於死亡的態度。
Deathnival Board Game 死亡共舞桌上遊戲 In this stage, we provide you a space to discuss death with friends and family freely and explore aspects of death through game.
在這個階段,我們邀請你回答數條簡單的問題, 反思自己對於死亡的態度。
Deathtalk Media Campaign 死亡對話社交媒體企劃
Let us know what you think about death after you finish Deathnival! Leave your comment on Instagram #Deathtalk, or follow us @ deathnival_offical!
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讓我們知道你對死亡的看法吧!在 Instagram 標籤 #deathtalk 裡給我們留言,或者追蹤我們 @deathnival_official
All right reserved to © Ching Chan. 2021. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the creator.
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Game Book -
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