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Made in Connecticut
2024 CCM Convention will be full of learning, connecting and growing!
The hamburger, the lollipop, the can opener, the submarine, the wiffle ball – what do all of these things have in common? They were all made in Connecticut.
The 2024 CCM Convention at Mohegan Sun will honor the long legacy of Yankee ingenuity that has made our towns and cities what they are today. Join us on December 3 and 4 to be part of that long tradition!
New Schedule
Thinking about staying over the night before the busy day? If so, feel free to join us at our exhibitor appreciation reception on December 2nd from 5:30-6:30pm. All member registered for convention are welcome to attend and update their registration if they have not done so already.
This year’s convention will have a few changes, our CCMO graduation and Sustainable CT highlights will take place during breakfast in the expo hall. Our awards luncheon will cover the Municipal Excellence & Champion Awards as well as our LoCool Awards. After the day is through, you have a plethora of restaurants to choose from as dinner will be on your own on Day 1 – December 3,2024.
Workshops remain one of the highlights of our convention, and this year we are covering interesting and new hot topics. From AI to Safer Streets we have your municipality covered. Learn, connect and grow any of our 15 available workshops.
Think the convention is over? Not yet, join us for a half day on Day 2 (December 4th) for this year’s Hot Topic presentation/panel on the Post 2024 Presidential Election and learn what that means for CT’s economy
from a federal, state and local level. There will be an hour of connecting over a delicious full breakfast with your colleagues and exhibitors. As well as 3 additional CCMO credits to boost your credit accumulation!
Sponsors & Exhibitors
We are happy to announce some special sponsors early this year. So far we have, Halloran & Sage sponsoring the Municipal Excellence Awards, Bank of America sponsoring floral arrangements, Murtha Cullina sponsoring breakfast, and Titan Energy sponsoring our charging stations. A special thanks to Verra Mobility who is a Platinum MBA sponsor.
Be sure to continue to check our website for more sponsors (and other exhibitors) as they come in.
Municipal Excellence Awards
The 2024 Municipal Excellence Awards will be awarded in four categories, two for cities and two for individuals.
Three General Entry Awards by Population Size
• Innovation In Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
• The Joel Cogen Lifetime Achievement Award
• The Richard C. Lee Innovators Award
The award recipients will be honored at the Convention, as well as featured in a future issue of CT&C.
#LoCoolGov Youth Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship will be handed out in two age groups to a Connecticut student in a public middle school or high school.
Participants must create their own original work them selves, but may get help from teachers, parents, or friends in the form of ideas. They may also collaborate on projects of no more than three people. All entries are due by Friday October 18, 2024.
Connecticut Certified Municipal Officials
The Convention remains a place where municipal officials are recognized for their hard work. Those who have completed their CCMO credits will receive their certificates. The deadline complete your program re quirements and graduate at this year’s Convention was Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
Hotel Room Block - Earth Tower
CCM has negotiated a room rate of $149.00 plus appli cable state/local taxes. This rate was only guaranteed if you reserve your room by Friday, October 25, 2024 (rate not guaranteed - market rate may apply after this deadline). You will receive the room reservation link in your Convention registration confirmation email.
Safety Precautions
Your safety is our priority! At this time, neither masks nor proof of vaccination will be required to attend.
Help Others/Toy Drive
This year, we are excited to partner with United Way of Southeastern Connecticut/ Tommy Toy Fund. Please help us help those less fortunate than us by bringing a new, unwrapped toy with you. Help make a child’s holiday a little brighter this year!
To be a part of this fun and informative experience, you can go to www.ccm-ct.org and follow the links to the 2024 CCM Convention Registration Page