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Love Your Town; Work For It
New CCM project aims to tackle job shortages in local gov
Too many towns and cities are experiencing the same difficulties. Anyone who already works in local government knows the benefits of a municipal career, but more importantly, one that matters. CCM has heard from you, our members, and we felt the best way to help was to not only shine a light on the incredible employees that already make Connecticut a great place to live, but to tell prospective employees that local government isn’t just a job, it’s a career that matters. It all comes together in a project we’re calling the Municipal Career Center.
Over the next few months, we will be premiering a series of videos for our Municipal Career Center that we shot with 14 different municipal employees in a variety of roles. From town manager to IT to executive assistants, fire departments and more, every interviewee from across the state all had a similar message: they love their jobs.
They will be hosted on a website CTMunicipalCareers. Com that reimagines our current job board with a suite of new offerings. Our landing page will greet you with three options; the first will take you to our video series, the second to our job board, and the third will be resources on how to look great as an applicant, either through accreditation programs or resume builders. The job’s board is among our most visited pages on our website currently, so we hope that this will further drive our message home to people who don’t already work in a municipality.
And that is a key facet of this project: the messaging to the public that careers in municipal government directly impact their home. Our tagline is “Love your town; work for it,” which carries a double meaning. If you already love your town, you should work for it to help make it the great place that you love. And working for your town is a way of showing love to it and the people there.
CCM is currently working with possible sponsors to help us spread the word on this all-important project. We are looking to invest in sharing these videos to social media platforms, and if possible, to commercials through outlets like YouTube.
We want our members to know that we are investing in this issue because we know the rewards of local governance. Every member of the community in Connecticut relies on some member of the municipal workforce on a daily basis. Police, Librarians, and Finance Directors all play a critical role in our daily lives. The Municipal Career Center is just one piece of the puzzle, and will need your support to help reinforce that jobs in your town are more than that, they are careers that matter.