General information China Crop Protection Summit (CCPS) series provide an ideal platform for: obtaining the latest market intelligence information, networking with key global industry market leaders, and hearing from key delegates and industry experts on market “HOT TOPICS.�
In China Crop Protection Summit 2011, we will continue to provide one and a half days conference plus half a day pre-conference workshop with more than 15 hot topics.
In 2010, Chinese crop protection industry is enjoying significant growth due to the recovery of global economy. Moreover, "China Pesticides Industry Policy proposed by Chinese government at the end of 2009 has drawn a splendid blueprint and will bring remarkable reformations and transformations to China's pesticide industry.
It is the right time to grasp the latest market information, technology innovation and governmental policies, thus building your minds of capturing opportunity from China's crop protection industry. CCM International now brings you to China Crop Protection Summit to meet your need.
Why to attend the conference? >> To keep track of governmental regulations and impacts on crop protection industry
>> To get a clear picture on key growth points of China's crop protection market
>> To find out latest technology innovation and influential reform in crop protection industry
>> To know Chinese companies' marketing strategies and product circulation mode
>> To penetrate into China's pesticide export status and future trend
>>To seek cooperation with Chinese companies for further development
>> To establish relationship with attendants for future cooperation; to share experience and create new business opportunity
Who should attend? >> Crop protection manufacturers
>> Agrochemicals Trading Agent
>> Pesticides purchasing agents
>> Crop protection consultancies
>> Research institutions
>> Academia