Is Global Glyphosate Industry Transfer a Possibility Only?
Guangzhou China, May 31, 2011- People have been doubting whether glyphosate industry in the world will transfer from the existing two largest production bases to other regions, since China, the largest production base of glyphosate, has experienced irrational expansion in 2007 and 2008 and it has witnessed depressed glyphosate market since late 2008, while at the same time, Monsanto, the wellknown giant of glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup®, also suffered sharp profit decrease in glyphosate business.
Some people believe such an industry transfer globally might help relieve China's overcapacity and improve the world's glyphosate price.
Glyphosate based herbicides are widely used in over 130 countries in the world, but the global glyphosate technical supply is concentrated in only several countries including China (a country with easily available raw materials including IDAN and glycine), the U.S. (where Monsanto, the world glyphosate giant, is headquartered), Argentina (a large glyphosate user, as well as production base of Monsanto and Atanor), Brazil (a large glyphosate user, and production base of Monsanto and Nortox), etc.
-What is the future development trend of glyphosate supply and demand? -How about the current and future competition of the three glyphosate production routes? -Is glyphosate production going to transfer from China and the U.S. to other countries? -Whether Chinese glyphosate production will transfer from East China to West China? -What opportunities will arise from the future development of glyphosate industry? ……
With the above doubts, CCM starts this research on global commercial opportunities derived from glyphosate industry.
The main contents of this report: Executive Summary I--Introduction I-1--Introduction to this research I-2--Methodology and source I-3--Definition and research scope II--Overview of global glyphosate industry II-1--Overview of global glyphosate supply (distribution, production, circulation) II-2--Overview of global glyphosate demand II-3--Forecast on global glyphosate industry for 10 years II-3.1--Factors influencing global glyphosate supply and demand II-3.2--Forecast on glyphosate demand in future 10 years III--Development trend of glyphosate technical production routes
III-1--Introduction to current situation and market share of the three major production routes III-2--Introduction to glyphosate technical production technology III-2.1--AEA route III-2.2--DEA route III-2.3--IDAN route III-2.4--Other routes III-3--Competitiveness Analysis of different route III-3.1--Comparison of technology requirement Synthesis technology of glyphosate technical Investment Product quality Waste treatment technology III-3.2--Comparison of key raw material accessibility III-3.3--Cost of glyphosate technical by route III-3.4--Forecast on development trend and market share of three major production routes and potential new routes IV--Global glyphosate capacity integration and possible industrial transfer IV-1--Outstanding characters of current global glyphosate capacity distribution IV-2--Historical global capacity redistribution IV-3--Analysis on factors influencing glyphosate capacity redistribution and industrial transfer IV-3.1--Influencing Factors IV-3.2--Rating of factor importance IV-4--Forecast on global glyphosate capacity redistribution IV-5--Future possible regions for glyphosate capacity takeover IV-5.1--Questionnaire result IV-5.2--Step-by-step analysis IV-5.3--Analysis of possible regions
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