Medium and Small Size Pesticide Players Face Great Challenges Tag: pesticide, pesticide player, medium and small size pesticide players, monetary policy, import corn, insecticide, imidacloprid
Summary: Many pesticide players of medium and small size are now facing a much more serious operation condition.
It has been more than one year since China released Pesticide Industry Policy on Sept. 19, 2010, aiming to crack down the chaotic pesticide industry. The policy in reducing the number of pesticide companies by 30% by around 2015 has started to take effect on domestic pesticide players.
Recently, many pesticide players of medium and small sizes in Tianjin, Anhui, Hebei, Sichuan, Hunan Province, etc., have put up announcements on related industry websites to seek for investors. With the support of the Pesticide Industry Policy, local governments in China have continuously carried out strict policies to reduce the viability of medium and small size pesticide players, such as raising up the threshold of market entry and environmental standard in pesticide industry, etc.
Plus, eyeing the high inflation driving the increasing price in every field in China, Chinese government carried out tight monetary policy which has led to the continuous tightening of credit scale in domestic financial market. Owing to the continuous shrunken bank lending channel, many pesticide players of medium and small sizes are now facing a much more serious operation condition. What will they react? What kind of challenges and opportunities await for them?
Want to know more details about how the governmental policies affect domestic medium and small size pesticide companies, please check CCM’s Crop Protection China News 1118.
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