CCM’s Data book – Imidacloprid in ChinaData and Content Chunks of Export Summary and Price

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CCM’s Data book – Imidacloprid in China Data and Content Chunks of Export Summary and Price Tags: CCM, Data book, Data package, Imidacloprid, Export summary, Price, Insecticide CCM’s Data book is an integrated data package which contains data and content chunks (mini articles that describes or analyzes a specific event, product, industry, organization or any other related things). Detailed analyses and data of different products in China will be presented annually.

Recently, CCM’s Data book Imidacloprid 2009 series have been released online. Export summary and price of imidacloprid in China are available on CCM’s report page. In the Data book, export summary will be summarized by different dimensions, including month, destination, exporter, manufacturer, etc. As for monthly ex-work price, CCM provides both data and chart for evaluation. With our exclusive primary market intelligence, you can better understand market tendency and grasp more business opportunities. There are some key findings below about imidacloprid in China.

Imidacloprid, the third largest insecticide in the world, is a kind of chloronicotinyl insecticide with rapid development since the mid-1990. Imidacloprid is one of the best alternatives to take the place of some pesticides with high-toxicity in China. As the demand is increasing constantly both home and abroad, it is under the spotlight within the pesticide market.

China is a major supplier of imidacloprid. The export volume of imidacloprid has been rising significantly in recent years. Analyses show that the production capacity of imidacloprid technical in China is around 25000 t/a, while the output was around 12000 tonnes in 2009, accounting for two thirds of total output in the world. Compared with domestic demand which is between 3000 to 4000 t/a, export volume of imidacloprid is about 8000 t/a.

Owing to the influences brought by the financial crisis and unsteady price of raw materials, price of imidacloprid declined gradually in 2009. It was not until Aug. 2009 that the price witnessed a steep drop. According to CCM, from Jan to Dec in 2009, the price ranged from $11.03/kg to $18.60/kg.

(Sample of export summary)

(Sample of price)

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CCM International, Ltd. Guangzhou CCM Information Science & Technology Co, Ltd. 17th Floor, Huihua Commercial & Trade Mansion No, 80 Xianlie Zhong Road, Guangzhou 510070, China

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