Production Data of Titanium Dioxide in Chinac From 2009 to 2011, in order to occupy more market share, Chinese titanium dioxide enterprises prefer enlarging their own capacity to merging or acquiring other companies. The major reasons are the identical product structure and proficient sulfate technology among the manufacturers. In addition, titanium dioxide production is widely distributed in about 20 provinces. Polices and influential factors are varying in these areas, and thus it is very difficult for titanium dioxide enterprises to merge without sufficient money and long-term plans. Figure Production of titanium dioxide in China, 2005 ~ 2010
In general, Chinese titanium dioxide has recovered since H2 2009. In H1 2009, mainly caused by the global financial crisis and domestic low price, some medium or small-sized manufacturers looses a huge profit and have to close down at the end of 2009, such as Hubei Liming Chemical Co., Ltd. From H2 2009 to H1 2010, since national policies of expanding domestic demand and some relevant policies were adopted, titanium dioxide downstream industry has recovered gradually, especially the coating and plastic industries; and domestic titanium dioxide industry started to recover, with the operating ratio in Q4 2009 reaching nearly 90%. Thus, the operating rate in the whole 2009 reaches 64.73%, and the output reaches 1,143,100 tonnes in 2009.
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