Data & Primary Intelligence
Trade Analysis By analyzing raw custom import & export data (shipment records), CCM’s trade analysis will help clients indentify import & export situation of a specific product with exclusive research methods, to offer not only the target products’ import/export volume, price, time, source/destination countries, specification, application, but also the information of importers, exporters, manufacturers, buyers, end users , etc.
What Trade Analysis Covers?
Import/export volume, price, time, source/destination countries, specification, application, etc
China’s import & export situation and trend
Investment & cooperation opportunities
Complete import/export flow
Relationships among manufacturers, importers, exporters, end-users
Key players/ your competitors’ import/export dynamics
Your market position in China market
Your ideal suppliers or potential buyers
Why Choose CCM?
Over 6 years’ research experience
Core research techniques applied in each analysis step
Good relationships with domestic manufacturers, associations, traders, professionals and overseas MNCs
Key findings & insights integrated with all CCM’s research achievements
Guaranteed data accuracy to be higher than 70% of MTB mapping trade analysis , and 95% of basic trade analysis
What Will CCM Deliver?
12 issues per year
Original customs data in excel
Compiled customs data in excel
Summary in excel
Key findings & comments in word
Different forms catering to client’s needs
Trade Analysis Scheme
Pick up the records of the target product
Primary Analysis Telephone survey with screened Chinese importers/exporters
Identify the specification and application of the target product under each shipment record
Identify corresponding Chinese manufacturers
Identify corresponding overseas buyers
Specification Analysis
Telephone survey with screened Chinese manufacturers(for export data)
Manufacturer Analysis (for export data)
MTB Mapping (for export data)
Telephone survey with screened Chinese exporters and overseas buyers Deep analysis of foreign customs data and other third-party data for cross-checking
Telephone survey with screened Chinese importers and end-users
Identify overseas manufacturers and Chinese end users of the target product
MTB Mapping (for import data)
Analysis of foreign customs data and other third-party data to obtain info about overseas exporters & manufacturers, as well as for cross-checking Telephone survey with screened overseas exporters and manufacturers
You can choose any services you like. Each of the latter service is deemed to contain the foregoing services.
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