CCM Data & Primary Intelligence
ValoTracer Press Conference We are pleased to invite you to join in our online ValoTracer Press Conference to announce the official launch of this dynamic database, ValoTracer. It will be held at 4:00 - 6:00 PM China Time (9:00 - 11:00 AM Central European Time) on 10th November. Join us ONLINE for ValoTracer Demo and Q&A session, where all your questions will be answered. We look forward to seeing you there! You are appreciated to click here to enter the meeting room: u=true& 38777607%26UID%3D945360692%26Host%3Ddfdb6de7381d0b225c4759%26FrameSet%3D2%26P W%3DNYmNlMzI3ZWU4
You need an earphone to listen to our introduction to ValoTracer, while we are going to share our computer to you, so you can see the whole process of our ValoTracer demonstration. ValoTracer is CCM's innovative dynamic database. All of our studies and researches over the past ten years have been integrated into this online system. It is a unique platform to display our products and services. In the future, all of our studies will be processed on ValoTracer online and clients can register an account to enter it to search and purchase whatever products they are interested in at any time. We believe ValoTracer will definitely be a revolution to the world's chemical consulting industry and a great innovation that can bring to clients more accurate, complete and timely data and consulting services.
Website: Tel: +86-20-3761 6606
Email: Fax: +86-20-3761 6968