PASSING THE TORCH Mentorship is an essential component of the naturopathic profession. The transfer of knowledge, from teacher to student and practitioner to practitioner, is crucial in ensuring the profession continues to thrive.
Writing is often a way NDs choose to pass on their insight, observations and wisdom. For instance, Principles & Practices of Naturopathic Botanical Medicine, published by CCNM Press in 2010, was co-authored by several CCNM – Toronto Campus faculty members including Dr. Paul Saunders, ND (CCNM – Toronto Class of 1990) and Dr. Kerry Barlow, ND (CCNM – Toronto Class of 2006) and is still regarded as the seminal herbal monograph tome over a decade later.
Students practise physical medicine in the CCNM – Boucher Campus classroom. 26 CCNM Report to the Community 2021
Preceptorships and externships are vital in ensuring the growth of the profession and transfer of knowledge.