Cowra Council News

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NOTICEBOARD February 8,2019

Extraordi nary Counci l Meeti ng 11 February 2019 Cowra wi l lhol d an Ext raordi naory Counci lMeet i ng on Monday,11 February 2019 at4. 30pm.The meet i ng wi l ldi scuss i n cl osed Counci lmat t ers rel at i ng t ot he Val l ey Vi ew Est at e sal e pri ces.

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Fi nd us on Twi tter @ Cowra Counci l

Cowra Shi re Counci l Pri vate Bag 342 Cowra NSW 2794 116 KendalStreet,Cowra,NSW 2794 Em ai l :counci l @ cowra. nsw. gov. au

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