NOTICEBOARD March 22,2019
W ow!W hata weekend!Thank you to the NSW Governm ent,Japanese Governm ent, Cowra Busi nesses, Japanese Busi nesses and Japanese com m uni ty m em bers f or thei r generosi ty.And a bi g thank you to the Cowra com m uni ty f or com i ng al ong to supportthe f esti val .
Fi nd us on Facebook www. f acebook. com / cowra. counci l
Fi nd us on Twi tter @ Cowra Counci l
Cowra Shi re Counci l Pri vate Bag 342 Cowra NSW 2794 116 KendalStreet,Cowra,NSW 2794 Em ai l :counci l @ cowra. nsw. gov. au