St Raphaels Central School Newsletter TRM2Wk 2

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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 2, Week 2/A Newsletter 5th May 2014

Dear Parents Motherhood is the focus of our attention next weekend and deservedly so. As with the rest of our worthwhile celebrations it too has been hijacked by those who see profit margin as the focus. So what is the focus we choose for our family? “There are many ways to answer the question “What is Motherhood?” but one way might be that Motherhood means sharing in the creative power of God. Conceiving, carrying and giving birth to a human being is as close as any person can get to the act of creation. This is the beginning of motherhood, but it is far from the end. Motherhood is also about nurturing, sacrificing, loving and, ultimately, letting go.” Our prayer at this time is for our mothers and for those in motherhood roles – prayers of gratitude, prayers seeking strength and guidance and prayers of support. This weekend is one opportunity to focus our thoughts, words and actions on these wonderful people who sustain us all. The sight of St Raphael’s students wearing the winter uniform well this term is indeed a source of pride. Thank you for presenting your children so beautifully. For the few who remain unclear about uniform policy, it is printed later in the Newsletter. The fun of a Bush Dance is something that everyone in the family can enjoy. Mark Friday of this week on your calendar and come out to Gooloogong - just for the fun of it.

Michael Gallagher Principal

Luke 24: 13-35 Gospel Challenge Term 2 Week 2 “A peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you” Luke 24:13-35

Monday 5 Happy birthday to Madelyn Stead. Primary Cross Country in Coolah Secondary Cyberbullying presentation Conservatorium Performance K-10 Tuesday 6 Secondary Rugby League, Dubbo Secondary Assembly Wednesday 7 Happy birthday to Celine Langlands and William Pearce. U15 Boys Soccer vs Canowindra, at Canowindra Thursday 8 Happy birthday to Philippa Elwin. Secondary Cross Country at Orange Friday 9 Happy birthday to Charlie Thurtell. Mother’s Day Liturgy 10.30am St Raphael’s Church Polding Winter Trials, Tamworth Parish Bush Dance – 7.30pm Log Cabin Hall, Gooloogong th

Happy birthday to Brittany Kiss for the 10 . P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 10 May: Julia Cains, Jeremy Cains, Eloise Cains th Sun 11 May: Katherine Johnston, Sophie Johnston First Eucharist Enrolment The meetings for the Year 3 parents wishing to enrol their child to receive the sacrament of Eucharist this year will be held in St Brigid’s Hall this Tuesday the 6th of May. Two meeting times have been arranged 3.30pm and 7pm. If you have any questions regarding these meetings please phone Mary Ford (Parish Sacramental Coordinator). Mother’s Day We all know what wonderful mothers we have in our school community. This coming Friday our Infants students will be thanking their mothers by sharing a special Mother’s Day Liturgy with them. The Liturgy will begin at 10.30am in St Raphael’s Church. We keep all mothers in our prayers this coming week in the lead up to Mother’s Day on Sunday. Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two Fr Laurie would like the children to sing a Mothers' Day song at Mass. We thought the six o'clock Mass on Saturday would be the best. It would be very much appreciated if you were able to bring the children along. St Raphael’s Parish Bush Dance As a part of the 125th Anniversary Celebrations the Parish will be holding a St Raphael’s Bush Dance this Friday May 9th at the Gooloogong Log Cabin. Everyone is invited to attend this evening of family fun. Tickets are available at the school and parish offices ($10 each or $20 per family). Mary Bags The month of May in the Catholic Church is traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each year for the month of May every child in the Primary has the opportunity to take home a ‘Mary Bag’. Students have the Mary Bag in their home for one night, and return it to school the next day. Inside the bag are prayers, rosary beads and a plastic statue of our Blessed Mother, Mary. These act as “props” if required for your family to pray together. Please see it as an opportunity for family closeness and support our school in this prayerful tradition. Mary Bags are to be well looked after and carried to and from school in schoolbags. If you have any questions regarding the ‘Mary Bags’ please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Slaven (Primary REC). Dates for the Calendar  Tuesday 6th May - Eucharist Enrolment meetings with parents 3.30pm and 7pm in St Brigid’s Hall.  Friday 9th May- Infants Mother’s Day Liturgy 10.30am St Raphael’s Church  Friday 9th May- St Raphael’s Parish Barn Dance Gooloogong Log Cabin 7.30pm

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 11 May: Sue Whiteley School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 11 May: Marg McMurtrie School Computer Roster th Sat 10 May: Georgia Waters th Sun 11 May: Christopher Meyers

NAPLAN Tests - May 13, 14 & 15 Next week the Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will be involved in NAPLAN tests next week. The timetable is: Tue, May 13: Language and Writing Wed, May 14: Reading Thu, May 15: Numeracy NAPLAN has been around since 2008 and is coming up again next week for Years 3, 5, 7 & 9. (This year’s Year 9 sat for the first ever NAPLAN). Five important points about NAPLAN: • It is used by government, education authorities and schools to determine whether young Australians are meeting important educational goals in literacy and numeracy. • It is important that checks are made along the way to see how well children are learning the skills of reading writing and mathematics. • NAPLAN is not a pass/fail test. It looks at what level students are achieving against national standards. • NAPLAN assesses skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum (it is not separate or extra). • On its own NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for and students are not expected to do so. At St Raphs our students are already quite familiar with how NAPLAN questions are structured so they will not be confused when tests are conducted. You can help your child by treating NAPLAN test days just like any other school day. PRIMARY ASSEMBLY Week 3 Term 2 Advance notice that Primary assembly Friday Week 3 will be run by 1W. ALL Infants class Eisteddfod items will be presented at this assembly. 1W and Mrs White hope that many Infants parents are able to attend this assembly to view the Eisteddfod items. Thank you. Year 10 Retreat On the early morning of Wednesday Week 10, the tired but keen Year Tens were gathered out front of the eerily, dead quiet school office. We all huddled to keep warm as it was a freezing morning. We waited for Email: School Website:

Chris at his front gate but his Elmo alarm must not have gone off. Oh well we said the trip must go on so we pushed all the way to Lithgow were Connor Cox showed his strength pushing us all on the GIANT swing thing. Many were pushed to their comfort limits, but it was all in good fun. We made it to our destination around 1-2pm. I was starving and had at times during the trip found myself munching on Maggie’s stuffed toy. During Mr. Cooley’s little tour around the grounds we were warned about an evil donkey that could kick on command and the ancient pine cones that could cave in even an arrogant man’s head. After Brother Gary welcomed us the Youth Leaders took over and thankfully they were just able to keep up with our athletic nature being only late teenagers themselves. They ran us through many varied activities, reflection and some deep prayer time. Due to the high activity level we were given plenty to eat, thanks to those lovely ladies in the kitchen. Thank fully we were also given enough time to recover so we could move again before the next session. Once in our dorm rooms Lanty, Julian and I spent the nights contemplating life to the very early hours. After a huge two days it was time to head home. Many who had tried to keep up with the Steadmister fell asleep on the bus trip home. To sum it all up: great food, great activities, great leaders, great mates and of course all supervised and organised by great teachers - Mrs Bischof, Mr Cooley and Mrs McMurtrie. By Nathan Stead (part–time comedian)

Upcoming Sporting Events Secondary Tue, May 6 CCC Netball (Under 15s) in Sydney Tue, May 6 Under 13 & 16 Rugby League (Dubbo) Wed, May 7 Bill Turner Soccer v Canowindra (Under 15 Boys in Canowindra) Thu, May 8 Diocesan Cross Country in Orange Primary Mon, May 5 Diocesan Cross Country (Coolah) Fri, May 9 Polding Winter Trials (Tamworth) Primary Physical Education Lessons th Physical education classes for this week, 7 May are: Year 2, 5 and 6. These classes need to wear their sports uniform. Next week, Wednesday 14th May there will be no PE activities due to the NAPLAN tests. In the following week, 21st May Year 1, 3 and 4 will be wearing their sports uniform.

Primary Assembly The next primary assembly will be held this week, th Friday 9 May. It will be led by Miss Downes’ class, Year 4D. If your son / daughter is to receive a class award a note will be sent home early this week. Parents are always most welcome to attend any primary assembly. Mothers' Day Liturgy Please remember Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two are celebrating Mothers' Day with a special liturgy this Friday at 10.30am in St Raphael's Church. Visiting Shows In Term One, the Year 3-10 students had the opportunity to see visiting performance shows. The Secondary students saw a play titled, ‘Flowers for Algernon’ and Year 3-6 attended a Forensic Science show titled, ‘A Case for Discovery’. This term, on May 27, the Kinder – Year 2 students have the opportunity to see a performance titled, ‘The Gigalees Crazy Circus Show’. Notes will be sent home next week.

Athletics Carnival Congratulations to all the students on their outstanding efforts at last week’s athletics carnival. Well done to Mr Thomas, and his many helpers on a well-organised event. Thank you to the P&F for helping with the canteen. Age Champions and final House Points will be decided and announced once some secondary 800m races are run. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Help us to Help the children Keep sick children at home. Children’s health doesn’t normally improve during the day – If they’re sick when they leave home, they’ll not only infect their classmates but they’ll be home before the day is out. Plan the collection place and time with your child. Let the children know before they leave home when and where they will be collected. Minimise changes of routine. Children often feel confused and uncertain and they can scramble what you think is a simple message. Commit changes of routine to writing. If teachers / office staff clearly know what you’re trying to achieve they can help. Plan ahead for collection of children during the day. A note to the teacher regarding an appointment guarantees that your child can be at the foyer ready to go at the appointed time. Email: School Website:

Give plenty of notice. Last minute phone calls about changed plans cannot be guaranteed to be delivered in time. Notify the school of changes to your circumstance. It is vital that we have current address, phone number, employment contact, emergency contacts at the very least. Clearly label your children’s clothing and equipment, no matter how old the children are or how responsible they think they are. SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY School spirit, pride in the school and a strong sense of belonging are encouraged by the wearing of the school uniform. 1. The uniform should always be neat and tidy. 2. Jewellery is not permitted other than a signet ring, watch, crucifix on a fine chain and, for girls, one sleeper or plain stud earring in the lobe of each ear. 3. Make-up or nail polish is not to be worn. Visible body piercing or body art are not permitted. 4. Hair is to be clean, tidy, neatly cut, out of the eyes and tied back if long. Ribbons, hair bands and clips, if worn, must be maroon or black or white or made from the fabric of the school uniform. 5. Parents are asked to provide the correct school footwear. Shoes should have black (boys and girls) leather uppers that would comply with current safety standards. There must be no coloured markings on the shoes. (Please note that shoes with elevated heels and dance shoes do not comply with safety standards.)

Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 6 Karen Budge


Karen Campbell

Thurs 8 Tracey Gunnyon

Fri 9 Mary Cooper

Mon 12 Carrie Simunic

Raelene Nelligan

Lynn Terry

Natalie Goard

Rachael Duff

WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Riley Barron Rick Nobes Darcy Kellett Ben Statham

Kilbreda 2 Raphael 2 Xavier 2 Xavier 2 Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

RAFCA – Recycled Art Competition Kindergarten Finlay were awarded first place in the Infants section of the RAFCA Awards held last week. Many thanks to Mrs Rebecca Bennett for her enthusiasm and creative mind and to both Mrs Bennett and Mrs Sonia Turner for assisting the children to complete their masterpiece - The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. There will be more news to follow next week on the rest of the schools’ winners. Centacare Centacare Bathurst is presenting a program called “Acting Out” which is designed for primary school students and their parents. The presentations are delivered by Centacare’s trained facilitators and are sponsored by the Catholic Education Office. Parents are invited to a session that provides an overview of the strategies with an emphasis on the current research on cybersafety. Notes will be sent home shortly to help determine numbers for the parent session. Dates for the Centacare visits are: Monday, May 19 and Tuesday, May 27. Book Club The next Book Club order is due back to school by th Friday 9 May 2014.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

PCYC Cowra: Safer Drivers Course for Learner Drivers: A Safer Drivers Course will be running at PCYC Cowra on rd th Friday 23 and Saturday 24 May. This course consists of two modules. The first is a 3 hour facilitated group discussion on how to manage risks on the road, the second is a 2 hour in-vehicle coaching session to develop low-risk driving strategies. The must knows;      

Course is limited to a maximum of 12 participants Cost is $140 each participant Participants must have completed 50 hours of actual onroad driving experience Participants who complete the course will receive 20 hours credit recorded in their learner driver log book Enrolment forms are available from PCYC Cowra Course fee must be paid when booking

Junior Basketball Junior Basketball is on both Monday and Wednesday afternoons in term 2. This will consist of coaching sessions and games to develop and improve the skills of the younger players. The cost for Junior Basketball will be $30 per player per term for those attending once a week, or you can book for both days for $50 for the school term.

Email: School Website:

Open Men’s Basketball PCYC is hoping to start a regular Men’s Wednesday night Basketball competition on 7 May. Nomination forms are available at PCYC’s Young Road complex, so guys if you want to start playing full ‘five a side’ matches, start organising your teams now. Competition fees will be $60 per player aged 18 and older, $45 per player aged under 18.

your Mixed Basketball team so call in to PCYC’s Young Road building and pick up a nomination form if you haven’t already done so. Cost for the competition will be $60 per player aged 18 and older, $45 per player aged under 18. Copies of the additional rules proposed for the Social Mixed Basketball competition are available from PCYC and your feedback in relation to the rules would be much appreciated.

Social Mixed Open Basketball Plenty of interest has been shown in the new Social Mixed Basketball competition due to start on Monday 5 May with nominations starting to be returned. With new rules restricting male players from entering the keyhole at both ends and a limit on how many points any one player can score, it has opened the game up for all players to show their skill and a more open competition, with an emphasis on having fun. Games will be played on Monday nights with the first game commencing at 6pm. Finishing times will depend on the number of teams nominated. There is still time to organise

Open Mixed Netball Open Mixed Netball is set to start soon with games to be played on Tuesday nights, first game commencing at 6pm. Team nomination forms are available at PCYC’s Young Road complex and competition will be $60 per player aged 18 and older, $45 per player aged under 18.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

PCYC Membership You must be a PCYC member to participate in any of the PCYC activities. Annual membership is $5.00 for under 18’s and $10 for ages 18 and older.

Email: School Website:

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

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