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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 4, Week 4/B Newsletter 5 November 2018 The P&F Christmas Fair preparations are racing along at the moment. The collective benefits we receive from this event are enormous – therefore your participation in both the preparations and the event are a direct support for our children. Keep November 23 free for the Fair. Dear Parents, Our Year 10 students invested two days away from the daily grind so they could reflect on the purpose and direction of their life. The retreat at Wyangala is timed boost focus as these students prepare for their Stage 6 experience. Thank you to organiser, Mrs Bischof and other staff members who accompanied Year 10 and congratulations for students for the whole hearted involvement in the retreat. Five more HSC courses have now closed with the exams completed in Week 3. This week HSC Visual Art markers visit today, Chemistry is on today, Studies of Religion on Tuesday and Design and Technology on Friday, the final day of the exam period. Continue to hold these wonderful young people in your prayers please. A reminder that the Year 12 Graduation Mass this year will be on Saturday 10th November at 6pm. Everyone is warmly invited to attend and celebrate with our graduating students and the parish. Parent, teacher and student learning discussions are being conducted on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Thank you to all those who are taking advantage of this opportunity to focus together on discussing learning. Bookings are now closed. SES Cadets finish up their ten week training courses next weekend with water rescue skills at Wyangala. The mindset that enables a substantial group of teenagers to invest time skilling up on such selfless service is an absolute credit to their families and to themselves. Thank you to David Lette, Larissa Atkinson and the SES personnel who have made such a valuable community service available to students. We offer Mrs Amanda Edwards and family every best wish as she commences parental leave in preparation for the birth of her baby. Mrs Melissa Morrison will step into the Amanda’s role through to the end of the term. This month marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the parish presbytery and a cocktail party to mark the occasion is being held on Friday evening. Parishioners, other community members and priests who have served in our parish over the years will be in attendance. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Michael Gallagher Principal Saint Theresa’s Prayer May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. Amen

Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Happy birthday to Cohan Howden Parent/Teacher Discussions - Secondary Wednesday 7 Happy birthday to Ruby Coady and Chantell Rhodes Australian National Maritime Museum – Delegation Lunch Diocesan Music Showcase Thursday 8 Happy birthday to Anna and Ben Pearce ANMM- Delegation at the Peace Bell – 2pm Stage 1 ACT Excursion

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Friday 9 Happy birthday to Aurinia Emseis and Lyla Loutitt Ping-Pong-a-Thon Happy birthday to Megan Smith for the 11th.

Dates for the Calendar: 10th Nov: Year 12 Graduation Mass 6pm. Altar Servers’ Roster Sat 10th Nov: Brianna Goricki, Ashley Langfield and Ellie Thirkell Sun 11th Nov: Lizzie Heilman and Hannah Fahey School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sat 10th Nov: Jenny White School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sun 11th Nov: Michael Gallagher

Our Canberra Excursion At the national museum we saw a buffalo catching jeep. It was used to catch buffalos. It has a big arm to catch the buffalo on the front of the jeep. They drive the jeep next to the buffalo and catch it. It looks like a big metal hook. Patrick Twigg The Big Excursion On the 26th of October we went on an excursion to Canberra. When we arrived at Questacon we had recess then saw heaps of cool stuff. We got to Awesome Earth, where we saw a spiral It gave us funny faces. We then went to a collision show and I was the assistant. My favourite bit was the collision show. By Oliver Tydd Our Canberra Excursion At the National Museum we all saw Phar lap’s heart. They found out that it was bigger than a normal horse’s heart. That is why he can run so fast. His big heart could pump more blood around his body. Phar Lap lived for six or seven years but other horses can live for about forty years. I thought it was amazing. Maddy White

Year Two Canberra Excursion On Friday, 26th October Year Two set off bright and early to Questacon and the National Museum. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely and learnt many new things, and that was just the teachers! The children have written their own reports for you to enjoy. Mrs McNamara, Mrs English and Miss Ryan Our Excursion On the 26th of October we went on an Excursion to Canberra. We went to the National Museum. We saw a big mining bucket. We tried to see if we could all fit inside and we did. We saw a T-rex that was so big and we saw the fastest horse’s heart and an old fashioned car. By Emma Tremble Our Canberra Excursion At Questacon I really really liked the ant vs ladybug race to the top of the tree. Then we had to stand on special foot marks. Then we had to stamp our feet very quickly to make them climb up the tree as fast as we could make them. We enjoyed it. Demmi Flannery Our Excursion On the 26th of October we went on an Excursion to Canberra. We went to the National Museum. We saw a big mining bucket. We tried to see if we could all fit inside it and we all could. We saw a horse’s heart. They took the heart out because they thought they would never see a horse like it again because it was really, really fast. When we were about to go we decided to take a photo with the T-rex skeleton. We did a sensible photo and a silly photo. It was the best Excursion Ever!!! The End. By Charli Raynolds P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Library News Assembly Awards: Week 1 Assembly: students received their book prizes for creative efforts in the Book of the Year book tags. Kindy Gold MELANIE DAVIES Kindy Green MAX HOLMES 1 Gold SARAH MYERS 1 Green CHARLI KELLY 2 Gold LAYNE HORTON 2 Green GRACE CALLAGHAN 3 Gold KALARNI LEONARD 3 Green TAYLIA PENYU 4 Gold JASMINE WHITTY 4 Green JACK MILLER 5 Green PHILLIPA RICHMOND 5 Gold LEILANI CAYFE 6 Green NATASHA SMALUCK 6 GoldISABELLA THOMPSON. Well done Week 3 Assembly : Last week students received their lucky book draw prizes from our annual Book Fair. A big thank you to students, parents and teachers who supported our Book Fair. The commission from purchases will allow the purchase of some great classroom and library texts. Kindy Green CHARLIZE SKELTON, Kindy Gold LACHLAN YEO, I Gold AYANNA GOYAL,1 Green MICHAEL O’LEARY 2 Gold OLIVER TYDD,2 Green DEMMI FLANNERY,3 Gold CHARLIE HARRIS,3 Green GEORGIE PEARCE, Email: School Website:

4 Gold MEGAN SMITH,4 Green JEBEDIAH YORK ,5 Gold JANICE LAWRENCE LYALL,5 Green JOHN VAN RHEEDE, 6 Gold CHARLIE THURTELL,6 Green CHARLOTTE COLLINS. Congratulations Stage 3 Chess Knockout: We have completed our competition with Will Campbell the winner after some keen, long and competitive games. Lucas Bryant was second with Jazmine Millar and Charlie Graham third. Thank you to all participants and remember we have Chess in the library every Wednesday lunchtime. Kerri Skinner Librarian

St Raphael’s Ping-Pong-a-Thon Location: Break-out Area MSLC Time: Lunchtime Friday - 10 pm Friday 9th Nov Food: Students to bring lunch ($5 paid to office beforehand for a Domino’s Pizza order for dinner)

Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows:

Bronze Flynn Jones

5 Gold

Level 7 Trent Beath-Pearce 4 Gold Leilani Cayfe 5 Gold

Broc White

5 Green

Jamie Zarb Hayley Parakkal Toby White Deakin Horton Bronte Keen Cassandra Zarb Maddison O’Reilly Alisha Azzopardi Zoe Simunic Poppy Starr

3 Green 3 Gold 3 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold 5 Green 6 Gold 6 Gold 6 Gold

Silver Owen Holmes William Fleming Sophie Richmond Matilda Healey Tobie Hubber Jasmine Whitty Aurinia Emseis Phillipa Richmond Kai Fitzgerald Grace Shepherd

3 Green 3 Gold 3 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold 5 Green 5 Green 6 Gold 6 Gold

Level 9 Georgie Pearce

3 Green Ky Garratt

5 Gold

Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

Tues 6


Thurs 8

Fri 9

Mon 12

Skye Muddle


Kristy White

Kylie Kollas

Sally Bruncher

Lisa Mallon

Lynn Terry

Jessica Newcombe

Carol Lynch

WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level .

Please contact Anna on 0400425201 or go to AT Fitness Cowra on Facebook for more information.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

ST RAPHAEL’S P & F ASSOCIATION 2018 CHRISTMAS FAIR FRIDAY 23rd NOVEMBER 2018 The Christmas Fair is one of our biggest fundraisers for the year. We can’t do it without your support. All infant and primary year groups will be conducting a stall, some requests have already been made for specific items for these stalls, watch out for notes and follow updates on Facebook.@ Parents of St Raphs KINDERGARTEN / Year 2 – Chocolate Throw YEAR 1 – Quoit Lolly Throw + Guessing Competition YEAR 2 / Kindergarten – Chocolate Throw YEAR 3 – WHEELIE FANTASTIC 150 CLUB YEAR 4 – Lottery Tree YEAR 5 – Pick – A - Ticket YEAR 6 – Snow Cones It is now time to start gathering donations for CRAZY CUPS! Some ideas are stationary bits and pieces, wrapped lollies, party supplies, hair accessories, art & craft supplies and small toys. As always we are looking for volunteers to help with the many facets of the fair. Donating just 30 minutes of your time will make a huge difference. Volunteers are needed to help set up and pack down the fair, help with the Cake, Food Garden, or Crazy Cups, Canteen stands and so on. You can help before, after or during the Fair. Please specify on the form below where you can help. _____________________________________________________________________________ VOLUNTEER CONTACT: If you are interested in volunteering please contact, or complete the volunteer slip and return to school. 2018 CHRISTMAS FAIR VOLUNTEER FORM Name: Contact Phone Number: Contact Email: I am able to volunteer to work __________________ stall between (Please circle): Set up | 5.30-6.00 | 6.00-6.30 | 6.30-7.00 | 7.00-7.30 | 7.30-8.00 | 8.00-8.30 | pack down

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

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