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The UA&P Professional Schools
Business economics scholars investigate a range of topics from a scientific perspective, pursuing questions related to markets, finance, and organizations, and aspire to rewarding careers filled with inquiry and intellectual growth. They create and disseminate knowledge influencing not only the practice of economics and business, but also government, education, and public policy on a national and global scale. This doctoral degree is primarily intended to prepare students for careers in research, teaching, and corporate planning and strategy in economics and its related fields. Doctoral students will acquire a skill set that will enable them to influence individuals, business, and policy makers to achieve growth. Possible fields of specialization include corporate and international finance, industrial organization and public economics, and economic growth and development strategy. PH.D. in Business Economics
• Annual (starts in August) • Minimum of 4 years for full-time students, minimum of 5 years for part-time students • 8 semesters for full-time students, 10 semesters for part-time students • 54 units
Perry Fernand Reyes Program Coordinator PhD in Business Economics School of Economics, 6/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 local 356 / perry.reyes@uap.asia
The Strategic Business Economics Program (SBEP) is UA&P’s flagship program for top executives. SBEP is designed to enhance senior executives’ capabilities in coping with the inevitable trends of globalization and knowledge-based economies. This objective is achieved through focusing on strategic thinking and governance, the discipline of economics as applied to business, best business practices, personal development, and orientation to the common good. The program encourages the participants to reflect on their own operations and their relation to the larger business-economic environment, to study new industrial prospects and investment possibilities (including policy issues concerning the global and local economies, industrial growth and regional development) and to apply business economic tools to create value in every facet of their organization. Strategic Business Economics Program
• Certificate in Business Economics (CBE) – 11 months • Master in Business Economics (MBE) – CBE + thesis writing • 33 units for CBE and 39 units for MBE • 3 half-day study sessions per month (total of 11 months) • Choice of a weekday or a weekend class schedule
Alonica Salazar Marketing and Alumni Affairs Manager, SBEP School of Economics, 6/F APEC Communications Building 8634-3095 / 8634-2820 / 8637-0912 local 222 sbep@uap.asia / www.uap.asia/sbep The Master in Applied Business Analytics (MABA) Program, launched in 2018, is a two-year graduate program for experienced professionals in any industry who want to seize the power of data and analytics in their work to forward their organization. MABA aims not only to meet the growing demand for people with business competencies and leadership and managerial skills, but also to provide the much-needed professionals schooled in humanist and ethical perspectives, and capable of making sense of data to provide insights that will drive business and organizational solutions. Students develop analytics solutions and begin leading data-driven projects using different perspectives. Working on real data, students apply algorithms in the Python and R programming languages to derive insights in solving problems of stakeholders across industries. Master in Applied Business Analytics
MABA is designed for working professionals who are starting a career in analytics or wanting to build their managerial expertise and take their analytics career to the next level.
• Annual (starts in August) • 2 years | 3 terms | 36 units • One weekday (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm) and Saturday (9:00 am to 12:00 nn and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm)
Mayet Galindes Administrative Assistant, MABA School of Management, 6/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 to 26, local 243 / businessanalytics@uap.asia www.uap.asia/maba https://www.facebook.com/uapmaba/ https://ph.linkedin.com/in/uap-maba-661442166/
The Applied Business Economics Program (ABEP) is a master’s program for the young working professional who is looking for more than the usual graduate business course. It enables students to see business in the light of the industry and the economy as a whole. Master in Applied Business Economics
ABEP is the best blend of business and economics. Through the program, students learn to monitor the environment and analyze industries. They become aware of and sensitive to the economic issues confronting the nation and industries. They gain a deeper understanding of economic and business research techniques, develop problem-solving skills, and acquire a basic appreciation of quantitative tools.
The ABEP graduate is prepared to make sharp business and economic analyses as well as draw out implications of business decisions at the level of the company, the industry, and the economy as a whole.
Moreover, with the help of numerous conferences, briefings, and seminars spearheaded by UA&P, ABEP students are given numerous opportunities to interact with industry experts and policymakers.
• Annual (starts in August for regular students) • Moving enrollment (for irregular students: 2nd module and 2nd semester) • 2 years | 45 units • 4 semesters and 1 summer (modular: 8 modules with 2 subjects per module) • 1st year schedule: Tuesday (6:00 pm to 9:30 pm) and Saturday (9:00 am to 12:30 pm) • 2nd year schedule: Monday (6:00 pm to 9:30 pm) and Wednesday (6:00 pm to 9:30 pm) • ABEP also offers a Professional Graduate Certificate Course.
Elsie Tingzon Program Officer, ABEP Admission Office School of Economics, 6/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 local 375 / 8637-8549 abep@uap.asia / www.uap.asia/sec-abep www.facebook.com/Uap Abep/ The Master in Entrepreneurial Management Program is for experienced executives/managers and entrepreneurs who continually seek the latest cutting edge in technology and knowledge in order to make their organizations responsive and relevant to their stakeholders. The program offers majors in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Organizational Leadership and Innovation, depending on the culminating applied research coursework that the student focuses on. Master in Entrepreneurial Management
It is a 15-month program tailored to the busy schedule of the executive/ manager/entrepreneur. It uses a blended learning type of teaching using case studies, lectures, face-to-face and mediated mentoring, and action learning projects to develop conceptual skills and mutually supportive organization and community building. The program provides researchbased insights on recent trends about the market in the global and local scopes.
The Program also prepares and empowers the student executive/ entrepreneur for the ASEAN integration and rapid globalization that are both crucial in doing business in the country and in Southeast Asia.
• Annual (starts in August) • 15 months for full-time students; 1-3 years for part-time students • 39 units • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (8:00 am to 5:00 pm); 3 full-day classes per module in the 3rd week of the month
Rowena Vocalan EM Admission & Marketing/Alumni Administrative Staff School of Management, 6/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 local 244 / rowena.dacuba@uap.asia emprogram@uap.asia
Master of Science in Management (Evening Program)
The Master of Science in Management (MScM) is the flagship graduate program of the School of Management. It is a unique two-year graduate course that equips its students with the knowledge, skills, and determination to transform the challenges of the 21st century into business opportunities and socially responsible enterprises. It arms students with strong analytical skills, communication skills, ethical sensitivity, and soft skills, making them dynamic and flexible in meeting the ever-changing demands of the business environment.
The Program offers, on the first year, a strategic view of basic management functions (finance, human resources, marketing, operations, and enterprise resource systems). On the second year, the focus is on a multi-disciplined analytical framework, a holistic and strategic perspective to decision-making, and a systematic approach to implementation.
• 2 years | 47 units • 4 regular semesters • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm)
Mira Marcelo Program Officer, MScM School of Management, 6/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 to 26, local 243 mscm@uap.asia / www.uap.asia/mscm-ep www.facebook.com/uapmscm/
The Master in Information Technology (MIT) program of UA&P aims to produce the complete IT professional—equally capable as a software engineer, systems administrator, business analyst, and researcher. The master’s degree gives the graduate an edge in the IT industry as it trains graduate students not just to be administrators, but also to be managers, senior engineers, strategic planners, chief information officers, entrepreneurs, and educators. It does this by providing IT training that focuses on both the development of intellectual activities and the acquisition of skills. Masters in Information Technology
The program emphasizes the appreciation of concepts and technologies preparing and enabling the graduate student for the industrial practice of systems integration, systems administration, systems planning, systems implementation, and other activities that maintain the integrity and proper functionality of a system and its components. It also involves projects relevant to the industry, including business, education, and government.
• Quarterly | 5 quarters | 36 units • Tuesday and Thursday (6:00 pm to 9:30 pm) and Saturday (8:30 am to 12:00 pm)
Shirley Tolentino Program Officer, Department of Information Science and Technology School of Sciences and Engineering, 5/F College of Arts and Sciences Building 8637-0912 loc. 336 or 316 / ist@uap.asia www.uap.asia/information-technology www.facebook.com/uapist
The Master of Science in Human Capital and Organization Development (MSHCOD) intends to form Organization Development (OD) practitioners steeped in the latest OD tools, while being grounded on essential principles of Human Capital Development (HCD); thus the program uses the tagline “an organization builder with a human capital perspective.” Master of Science in Human Capital and Organizational Development
• Annual (starts in August) | 3 years • Saturday (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
Honeylet Joy Reyes Program Officer School of Education and Human Development, 7/F APEC Communications Building 8634-2828/8637-0912 local 271 / sed@uap.asia www.uap.asia/sed, www.facebook.com/uapsed/
UA&P’s Law program provides training in standard competencies expected of lawyers, such as legal reasoning and advocacy. Following worldwide trends in the field of legal education, and reinforced by its integration within UA&P’s liberal arts orientation, the Law program adopts interdisciplinary and international perspectives in producing competent, cultured, and ethical lawyers. Juris Doctor (Law)
UA&P Law is one of the top-performing law schools in the 2018 Bar Examinations. UA&P came in fourth with a passing rate of 66.67%.
• Annual (starts in August) • 4 years | 2 semesters | 172 units • Monday to Friday (classes usually start at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm) • Saturday (classes usually start at 9:00 am and end at 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm, with 1-2 hours break in between) • Application period starts December of each year.
Joseph Michael Asuncion Marketing Officer School of Law and Governance, 7/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 local 368 josephmichael.asuncion@uap.asia / ilaw@uap.asia www.uap.asia/juris-doctor, www.facebook.com/uap.slg/
Inspired by Oxford University’s Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) course, UA&P’s Political Economy program seeks to equip students with skills that will enable them to examine society through different lenses— political science, philosophy, economics, history, and sociology—and to consider social issues from both local and regional/global perspectives. Masters in Political Economy (Evening Program)
The Masters in Political Economy – Evening Program caters to fresh graduates and young professionals.
• Biannual (starts in August and January) • 2 years | 2 semesters • Weekday evenings (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm) and Saturday • Application period starts December of each year.
Myra Labayne Program Officer, Political Economy School of Law and Governance, 7/F APEC Communications Building 8637-0912 local 368 / myra.labayne@uap.asia / slg@uap.asia www.uap.asia/political-economy www.facebook.com/uap.slg/
Master of Arts in Education/ Master in Education
MAJOR IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION The program seeks to form early childhood educators and specialists (preschool and primary school teachers and administrators, child development consultants, and researchers) who can effectively blend theory and practice in creating positive learning opportunities and experiences for young children to promote their total development. The curriculum thus intertwines four areas of learning: foundational subjects, psychology, specialization subjects, and research.
MAJOR IN VALUES EDUCATION This program seeks to address the current lack of a highquality graduate education program in Values Education (VE) in the country. It is meant for educational leaders and teachers who desire to integrate values in their school programs and teaching practice. The program builds upon UA&P’s track record in VE, as evidenced by many MAVE graduates now serving as VE supervisors and teachers or as school principals. The VE major offers a balanced lineup of courses, integrating foundational subjects in education, philosophical anthropology, Philippine culture and social institutions, curriculum and pedagogy, home-school-community collaboration, and assessment and evaluation in VE.
• Annual (starts in August) | 2 years • Saturday (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
MAJOR IN ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION The Master of Arts in Education, major in Adolescent Development and Education Program equips educators of adolescents with the competencies to address the developmental and learning needs of adolescents in and out of the classroom. With a balanced curriculum focusing on four strands—pedagogy, psychology, technology, and values—educators of adolescents will learn how to appropriately utilize instructional and assessment approaches and practices to support adolescents in their formation and integral development. MAJOR IN ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION The program seeks to develop principal-leaders and teacherleaders. It is meant primarily for educators who are occupying or who are being prepared for leadership and key academic and administrative positions in their schools, especially those in basic education. The curriculum for the program intertwines courses in education, psychology, and valuesbased school leadership and management and puts all of them at the service of the key tasks of teaching, learning, and the development of students into whole persons.
Honeylet Joy Reyes Program Officer School of Education and Human Development, 7/F APEC Communications Building 8634-2828/8637-0912 local 271 / sed@uap.asia www.uap.asia/sed, www.facebook.com/uapsed/