Student Life Newsletter Spring Term 2014

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UNICEF The National Participation Forum (November) The college was asked to select another UNICEF Steering Group member JHEVEL JACKSON was selected to represent Croydon College as a UNICEF Young Person at the National Participation Forum in Central London. The meeting was convened to discuss the voice of children and young people in Youth Justice and how the NPF help young people to get their message out and promote the importance of participation in the criminal justice system. Another topic discussed was the participation of disabled children and young people which also followed the involvement last year by the UNICEF Steering group with UNICEF UK to raise

awareness about the Millennium Goals. Students decided that this particular aspect is to be a key focus of work this year. The college will now play an active part in working on these two very important themes and a member of the UNICEF Steering group will now always have a presence at this high profile forum.

UNICEF Pledge Award - Fund Raising Successes Students have already started to organise fundraising

activities as part of their Pledge Awards with the hugely successful MacMillan coffee morning in September. However students from across the college have continued to actively raise money for various causes.

UNICEF Philippines Typhoon Appeal Travel & Tourism Level 3 students chose to raise money to support the Philippines Typhoon appeal because they all felt so moved and affected by what they saw. In just two hours during their lunch break they dressed up in colourful sleepwear raising a phenomenal ÂŁ420 which is highly commendable in such a short time. ‘We wanted to stand out and do something different,

that’s why we all came up with the idea to wear onesies’ quoted Subi one of the students from the group. Maggie added, ‘It was fun to Travel & Tourism Level 3 students chose to raise money to support the Philippines Typhoon appeal because they all felt so moved and affected by what they saw. In just two hours during their lunch break they dressed up in colourful sleepwear raising a phenomenal £420 which is highly commendable in such a short time. ‘We wanted to stand out and do something different, that’s why we all came up with the idea to wear onesies’ quoted Subi one of the students from the group. Maggie added, ‘It was fun to dress up in our onesies and also know that we are raising money for a good cause’. All the money raised will be donated to UNICEF UK which the students decided was appropriate as a UNICEF Rights Respecting College.

The Mayor of Croydon Fundraising Event The Mayor of Croydon supports two well established charities. The South East Cancer Help Centre and the British Heart Foundation, A raffle held by Group A Level 3 CACHE for the British Heart Foundation raised over £56 with another group of Health & Social Care students raising over £40 from their Cake Sale for Cancer Research for the Major of Croydon’s two chosen charities. Three CACHE students have been nominated to present the cheque to the mayor of Croydon at the prestigious event at the Town Hall. Enrichment’s Mixed Melodyz Choir were invited to welcome the distinguished guests attending the Mayor’s Event by singing a medley of Christmas Carols from the grand staircase at the entrance to Croydon Town Hall.

Table Top Sale

Sara Greenidge, a Travel & Tourism Level 3 student, has organised and run a hugely successful Table Top sale during her free time in support of Cancer Research UK and is planning to continue this until the end of term. Sara has already raised £100.

Pathways Cake Sale

As part of their Pledge Award the Pathways students decided to bake and sell cakes for the Great Ormond Street Hospital and Variety the Children’s Charity. They raised £134.88 for their chosen charities.

Cancer Research UK

A group of Business students have raised over £100 for Cancer Research UK and have chosen to present the cheque to the Croydon Representative on Monday, 2nd December.

Fill that

Trolley Competition One of the initiatives led by the UNICEF Steering group has been the college involvement in the ‘Food Trolley Competition’ following a visiting speaker from Croydon Council. The aim of the competition led by Croydon Council in association with the Croydon Food Network is to support local families and individuals that are in crisis by providing food for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the Christmas period. The College competition was by Division and was led by the respective Student Parliament members with UNICEF Ambassadors. Students and staff were also able to donate money that was used to purchase food and all contributions from across college were collected by the

Council as part of the College donation for the borough competition. ‘I would like to say many thanks to your college students and staff for their brilliant efforts. Frank, the chair of the Croydon Food Network, was particularly impressed with their efforts. The UNICEF Steering group were excellent in drumming up support for the food donation scheme. I think the network will want to thank them personally for their efforts’. Echez Ubaka, Voluntary sector officer

Total Items collecteD :


Good News UNICEF UK nominated Croydon College for the prestigious Queens Award for Volunteering in September The college has just been informed that we have been short listed for the Award with final results being posted in May.


592 541

Childcare, Care, Hair & Beauty, Public Services, Hospitality A-Levels

300 249

Skills for Life

208 142

Business, IT, Travel, Science


Construction & Engineering

School of Art Higher Education

National AntiBullying Week Anti-bullying week this year (18th to 22nd November 2013) was a busy time for the Anti-Bullying group who organised a range of activities to mark the event and decided to focus on raising awareness of bullying at college as well as raising funds for the Haiyan disaster in the Philippines’. The week began with a game ‘Guess how many jelly beans in the bottle’ and students and staff kindly donated money to guess the amount. Group members Amanda and Georgia Cioffi also hand-made bead bracelets which they sold to raise funds and Alice Foster donated a huge bag of sweets, so a huge thank you to them all. The group also organised a raffle selling 125 tickets (thanks to Janvanie Edwards and Duad Rizwan who kindly volunteered their time) and the first prize went to Nathan Agwuncha who won a £10.00 gift voucher, the second prize went to antibullying group member Amanda Fasolo who won a £5.00 gift voucher and the third prize went to Parice Owolati who won a box of chocolates. Well done to the winners. At the end of the week the group organised a Krispy Kreme doughnut sale and 7 dozen doughnuts were sold to students and staff. The

total amount raised for charity was in excess of £118. The group have decided all money raised to be divided between Beat-bullying UK and UNICEF UK for the Haiyan disaster fund. The week was a huge success for the group who worked so hard to raise awareness of bullying in college so thanks to all who helped to make the week a huge success. I am humbled by their dedication and hard work’, said Sonia Student Life team member.

‘The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and felt excited that they could help the charity’ said Avani the course tutor. Unfortunately the PDSA could not show the students around the hospital at the time but have asked to arrange this later on in the year.

The UNICEF Steering Group

Hair Student’s Homeless Collection

A new group of students have joined the Steering group replacing those members who have now left the college to go to university or employment.

The Hair students decided to collect clothing and bedding which they took to the homeless shelter in December. The Hair and Beauty students from level 1A chose the PDSA as their charity to donate towels and blankets to. As their tutor I researched and arranged a suitable day and time for the Croydon PDSA to accept the donation. On Monday 25th November 2013 at 12pm we walked to the Croydon PDSA location where I introduced the students to the members of staff who happily received the donation.

Projects this term include a collaborative project with a Canadian School using the Millennium Development Goals as a framework to focus on Goal 1 - Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. The aim is to address both local and global issues related to poverty and hunger with each group researching and identifying the needs locally and globally. Via Skype sessions the two groups of students have compared their research findings to identify what correlations they are. Both groups have shared their proposed

campaigns to include interactive events aiming to educate and stimulate interest and discussion with other students in their organisation. The other strand of the project will be for each group to discuss and then negotiate a global south region to support with initiatives to bring about positive change. The strategies and implementation plans will be developed and students will be required to research existing initiatives both local and in the Global south so that they can develop new ideas that will contribute to positive change and as impact agreed. The group also designed games and activities to develop an understanding of rights and responsibilities for the Human Rights Conference they organised for Al Kahir Islamic primary school children.

Students promoting Anti Bullying

The Shoe Box Christmas Appeal Samaritans Purse

Several Health & Social Care Level 1 and 2 students along with Childcare Level 1 and 2 students have already collected items to put in shoe boxes for children in need and the pile of shoe boxes is growing each day. The students will then deliver the boxes to the Croydon distributor during the last week of term.

Operation Christmas Child has made me happy because I was giving my time to raise funds for children. I am happy to know a child somewhere has a smile this Christmas’. (Angela Pawelczyk)

‘Operation Christmas Child to me was the best thing to do, if you want to help children less fortunate than you. I love Christmas and I believe everyone should too, as its Christmas is all about giving. Doing this was a fantastic idea!’ (Rushelle Williams)

CITIZENSHIP The Cassandra Learning Centre (CLC) - Sexual Exploitation Conference; Serena Phillips (HE, Public Health & Social Care) attended the above event in the College conference room and volunteered to join the panel. The CLC team said that Serena made a 'valuable contribution' to the event and that it was 'great to have a young person voice their opinion'. Serena has agreed to continue to work with the CLC team in her own time to support her thesis for her HE course. Student groups from the Travel & Tourism and Health & Social Care areas also attended the conference, in their own time. The event was arranged by the Cassandra Learning Centre team in the College’s Conference room and involved key external speakers

including the Metropolitan Police.

The Anti-Bullying Student Group

South Regional Debating Matters Competition

The Anti-Bullying Group aims to support and promote the right young people have to be protected from physical and emotional harassment and abuse as well as increase awareness of bullying that may occur in college or in part time employment. Through informal discussions with a range of students it became clear that many students across the college were unaware of the Anti-Bullying group and of any support services available either internally or externally. An Anti-Bullying survey has been given to students as part of their Curriculum Enrichment sessions and findings from the survey will inform future strategies and approaches the group will adopt. All students in the group are currently undertaking cyber mentor training so that they may become mentors and help other students in the college.

Once again the college entered a team in the South Regional Debating competition. The students had to prepare a debate on topics ranging from the motion that ‘we should invest now in a low carbon economy powered by renewables’, ‘allowing the use of enhancement drugs will not undermine the spirit of sport’ and ‘we should embrace the use of smart drugs’. Although the team did not make the final Ryan Raghoo was awarded Best Individual Winner.

The Croydon Business Month Dragons’ Enterprise Competition The college entered two teams for the Dragons’ Den event and they have both been shortlisted to present their business idea to the Dragons’ Den Panel on December 3rd. The Open Access Social Enterprise Enrichment group have proposed a business idea called ‘Shake Shack’ which, if successful, aims to provide healthy shakes for college students. The second team is a group of Business students who have a proposal called ’Diamond Clear Films’ which aims to promote male and female artists who are interested in getting into the media industry. Although the panel decided to award the first prize to one of the other entrepreneurs the Dragons’ were suitably impressed with the ’Diamond Clear Films’ team proposal and pitch that they offered a prize, (kindly donated by Prince’s Trust) for the team to join one

People and Planets

of their enterprise support programmes.

Science Eco Project As part of their Curriculum Enrichment programme Level 3 Science students have been working with People and Planets. The group decided to support Eco Day and collected petitions to sign up to the Green Education declaration which commits them to: • Promise to lead by example and commit to adopting carbon reduction strategies. • Recognise the college's role as a beacon of good practice and its duty to inspire positive behaviour among students, parents and the community. • Commit to integrating education around climate change and sustainable development across the curriculum. Ideas for the Eco Day

included: running a 'Have your Say' display stand for students to write up their ideas for what food they'd like in the canteen, running a stall in the reception area with information about why planting flowers and/or trees is a good idea and creating posters or other artwork that can be put up around the college next to recycling bins to encourage students and staff to use them better.

Hospitality Recycling Project A group of Level 3 Hospitality students have been working on a project to improve recycling practices in the college kitchens and restaurant in their spare time. A comprehensive audit of current practices has been undertaken as well as holding meetings with key college and borough staff so that their proposal for improvements can be finalised before presenting ideas to the relevant college managers.

Enrichment Fair

ENRICHMENT The Enrichment Fair Once a year the Enrichment Fair is held at College to give students the chance to find out more about activities available to help them develop and pursue interests outside their studies. Both internal and external visitors were invited to this huge event to discuss the activities and to encourage students to sign up including external organisations such as AA driving school, Delmeza Hospice Care for Children, Met police (Hate Crime Officer), Limelight Magazine and many more. There were over 2,500 students at the fair with over 1,900 signing up for the range of enrichment activities on offer. As well as, an additional 200 students who gave their

suggestions for alternative activities to be added to the open access programme. Fresher’s Fair The Student HE Governor organised the UCC Fresher’s Fair in the Parfitt Gallery in September and negotiated a variety of organisations to be invited, including Game, Croydon Info Centre and Ann Summers. Several money off vouchers was also available to the students.

Cultural Awareness Celebration Evening The Cultural Awareness Celebration Evening once again promoted the opportunity to share both similarities

and differences of the many diverse cultures that make up the college community. The Hospitality students prepared a buffet to include a variety of foods from around the world which all the guests were able to sample at the end of the event. Activities and entertainment included displays of traditional costumes and musical instruments from Poland and West Africa. The Enrichment Zumba group performed their dance which was very successful and was followed by many of the audience joining in the repeat dance. This goes to show the real talent that exists in the student body and what an accomplishment the night was.

Cultural Awareness Celebration Evening

In partnership with the Student Life Team, members of the UNICEF Steering Group and the Student Executive organised this event to celebrate the rich diversity of students and staff.

One of the students at the college, called Cherish, captured the night as ‘A night to remember, wonderful, I enjoyed myself so much, especially the dancers, I love to dance.’

The Mayor of Croydon, Councillor Yvette Hopley, commented ‘A wonderful evening of entertainment of what we have here in the borough of Croydon, especially in representation of the college - Thank you for making Croydon so special’.

White Ribbon Day As part of Safer College Week, Jennifer McDermott from the Cassandra Learning Centre (CLC) joined us on Monday 25th November, to lead the annual ‘hand painting’ activity in the Student Common room. CLC was formed shortly after the murder of Jennifer’s daughter, Cassandra. CLC aims to raise awareness of the issues surrounding domestic violence as well as coordinate emergency housing should a client need it. The hand painting sessions involves the learner covering his/her hand with the paint and then transferring the print onto a large sheet displaying the following pledge; ‘I pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about domestic violence against anyone in all its forms’. The colourful sheets will remain on display in the Student Common room for some time yet, as a reminder to our learners and staff.

AIDS testing session was arranged for Thursday, 28th November here at College. Personnel from the Terence Higgins Trust (THT) staffed a ‘testing bus’, which parked outside the main building for much of the afternoon. The Terence Higgins Trust team found the session ‘productive’ and hope to return before the end of this academic year, assuming that they secure more funding for the mobile unit.

The Multi Faith Prayer Room In order to support Muslim students with the Friday Prayers, an additional prayer session has been organised during the lunch hour each week. The Carpentry students have also volunteered as part of their UNICEF Pledge Award to make shelving to store shoes during the very busy Friday Prayer session following a request from the students using the Prayer room.

Healthy Lifestyle Week

World AIDS Day (WAD) As World AIDS Day fell on a weekend this year, an HIV/

The week consisted of 23 stalls with a wide range of health related services/organisations to help students and staff make informed health choices. The most successful stall was Fusion lifestyle that was represented all week and with the help of the rowing machine

over 100 expressions of interest forms were completed. The week also saw the annual Art & Design Health Badges competition which was a great opportunity for students to show their creativity and vision with such a tight deadline and so early on in the college year. Travel & Tourism L3 YR 2 student, Sara Greenidge, continued in her quest to raise £1000 for Cancer Research UK by encouraging some of her tutor group to dress up as pirates and assist her on weekly stall in College selling cosmetic jewellery and nail varnish in the run up to Christmas.

International Day of the Disabled Persons; The International Day of Disabled Persons is celebrated on the 3rd December each year. “Break barriers, Open doors; for an inclusive society and development for all’ is the theme for this year’s international programme of events. Launched by the General Assembly in October 1992, this day aims to raise awareness on the rights of the disabled at national and international levels. More than twenty years on however, many problems are still unresolved. Disabled people are not yet fully considered within international development issues. They are still excluded from society in many countries of the world. Even where effective disability legislation is in place, the implementation is often hindered by negative attitudes towards disabled people. A display about some of the issues surrounding disability was exhibited in the College foyer throughout the week beginning 2nd December. Helen Bryer, from PHAB Youth Clubs visited Health & Social Care, Level 3, yr 2 student groups on Friday, 6th December to discuss the integration of able bodied and physically disabled young people. She hoped to recruit volunteers for their Croydon centre where the aim is to

promote and encourage people of all abilities to come together on equal terms to achieve complete inclusion within the wider community. Fay Johnson, - Enrichment, E&D Coordinator (Students) said ‘It is important that our young people are actively encouraged to integrate with those persons who are disabled or have a learning difficulty. This will help towards our goal of being a truly cohesive community’.

Peer Mentoring Thirty students were recruited through the Enrichment Programme with their mentoring hours contributing towards their UNICEF Pledge volunteering Award. Following an intensive training period during their lunch times and in the October half term break 10 students have now fully completed their Peer Mentor training. This work has included the successful achievement of the Equality & Diversity online certification, a session on Safeguarding Awareness and an introduction to encouraging ‘growth mindset’ approaches. These Peer Mentors as well the 6 Mentors from last year are now offering academic support sessions with students studying the Pathways course with a view to encouraging the successful achievement of their online English/Maths exams. At least another 6 students are in the process of completing their Peer Mentor training. The

students who completed their Peer Mentor training last year including the BA Business students have been giving academic support to a range of students from ITC Level 1 and for the Level 2 courses. Mayor’s Mentoring Scheme; Two Childcare students have completed the training necessary to become a ‘Mayor’s Mentor’. The focus of this mentoring project is on young black boys who may be in the criminal justice system and “Not in Education Employment or Training” (NEET). They are both waiting to be matched with a mentee. A new group of students have started their Peer Mentor training and if you are interested in becoming a Peer mentor then just complete an application form on Moodle – http://moodle. php?id=2007#section-13

Mixed Meloydz Choir

Mixed Meloydz Choir The Mixed Melodyz choir members performed at the Christmas party for Bensham Resource Centre for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disabilities on Saturday, 14th December. The choir were also invited to have tea with the residents and their relatives afterwards! Everyone involved had a wonderful time. The large audience, including the staff at the care home, sang along with the choir and requested that they sing some of their favourite carols long after the set should have ended. Choir member, Fatima Beeson (Health & Social Care) dressed up as Father Christmas and whipped up a lot of excitement amongst the residents. The management of the residential home was so

impressed with the choir’s performance and the way that the members engaged with their clients that they have made a monetary gift towards the choir’s new uniform. They have also indicated that they would like more College students to interact with the residents by visiting for ‘tea and a chat’ at pre-arranged times. If YOU would like to get involved, please see Fay Johnson in the Student Common Room.

Christmas Event The choir sang Christmas songs, including several well-known carols, in the College foyer between 12.30 – 1.15pm on Wednesday, 18th December in celebration of the festive season. The College Chaplain, Revd. Milo Brandon delivered several readings to the group that gathered.

Good News!!!! The Mixed Melodyz Choir has been selected to perform at the Music For Youth London Region Festival at Fairfield Halls in March AND will be participating in the Choir of the Year 2014 auditions. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Curriculum Enrichment Several activities have taken place this term with students participating in activities that supplement their curriculum programme and develop key employability skills

Cyber Bullying Game Creative Media year 1 students were set the task of producing an online game to promote awareness of the dangers of Cyber Bullying for young people. The Anti-Bullying Group and Lindsey Ball from Croydon Police judged the final work and nominated the winners for each category ‘I thought that the students gave very good presentations and they have clearly put a huge amount of hard work into developing their programmes’. Lindsey Ball. It is hoped to

promote this work to the local authority for use with young people in local schools and youth clubs.

Pop Up Shop The Level 3 Art & Design Students took part in a project called the ‘Pop up Shop’. The Students raised a staggering amount of £211 for a youth homeless charity called Centre Point. 2nd year Art & Design students built and designed a shop, where other students made and designed things that were sold inside the shop. The theme of the shop was based on Croydon. Graphic designers took part by creating images that were put on postcards, Textiles designers made garments, bags and other textile pieces for display, whilst fine art students made portraits based on the people in Croydon. The shop was open for two lunchtimes and students and parents were able to purchase items. Level 1 students made Christmas cards and Foundation Diploma

students also made Christmas decorations. Overall the event turned out to be a big accomplishment from all students who participated. UNICEF Steering group members judged the work awarding prizes for the best work. Photographs of the best work will be sent to UNICEF UK to demonstrate the outstanding contribution made by the students in this Division.

UNICEF Short animation The Year 2 Animation Group were tasked to produce a short but vibrant animation to promote the importance of health for young children and linked to the forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Final animations will be sent to UNICEF UK for consideration with the current development of resources for all children in Scotland with the proposed adaptations to the College Pledge Award.

Sport and Health Activities The term began with a busy and vibrant health week which included a wide range of charities, gyms, health organisations, clubs and many more which all helped towards the goal of giving both staff and students the opportunity to make their own informed health choices. The enrichment sessions have been hugely successful with a range of new and returning students participating in the programmes. To date the college has taken part in 2 football matches and successfully won both of these. We are now planning for a range of matches in a number of the sporting programmes.

Table Tennis

The term 1 table tennis league, which more than 40 people signed up for and consisted of well over 300 matches both played and umpired by the common room students. The top ten players will all be 1st choice to represent the college in the upcoming matches and tournament with external opponents.


The college is also enjoying success with some of the new initiatives like golf which now has a steady group of regulars which are planning to play for real for the very first time. Also in talks with Coulsdon College to re-arrange the cancelled golf tournament.

The Student Life team are currently undertaking a sports survey as part of the Curriculum Enrichment Sessions aiming to improve the college sports offer. The data collected will support an application to the Active Colleges Fund.

Community Coaching

is slowly restarting with a number of school table tennis sessions already delivered and plans of lunch time football sessions being discussed.

Travel & Tourism L3 groups as well as selected other groups from around the college.


The number of students attending Jujitsu has grown substantially, resulting in an additional session being added on Wednesday 7 – 9pm to practice Kata and other advanced practices. Below is a photo of the group after a number of students were upgraded and several graded for the very first time.


Skills 4 Life 5 A-Side Football Tournament was a huge success with over 80 students signing up from a wide range of classes. The tournament also saw the first successful involvement of females which resulted in 3 very competitive matches. Across are pictures of the two winning teams Radioactive & Sweet Girls and pictures of Sidi Daghiche & Zaneta Sokolowska who were awarded individual awards for their individual contributions to the tournament.


Special thank you to Christopher Ossei-Boateng (seen above) who has single handily kept the football enrichment going and helped to make the S4L tournament a success.

For the third year running Croydon College were involved in the Sportivate Indoor Cricket programme which finalised with a Tournament at Coulsdon College 10th December 2013. Results for the competition finished with:1st: John Ruskin topping the group with 9 points 2nd: Coulsdon (A) – 7 points 3rd: Croydon – 5 points 4th: Coulsdon (B) – 3 points


The HeartStart programme has been successfully delivered to all public services L3 groups. Current planning to deliver to all

Seen above is a picture of a staff member holding one of the used relay Olympic torches.

Student Representation End of Term ‘Celebrate Friends’ Party

‘It was great. Had lots of fun, danced around; played and most of all fun!’ – Gloria ‘AWESOME!’ - Bryan

Fatima Beeson from Health & Social Care led in conjunction with the Student Life team on the organisation of an end of term student event, held in the Student Common Room. A wide range of students form many courses attended the successful event Student Quotes included:

Student Parliament Meeting

‘Considering that it is one person who carried the main body of this event, it has been fantastic!’ – Ryan ‘Amazing!’ – Djamila ‘Entertaining’ – Da-Sheena ‘It’s good to see different people getting together and coming together, you can’t buy that!’ – Sammy ‘It was good little fun for the College to socialise, get together and do their thing innit! I’m going to give tonight a 7 out of 10 cos I never got to perform and I wanted to perform!’ - Kemar

UNICEF Pledge really helps with a CV and getting a job so this message is to be reinforced to all Divisions

The first Student Parliament meeting was held with newly elected Parliament Representatives and UNICEF Ambassadors and members of the Senior Management team The main issues discussed included: • The free breakfast is provided by the College to offer students a healthy start to the day and to encourage punctuality. • IDs are to be worn at all times for security and protection of students and staff. • All students are to be encouraged to visit the Employability Hub on the ground floor and meet the staff and see what facilities are available. If students have any requests or suggestions these can be passed onto Simon Cusworth in the Hub (Employability Hub Manager). • Volunteering through the

Da-sheena and Rebecca Mentors



Construction, Engineering & Building Services 5 A-Side Tournament, date to be confirmed Indoor cricket matches being discussed with John Ruskin and Coulsdon College as follow on from the indoor tournament January Health Week to be led by Crystal Palace Sports centre offering fitness testing health screening health competitions Faith Awareness Week - discussions and debate around All Faith Global Citizens Events during Global Awareness Week Travel & Tourism, UN Human Rights Day International Women’s Day Event (Djamila Obel – Okeli, Student Activities Officer & Elizabeth Akinditure, Course Rep) Music for You Regional Festival (Mixed Melodyz) UNICEF UK Climate change project UNICEF Steering Group Homeless Event - April For Pledge Award Volunteer opportunities - see Student Life team in the Student Common Room and Moodle

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