Year I April-May 2009 n. 1 Authorization: Secretariat of State for Internal Affairs Copy registered with the Tribunal of the Republic of San Marino
in san marino
INTERVIEWS - Simona Michelotti, Chamber of Commerce President - Marco Arzilli, Secretary of State for Industry MADE IN… CAM COM - Chamber of Commerce activities - Secretariats of State - Trade Associations - Banks and University
E DITORIAL by Massimo Ghiotti - Chief Executive
Every two months, a magazine dedicated to the world of San Marino’s enterprises and economy. This is MADE IN SAN MARINO, the periodical created by the Chamber of Commerce to give a more effective and professional response to the rapidly growing demand for transparency and accessibility to news from specialists in the sector and public service experts. But in the era of the Internet, ADSL and realtime text messages, does it still make sense to publish on paper? We think it does. And we’re concentrating our efforts on this traditional communication instrument to complement and reinforce all the other channels that the Chamber of Commerce already uses to give news – its website, its webzine and its newsletters – in the firm belief that the value of contents remains, even when these become available only online. Our new magazine, with a distribution of little more than 1200 copies, is reserved for a well-
defined target readership, consisting of people working in our sector, of opinion leaders and of Italian and European Chambers of Commerce. This publishing project has its origins in our need to give a precise summary of exactly what has been accomplished, from our desire to report the results of the activities first and foremost of our Chamber of Commerce, but also of our members, of San Marino’s companies and of our country’s political panorama. Our prime aim is our duty of clarity with respect to all those who for professional purposes approach our offices. And then, we’d like to create an opposite pole of information to contrast the “derogatory” news that too often brands the name of our republic as a synonym for a dubious and not totally transparent economic system. With this magazine, by highlighting from time to time the results and successes achieved, we wish to make our own contribution to the construction of a positive vision of San Marino, a country that boasts examples of excellence and good business
practices, often unfortunately ignored. This is the reason for our name, MADE IN SAN MARINO, which here takes on a double meaning. On the one hand, “MADE IN” refers specifically to the world of manufacturing and enterprise, but on the other, using a rather loose English translation, it provides a link to everything not only “made” but also “done” in San Marino, which is what our magazine intends to express. Lastly, the use of English in a familiar phrase easily understood by Italian speakers, and that can also be used in the English edition of MADE IN SAN MARINO. Personally, as Chief Executive of the Chamber of Commerce, my hope is that over time this magazine will become a two-way channel of communication, a kind of showcase where the protagonists of our economic system can present concrete experiences and considerations that encourage healthy competitiveness and positive examples that can give greater motivation for change.
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C HAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS ITSELF A young and dynamic Chamber of Commerce for the promotion and enhancement of San Marino. Young, because it was founded only five years ago. Young, because the average age of its staff is 29 years. But above all, what is the Chamber of Commerce, and what does it do? The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, UNAS, OSLA, USOT and USC), banks (Cassa di Risparmio, Banca di San Marino, Banca Agricola Commerciale and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino.
It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state. The Chamber of Commerce has two main functions: - ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS: this formed the original nucleus of activities, and includes corporate registration and certification, the management of company registers and lists, and the issue of documents, certificates and authorizations; - SUPPORT FUNCTIONS FOR COMPANIES: actions in favour of internationalization, international promotion and marketing, assistance, economic information, professional training, seminars, analyses and studies, young entrepreneurs, quality certifications and relations with San Marino’s diplomatic corps.
S TAFF Massimo Ghiotti
Chief Executive “In 2001 I started to work for APSE, the Agency for Economic Promotion and Development, which in 2004 became the San Marino Chamber of Commerce. So I saw the chamber start life and grow, and over time, together with our staff, I have constantly tried to shape its development to cater for the needs of companies and the changing economy”.
Evelina Guglielmi
Massimo Zani Buying and Sales Department Manager “I work on relations with customers and suppliers, and am also the contact person for San Marino enterprises for all aspects of business relations with local and foreign companies. This also means that I’m responsible for Club Estero, our foreign trade club”.
Roberto Bucci
Consultant “I organize events and participations in trade fairs in economic sectors of particular interest. In recent years we’ve launched events like Ecomercatale, Chocotitano and the Web Awards, to mention only a few. I also make daily news updates on the site”.
Federica Tonelli Legal Office Manager “I follow all legal work for the Chamber of Commerce, including contracts, forms, correspondence, legal proceedings and the development of legislation proposals. I’m also working on an editorial project involving a series of information sheets detailing the laws and regulations of San Marino”.
Marco Macina Marketing and IT Department Manager “I follow all aspects of IT, from the website though to the webzine, together with a variety of Chamber of Commerce projects, like the registers for installers, tenders and companies, analyses on economic trends and statistical analyses”.
Marianna Bucci Marketing Assistant and Public Relations “I’m the latest addition to our team, and I work on all aspects regarding external communications, the press office and public relations for the Chamber of Commerce, and also relations with San Marino’s diplomatic representatives and foreign delegations”.
Quality and Production Department Manager “My job includes work for young entrepreneurs, the Titano Guide, the planning of Chamber of Commerce activities, everything involved in ISO9001 certification and the business services office”.
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Jessica Dell’Ominut Accounting and Secretarial Office Manager “My job covers all secretarial functions, and also reception services for our members. I’m also responsible for the Chamber of Commerce accounts, and provide support for all activities of my colleagues”.
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Simona Michelotti President of Chamber of Commerce Simona Michelotti, President of Camera di Commercio S.p.A. since June 2008. Could you tell us briefly about the chamber’s history? I was privileged to be present right at the start of the Chamber of Commerce, when as Vice President of ANIS I assisted and strongly supported the foundation of the APSE Agency for Economic Promotion and Development, which then became the Chamber of Commerce in 2004. This event is to be considered as being something absolutely exceptional, the first time the state sought an alliance and collaboration with entrepreneurs, and therefore with ANIS, for the creation of an agency for the development of our company. The long debate between the government and the entrepreneurial world that preceded the creation of Camera di Commercio S.p.A. - which lasted at least a couple of years - is symptomatic of the difficulties encountered in reconciling the needs of these two worlds, so apparently distant but both very aware that the time had come to balance the entrepreneurial spirit of APSE with the necessity of managing an efficient chamber of commerce independently, without being excessively influenced by changing political trends. How do you assess the presence of the Chamber of Commerce in San Marino? In addition to being an important reference point for the
various production sectors, the Chamber of Commerce engages in many other activities to support and promote San Marino’s economy, and above all offers companies a vast range of services, attempting to give rapid and authoritative responses to users’ needs. So it’s really our users who should answer this question, only our users can give the indications to help us assess and if possible improve our actions aimed at simplifying administrative procedures, and at innovation and quality in the offer of services, thereby allowing us to fully cater for the needs of San Marino’s companies, who are our natural focus of interest. What are the leverage points that San Marino companies should exploit to overcome the current economic crisis? Over the last few months what’s become clear is that there’s no-one who can give an adequate answer to this question, because the crisis that’s happening is nothing less than a genetic mutation of the market, a far-reaching transformation in the face of which companies find themselves unprepared and defenceless. There is no sure solution to move beyond this difficult moment, but in a certain sense the companies of San Marino can consider themselves advantaged by a direct link with our country’s political system, and can therefore count on a privileged channel of communication. Personally, I think the only way of facing this crisis lies in the capacity of companies to react. They just can’t afford to freeze up in this present stalemate. What they need to do instead is to look towards the future, to find the vitality to field all the resources that can allow them to open towards new opportunities. The world we’re looking at is new and unknown, and the only way we can face it is with
courage and a spirit of initiative. What do you think the role of young people could be for a country like San Marino? I’m very enthusiastic to talk about young people and above all to work with them, because they represent liveliness, energy, and in a place like San Marino their strong potential and intellectual honesty could really change the country. I believe the Chamber of Commerce dedicates a great deal of attention to young people, supporting projects for under-35 entrepreneurs and backing all cultural programmes that involve young people. And also the composition of the Chamber of Commerce team itself is without doubt emblematic of the importance of young people for us: an average age of 29 years and a truly mixed work group, made up of very different personalities that nevertheless unite, each in their right place, where the character, capacities, imagination and enthusiasm of each are encouraged and stimulated. And this is reflected in the way we organize our activities, some really exceptional ideas come out, innovative, produced by a creative staff that generates its own energy and succeeds in giving uniform results by reciprocally recognizing everyone’s differences, but at the same time seriously respecting and achieving common targets. It is precisely young people who are the future of the Chamber of Commerce. A future, which given these premises, looks full of hope.
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Marco Arzilli Secretary of State for Industry Marco Arzilli, for almost six months Secretary of State for Industry and Commerce. What are the first results achieved? Certainly, the establishment of a working party where representatives of San Marino’s economic world can meet weekly is one of our first targets. In this way we can attempt to balance the need to consolidate a direct channel of communication with the business world with the need to reinforce and enhance the role of our business associations. And without doubt this is an efficient way to keep the Secretary of State constantly updated on the various problems of the sector. The activities of this working party also paved the way for the draft document on support for the economy and the maintenance of employment levels that’s currently being discussed on a tripartite basis, and with which the government will try to handle to ongoing economic crisis. As regards instead the administrative aspect, we’ve cleared all the procedures that were at a standstill between the Department of Industry and the Secretariat of State, also giving rather “difficult” answers where necessary. We’re trying to coordinate operations with the Secretariats of State for Tourism and the Territory, so that we can also give adequate solutions for the city centre. We’re working very fast
on the drafting of a unified Business Law and also on the Chamber of Commerce, which will make present legislation easier to understand and implement. And finally, given the success obtained with the “Prices Down” project, which allowed San Marino’s citizens to buy basic daily products at fixed prices without increases, we’ve decided to prolong it and to extend it to a wider range of products. When you took office, you declared that you intended to make an in-depth survey of the corporate sector. How’s this survey going? I’ve always thought that when action is taken on programmes for development and economic growth, it’s indispensable to know just who we are, so we can decide where we want to go. This is why we need to have a very clear idea of who’s doing business in San Marino, the results they achieve, and how they achieve them. This is a considerable commitment that my department is working on intensely, and it calls for great collaboration with the public administration so that we can bring together data that till now have been kept in separate places, but without a doubt this is the necessary condition for us to be able to promote our economic system. Let’s talk about the collaboration with Camera di Commercio S.p.A. What do you think of what you’ve done together? I see the Chamber of Commerce as a fundamental instrument that should be enhanced and reinforced, particularly in this new economic phase. In this light it’s therefore essential to try to bring the Chamber of Commerce as close as possible to the business world, implementing its natural vocation to become a means for economic development. What’s necessary to achieve this is the strong determination of the government and precise guidelines. The synergy created between the Secretariat of State for Industry and the Chamber of Commerce moves precisely in this direction, examining the work done and opening discussions with all parties involved, so as to identify an effective formula to establish this kind of relationship on a more permanent basis.
THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A NEW MEMBER OF THE WORLD CHAMBERS FEDERATION The certificate confirming the admission of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce to the World Chambers Federation (WCF), a specific division dedicated to chambers of commerce by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the world’s largest and most representative trade organization, carries the signature of WCF Chair Rona Yircali. This is an important step for a country like San Marino, which must aim for internationalization to develop the fullest possible potential of its internal resources, and which, particularly in a situation that is so difficult for our economic system, must be capable of offering companies based in our republic the opportunity to work with the largest possible market, drawing from this renewed vigour and new stimuli. The WCF represents without doubt a showcase of great interest for our country, which must necessarily enhance its visibility to attract investments at an international level as well. Chambers of commerce have always played an important role in the activities of the ICC in sectors like the liberalization of international trade, rules for investments, the modernization of customs authorities and the simplification of their respective procedures and fiscal regulations. The presence in the WCF of Camera di Commercio S.p.A. is of great significance, given our role as an essential point of contact between San Marino’s economic sectors, government authorities and the general public, and it will allow us to continue our vital contribution in the development and enhancement of international trade relations, in the interests of San Marino’s economic operators. 4 april-may 2009
in san marino
M ADE IN CAM COM BEYOND OUR BORDERS E COMERCATALE Preparations for Ecomercatale, the eco-compatible technologies fair organized jointly by the Chamber of Commerce, the Agenda 21 Coordination Committee and the Borgo Maggiore District Council, and to be held for the second time next autumn, are well under way. Yet again this year the programme will include stands, conferences and educational events, together with entertainment for both adults and children, all centring on the theme of energy saving and the need to continue the search for clean energy sources.
C OMMISSION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN BUSINESS The Commission for Young People and Women in Business has approved all four projects presented by budding San Marino entrepreneurs requesting access to the facilitations envisaged by Law 134 of 24 November 1997. The projects included activities of various kinds, ranging from personal assistance services through to new technologies, event organization and craft trades. The commission, chaired by the Secretary of State for Industry and composed of the Secretary of State for Labour, representatives of the ANIS, OSLA, USOT, USC and UNA trade associations and San Marino University, a representative from the sector of credit institutions, and the Chamber of Commerce, granted facilitations in various ways: direct grants for a total of €61,974, facilitated loans for a total of €161,400, partial exemptions on social security contributions, and tax exemptions.
E CONOMIC ANALYSIS The data of the economic analysis conducted by the Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the company Prometeia have been released. Questionnaires were distributed to a representative sample of about 400 companies in San Marino, and the replies received were used to prepare an accurate and updated overview of the situation of our country’s economy in the first quarter of 2009.
S EMINAR The seminar on “Negotiating payments in foreign trade relations” organized by the Chamber of Commerce met with great success. The series of four meetings, held by Antonio Di Meo, a specialist consultant in international payments and documentary credits, examined the various juridical, contractual, logistics and payment aspects involved in this area, providing those present with several practical suggestions to improve their handling of the various phases of negotiation.
The Chamber of Commerce continues to extend its activities beyond our national frontiers, and in collaboration with the Secretary of State for Industry recently met a delegation from the Philippine Chamber of Handicraft Industries led by Executive Vice President Cecilia Veneracion, who illustrated the Philippine production system, with particular emphasis on local craftwork, and paving the way for a future business partnership. This was followed by talks with two important representatives of Japan’s entrepreneurial panorama, accompanied by Riccardo Riccioni, Counsellor at San Marino’s embassy in Tokyo, who put forward a series of proposals aimed at achieving closer cooperation between the two countries, ranging from the foundation of an organization to promote trade between San Marino and Japan through to the creation of joint ventures and the opening of a theme park reproducing the Republic of San Marino. Finally, a courtesy visit from the Ambassador of Thailand, Pradap Pibulsonggram, who expressed his desire to explore a deeper reciprocal knowledge of our two country’s economies, and to open channels of concrete collaboration.
The HAPPY HOUR, HAPPY BUSINESS! evening organized by the Chamber of Commerce to explain to aspiring young entrepreneurs the many opportunities and advantages of basing their businesses in San Marino was an unexpected success. On Friday 13 March, the Fondazione San Marino Cassa di Risparmio - SUMS hall was packed with young people, who over aperitifs and a little background music were able to learn more about the facilitations offered by the “Law on Young Enterprise” and the “New Ideas for New Enterprises” business plan competition.
T ITANO GUIDE Work is also continuing on the 2009 edition of the Titano Guide, the yearbook of San Marino’s economic activities, published in collaboration with the Assoservizi association for the commercial sections. Available from the end of June, the guide will contain some 6000 entries of companies and professionals.
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The “Dawn on the Mountain” event was presented, to be held on the night between 18 and 19 July. Concerts, games for children and adults, circus shows and tasting sessions for local products will be offered throughout San Marino. The Borgo Maggiore cableway will operate non- stop, shops, museums and public buildings will be open all night, and shuttle coaches will be organized from the nearby coastal resorts.
Renewed efforts to reinforce bilateral relations with Italy culminated in the official visit of Franco Frattini, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the signing of an Economic Cooperation Agreement. A specific Exchange of Verbal Notes was also signed, defining the convention on the use of the Rimini-San Marino International Airport.
The great commitment dedicated to the financial sector led to the appointment of Biagio Bossone as President of the Central Bank of San Marino, and to intense efforts to restabilize relations with the Italian Republic. Delegation Decree 22/2009 was also approved, granting incentives for the purchase of vehicles, together with a decree modifying reimbursement methods for import duties.
In preparation for San Marino’s participation in the Tuttofood World Food Exhibition to be held in Milan from 10 to 13 June, the Secretary for Industry is following organization for the event in collaboration with the Terra di San Marino Consortium, the Typical Wines Consortium and the Chamber of Commerce. San Marino’s presence at this event is part of more ample project to incentivize, promote and safeguard the country’s typical food and wine products.
In March the first draft legislation proposals for the reform of the public administration were approved, aiming to modernize the administration, to introduce a computerized system to manage document flows, to eliminate outdated procedures slowing down the general organization, and to make managers and staff more responsible and responsive to the needs of users.
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The strong commitment to combat the effects of the negative economic situation continues. Attempts are being made to help the workers of companies in difficulty cope with their weakening financial situation by reforming the social security and unemployment benefits system, and the support given to professional training programmes inside companies is an important instrument intended to help private enterprise prepare for when the economy recovers.
The legislative proposal on Modifications to regulations and monthly family benefits was concluded, updating family benefits and introducing new methods for their payment, together with the proposed legislation on Regulation of health measures for persons with mental disturbances, introducing new regulations to protect persons with serious mental disturbances requiring compulsory health treatments.
The draft proposal for a Delegation Law Reordering and Updating Legislation on Environmental Matters of the Republic of San Marino was approved at its first reading, providing a basis for innovative regulations suitable for San Marino’s territory, with the aim of promoting the quality of life by safeguarding and improving environmental conditions.
Collaboration has started with the Ravenna Port Authority for the “One Port, Two Capitals” project, which aims to attract a consistent share of the Adriatic cruise market, guaranteeing a constant flow of high-end visitors to San Marino. The first coach of tourists was welcomed to Mount Titano at the end of April.
The series of three meetings on “QUALITY SYSTEMS TO ISO 9001:2008“ ended in April, aiming to give a better understanding of the strategic opportunity of the principles and requirements of standards for Quality Management Systems, and also in the light of the recent update of the ISO 9001 standard.
The “Crisis or opportunity? Technological instruments to relaunch your business” workshop was held, providing concrete guidance on the way to exploit technological instruments and innovation as valid methods to relaunch a business and find success in an increasingly competitive market.
The Annual General Meeting voted the association’s new leaders, with Pier Marino Bedetti chosen as President to succeed Gianfranco Terenzi, now appointed Honorary President after 33 years of enthusiastic commitment.
The USC is committed to assisting San Marino’s commercial sector in many ways, from its participation in political commissions through to its presence at the tripartite discussions between the government, trade unions and trade associations in their attempt to identify effective responses to new needs deriving from the current economic crisis.
Close collaboration continues on the SMaC Card project with the Secretary of State for Finance to develop the current version of the card even further into a fully-fledged “Tourist Card” for use as an additional hospitality instrument for visitors to San Marino, and particularly in the forthcoming summer season.
B ANKS Banca Agricola Commerciale Creation of San Marino Life, a San Marino life insurance public limited company. The BAC First, BAC Best Player and BAC Evolution products are distributed at Banca Agricola Commerciale branches in the Republic of San Marino. These San Marino Life products finally give safe solutions of quality for a secure future, for families and for companies.
Banca di San Marino
The “Banca di San Marino 4 x 4 for you!” project continues, with the branches of Borgo Maggiore, Dogana, Fiorina and Rovereta open Mondays to Fridays without midday closures from 8.30 am to 5 pm, and Saturdays from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm, from 16 March, to be always closer to all your needs!
Carisp Savings Bank
Last 16 March, the Italian magazine “Milano Finanza”, published by the Class Editori Group, awarded the CARISP its “Creators of Value” prize, conferred on banks with the best performances for assets and efficiency in 2008.
Credito Industriale Sammarinese
The Annual General Meeting of Partners approved the 2008 Balance Sheet. Deposits rose to € 933m, and net assets, after the distribution of previous profits for €10.3m drawn from the Extraordinary Reserves Fund, amount to €87m. The financial year closed with a 13% increase in the interest margin, a 20% increase in the intermediation margin, and profits up by 22%.
U NIVERSITY The round table on “Current themes in the prevention and elimination of money laundering in Italian law” saw the presence of several expert speakers, offering economic operators and professionals an initial approach to the legislative instruments designed to prevent and eliminate the laundering of funds obtained illicitly.
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C LUB ESTERO Getting to know our “Club Estero” companies What is the Chamber of Commerce’s “Club Estero”? “Club Estero” is an entire office dedicated to foreign trade, aiming to develop the potential for internationalization of San Marino companies by offering assistance, information and promotion to support and increase their presence on international markets. Being a member of “Club Estero” means enjoying an ample range of services, including special discounts with hotel chains, airlines and shippers, specifically negotiated to help economic operators travelling abroad on business. In addition, exclusive access to the “vip-camera di commercio” page offers the possibility for club members to exclusively consult a portal providing information and services to promote imports/exports and investments, plus the opportunity to directly forward specific requests to individual foreign chambers of commerce or trade operators. Members can also find information on other countries, look for potential partners, business information and details on international trade fair organization and participation, make free searches in the database of the Titano Guide, the yearbook of San Marino’s economic activities……and lots more! For info: (“Club Estero” section)
EVENTS Tuttofood Fieramilano (Milan) Agrifood show reserved for professional operators
Discovering… SIPP Refrigeration and Dispensing Creativity and innovation. These are the weapons that Galazzanobased company SIPP intends to exploit to overcome the economic crisis. Present on the market for over 30 years, the SIPP brand name boasts long and widely recognized experience in the beverages dispensing sector, which includes cooling and serving systems for beer, soft drinks and water. Present in San Marino since 2000, SIPP has adopted modern organizational criteria and perfected its operating dynamics to cater for the needs of an increasingly demanding and competitive market. SIPP works with a vast market, in Italy, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, all equally affected by the current economic crisis, which has significantly modified consumer habits. Forced to come to terms with less ready cash available for spending on so-called “pleasure” goods, including drinks consumption, consumers tend to give their preference to supermarket purchases instead of conventional catering outlets. This is a problem for which SIPP has developed its own solution, creating a new product: the Icy Shot® dispensing system for spirits and liqueurs. This unique invention from SIPP, offering the market an original novelty capable of becoming a modern business opportunity, is a convincing response to a difficult economic moment in which the company, with its constant research into innovative styles and materials, successfully blends the most advanced technologies with the experience of tradition.
For information:
10 to 13 June
The Chamber of Commerce presents a
Vicenza Exhibition Centre International exhibition of gold, jewellery, silverware and watches
16 to 20 May
Italian Festival
Festival dedicated to Italian culture Events, fine food and wine, music, design, art Bangkok (Thailand)
21 May to 30 June com
TUSKON - World Trade Bridge Program
Fair dedicated to small and medium enterprise in all sectors. On registration, TUSKON (Confederation of Industrialists and Businessmen of Turkey) organizes bilateral meetings between companies in related sectors (with interpreters). Istanbul (Turkey)
First week in June 8 april-may 2009
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“Growing in Foreign Markets”
27 May 2009 from 9 am to 1 pm at the Grand Hotel Primavera A training event dedicated to entrepreneurs, import/export managers and international trade expediters that illustrates how to construct a sales strategy and the tactics to be used in locating and maintaining customers. At the end of the event, participants will have acquired the competences to expand corporate exports and the technical skills needed to manage business relations on foreign markets in a practical and realistic way. Speaker: Saverio Aprile, trainer and consultant for corporate internationalization.
Year I - April-May 2009 - n. 1 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino - Apse S.p.a. Piazza Mercatale, 29 - 47893 Borgo Maggiore - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail: Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1200 copies