Year I June-July 2009 n. 2 Authorization: Secretariat of State for Internal Affairs Copy registered with the Tribunal of the Republic of San Marino
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INTERVIEWS - Antonella Mularoni, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs - Emanuel Colombini, Managing Director of the “Colombini Group” MADE IN… CAM COM - Chamber of Commerce activities - Secretariats of State - Trade Associations - Banks and University
by Massimo Ghiotti - Managing Director
The Latin expression “Homo faber fortunae suae” (Man is the maker of his own fortune) is one of great wisdom. It underlines the ability and opportunity man has to become the creator of his own destiny, the builder of his own future. This is a simple yet profound principle that can be applied to every single human activity, including those linked to the economic world. Today, more than ever, it is clear that businesses cannot be considered merely inert realities whose only reason for existing lies in achieving profits and how, on the contrary, they are, to all intents and purposes, “human systems”: compact groups of people committed to achieving common goals. As such, they need a cultural approach that makes it possible to understand and manage their development. In a society such as ours, which offers the dreams of each individual infinite cultural and professional possibilities, the opportunity for businesses to have a future lies mainly in the fields of quality vocational training and the promotion of skills and know-how as the discriminating element. The mixing of the entrepreneurial and the
cultural worlds becomes therefore, increasingly tangible despite the fact that, due to apparently anti-ethical language codes, they seemed destined to deep-rooted incommunicability. The so-called “enterprise culture” on the other hand, has now become our daily bread, a key element for understanding and dealing with the challenges of a constantly changing global market in which corporate missions and objectives have to be conceived in a radically different way and above all, have to be dynamic elements in search of constant adaptation. Since it was founded, one of the objectives the Chamber of Commerce set itself was that of providing a tangible support for San Marinobased companies, implementing all the initiatives necessary for their development and promotion. Training is one of these and is carried out both via the realisation of proposals created ad hoc for members of our Overseas Club and by supporting related projects related to entrepreneurs under 35. Aware that encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit amongst young people is the keystone for the structural growth of our country-system, we give
them the possibility to indulge their inclinations, follow their dreams and cultivate quality, thus laying the foundations for building a society with merit as the basis of its entrepreneurial dynamism. Finally, through the periodical organisation of seminars open to all San Marino companies, we pursue the dual goal of updating operators on specific issues of particular interest and training new professional figures capable of meeting the new and articulated needs of businesses and the market. The specialisation of “insiders” is without doubt a key issue in the private as well as the public sector because, once the objectives have been defined, it is essential to give space to people who have been specially trained and are capable of optimizing the resources available, of choosing a suitable strategy and of meeting targets. However, in order to do this it is essential to destroy the old concept that sees change as a inconvenient exception to be avoided and find new management methods that, on the contrary, consider it a natural dimension in which to live and above all, a favourable opportunity that offers unlimited development possibilities. in san marino
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C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, UNAS, OSLA, USOT and USC), banks (Cassa di Risparmio, Banca di San Marino, Banca Agricola Commerciale and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.
THE STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - Chief Executive Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Consultant Marco Macina - Marketing and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Marianna Bucci - Marketing Assistant and Public Relations
Nicola Michi
Production and Planning Department “I have only been a member of staff of the Chamber of Commerce for two months. I deal with internal procedures, the issuing of certificates of origin, the register of installers and the register of qualified business enterprises”
B OARD OF DIRECTORS Article 21 of the Articles of Association of the Chamber of Commerce defines the role and competences of the Board of Directors, which consists in nine members appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting. It has powers of ordinary administration, within the limits expressly provided for by the law and the Articles of Association. The functions of the Board of Directors include the faculty to manage company activity, determining the rules and procedures to adopt in Simona Michelotti order to manage cash and the treasury, purchase the services provided for Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce by the company purpose and appoint lawyers and proxies. It also deals with “I have a lot of faith in the future of the Chamber of Commerce recruiting and dismissing personnel and defining the terms and conditions of that - in virtue of its young staff and its potential - represents an relationships with consultants and collaborators. important benchmark for the production sectors and is working
on numerous activities to support the economy of San Marino, with the aim of giving fast and expert replies to the demands of users”.
Silvano Andreani Member of the USOT executive “As representative of USOT I hope to make a solid contribution to the realisation of a real form of collaboration between the Chamber of Commerce and the sector associations. In fact, only by dialoguing with those who effectively work on the territory can the Chamber of Commerce make projects and initiatives that will have real beneficial repercussions on the economy of San Marino - truly effective”.
Riccardo Cervellini Co-General Manager of the Banca Agricola Commerciale “I consider representation of the banking world within the Chamber of Commerce extremely important, especially in virtue of the need for a more active role of banks in the internationalisation process - something enterprises have always wanted. In the era of globalization, the synergy between enterprises and banking institutes becomes fundamental and strategic and must remain firm, even during periods when economic difficulties prevail”.
Giorgia Gasperoni USC representative “I think the collaboration process the Chamber of Commerce has entered into with USC and the Secretariat of State for Commerce is very important. We are working so that the activities being developed to support the commercial sector become increasingly effective and part of an overall programme to promote the territory of San Marino”.
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Paride Bugli Freelance lawyer Member of the OSLA executive “Not only do I hope that the Chamber of Commerce continues to be a stable benchmark for the entire economy of the Republic of San Marino, but also that it manages to improve activities linked with simplifying administration, introducing innovation and improving the quality of services offered and make them more incisive”.
Emanuel Colombini Managing Director of the Colombini Group
Elected as second representative of ANIS, alongside Chairman Michelotti, having covered the position of Vice-Chairman of Assoindustria “My first impression of the work carried out to date is very positive as there are a lot of young and highly motivated people giving life to some ambitious projects, orientated above all at the internal development of the economic fabric of San Marino. I hope to see this work become a platform for giving even more space to the Chamber of Commerce in future projects linked to expansion of the domestic economy, as well as its vocation as a centre for attracting overseas investment”.
Vladimiro Renzi Vice-General Manager Cassa di Risparmio “The Chamber of Commerce undoubtedly represents a key player in our economic system. For this reason, it is necessary to implement its stance to become a tool for economic development and ensure it works closely with the world of enterprises, which represent its natural benchmark”.
Giorgio Petroni Rector of the University of the Republic of San Marino
Gian Franco Terenzi Honorary Chairman of UNAS
“It is important to underline the role of the University in a body like the Chamber of Commerce as the spokesperson for enterprise culture; a key premise for recognising and dealing with the challenges posed by a constantly changing global market. The development of a healthy economy depends on the interaction between technology, the territory and culture as the underlying themes for correct entrepreneurial management”.
“I am aware of the importance of the role played by the Chamber of Commerce in both the domestic and international contexts. In my opinion, the organisation should develop targeted initiatives, using the collaboration of entrepreneurs and the institutions, directly involving various consular and diplomatic representatives and all the resources it is possible to draw from worldwide, with the primary aim of establishing contacts and developing opportunities”.
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Antonella Mularoni Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Secretary of State Mularoni, a word on the first nine months of activity; what results have been achieved and what difficulties have you had to deal with? These months have been very difficult. The Secretariat for Foreign Affairs has had to deal with a series of emergencies, primarily relations with Italy and Moneyval, the result of past management decisions that were anything but far-sighted. Furthermore, for years we had had no relations with OECD and in this field too, considerable work has been done in recent months and will continue to be done in the near future. We have already achieved some positive results. With regards to Italy we have recreated a relationship based on trust and collaboration, proof of which lies in the official visit to the Republic of San Marino of the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and the signing of two agreements. Two other agreements, the protocol to modify the 2002 agreement against dual taxation and the agreement regarding collaboration in financial matters,
are currently being defined and we aim to sign them before the summer holidays. With regards to Moneyval and OECD we have intensified our efforts and relations and are now focusing on resolving the difficult situation as soon as possible and entering the white lists. From 2001 to 2008 you were a Judge at the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, how have you used the experience you gained in that field in your work at the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs? The two activities are very different, but all experiences have their use in life. The personal and professional know-how I gained during my years in Strasbourg are a great heritage and I am happy to now be able to use them for my country. Furthermore, in the early years of my career, I worked in the Foreign Affairs Department. For various reasons, the diplomatic world is a reality I know quite well and I find it easy to understand its dynamics. How does the Foreign Affairs Department support the political route towards a process of economic internationalization? Some significant changes have already taken place. Professional skills in the economic field, which in recent years had been used in other sectors, are now primarily
used in economic issues. This seems the least we can do to guarantee a rational management of resources within the department, given that all the emergencies we have are on an economic level. Furthermore, once we have overcome these, those that manage the sector will have to guarantee politics the support necessary in order to internationalize the country on an economic level too; we are moving in this direction. How important are diplomatic relations for the economy of San Marino? They are fundamental. Many people don’t even know us as a country and therefore, they have no idea what investing in San Marino means. There is without doubt a gap we need to fill and we need to ensure that our diplomatic delegations and consulates can also diffuse information that can be useful to the economy; for both San Marinobased companies who want to invest overseas and overseas companies that should be attracted to investing in our country. We are moving in this direction and I really hope the political stability guaranteed by the new electoral law can help the Republic of San Marino to improve in this sector too.
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San Marino at Tuttofood: it tastes better if we’re together Raising awareness of the Republic of San Marino through the flavours of its land and fully promoting the healthy part of the economy of San Marino, the part capable of showing how the enthusiasm, the passion and above all, the commitment of producers have been able to create something unique over the years. It is with this spirit that the Chamber of Commerce decided to contribute to the realisation of the Republic of San Marino stand at the TuttoFood fair - a top international trade event in the agricultural and food sector that was held in Milan from 10th to 13th June 2009. The presence of a San Marino exhibition space is the result of the synergy between the government and the sector associations OSLA, USC and USOT and was made easier thanks to the collaboration agreements that these bodies established with ANIBO, the Italian National Association of Buying Offices. Participating in the TuttoFood fair was a specific choice taken by the Secretariat of State for Commerce and derives from the project to safeguard and promote the agricultural and food sector that the government, thanks to the coordination of the Secretariat of State for Commerce and the contribution of the Secretariats of State for the Territory, for Tourism and for Culture, has planned and the initial phases of which are currently being realized. Silvia Della Balda, Private Secretary for Industry, Crafts and Commerce underlines the fact that this is “an integrated project with ambitious goals and that, starting with the land and the territory, is developing along several different lines that involve the commerce, tourism and culture sectors and schools, as well as the promotion and internationalisation of the image and the products of San Marino. We want San Marino to be associated with positive images and sensations. Taking part in carefully selected, specialist trade fairs such as TuttoFood, is only one of the segments of the project and the results achieved
in terms of the number of contacts and in terms of quality thanks to the feedback received, confirm that we are on the right road and that choosing quality always pays.” This winning formula received a more than positive feedback from visitors that particularly appreciated the approach of the all-round promotion of typical products from San Marino. With the aim of exploiting a coordinated image to support top-quality, local food and wine, it was decided to promote the entire territory - economy, tourism, cultural heritage and environment - starting with the agricultural and food sector. And nothing more than food is able to boast such a broad range of action, making it capable of achieving such an ambitious objective. This is because food tells a story. It talks about the place it comes from, the people that produced it, the traditions of the territory in which it originates. For this reason it is essential to promote it and highlight its superior quality, because in some way it mirrors the cultural identity of an entire community. Massimo Ghiotti, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce commented, “TuttoFood is an important showcase that made it possible for San Marino to present itself in its entirety, underlining the existence of a whole economy based on the commitment, passion and reliability of our producers. It was our strong desire to present a positive vision of the economic system of San Marino and this, unsurprisingly, is one of the objectives of our Chamber of Commerce”. During the event, the Republic of San Marino presented numerous initiatives. The public particularly appreciated the creativity of the sous chef of the Righi La Taverna restaurant (recently awarded a Michelin
Paul Andolina - Sales & Marketing Manager of the Consorzio Vini Tipici “The presence of the Secretaries of State at the event underlined the strategic importance of the food and wine sector for the economy of San Marino. In this respect, it would be opportune to work so that in the collective imagination, the name of San Marino recalls the taste and flavours of our typical products”.
Flavio Benedettini - Chairman of the Consorzio Terra di San Marino “Taking part in Tuttofood helped us to understand how, outside our borders, the Republic of San Marino is highly appreciated and how the San Marino brand represents in itself an important added value. And this is very important because it shows that ours are quality products that we can be proud of and that deserve to be promoted”. Joanne Muccioli - “La Serenissima Ancient Cake Factory” “Presenting ourselves together - the State, consortiums and private operators - was our trump card. We had lots of contacts thanks to the interest the Republic of San Marino arouses in its entirety. We are a small country, but we have to think big”.
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star) who prepared a first course using only traditional products from San Marino. Furthermore, the gastronomy and culinary art event entitled “Bon, Gourmet Experience”, which will be held in San Marino on 23rd and 24th October, was presented dur- ing the press conference. On that occasion, the Secretaries of State for Industry, Tourism and the Territory were present and pointed out the possibility of “working as a system” in order to re-launch the national identity of our ancient Republic. Food and wine would therefore be the basis for envisaging a new economic development model, which however should be accompanied by a new model of consumer - one who is more responsible, better informed and above all, aware that a new phase of social wellness and serenity can come out of repositioning his or her consumption. Within this framework, the terms typicality and quality thus take on a new and deeper importance and are the keywords on which to build an effective identification and differentiation proposal that is rooted in our traditions and thousand-yearold culture and represents a valid alternative to the apparently coercive path towards the homologation imposed by the global market.
The following businesses were present at Tuttofood: Consorzio Terra di San Marino Consorzio Vini Tipici La Serenissima Ancient Cake Factory AD 301 Pasticceria Cristal La Delizia di Golfi Stefano Pasticceria Liberty San Marino Salumi Erba Vita
M ADE IN CAM COM S EMINAR COUNTRY REPORTS This is a detailed study that offers both general (history, political system, statistical data) and specific (economic relations, tax system, company law, trade and investments, banking and financial system) information on the Republic of San Marino. The aim is to provide overseas operators with a summary overview of some key aspects of the economic framework of San Marino, in order to help them assess investment opportunities in the country and above all, to define the regulatory framework they will find themselves working within. This is a very important aspect that aims to highlight the desire to promote a healthy economy observant of the law and ethically sustainable.
Market choices, export planning and sales policies; these were just some of the themes analysed during the seminar entitled “Growing on overseas markets” (“Crescere nei mercati esteri”), organised by the Chamber of Commerce. During the training session, Prof. Saverio Aprile, internationalisation trainer and advisor, illustrated how to build a sales strategy and which tactics to use in searching for and maintaining clients. By the end of the training session therefore, the participants had acquired the mechanisms for consolidating business exports and the expertise necessary to practically deal with managing trade relations on overseas markets.
S ERVICE CHARTER S HAREHOLDER’S MEETING Unanimous appreciation was expressed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Camera di Commercio S.p.A. that, on the occasion of the annual meeting, was able to carefully assess all the activities being carried out by the organisation. During the meeting, the 2008 balance sheet was approved, which once again this year closed in profit, as was the provisional balance sheet and report for 2010 that included a series of new Chamber of Commerce initiatives that will gradually be integrated with other proposals resulting over the months from the successful collaboration with the Secretaries of State and all Chamber of Commerce shareholders. Finally, during the meeting, Gian Franco Terenzi was appointed as new member of the Board of Directors, replacing Pier Marino Bedetti.
This is a kind of manual thanks to which the Chamber of Commerce illustrates how it operates, establishes the quality standards of its services, defines access methods to them and offers the opportunity to present recommendations and complaints. To all intents and purposes, it is a public and formal declaration of the commitment to comply with certain quality standards, with the aim of communicating precisely how many services are provided and what they are, in order to permit users to assess the services received against the quality standards declared. The indication of quality levels means that every service can be measured directly by the user, guaranteeing the commitment undertaken to meet the deadlines and methods for providing services, designed at achieving constant improvement.
COMMISSION FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS All seven projects presented by aspiring entrepreneurs from San Marino, who had requested access to the subsidized credit provided for by Law no. 134 dated 24th November 1997, were approved by the Commission for Young and Female Entrepreneurs. The proposals involved various types of activity ranging from logistics to services for infants and from hobbies to entertainment for young and old alike. The Commission - chaired by the Secretary of State for Industry and consisting of the Secretary of State for Labour, representatives of the sector associations ANIS, OSLA, USOT, USC and UNAS, the University, a representative of the Credit Institute and one from the Chamber of Commerce - granted concessions in various forms including non-recoverable grants for a total of € 68,974.00, subsidized credit for a total of € 347,166.00, partial exemption from social security contributions and tax exemptions.
C ONFERENCE The speech by our Director Massimo Ghiotti at the conference entitled “Technology, Business and Territory” (“Tecnologia, Impresa e Territorio”), organised by the university, provided the ideal opportunity to clarify matters regarding the experience of the Chamber of Commerce in promoting the internationalisation of small and medium-sized businesses; a complex mosaic that requires interventions on several fronts in order to prove truly effective. These interventions range from a presence in the main international organisations to the activities of the Overseas Club and from the training of San Marino operators to contacts with diplomatic corps, fully aware that a coherent policy of support and assistance to businesses must necessarily deal with the challenges posed by globalization and international competition, working alongside the business enterprises themselves.
T ITAN GUIDE The 2009 edition of the Titan Guide has been published and this year includes almost 6,000 contact addresses for companies and freelance professionals. Around 1800 business enterprises requested an update of the details included in the yearbook of economic activities that the Chamber of Commerce has recently published, for the seventh year running, in collaboration with Assoservizi srl that handled the commercial aspects. The new edition (both in Italian and English versions) is available in paper form, on a mini-CD or online on the website
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Secretary of State ROMEO MORRI
The exhibition “Maestri della Ceramica Sammarinese” - “Masters of San Marino Ceramics”, the last of a series of cultural initiatives promoted by the Cino Mularoni Foundation, named after the founder of the Del Conca Group, a San Marino company that is a leader in the tile sector, was recently inaugurated. Visitors can admire thirty-seven rare pieces from the first kilns to open in San Marino, which have never previously been displayed.
Work continues on negotiations with Italy aimed at signing an agreement before the summer on financial matters and modifying the agreement against double taxation. The Secretariat is also working on negotiations with numerous other countries in order to conclude agreements against double taxation. Protocol 14/b to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom has been signed, which increases the effectiveness and decision-making speed of the European Court of Human Rights.
Secretary of State GABRIELE GATTI
600 SMaC cards have been handed over to the Chairman of USOT. The government decided to involve tourism operators in the SMaC card initiative through an agreement with their sector association. Therefore, tourists staying for at least 2 nights in an accommodation facility in San Marino will receive a card with a fixed amount charged on it that can immediately be spent in any of the businesses taking part in the SMaC card scheme.
The “Report on government interventions to support the economy and employment” has been presented to the Grand and General Council. Amongst other things, it pays particular attention to the organ appointed to attract overseas investment and on which the Secretariat is already working in order to arrange council procedures for the bill in as short a time as possible.
Secretary of State VALERIA CIAVATTA
Work is underway to redefine the organisational structure of the public administration through the missions and functions of offices and services. Furthermore, a far-reaching review of educational qualifications is underway in order to prepare completion of the role profiles. 6 june-july 2009
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Secretary of State GIAN MARCO MARCUCCI
The general policy bill entitled “Urgent Interventions Regarding Social Cushions” and the Regency Decree entitled “Regulations on the Casual Employment” are currently being defined. The first intervention is part of an act regulating the more important aspects of a lager issue and related to the protection of the income of workers facing a period of crisis or loss or temporary interruption of work, whilst the second is a decree accompanying law no. 131/2005 that will help make the labour market more flexible for certain types of work in tourism, commerce and show business.
Secretary of State CLAUDIO PODESCHI
The Council procedure for the bill entitled “Foundation of the San Marino Bioethics Committee and the Ethical Committee” to protect human rights and human dignity with regards the applications of medicine and biology. Also ready is the “Framework law regarding the use of human blood, cells, tissue and organs” that ensures San Marino law is in line with relevant European directives, thus guaranteeing mutual exchange with Italy and other European Union countries.
The State Congress has adopted the delegated decrees on energy saving presented by the Secretariat of State for the Territory. The Grand and General Council has approved, in the first reading, the framework law bill for the protection, administration, upgrading and promotion of the “Old Town Centre of San Marino and Mount Titano”, which is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Secretary of State FABIO BERARDI
Amongst the initiatives implemented to relaunch the tourism sector, the setting up of the Convention and Visitors Bureau is of particular importance. It will promote conference activity, distributing it throughout the year and thus favouring the deseasonalisation of visitors and stays in accommodation facilities in San Marino.
tion of San Marino Industry
The ANIS assembly unanimously appointed Paolo Rondelli new Chairman of the association. Rondelli replaces Pier Giovanni Terenzi who concluded his mandate and who, given the articles of association, cannot be immediately re-elected. Paolo Rondelli
San Marino Organisation of Independent Workers OSLA continues its programme of compulsory training open to everyone with the organisation and realization of the courses provided for by the calendar, with special rates for members. Luigi Tontini
B ANKS Banca Agricola Commerciale Luigi Lonfernini
The public law activity of the Banca Agricola Commerciale continues with the publishing of a technical-legal book entitled “Diritto Ereditario Sammarinese” (Hereditary Law in San Marino) by the lawyer Luigi Lonfernini. The book was presented to experts by the Chief Judge Valeria Pierfelici who called it “a safe guide for young jurists”. The book is available to the public at bank branches.
Banca di San Marino Fausto Mularoni
At 31.12.2008 it had achieved an annual rate of growth in direct deposits that was 22% higher compared to 2007 and 9 percentage points better than that recorded by the system. To support the community it has developed a positive lending activity, of more than 906 million, supporting San Marinobased businesses and large entrepreneurial realities in the surrounding area.
Cassa di Risparmio Leone Sibani
National Union of San Marino Artisans
Pier Marino Bedetti
The project entitled “Handicrafts in Middle Schools” - a ceramics workshop involving middle school pupils in the San Marino town and Fiorentino - has recently been completed. The pupils were given the opportunity to learn the secrets of the trade, from the firing of the pieces to their decoration, from the master ceramist Sebastiano Minguzzi.
San Marino Union for Commerce and Tourism The Assembly has proceeded to renew the Association executive. Carlo Lonfernini has been called upon to cover the role of Chairman, thus replacing Giorgia Gasperoni, previously appointed temporary Chairman. Finally, Marco Casali has been elected ViceChairman. Carlo Lonfernini
Credito Industriale Sammarinese Franco Capicchioni
For years a partner sponsor of CONS and now main sponsor of the second edition of the CIS Trophy, a cycling race for beginners and colts organised by the Juvenes di Serravalle Sports Club and sponsored by the Council of the district of Serravalle held on 28th June 2009, the Credito Industriale Sammarinese confirms its position as a supporter of sport in the Republic of San Marino.
U NIVERSITY Giorgio Petroni
San Marino Union of Tourism Operators The agreement signed with Sky Italia was presented to members. It aims to broaden the offer that bar, restaurant and hotel owners can offer their customers, thus making catering and accommodation facilities in the Republic of San Marino even more welcoming. Paolo Rossi
The Board of Directors was in favour of the appointment of Leone Sibani to the position of Chairman of the institute, deeming him a point from which the Cassa di Risparmio and the entire economic system of the Republic of San Marino can re-launch itself. The Chairman, who has a prestigious standing in the banking panorama, will ensure improvements in relations between the bank and the supervisory authorities and regulation of the San Marino and Italian markets.
The cultural association Fuori Luogo, formed by students and graduates of the industrial design degree course, has organised a meeting-debate entitled “Andrea Corsi and Artisan Design”, with the leading figure in the world of design, owner of the company Alias and current designer-artisan for the studio FishDesign, managed by Gaetano Pesce. The aim of the initiative is to promote a more ethical and functional culture of design in the Republic of San Marino.
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C LUB ESTERO An interview with Emanuel Colombini Managing Director of the “Colombini Group”
PLANNING AND DETERMINATION, THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS The history of a family that is also the history of a great company, but above all is the realisation of a dream. This is what, over forty years ago, convinced Giuseppe Colombini, Emanuel’s father, and his brothers to open a small furniture factory with a clear artisan imprint in the Republic of San Marino. The craft of the carpenter lay in their hands and they had a strong desire to test their talents and passion. Emanuel, how did a small, family-run business become the “Colombini Group”, one of the biggest companies in San Marino? In our sector, success is not something you achieve from one day to the next. You need considerable commitment and dedication, as well as creativity, a spirit of initiative and naturally, great passion. The evolution of our company in some way also reflects the evolution of a society, of a lifestyle. One of our strengths has without doubt been that of having the far-sightedness to understand market needs, adapt to them and in some cases even anticipate them, whilst still focusing on our roots and our objectives. In fact, careful long-term planning is essential in order to achieve specific targets. Furthermore, we should never lose sight of the importance of human relations. A company is basically a community of people working towards shared objectives and in this respect, it is essential for them to be clearly motivated and stimulated, as well as being invested with a certain responsibility. So does your internationalization activity fall within the area of specific planning? Yes, without doubt. Expansion on overseas markets has taken a lot of our energy and resources over recent years. And in this case too, long-term planning has given great results, seeing that it has led to important collaboration projects in Europe and even as far away as China. However the preparation work, the choice of markets, the addressing of bureaucratic issues and the realisation of flagship stores would not be possible without specific planning and identification of clear objectives that, once achieved, represent a solid base for the next step. Do you think that your determination in achieving the specific objectives your success is based on could be equally effective in the public sector? Yes, absolutely. In this respect the State could learn a lot from the experience of large companies. If you want to make a comparison in terms of “market economies”, the State should draw up specific long-term plans and have a clear vision of its benchmark targets; in other words, of the society it is called on to represent. Clearly its ultimate objective is not profit, but the well-being of its citizens. However, to achieve this it necessarily needs a well-defined development programme, with intermediate stages that can be assessed from time to time and appropriate economic policies that respond to solid ethical principles and sustainability that then permit it to arrange the resources needed to support social policies. In this case too, motivating the people that occupy key positions is essential. The success of the entire community lies in their The Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the authorised forwarding motivation to continue to improve and the indispensable awareness of agents of San Marino, is organizing a seminar entitled their key role in achieving certain objectives.
SAN MARINO AND CUSTOMS TRANSACTIONS 8th September 2009 - from 9.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Grand Hotel Primavera
All Economic Operators Register balance sheets or economic financial statements by Monday, 31st August 2009 Connect to the website and click onto the section Chamber of Commerce services for inputting balance sheets or type in https:\\
San Marino International Art Festival
Art, cultural and music events, shows and meetings Old town centre of San Marino 22nd and 23rd August 2009
International Home Show
Milan - From 4th to 7th September 2009
Exhibition of environmentally-friendly technologies From 23th to 27 th September 2009 Borgo Maggiore (San Marino) 8 june-july 2009
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Anyone wishing to access the benefits provided for by Law no. 134/97 should present a request to the Chamber of Commerce by Wednesday, 30th September 2009 For information check out the website uder the section “Young Entrepreneurs”
Year I - June-July 2009 - n. 2 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino - Apse S.p.a. Piazza Mercatale, 29 - 47893 Borgo Maggiore - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 Mail: Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1200 copies