Year I September-October 2009 n. 3 Authorization: Secretariat of State for Internal Affairs. Copy registered with the Tribunal of the Republic of San Marino
in san marino
INTERVIEW - Gabriele Gatti, Secretary of State for Finance MADE IN… CAM COM - Chamber of Commerce activities - Secretariats of State - Trade Associations - Banks and University
by Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager
We are currently passing through a very particular period in history. The financial downturn and climate change under way have appeared in all their complexity, forcing us to come to terms with an idea of welfare which sees a constant increase in GDP as the sole indicator of economic growth, without considering a number of other major factors, such as quality of life, the health of ecosystems and above all the finite nature of available resources. The fact is though, that an alternative development model exists that could bring us out of the difficult situation in which we find ourselves: the Green Economy. The implementation of innovative energy policies, based on clean and efficient technologies, green energies, education in favour of sustainable consumer habits, undoubtedly represents an effective solution, able to create a new prospect of progress based on equity, quality and sustainability, and the only one capable of freeing us from our dependence on fossil fuels, creating new professional opportunities and new jobs in a world of innovation and research. Let us therefore find a concrete answer to our problems in the Green Economy which, thanks to its natural tendency to integrate itself in the socialeconomic fabric of the country, is able to combine
the re-launching of the economic system with the protection of the environment, thus expanding related employment sectors and regenerating the real economy. The increase in the number of jobs is undoubtedly one of the fundamental factors that ought to prompt us to move speedily along the road towards the Green Economy. Suffice it to say that in the USA, the Pew Foundation (an organization identical to the Kyoto Club) report indicates that in the 1998-2007 period, jobs increased in the clean energy sector by 9.1% against a 3.7% growth in the economy as a whole and, in 2008 alone, 35,000 new “wind jobs” were created. In Europe on the other hand, the WWF “Low carbon jobs for Europe” study showed that the number of jobs in green economic activities touched 3.4 million approx. and far exceeded those in polluting industries, which remained unchanged at 2.8 million. In neighbouring Italy, according to a survey by the Unioncamere Study Centre, companies are reacting to the downturn by fielding all their best entrepreneurial energies and making changes to major aspects of their business activities. 40% of Italian small and mediumsized firms have in fact switched to environmentalfriendly energy saving technologies and products.
In recent years, our Republic has also shown itself more attentive to these issues. Numerous agreements have been signed relating to environment protection and various economic activities have been set up which find their raison d’etre in the green sectors. Aware as it is of the importance of developing the Green Economy as a prime mover of a new economic model, the Chamber of Commerce has also attempted to give its contribution by organizing Ecomercatale, the eco-compatible energy event, the second edition of which was staged this year. By organizing events, meetings, performances, workshops and stands, the idea is to foster awareness among the public of the need to adopt technological solutions that are well tolerated by living organisms, human beings and the environment. The aim is to promote a real culture of sustainability, stimulate critical thought and understand what effects our daily behaviour can have. Only this way can we become conscious consumers of an ecosustainable market. But to do this, we need more than transparent information, we need radical cognitive evolution, to be developed all together, an essential element for facing challenges that are too complex to be taken up and won by single individuals.
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C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, UNAS, OSLA, USOT and USC), banks (Cassa di Risparmio, Banca di San Marino, Banca Agricola Commerciale and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.
THE STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office
Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department and Public Relations Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department
CONSIGLIO DI AMMINISTRAZIONE Simona Michelotti - Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi
Q UALITY CERTIFICATION In a world in which the need for administrative transparency is tending, to an increasing extent, to be translated into the excessive formalization of procedures and overpowering bureaucratization, the San Marino Chamber of Commerce has decided to focus primarily on the individual. The Chamber of Commerce obtains ISO 9001 Quality Certification The decision to certify the Chamber of Commerce stems from a unanimous and strongly shared choice involving all staff members. The Chamber’s operating system was thus closely monitored to see just how effective and how appreciated it is by clients. A difficult procedure, which put the institute’s team work under pressure for over a year with staff members called upon to come to terms with their professionalism and expertise and, in some cases, to update approaches and methods. Of course, the accuracy of internal work systems is crucial for the correct management of resources and activities. But it is useless and ineffective if ever we lose sight of the final objective – true client satisfaction. Prompted by the desire to provide an efficient service in step with the times – to the people of San Marino and anyone else wanting to make use of its services – the Chamber of Commerce decided to set off down the path towards ISO 9001 quality certification. Improving service quality does not only mean adopting operating standards that meet pre-established levels of efficiency, it means, above all, trying to understand the requirements of our clients, appreciating that behind the single individuals who come to the Chamber of Commerce lies a whole world in turmoil. From simple information requests to the most complex internationalization activities and the issuing of youth entrepreneur certificates, everyone is entitled to receive a valid and transparent service, because from the speed and effectiveness of the answers given will depend the success of the business activity, whatever kind it is. For this reason, quality certification must not be dismissed as a sterile list of operating instructions. On the contrary, it becomes a real and true added value, an instrument at the service of the community, which is thus able to directly determine the reliability and the professional capacity of its interlocutor. On the other hand, compliance with the international requirements established by ISO standards enables the Chamber of Commerce to have at disposal a sort of compass that guides it over a rather rough and rapidly-changing road, and which above all helps it to always move in 2 september-october june-july 2009 2009 september-october 2009
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the right direction: constant upgrading in the interest of clients. The fact that we have obtained certification therefore is merely the first step along the path to quality. A step that has taken a lot of care and attention, which has aroused enthusiasm and satisfaction in those who attentively initiated it and saw it take shape, but which now it has been made, requires an equal amount of dedication.
Simona Michelotti Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce “Quality certification very definitely represents a major goal for the Chamber of Commerce. I should therefore like to thank all the staff, who have done their jobs with great dedication in order to increasingly upgrade relations with and services provided to Clients”
Stefano Bolletta Area Customer Manager Centre-South, DNV Italy “The fact that it has obtained ISO 9001 certification enhances and does honour to the commitment which the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of San Marino has made in order to always keep in step with the times and the new challenges of a modern and fast-evolving market”
Tullia Grossi Gem BB The professional and precise way in which the Chamber of Commerce of San Marino has always organised the services it provides to users in terms of quality, so as to ensure the constant satisfaction of both clients and all the parties involved in its activities, has finally obtained the recognition it deserves with Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certification. The work done in relation to process mapping, definition of internal regulations, identification of performance indicators and collection of registrations by all the Chamber of Commerce staff alongside the consultancy firm GEM BB S.r.l. of San Marino, has been epitomized in the Service Charter, a clear and complete outward communication tool.
Gabriele Gatti Secretary of State for Finance When you became Secretary of State for Finance in December 2008, what were your priorities as regards the problems to be tackled? And which were the first results achieved? More than problems, I would call them real emergencies. To start with, the fact that San Marino was subject to Moneyval procedures created problems relating to our remaining in the Italian payment system, and the risk of abandoning it was more than ever real. Another crucial question was most definitely the Delta-Carisp affair, which put a lot of pressure on San Marino’s banking and financial system as a whole. Finally, we are about to sign agreements with Italy aimed at normalising relations and opening up growth prospects. You became Secretary at a very delicate time, i.e., during the course of an already very serious global economic crisis. A crisis which, inevitably, also affected the San Marino economy. What measures have been taken to help companies? The decision to set up a tripartite
panel - Government, Trade Associations and Unions - and tackle the crisis together has certainly shown itself to be a strategic one, and we intend continuing along this road once the crisis has been overcome as well. Working together is most definitely the right thing to do in order to address the problems relating to the San Marino system as a whole, at a time of big international changes. In your opinion, what should our companies do to face up to the crisis in an intelligent way, without letting themselves be perturbed by widespread alarm? Companies are the first to realise that during hard times, what is important is to maintain market shares, lower labour costs and favour competitiveness. It is up to the Government to work to solve the problems affecting companies and support them, but without taking decisions in their stead. This is very definitely the biggest economic downturn since 1929, a big blow to the system of small Countries. How important are relations with the Finance MInisters of other countries in the perspective of better understanding and managing the crisis? Do these relations also have an effect at image level for our Country? Such relations are very definitely crucial. Especially, for obvious rea-
sons of geographic position, those with the Italian Italian Finance Minister, with whom we have examined some highly complex matters following an initiative of the International Community involving small Countries. The Republic of San Marino is well aware of the need for cooperation that leads to greater transparency in relations, and at the same time intends undertaking initiatives with Italy and the other members of the European Union aimed at ensuring our Country is no longer considered a problem, but an opportunity. In this sense, the Agreements are essential for addressing and overcoming the various problems, but then the need exists to concretize projects and translate them into facts. I am thinking of the creation of a technological scientific Park, the upgrading of the University, the Rimini Miramare airport, a tourism and trade policy integrated with that of central Italy. The re-launching of the image of our Republic, unfortunately somewhat blurred by the events of recent years, can only be achieved by solving existing problems and implementing concrete initiatives that ensure San Marino is seen in a positive light. in san marino
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Ecomercatale 2009
Towards an eco-sustainable world Sustainable growth is possible, and the technologies to back it exist and are within everyone’s reach. This is the message promoted by Ecomercatale, the eco-compatible energies fair which, after the big success of the first edition, again returned to Borgo Maggiore in the last week of September. “The large number of visitors once again confirmed just how much interest there is for this event; not only did it manage to attract the attention of the public towards sustainability topics, but it also instilled fresh life into the old-town centre of Borgo Maggiore, which has always been a meeting point for the people of San Marino”. This is what Simona Michelotti, President of the Chamber of Commerce, had to say, after the second edition of the event came to a close. A packed calendar of events aimed at fostering awareness among the public of the need to adopt technological solutions that are well-tolerated by living organisms, first and foremost human beings, and by the environment. In other words - eco-compatibility. A delicate issue involving our present and, at the same time, the future generations, purposely brought under the spotlight by focusing on economic activities in San Marino and neighbouring areas engaged in the sectors of energy saving, bio-construction, recycling and material composting. Visitors were able to obtain a close-up view of a broad range of eco-compatible solutions: from electric cars to alternative energies such as biomasses and pellet, photovoltaic and wind systems. Also taking part in the event were energy utility companies, with window and door frames and buildings designed for better heat insulation and lots of other proposals concerning renewable energies and related technologies. Lots of theme activities provided a framework to the exhibition area, the heart of the event: from workshops to ecological excursions, film shows, theatre performances, musical and show events. Adults and children were able to learn the secrets of preparing DIY yoghurt, baking bread, cultivating a home vegetable garden and even biological cosmetics and information on the Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchasing Group). The children were able to try their hand at building ecological toys made from recycled materials and to exchange their comics, books and games at the Gioco-Baratto stand. In other words, lots and lots of initiatives to remind us all how 4 september-october 2009
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fragile our planet is and how each single action of ours, if made in a perspective of environmental sustainability and social responsibility, can become a new brick in building a cleaner world, tailored to man and child. It was hardly by chance that the Ecomercatale week opened with a cultural event: the meeting entitled “Sustainability: virtue or necessity?” the aim of which was to reiterate just how important it is that a real sustainability culture take root, that makes us reflect on the consequences which simple actions performed daily can have on the environment which surrounds us. The meeting - in which the Secretaries of State for Industry, Marco Arzilli and for Territory, Giancarlo Venturini, took part - saw the participation of leading Italian and foreign speakers including the weather forecaster Luca Lombroso, Eriuccio Nora, of the Italian Local Agende 21 Association, Giuseppe Mastropieri, expert in sustainable energies of Nomisma Energia srl and Ute Stoltenberg of Lüneburg University. Called upon to represent our Republic on the other hand was Michele Piano of the Anis Domotic Study Centre, Emanuele Guidi San Marino Agenda 21 Coordinator, Samuele Forcellini of the San Marino Agenda 21 Work Team and Giovanni Sebastiano Barozzi of the Authority for Public Services and energy. “Today more than ever, it is important that we learn to appreciate the impact which our daily actions can have on the surrounding environment, and consequently on our lifestyle – said Massimo Ghiotti, Director the Chamber of Commerce – It is up to us to roll up our sleeves and together address this big issue on which our future and that of our children depend”. It is by now an undisputable fact that human beings, by conditioning and sculpting the natural environment according to their own require-
ments, deeply affect the ecosystem that surrounds them, and the negative effects of the wasteful and inconsiderate use of available resources has become increasingly more evident. The only feasible solution therefore is further technological progress and the boosting of production activities which, through the filter of culture, acknowledge the importance of the application of eco-compatible technologies as a way of halting environmental degradation. And this is precisely the goal which Ecomercatale has set itself: to stimulate critical thought and foster awareness of the effects of our daily actions and above all inspire a strong feeling of common responsibility for the world we live in. The initiative was conceived by the Camera di Commercio S.p.A. with the collaboration of Coordinamento Agenda 21 San Marino, Borgo Maggiore Township Council, and the support of the State Departments for Culture, Industry, Health, the Territory and Tourism; with the collaboration of the Office of Social and Cultural Activities, of the San Marino Music Institute, ANIS , OSLA, UNAS, USC, USOT and of the State Department for Public Services; with the contribution of the Banca di San Marino, Leasing Sammarinese and Ente Cassa di Faetano.
M ADE IN CAM COM M EETING E COMERCATALE Large crowds flocked to the second edition of the Ecomercatale event, the great show of eco-compatible energies which for five days brought to Borgo Maggiore stands, live performances and meetings, all centred on topics relating to energy saving and the need to find sources of clean energy. Particularly appreciated was the meeting “Sustainability: virtue or necessity?” which saw the participation of leading Italian and foreign speakers including weather forecaster Luca Lombroso, Eriuccio Nora, of the Italian Local Agende 21 Association, Giuseppe Mastropieri, expert in sustainable energies of Nomisma Energia srl and Ute Stoltenberg of Lüneburg University. Called upon to represent our Republic on the other hand was Michele Piano of the Anis Domotic Study Centre, Samuele Forcellini of the San Marino Agenda 21 Work Team and Giovanni Sebastiano Barozzi of the Authority for Public Services and energy. A very important cultural occasion which put the accent on the need to foster public awareness of the fragility of our eco-system, weakened by years of waste and abuse of available resources.
A number of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce were present at the stand set up by the Ministry for Industry to offer their contribution to the Meeting, now in its thirtieth year and which once again attracted the attention of hundreds of people from all over the world. Large crowds also flocked to the San Marino stand, attracted not only by the uniqueness of the country’s economic system but also by its great historical and natural heritage. This way, they were able to become better acquainted with the many commercial and tourist opportunities offered by our Republic which, notwithstanding its small size, still manages to astonish in terms of its great potential.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Once again this year, the Chamber of Commerce has finished collecting company financial statements in accordance with Law no. 71 dated 2004 whereby it is entitled to “acquire from economic operators, financial, economic and statistical data […] for the purpose of carrying out studies and research and producing publications on San Marino economic trends”. A fundamental operation that enables the Chamber of Commerce to compile the yearly “Report on the economic situation”, a survey on the state of health of the economy in our Republic, which is always precise and up to date thanks to the financial statement details of all San Marino companies.
S EMINAR Issues relating to import-export were at the centre of the seminar “San Marino e le transazioni doganali” (San Marino and customs transactions) organized by Camera di Commercio S.p.A. with the collaboration of four authorized San Marino forwarders: S.M. Studio Sped, San Marino Forwarding, Titanline and World Line. An important event which, during the morning of Tuesday 8 September, saw the participation of about eighty participants belonging to San Marino companies and business expert firms. The seminar was organized for the benefit of all San Marino economic operators and all the members of the Chamber of Commerce’s Club Estero, who were able to acquire more detailed information on numerous topics: from the NCTS operating system to EORI code issuing, exports to the European Community, imports from the European Community and imports-exports outside the European Community. Numerous questions were put to the speakers Alessandro Lari and Daniela Tombeni, representing the authorized forwarders.
L ESSON The San Marino economic system was at the centre of the lesson which the Director General of the Chamber of Commerce, Massimo Ghiotti, held for the children of the San Marino Communities abroad in San Marino for their yearly cultural stays. The children of the San Marino Communities abroad were very interested in the topic and, during the course of the lesson, were very keen to ask questions.
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Secretary of State ROMEO MORRI
“Each new school year is a milestone added to our history, both personal and collective”. With these words, Minister Morri officially inaugurated the Upper Secondary School year. A very sincere and heartfelt speech addressed by the Minister to students, teachers and non-teaching school staff, which touched on various aspects of school life: from educational problems and responsibilities, to the importance of the role played by families.
On 26 November 2009, a financial cooperation Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of San Marino and the Italian Government. The agreement – signed by Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Antonella Mularoni, and by the Italian Ambassador in San Marino, Giorgio Marini – opens up new prospects for the San Marino banking and financial world and is a crucial precondition for the agreement between the Central Bank and the Bank of Italy due to be signed soon.
Presented to the State Congress the budget for 2010. During the course of a press conference, Minister Gatti illustrated how the new budget will be marked by strict measures and expenditure cuts, through a more careful management of the Public Administration. The budget also focuses on fostering growth through an extension of special loans to companies until 31 March 2010 and the promotion of strategic sectors such as the financial sector.
As part of the food and wine activities controlled by the Ministry of Industry, TAV.Productions, a major Australian TV production company, shot the 100th instalment of the show Out of the Blue, a popular TV format which for years now has been presenting to viewers prestigious and new holiday destinations, on the most popular Australian TV channel, offering a combination of culture and food and wine. The show will be on air on February 2010.
Secretary of State VALERIA CIAVATTA
The hard work continues to make the public administration increasingly more flexible, efficient and coordinated. The main aim is to create an administrative organisation that has all the instruments to be able to organise itself independently, to upgrade the quality of services, to innovate procedures and work and to adequately cater for user requirements. With the approval by the Great and General Council of the four landmark 6 september-october 2009
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laws – Framework Law for the Reform of the Public Administration, Management Law, Law on Competitive Examinations and other Selection Methods and Law on Disciplinary Provisions for State Employees – the first phase of the reform of the Public Administration has come to a close. The next thing will be to address the problem of job rotation, job entitlement and non-dismissability. Staff members will be placed in specific role profiles, defined according to principles of service uniformity, clarity and consistency with the current and future needs of the Public Administration and the much requested revision of qualifications will be implemented.
Secretary of State GIAN MARCO MARCUCCI
The Decree “Governing casual employment contracts” regulates this type of job in a number of strategic sectors such as: retail, hotel hospitality, catering, entertainment, agriculture. This provision will enable operators to tackle busy periods of the year in a completely legal way by hiring staff from lists of registered workers prepared to accept this type of employment contract.
Secretary of State CLAUDIO PODESCHI
Presented in first reading at the July session of the Great and General Council were the Bills: “Setting up of the San Marin Bioethics Committee” and “Outline law on the use of blood, cells, tissues and organs of human beings”. The provisions, besides filling a gap in our legal system also introduce the necessary instruments to develop the research and experimentation sector within the medical and biomedical field in San Marino too, with all due guarantees and protective measures and within the framework of the principles laid down by international agreements on bioethical issues.
Work continues according to schedule on the Valley Road, which should reduce and optimise vehicle traffic flows in the area. As part of the general revision of the Consolidation Act on town planning and building, a work team has been asked to draw up a Bill for the reduction of earthquake risks.
Secretary of State FABIO BERARDI
A widespread communication campaign has been implemented through all media to promote San Marino as a tourist destination. A new image highlights the attractions of a country that presents itself with confidence as an international tourist location of outstanding appeal that also boasts its status as a Unesco World Heritage Site. Beautiful landscapes and countryside, history, uniqueness, ancient traditions, hospitality, excellent living standards, great tourist attractions and services, certified-quality food and wine, lots of shopping opportunities - a choice that can only “make you fall in love”.
tion of San Marino Industry
Paolo Rondelli
The President Paolo Rondelli and the VicePresident Franco Capicchioni took part, together with a number of San Marino entrepreneurs, in the annual Meeting of Confindustria (Italian Industrialists’ Association) in Rimini. At the end of the Meeting, the San Marino representatives had a short conversation with Emma Marcegaglia, President of Confindustria.
San Marino Organisation of Entrepreneurs The Steering Committee appointed Giorgio Chiaruzzi as new OSLA director in place of Vito Testaj who was appointed Coordinator at the Ministry of Tourism.
B ANKS Banca Agricola Commerciale Luigi Lonfernini
The distribution of insurance products is in full swing at the Branches of the Banca Agricola Commerciale of the Republic of San Marino. BAC first, BAC best player and BAC evolution are the currently available life insurance policies deductible on the yearly income tax return.
Banca di San Marino Fausto Mularoni
The branch of Città 1 (old-city centre) of the Banca di San Marino remained open during the “l’Alba sul Monte” (Dawn on the Mount) event to distribute appealing gadgets to the participants. The initiative was not only successful with Bank clients but also with non-clients who lauded the idea.
Cassa di Risparmio Leone Sibani
Luigi Tontini
National Union of San Marino Artisans
Pier Marino Bedetti
Satisfaction of the UNAS (San Marino Artisans’ Union) about the revision of the regulations whereby second and third-degree relatives can again benefit from the Cassa Integrazione Guadagni (Earnings Redundancy Fund). While awaiting provisions also regulating closest relatives, the principle of protection has been upheld for family-run businesses.
San Marino Union for Commerce and Tourism
Carlo Lonfernini
With the summer now behind us, the USC took stock of this year’s holiday season. As usual, San Marino attracted large crowds and in fact the number of visitors was more or less the same as in previous years. A big part in this success was very definitely played by the numerous events organised throughout the summer in the old-city centre and in the rest of the Republic.
San Marino Union of Tourism Operators
Paolo Rossi
In synergy with the USC (San Marino Union of Shopkeepers) and the OSLA (San Marino Entrepreneurs’ Association), the 5th “Il Centro D’oro” (The Gold Centre) competition was organised. The main goal was to revamp businesses in the old-city centre, after tourists had been asked to express their opinions by filling in special questionnaires with the result of light being shed on the critical condition of our tourist services.
Presented to the Regency, the Collezione Arte e Immagine (Art and Image Collection) calendar for 2010. The main theme is that of the Medieval Days, brilliantly immortalized by photographer Luciano Tomasin, who has done a magnificent job in portraying costumes, colours and atmospheres. By means of the calendar, Carisp intends extending its Christmas and New Year Greetings to all its clients. The calendar is available from all the branches of the bank.
Credito Industriale Sammarinese Franco Capicchioni
The Credito Industriale Sammarinese recently signed a distribution agreement in the “bank insurance” sector with CSA, a company established under the laws of San Marino operating in the life insurance sector with extremely innovative products. These go to join the range of services provided by the bank to its clients, explains Director General Arnaldo Antonini, including trust investment, assets administration and a platform able to select the best international investment funds.
U NIVERSITY Giorgio Petroni
Strong interest was aroused by the stand set up by the University at the Meeting. This was visited by numerous youngsters who were given details relating to various degree and master courses. An interest also confirmed by the positive trend of enrolments, which rose by about 15% and involved mainly engineering and industrial design courses. Very definitely a major result that rewards the quality and the commitment of the University.
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E VENTS CHOCOTITANO 2009 Its fragrance brings to mind the colours and warmth of a far-off and mysterious Latin America. Its flavour has inspired artists of all kinds, who have immortalised in their works the beneficial and aphrodisiac properties of this unique and prodigious food product. Chocolate. More than a simple food to fill the stomach, a real temptation, a panacea for the senses, precious nourishment for the heart. And San Marino again celebrated it this year with a specially dedicated event: CHOCOTITANO, conceived by the Chamber of Commerce and the Township Council of Borgo Maggiore in conjunction with the Chococlub. On the weekend of 24 and 25 October, nearly 27,000 chocolate fans flocked to the porticos and old-town centre of Borgo Maggiore, lingering amid the mouth-watering delights well past closing time, thereby confirming their keen interest in the proposals of master chocolate-makers and confectioners. Besides the numerous stands, the guided tastings, the artistic exhibitions, the chocolate-making workshops, entertainment and shows made it possible to discover the extraordinary virtues of chocolate in all its shapes and forms. For younger fans, ChocoTitano represented a chance to take part in fun-packed games: choco-draughts, choco-memo, choc-tris, choco-puzzles, choco-theme phrases and amusing drawings. Lots of fans took part in the Gioccolato competition and tried guessing the number of chocolates contained in jars placed inside the shops of the old-town centre: 2,263 coupons were played, which rewarded 32 lucky winners and, above all, allowed collecting € 1,833.99, afterwards donated to the Amici di Padre Marcellino Association to buy a wheeled lamp for the operating theatre of the maternity ward of the Padre Marcellino hospital at Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Finally, created by the fantasy of the chefs of the Chocoristoranti, a series of delicious chocolate menus enabled lucky diners to try new combinations and new flavours: from porcini mushroom pies to Mora salami with crunchy chocolate waffles and cocoa “pappardelle”, and then roast duck breast with vegetables and chocolate flakes and the most tasty desserts. “The fact that this fourth Chocotitano event has attracted more visitors than ever before - stated Simona Michelotti, President of the Chamber of Commerce shows just how successful the initiative has been. What is more, the event not only promotes the virtues of chocolate but also instils fresh life into the old-town centre of Borgo Maggiore, which has always been a meeting point for the people of San Marino and the throbbing heart of our country which, since 2007, has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site”. The Chocotitano event was promoted by Camera di Commercio S.p.A. with the collaboration of the Township Council of Borgo Maggiore and the Chococlub; with the support of the State Departments for Tourism and Sport, Industry, Culture and Labour and the contribution of San Marino RTV.
The Chamber of Commerce invites you to the
Anyone wishing to access the benefits provided for by Law no. 134/97 should present a request to the Chamber of Commerce
For information check out the website under the section “Young Entrepreneurs”
Presentation of the Report on Economic Trends and Analysis of the Economic Situation Monday 21 December 2009 - 5 pm at the Grand Hotel San Marino
8 september-october 2009
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by Tuesday, 30th March 2010
Year I - September-October 2009 - n. 3 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Strada di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 Mail: Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies