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Year I January-February 2010 n. 4

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E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager

In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity

Albert Einstein

The circumstances of life, both private and professional, often force us to face sudden obstacles, only apparently insurmountable, which annihilate our self-esteem and cancel out our hopes for the future. If there has been a positive side to the economic downturn, this very definitely lies in the fact that it has forced businesspersons to stop for a moment and reconsider their position. It has forced companies anxious to survive to analyse their business and, in some cases, to take radical action in favour of greater rationalisation, simplification and innovation of the production process or products. This is the case, for instance, of Koenig & Bauer (KBA), a leading manufacturer of printing machines that found itself having to address, at the same time, the problem of a physiological drop in demand tied to the maturity of the western market and the effects of the economic downturn, especially as regards investments. And it did so by

adapting its production capacity to the shrinking demand, by implementing a plan of rationalisation and continuing to develop top-quality, original and innovative products, investing in staff training and keeping a close eye on the evolution of user requirements in the different user sectors. Result: the company quickly managed to acquire a 33% share of the Italian market. But we do not necessarily have to refer to the economic crisis to talk about the need for greater awareness and renovation. The very concept of “business spirit” is by definition endowed with a certain amount of confidence in oneself, and a certain aptitude to accept risks. The businessperson is well aware that success and failure are two sides of the same coin, and that not all risks can be calculated. What really matters is to clearly have in mind the goal to be achieved. To be focused on it and work hard to reach it. This way it is easier to face difficulties in the right spirit, considering them a step in normal economic development and above all a chance to start all over again, to learn from one’s mistakes, a price to be paid along the road to

success. What encourages us to go on is an awareness of what went wrong and our consequent response to the error. Hence, it is easy to understand how the reputation which a company has earned itself over the years plays a crucial role in re-launching business activities. A reputation based on confidence and emotional involvement most definitely represents a solid competitive advantage considering it is built up on actions, and is very hard to repeat. It is able to implement the loyalty level of customers, cooperation with and quality of suppliers, it favours dialogue with the institutions and communication media and, finally, it increases the commitment and the dedication of employees, who, with the right approach and involvement, are motivated to spontaneously share their heritage of know-how. The ability to make the best use of human resources thus becomes a factor of competitive excellence, considering that the adaptability of employees defines the company’s strategic flexibility, and their loyalty and attachment to company goals can determine the success of a new beginning.

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S PECIAL FOREIGN CLUB Helping companies to trigger the changes required to become even more competitive and provide fresh impulse to development. This is the main reason why the Chamber of Commerce set up the Foreign Club, a specific division conceived to back up San Marino companies in their internationalisation activities. A process at the same time complex and delicate, involving numerous aspects, depending on the type of company and its objectives, but which has become of paramount importance in view of profound market changes and growing international competition. But for internationalisation to be effective, precise planning is required, along with a detailed knowledge of the target market and of the culture of the country involved. This is where the Chamber of Commerce Foreign Department comes in; through the Foreign Club, it is able to provide those San Marino companies that so wish with effective backing in order to acquire precious information. First of all thanks to contacts with accredited diplomatic corps and also because it is able to make use of privileged communication channels such as that represented by the World Chamber Federation, the organisation incorporating all the chambers of commerce of the world, and of which the San Marino Chamber of Commerce has been a member since January 2009. The companies which decide to join the Foreign Club therefore, besides benefitting from a series of special discounts with hotel chains and participating haulage and forwarding companies, are able to access information relating to foreign markets, take part in dedicated seminars and compare different experiences in the field of internationalisation.


7 April 2010 – 9 am – 6 pm - Grand Hotel Primavera To take part and for information:tel. 0549.980380 - WORKTABLE To ensure the opinions of the Foreign Club members assume institutional importance, a worktable has been set up which, every year, brings together the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Industry and the Foreign Club members. The aim is to draw up a sort of memorandum of critical situations tied to the internationalization of San Marino companies. Synergy between public institutions and entrepreneurs is in fact a crucial factor for enabling economic operators to tackle, with a constructive outlook, the problems posed by international competition and successfully move within a strategy expressed at Company System level.

SEMINARS Training is a crucial factor for successfully competing on international markets, because it enables companies to strengthen their positions through more qualified knowledge and skills. For this reason, the Foreign Department periodically organises upgrade seminars – held by expert speakers in the field – relating to topics of interest to all those companies anxious to launch out onto foreign markets (transport, insurance, payment systems, contracts, etc.). These seminars represent a precious chance for the heads of the export departments of the different companies to exchange opinions and obtain useful information by comparing different internationalisation experiences.

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For more details: (internationalisation section)

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FOREIGN DELEGATIONS Among internationalisation activities, the strategic importance of meetings with foreign delegations is becoming increasingly more important. Contacts involve both accredited diplomatic corps, business representatives, Chambers of Commerce or institutes from all over the world interested in becoming better acquainted with the potential of the Republic of San Marino, and its economic, industrial and political organisation to subsequently evaluate business collaboration and trade. Meetings with foreign delegations usually include the participation of the Minister for Industry and representatives of San Marino economic categories.

SPECIAL AGREEMENTS The Foreign Club members benefit from a broad range of special agreements made by the Chamber of Commerce to facilitate the performance of their business relations with foreign countries. These relate to airline companies, forwarders, hotel chains, insurance companies and car rental companies.


Gian Marco Marcucci Minister of Labour

Minister, at just over a year from your appointment in the State Congress, could you give us a short account of what your Ministry had done in this period? First of all, I should just like to emphasise how this Ministry started by also evaluating the San Marino situation on the basis of the requirements expressed by the population through our offices, in order to draw up regulations able to cater for current needs. That is why we drew up the transitional law for the extension of Unemployment Benefits, passed in July 2009, and the Consolidation Act on redundancy measures. The Ministry has also been very actively engaged at the Tripartite Table which, besides resulting in the signing of the contractual Agreement, examined, together with the unions and trade associations, other solutions relating to the San Marino system as a whole, as well as the competitive levels of companies and pensions, to mention just some. With regard to employment policies, a Bill was introduced by majority vote relating to social cooperatives. This provides facilitations for concerns with 30% of disabled members. The same spirit of solidarity also prompted us to work on a new law for the employment of disabled persons in the Public Administration and for the assignment of rents to poorer families. We also addressed the topic of subsidized building by introducing a new reform law, now being examined by the Commission, making it easier for young San Marino citizens to obtains loans for purchasing their first house, and which takes into account the new families to be formed and not those of origin.

Finally, we are also busy reviewing the situation of post offices, which has been a difficult one for some years now, both for postal workers and the general public. We have set up a “prototype” office at Faetano, due to open in a few months’ time and which has been designed by our University, with operating standards based on those of other European countries. We met the Director and Managing Director of Poste Italiane to re-establish postal orders, which had been eliminated in late 2009 with big problems for customers. Finally, a work group is revising the convention of ’23 in view of the liberalization of postal services at global level, envisaged by the Universal Postal Union for 2011, and which will force individual countries to negotiate with other countries as regards postal services. Always for the same reason, we have positioned a marketing expert inside our Postal Administration with the precise aim of making ourselves more competitive. What initiatives are being promoted to address the economic crisis, which is above all a job crisis? It has become pretty clear by now that the economic crisis cannot be tackled by means of government solutions. It is up to private companies to take the field with new projects and ideas. The State can pave the way and thus make things easier for companies with projects, bridge bureaucratic gaps and try and put companies in a position to work in a problemfree way so they can create new economy or at least maintain current levels. The measures we are trying to implement aim at bolstering job levels inside the country

– hence the law on unemployment benefits, the agreements made, professional retraining schemes, which all go in this direction. It is important in fact to maintain employment levels as high as possible, considering the present economic situation, which is truly unjust and which eats away at the real economy in an improper, systematic and continuous way. And this is even more evident in the current readjustment phase, in which companies are trying to cut costs by eliminating jobs. How important are young entrepreneurs and training to the San Marino economy? Training is a concept gaining in importance, including at international level. My Ministry has focused closely on training by developing the Professional Training Centre. We have in fact organised numerous courses, taking into account the demand and concentrating on skills in step with the times. Starting with the reporters’ course for post-graduates, the course for alternative-energy solar panel installers, the course for accountants for professional institutes, and courses for hairdressers, electricians and shop assistants. We are also trying to organise a new course for cooks and waiters. Focus on professional retraining and young entrepreneurs is fundamental to be able to boost and maintain jobs in the various sectors, from services to crafts.

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Installation compliance statement Thanks to Law no. 148 dated 28 October 2005, Delegated Decree no. 101 dated 25 September 2006 (now abrogated) and Delegated Decree no. 113 dated 4 August 2008, the Roll of qualified entities and the Register of qualified companies has been set up in which all the installers operating in the Republic of San Marino must register. It is important to underline that after completing a job the installer company must issue the customer or owner with an installation compliance statement compiled in compliance with legal provisions and that to this statement, signed by the owner of the installing company and/or by the qualified technician in charge and bearing the economic operator code numbers, must be attached a copy of the certificate of registration in the specific roll of qualified entities at the Chamber of Commerce. On the other hand, the customer or owner must in turn ensure that the installation, transformation, extension and maintenance jobs relating to the installations are done by certified installers. Subject to the application of the aforementioned law are the following installations relating to buildings used for any purpose, whether public or private, and including installations in open spaces and worksites: a) manufacturing, transport, distribution and power utilisation plants starting from the delivery point of the power supplied by the distribution company; b) Radio/TV and electronic installations in general, antennas and lightning protection systems; c) Heating, refrigeration and conditioning systems containing liquid, gaseous, aeriform or any other type of fluid; d) Plumbing/sanitary systems, and those for conveying, treating, using, storing and consuming water starting from the point of delivery of the water supplied by the utility company; e) Installations for conveying and using gas in liquid or gaseous form, starting from the point of delivery of the gaseous fuel supplied by the distribution company; f) Systems for lifting people or things by lifts, elevators, escalators and the like; g) Fire protection systems; h) Steam and pressure systems for production premises. Further details are available from the San Marino Chamber of Commerce 0549 980380 -

Guida Titano 2010 The Guida Titano is all set to be updated. This yearbook has been published by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce for the last eight consecutive years in conjunction with Assoservizi srl as regards the business section. This is the only publication which, besides containing the official details (Corporate name, economic operator code, address) of all San Marino companies and free-lance professionals, also includes lots of details updated by the San Marino operators themselves. Thanks to its practical layout in alphabetic order and commodity categories, the book is designed for easy reference and intends representing a useful aid for San Marino companies, private individuals and members of the public. But above all, it is a crucial tool for foreign operators, enabling them to easily gain an idea of the San Marino economic setup thanks also to the fact that it is available in English as well as Italian. The yearbook is also sent to Embassies, Consulates and European Chambers of Commerce and is therefore an excellent showcase for displaying the variegated nature of San Marino businesses and for providing first-contact information. Operators who wish to enter or update their details in the Guida Titano must do so by 6 April 2010 directly on the website or by completing the special form and faxing it to 0549.944554. Guida Titano is just one of a broad range of publications which the Chamber of Commerce puts at the disposal of clients, companies and their foreign contacts. The Publishing Department ensures all-round communication, on paper and electronic media, to effectively cater for the growing demand for transparent and readily-accessible information. 4 january-february 2010

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M ADE IN CAM COM V ISITING DELEGATION Preparation work lasting over two months. That is how long it took the San Marino Chamber of Commerce to organise the two-day visit of the large Japanese delegation headed by leading diplomats, the Ambassador Hiroyasu Ando and the Consul General Hiroshi Azuma, as well as Hideo Kondo, President of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Italy (JCCII). The delegation – consisting not only of high diplomatic authorities, but also of leading Japanese businesspersons, including the Presidents of Mitsubishi Italia, Japan Airline International, and Konica Minolta Italia, to mention just some – discussed in detail aspects of San Marino’s statutory, legal, economic and commercial system during the course of an institutional meeting in which the Minister for Industry and the President and General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce took part. The delegation’s stay in the Republic ended with a visit to three major San Marino industries, Cams Industriale, Sipp and Colombini which welcomed the Japanese businessmen, accompanied by the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and by Consul Leo Achilli, to their production facilities.

COOPERATION WITH THE FOREIGN TRADE INSTITUTE A high-ranking institutional framework – the meeting between the Italian Minister for Economic Development, Claudio Scajola and the San Marino Government – in which cooperation was renewed between the San Marino Chamber of Commerce and the National Foreign Trade Institute (ICE). During the course of the Italian Minister’s visit in fact, Simona Michelotti, President of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, and Ambassador Umberto Vattani, President of the ICE, were asked to implement joint initiatives able to favour business and economic relations between the two countries. This confirmed the very important cooperation between Italy and San Marino, which looks all set to result in the revision of the 2001 Agreement, updating its provisions to the current historical situation and to the new configuration of the activities promoted by the two organisations.

N EW HEADQUARTERS A family that continues to grow and increasingly more intense economic promotion activities. These are the reasons that prompted the Chamber of Commerce to find new more comfortable and functional quarters and thus provide its clients with quicker and even more efficient service. A desire for ongoing improvement that must necessarily include an all-round modernisation process, the optimisation of spaces and times and constant focus on the needs expressed by clients. The new facility was opened on 23 December last, with the participation of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Industry and members of the board.

N EW WEB SITE A new guise for the Chamber of Commerce’s website www. as well; with its appealing graphics and revised and updated contents, this is an easy and complete access portal. Visitors to the website will discover all the benefits of starting a business in San Marino and the relative formalities, and find detailed information on the activities of the Chamber of Commerce: from young entrepreneurs to the installers Roll, the Foreign Club and publishing and economic promotion initiatives.

D EPART RETOUR EXHIBITION Promoting all-round culture. Starting with business culture through culture in the broadest sense of the term. The Chamber of Commerce opens the doors of its new headquarters to artists of the ASART (San Marino Artists’ Association) and hosting the exhibition entitled “Depart Retour”, a collection of works already exhibited in France, during the 30th anniversary celebrations for the establishment of the San Marino Consulate in Grenoble. The ten works on show can be admired during office hours: Mondays to Thursdays - 8.30 am - 1.30 pm / 2.30 pm - 5 pm and Fridays - 8.30 am - 1.30 pm until 2 April 2010

E CONOMY DAY A day to learn more about and become better acquainted with the Report on Economic Trends 2008 and Analysis of the Economic Situation referred to December 2009, presented by the Chamber of Commerce during the course of the Economy Day. Two punctual and updated instruments for tracing an outline of the economy of our country which will be useful to all those who already work in San Marino, but also to those who intend investing in our country. Among the speakers: The Ministers for Finance and Industry, Gabriele Gatti and Marco Arzilli, the President and the General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, Simona Michelotti and Massimo Ghiotti, and Massimo Guagnini of the economic and financial consultancy firm, Prometeia. The Report on Economic Trends and Analysis of the Economic Situation are available on website (Economic Statistics Section). The English version of the Executive Summary of the Report on Economic Trends is available on website

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IDENTITY OF FREEDOM The event “Identità di Libertà” (Identity of Freedom) organised on 1 and 2 March by the Ministries for Industry, Tourism and Territory, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, USC, OSLA and USOT and with Identità Golose, the prestigious event invented by Paolo Marchi, a famous name in the food and wine sector, proved highly successful. Identità di Libertà was a true moment of encounter for top-quality products, which saw leading Italian chefs give free reign to all their experience to create wonderful dishes capable of integrating tradition and innovation, faithfulness to the dear things of times gone by and freedom for the imagination. On day one in fact, Luigi Sartini, the prize-winning chef of the restaurant Righi La Taverna of San Marino, opened up his kitchen to foremost exponents of the Italian wine and food industry who took turns in holding d’auteur cuisine lessons: starting with Pietro Leeman, the only chef to have won prizes for his vegetarian dishes, Giacomo Gallina of Gold - Milan, where habitual diners include stylists Dolce&Gabbana, Emanuele Scarello, president of the Jeune Restaurateurs Association. And again, Pietro Zito, cook-farmer, Rocco Princi, baker of Calabrian origin, well known in Milan and London; Giusy Foschia, a grower of uncontaminated herbs, Dario Zidaric, karst cave cheese-maker/maturer. Finally, big expectations for Massimo Bottura, patron of the Osteria Francescana, winner of two Michelin stars and rated 13th (number one in Italy) among the “50 World’s Best Restaurants” in 2009. Day two on the other hand saw ten young chefs compete on the theme “Territory, tradition and creativity for an innovative first course”. The panel of experts – chaired by Paolo Marchi and consisting of the president of the Accademia Nazionale di Cucina Italiana (Italian National Cooking Academy), San Marino section, Leo Marino Morganti, of the chef of the restaurant Lido Lido (Cesenatico) Vincenzo Cammerucci, and of the journalists Fiorenza Auriemma

(GQ) and Gabriele Zanatta (Capital and Spirito Divino) – appointed as winner Paolo D’Angeli with the dish “I Patacoch al ragout di salsiccia con spuma di fagioli, croccante di fossa e olio agli stridoli” (Patacoch with sausage sauce and bean mousse, crunchy of fossa and stridoli oil). To him went a certificate of participation and 1000 euro. The dish presented by Michele Zanchi “Insalatina di passatelli neri con seppia e taccole” (Black passatelli salad with cuttlefish and mange-touts) took the prize for originality and a special plaque in memory of chef, Tafuri. Silvia Della Balda, Private Secretary a d l Ba of the Minister for Industry, Craft and Trade, a l l De Paolo Marchi and Silvia explained the aims of the event: “San Marino has decided to undertake a complex but stimulating path, crossing different sectors with a new approach, based on the coordination of actions and measures and their integration within the country. A path that intends promoting San Marino’s uniqueness and quality through its local, traditional products, with all that which they represent and recount: history, culture, knowledge. Identità di Libertà is the first showcase event to testify to San Marino’s desire to open up and make itself known to the world, but at the same time to become acquainted with and confront a sector, that related to food and wine, which continues to grow”. “To guests and all those interested – points out Antonio Macina, Director of the Tourist Bureau – San Marino was also presented as a gourmet destination. We wish to set our sights on that tourist niche tied to food and wine and that is why we are creating offers and services able to qualify our Republic and make it known throughout the world”.

Economic Planning Department, Data Processing and Statistics Centre The length of this acronym reveals all the complexity and the multiplicity of the matters dealt with every day by the organisation it refers to. The Ufficio Programmazione Economica, Centro Elaborazione Dati e Statistica (Economic Planning Department, Data Processing and Statistics Centre), for the sake of brevity, UPECEDS, is more than a simple public department; it is a multi-faceted concern, a cutting-edge organisation in step with the times. “A real window on San Marino economy” was the definition coined by Roberta Mularoni, who - on and off - has been directing the staff with great professional skill for the past nineteen years. Set up by the State Congress in the early-Sixties, the Statistics Department was initially separate from the Planning Department. These were merged in the late-Eighties and integrated with the IT sector. These three areas are today well defined by three departments, all of which have very precise aims: starting with the coordination and the planning of the IT section of the Public Administration, managed in a way consistent with international standards, right up to the obtaining, processing and analysis of the economic and statistical data to be placed at the disposal of the Government, national and international Institutions, the private sector and the public in general. More specifically, the Economic Planning department carries out studies in the economic and social fields, on the basis of which it then draws up the Economic Plan, which traces the Government’s short and medium-term economic and financial policies. The department also prepares the annual Economic-Statistic Report which accompanies the State Budget. The Statistics department on the other hand, processes and publishes the statistical data of the Republic of San Marino, on the basis of the approved Statistics Plan. This department is in close contact with the other offices and departments of the public administration, to which it provides methodologi6 january-february 2010

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cal criteria and standards and with which it collaborates as regards statistical research activities. Finally, the Information Technology sector provides technical, operating and administrative backing to the authorities for the preparation, management and development of the State IT plan, of centralised and departmental IT systems and of office automation for the Public Administration. In other words, three composite universes, all of which equally important when analysed one by one, but which achieve their climax when interacting and operating in favour of a common objective. A department closely focused on modernity and which a few months ago presented a new and regularly updated website Practical to use and consult, the website allows visitors to move smoothly amid statistical data relating to the population, to economic activities, to employment levels and to climate and the country in general. Pdf files of the many UPECEDS publications can also be downloaded in real time: from quarterly statistics bulletins, to surveys relating to San Marino family consumer habits and lifestyles or schoolchildren, to mention just some. A team then, which is constantly at work and focused on upgrading and perfecting the production of statistical data to cater in an adequate and exhaustive way for the requirements expressed by the public and the State.

Via XXVIII Luglio, 192 - 47893 Borgo Maggiore Rep. San Marino Tel. (+378) 0549 885150 - Fax. (+378) 0549 885154


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The Ministry of Foreign and Political Affairs, in agreement with the executive, has stepped up its efforts in the field of international solidarity in order to try and upgrade the situation of the weaker areas of society. The number ff of funded projects has innA reig o F f o r e creased; the figure allotted in Minist the state budget for humanitarian efforts grew from little more than 60,000 € in 2008 to 485,000 € in 2009, all of which actually paid. This amount was put together thanks to careful expense management on the part of the Department of Foreign Affairs, above all in relation to representation costs and for missions and travel expenses, which made it possible, at the time of balancing the budget, to allot further funds to international solidarity. In 2010, in the item of expenditure 2020 “International Solidarity

Fund”, the Government allotted 450,000 €. The International Solidarity Fund is now a major item on the annual State budget. This Fund includes all initiatives of a humanitarian nature and relating to the fundamental rights of people and their inviolable human rights – right to health, right to education, right to a dignified existence. The decision of the Ministry of Foreign and Political Affairs wishes to underscore San Marino’s active and propositional role in the community of States, sensitive to the humanitarian needs of the world population. In fact, though hit by the same economic crisis affecting the world as a whole, our country, its Government, following a proposal of Minister, Mularoni, chose to reconfirm the trend followed last year as regards sums allotted to bilateral and multilateral cooperation, considered necessary in today’s globalised community, in which each individual country, whether small or large, must also play an ethical role and where those who have achieved high living standards must not forget others who live in much more difficult circumstances. Hence the sense of the commitment and endeavours made by the Republic, with renewed determination, in the broader international context.

ANIS National Association of San Marino Industry

An important study seminar entitled “New VAT regulations and the role of the tax representative” was organised by the ANIS on February 10 last. A large audience (over 120 people) packed the Kursaal Congress Centre to listen to speakers, Dr. Giampaolo Giuliani, executive of the Industrialists’ Association, and Dr. Fabrizio Cremoni. During the course of the meeting, the numerous substantial new aspects of Law Decree no. 18 dated 11 February, 2010 were discussed in detail: from the new VAT regulations relating to trade between San Marino and Italy to the new role of the tax representative. According to these new regulations, operators must consider that VAT regulations change depending on whether services are provided to “private consumers” or taxable entities. In fact, according to the new general rules, the only services of territorial relevance in Italy are those provided to taxable entities established in Italy and those provided to private consumers. The territorial nature of the provided services follows different rules according to whether the customer is a taxable entity or a “private” person. In the case of services provided to taxable entities, taxation occurs in the customer’s country. If the latter is located in the EU, the service will be subject to VAT in the customer’s country through reverse charge. If, on the other hand, the customer is outside the EU, it must comply with the rules of the State in which it is established. In the case of services provided to private persons, taxation occurs in the provider’s country.

OSLA San Marino Organisation of Entrepreneurs

Training and information at the centre of the agenda of activities of the San Marino Entrepreneurs’ Organisation which, in March organised two major appointments with the general public. The first was the workshop entitled “The value of waste” which presented a waste sorting installation project and in which the following speakers took part: Professor Giulio Ferrari, Lecturer on Environmental Hygiene and Owner of the Firm GFambiente, and President of the OSLA Luigi Tontini. The second appointment is the study seminar “THE PENAL LIABILITY OF COMPANIES. Law no. 6 dated 21 January 2010 – Misdeed liability of corporate bodies”. Speaking at the seminar will be Professor Umberto Guerini of Bologna University, Professor Enrico Amati of Udine University, Lawyer Andrea Scafidi of DLA PIPER, Lawyer Fabrizio Vedana of Unione Fiduciaria SPA , Lawyer Simone Arcangeli and Professor Nicola Mazzacuva, moderator. A seminar for free-lance professionals, companies, auditing companies, banking and financial brokers, holding companies and the managers of legal departments of banks and companies.

Banca di San Marino

Banca di San Marino is presenting a new BSMWEB Internet Banking service through website Thanks to the new platform, which is fully owned by the bank, all usual bank operations and foreign transfers can be made, with swift interface, double protection level (using the BSM Key electronic device) and without the need for digital signature. Clients can enable the “Zero Carta” option (whereby all documents are displayed and downloaded from the portal) thus reducing the environmental impact caused by paper printing and consequent costs. We should further like to underscore the agreement made between Banca di San Marino and Osla, with its particularly advantageous conditions. The aim of this agreement is to engage these two institutions during this difficult economic period in granting favourable conditions to companies, traders and associated professionals. The agreement mainly centres on a whole range of different services and the commitment to allocate funds and leasing facilities according to precise and limited time schedules. The Banca di San Marino staff is available for consultancy and assistance in relation to the services offered, including through its associates.

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Y OUNG ENTREPRENEURS GROW UP The Chamber of Commerce has always made every effort to promote talented youngsters – through the Commission for Young and Female Entrepreneurs, participation in New Ideas and New Enterprises, the implementation of ad hoc initiatives, support in favour of training – to give them the chance to concretise their ideas, follow their dreams and cultivate excellence. Nico Macina of Re

Young Entrepreneurs Commission

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There are lots of opportunities and benefits for young people who wish to set up their own businesses in San Marino. The Chamber of Commerce supports and promotes the creation of a new young and female entrepreneurial class through the enforcement of Law no. 134 dated 24.11.1997. A law which, for over 10 years now has been favouring the entrepreneurial and professional training of youngsters and women through easier access to credit facilities. NI NI After making sure the applicants have the necessary requirements to access the benefits provided by 20 09 the Law, a special Commission – chaired by the Minister for Industry and formed of the Minister of Labour, the , re ceiv representatives of the trade associations Anis, Osla, Unas, Usc, Usot, of the University, and of a representative of the ioli es hi s prize from Manlio Magg Banks and Chamber of Commerce – evaluates the business projects presented. These must necessarily be of an innovative nature and refer to the manufacturing, service or commercial sectors. The Commission decides whether and to what extent the candidate is entitled to credit benefits: non-repayable, facilitated credit, partial exemption from social-security contributions or tax exemptions. A chance to focus on innovation as a crucial factor for the growth of the San Marino economy, and which boosts the employment of youngsters and women not only in terms of quantity but also of quality. Those who wish to access the benefits provided by Law 134/97 must file an application at the Chamber of Commerce by Tuesday 30 March 2010 To file the application: For further information: (young entrepreneurs section)

New Ideas New Enterprises

A competition offering youngsters with highly-innovative business ideas the concrete chance to turn them into reality. Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese, now in its 9th year, is an initiative which encourages the entrepreneurial spirit of youngsters and assists them along the way, from the idea to the start-up of business, and does so by placing at disposal all the tools they need to transform their creativity into business enterprise and helping them to develop their project with a business plan. The competition is free and all the participants can take part in training activities, meetings and come into contact with the economic and business world. The best projects receive legal, tax and sales assistance and tutorship. The best business project is awarded a first prize of 20,000 Euro. The second and third receive 12,000 and 6,000 Euro respectively. All three are also be able to join the Industrialists’ Association and receive two years free assistance. In the 2009 competition, two business plans presented by San Marino youngsters took first and second place. Among the 19 finalists, out of 83 projects, the first prize went to the youngsters of Renderbüro, an IT calculation render-farm, while second prize went to the Coxa personal service team. Quite apart from the competition, the youngsters are given an opportunity which they often do not have: the chance to train in the field, the chance to become acquainted, close-up, with the two economic set-ups of neighbouring countries, Italy and San Marino, a chance to put their dreams in motion and give life to a project in which each of them is able to release their aspirations and their passions. Registrations open until 31 May 2010 For further information:

C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca di San Marino, Banca Agricola Commerciale, Cassa di Risparmio, and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi

STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department and Public Relations Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department

Year I - January-February 2010 - n. 4

Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies

Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail:

8 january-february 2010

in san marino

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