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Year II March-April 2010 n. 5

in san marino




E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Bill Gates In recent decades, thanks to enormous technological breakthroughs, the extension of the borders of the global market, and the profound diversification of consumer demand, companies have tried to provide increasingly more effective, quick and exhaustive answers in order to stay competitive. And they have done so by waging on quality certification – of the company and its products – on computerization and on customer service. But despite the excellence of the product and all the precautions taken, unhappy customers cannot be ruled out. Unhappy with the purchase made, the quality of the goods, or with the service received. And this is where the intelligence and capacity of the company come in, so as not to consider this moment an unfortunate and pointless obstacle, but rather a real chance to upgrade and above all a chance to win the loyalty of customers

by now considered as lost. And the first way of bringing this about is to stop thinking that an unhappy customer is simply a nuisance. Naturally, it is always a good idea to try and figure out who we have before us, what his level of knowledge is and why he judges our work negatively. The second step is one that can really make the difference, i.e., being capable of listening to the customer. He/she must be given the chance to explain why he feels unhappy, and be treated with respect and attention. It is easy to be distracted or refuse dialogue simply because we think we are in the right. Statistics do in fact show that people who receive satisfactory answers remain loyal over the years, while those who are treated inadequately not only leave the company, but often talk negatively about it to others and thus risk destroying the brand name. A significant change in corporate culture is therefore needed such as to transform the general feeling of vexation in dealing with a complaint into

greater awareness and the chance to strengthen customer loyalty. It is therefore easy to appreciate that time spent understanding a customer’s expectations and needs is never wasted. The matter must be addressed in a critical and collaborative spirit, trying to stay calm and optimistic, even when you are under pressure. Above all, focus should be shifted from the problem to the solution. In some circumstances, it is a good idea to ask for other opinions so as to gain a broader outlook, and thus have at disposal a greater number of elements to go ahead and assess the situation and come up with an answer. If the company is prepared to be more customer focused and view the customer as a constant point of reference, able to prompt it to set itself new and more ambitious goals, then it will be easier to create more constructive relations, based on confidence, and consider disputes as an encouragement to proceed along the winding path of quality.

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Ecomercatale 2010 Towards a sustainable world

Back again this year is Ecomercatale, the fair centred on energies and eco-compatible products. The event is due to be staged over a whole weekend - Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 May – with innovative products, solutions and proposals in the field of environment sustainability. A real trade-fair in the centre of Borgo Maggiore, made up of workshops, theatre performances, quizzes, music, film shows, excursions, games and tastings. All these activities will of course focus on energy saving and the need to find clean energy sources. The idea is to foster public awareness of the need to adopt technologically suitable solutions that are well tolerated by living organisms, human beings and the environment. In a word - Eco-compatible. “Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.






eco-compatible products for buildings: solar energy, heat insulation, eco-efficient solutions, plant engineering, recycling and reuse of rainwater, waste recycling;



(Gro Harlem Brundtland, President of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)

organic and “0 km” products: organic food and wine products, traditional San Marino products, tasting and catering. sustainable mobility: electric vehicles, eco-efficient cars, sustainable mobility solutions.


GiocaMondo Project: let’s play with recycled material (organized by Accademia del Gioco Dimenticato)

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Quiz contest: towards a sustainable future (by Ecomercatale Show)


If energy resources could speak (organized by Coop. Millepiedi)

ECOMERCATALE SHOW Entertainment, quizzes, interviews ECOMERCATALE LIVE Music with Franz Campi & Band



OSE FO R TH Lands of solidarity: we make homemade bread

CHILDREN’S THEATRE Sunday 5 pm – piazza Grande The Bradipoteatar Company presents “Sfida Ecologica”


Workshop for the self-production of bread starting with old wheat varieties, production and treatment of the mother dough.

MEGA biodynamic company: introduction to biodynamics


The water planet: the integrated cycle in an eco-sustainable perspective (organized by Coop. Millepiedi)

5 pm Green Economy at San Marino: opportunities and alliances for a new economy


Composting: nature recycles and does not accumulate waste (organized by A.A.S.S.)

The Meeting is specifically intended for Higher Secondary Schools and teachers of all levels. During the course of the first session, the first data of the San Marino Sustainability observatory will be analysed. During the course of the panel discussion on the other hand, the good practices of the Public Administration and Schools will be examined.


Recognising and knowing wild animals (organized by Centro Naturalistico)


a path of queries on biodiversity (organized by the EC Foundation)



Titano Theatre (San Marino CittĂ ) 9 am The sustainability indicators in San Marino

The meeting is intended for businesspersons, economic operators and free-lance professionals. During the first session, detailed analysis will focus on sustainability indicators, the Technological Scientific Park, the system of Technologically Equipped Production Areas (APEA) in Emilia Romagna and Marche. The panel discussion on THE SHO the other hand will be dedicated to the chances of W setting up a district of excellence in the The FILMS cleantech field. 27-28-29 May Concordia Theatre - Borgo Maggiore

For the entire duration of the event, a stand will be organized by the Mycological Association with menus of organic and 0 km foods. The pasta, the meat, the vegetables, the cheeses, the bread, the wine of our area and organic farming.

W ORK S H ’S O N P E A world of differences


S NG I T Wednesday 26 May

Biodynamic agriculture is an organic farming method comprising sustainable systems for the production which respects the earth’s ecosystem.

The Porta dei Parchi: consortium of organic farms from Abruzzo “Il parco produce” The consortium presents its own emergency project in favour of producers who suffered the 2009 earthquake and presents the “Adopt a sheep, defend nature” project.

FaFraKa: bring your cosmetics home and we’ll analyse the components together.

Gas Marino: critical consumption workshop

Ecomercatale is an initiative promoted by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, Coordination for the Agenda 21 in San Marino and Township Council of Borgo Maggiore; with the support of the Ministries for the Territory, for Industry, for Culture and Tourism; with the contribution of Banca di San Marino, Leasing Sammarinese and Ente Cassa di Faetano, Azienda Autonoma di Stato per i Servizi Pubblici; with the collaboration of the Ufficio AttivitĂ  Sociali e Culturali, San Marino Music Institute, ANIS, OSLA, UNAS, USC, USOT.

INFO (events) Tel. 0549980380 -


Valeria Ciavatta Minister of Internal Affairs Minister Ciavatta, you have been Minister of Internal Affairs since 2006. What are the most significant reforms you have managed to pass? The major reform is without doubt that of the Public Administration. A huge task needed to change the structure and organization of the system, as well as work relations, in order to achieve greater flexibility, coordination, innovation and better relations with the public. Four important laws have been passed to change governance, competitions and executive norms and the outline and contents of a reform have been indicated whose effects will only become apparent in time, but which are undoubtedly historical goals: separation of powers, the overcoming of job descriptions and stationary nature of jobs, structural and personnel reorganization, a new definition of offices and professional duties thanks to which services and performance levels can be assessed. I am about to finish drawing up the Bills to be discussed by the Council and relating to these aspects, along with the updating of what are by now obsolete educational qualifications. I now await to hear what the Union Organizations have to say about professional profiles and the competition application decree. Another law which met with the approval of the public was that on the Mortuary Authorities. The assignment of burial cells is now temporary and decisions are favoured that free room in the cemeteries by means of shorter assignments and greater use of cremation. The Law is very much up to date as regards the services provided by our Public Records Office and respect for freedom of worship. But progress is also being made in the field of Civil Defence, as regards fire-fighting measures, following the agreement signed with the Italian Republic. A head of Civil Defence will have to be appointed in order to go ahead and organise the system; a concrete proposal has been made in relation to the Civil Police fire-fighting service that foresees the employment of all staff members. Change is also reflected in the method that has characterised the daily work of this Ministry (something that should neither be considered easy nor taken for granted), but also

in the laws and resolutions adopted at institutional level (e.g., with the Regulation of the State Congress), or for the protection of the State and public interests or for impartiality and legality. The need has often been emphasised to computerize the P.A. What progress has been made so far in this field? Various paths, opened up within the PA, are worthy of note, though the situation remains below our potential and major projects relating to transparency, reliability and greater efficiency of concrete administrative operations have taken longer than I personally expected. It must be stressed however, that those responsible for administration at political level are not currently in charge of technological innovation! And this is contradictory and incongruous. That is why the reform envisages a “control room� consisting of bodies of the Public Administration that have existed for some time in other Countries. The organization as a whole in fact must contain precise vertical and horizontal authorities together with relevant technical/managerial responsibilities as regards proposals, schedules and realization of projects. Unless we are prepared to take this step and as long as we insist on continuing to defend anachronistic positions, things will never get better and no system will ever be created. In any case, we must realise that computerization, like all innovatory paths, is an ongoing process. We are by now well aware of the effects of the economic crisis on the private sector, but what about the public sector? The State budget is and will be heavily

affected by the economic crisis due to the drop in income. My Ministry has always adopted a rigorous line of action: the number of PA personnel has dropped and widespread inspections of government bodies have begun, no contractual increases on indemnities have been approved (which in any case go to boost salaries that are already high or very high) and this has brought about a considerable saving, especially in the National Health System, no new private contracts have been signed and recruitment has been restricted to essential jobs only. Major provisions of the financial law concern expenditure cuts, not only in the PA, but in government bodies, institutional bodies, the militias, the diplomatic corps, etc. In a time of crisis, all the Ministries must do all they can to rationalise resources, prevent waste and give a good example. What is more, today more than ever, the reform must not be taken as an excuse to demand promotions tout court. On the contrary, greater professionalism is increasingly more an imperative to provide companies and the public with efficient services. Public employees have safe jobs, while many workers in the private sector have lost or risk losing theirs. People should always remember this and act accordingly.

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S PECIAL Works of artist Leonardo Blanco on show at the Chamber of Commerce From 7 May to 9 July 2010 He likes to call them “geographic maps of interior places”. Leonardo Blanco, an artist well known and dear to the people of San Marino, will be opening his new exhibition inside the Chamber of Commerce. Fifteen recent works, made using mixed techniques by means of which the artist investigates Light and Shadow, starting with a deep personal meditation and ending with a more ample reflection on the reality that surrounds him. The artist narrates himself through his works, allowing us to discover an interior dimension made up of contrasts and oppositions. The artist donates a part of himself, invisible to the eyes, which somehow reveals and highlights the contractions of human beings as a whole. Representation of inner places but also of physical ones in which, the stratagems of easy aesthetics put aside, Blanco concentrates on essential shapes, taking a critical stance with respect to modernity, and placing in contrast only apparently distant worlds. Hence the need to focus on transit areas, on the appeal of border lands – a note of colour, a chiaroscuro contrast – and on their power to make harmonious inconsistencies which coexist on the same visual plane. Because what makes us grasp the nature of things are precisely the border lands, the demarcation lines. A careful look at the inconsistencies of our age, in which borders – geographic, mental – all too often exasperate differences instead of considering them a resource able to enrich, complete and clarify the shadowy areas of our precarious equilibriums.

Opening exhibition - press conference

Opening hours: 8.30 am – 1.30 pm 12.30 pm – 5 pm Closed Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday Free admission

For information: 0549.980380 oppure -

HAPPY HOUR, HAPPY BUSINESS! To transform creativity into enterprise

Scheduled for Friday 14 May at 5.30 pm is the second edition of “Happy Hour, Happy Business!”, the event organised in the San Marino Foundation Meeting Room to present the business ideas competition Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese (New Ideas New Enterprises) to San Marino youngsters. A pleasant evening-aperitif with live music during which the opportunities and procedures will be presented for taking part in Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese , the competition between highly innovative business projects. The organisers will provide all the participants with the tools needed to develop their idea into a business plan – to be presented by 30 September – sustaining them along a training, assistance and tutorship route. Big prizes to be won: 20,000 Euro for the winner, 12,000 Euro for the runner-up and 6,000 for the project placed third, as well as the chance to register with the Industrialists’ Association and receive two years free assistance. During the course of “Happy Hour, Happy Business!” the youngsters can listen to the experiences of the boys and girls of Renderbüro and the Decimo Castello Cooperative, winners of Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese 2009. They will also have the chance to obtain useful information at the special desks set up by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, Industry Office, Labour Office, San Marino University, Youngsters’ Forum and Ateneo Association. Friday 14 May 2010 – 5.30 pm San Marino Foundation Meeting Room (via G. B. Belluzzi – San Marino Città) For info: 0549.980380 or 4 march-april 2010

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M ADE IN CAM COM V ISITING DELEGATION A meeting to illustrate the opportunities offered by the Republic of San Marino, the agreements, the tax, economic and financial system, the environment and the transport system. These are the topics discussed in detail during the meeting between the Export Club Bayern delegation and the Minister for Industry, Marco Arzilli, his Private Secretary, Silvia Della Balda, and the General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, Massimo Ghiotti. The delegation, headed by the San Marino Consul in Germany, Till Otto Schillik, by the Vice-President of the Export Club, Bernd Pantze, and by the Director General, Hans-Joachim Kraemer and consisting of 37 businesspersons, bankers, fiscal advisers, free-lance professionals, and university representatives, chose San Marino to investigate the opportunities which the country has to offer for the German market.

M ASTER The Chamber of Commerce continues to focus on training and quality. To do this, it has sponsored 1 scholarship for the participation of a person residing in the Republic of San Marino in the Master in Product Quality and Certification in Agri-Food Companies, organized by the company CTQ Spa. The aim of this Master is to train specialists in agri-food company management systems, with specific expertise in voluntary certification standards, applicable compulsory regulations and production and distribution processes. The winner of the scholarship, besides classroom lessons, will also be able to take part in a workshop at the San Marino Chamber of Commerce.

S EMINAR The seminar “Conditions for internationalization and the organization of the foreign office” organized by the Foreign Area of the Chamber of Commerce has successfully come to a close. The speaker, professor Antonio Di Meo, detailed the procedures and requirements for successfully tackling the internationalization process, and for understanding the risks and opportunities offered by foreign markets. A new formative initiative in favour of San Marino companies anxious to strengthen their position on international markets through greater awareness and more qualified expertise.

T ITANO GUIDE Updating continues at a rapid pace of the Titano Guide 2010, the yearbook of San Marino economic activities which the Chamber of Commerce will be publishing for the eighth year running with the collaboration of Assoservizi srl, responsible for the commercial section. The term set for economic operators to send their details has now ended and for some weeks now the Chamber of Commerce has been processing the multimedia files uploaded by companies onto website More time will be required on the other hand for manually entering the data of those who preferred to send the information leaflet by fax. The Titano Guide 2010, in Italian and English, will be available in July.

M EETING Opportunities and advantages of a green economic approach were at the centre of the public meeting on the theme “Incentives for energy qualification and requalification jobs: the opportunities for developing a green economy in San Marino”, organized as part of the third Ecomercatale initiatives. Speakers at the meeting were: the Minister for the Territory, Gian Carlo Venturini, the Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Massimo Ghiotti and the President of the Energy Authority, Giovanni Sebastiano Barozzi.


The international Conference establishing the World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (WUSME) has come to a close. This was organized in the Republic of San Marino. The world association is engaged in setting up an international network in support of the SMEs. The meeting elected Gian Franco Terenzi as Chairman. On that occasion, the Chamber of Commerce also took part with its own information desk and with a presentation of the San Marino system.

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Tou rism , Fabi o Berardi

1 May marked the opening of Expo Shanghai 2010, the largest world exposition ever staged, and in which the Republic of San Marino is taking part with its own stand. This is a historic event for a small Country like ours t ni s (which in the past has taken Mi part in only two international Expositions: Brussels in 1958 and Lisbon in 1998), considering the large organization and economic effort involved. “Our Country – explained the Minister for Tourism, Fabio Berardi – chose to take part in order to introduce itself in a world context with the idea of achieving three crucial goals: a) to assert its own national identity, its sovereignty and centuriesold history of freedom and independence, the uniqueness of a historical path which the Unesco has declared a World Heritage Site; b) to promote San Marino and Mount Titano as a tourist destination on the Chinese market; c) to foster awareness of the “Country system” and increase economic exchange and trade. Shanghai is a major showcase: 192

The Chamber of Commerce has also been called upon to give its contribution to the Shanghai Expo 2010. And it has done so in the way that suits it best: by focusing on direct and successful communication. Out of the determination to sustain companies and the Country as a whole, a four-minute video has been produced – with the collaboration of San Marino RTV – which will be transmitted in loop for the entire duration of the Expo in the Country System sector section of the pavilion of the Republic of San Marino. An interesting film providing an overview of the San Marino retailing and wholesale, industrial, food and wine, tax and banking system. Precious information with sub-titles in English and Chinese. Also written in these same two languages is the brochure “San Marino, your business partner” which will be distributed to all pavilion visitors and during the course of the official meetings of the San Marino delegation in China.

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countries are taking part together with over 50 international organizations. During the course of 184 days (six months), about 80 million visitors are expected. This represents a fantastic opportunity to present our Country, with all its strong points, as a tourist destination. The Chinese market is growing fast. Today, most of the world’s tourists are Chinese. Intercepting these tourist flows to Europe, and specifically to Italy, is of enormous strategic importance. And to strengthen such promotion, the Ministry for Tourism has signed an operating agreement with the large San Marino/Italian tour operator “San Marino Viaggi Italcamel”, in Shanghai for the past five years, which also organizes Educational trips to San Marino for Chinese tour operators. This year, China will be the centre attraction of the Etnofestival days, the yearly event dedicated to the culture, music and gastronomy of individual countries. The San Marino pavilion project, created by AMSTUDIO, entitled “The City State. The world’s smallest and oldest Republic”, makes the general Expo theme title - Better city, better life – its own. San Marino thus presents itself as a virtuous declination of the Expo theme. A way of remembering that inspiration can be taken from the past to develop the future according to exemplary values that can be shared at all latitudes. San Marino pavilion project


it ers niv Rector of the U

The first ever Official Material and Structural Test Laboratory has been set up in the Republic of San Marino. This means even more instruments in support of the students of Civil Engineering – the degree course started in 2007 in conjunction with the Modena and Reggio Emilia University – who are now able to perform tests and experiments in the newlyborn laboratory in Dogana. y, Gio The Official opening took place last 23 rgio Petroni April, with the participation of the Minister for Education and Culture, Romeo Morri, the Rector of San Marino University, Giorgio Petroni, and the Director of the Degree Course in Civil Engineering, Marcello Tarantino. The importance of the event was also underscored by the participation of numerous young students, building contractors, professional persons and representatives of local and neighbouring Associations. The Material and Structural Test Laboratory provides crucial backing to lecturers, researchers and students who, during the course of their didactic and research activities, will be able to perform control tests on building and construction materials. In particular on traditional and high-performance concretes (such as fibrereinforced or self-compacting concretes), bricks, floor materials, natural stones, sands, gravels, steels for standard and pre-stressed reinforced concrete and for metal structures, masonry subject to static and dynamic loads, real-scale products and structural components. The Laboratory has been fitted out with innovative and latest-generation equipment, thanks to which it will be possible to perform tests on prefabricated products

and real-scale structural components, to monitor existing buildings, to test and check the calibration of materialtesting instruments. The machines with which the laboratory is equipped allow performing tests aimed at determining the mechanical characteristics of concretes, bending behaviour , cutting of structural elements and durability of reinforced concrete structures. In other words, a new and concrete answer of the University, able to reconcile the requirements of the industry and building sectors, in which technological development must necessarily coincide with that of materials. Thanks to research and scientific analysis of materials, the experts will be able to place at the disposal of builders and designers high-performance materials able to provide, from time to time, suitable solutions to specific technical requirements. Through the definition of the characteristics of the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of materials – essential for controlling their behaviour once they have entered the production process – the Laboratory will be able to provide a major contribution to technological progress and to those sectors tied to civil and industrial constructions. Official Material and Structural Test Laboratory Address: Via Fondo Ausa, 64 - Dogana

ANIS National Association of San Marino Industry

A chance to learn more about the provisions of the new Italian laws relating to the machine directive and to consider their implications for San Marino companies. This in brief is the aim of the seminar organised by the San Marino National Industrialists’ Association, during the course of which expert speakers - Lawyer Giorgio Caramori, Ing. Fabrizio Bindi and Tullio Francioni – examined the amendments introduced by Italian legislative decree no. 17 dated 27 January 2010. Aspects of an application and procedural nature such as, for example, definitions and field of application, the compilation and contents of technical files, the introduction of new figures for the marking procedure and major new aspects concerning the “partly-completed” machinery concept and the amendment of the conformity evaluation procedures to cater for essential safety requirements. A provision involving a broad range of categories: machine designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers, distributors and installers, as well as machine-user employers.

BANCA Banca Agricola Commerciale AGRICOLA

BAC celebrates the ninetieth anniversary of its foundation and does so by once again reiterating its commitment towards being not only a simple bank and financial product sales network, but an ideal partner for economic and private operators, and continuing to DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO follow a virtuous development path. At the centre of its business activities is a founding value – customer relations – and the strong desire to invest in its own human resources, as befits a bank which, since it was established, has always tried and regularly found the best way of interacting with the San Marino social and economic fabric. A well-rooted awareness, which finds expression in many achievements: from confirmation of the positive trend indicated by the financial statement figures to the opening of new management offices. COMMERCIALE

Credito Industriale Sammarinese

The Shareholders’ Meeting approved the balance sheet for the 2009 business year. This showed the great solidity of the bank, which this year celebrates 30 years of business activity. Despite the past business year having been significantly affected by events beyond the control of the Bank and which impacted the San Marino financial system as a whole, the CIS, backed as it is by the adequate gearing of overall capital levels achieved over the years thanks to smart budget policies and correct liquidity risk management, in 2009 achieved a management result amounting to Euro 15.8 million. An increase of over one million compared to the previous business period, which produced accruals for credit value adjustments amounting to approx. 9.3 million Euro; the net profit for the period, amounting to Euro 5.092 million, was fully allotted to the Reserves, in a perspective of further strengthening. Following these decisions, the Bank’s net equity reached 92 million Euro compared to 87 million in the previous year with a 27.3% Core Tier 1.

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CLUB ESTERO 2.0 Internationalization tricks in the Internet era Training for would-be entrepreneurs, training for San Marino companies, training for quality certification. Ever since it was first established, the Chamber of Commerce has always reiterated just how important all-round training is for the Country’s growth. This because there is a deep-rooted conviction that only through the filter of culture and the acquisition of greater expertise is it possible to understand the world that surrounds us and make our endeavours within the country truly effective. Whatever these endeavours are: from opening a business to positioning on international markets, from computerization to the promotion of human resources. For these reasons, the Chamber of Commerce is strongly committed to supporting internationalization and computerization training activities. Three keywords to re-launch San Marino companies. Three complex universes that work better when they interact in favour of a common objective: to increase penetration on foreign markets. And to help companies along this difficult path, the Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Marketing Informatico, has organized the cycle of Club Estero 2.0 meetings. Three seminars focused on “Internationalization in the Internet era”, handson meeting during which concrete elements will be provided that are operatively applicable to companies, together with case histories of companies that have successfully used integrated online/off line techniques and winning methods both online and off line. The seminars – open to all San Marino operators will be staged at the Grand Hotel Primavera from 2 pm to 6 pm: 6 May Is it true that the web is a sales aid? 20 May Is Steve Jobs (Apple) right? Be different to be effective… 17 June B2bxbc2xb2c2… How to increase contacts and sales! For info and to register: tel. 0549.980380 - (internationalization/seminar section)

C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca Agricola Commerciale, Banca di San Marino, Cassa di Risparmio and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi

Year II - March-April 2010 - n. 5 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail:

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STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department and Public Relations Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department

Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies

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