Year II May-June 2010 n. 6
in san marino
E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager
“The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it” Oscar Wilde It is an undeniable fact that the world economic downturn has brought to light the limits and the contradictions of the economy of the third millennium. Each one of us, either directly or indirectly, has experienced the effects of the financial crisis that has affected the entire planet. From businesspersons to workers, to young people approaching the job market for the first time and families. But were we to attempt to draw a true picture of the changes under way, we could hardly fail to show that in the field of economics, growth has never followed a linear path. On the contrary, instability and metamorphosis have always been the inevitable consequences of a break in static equilibrium, and to some extent represent the face of progress in the age of capitalism.
Numerous are the theories put forward as to the causes of the crisis. Equally numerous are the attempts to formulate systems to avoid them. In particular, reference has constantly been made to history to identify empirical invariables affecting duration able to make future forecasts possible. Consequently, whenever we try and make comparisons with the current economic crisis, identifying economic occurrences with similar characteristics could prove useful. A critical view of history could well represent the right way of finding our bearings. If, on the one hand, this would provide concrete data on which to base ourselves and models to imitate, on the other, it should also tell us which paths not to follow. And in this framework, it would be a good idea to best use the experiences of the past to ideally manage the course of events.
More than this, the means we have today at our disposal to prevent and face the courses and re-courses of history are most definitely more effective and immediate, thanks to the fact that we can obtain information in real time and communicate with any part of the world whenever we wish. That is why it is important to exploit this advantage in our favour and work together, cooperate, each according to his/her own sphere of competence and responsibilities, with the aim of transforming this difficult period into a new opportunity. It is precisely from this awareness that the commitment of the Chamber of Commerce stems in favour of San Marino companies: from the free consultancy service for the Incentive Decree, to detailed information on our website, and the ongoing promotion of training, internationalisation and computerization.
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The Shanghai Expo:
the San Marino economic system introduces itself to China The commitment of the Republic of San Marino to take part in one of the world’s major international events: the Universal Exposition 2010 in Shanghai, began in 2008. Starting with the pavilion exhibition idea and concept, through the creation of the brand, the setting up of the Consultation Committee and Commissariat, the photographic competition, the postage stamp issue and the creation of a special website. A painstaking job, in which attention to detail was paramount and which over the years harmonized the action of public offices, companies and the public. And the result of this interaction soon became evident, considering the San Marino pavilion is attracting over 10,000 visitors a day. Interior designs that promote the specific historical, institutional and economic aspects of the world’s smallest and oldest Republic, and which wonderfully sum up and amplify the love which the people of San Marino have for the Land of Liberty. Inaugurated on May 1, the Expo will, until 31 October, be an attraction for millions of visitors and delegations from all over the world. With its 5.28 sq km of exhibition space along the Hangpu River, the Shanghai Expo has as its theme “Better City, Better Life”, intent on exploring urban lifestyles in the 21st century, to reflect on the evolution of cities in the light of growing multicultural integration and the need for greater cooperation between countries.
For details: or (Promotion Fair section)
O & BR O
To provide an overview of the San Marino commercial, industrial, food and wine, tax and banking system, the Chamber of Commerce has produced a four-minute video (in conjunction with San Marino RTV) and a brochure to be distributed to all the pavilion visitors. Both the video and the brochure, created specifically for the Expo, are in English and Chinese and are available on website
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Specifically to optimise the participation of San Marino in the Shanghai Expo, a representation of the Chamber of Commerce, made up of Director General Massimo Ghiotti and two members of the Board of Directors, Silvano Andreani and Paride Bugli visited the Chinese city together with the head of delegation, Gian Franco Terenzi (President of the San Marino / China friendship Association) and Paolo Rondelli (President of the ANIS – San Marino National Industry Association). A number of top-level institutional meetings were held, such as that with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, which showed itself interested and desirous to cooperate with that of San Marino, and those with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai, Chamber of International Commerce Shanghai and the Shanghai Federation of Industry & Commerce.
nr. 1, an area set aside for the small States of Europe, the San Marino pavilion makes the theme of the expo its own by presenting itself as the only example in the world of “City-State”, carefully constructed through many centuries of history and which can well represent a subject of investigation for the city of the future. The central environment hosts a true-scale copy of the Statue of Liberty and the exhibition path winds its way clockwise along the theme areas located around the central courtyard. The view of the statue accompanies visitors along a historicalcultural route, to discover, through specific information spaces, the particular aspects of the City-State: history and traditions, events and tourism, institutions and citizens; the relation between territory and the economy; culture. The north-east section of the Pavilion is occupied by an elevated floor which hosts the administrative and representative functions.
ION L I AVin Area Located C, dedicated to P Europe and inside the Joint Pavilion
Fabio Berardi Minister of Tourism Minister Berardi, what are the most important measures taken by your Ministry since you were appointed to office in November 2008? Above all, there is the adoption of a new operating strategy based on a number of concrete facts: tourism is an industry to all effects and as such has to be managed; tourism is the economic sector which, more than any other, is best able to withstand the global economic downturn and even show signs of growth; San Marino is a country with a strong tourist vocation, with unique aspects to be promoted that have even been declared as exceptional by the Unesco. The strategy I have adopted therefore is based on the promotion of concrete elements that make San Marino a historical “case” unique in Europe and a destination with widespread appeal, and on setting up a new tourism governance system, bringing together four different Ministries, the CVB (Convention and Visitors’ Bureau) and all the players in the tourist field, i.e., the representatives of the trade and hospitality categories, in order to develop shared lines of action. “System” policies have also been adopted in relations with neighbouring bodies. The logic of competition has finally been set aside and synergies are now being created. First and foremost, the advantage of cooperation with the Emilia Romagna region and the province of Rimini, has resulted in a strengthening of the effectiveness of the measures taken by the various bodies involved, each with its own resources and attractions, for the promotion of the district, seen as a complex and dynamic whole, able to provide answers and stimulation to diversified flows of visitors. In this context, San Marino has acquired a plus value status for the entire area, from Montefeltro to the Adriatic Riviera, as a sovereign State, with an exemplary history and an original political system. But also because of the country’s very particular morphology and the beauty of its countryside and landscape. Ours is the only Mountain that stands out from the others of the Apennines, from Emilia down to Puglia thanks to its three peaks dominated by fortresses. The synergy with the surrounding district translates into jointly-organised events such as the Moto GP or SuperBike, but also in our taking part in decisional bodies. For the first time since 2009, our representa-
tives have a place with right to vote in Rimini’s marketing tourist agency. The mutual cooperation strategy also translates into agreements like that with the Port Authorities of Ravenna, and in the support provided within international bodies to ensure large events come to Rimini, with benefits for our country too. This is the case, for example of the Congress of the Bureau International du Tourisme Social to be staged in Rimini in September, and which will be preceded by a seminar in San Marino on 23 July. Among the other new ideas introduced by me is the census of events in order to optimise financial and organisational resources in relation to the quality level and ability to attract visitors and promote the image of San Marino reflected in every event. The other line of action on which I have closely focused is a new communication campaign to re-qualify the image of the Republic and for its strategic repositioning based on Unesco recognition. I can say that the results achieved at the end of 2009 were pretty successful: the first quarter started with a -17.5%. Subsequently, compared to a WTO forecast of -8% for the European tourist movement, San Marino closed with a -2.7%, recovering 15 percentage points. I am more than ever convinced that tourism is a key economy booster. Above all in 2010, a year in which the economic downturn was joined by that of the media. Tourism appears to be the only remaining means of reflecting a positive image of the country. Let’s talk about the Shanghai Expo: how did San Marino’s participation affect the Republic’s image? Participation in the Shanghai Expo showed itself to be a real identity revealing factor. All the preparatory work, involving offices, and business and cultural spheres, produced a selection of our most representative distinctive elements, which were taken to the Expo to narrate San Marino to a global public. And San Marino hit the mark. Our Statue of Liberty has been photographed like a star, together with the costumes of the Captains Regent;
our dearest symbols are those most appreciated by the numerous visitors to the pavilion: an average number of about 10,000 a day. Our Expo day, 4th June, was a triumph for our flagthrowers. An exciting reception well narrated by young Matteo Ciacci, who grasped all the positive aspects of our participation. What other initiatives have you undertaken to increase the exposure of the Republic ? We have intensified participation in a number of selected international trade-fairs and started a new and intense education activity centred on tour operators, who have been invited to San Marino to see for themselves and experience the world’s smallest and oldest Republic, to enjoy its wholesome specialities, to admire its wonderful views, to breathe the good air, and appreciate all the quaintness of the medieval old-town centre, where shopping attractions take nothing away from the romanticism of the ancient stones. The last educations brought about 200 Russian buyers to the Republic, the owners of travel agencies and 250 international congress tourism operators. They expressed great satisfaction with their visit. The results of these activities, including the Shanghai Expo, the agreements with other countries and with the Port of Ravenna, will appear evident not only in the short term but above all in the medium-long term. For example, the excursions of cruise ship passengers from Ravenna will this year be around 26, like in 2009, but in 2011 the number is all set to increase to over 100.
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S PECIAL Statistical Activity: collection starts of 2009 financial statements There’s time until 31 August 2010 The Chamber of Commerce has begun collecting the financial statements for 2009 in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 71 dated 2004, which indicates as one of the duties of the Chamber of Commerce “acquiring economic, financial and statistical details from economic operators […] in order to complete studies, research work and publications on the situation of the San Marino economy”. On the basis of such details, at the end of every year, the Chamber of Commerce compiles the “Report on economic trends”, an in-depth look at the economic situation in our Republic and a useful tool for both those who already do business and work in San Marino and for those who intend investing in our country. In this respect, the cooperation of all business operators is extremely important. They are in fact obliged to enter their details through the website https:\\ or through the Chamber of Commerce website by clicking on the banner enter financial statements, located on the homepage. It is important to emphasise how the software developed by the Chamber of Commerce to enter financial statements is the only tool available in the Republic for collecting financial statement and economic financial statement data in digital form and making these immediately available for statistical processing. This means greater computerization and above all the chance to constantly upgrade the quality of services according to the indications provided by the companies themselves. Thanks to their suggestions in fact, substantial changes have been made to make the software even faster and easy to use by the companies in terms of compilation. The analysis of the data in aggregate form also enables the system to automatically check financial statement balancing, and allows the Chamber of Commerce to place at the disposal of companies a report showing a number of corporate performance indices (available on request free of charge). ECONOMIC STATISTICS Besides the yearly “Report on economic trends”, the Chamber of Commerce also publishes a twiceyearly Analysis of the economic situation, the result of a telephone survey carried out on a sample range of San Marino companies. This provides an immediate picture of the growth prospects of the economy and on the mood of confidence existing among companies, through the observation of the major economic indicators. The last Analysis of the economic situation was presented a few weeks ago and is available on the website in the Economic Statistics section (Executive Summary also available in English).
SIMONA MICHELOTTI - President of the Chamber of Commerce “Strong commitment continues towards statistical activities, a precious ally that helps us understand how San Marino companies are tackling the crisis, examine the effects of the downturn and try and find adequate solutions”.
Guida Titano 2010 Economic business directory of the Republic of San Marino
is now available
Request your copy and access details of over 5000 companies! Phone: +378 0549 980380 - 4 may-june 2010
in san marino
Big success for this year’s Ecomercatale, an event that attracts thousands of visitors every year. This eco-compatible technologies and products fair, organised by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, with the Coordination of Agenda 21 and the Borgo Maggiore Town Council, to foster awareness among the resident population on environment sustainability issues, once again showed itself to be highly popular. Over thirty exhibitors presented a broad range of eco-compatible solutions, from electric cars to photovoltaic and low-energy lighting, from bio-building products to material recycling and composting. Workshops, shows, music, films, games and quizzes kept children and adults interested during the two days of the event. Another big success were the food and wine stands – new for 2010 – set up by the Mycological Association, which presented delicious organic-food and 0-km menus.
Winner of the scholarship for Master in Quality and Product Certification in Agri-Food Companies, sponsored by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, is Pietro Severi, post-graduate in Biological Sciences with Biosanitary specialisation. After brilliantly passing the interview at the company CTQ SpA of Poggibonsi, he has already started attending class lessons and will continue his experience with a 600-hour workshop at the Chamber of Commerce to follow the project centred on accompanying companies towards quality certification. This activity goes to back the Advance San Marino project presented by the Ministries for Industry, Trade and Crafts, for Tourism and Economic Programming and for the Territory and Environment and approved by the Government.
S EMINARS The cycle of Club Estero 2.0 seminars organised by the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with Marketing Informatico has come to a close. The three seminars focused on “Internationalisation in the Internet age”, with practical encounters during which concrete elements were provided operatively applicable to companies, case histories of companies which have successfully used integrated online/off line methods. The aim of the Chamber of Commerce is to provide active support to San Marino enterprises wishing to launch out onto foreign markets or upgrade cooperation already under way and make it more incisive. And in the third millennium, the most efficient way to do this is to combine training with computerisation.
Y OUNG ENTREPRENEURS All eleven projects presented by aspiring entrepreneurs from San Marino, who had requested access to the subsidized credit provided for by Law no. 134 dated 24th November 1997, were approved by the Commission for Young and Female Entrepreneurs. The proposals involved various types of activity ranging from to sport for infants and from hobbies to entertainment for young and old alike. The Commission - chaired by the Secretary of State for Industry and consisting of the Secretary of State for Labour, representatives of the sector associations ANIS, OSLA, USOT, USC and UNAS, the University, a representative of the Credit Institute and one from the Chamber of Commerce - granted concessions in various forms including non-recoverable grants, subsidized credit, partial exemption from social security contributions and tax exemptions.
A NALYSIS OF THE ECONOMIC SITUATION The results have been presented of the analysis of the economic situation made by the Chamber of Commerce together with the company, Servabit. A survey which, twice-yearly, checks the state of health of the San Marino economy. By means of a telephone questionnaire involving a sample of 500 companies, the study provides a prompt indication of the growth prospects of the economy and of the mood of confidence existing among companies through the observation of major economic indicators. The complete text is available on website (Economic Statistics section)
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rco Arz
Equally satisfied was the Minister for Industry, Marco Arzilli, who stressed how “the internationalisation of the economy is an ind r In o f creasingly greater priority ster Mini for this Ministry, both to open up or strengthen trade relations between San Marino companies and those belonging to major world markets like that of India, and to make known the opportunities which San Marino has to offer foreign investors interested in Europe and not only”. us tr y
The Pearl. This is how the Consul General of San Marino in New Delhi, Analjit Singh, described San Marino during the course of his recent visit. And like that precious gem, our Republic too is hard to find, but once discovered, reveals itself in all its magic light. A metaphor which clearly explains just how fascinating the world’s smallest and oldest Republic is in the eyes of the people of India, so geographically and culturally distant. All the excellences of San Marino and relations between San Marino and India were at the centre of the meeting between the Consul General, Analjit Singh and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Industry, the Trade Associations (ANIS, OSLA, UNAS, USC and USOT), the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, the Terra di San Marino Consortium and the Consorzio Vini Tipici. The Trade Associations and the Chamber of Commerce illustrated to the Consul the Country system, the opportunities and the advantages of trade relations with the Republic of San Marino. The short-term goals have already been set: presentation and promotion of agri-food produce at New Delhi, tied to the food and wine sector and consistent with the aims of the Advance San Marino inter-departmental project; tourist promotion measures by including San Marino as a destination in organised tours departing from India for Italy. In the medium term, on the other hand, focus will be placed on strengthening ties between the respective Chambers of Commerce and trade associations, with the intent of bringing together the supply and demand needs of the respective companies. Precisely for this reason, the Chamber of Commerce will soon be carrying out a survey among San Marino companies to determine which of them already have trade relations with India and which on the other hand are interested in establishing such relations. Finally, Consul Singh announced the intention of organising an event in New Delhi for next November, during which to present and promote the San Marino system. This would represent a first appointment, with the idea of making it a yearly one, in order to show India the different aspects of our Republic.
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A positive consideration from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, r Fo or f r Antonella Mularoni: “We s te Mini cannot but be satisfied with this initiative promoted by the San Marino Consul General in New Delhi. First of all, because it will very definitely prove useful for the promotion of the San Marino system. Furthermore, it will enable the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to strengthen its bilateral relations with India which, as rightly underlined by the Consul at the meeting, more than a country, is a real subcontinent”.
Anton ella Mularoni
M EMBERS’ AREA MINISTRY OF CULTURE 17th July 2010: Dawn on the Mountain
Minister for Cultur
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Ancient Republic of Liberty, but also of art, music, films and food and wine. A Country that has much to offer, where a lively cultural environment combines with the appeal of a magnificent landscape, and which for centuries has cherished its ability to reward visitors, and the people eo of San Marino, with scenery of rare Mo rri beauty. A heritage to be promoted and narrated. This is the spirit which prompted the Ministry of Culture to organise Dawn on the Mountain, the event which for the entire night of 17th July, until dawn on the 18th, will animate the places declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO (Historical Centres of the City of San Marino and Borgo Maggiore). Nor will the other Townships of the Republic be forgotten; in fact, during the days before the 17th July, they will be organising a series of initiatives for the occasion. An appointment much awaited after the success of last year’s event which brought to San Marino nearly 40,000 people. Fun and entertainment galore at the astonishing SIPA CLUB airport at the Cava degli Umbri, which will embark hundreds and hundreds of travellers until the new day dawns, amid raving announcements, music and delicious culinary specialities. All motorcycling fans can enjoy the Trial World Championship which will be stopping over at the Baldasserona Motocross track on Sunday, 18 July. The event, organised by the San Marino Motorcycle Federation, will see the acrobats of international motorcycling challenge one another in a competition only just within the bounda-
ries of physics. Dawn on the Mountain continues with the much awaited concert of Monica Hill and Luca Grassi, well-known San Marino artists, folk and liscio dance music, theatre, dance, films under the stars and open-air disco, exhibitions, photography, paintings, crafts, dawn excursions. The mighty fortresses will again be brought back to their ancient splendour, the museums will stay open for the numerous visitors, no aspect of San Marino culture will be forgotten. The culinary art will also enjoy its moment of glory with traditional menus presented by the restaurants of the historical centre, open until late at night. Bread, oil, cheeses, piadina, honey and local wines will again play lead role on the stands of the Consorzio Terra di San Marino and Consorzio Vini Tipici and – to top it all – the delicious San Marino cakes of the ”Serenissima” Ancient Cake Factory. For the occasion the car parks and cable-car service will be free of charge and a shuttle service will link the car parks to the Historical Centre; a truly packed calendar of events to suit all tastes and all ages, the complex organisation of which has required the cooperation of all the San Marino Township Councils with the patronage of all the State Ministries, from Culture to Tourism, Industry and Justice. A night-long party, awaiting the dawn in a magic atmosphere inside the Republic’s centuries-old boundaries, the gaze embracing a spectacle that starts from the peaks of the Apennine mountains and sweeps down to the seaside resorts of the Adriatic coast. Detailed programme available from:
Banca di San Marino
The Banca di San Marino group, partner of the Ecomercatale fair staged last 29-30 May, took part in the event by promoting the purchase and use of alternative materials by the general public. This would not only permit saving money, but also considerably upgrade the quality of life. To all San Marino residents interested in investing in sustainability (purchase of photovoltaic panels, solar panels, replacement of boilers, purchase of cars running on natural gas or LPG, disposal of Eternit asbestos roofs, etc.) the bank offers Eco-Sustainable Financing at the quarterly Euribor rate + 0.30% (currently 1%). A small investment today, for a great future tomorrow.
San Marino Organisation of Entrepreneurs A workshop to understand how to use and the advantages, at bureaucratic and IT level, of CERTIFIED ELECOrganizzazione Sammarinese degli Imprenditori TRONIC MAIL has been organised by the San Marino Organisation of Entrepreneurs to promote, through an in-depth study day, more efficient administrative development in San Marino. The numerous participants were thus able to become more closely acquainted with the Certified Electronic Mail service, whereby text messages can be sent and received in electronic format having the same legal validity as a registered letter with recorded delivery. A tool so simple as to be revolutionary, and which enables people (often entangled in red tape) to save space, time and money.
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Web 2010 Award Vote your favourite website and win! Just started, the sixth Web Award competition promoted by the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Cassa di Risparmio of San Marino, which each year rewards the best websites of the Republic of San Marino. A competition created to promote and reward those who best manage to enhance, through the web, design, creativity, language, but also the technical solutions adopted, with focus on website architecture, display speed and type of programming. The competition is based on the judgement expressed by popular vote, and consequently all the Internet users can vote their favourite website between 12 July and 31 October 2010, by visiting (or clicking on the banner in homepage and following the instructions indicated in the regulations. A first stage involves identifying the website that has obtained the most votes and is therefore nominated “Prince of the Web”. The second stage on the other hand envisages the setting up of a technical jury which, after splitting the websites up into pre-established types, chooses the winners for each category. The technical commission is made up of communication, graphics and usability experts, web architects and programming and software solution experts. The names of the winners in the categories: a) websites of industrial enterprises; b) websites of the Public Administration, no-profit concerns, associations; c) websites of artisan firms, shops and tourist enterprises; d) websites of private individuals, will be presented on the Web Award website and published on the Chamber of Commerce’s publishing products.
From among all those who have cast a vote, three prizes will be drawn: a portable PC, a mobile phone and a digital camera, to be awarded during the official prize-giving ceremony to be held by end November. The success of the Web Award has been steadily on the increase, which just goes to show how the promotion of San Marino excellencies cannot ignore the Internet, a crucial resource for giving fresh impulse to our business world and promoting it at local and international level.
VOTE: For more details: (Events section)
C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca Agricola Commerciale, Banca di San Marino, Cassa di Risparmio and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi
Year II - May-June 2010 - n. 6 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail:
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STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department and Public Relations Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department
Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies