n. 2010/9 Made in San Marino EN

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Year II November-December 2010 n. 9

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INTERVIEW Claudio Podeschi, Minister for Health Meeting San Marino - Slovenia Impressionists in San Marino Mission to India Members’ area

E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager

What a country can do to become competitive is to a large extent in its own hands Mario Monti – economist Protectionism and free trade. Outsourcing and employment. Self-sufficiency and competitive edge. Many are the contradictions and issues which the debate on globalisation brings with it. Ethical, social and economic issues that overwhelm and pervade the lives of individuals and strongly affect the equilibriums of States. Controversial issues which the European Union has tried to address by defining a specific growth strategy contained within the Treaty of Lisbon, which attempts to reconcile sustainable development with social cohesion and the protection of the environment in a system of free competition. But the crisis which companies have been forced to address over the last two years has again brought to the fore the age-old discourse on the role of the State in economic development, on its capacity to favour it and speed it up, by adopting or not direct intervention measures as regards

monetary, trade and tax policies. Variables these that have the ability to condition the economic universe and the expectations of businesspersons and investors. On the one hand, it is easy to appreciate how, in periods of economic downturn, Governments tend to stimulate domestic consumption by focusing on a sense of belonging to the community and on the axiom whereby spending one’s money in local economic concerns means supporting the area as a whole and therefore has positive benefits for the entire population. On the other hand, it is precisely in times of crisis like these that companies are fielding their resources, their capacity to innovate to remain competitive on a market that counts potential consumers at global level. For these reasons, it is important to provide economic operators with support in the complex process of acquiring cognitive, technological and bureaucratic instruments to help them grow and make their endeavours more effective, both in and outside the local area. And this is precisely the approach adopted by the Chamber of Commerce in

its activities in favour of San Marino companies. Activities that start precisely with the promotion of local economic concerns to which is provided informative and formative backing, through the organisation of targeted events and initiatives, assistance in dealing with bureaucratic formalities in accordance with precise standards laid down in the Service Charter, support in favour of young entrepreneurship and by acting as a go-between with the Public Administration. On the other hand, the broad range of initiatives dedicated to internationalisation, the setting up of the Club Estero, the seminars, a whole range of publications in English – including a website packed with regularly updated information – and relations with the diplomatic corps point to a strong desire to open the horizons of San Marino companies and introduce them to new scenarios. This of course means increasing skills in order to find a place on the international economic scene and therefore harmonising the protection of local enterprises with globalisation – a challenge which, more than ever today, we are called upon to take up.

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San Marino and Slovenia now even closer Bilateral agreements that facilitate the circulation of individuals and trade. And above all, an old friendship created following the recognition of Slovenia as an independent country by the Republic of San Marino, among the first countries in the world to do so, in far off 1992. Many are the stages in the historical ties between the two countries. Many are the common traits underscored by the Ambassador of the Slovenian Republic in Italy, Iztok Mirošič, during the course of his meeting with the President of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, Simona Michelotti. A meeting strongly desired by the Ambassador who, during his visit to the republic for the presentation of his credentials to the Captains Regent, met a number of San Marino economic operators to strengthen and concretize already existing ties. A definite desire for cooperation which the Ambassador said he hoped might lead to the signing of a concrete agreement between the Chambers of Commerce of the two countries, naturally after more in-depth discussions and exchange of information on the trading and economic activities of San Marino and Slovenia. The meeting also proved to be an excellent chance to learn more about the Slovenian Republic’s experience as regards the European Union membership process. A strategic decision which, so the Ambassador said, has enabled the country to achieve a growth which would have otherwise been impossible.

www.cc.sm Internationalisation/ Foreign Delegations

Simona Michelotti President of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce “It was fascinating to listen to the Ambassador recount the process that resulted in Slovenia’s becoming a member of the European Union – says Simona Michelotti, President of the Chamber of Commerce – . A difficult process, full of obstacles, which did not however prevent such a young and small country from achieving the goal it had set itself. The Ambassador then went on to emphasise how the long-sightedness and commitment of their representatives in international organisations had been crucial for achieving such an ambitious objective which, besides bringing numerous benefits, represents a real value added factor in this increasingly more globalised world”.

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The Best Idea to be the Protagonist 2 november-december 2010

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Claudio Podeschi Minister for Health

Which have been the most important reforms since you took office? Many and multifaceted are the reform measures implemented by the Ministry of Health. To start with, from a legislative viewpoint, the San Marino Bioethics Committee was set up (Law 29.01.2010 no. 34) which, thanks to its team of experts, projects our Republic onto the international experimentation circuit. Another major step forward was taken with Law no. 57 dated 27 April 2009, “Regulation of health measures for the mentally handicapped”, which bridged a legislative gap affecting this delicate subject. Other major provisions involved the reorganisation of the ISS (National Health System), both as regards the administrative part and the medical-professional part, family allowances, provisions in favour of the elderly and disabled persons requiring private assistance, and also a project in conjunction with San Marino University for preventing obesity in youngsters.

How are relations with Italy as regards the health system? I should like to answer with a quip by Hon. Ferruccio Fazio, Italian Health Minister: “The relations between Italy and San Marino are not improvable” in the sense that things could not be better. For example, we have recently signed two new agreement protocols relating to cosmetic products, biocides and medical-surgical products. On 21 January 2010 on the other hand, the “Framework law on the use of human blood, cells, tissues and organs” was passed which transposes the European directives and puts us in a position to operate in total synergy with Italy. Finally, we should not forget the agreement with the Emilia Romagna Region on the exchange of health services. In what way does the Ministry affect the economic life of our Republic? Certainly, the reorganisation of the State Hospital is having a strong effect in this sense. Our intention is to provide top-quality services, thanks to the support of professionals in the sec-

tor, who are also able to attract resources. A good example is the Bioethics Committee, which because of the way it is set up and of its extremely high level of specialisation, is able to attract the attention of companies in the surrounding district and not only. What contribution is the Ministry of Health giving and what contribution can it give in the future to the growth of private and public enterprises tied to the health sector? Very definitely, the two bodies set up within the National Health Service – the Authority and the Bioethics Committee – represent two important points of reference for companies linked to the health sector. It is precisely thanks to the role of these two bodies in fact that we are able to follow developments within the health world, in an ongoing relationship of exchange with nearby Italy.

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Impressionists in San Marino Immoral, rebellious, indecorous. Exposed to public derision, they were scorned and laughed at. Thinking back, the debut of the by now extremely famous and highly popular exponents of French Impressionism can hardly be considered a lucky one. The centrality of the artists’ emotions, their refusal of conventions and their attention to colours rather than to the drawing, to substance more than shape, and a total estrangement from the subject of the work, such as to convey historical, religious and profane themes onto the same plane: the decision of the panel of judges of Paris’ Academie des Beux-Arts not to exhibit the over 3000 works of what were then called “independent artists” can hardly be wondered at. Luckily, these same works found a welcome at the Salon des Refusés, an event organised in 1863 by the Emperor Napoleon III, alongside the official exhibition, which naturally met with the strongest disapproval of the orthodox thinkers and critics of the period. Ten years still had to pass before artists of the calibre of Monet, Sisley, Degas, Renoir, Pissarro, Cézanne, Guillaumin, Bracquemond, and the lady painter, Berthe Morisot, organised the first Impressionist Exhibition in the workshop of the photographer Nadar, thus sparking the Impressionist movement. A refusal that turned into an opportunity, and finally a worldwide success. A story that relives, from 23 October 2010 to 27 March 2011, amid the walls of the renovated Palazzo SUMS, in the heart of the Republic of San Marino. Promoter of the exhibition “Monet, Cézanne, Renoir e altre storie di pittura in Francia” (Monet, Cézanne, Renoir and other French painting stories), alongside that at Castel Sismondo in Rimini, “Parigi. Gli anni meravigliosi. Impressionismo contro Salon” (Paris. The wonderful years. Impressionism versus Salon) is in fact the Fondazione San Marino Cassa di Risparmio SUMS. Twenty-five paintings that project the spectator into the Paris of the mid-19th century, into the atmospheres and venues of the impressionists, into a magic that only art is able to evoke. A chance to spend a pleasant weekend in the world’s oldest Republic, a Unesco world heritage site, once more ready to astonish its visitors by again evoking its vocation for culture, tourism and food and wine. www.cc.sm (Events)

Tito Masi

President of the Fondazione San Marino Cassa di Risparmio S.U.M.S.

The strength of critical proposals, the certainty of the effectiveness of the Tourism-Art binomial as prime mover of economic growth, together with the statutory aims of the Fondazione San Marino for the creation of culture and the promotion of the country in all its social and economic aspects, has prompted us to firmly believe that, not only the people of this country, but all Art lovers will appreciate this prestigious initiative, which is sure to boost the image of San Marino.

Clelio Galassi

Romeo Morri

President of SUMS The participation of the Società Unione Mutuo Soccorso as jointsponsor, together with the Fondazione San Marino Cassa di Risparmio SUMS was strongly desired by the late President Carlo Biordi and the entire Steering Committee to give lustre to the cultural initiatives of our Country. We believe that this prestigious exhibition will mark the start of other similar cultural events able to boost the culture of art in the Republic.

Minister for Culture

Fabio Berardi

Gian Carlo Venturini

Minister for Tourism

Segreteria di Stato per l’Istruzione e la Cultura Segreteria di Stato per il Turismo e lo Sport Segreteria di Stato per il Territorio e l’Ambiente WITH THE CONTRIBUTION OF

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High-profile events help assert the identity and creative capacity of our Country, in a broad area context that sees it as a major centre of attraction. We are among the 911 sites representing global excellence. In the historical, landscape and environmental context of San Marino, art is the most effective instrument for highlighting the excitement of a stay in the world’s oldest land of freedom. And, just like tourism, art is a source of knowledge and dialogue between different nations and cultures.

The exhibition is a great opportunity for San Marino. It is a big step towards the promotion of cultural tourism with a public private synergy that ought to mark out the modus operandi of a Republic in search of a new identity, and above all of a regenerated model that combines high-ranking cultural events with resulting economic and image benefits.

Minister for Territory An exhibition of extremely high artistic standing that positions the Republic of San Marino in a prestigious and front-ranking cultural circuit. Moreover, the importance of the exhibition as an unusual and major cultural event is further enhanced by the opening to the public of a totally renovated exhibition area, modernised according to the very latest technical and scientific principles and to standards envisaged for museums, thereby making it ideal for hosting top-level artistic initiatives.

M ADE IN CAM COM C HOCOTITANO The Chamber of Commerce has taken stock of the results of the last Chocolate Fair event. And has done so on the basis of the figures: around 18,000 visitors during the course of the two-day event, which brought over 1600 kg of chocolate to Borgo Maggiore. Over 35% of visitors came from the provinces of Rimini and Pesaro, 15% from the rest of Italy and abroad and, of course, many were from San Marino itself. These figures go to show how the appeal of the event has spread to neighbouring regions and even further afield. Suffice it to say that the winner of the competition “2° Ritrovo dei Golosi”, category “chocolate lover from furthest away” was a citizen of Potenza, for Italy, of Belorussia for Europe and of Korea for the world. The “eldest chocolate lover prize” went to a 73-year-old San Marino man, while that for the youngest chocolate lover was awarded to two 4-month old twins from Fiorentino. Strong participation in the other competitions as well. organised by: The “Gioccolato” for example, which involved 15 shops, with 629 coupons played and 16 lucky winners and which above all allowed collecting € 538.46 to be donated to the Associazione Amici di Padre Marcellino. www.cc.sm (Events section)

Y OUNG ENTREPRENEURS The Commission for Young and Female Entrepreneurship once again convened to resolve on the facilitations to be granted to new business projects. The Commission, headed by the Minister for Industry and consisting of the Minister for Labour, the representatives of trade associations, the University, Banks and the Chamber of Commerce, examined ten different initiatives. The proposals of the would-be entrepreneurs involved various types of business activity: from environment consultancy to the web, food and wine production and the organisation of events. Various forms of facilitations were granted: non-refundable loans totalling € 57,816, facilitated credit totalling € 510,033.00, partial exemption of social security contributions, tax exemptions. The next Commission will convene by 30 June 2011. All those youngsters with innovative ideas, anxious to start a career as entrepreneurs should file an application with the San Marino Chamber of Commerce by 30 March 2011.

with the collaboration:

with the support:

E CONOMY DAY A day to learn more about and become better acquainted with the Report on San Marino companies - 2009 and Analysis of the Economic Situation referred to October 2010, presented by the Chamber of Commerce during the course of the Economy Day. Two punctual and updated instruments for tracing an outline of the economy of our country which will be useful to all those who already work in San Marino, but also to those who intend investing in our country. Among the speakers: the Ministers for Finance and Industry, Pasquale Valentini and Marco Arzilli, the President and the Genrale Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, Simona Michelotti and Massimo Ghiotti, and Luigi Bidoia of Servabit company. The English version of the Executive Summary of the Report is available on website ww.cc.sm (Economic Statistics Section).

www.cc.sm (Young Entrepreneurs sector)

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commitment continues of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Industry E MEE T I The San Marino



Said, done. The promotion of San Marino in India has taken shape and become a real diplomatic mission involving the delegation met Minister for Foreign Affairs, Antonella Mularoni, Preneet Kaur the Minister for Industry, Marco Arzilli, AmbassaState Minister for Foreign Affairs dor Pietro Giacomini and the Consul General of San Marino in New Delhi, Analjit Singh. Jyotiraditya M. Scindia As announced during the meeting staged last June (see “Made in State Minister for Trade and Industry San Marino” nr. 6), the San Marino delegation visited New Delhi between 11 - 17 November to strengthen relations and the historical ties of TKA Nair friendship existing for some years between India and the Republic of San Principal Secretary of the Indian Prime Minister Marino. And it did so by giving shape to those short and medium-term Chandrajit Banerjee objectives set a few months ago, meeting with high-ranking institutional Delhi Chamber of Commerce authorities and, at the same time, presenting the unique aspects of our Republic during the course of the first Day dedicated to San Marino, an event all set to become a yearly one. Furthermore, thanks to a survey carried out over the last few weeks by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, it was possible to determine which San Marino companies currently do business with India and which companies are interested in doing so, thereby making the mission’s objectives even more incisive. One of the next steps in this sense, and which stemmed directly from the on-site meetings, will be the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the respective Chambers of Commerce to work together in favour of economic growth.


“The India mission was very definitely a great occasion for laying the foundations of cooperation, stronglydesired by both countries. The meetings with the State Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Industry enabled us to discuss the agreement against double taxation and that on the protection of investments. Crucial agreements that will enable respective companies to operate according to clear, definite and transparent rules. India, one of the economic giants of our age, very definitely represents a great opportunity for us, but our Republic as well possesses the strength and the resources to present itself as a point of reference and bridge with Europe, and therefore appears especially interesting for such a large country”. 6 november-december 2010

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Marco Arzilli “Our commitment in favour of the promotion of San Marino takes place on two levels and has the precise objective, pursued during the course of this mission as well, of making our Republic attractive from an investment viewpoint. On the one hand, we are working in favour of the signing of agreements at government level, to facilitate trade and business between the two countries, and on the other, we are organising meetings and roadshows to present our Country system and strategic sectors. A successful way of operating which also continued during our visit to India, thanks to political meetings, the San Marino Day organised by our Consul in New Delhi, and to the meeting with Delhi’s major Chamber of Commerce. A concrete commitment therefore, which in 2011 will enable us to reap the first benefits of our work”.


Antonella Mularoni


sid ent ANIS

Top-level meetings for the San Marino National Industry Association. A large delegation made up of the President, Paolo Rondelli, the Director General, Carlo Giorgi, the Vice-President, Franco Capicchioni, counsellors Enzo Donald Mularoni and Roberto Renzi, official, William Vagnini and Simona Michelotti, businesswoman, former President of Anis and current President of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce, travelled to Rome to meet high-ranking executives of the Confindustria (Italian Industry Confederation). Equally numerous was the Italian delegation, which included the President, Emma Marcegaglia, the President’s Assistant, Giancarlo Coccia, the Director General, Giampaolo Galli, Giorgio Squinzi member of Confindustria’s Steering Committee and President of Federchimica, Anna Maria Artoni President of Confindustria Emilia-Romagna, Paolo Andreani President of Confindustria Marche, Maurizio Focchi President of Confindustria Rimini, Giovanni Torri and Alberto Zambianchi, President and Director of Confindustria Forlì-Cesena respectively. A quiet and constructive debate between the many protagonists of the Italian and San Marino economic scenario and a clear indication of the excellent relations existing between them. Both delegations shared their concern for the paralysis in relations between Italy and San Marino and President Marcegaglia expressed the hope that speedy solutions might be found in order to give fresh impulse to the system and create new jobs without penalizing companies all over the country. Full support therefore from Confindustria in favour of the requirements of San Pre lli, e Marino entrepreneurs. Finally, a tight work agenda was set up to tackle the many difd n Paolo Ro ficulties and make up for lost time. Sustaining the birth and growth of innovative companies and thereby favouring the creation of new jobs. This is the reason behind the setting up by the San Marino Organizzazione Sammarinese degli Imprenditori Entrepreneurs’ Association of OSL@CUBE, the first “company incubator” in the Republic of San Marino. A physical and virtual place where companies can find assistance right from their start-up phase, thanks to personalized tutoring, and the use of common meeting and interaction areas, through to actual company consolidation and the creation of an effective trading network. Extensive cooperation is envisaged with many different interlocutors: from technological districts to centres of excellence, chambers of commerce and scientific hubs. Once again this year, the institute, in cooperation with San Marino RTV will be organizing a Christmas Bingo. The event, which is very popular with the community as a whole, will be staged as usual on Christmas Eve and will star lots of new guests and present lots of new features. Prizes of up to €13,000 to be won: besides the €10,000 bingo jackpot, a further 2 prizes will be awarded. These will be doubled in the event of the winners being Banca di San Marino clients. The event will be televised live on 24 DECEMBER on San Marino RTV at 8.45 pm.

Guida Titano 2010 Economic business directory of the Republic of San Marino

is now available

Request your copy and access details of over 5000 companies! Phone: +378 0549 980380 - info@cc.sm


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lots of new ideas in support of companies ROAD HAULAGE COMPANIES AND DIGITAL CHRONO TACHOGRAPHS The bureaucratic course continues that will lead to the actual enforcement of Law 7 June 2010 no. 100, which authorises the Chamber of Commerce to issue tachograph cards. These are crucial for San Marino Road Haulers to be able to legally operate in the over 50 member states which have signed the AETR agreement (European agreement regulating the working and rest periods of international road transport vehicle crews). The Chamber of Commerce, besides drawing up the text of the San Marino reference law, is implementing the software needed to issue tachograph cards and is helping the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry for Industry to define and draw up special agreements and applicatory regulations, besides taking part in meetings on the issue. Chamber of Commerce representatives also took part in the proceedings of the 105th Working party on road transport in Geneva, precisely in order to meet the States adhering to the AETR agreement and to incorporate any updating amendments. Together with the Ministry for Industry, a number of meetings were held in Rome with the delegates of the Transport division of the Ministry for Economic Development. We should also like to recall that for some time now, a special section dedicated to road haulage companies has been available on the website www.cc.sm.

ENDORSEMENTS ON DOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES OF ORIGIN In order to comply with the requests of a number of companies, the Chamber of Commerce has drawn up the text modifying the reference law. Consequently, it will soon be able to stamp a deposit endorsement, signature conformity endorsement and signature authentication on documents relating to products intended for export. Such power was granted to it by the new “Decree on the Origin of goods and endorsements on documents” which also contains important news on the computerization of procedures relating to Certificates of Origin.

C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca Agricola Commerciale, Banca di San Marino, Cassa di Risparmio and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi

Year II - November-December 2010 - n. 9 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail: info@cc.sm

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STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department

Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies

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