Year II September-October 2010 n. 8
in san marino
E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin Let us consider the economic universe of the twenty-first century. Let us reduce the field of interest to the so-called civilized countries, those in which the State supports and promotes the setting up of new companies; where technology, information and means of communication are accessible and within the reach of everyone; where quality certification, action plans and compliance with procedures represent the compass for finding your way in the constant endeavour towards improving products, processes or provided services. Instruments and work conditions being equal, what makes the difference, what actually determines the competitiveness of a company on the global market, are people. Or as they are called today – human resources. To make the difference on today’s market, you need to exploit and strengthen individual skills. That is why, over recent decades, training has become so important, both when it comes to choosing staff and structuring work paths (ex post training), as an instrument for updating professional figures and for
adapting to environment changes. Hence update workshops and seminars are attended by increasing numbers of people, are often organised within companies themselves and are often able to rely on a dedicated company trainer. A trend that is also becoming popular with public administrations, which consider training a real substantial government lever. Only a few weeks back, the news spread that Vietnam, an emerging country, had decided to invest in training its bureaucratic cadres by sending all its top managers to a specific business school in London. A far-reaching decision that pursues the noble aim of keeping those who hold positions of public responsibility updated, for the benefit of the entire community. One thing is for sure, strong motivation and clarity in focalising objectives, along with strong self-esteem are needed to recognise the limits of one’s knowledge and go beyond them. But the excitement and the satisfaction that stem from putting into practice newly acquired skills, and the enjoyment of the results achieved thanks to them, are perhaps the strongest impulse, the stimulation able to trigger a virtuous
process of evolution, capable of reproducing and selffeeding itself. That same driving force that results in an increasing number of young post-graduates deciding to place their university training at the disposal of no profit organisations, rather than prefer a professional career which sees in the mere obtaining of a profit its only raison d’etre. Suffice it to think that from 2003 to 2009 the number of post-graduates of the Yale School of Management intent on undertaking a no profit career jumped from 1 to 9%. In its own small way, the Chamber of Commerce has always maintained the importance of all-round training as an essential element for the growth of the Republic of San Marino. Training for would-be businesspersons, training for San Marino companies, training for quality certification. This because the conviction is well-rooted that only through the filter of culture and the acquisition of greater skills will it be possible to understand the world that surrounds us and make truly effective decisions within the country – whatever their nature: from the opening of a company to positioning on international markets, computerisation and making the best use of human resources.
in san marino
september-october 2010 1
15 November - 17 December 2010 A new idea and a detailed account of it. That is all you need to take part in the sixth “A rewarding idea”, the business ideas competition organised by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce. An updated initiative, with the collaboration of San Marino Rotaract youth association, dedicated to boys and girls residing in the Republic of San Marino who attend the Upper Secondary School, the Professional Training Institute or the Higher Secondary Institutes of the district. Participants are simply required to draw up a schematic account, following a provided business plan outline (downloadable from website, of their innovative product or service ideas. These must be original or designed to upgrade the quality of already existing products or services. The account, to be sent in by 17 December 2010, will then be assessed by a Commission of San Marino entrepreneurs who will single out the most innovative and interesting project for the San Marino context. The Chamber of Commerce has always promoted young talent through active support, which has its roots set in an awareness that the country’s business future depends to a large extent on high-quality training and above all on the promotion of brilliant new ideas. A fundamental concept in order to build a society whose business dynamism is based on merit.
Simona Michelotti
President of the Chamber of Commerce
“It is most important for initiatives like this to find the strength and resources to stimulate the creativity of the young generations and give them the chance to demonstrate their desire to show what they can do and grow. It is up to us to encourage their entrepreneurial spirit because the concretization of their projects represents the key to ensuring the structural growth of our Country”.
THE PRIZES 1st prize - refund worth € 1.500,00 against costs sustained for a study period abroad (to be spent by December 2011) or to be used to attend a language course at Wall Street Institute of San Marino. Furthermore, in the event of the winner wishing to
Organization in collaboration with
concretize his/her business idea, after terminating his/her studies, this could be done thanks to a loan
from the Banca di San Marino. 2nd prize - iPad tablet computer 2 september-october 2010
in san marino
Romeo Morri Minister of Education
The relation between university training and business enterprise is becoming increasingly more important. In what way is it possible to reconcile these two worlds? “In recent decades, the tertiary higher education system, of which the university is a part, has undergone big changes, which are there for anyone to see and which have deeply modified aims, ways of operation and “product”, considered both as training output and research. No doubt at all can exist, on the other hand, that the market plays a crucial guiding role in the field of executive courses. For this reason, in San Marino too, an Advanced Training Course is being organised for graduates looking for jobs, similar to those organised in many Italian and European regions. A sort of very special “Master” course, with very special sponsors: the Chamber of Commerce, the National Industry Association, along with numerous San Marino companies (Ceramiche del Conca, SIT Group, Colombini, ASA Group, GemBB, Camar sma, Telecom Italia San Marino, Giochi del Titano, Industrie Montanari, Titancoop, Fondazione XXV Marzo, Cotes, Gies, Tecnologica, ALI). Each sponsor showed itself totally willing to put at disposal premises in which to stage the training workshops making up the Course”. More specifically “This is an initiative of special interest for San Marino, in a period of transformation of the working world and one marked, here in San Marino and other European countries, by extensive unem-
ployment among young people, including those with a university education. Society’s big concern is that it risks losing an entire generation of post graduates, young people who have great difficulty in finding jobs. The demand for specific professional skills is in fact very weak at the moment; further training is required to make candidates more appealing and interesting to employers. It is a question of helping companies to discover in these post graduates the “precious talents” they possess and which, in the field, could prove to be of “great advantage”. Have initiatives of this kind ever been tried before? “Yes, as part of the Degree Course in Industrial Design, which, in 2009, promoted workshops in which San Marino and Italian companies were involved, all with very diversified economic and production characteristics. It was a big success. For the University as well, because the aim of giving concrete and meaningful shape to research acquires extra strength when grafted onto the real life of a company”. The work of the Ministry for Culture certainly has an impact on the country. What role does communication play in this sense? “Though we are not always aware of it, at all times we communicate with others by interacting. We live through our behaviour and express ourselves through our relations with others: we are in such a state of interaction that any change in one of us immediately causes a change in all the others. All this becomes even
more important when the success of a company, a professional career, the realisation of a social goal and the management of a crisis depend on communication. And while once it was enough to know the odd foreign language to obtain a good job, today it takes a lot more to overcome the high wall of competition and the mass of information to which we are exposed daily. The methods of communication consciously applied to the various contexts, from relational to private or public, professional or educational, but also political, etc. are directed towards providing adequate instruments for better communication, enhancing inter-personal relations, giving a positive impulse to relations. It is on these foundations that “masterCom”, the master course in communication and new media of the University of San Marino was set up. This master course has existed since 2001 and has been designed especially for San Marino nationals, though open to everyone, on the basis of requirements and proposals expressed by trade representatives such as business experts, lawyers and bankers. It is a professionalising master course, i.e., it provides immediate hands-on training with concrete examples and is thus suitable for everyone, especially young people”.
in san marino
september-october 2010 3
A world of services At the heart of the administrative duties of the Chamber of Commerce are a broad range of services for companies which, to operate correctly, require bureaucratic assistance and information. The Service Charter makes it possible to become better acquainted with the six areas into which the Chamber of Commerce is split, the quality indicators and service times. Rating standards ensure, on the one hand, that clients receive services consistent with established levels and, at the same time, allow the Chamber of Commerce to upgrade the quality of its service.
Electronic Signature The electronic signature replaces the holographic signature and can be used to sign documents and emails or for certification inside a number of websites. The Chamber of Commerce, availing itself of the Italian Certification Authority, issues electronic signature smart cards and a special USB reader.
Energy Certifiers’ Register
Certificates of Origin The Chamber of Commerce issues nonpreferential certificates of origin to San Marino companies: these documents must accompany products exported abroad and certify the origin of the goods, meaning the place where the goods have undergone their last substantial production or processing operations. As indicated in the Service Charter, the quality indicator is established by the maximum time of issue which, according to applicable standards, must be immediate.
It is important to sustain the professional skills of San Marino operators, who must do their jobs in compliance with applicable laws and be in possession of specific requirements, established by law. The Chamber of Commerce is the keeping up to date of the rolls and registers of persons professionally qualified to exercise a specific activity. Among the others, the Energy certifiers’ Register contains the names of the persons qualified to operate as Energy Certifiers, energy experts for buildings, heating systems and renewable energy sources – as well as persons, qualified by means of special training courses, to check and inspect the energy performance standards of buildings. Anyone wishing to register must file a specific application with the Chamber of Commerce, complete with relevant documentation. The Energy Counter will then check conformity with legal provisions and, once this is ascertained, will express its favourable opinion. Only at this point can the Chamber of Commerce proceed with registration.
Guida Titano 2010 Economic business directory of the Republic of San Marino
is now available
Request your copy and access details of over 5000 companies! Phone: +378 0549 980380 - 4 september-october 2010
in san marino
Web Prize voting came to a close on 31 October. This competition has been conceived by the Chamber of Commerce to reward those who create the best websites in terms of aesthetics, design, creativity, language, but also technical solutions adopted, website architecture, display speed and type of programming. From among all those who expressed a valid vote by visiting the lucky winners will be extracted of a portable PC, a mobile phone and a digital camera. During the course of a ceremony in November, the Prince of the Web will be crowned, meaning the website that received the highest number of votes, while prizes will be awarded to websites mentioned by the technical panel of judges, one for each category in the running.
M ADE IN SAN MARINO ON THE INTERNET The Chamber of Commerce’s magazine “Made is San Marino” is finally available on the Web. The publication is easy to scroll and enlarge thanks to a userfriendly display system. Simply click on the link www. to read and download all the archived issues, available in Italian and English.
Year II March-April 2010 n. 5
in san marino
CO NT EN TS INTERVIEW Valeria Ciavatta, Minister of Internal
E DIT OR IAL Massimo Ghiotti - General
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Bill Gates In recent decades, thanks to enormous technological breakthroughs, the ders of the global market, extension of the borand the profound diversification of consumer demand, companie s have tried to provide increasing ly more effective, quick and exhaustive answers in order to stay competitive. And they have done so by waging on quality certification – of the company and its products on computerization – and on customer service. But despite the excellenc e of the product and all the precautions taken, unhappy customer cannot be ruled out. s Unhappy with the purchase made, the quality of the goods, or with the service received. And this is where the intelligenc and capacity of the e company come in, so as not to consider this moment an unfortunate and pointless obstacle, but rather a real chance to upgrade and above all a chance to win the loyalty of customers
by now considered as lost. And the first way of bringing this about is to stop thinking that an unhappy customer is simply a nuisance. Naturally, it is always a good idea to try and figure out who we have before us, what his level of knowledg e is and why he judges work negatively. The our second really make the difference step is one that can , i.e., being capable listening to the customer. of He/she must be given the chance to explain why he feels unhappy, and be treated with respect and attention. It is easy be distracted or refuse to dialogue simply because we think we are in the right. Statistics do in fact show that people who receive satisfactory answers remain loyal over the years, while those who are treated inadequately not only leave the company, but often talk negatively about it to others and thus risk destroying the brand name. A significant change in corporate culture therefore needed such is as to transform the general feeling of vexation in dealing with a complaint into
greater awareness and the chance to strengthen customer loyalty. It is therefore easy to appreciate that time spent understan ding a customer’s pectations and needs exis never wasted. The matter must be addressed in a critical and collaborat spirit, trying to stay calm ive and optimistic, even when you are under pressure. Above all, focus should shifted from the problem be to the solution. In some circumstances, it is a good idea to ask for other opinions so as to gain a broader outlook, and thus have at disposal a greater number of elements go ahead and assess to the situation and come with an answer. up If the company is prepared to be more customer focused and view the customer as a constant point of reference , able to prompt it to set itself new and more ambitious goals, then it will be easier to create more constructive relations, based on confidenc e, and consider disputes as an encouragement to proceed along the winding path of quality.
in san marino
A NALYSIS OF THE ECONOMIC SITUATION The results will soon be made known of the second analysis of the economic situation for 2010. The phone survey has in fact just come to a close involving a sample of 500 San Marino companies, thanks to which, the Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Servabit, will be drawing up a statistical report on company confidence ratings. A great aid for better and more quickly understanding the prospects of growth of the San Marino economy, by means of the observation of the main statistical indicators. Info:
march-april 2010 1
T RAINING The career of Pietro Severi, winner of the scholarship for the Master Course in Product Quality and Certification in Agri-Food Companies sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce continues with a 600-hour workshop. After terminating classroom lessons at the company, CTQ Spa, Severi has now begun to follow the project designed to accompany companies towards quality certification at the Chamber of Commerce offices. This initiative is intended to bolster the Advance San Marino project presented by the Ministries for Industry, Tourism and the Territory, and approved by the Government.
in san marino
september-october 2010 5
M INISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Brussels, 10 September 2010:
SEMINAR ON EUROPEAN ECONOMIC SPACE FOR THE SMALL STATES OF EUROPE ropean Union and the micro States of Europe. The contacts between these countries showed the desire, on the one hand, for stronger links with the single European market and, on the other, for better inter-relations between the “small countries”. The bilateral afternoon encounters between San Marino and the officials of the European Commission, on the other hand, produced more detailed information on the potential of the current Cooperation Agreement and on matters relating to the internal European market with a view to strengthening relations. More specifically, addressed themes included taxes, customs union, goods, the labour market, social security, free provision of services, training and mobility.
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r Foreign Affairs
On 10 September last, the San Marino delegation, consisting of the officials of the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Finances, took part in a seminar which brought together in Brussels the representatives of San Marino, Monaco and Andorra. Organised by the Directorate General of External Relations of ula the European Commission, M a ell n o in this case specifically by the t An Unit charged with relations with the countries of western Europe which are not members of the European Union, the meeting represented a first opportunity to discuss the development of relations between the Eu-
This meeting marks the start of a dialogue with the Commission, which has laid the foundations for technical reflections and suitable follow-ups. It was an important occasion for reciprocal exchange that shed light on the Commission’s interest in the small European States, in their legitimate concerns and aspirations, to which due attention and consideration must also be given through the immediate setting up of round-table discussions.
THE LIECHTENSTEIN’S EXPERIENCE During the course of the morning, Liechtenstein shared its experience within the European Economic Space (EES), illustrating to the three Countries the procedures to follow to join the EES and the ensuing effects. In the 1990s, when Liechtenstein began debating the possibility of joining the EES, public opinion was sceptic and divided. Today no one disputes the fact that the decision, taken in 1995 following a favourable Parliamentary vote and two subsequent confirmatory referendums, was the right one. Focus was placed on the transposition of the acquis communautaire, on investments in training experts and on the impact in terms of the re-organisation of the Public Administration. In particular, responsible for the political management of the EES agreement is, at national level, the EES Coordination Unit. The latter consists of a group of legal experts, each chairing a sub-committee in charge of the sectors regulated by the Agreement (free circulation of merchandise, of services, of capitals, of people and a number of horizontal policies) and represents the Liechtenstein Department charged with coordinating the transposition of the legislative acts of the European Union of relevance for the European Economic Space and with the daily management of the Agreement as regards legal matters. The Body is in fact charged with monitoring compliance with the schedules given for the adoption of the acquis communautaire by the Ministries and the offices of the Public Administration. At the same time, the Brussels Mission refers to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs any developments as regards the subjects of the Agreement and European policies, takes part in the EU and EES committees, conducts negotiations and maintains contacts with its EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Association) counterparts. Twice a year, the Liechtenstein Government dedicates special proceedings to controlling the transposition of the EU/EES legislative acts. The Liechtenstein Parliament has also set up an EES Committee, responsible for the EES legislative acts requiring the amendment of internal legislation.
A POSITIVE MODEL The efficiency of these mechanisms has enabled the country to achieve a 99.6% transposition of community legislation, split into directly applicable Regulations, and Directives, which instead require adequate transposition into the national legal system. About eighty officials belonging to the various Ministries are charged with managing the EES Agreement; of these, at least 25 are involved on a daily basis. To make up for the deficiencies of a small administration, the country also avails itself of the cooperation of foreign experts. Liechtenstein has however underscored the important of ongoing training for the country’s officials and legal experts so that its citizens are able to master community legislation and the operation of the EU/EES decisional processes. For Liechtenstein, joining the European Economic Space represents a highly positive experience and can without doubt represent a model for other small States, to which to refer in their relations with the EU. Ad hoc alternatives in answer to the particular aspects of the single small States can be evaluated and further discussed by common agreement and in the reciprocal interest of such States. 6 september-october 2010
in san marino
Promoting spending within San Marino. That is the aim of the “Compra a San Marino” (Buy in San Marino) awareness fostering campaign organised by the USC with the support of the Ministry for Industry and the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce. The invitation is clear and direct, and expresses the strong desire to sustain San Marino tradespersons in what is a difficult period for the economy. A single voice for a message that cannot give rise to any misunderstanding: buying in San Marino means sustaining the entire country. And to further emphasise the importance of this attitude, a competition has been organised whereby, every month - from September through December - 1 gift voucher worth € 200,00 can be won. Each San Marino family will receive a numbered postcard at home and, every month, the local newspapers will publish the drawn number. The lucky winner will receive the gift voucher, to be collected at the offices of the USC, and which can be spent in a single sales outlet in the Republic. “This purchasing incentive initiative – explains Carlo Lonfernini, President of the USC – goes to join and integrate the alreadyimplemented Smac Card. Behind the campaign is the firm determination to re-launch the retail trade, which is so strategic for the Republic of San Marino, and which must be sustained in order to ensure a bright future for the Country”. Colori compositi
Celebrations have begun for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the San Marino Entrepreneurs’ Organisation. Numerous events have been scheduled to celebrate this important milestone in the history of the association which, during the course of the years, has managed to give voice to the many needs and problems of the country’s business world. Among the various initiatives under way, the 25th Osla lottery will enable a lucky few to win a Peugeot 207 or take part, free of charge, in the Osla trip to the USA. With many prizes to be won, a draw will be staged on 19 November during a Gala Dinner at the Multipurpose Hall of the Multieventi Sport Domus Building in Serravalle. Taking centre stage on the events calendar will be the 25th Osla trip to New York and Washington from 2 to 10 February 2011. A whole week to discover the heart of the United States – museums, galleries, shopping, and with the chance to also visit the United Nations Building in New York and the White House in Washington. To take part in the events and for further details: tel. (+378) 0549 992885
The Banca di San Marino has announced the start of the prize-winning competition “mille per 500” in which those subscribing to the new BSM bond can take part. By investing just €1,000 customers can hope to win fantastic prizes: 1st prize Fiat 500, 2nd prize Vespa Piaggio 300, 3rd prize Samsung LED TV. Placement will end on 10 December 2010. In the meeting of 16 September, the Board of Directors approved the 2010 half-year report, which showed a further increase in the Bank’s equity capital, with the solvency ratio on risk activities, Core Tier 1, positioned at 28.57% with regulatory assets totalling Euro 93.9 million. The net profit for the first six months of 2010 touched Euro 2.1 million, after making credit adjustments amounting to Euro 1.5 million and accruals for taxes totalling Euro 405,000. Particularly comforting are the liquidity management data, where an interbank position appears showing a surplus of Euro 21.5 million, inclusive of the mandatory reserve, as well as an own securities portfolio totalling Euro 156.9 million.
in san marino
september-october 2010 7
CHOCOTITANO Borgo Maggiore, 6 - 7 November 2010 Autumn rhymes with… Chocolate! The Republic of San Marino’s sweetest event – Chocotitano – will be back again this year. A whole weekend dedicated to all the shapes, the colours and the flavours of the food of the gods, the only one that finds both adults and children in agreement. Two days to let yourself go to the sweet temptations presented by the exhibitors, to the guided tastings and to original menus. A magic atmosphere in which the protagonists are the children. In the Chocolate School they can discover the secrets of how chocolate and individual chocolates are made. Also dedicated to the kids is the Chocoarea, with entertainment, games and theme attractions. Entertainment and fun for all during the course of the two-day event, with a chance to win delicious prizes in the Gioccolato competition and at the Ritrovo dei golosi (the chocolate-lovers meeting place). The more curious can enjoy the tasty recipes of the Chocorestaurants which present menus completely centred on chocolate, in all its varieties. An appointment not to be missed because“…nine people out of ten love chocolate. And the tenth is a liar”. organised by:
with the collaboration:
PROGRAMME Saturday 6th fro m 3 pm to 11 pm Sunday 7th from 10 am to 7 pm undergo changes due to
These times could
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delicious and not-to-be-missechocolate-theme dishes d Romagna speciali ties
see for yourselves OCOLATE PRODUCTION organised by Pasticce how chocolate delights are made ria Vecchia Brianza – Sovico (MI) SUNDAY 10.30 am
children and adults
SATURDAY - 12 noon - 3 pm - 4 pm 5 pm
S* alike can discover the secrets of chocola te and make their own SATURDAY 4.30 pm children SUNDAY 11 am adu - 6.30 pm adults lts - 4 pm children
with the support:
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Caribbean music and organised by the Club dance Latino association of Rim ini SATURDAY 4 pm SUNDAY 4 pm
*Chocolate school with tastings, entries restricted, booki For details: phone ng required 0549 98038 During the event days,0 ted at the ticket office s
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C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca Agricola Commerciale, Banca di San Marino, Cassa di Risparmio and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi
Year II - September-October 2010 - n. 8 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail:
8 september-october september-october2010 2010
in san marino
STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department
Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies