Year III May-June 2011 n. 3
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INTERVIEW Chamber of Commerce turns 10 years old Russian customs Financial statements collection Meeting with estonian delegation Members’ area Web 2011 Prize
Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787), Saint Marinus with the Republic in his hands, 1740 detail Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787), San Marino risolleva la sua Repubblica, 1740 part.
E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager
The busy have no time for tears
Albert Einstein
Somehow, periods of crisis seem to produce fresh opportunities. Many are those who consider the time is ripe to set up a new business, expand, take risks, change. Now is the time, for example, to ask ourselves how to manage customers in a different and better way, strengthening their confidence, and to think about how to stand out from the crowd. But to grasp the opportunities which are currently there for the taking, you first of all have to be curious and a positive outlook is crucial. Our mental attitude can change our relations with customers and those who surround us. The real problem however is that optimism is not much in fashion; it is more trendy to be a pessimist and talk about the “hard times” facing us and express opinions on how bad things will become and how unhappy we shall all be. What’s stopping us then? Fear, the same fear that often unites us in unhappiness. What can we do? Numerous are the studies which
tell us that happy and positive people live longer, perform better, earn more, are less inclined to become ill and are less harassed. So how about an injection of confidence? How about asking ourselves not “what’s wrong”, but “what’s right, what’s going well, what has produced results? What are the good things we have done so far and how can we improve on them? What are our capacities?”. We must remember however that things do not happen by themselves. Being optimistic is not enough. If ever there was a time to work hard, be ready for change, be flexible and ready to take up challenges, this is it. And if we want to ride out the storm, we must get down to work and be very clever in managing our time and using it efficiently, having our priorities clearly in our minds. Hence it becomes important to share our priorities with those who surround us, with our family and our work colleagues. Our plan of action will only be successful if those near to us know what we want and how we want to spend our time.
Let us then start recording all our activities so we realise where we are wasting our time and therefore how to better manage it. This way we shall understand how to dedicate more time to our priorities. Let’s find a way to increase our productivity and enjoy ourselves doing so, almost as if it were a challenge, a competition. The nature of the world is to change and so today’s priorities need not necessarily be those of tomorrow; we shall achieve goals and set new ones, consequently flexibility will be crucial for tackling change. This year, the Chamber of Commerce will be ten years old and over these years it has implemented many many different projects. Projects that came to a close while others were already beginning; no time to stop and look back. If there is one thing we have understood, it is that which we have just mentioned: without priorities and organisation, one gets nowhere. Our greatest wish therefore is that the Chamber of Commerce’s course might always be well plotted even in the midst of the storm.
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EXPORT SALES: meeting on RUSSIAN customs Many different issues came to light during the meeting which the San Marino Chamber of Commerce organised with Roster Italia. Numerous San Marino companies took the opportunity to air problems which they face when trading with the Russian Federation: from furnishings to electronics, drink dispensing systems, phytopharmaceutical products, sanitary ware and welding machines, all these sectors had the chance to speak with the Head of Project Italia for FGUP Rostek, Boris Olenich, and with the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Ancona, Armando Ginesi.
Simplification and speed are the keywords of Rostek Italia, the Russian federal customs body which aims at simplifying customs red tape for companies thanks to direct contact with 40 customs terminals in the territory of the Russian Federation and an experimental project centred on computerisation and refining the professional skills of operators. “We realise just how hard it is for San Marino companies to work on foreign markets – said Massimo Ghiotti, Director of the Chamber of Commerce – and with these meetings we want to provide real answers to their need for clarity and less red tape.
It is very encouraging to see that our companies are not only active at international level, but also continue to focus closely on possible market developments in a perspective of expansion and evolution”.
The remarks of some San Marino company export managers Barbara Chiodini Export Manager
“We are always pleased to take part in the appointments organised by the Chamber of Commerce, especially when they represent the legitimate extension of diplomatic encounters in which Sipp has also participated in recent months. The talks with Rostek were of course interesting, but for us represented a point of departure, certainly not the end of the process. By presenting practical documentary requests, we should be able to understand whether their intentions to facilitate Italy/Russia trade transactions (SIMPLIFYING and SPEEDING UP, to quote Dr. Boris Olenich) are in fact operatively applicable to the San Marino situation. Having a valid point of reference is in any case important so as not to flounder in the complexity of Russian customs regulations”
Walter Garavalli Export Manager
“I found the meeting very interesting, especially because the companies taking part were given the chance to ask the head of Rostek specific questions. The Russian customs authorities create numerous problems as regards the transit of merchandise, because each has its own specificity. That is why I was pleased to have the chance of becoming better acquainted with the Rostek experimental project which enables us to know and solve any customs problems before the actual physical transit of products. A fine prospect”.
Via Cinque Febbraio - 47899 Serravalle Republic of San Marino Tel. (+378) 0549 900190 - Fax (+378) 0549 960125
The Best Idea to be the Protagonist 2 may-june 2011
in san marino
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2010: start of digital collection The financial statement collection service provided by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce in line with its statutory purposes (law 71/2004) has now begun. This means that all San Marino business licence holders must proceed to enter and transmit their financial statement details for the 2010 business period electronically by 31 August 2011. DEPOSIT PROCEDURES – New for 2011 The Law requires deposit to be made in digital format according to patterns and procedures indicated by the applicatory Regulations. Businesses must simply connect up to the Chamber of Commerce’s new Online Counter and enter their access credentials. Alternatively, the Counter can also be accessed from page by clicking on the banner Registro Imprese-Sportello online between the banners of the “Services” category at bottom right. The data are immediately encrypted and sent on a San Marino server to a Chamber of Commerce area. The data sending and deposit receipt can be downloaded from the website by the economic operator. Once the data have been entered and sent, the report showing a number of company performance indices can be requested free of charge from the Chamber of Commerce. This will be sent to the applicant by ordinary mail.
WHY IT IS IMPORTANT This operation enables the Chamber of Commerce to compile the yearly “Report on San Marino Enterprise”, a survey aimed at determining the health of our Republic’s economy, which is constantly updated thanks to the financial statement data entered by all San Marino businesses. It is important to emphasise how the software developed by the Chamber of Commerce to enter financial statements is the only tool available in the Republic for collecting financial statement and economic financial statement data in digital form and making these immediately available for statistical processing. This means greater computerization and above all the chance to constantly upgrade the quality of services according to the indications provided by the companies themselves.
The latest edition of the economic-situation survey relating to the mood of confidence among San Marino companies will be available as and from end July. The survey sample includes 500 San Marino companies which, in the May-June 2011 period answered questions relating to the last 6 months of business activity and how they perceived economic trends for the coming months. Executive summary also available in English. (Economic statistcs)
29 - 30 October 2011 BORGO MAGGIORE
Chocolate Fair in san marino
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FROM APSE TO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: SUPPORTING COMPANIES FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS Double interview with former President Mularoni and President Michelotti ENZO DONALD MULARONI President 2001-2008
SIMONA MICHELOTTI President 2008-2011
What is your first recollection tied to your appointment as President? Very definitely, to when the setting up of the Chamber of Commerce was only a pipe dream , an ambitious project sparked by an idea of the then Minister of Industry. The year was 2001, and the birth of the APSE (Economic Promotion and Development Agency) was the first step towards making this dream come true. An Agency representing a concrete approach in the direction of the effective promotion of economic development. I had only just ended my term as President of the Anis (San Marino National Industry Association) and as a businessperson, I had strong hopes of doing something to help spread a mentality closer to that of the business world, to the business spirit, in contrast to the mentality of the public sector.
The very first thing I remember was a sort of anxiety I felt in succeeding Enzo Donald Mularoni. The same I felt when, a few years after him, I was appointed President of the Industrialists’ Association. I have always considered him a model of calm and rationality, a point of reference might I say, because I am the exact opposite – emotional and passionate. Immediately afterwards however, I recall my meeting with the Chamber of Commerce team and the enthusiasm I felt on seeing an earnest group of people, full of passion for their job and anxious to put themselves to the test. It seemed just the right place for me and my anxiety disappeared.
What are the most significant changes of the last few years? The list is a long one considering that establishing an institute of this kind meant creating solid foundations for what it has become today, and what it will become in the future. Internationalisation, quality and innovation have always been cornerstones for Apse and then Chamber of Commerce activities. Starting with the agreement with the ICE (Italian National Foreign Trade Institute) in 2001, which represented a sort of first recognition of the Apse at international level and which enabled San Marino companies to avail themselves of the ICE offices around the world at the same conditions as Italian companies, thus facilitating access onto foreign markets. At the same time, with the publishing of the Guida Titano (Titano Guide) – which soon became the country’s major economic yearbook – foreign (and local) operators were given a photograph of our economic system, a compass to find their way around our entrepreneurial establishment. And then came the Law on Youth and Female Entrepreneurship, which continues today to provide young would-be businesspersons with the backing they need to set up companies largely distinguished by innovation, or the Quality Award, which puts the accent on the importance of quality within companies. 4 may-june may-june2011 2011
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I think almost everything has changed because the world itself is a different place since my appointment began in June 2008. Immediately afterwards came the international crisis, which also had a major impact on the economy of San Marino, and this was followed by a worsening of relations with Italy and by an outlook strongly hostile to countries like ours. Companies now have new and different requirements compared to the past. The very laws have undergone substantial changes to adapt to internationally shared concepts of transparency and the tracking of money flows. In this context, the Chamber of Commerce has tailored its services to cater to these new needs and legal provisions, and we haven’t finished yet. In view of this cultural change, the Chamber has had to address a factor which could appear insignificant, and which instead is of major importance – the moving of its headquarters from old and not at all functional premises to a modern, comfortable and easy-to-reach complex with convenient parking facilities. Being able to occupy adequate representational premises was for us a priority considering the relational role the institute has to play.
Which are the Chamber of Commerce’s strong points? Most definitely, the constant awareness of the importance of computerisation and cutting red tape. When, in 2004, the Apse became Chamber of Commerce, this transformation was also accompanied by growing expectations. The desire was to give a strong impulse to change, which coincided with the modernisation of the state organisation and was able to make the flow of information more uniform and rational, so as to facilitate decisions concerning the economy. Hence the importance of statistical activities which, for the first time, placed at the disposal of the political establishment a projection of data relating to the San Marino economy. This could well be one of the noblest purposes of the Chamber of Commerce – to contribute to extending knowledge. Through data analysis in fact, it is possible to become acquainted with the real situation to determine paths and identify the most adequate courses.
Like in every other organisation, strength lies in the team and in our case, we are all very much committed to working together in the best possible way, besides being well managed. The professional skills acquired over the years and our continuous interaction with so many interlocutors has made each team member competent and independent in dealing with the various situations, to the point of being able to tackle the internationalisation which is rightfully a major part of Chamber of Commerce activities. Everyone speaks good English because each team member has acquired language learning skills besides having been specifically trained for his/her job. All this is integrated by a further strong point – willingness to accept and react to change, indispensable requirements today in order to be successful. Someone said that when the rate of change outside the organisation exceeds that inside it, the end is near. So there you are, the Chamber of Commerce is in full motion and is sure to enjoy a long life!
What do you see in the future of the Chamber of Commerce? My hope for the Chamber of Commerce is that, being as it is the upshot of political intuition, politics itself will pursue and favour its independence, at economic level as well. The lack of any stable forecast as regards resources clashes with the possibility of creating medium-long term projects. Apart from this, I believe that the path undertaken is the right one and that the contribution to knowledge, training, internationalisation and innovation is real and tangible in everyday activities.
I believe, and hope, that the Chamber of Commerce will pass through, without stopping, alternate phases of modification and adaptation to a market which is changing at an increasingly fast pace. Until only a few years ago, revolutions took decades to complete their course – today they take less than five years and sometimes even less than three. This situation is the upshot of new technologies and of globalisation, which puts us in competition with the world as a whole and inexorably prompts us to achieve levels of excellence in order to stay afloat. The Chamber of Commerce has all it takes to follow the world wherever it goes and so today I cannot, nor do I want, to imagine it in the future; all I do know is that it will be different and in step with the times.
SHORT HISTORY 2001- originally named APSE, Agency for the Promotion and Development of the Economy (Law no. 133 dated 24 November 1997). The President was Enzo Donald Mularoni while Massimo Ghiotti was appointed as director. The legal status chosen for the Agency was that of Joint-Stock Company with mixed state and private capital. 2004 - the Camera di Commercio S.p.A. was established by Law no. 71 dated 26 May 2004. Mularoni remained President. 2008 - Simona Michelotti was elected President. 2009 - The Chamber of Commerce obtained ISO 9001 Quality Certification. 2011 - The Chamber of Commerce consists of a staff of 8 people besides the CEO.
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SAN MARINO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETS ESTONIAN CHAMBER focused on developing its infrastructures – inherited from the former Soviet Union – and determined to promote its domestic resources. The strength of this small-large Republic lies in the awareness of its particular features and in the clarity of the goals to be achieved. Suffice it to think that in the tourist industry alone, Estonia has recorded the highest growth rate (over 27%) of the entire European Union. “Two small Republics like San Marino and Estonia have similar peculiarities, characteristics and interests - said Silvia Della Balda, Special Secretary to the Minister of Industry -. We have opened up new trade and partnership channels which could prove to be important bearing in mind that Estonia is also an entrance gate to northern Europe and Russia. During the talks with the Estonian representatives, we also discussed projects relating to trade in the artistic-crafts sector, which we should like to re-launch in San Marino and which is well developed in Estonia”.
The fact that Estonia joined the European monetary Union in the
early months of 2011 cannot but facilitate relations between San Marino and Estonian companies. The strong desire of the Baltic Republic to become an attractive option for investments and, at the same time, to be competitive within the European Union is most definitely praiseworthy”. This was the comment passed by the Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Massimo Ghiotti, at the end of the meeting with the delegation from the Estonian Republic and made up of the Head of Services of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce, Peter Gornischeff, and of the Embassy Secretary of Economic Affairs, Mikk Rebane. Ghiotti continued by saying: “During the course of this diplomatic meeting and thanks to our collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, we were given the chance to involve a number of San Marino businesspersons belonging to our Club Estero and representatives of trade associations. This is a much appreciated operating procedure whereby San Marino companies are able to introduce themselves and discuss directly with privileged interlocutors able to provide an immediate picture of the economic situation of the Country they represent, as well as of the sectors most interested in developing internationalisation”. The image of the Baltic Republic that emerges from the discussion is that of a modern Country that has adapted well to the new provisions ensuing from its recent entry into Euroland (January 2011),
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That with the Estonian delegation was the last of a series of meetings which, in recent weeks has seen the participation of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce and Club Estero companies. Starting with the visit of the Ambassador at disposal, Luca Minna, who brought to the attention of the institutions an interesting and detailed project for a San Marino desk within the Miami Chamber of Commerce. The panel discussion with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Alexey Meshkov also provided an interesting encounter during which businesspersons were able to air their import-export difficulties. Interesting opportunities which the San Marino Chamber of Commerce is following up by organising a specific meeting with Russian professionals in Italy, to clear up issues relating to customs services. Finally, other talks took place with the Ambassador of Georgia, the Ambassador of Iraq and a member of the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center.
San Marino and China celebrate 40 years of friendship Forty years have passed since the historical signing of the Agreement between the Government of San Marino and that of the People’s Republic of China. Forty years which have contributed to strengthening the bond confirmed by the Agreement, which marked the start of official relations between the two Republics. A long-lasting friendship then, which the two countries celebrated with a series of institutional initiatives, while renewing the reciprocal intention of extending the already fruitful cooperation in the fields of common interest, including the signing of new economic agreements, to be ratified by the end of this year. Ambassador Wei, who visited San Marino on 5 May last, recalled how China and San Marino are taken as examples in the international diplomatic context because, despite the distance between them and their huge territorial and cultural differences, they have always had strong relations of friendship and cooperation. Minister Mularoni, in turn, stressed how China has always shown, especially at the UNO, great respect for the “smaller” countries and re-
cognised the contribution which countries of modest size can give to the cause of peace and global stability. “This is in fact one of the cornerstones” - continued Mularoni - “of the great friendship that exists between our two countries”.
On June 1, a conference was staged entitled “SUPPLEMENTARY PENSIONS AND HEALTH CARE: LET’S TALK ABOUT IT” organized by the CREDITO INDUSTRIALE SAMMARINESE. The encounter, which saw the participation of authoritative speakers, proved to be a useful opportunity to address topics of considerable interest for the Country’s future. Many were the points that came to the fore to be pondered over, especially the need for the state social security system, run by the Social Security Institute, to be integrated by a capitalization system supported by the adoption of further incentives for the setting up of individual pension plans. The CREDITO INDUSTRIALE SAMMARINESE, which has been operating in the Republic for over 30 years and is anxious to renew its commitment towards the San Marino market, is now promoting a series of products designed to provide such supplementary pension coverage. in san marino
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WEB 2011 PRIZE Vote your favourite website and win!!
WHAT IS IT? A competition organised by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce to reward the best San Marino websites. “I am a web surfer, why should I vote?” Because by voting, you take part in a draw with 3 fantastic prizes to be won: a portchi e’ il principe sulla able PC, a smartphone and a digital camera. Voting is easy and quick! Simply visit the rete? website, complete all the fields with your details and the address of your favourite San Marino website. If you are not acquainted with any website, choose one from the “Webrica” list. “My company/institute/association has a website, why should I take part?” Because by inviting your customers and associates to vote, you will give them the chance to take part in a draw with rich prizes to be won and, at the same time, you will increase the exposure of your website. The website that receives the most votes will become “Prince of the Web” while, at a later date, a technical panel of judges will award a prize to each competing category on the basis of creativity, language and content originality, display speed and type of programming. “How can I invite web users to take part?” You can send an email to all your contacts or download the vote banner on the homepage Voting starts on 12 July and ends on 31 October 2011.
Regulation and information:
C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca Agricola Commerciale, Banca di San Marino, Cassa di Risparmio and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi
Year III - May-June 2011 - n. 3 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail:
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STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department
Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies