Made in San Marino n. 5 / 2011- english version

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Year III September-October 2011 n. 5

in san marino



INTERVIEW Marco Arzilli, Minister for Industry Trade Register Guida Titano 2012 Club Estero Members’ area Internet and companies

San Marino at the Expo 2010 Shanghai: the City-State San Marino all’Expo di Shanghai 2010: la Città-Stato

E DITORIAL Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager

I cannot help believing that the world would be a better and happier place if we’d learn to talk more about what’s right than about what’s wrong. We have so much to celebrate! Michael R. Parry

We are continuously overawed by information and messages: speeches, radio, TV, newspapers, books, magazines and emails. And there are so many words which every day penetrate our heads - suffice it to think that in just an hour a conference speaker uses about 6,000. This is however perhaps the first time we have heard so many negative words all together, and as we know, negativity brings more negativity. What can we do then to remain positive and focused on our goals when everything around us makes us think that things could worsen? How can we imagine our garden full of flowers next spring if all we talk about today is weeds? We must try and eliminate the negative mes-

sages we receive and be more careful of our inputs, but above all, we can try, every morning, to fill our minds with positive messages and readings. We can try and focus more on the stories of those who manage to move ahead, even in the midst of the storm rather than on those who created the storm, causing us to risk going down in the same boat. Let’s look at those that have made it and continue to move on. Let’s look at the companies which, amid the crisis, manage to resist and ask ourselves why. Let’s try and emulate the excellencies. The best way to be creative is to ask oneself the right questions and find the answers to them and not try and find answers to wrong questions. Let’s not try and find answers as to why our company has closed down, let’s ask ourselves what skills we have acquired, what we have learnt and how we can make the best use of it, in a new job, whatever it is. San Marino is still full of captains courageous

ready to let us jump into their boats to row along a course which has been well traced for some time – the course of well-being of the company as a whole, to be travelled with perseverance, humility, honesty, in a quest for efficiency and quality. We have never before encountered as many companies in difficulty as we have at present and we feel so sad about it all, but what does comfort us is to see the courage they have in tackling the crisis and the fact that they consider the Chamber of Commerce as a partner able to provide advice, from how to invent a new job, by setting up a new company in a cuttingedge sector, to how to try and extend their sales abroad. And this makes us proud to work for San Marino companies and their captains courageous. So here’s wishing “Good sailing to all our companies!”; our goal will always be to represent a beacon for you all, providing constantly innovative services and signals so you can always find us in the midst of the stormy sea.

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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION, STOCK LEDGERS The online deed and document publication service is now operative Computerisation and Transparency, two words in which the San Marino Chamber of Commerce has always strongly believed; an objective which each single project implemented to promote and support San Marino economic activities strives to achieve. Hence the reason for upgrading the Trade Register (https://registroimprese. – which already allows viewing Chamber of Commerce surveys and entering financial statements – and adding a new function that permits companies to see their deeds and documents published online and thus make them readily available to their customers, suppliers and potential business partners.

WHAT CAN BE PUBLISHED ONLINE Numerous types of deeds or documents can be deposited for online publication: - certified copy of company deed of incorporation and articles of association - certified copy of deposited financial statements - certified copy of stock ledger - certified copies of deeds of sale of shares - all other certified copies of deeds relating to the life of a company

HOW TO PUBLISH COMPANY DEEDS OR DOCUMENTS Simply go to the Chamber of Commerce offices and request publication. The cost for each deposited deed or document (administrative fee) is € 5,00. Deposit aims and procedures are defined by the Chamber of Commerce regulation approved by the Board of Directors on 5 October 2011. In the event of the deeds or documents already being deposited in the archives of public offices, the regulation contemplates the possibility for companies to delegate the Chamber of Commerce to also obtain and publish these in coming years.

HOW TO REVIEW DEEDS OR DOCUMENTS ONLINE While the Trade Register will only include the deeds or documents of San Marino companies that make an explicit request in this sense at the Chamber of Commerce, the users already registered can use the same credit uploaded for the surveys (until credit lasts). New users, on the other hand, must register on the website, upload their credit (by credit card or bank transfer) with an amount from minimum € 15,00 up to maximum € 250,00. Afterwards, simply enter the username and password automatically assigned by the system to display and print the Chamber of Commerce surveys and the deeds or documents (where available) relating to San Marino companies. Each Chamber of Commerce survey, deed or document costs € 3,00.

SIMONA MICHELOTTI - President of the Chamber of Commerce “This new service is a truly concrete step towards simplification and transparency. Now, thanks to this new deed and document publication service, the real opportunity exists to make company data available around the clock, in an institutional framework like that provided by the Chamber of Commerce”.

Via Cinque Febbraio - 47899 Serravalle Republic of Repubblica di San Marino Tel. (+378) 0549 900190 - Fax (+378) 0549 960125

The La Miglior Best Idea Soluzione to be per the ilProtagonist Tuo Evento 2 september-october 2011

in san marino



You’ll find them all in the Guida Titano! Repubblica di

The Guida Titano – official list of San Marino economic operators - is back with a completely renovated look. This publication has been conveying the names of the protagonists of the Republic of San Marino’s economy around the world for more than ten years and over time has enhanced its contents according to the requirements of readers, sometimes even anticipating them. This is why the 2012 paper edition (available as and from January) is even easier to handle and use, while always maintaining the traditional division into commodity categories and alphabetic order Hence the website has been totally redesigned and, thanks to a new graphic design and new functions, occupies a rightful place among the most effective tools

ever created for the promotion of San Marino economic activities. Packed with information, available free of charge, around the clock, 7 days a week, it also enables users to download and review chamber of commerce surveys, thanks to a direct link with the Chamber of Commerce’s online Trade Register (fee required), thus making searches even more effective.

San Marino

Guida Titano

2012 m www.guidatita


WHEN IS THE GUIDA TITANO USEFUL? • Whenever you wish to contact a San Marino company or economic operator • When you wish to know which companies or operators belong to a specific commodity category • When you want to know more details: address, company name, economic operator code, map • When you want to learn more and need extra details: email, website, description of main activity in Italian and English, Managers, number of employees, turnover bracket, export countries (Important: these details are only available if the San Marino company has notified them during the course of updating) to find certified

• When you want to find firms that sell and manufacture green products, look for this symbol eco-sustainable companies.

Guida Titano: much more than a database! Guida Titano is published by

in conjunction with

in san marino

september-october 2011 3


SAN MARINO IN THE ITALIAN-RUSSIAN TASK FORCE The proceedings of the 19th session of the Italian-Russian task force took place in Catania (Sicily). Set up about ten years ago by the Governments of the two countries, the task force works with the aim of favouring the acceleration of the Russian industrialisation process through the development of SMEs and industrial districts/poles, to be based on Italian models and with the participation of Italian companies. Thanks to the excellent relations existing between the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the San Marino Ministry of Industry, the invitation to take an active part in the task force was, for the first time, also extended to the Republic of San Marino. The San Marino delegation consisting of Silvia Della Balda, Special Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Massimo Zani, for the Foreign Office of the Chamber of Commerce, took part in the plenary session and in the industry and theme panel discussions.

4 september-october 2011

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AN EFFECTIVE FORMULA Natela Scengheliya, President of the Commercial Representation of the Russian Federation in Italy, confirmed that, thanks to projects created out of Task Force proceedings, Russia has increased its number of small and medium enterprises, which now total 5 million. A number still considered low for a Country which is concentrating resources and energies to boost the industrial sector. The task force, which meets twice a year (in 2012, a meeting is scheduled for between May and June), represents a major opportunity to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Russian economic situation and come into contact with the major Italian and Russian concerns set up to foster development and internationalisation: Institutions, Regions, Trade Associations, Federations, Confederations, Consortiums, chamber of commerce and trade-fair systems taking part together with companies operating in the sectors identified from time to time by the programme of proceedings.


THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VISITS ISRAEL Being able to make known the potential of the world’s oldest Republic, its production fabric and the huge opportunities it offers, despite its small size, is always a fascinating challenge. Hence the Chamber of Commerce was extremely pleased to accept the invitation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Antonella Mularoni, to take part in the visit to Israel organised following the invitation of the Israeli authorities.

INSTITUTIONAL AND BUSINESS MEETINGS High-ranking meetings for the San Marino delegation, taking part in which was Marco Macina, Assistant Manager of the Chamber of Commerce: from the Israeli President, Shimon Peres, to the Chief of the Europe Department of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rafi Shutz, up to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Liberman. Besides the fundamental institutional part, business discussions could not go missing. The meeting with the Directors of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce, in fact, provided the chance to present our Country system, the advantages and the investment and cooperation opportunities with the Club Estero member companies.

Photo by: Avi Dodi

BRAZIL: THE CLUB ESTERO COMPANIES MEET THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS When San Marino companies are given the chance to upgrade their acquaintance with foreign markets, success is guaranteed. Hence the Chamber of Commerce, with the cooperation of the Ministries for Foreign Affairs and Industry, continues to focus on meetings between the San Marino diplomatic corps and the Club Estero companies. During the course of the last meeting, the San Marino Consul in Brazil, Giuseppe Lantermo di Montelupo, and the new Ambassador Filippo Francini, presented the opportunities and the country system to the numerous participants, placing the accent on a number of fundamental data relating to the Brazilian economy, imports-exports and strategic sectors.


It is a club created by the Chamber of Commerce which groups together San Marino companies interested in working on foreign markets or which already operate at international level. For them, the Chamber of Commerce places at disposal a series of initiatives and support activities tailored to their internationalisation needs: training seminars, conferences, meetings with delegations, promotion through chamber of commerce channels, right up to information in the dedicated area of the website

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september-october 2011 5


MARCO ARZILLI Minister for Industry, Crafts and Trade The crisis has hit San Marino companies hard. How are they being supported by the Ministry?

First of all we must start with the assumption that there are two types of crises in San Marino. The first, at international level, continues to show all the fragility of an economic system which has not yet overcome the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. The second, at local level, has its roots in the difficult relations with Italy, which are gradually returning to normal. What we have decided to do is “provide answers� - to companies on the one hand and to labour policies on the other. More concretely?

Labour policies have already started to produce some signs. The same goes for the tax reform because it does not increase social contributions, but rather makes the country even more competitive, despite the economic difficulties and those of the State budget. In this direction, the Ministry for Industry is working to continue along the road to reform of corporate sectors: last year, we started with the trade reform, and continued in 2011 with the licenses reform and in 2012 with crafts reforms. Within one year, we should like to achieve the reform for the debureaucratization of the Public Administration, in order to provide faster services to companies and speed up the issuing of permits. On the other hand, we are giving concrete support to initiatives such as Confidi, in favour of small businesses, and to the strong internationalisation of the economy. In other words we are trying to increase the growth opportunities

on the domestic market while at the same time promoting our Country system. And the partner of the Ministry in this endeavour is the Chamber of Commerce. What is the current situation as regards relations between San Marino and Italy?

Relations are undoubtedly improving. A historical relationship has officially begun between the two States, considering that, if today we are able to speak of economic cooperation and synergy between the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry for Industry, this is precisely thanks to the intensification of relations. San Marino is an opportunity for Italy and vice versa, consequently we should revamp in concrete terms a relationship that is satisfactory for both sides, without being at loggerheads. And how can we translate these intents into concrete reality?

By sharing a series of projects of interest to both economies. I am thinking of the Technology and Science Park, which Italy will not only run together with San Marino, but which it will finance to a considerable extent. Suffice it to say that Minister Romani, when he last vis-

Craftsmen in the world project launched The National Union of Craftsmen is considering the possibility of granting honorary membership to all San Marino citizens resident abroad who run an artisan or small enterprise in the country in which they live. The project, conceived together with San Marino citizens living abroad, has attracted strong and convinced attention thanks to the major import-export synergies which can be created though international contacts established between fellow-citizens, but also thanks to the high value added produced by San Marino citizens abroad, who can become users and staunch supporters of our small enterprises in all five continents. 6 september-october 2011

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cians must learn to think that companies have fundamental requirements for their very survival and therefore need concrete answers. And, above all, we need to make every endeavour to favour political stability. This is most important to restore confidence to the country. What do you see in the Chamber of Commerce’s future?

I see a completely renovated organisation; a development process which on the one hand rewards the work done thus far and, on the other, integrates operations with a whole series of decisions never taken in the past. The Chamber of Commerce must, to an increasing extent, be a point of reference for anyone wanting to do business in the country; an organisation able to provide advice but also issue licences, member business profiles and cadastral surveys. We must therefore concentrate all these new functions within the Chamber of Commerce and have them acquire “public officer power” with all the guarantees required by the Public Administration. ited the Republic, already allotted three million euro to the project. Another concrete example is that of the agreement, to be signed shortly, whereby San Marino companies will be able to take part in incentives relating to the alternative energy sector. The survey on the economic situation carried out in May shows a slight improvement as regards the confidence of our companies. Or might it be better to say less lack of confidence. How is this fact considered at government level?

Well it stimulates us to do more. No timid sign of recovery can be considered satisfactory because a lot still remains to be done. First and foremost, normalising relations with Italy. Even if things do improve, if we fail to move on, as has happened in the past, then the situation could risk becoming critical. It is therefore important for us to analyze the situation in a constructive and real way, like the survey carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and which is based on assessments that are sometimes hard for a politician to accept, yet necessary in order to decide what to do. Politi-

And how can this goal be achieved?

By adapting the Law which resulted in the setting up of the Apse (Agency for the Promotion and Development of the Economy) in 2001 to the one which went on to transform it into Chamber of Commerce in 2004, thus creating a single legislative instrument which allows it to become an independent “public” body, able to sustain itself and walk on its own two legs. This is one of the fundamental projects for re-launching the country’s economy and will have to be shared by everyone, from trade associations to mainstream society. This is a challenge that excites me a lot, considering that it is a matter of redesigning and updating contents and also redefining the spheres of cooperation with the Ministry, in missions abroad and in all those activities useful for giving new impulse to San Marino companies.

Banca di San Marino and Fondazione Ente Cassa di Faetano at the service of the Republic On Monday 26 September, the first of the two State Hospital car parks was opened: a project implemented thanks to the synergy between public and private and which involves road systems, culture, art, recovery of traditions and health. The investment of around 2 million euro was made possible thanks to the work done by the Banca di San Marino and other group companies which, with great professional skill and passion, over the years have produced large resources to be reinvested in the country. in san marino

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65% OF SAN MARINO COMPANIES HAVE A WEBSITE Details of the Survey “Internet and companies” San Marino companies are closely focused on computerisation. This in short is what appears from the survey carried out by the San Marino Chamber of Commerce. Out of a sample of 500 companies in fact, 65% have their own website and 17% update on a daily basis. To better understand the importance of these data, we need to compare them with those placed at disposal by Istat in Italy for 2010: of all companies employing over 10 people, 61.3% have a website while in San Marino, this percentage touches 77%. Among them, those in the industrial sector represent 69.8% in Italy compared to 85% in San Marino. Dimensions always being

equal, 62% of companies in the Italian commercials sector have their own website, while in this case as well, San Marino touches 77%. The San Marino situation in this respect therefore appears livelier. In our country, companies often use their websites as real visiting cards, considering that only 12% of them actually sell their goods through the web. And just 10% of the latter (compared to 15% in Italy) obtain over 50% of their turnover from online sales.

The “Internet and companies” survey was completely conceived and implemented by the staff of the San Marino Chamber of Commerce.

C HAMBER OF COMMERCE The San Marino Chamber of Commerce is a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital, held for 51% by the state of San Marino and for 49% by trade associations (ANIS, OSLA , UNAS, USC and USOT), banks (Banca Agricola Commerciale, Banca di San Marino, Cassa di Risparmio and Credito Industriale Sammarinese) and the University of San Marino. It offers support services for companies and organizes promotional activities for the territory and the local economy. For enterprise, it provides a channel of access to the public administration, the meeting point between industry and the state.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Simona Michelotti - President of the Chamber of Commerce Silvano Andreani Paride Bugli Riccardo Cervellini Emanuel Colombini Giorgia Gasperoni Giorgio Petroni Vladimiro Renzi Gian Franco Terenzi

Year III - September - October 2011 - n. 5 Executive Editor: Massimo Ghiotti Editorial Team: Marianna Bucci Camera di Commercio di San Marino S.p.A. Str. di Paderna, 2 - 47895 Fiorina di Domagnano - RSM Tel. 0549-980.380 - Fax. 0549-944.554 - Mail:

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STAFF Massimo Ghiotti - General Manager Evelina Guglielmi - Quality and Production Department Roberto Bucci - Fairs and events organization consultant Marco Macina - Executive Assistant and IT Department Jessica Dell’Ominut - Accounting and Secretarial Office Federica Tonelli - Legal Office Massimo Zani - Buying and Sales Department Marianna Bucci - Marketing Department Nicola Michi - Production and Planning Department

Graphic Design: 3 STUDIO Printed on: STUDIO STAMPA Circulation 1500 copies

For the cover images, our thanks go to the State Philatelic and Numismatic Department and to the State Museums in san marino

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