S e r m on N ot e s
Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy January 14, 2018
C o n te m p ora r y C h ri s ti a n S e r vi c e
“In the Meanwhile� John 4:1-38 Chaplain Michael Hall Command Chaplain, U.S. Naval Hospital, Naples, IT
W e l c o m e to th e C h a p e l We are so glad you came to worship the Lord and to fellowship with us today. We trust that you will find your strength is renewed, your spirit lifted, and that you will be greeted by a friendly community of believers. This is a warm fellowship where the Spirit of Christ is active and our Lord is exalted. If you have a need, we are ready to serve and to help.
Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities Religious Education (Youth) The Gospel Project® for Kids immerses kids and preschoolers in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. Ultimately, the gospel message changes everything; heart transformation can only take place when a child experiences the gospel. Through The Gospel Project® for Kids, kids and preschoolers will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption. Children’s Church: 2 & 3 year olds should be dropped off in Classroom 7 before the service on Sundays. Children ages 4 & 5 are in Classroom 5 and ages 6 and up are in the Fellowship Hall. These will be dismissed from the service after the Scripture reading and prayer. AWANA clubs teach the gospel of Christ to children from preschool through high school. Our clubs run through the 6th grade. Throughout the program, children are rewarded for memorizing Bible verses and completing character building activities. Sundays from 1615-1815 Contact Connie Gault for more information: 346-104-0802, NSANaples.Awana@gmail.com Facebook: “Naples AWANA Club”
B e y o n d You ( th ) For more information about the Middle School and High School ministry please contact: Garry Palmer at beyondyouthnaples@gmail.com, or call 348-297-9837.
Cornerstone My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But holly trust is Jesus' name My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But holly trust is Jesus' name Christ alone, Cornerstone Weak made strong in the Savior's love Through the storm He is Lord Lord of all When darkness seems to hide His face I rest on His unchanging grace In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil My anchor holds within the veil Christ alone, Cornerstone Weak made strong in the Savior's love Through the storm He is Lord, Lord of all He is Lord, Lord of all, Christ alone Christ alone, Cornerstone Weak made strong in the Savior's love Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord…
Call To Worship Nothing is Impossible Join us for a light lunch, prayer, and good fellowship in the Word of God. 1130-1230 in the (Chaplain John Keith Fellowship HallCapo Chapel) each Wednesday For more info contact Vee Valentin at veeval@hotmail.com
I'm not gonna live by what I see, I'm not gonna live by what I feel [Pre-chorus:] Deep down I, Know that You're here with me I know that, You can do anything
Announcements January/February Preaching Schedule: January is packed with TAD travel and a big Chaplain and RP training evolution, so the preaching schedule has been modified to the following: Today – 14 Jan – Chaplain Michael Hall, CDR, USN, US Naval Hospital Naples 21 Jan – Chaplain “Endel” Lee, RDML, USN, Deputy Chief of Navy Chaplains for Reserve Matters 28 Jan, 4 Feb – Chaplain Stiles, LT, USN, NSA Naples 11 Feb — Chaplain Joseph Salem, Capt., USA, Allied Forces South Battalion 18 Feb — Chaplain Gault, CDR USN, NSA Naples
January Potluck has been canceled due to scheduling difficulties with the Community Center
Facebook Group: Search for - NSA Naples Chapel: Contemporary Christian Service – and request to join to stay up-todate with the latest information about CCS.
[Chorus:] Through You, I can do anything, I can do all things, For it's You who give me strength, Nothing is impossible Through You, Blind eyes are opened, Strongholds are broken, I am living by faith, Nothing is impossible! [Bridge:] I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe in You
22 January: Single Sailor for Christ kickoff!
Order of Worship Call to Worship Welcome & Announcements
“Nothing is Impossible” Chaplain Gault
Praise & Worship "All of My Days” "Cornerstone" "You Are My All in All"
Our new ministry for single sailors will start at 1830 in the Liberty Center of the Hospital BEQ. Pizza and Pop will be provided for those who attend. If you are a single sailor and would like more information please check out the Facebook Group: NSA Naples Chapel: Single Sailor for Christ. You can also email RPSN Bethany Caldwell at bethanyannc7@gmail.com The new group will be going through “What Makes You Happy,” by Andy Stanley
Tithes & Offerings Scripture Reading & Prayer Message
John 4:1-38 “In the Meanwhile” Chaplain Hall
Want to be a blessing? Here are some opportunities: Musicians & Singers: Contact Mimmo at mimmomusic3@yahoo.com Welcome Ministry (Greeters) Interested in volunteering or have questions or suggestions?
Closing Song
“Nothing is Impossible”
Please contact Chaplain Stiles at Kenneth.Stiles@eu.navy.mil; DSN 629-4600
Closing Prayer
CCLI/CVLI# 2285810
Attendance on January 7, 2018 – 135 Religious Offering Fund Previous Balance: $6,505.79 Offerings Received: 1,050.25 Expenditures: (26.34) Balance: $7,529.70
Praise and Worship
A d u l t S m a l l Gr o u ps ***Starting February 1st***
All My Days
Thursdays, 1830–2030
Proclaim Your awesome power Tell of mighty deeds Declare Your future kingdom Of everlasting peace And my eyes they look unto You always And I am captured by Your Majesty All of my days I will sing of Your greatness All of my days I will speak of Your grace All of my days I will tell of Your wonderous love Your love in my life Your love All Your works will praise You Your children bless Your name We speak of all Your goodness We walk in fields of grace
An In-Depth Christian Worldview Experience ~Leader: Ken Stiles
Adult Study Sundays, 1630–1815 “The Gospel Project for Adults” (Support Site) ~Leaders: Danny & Charity Wedamen
***Starting January 16th*** Women’s Small Group Tuesdays, 1830–2000 (Support Site) “Living Life Together”(16 Jan–6 Feb) “One Thousand Gifts”(13 Feb–13 Mar) ~Leaders: Erin Lorenz & Ellie Schneider
Protestant Women of the Chapel Every Tuesday from 0900–1130 Facebook: PWOC Naples, Italy Group Email: pwocnaplesitaly@gmail.com