Sophomore Immersion Trip Passport 2013 N
inside front cover blank
Grading Rubric
50% of your Immersion Trip grade will be participation, 50% of your grade will be your passport. • The completed Passport should:
> Be turned in on time
> Have all required parts completed
> Be accurate and provide factual responses
> Show thoughtful reflection as appropriate
> Show the making of connections between experiences and the big question
PASSPORT RUBRIC Student has completed all required parts with high quality
Student has completed all required parts but quality needs some improvement
Student has completed all required parts with poor quality OR stu- C/75 dent has some parts with high quality but is missing components Student is missing required parts and parts present need improvement
Student missed deadline or has done minimal work of poor quality
• Participation is more than simply being present. 50% of your Immersion Trip grade will be based on how active and positive your attitude is throughout your Immersion Trip experience. PARTICIPATION RUBRIC Student has actively participated in all aspects of the Immersion Trip and consistently demonstrated a positive attitude
Student has actively participated in most aspects of the Immersion Trip and demonstrated a good attitude
Student has participated in some aspects of the Immersion Trip and demonstrated a satisfactory attitude
Student has failed to consistently participate in several aspects of the Immersion Trip and demonstrated a poor attitude
Student has failed to actively participate in most aspects of the Immersion Trip and demonstrated a negative attitude
Emergency Numbers Christchurch Administrator (804) 815-3449
Pre-Trip Reflection Answer both questions using a combined minimum of 350 words, make sure you answer both reflection questions. Your answers need to be typed and stapled to the inside of this Passport.
1. Think about what you will experience on your Immersion Trip up the Rappahannock River. What are your expectations about the trip? What will you be doing? How will it feel? How will it be challenging? 2. Read the Big Question on page two and think about activities you have done in your classes that relate to the Immersion Trip. Explain how two of your classes connect to the trip.
Table of Contents The Big Question and Sustainability Fractal............................... 1 The Chesapeake Bay Watershed................................................. 2 Rappahannock River Watershed................................................. 3 Rappahannock River Investigation #1....................................... 4-6 Rappahannock River Investigation #2....................................... 7-10 Rappahannock River Investigation #3....................................... 11-13 Post Trip Reflection.................................................................... 14 Personal Journal/Notes.............................................................. 15
Experiencing the Rappahannock River Watershed Communities that are Connected by Water, Land and Behaviors
The Big Question Different communities in our river’s watershed have wants and needs that can conflict. How do the actions of communities on the Rappahannock impact one another and the overall watershed system?
Sustainability Fractal
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Instructions Locate and label the following on the map: (write the number on the map instead of the words)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The Appalachian Mountains Christchurch School Fredericksburg Shenandoah National Park The Atlantic Ocean Washington D.C. The Susquehanna River The Potomac River The James River
Chesapeake Bay Watershed boundary
Rappahannock River Watershed boundary (see larger image of this area on next page)
What is a watershed? _____________________________________________________________ 2
Rappahannock River Watershed Investigation Region F pH_______
Flint Hill
conductivity_______ salinity_______
Investigation Region E pH_______
conductivity_______ salinity_______ DO_______
Investigation Region D
pH_______ conductivity_______ salinity_______ DO_______
Port Royal
Investigation Region C pH_______ conductivity_______ salinity_______ DO_______
Instructions Locate and shade the following on the map: 1. Shade the mountain portion of the watershed in red. 2. Shade the Peidmont Plateau portion of the watershed in green.
Investigation Region B
3. Shade the coastal plain portion of the watershed in blue.
salinity_______ DO_______
Define fall line: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
Urbanna Investigation Region A pH_______ conductivity_______ salinity_______
Rappahannock River Investigation #1 (Day one of trip) regionial River investigation
Region being investigated_____ Name of community_______________________________________
Physical Test Use GIS technology, citizen’s testimonials and your own observations in the following survey. TEST
Weather conditions Estimate river width Land use around river Water color Is there evidence of pollution? How does the river smell? Describe the river bottom (muddy, grassy, etc.) Does the river have its natural filters in place? Other observations Group conclusion from physical survey:
Chemical Test
Ideal Results
less than 1.0 ppm
less than 0.1 ppm
Dissolved Oxygen
greater than 5.0 ppm
52˚ - 64˚ (seasonal)
greater than 6.0 feet
6.8 - 8.0
Your Results Grade (A - F)
Salinity Conductivity Group conclusion from Chemical survey:
Biological Test
List biodiversity from interviews, sightings and your own research. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.
Overall water quality grade for this region of the Rappahannock River (A-F)______. 4
Riverside community Investigation
Use your interviewing skills to investigate the connection that the community has with its local natural resources. The questions you ask must pertain to the three E’s of the sustainability pyramid (fractal).
What industries/corporations have the most influence in your town and local region? How does this town and local region encourage new economic development? Do the citizens of this area welcome economic growth? Why or why not? What do you think this area of the watershed will look like in 25 years? What is the main source of this town and local region’s income? How does this area try to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability? How does this area promote tourism and trade? How does the river impact your economy?
Equity/Quality of Life
How do people use local natural resources for enjoyment? How do you provide for diverse cultures in your town and local region, or do you? Are there government regulations or local laws that were implemented to promote livability and vitality? Are there any recently adopted or projected new technologies that are or will impact your area and the quality of life for its people? (Example: buried power lines, cell towers, etc.) Are there sources for locally grown food for your town or local region?
Is there a sense of environmental stewardship or river awareness in this area? If so, how is that demonstrated? How are natural resources protected in your town or local region? Does your town or local region use any alternative energy sources? If so, describe. Is there, or has there been, any notable environmental issues in this area? If so, describe and share how they have been addressed.
How connected is this community to the natural resources in this area? Circle the number on the scale where you think the community lies with regard to its connection with local natural resources. Scale 1 = least connected, 10 = most connected Economy:
Equity / Quality of Life: Environment:
5 1 4
6 2 5
7 3 6
8 4 7
9 5 8
10 6 9
10 5
Riverside REFLECTION Use your senses to sketch and describe your experience at this location.
- Sketch a picture of the river in this location
Touch: Smell: Hearing: Taste: Lateral Line - All fish downstream have an adaptation that allows them to feel vibrations in the water. Describe the vibe that you sense at this location on the Rappahannock River.
Watershed Reflection Based on your overall water quality grade for this region, how do you predict land is being used upstream in the Rappahannock River watershed?
Describe the community’s connection to its natural resources. How do these community connections create positive or negative impacts downstream?
Rappahannock River Investigation #2 (Day two of trip) Peak Experiences Region being investigated_____ Name of community_______________________________________
Physical Test Use GIS technology, citizen’s testimonials and your own observations in the following survey. TEST
Weather conditions Estimate river width Land use around river Water color Is there evidence of pollution? How does the river smell? Describe the river bottom (muddy, grassy, etc.) Does the river have its natural filters in place? Other observations Group conclusion from physical survey:
Chemical Test
Ideal Results
less than 1.0 ppm
less than 0.1 ppm
Dissolved Oxygen
greater than 5.0 ppm
52˚ - 64˚ (seasonal)
greater than 6.0 feet
6.8 - 8.0
Your Results Grade (A - F)
Salinity Conductivity Group conclusion from Chemical survey:
Biological Test
Benthic Macro Invertebrate Survey. Circle the Invertebrates found.
Biodiversity Results: Taxa 1 (each species = 3 points) _____ Taxa 2 (each species = 2 points) _____ Taxa 3 (each species = 1 point) _____ _______________________________
Scale: 1-7
poor water quality
fair water quality
good water quality
excellent water quality
Total ______
Overall water quality grade for this region of the Rappahannock River (A-F)______.
Sustainability at the headwaters Sustainability: A means of configuring civilization and human activity so that society, its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and develop their greatest potential in the present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems for future generations.
The Shenandoah National Park Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Land Management Experiment in 1936 Place a large dot on the sustainability pyramid where you think the design of Shenandoah National Park fits.
After reading and discussing the definition of sustainability, how might you argue that F.D. Roosevelt’s decision to form the Shenandoah National Park in 1936 was sustainability-minded? Include economic, social, and environmental reasons. Economic -
Social -
Environmental -
Riverside REFLECTION Use your senses to sketch and describe your experience at this location.
- Sketch a picture of the river in this location
Touch: Smell: Hearing: Taste: Lateral Line - All fish downstream have an adaptation that allows them to feel vibrations in the water. Describe the vibe that you sense at this location on the Rappahannock River.
Watershed Reflection Based on your overall water quality grade for this region, how do you predict land is being used upstream in the Rappahannock River watershed?
Describe the community’s connection to its natural resources. How do these community connections create positive or negative impacts downstream?
Rappahannock River Investigation #3 (Day three of trip) Headwater Community Investigation Name of community____________ Use your interviewing skills to investigate the connection that the community has with its local natural resources. The questions you ask must pertain to the three E’s of the sustainability pyramid (fractal).
What industries/corporations have the most influence in your town and local region? How does this town and local region encourage new economic development? Do the citizens of this area welcome economic growth? Why or why not? What do you think this area of the watershed will look like in 25 years? What is the main source of this town and local region’s income? How does this area try to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability? How does this area promote tourism and trade? How does the river impact your economy?
Equity/Quality of Life
How do people use local natural resources for enjoyment? How do you provide for diverse cultures in your town and local region, or do you? Are there government regulations or local laws that were implemented to promote livability and vitality? Are there any recently adopted or projected new technologies that are or will impact your area and the quality of life for its people? (Example: buried power lines, cell towers, etc.) Are there sources for locally grown food for your town or local region?
Is there a sense of environmental stewardship or river awareness in this area? If so, how is that demonstrated? How are natural resources protected in your town or local region? Does your town or local region use any alternative energy sources? If so, describe. Is there, or has there been, any notable environmental issues in this area? If so, describe and share how they have been addressed.
How connected is this community to the natural resources in this area? Circle the number on the scale where you think the community lies with regard to its connection with local natural resources. Scale 1 = least connected, 10 = most connected Economy:
Equity / Quality of Life: Environment:
5 1 4
6 2 5
7 3 6
8 4 7
9 5 8
10 6 9
Use your senses to sketch and describe your experience at this location.
- Sketch a picture of the river in this location
Touch: Smell: Hearing: Taste: Lateral Line - All fish downstream have an adaptation that allows them to feel vibrations in the water. Describe the vibe that you sense at this location on the Rappahannock River.
Watershed Reflection Describe your organizations connection to its local natural resources and local community. How do these connections create positive or negative impacts downstream?
sperryville Community investigation Name of place you investigated__________________________________ Place a large dot on the sustainability pyramid where you think the business you investigated fits.
After reading and discussing the definition of sustainability(see page 9), how might you argue that the business you investigated is sustainability-minded? Include economic, social, and environmental reasons. Economic -
Social -
Environmental -
Post-Trip Reflection: Using 250 words or more, answer the two reflection questions. Your answers need to be typed and stapled to the inside of this Passport. 1. During the Immersion Trip you have interviewed strangers about their connection to their place, investigated and compared different regions of the Rappahanock River, hiked to the top of the watershed, slept under the stars at the headwaters, and spent quality time with sustainabilityminded people. Describe the aspect of the trip that made you think and grow the most. Explain what you learned and why it so effective. 2. Why is it important that everyone on the planet understand the concept of watershed? How would a common global understanding of watershed increase sustainability on our planet? Use the sustainability pyramid as a reference.
Personal Journal / Notes