Arch 101

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Architecture 101 Digital Learning Portfolio By Jameel Shaheer

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Malevich Reinterpreted Into Tectonic Drawn Design Elements Representation Principles Language Narrative Scale Site Layered Emphasis Form Scale Proportions Beauty Experiential Space Sequential Experiences Frame & Surface Expressions Structure Nature Precedence Responses to Natural Forces

Week 1 Malevich Reinterpreted Into Tectonic

My first Iteration is based off of Malevich design. The Goal was to construct Malevich into a 3D model. Since it’s my first model I didn’t want to incorporate to much detail. Just wanted to create a simple model.

Week 1 (Cont’D) On my second Iteration I decided to reduce the size and add more complexity by adding a more cubic approach to express areas that needed more attention. Using cardboard allows for more precise cutting so, I decided to use electronic tape to give a more profile feel to areas where angles begin and end.

• Pro: Added more detail and reduced size • Cons: Hard cuts on cardboard

Week 2 Drawn Design Elements Representation Principles

• I used sketch up to reiterate Malevich design so I could get a better understanding of model area, contrast and approach. This allowed for better understanding for future model design.

Week 3 Language Narrative Scale Site Layered Emphasis •

Using the same approach to Malevich Design I decided to express levels into the design to give a deeper feel to frame and form.

There are 3 levels and each display cubic form in a flatten and repetition design. Also when adding levels I noticed how sunlight plays a major part in shadows and that can reflect on models differences.

Cons: Takes longer to complete

Pros: more detail allows for deeper layers

Week 4 Form Scale Proportions Beauty


On my fourth Iteration I concluded that I should change materials and incorporate ideas from the first two models. By keeping the levels for depth and using Malevich design. Doing this allowed me to explore different materials which added to more complex form and better scales. This also help me express my ideas more profoundly.

• Week 4 (Con’D)

• Inducing the fifth Iteration was a redevelopment and a add on to future projects.

Pros: Different form approach

Cons: Used same Scale

WEEK 5 Experiential Space Sequential Experiences


My Sixth Iteration is a tower that tells a story by being the bridge between Iterations.

• The tower has the ability to transform allowing for experiential space to be displayed.

Week 5 (Con’t D) •

My seventh Iteration incorporates my last two designs.

• I wanted to express the spaces between Iterations by displaying them in the sunlight.

Week 6 Frame & Surface Expressions Structure

These three iterations shows surface expressions in multiple levels.

• I wanted to convey this by showing the frame of the structure from difference angles. • Pros: combination of former iterations to understand frame and surface.

• Cons: Not all structure surface is displayed.

Week 7 Nature Precedence Responses to Natural Forces

• Iterations ten is an evolved concept that was still under construction.

Pros: Different concept Introduction to new materials • The light protruding through this model displayed an extended view of shadows. Cons: Lack of detail in overall construct

Week 7 (Cont’D) • My eleventh Iteration displays multiple angles of shadow and light. Also, this Iteration have the ability to transform.

• This Iteration is a composite of former models and can also transform.

Pros: Different Ideas conveyed with relations to natural forces (Wind)

Cons: Needed Lighter material

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