Eastern Shore Sun December 2020

Page 26

26 Eastern Shore Sun December 2020

COMMUNITY CALENDAR With COVID-19 restrictions starting to ease, community groups and organisations have begun reopening and recommencing events and classes. If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.


Cracker day for Clifton Beach surf groms


BEREAVED PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building in Ellerslei Road, Battery point on the second Tuesday of every second month at 7:30pm. Social gatherings occur in the months in between on a Sunday afternoon. Freecall 1300 064 068 for dates and details.


CLARENCE CLIMATE ACTION COMMUNITY GROUP The Clarence Climate Action community group supports the local community with positive actions working towards a sustainable future. Members are ordinary people who live and work in Clarence, including professionals, teachers, doctors and farmers. For more information, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/clarenceclimaeaction. CLARENCE COMMUNITY KNITTING GROUP Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities. Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am-12noon. Phone Romana Sanders 6244 4736

Grom shreds the waves at Clifton Beach.


HOBART MINIATURE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY (HMSLS) Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. You don’t need to be an accomplished engineer. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.


JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Do you need a JP? The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday from 9:30am to 4:pm. At other time, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.


MASTERS ATHLETICS Track and field athletics at the Domain Athletic Centre for the over 30’s from October to March. Programs are at www.tasmastersathletics.org.au or for more information, please contact the secretary on email on: tasmasterssec@gmail.com or phone: 0402 314 079.


SOUTH ARM COMMUNITY MARKET South Arm community market has returned. First Sunday of every month, 9:30pm to 1pm. Lots of interesting stalls. Phone Karen to book a site on 0409 029 664. SOUTH ARM PENINSULA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (SAPRA) Bingo is being held twice per month at the South Arm Community Centre, 9 Calverton Place, South Arm. It will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 1pm, and on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Tea and coffee is available for a $2 donation, or BYO nibbles and drinks (including alcohol). Game cards are $1 each and there are 15 games per session. Cash prizes. SUPPORTING FACIAL PAIN SUFFERERS Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com. Don’t suffer alone.


TENNIS IN HOWRAH Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub.org.au. TIME OUT CRAFTS PROGRAM Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am to noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Morning, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session. Recommencing on Thursday 25 February, 2021. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.


YOGA IN LINDISFARNE Gentle Yoga Class on Wednesdays from 11am to noon at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Kate on 0401 177 238.

From left, Under 14 winners Marvin Freeman from South Arm and Sienna Lawrence from Clifton Beach.

THE surf was up at Clifton Beach when the Tasmanian round of the Woolworths 2020 Surfer Groms was held. Nearly 40 young groms enjoyed a warm day at South Clifton where a little left and right gutter produced small waves all morning until a mild midday sea breeze hit. The Woolworths Surfer Groms Tasmanian event is part of a national series pathway designed to unearth new talent in a fun format. Under 8s, 10s and 12s can be pushed onto waves by parents if necessary and usually just ride the white water to the shore. The under 14s and 16s are the serious competitors who already compete in the Tasmanian State

Championship Series which runs state wide over six months from October to May. The results were: • Under 8 Girls: 1st Marli Hassett • Under 8 Boys: 1st Lewis Hendry, 2nd Iggy Whittla, 3rd Thomas Scurrah • Under 10 Girls: 1st Lan Hendry, 2nd Audrey Green • Under 10 Boys: 1st Findlay Child, 2nd Rupert Ingliss, 3rd Jo Potter • Under 12 Girls: 1st Hayden Brown, 2nd Jess Gardner, 3rd Grace Hassett • Under 12 Boys: 1st Tully Woodberry, 2nd Marvin Freeman, 3rd Kahawai Benson • Under 14 Girls: 1st Sienna Lawrence, 2nd Poppy Woodberry, 3rd Bernie Nordstrom

• Under 14 Boys: 1st Marvin Freeman, 2nd Cowan Duncan, 3rd Tully Woodberry. As the winning boy and girl in the Under 14s, Sienna Lawrence and Marvin Freeman, will now go to an all expenses paid three day training camp at Surfing Australia’s High Performance Centre at Casuarina in northern New South Wales – valued at about $3000 each. Hayden Brown and Tully Woodberry won the Woolworths Fresh Wave Award for best and fairest, and Sienna Lawrence and Tully Woodberry won the Pic’s Peanut Butter ‘Star Performers’ Award. Surfing Tasmania executive officer Shayne Clark said these types of competitions were

important to help develop junior surfers from the four clubs across the state. “This year, we have a very good group of under 12s coming through, which is exciting.” “Currently, we are seeing a rejuvenation of junior activities in the north-west and north-east which should rebalance our development squad, with the majority currently from the two southern clubs of Park Beach Boardriders and South Arm Boardriders clubs. “The pathway is to then compete in State Championship rounds with a goal of state junior team selection to go onto other interstate coaching and event opportunities.”

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