Independently owned and published by Cor Comms
STATE OF THE ART MINERAL SCIENCE HUB ON THE WAY TASMANIA will have expanded geotechnical testing capabilities thanks to a $2.4 million upgrade to the Mineral Resources Tasmania Core Library at Mornington. STORY CONTINUES PAGE 2
From left, University of Tasmania head of discipline in Earth Science Sebastien Meffre, Mineral Resources Tasmania director of mines Kevin Robinson, Minister for Resources Guy Barnett, Liberal Member for Franklin Jacquie Petrusma, and Liberal Member for Franklin Nic Street.
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2 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
Community News
Directions Theatre Pty Ltd Presents
Key decisions at the council meeting held on 7, 14 and 21 December 2020 included: 7 December (Annual General Meeting): • Received the 2019-20 Annual Report and 2019-20 Financial Report. 14 December: • Approved development applications for the partial change of use to a residential building in Bellerive; multiple dwellings in Lindisfarne and Tranmere; and a market in Rosny Park. • Approved the relocation of funds to the Cambridge Oval Precinct Master Plan; a council delegation under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1999; and the COVID-19 waiver of lease rental on councilowned properties leased to not-for-profit clubs and organisations. • Approved the release of flood mapping to the community; City Heart Project Consultation Report; and community consultation on the draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030. • Adopted the Lauderdale Saltmarsh Reserve Activity Plan 2020-2030; and special committee appointments. 21 December: • Approved two-year extension of the Kangaroo Bay hotel and hospitality school sale and development agreement between the council and Chambroad Overseas Investment Australia Pty Ltd.
Upcoming council meeting dates: Tuesday 9 February 2021 at 7pm. Available via livestreaming through council’s website.
EVENTS Fitness in the Park Summer Program: The Clarence Prize has been rescheduled for 2021. Call for entries are now open until 14 February 2021. For more information, visit www. clarenceartsandevents.net/clarence-prize.
EXHIBITIONS Clarence Prize: The Clarence Prize has been rescheduled for 2021. Call for entries are now open until 14 February 2021. For more information, visit www. clarenceartsandevents.net/clarence-prize.
COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS Cambridge Off Lead Dog Park Draft Master Plan Have your say on the Cambridge Off Lead Dog Park Draft Master Plan. Consultation closes 8 February 2021. Visit www.yoursay.ccc.tas.gov.au. Draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030 Consultation Have your say on the Draft Strategic Plan 20202030. Consultation closes 12 February 2021. Visit www.yoursay.ccc.tas.gov.au.
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Coofmedy Errors
RECREATION My Neighbourhood: Find where tracks, parks, beaches, community halls, sportsgrounds and dog exercise areas are in Clarence at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/myneighbourhood.
The upgrade will combine laboratory facilities that are currently spread across two sites, and provide an upgraded and expanded state of the art facility for geoscientific and analytical functions, which will better serve both Government and industry needs. It will also provide an up-to-date interface for Mineral Resources Tasmania’s engagement with the industry. “This will mean more of the scientific analysis work that goes into both managing our natural resources and growing the sector can happen right here in Tasmania rather than going offshore,” Minister for Resources Guy Barnett said. Tasmanian construction company Fairbrother was awarded the contract and it is the first major
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Roads • Pothole repairs – Bellerive, Howrah and Tranmere.
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• Guidepost replacement continues throughout the municipality. • Bellerive Boardwalk stage three decking replacement.
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• Construction of rural footpath – Acton Road to Kythera Place.
• Upgrade of footpath and kerb and gutter – Ford Parade. • Construction of footpath – Rosny Foreshore Trail, Geilston Bay to Rosny College. • Bellerive Pier construction – Bellerive.
• Road reconstruction – Hookey Court and Atkins Street, Rokeby.
Please contact me with any council matters.
• Carpark upgrades – Clarence Mountain Bike Park. • Reseal works – various streets and suburbs.
E: ald_jwalker@ccc.tas.gov.au M: 0421320669
• Road upgrades – Duntroon Drive, Rokeby. Drainage • Stormwater upgrades – Blessington/Chesterfield streets in South Arm, Jacombe Street in Richmond, and Ringwood Road in Lauderdale. • Stormwater works – Cessna Way, Cambridge. Parks and Reserves • Soft fall containment and park upgrades – Allumba Street, Carbeen Street, Flinders Street and Raleigh Court. • Bollard replacement to boundary – Simmons Park. • Stormwater upgrades and play area landscaping – Rosny Childcare Centre.
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• Public toilets construction – Lauderdale Canal. Natural Area Management • Maintenance of walking tracks in natural areas and Tangara Trail. • Maintenance and management of natural areas as per the various Natural Area Management Plans. • Fuel reduction and heap burns as required in natural areas as conditions allow. For more information, visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au or call us on 03 6217 9500
The Eastern Shore Sun is your community monthly newspaper reaching 29,000 homes and businesses, distributed on the third week of each month.
State of the art mineral science hub on the way
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upgrade since the library was opened about 30-years-ago. “This is a significant investment in a sector that supports more than 5,100 direct jobs, contributes more than 51 per cent of our state’s exports and produces product with a value of more than $2 billion each year,” Mr Barnett said. “When our resources sector is strong, our economy thrives, and that is why we are making a significant investment into the scientific capability available right here in Tasmania.” The Core Library already stores more than 770 kilometres of drill core and around 70,000 rock samples from across the state. The facility is a vital resource for Tasmania’s mining, exploration, research and education, and broader industrial sectors. “The upgrade will make it more efficient, effective and accessible to industry,” Mr Barnett said. “This upgrade will play a significant role in realising our mineral potential and supports our collaborative efforts in working with industry through our existing scientific and exploration support packages.” The Core Library upgrade is expected to be completed by the middle of the year.
John Peers (Alderman) Clarence City Council
0419 309 220
Email: peersccc@netspace.net.au PO Box 2 - Rosny Park TAS 7018
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A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W www.easternshoresun.com.au
Friday 29 January
Press Ready Material:
Monday 8 February
Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis.
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 3
Community News
some women with the opportunity to leave a violent relationship and be able to access the safety and support they need in the Tasmanian community to live a life free from violence and harm.” The Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF) took steps in July to assist Tasmanians during the COVID-19 pandemic calling for applications for projects which responded specifically to the impacts of COVID-19 on local communities. Grants were split into three streams and were developed based on community feedback: Support – supporting and meeting the needs of vulnerable people to ensure they are not left behind as a result of COVID-19. Connection – creating spaces and programs/processes to enable individuals and communities to reconnect and rebuild the social fabric of communities. Rebuild – providing individual and organisational capacity building including options for realigning work and directions for the “new normal” and beyond. More than $200,000 was provided to small
From left, Tasmanian Refugee Legal Service principal lawyer Patrick O’Connor, lawyer and migration agent Donna Woodleigh, family violence lawyer Taya KetelaarJones and Tasmanian Community Fund board member Michelle Swallow.
applicants with funding announced in October taking the total awarded in the Round to $3.5 million. The TCF was established in 1999 following the sale of a community asset. An independent funding body, the
Fund provides grants to community organisations that enable Tasmanian communities to be vibrant, capable and resilient in shaping their future. To date the TCF has provided more than $114 million to the Tasmanian community.
Senator Claire
CHANDLER Senator for Tasmania
Your Liberal Senator working for LYONS 03 6223 1135 Senator.Chandler@aph.gov.au SenatorChandler senatorchandler.com.au Authorised by Senator Claire Chandler, Liberal Party of Australia, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000
BLOMELEY Your Alderman for Clarence City Council
VISION. ENERGY. RESULTS. 0413 972 307 | www.brendanblomeley.com | brendan@brendanblomeley.com
Authorised by Brendan Blomeley, 72 Lincoln St Lindisfarne TAS
THE Tasmanian Community Fund’s (TCF) COVID-19 specific funding round has been assessed with 28 organisations sharing in $3.29 million in large and medium grants. Funding recipients include The St Giles Society’s for a Disability Innovator Hub and Colony 47’s clinical mental health support program for southern Tasmania’s most vulnerable young people. Other grants were provided to the Australian Dental Health Foundation for the provision of free dental care to disadvantaged Tasmanians and the Tasmanian Refugee Legal Service for free legal support to migrant women on temporary visas who are victims/ survivors of family violence. TCF chair Sally Darke said that as the needs of the Tasmanian people continued to grow and change during the pandemic, the fund had adapted to meet the needs in this unprecedented time. “The TCF introduced the COVID-19 specific funding round to assist community groups and organisations realign their work and adapt to the new normal because we know many community groups and individuals can help lead Tasmania through the recovery,” she said. Principal lawyer for the Tasmanian Refugee Legal Service Patrick O’Connor said the purpose of its project was to set up and operate a legal clinic to provide free migration legal advice and casework for migrants who were victims and survivors of family violence currently on temporary visas. “For many migrant women, a temporary visa status is used as a means to coerce them to remain in a violent relationship,” he said. “The ability to access free legal migration advice can provide
4 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
Community News
Tasmanian maritime safety all aboard Deckee
GARDENING IN JANUARY Summer is here, and a little more care is needed when working in the garden to avoid those snakes and spiders that share our gardens. In areas where snakes are common, always wear sturdy footwear and gloves, take special care when working in thickly vegetated areas – this includes the veggie garden and green houses where they are attracted by the warmth. Always look where you are walking, as what you think is a hose may be a sunbaking snake. Extra care is needed when lifting sheets of tin or rock and bricks as these hold the heat.
Spiders are a friend in the garden, but can cause a fright and some of the larger ones can bite, causing you to drop or throw things, so take care when picking things up and putting on shoes and hats that have been outside or in the shed. Don’t leave open soft drink cans or bottles outside in areas where there are European wasps – they are attracted by the sugar and will climb into the can, stinging you in the mouth when you take a drink. Lastly, but most importantly, we all need to be sun smart, so use lots of sunscreen and wear a hat and stay out of the midday sun.
PLANTING IN JANUARY Vegetable Seedlings
Herb & Flower Seedlings
• Water plants deeply either early morning or late evening. • Garlic planted six months ago should be ready to harvest now. Hang bulbs in the shed to dry. • Compost lawn clippings – do not place them around plants when green as they heat up as they decompose. • Pick fruit and veg regularly to keep them producing.
Howrah Sunrise ELC will be purpose-built and provide high-quality education and care for all children from 6 weeks to school-age. The centre has been architecturally designed to provide for the needs of each age group of children, in 6 spacious activity rooms with substantial amenities. The outdoor play area will feature natural environmental elements, sustainability areas, playhubs and gardens. Would you like to know more, contact us on 0418 676 268 or email us at info@howrahsunriseelc.com.au We look forward to hearing from you!
AUSTRALIAN boating safety app Deckee has experienced 120 per cent growth in downloads in Tasmania after being selected as Marine and Safety Tasmania’s (MAST) official safety app. MAST chief executive officer Lia Morris said Deckee provided Tasmanian recreational boaters with specific safety information, weather forecasts, swell and tide information, and the location of public moorings. “Deckee can help make time on the water safe and enjoyable,” she said. “The majority of boating accidents in Tasmania occur over holiday periods, happening between December to January and Easter every year. “In Tasmania, there are more than 62,000 recreational boating license holders and in excess of 30,000 registered vessels that take an average of 18 trips per year making water safety knowledge more important than ever.” Deckee also gives access to MAST safety information, links to boat registration and licensing,
Australian boating safety app Deckee has been selected as Marine and Safety Tasmania’s official safety app.
trip preparation checklists and navigational rules. Deckee founder and chief executive officer Mike McKiernan said by using Deckee, recreational boat owners exploring Tasmania’s 4,882 kilometre coastline can check their surroundings by using its comprehensive satellite map. “Deckee enables boaties to check weather conditions, speed zones, visibility of restricted locations and be aware of nearby vessels – all potentially life-saving features,” he said. “Users can also contribute their own
knowledge by providing updates on points of interest, marine facilities and services and add missing information to help improve the map for the community. “They can set reminders and expiry dates for their boat licence, boat registration and safety equipment such as lifejackets, flares, emergency beacons and fire extinguishers.” While many boaters have benefitted from the free app’s inventive technology, Deckee is calling on Tasmanians to ensure they are up-todate with key knowledge
before taking to the water this Summer. “Our partnership with Marine and Safety Tasmania is a huge achievement for our company, and it is a real honour to be recognised as their official safety app,” Mr McKiernan said. “To think that our technology is helping Tasmanians stay informed on the water is something we are incredibly proud of.” Deckee is available on iOS and Android devices or any device equipped with a web browser. For more information, visit www.deckee.com.
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 5
Community News
Clarence Jazz Festival supports local
Have your say on the draft Clarence Strategic Plan THE draft Clarence City Council Strategic Plan 2020-2030 is now available for community members and stakeholders to have their say. Feedback received through consultation will enable council to develop the final version of the Strategic Plan 2020-2030 for endorsement. The review is being undertaken in line with the Local Government Act 1993 requirement for council to review its Strategic Plan every
four years. Clarence City Council Mayor Alderman Doug Chipman said the key changes in the draft Strategic Plan were consolidating council’s strategic goal areas from five to four, introducing key supporting strategies, and highlighting the City Heart Project as a major strategic project. “We have also identified major strategic projects for implementation, and highlighted council’s role as a key regional
leader,” he said. “We are eager to find out what our community think about the draft plan. “Clarence is a vibrant municipality for all, and we encourage people to visit Your Say Clarence, and have your say on the future principles that will guide the council.” To have your say on the Draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030, visit https://www.yoursay. ccc.tas.gov.au/draftstrategic-plan-20202030-consultation.
Kelly Ottaway performing at Clarence Jazz Festival 2020.
THE stage is set for five days of fun now that the dates for the 25th anniversary of the Clarence Jazz Festival have been announced. Comprising an almost exclusive Tasmanian line-up, the COVID-safe celebration will run from Wednesday 17 February through to Sunday 21 February 2021. Clarence City Council Mayor Alderman Doug Chipman said the festival was a fantastic opportunity to support local artists during this uncertain time. “One of the many unfortunate consequences of the Coronavirus has been the impact it’s had on the livelihood of artists and performers,” he said. “It is wonderful to be able to support Tasmania’s live music scene by enjoying fabulous jazz performed by the best local artists our state has to offer.” The festival will include a series of free Twilight Series concerts featuring the Eastern Shore’s most picturesque locations as its backdrop.
‘A Big Day at Kangaroo Bay’, the festival’s one-day signature event, will take place along the beautiful shores of Kangaroo Bay, overlooked by kunanyi/ Mt Wellington. This huge event will take place from lunchtime through to the evening and will feature two stages of live music, as well as food stalls and beverages available to purchase. In addition, there will also be a series of intimate and exclusive ticketed concerts and masterclasses that will take place within the beautiful sandstone walls of the Jazz Lounge at Rosny Barn. To compliment the Tasmanian themed lineup, the Clarence Jazz Festival announced its first Tasmanian Festival Ambassador, Kelly Ottaway. With his expert knowledge of jazz and his intimate understanding of the local music scene, Mr Ottaway will play an instrumental role in shaping the 25th year celebrations. A recipient of two
Arts Tasmania grants and a Musicians Union of Tasmania study scholarship, Mr Ottoway has been involved in internationally renowned Tasmanianbased festivals such as MONA FOMA, Dark MOFO and The Festival Called PANAMA. Clarence City Council Deputy Mayor and Jazz Festival Convenor Alderman Heather Chong said she was thrilled to have Kelly
Ottaway on board as the Clarence Jazz Festival Ambassador. “Kelly is a fantastic jazz artist and well respected in the music scene, and his expertise will be a big asset to the festival,” she said. “We are proud to support our local artists, and we are looking forward to gathering. together in a COVIDsafe way to celebrate, after what has been a difficult year.”
The Clarence Jazz Festival event dates are: Wednesday 17 February 2021: Twilight Series One Thursday 18 February 2021: Twilight Series Two & Masterclasses at Rosny Barn Friday 19 February 2021: Jazz Lounge at Rosny Barn Saturday 20 February 2021: Big Day at Kangaroo Bay Sunday 21 February 2021: Masterclasses, Jazz Lounge at Rosny Barn & Twilight Series Three
Have your say on council’s Draft Strategic Plan 2020-2030. View the plan and complete the online survey. Consulation closes 12 February 2021. To find out more visit www.yoursay.ccc.tas.gov.au
6 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
Community News
Historical landmark upgraded
Parade of Sail on River Derwent
Maintenance works at Richmond Gaol Historic Site have been completed. Photo credit: Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.
MAINTENANCE works at the Richmond Gaol Historic Site have been completed to future proof the site so it can be explored for generations to come. The $150,000 works at one of Tasmania’s most distinctive heritage landmarks was funded through the State Government Public Building Maintenance economic stimulus package and were completed ahead of the busy Summer season. Minister for Environ-
ment and Parks Roger Jaensch said the works had been sensitively undertaken to ensure the site could be preserved and to protect the historic building from weather and deterioration. “The roof was replaced at Richmond Gaol with additional maintenance carried out on the buildings,” he said. “The replacement roofing at Richmond Gaol will protect the convict-build sandstone block buildings, which were constructed between 1825 and
1840, and provide better amenity for visitors to the historic gaol.” Minister for Heritage Elise Archer said the upgrades would ensure that the Richmond Gaol buildings remain available to the public to interpret the rich history of the Tasmanian heritage colonial era. “The Tasmanian Government continues to invest in our world class heritage sites to ensure they can be enjoyed by future generations,” she said.
Parade of Sail from a previous Australian Wooden Boat Festival. Photo credit: Australian Wooden Boat Festival – Galina Romalis.
MORE than 120 sailing vessels will grace the River Derwent on Sunday 7 February 2021 as the Australian Wooden Boat Festival (AWBF) and the Royal Hobart Regatta combine to present the Parade of Sail. The Parade of Sail usually heralds the start of the biennial Australian Wooden Boat Festival which, sadly, cannot
proceed in its traditional format this year because of COVID-19 restrictions. However, this magnificent spectacle on the River Derwent, comprising of boats of all shapes and sizes, will again celebrate Tasmania’s rich maritime culture and community. The AWBF wooden boat fleet will follow the Motor Yacht Club Tasmania’s Launch of ‘ML Egeria’
and tall ships ‘Windeward Bound’, ‘Lady Nelson’, ‘Rhona H’ and ‘Yukon’ around a course which will sail close to both sides of the river finishing at the Hobart Regatta Ground. “We designed the course to ensure maximum public viewing opportunities while adhering to social distancing and COVID-19 regulations,” AWBF general manager
Have your say on Tasmania’s Health System The consultation period for Our Healthcare Future has been extended to 12 February 2021 to ensure you can have your say on the future of healthcare in Tasmania.
What is Our Healthcare Future? Our Healthcare Future is the next stage of the Tasmanian Government’s long-term health reforms to build a highly integrated and sustainable health service, and to ensure Tasmanians receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. The Our Healthcare Future - Immediate Actions and Consultation Paper marks the start of the Our Healthcare Future process. It highlights key issues impacting healthcare in Tasmania in 2021 and beyond. The consultation paper is available by viewing www.health.tas.gov.au/ourhealthcarefuture or calling (03) 6166 1091. It proposes three key improvement areas, including immediate actions the Tasmanian Government will take now and consultation questions to guide future planning: 1. Better Community Care 2. Modernising Tasmania’s Health System 3. Planning for the Future
Your Feedback The consultation currently underway on the Immediate Actions and Consultation Paper provides an opportunity for meaningful engagement with the community, clinicians, consumers and organisations that will help us develop the framework for the healthcare of Tasmanians into the future. You are encouraged to make a written submission against the consultation issues and questions raised. Your feedback is welcome on all consultation questions or just those issues important to you. Please send your submission to ourhealthcarefuture@health.tas.gov.au by 12 February 2021. If you can’t make a written submission, call the Department of Health on (03) 6166 1091 or email ourhealthcarefuture@health.tas.gov.au
Depar tment of Health
Paul Stephanus said. “With so many vantage points on both sides of the river, small groups will be able to congregate safely and enjoy the Parade of Sail. “The spectacle of so many vessels under sail is always an attraction for families and especially for photographers.”
Call to Engage with Our Healthcare Future
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 7
Community News
SEAPLANE MEMORIES ON THE DERWENT By Reg A. Watson ONCE it was a familiar sight on the River Derwent, and many of the mature readers will remember it – I certainly do and what a picturesque sight it was. I am referring to the regular passenger seaplane service which used to land on the River Derwent, bringing visitors from interstate and ferrying passengers back again.
It certainly was graceful viewing, watching it either land or take off. After settling on the river, passengers were taken ashore by a launch. It all began in the 1950s, but seaplanes had been used worldwide for decades – now it was Tasmania’s turn. Carrying up to 44 passengers, it was a fourhour flight to and from Hobart to Sydney.
Initially it was three flights a week. Landing point for the seaplane on the River Derwent was near the then Hobart Naval base in Macquarie Point, while the Sydney venue was at Rose Bay. Those who lived in Rose Bay in Tasmania and all along the Eastern Shore would have been delighted with what must have been a wonderful experience.
The 1950s has been described as “the golden age of flying”, and in this respect it certainly was. The four engine fixed wing aircraft landed safely in whatever weather, which at times was rather choppy. While the service continued for a number of years, the increasing use of the Hobart airport, firstly at the old Cambridge site and then at Llanherne, meant it was goodbye to the romantic times of seaplanes travelling to and from the River Derwent to Rose Bay, Sydney. Another great era gone.
JULIE COLLINS MP If you require assistance on any Federal matter please contact me.
Electorate office: 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park PO Box 38 Rosny Park TAS 7018
6244 1222
Julie.Collins.MP@aph.gov.au www.juliecollins.com
Seaplanes on the River Derwent.
Authorised by Julie Collins MP, Australian Labor Party (Tas) 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park TAS 7018
8 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
community at our cor
our pledge We pledge to uphold exceptional standards while remaining true to ourselves in a corporate world where pretension can blur authenticity. We promise to adhere to the key values of our business - passion, excellence and trust. We pledge to foster our trademark passion, ensuring that every idea we have and every connection we forge is steeped in enthusiasm, courage, energy and focus. We vow to uphold our reputation for excellence, to honour our years of experience and to continue generating compelling and creative results, without the need to wear crappy suits or being generally smug about it. We pledge to be good eggs, to be ourselves, to remain respectfully, honestly human and to be accountable for our actions. This we solemnly swear.
dedicated to
with clear
that’s focused on
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 9
Cor Comms
Traditional and new communication all in the mix COR COMMS is a Hobart-based marketing and communications business that specialises in public relations, advertising and marketing, media buying, creative and digital media. Along with owning the Eastern Shore Sun community newspaper, the business is responsible for working with some of Tasmania’s best-known organisations including TT-Line (operators of the Spirit of Tasmania vessels), principal racing authority TasRacing, Australia’s largest salmon farmer Tassal and the Tasmanian Community Fund. Managing Director Adrian Smith said the business was responsible for well-known marketing and advertising campaigns that many Tasmanians would see every day. “For example, we have recently been working
on the COVID-19 Summer campaign for the Department of Premier and Cabinet, as well as DPIPWE’s Tassie Harvest Jobs advertising and ongoing promotion of the Murdoch Clarke Mortgage Fund,” he said. “Like many businesses, we have worked hard over the COVID-19 lockdown to ensure we have remained relevant to the market, so we rebranded from Corporate Communications to Cor Comms in September last year. “We have redoubled our efforts to promote our digital and social media marketing services, which we believe are best practice in any context. “In September, Cor Comms launched ‘The Cor of the Matter’, a regular podcast which involves employees within the business discussing
their expertise in contemporary marketing and communications.” The podcast and accompanying video has been distributed across various digital platforms and has been well received, particularly by marketing and communications professionals looking to stay on top of the very latest strategies and techniques. The consultancy employs 10 people and is owned by five Tasmanian-based directors, who all live and bring up their families in Hobart. Mr Smith said Cor Comms is committed to employing Tasmanians and training them for a career in marketing, public relations and newspaper journalism. “Supporting community is important for Cor Comms and the business
is active in lending its skills and support to selected not for profit groups,” he said. Cor Comms provides assistance in marketing and publicity for Blue Cow Theatre Company, John X Presents, The Reclink Community, The Hush Foundation, The Muscular Dystrophy Golf Day and Volunteers Tasmania’s Volunteer Awards. “We have operated successfully for more than 45 years in Tasmania, so it’s important for us to give back to the Tasmanian community in a way that makes a difference to organisations that we are passionate about,” Mr Smith said. “The Directors of the business also give back to the community by participating on various not-for-profit boards and through volunteering work.”
Cor Comms Marketing Director Craig Harding and Art Director Nat Hiller discuss campaigns.
Cor Comms provided marketing support for the Muscular Dystrophy Golf Day.
Community newspapers have a future in Hobart By Nicolas Turner* I joined Cor Comms (publishers of this newspaper) more than 20-years-ago from the Mercury newspaper where I was working as a journalist. The print media – as it is called – has always been important to me. The Mercury gave me my start (straight from Rosny College on Hobart’s eastern shore to work as a copy boy and a reporter) before I
switched focus from just the media to a much broader communication task at Cor Comms. I still have an active interest in the Tasmanian media – the consultancy interacts with the media on an almost daily basis and Cor Comms publishes three community newspapers – this paper (acquired from Business East), the Hobart Observer (which we established from scratch) and the Glenorchy Gazette
(purchased from the Glenorchy City Council). When combined, our suite of community publications reach more than 75,000 individual homes and businesses across the Glenorchy, Hobart, Clarence and parts of the Sorell municipalities. Our experience of publishing these papers over many years demonstrates to us that there is a market for community newspapers in Tasmania, operating
independently alongside the state’s three daily metropolitan papers. While these newspapers do a good job delivering Tasmanian, national and international news every day, we deliberately focus on local concerns, providing local information. Our newspapers are a medium through which members of the Eastern Shore community can learn about local, grassroots
events and activities and traditionally focus on issues that are “feelgood” and “positive”. At the same time, the way people communicate has obviously changed, and will continue to change as the communication sector embraces new and exciting ways to deliver a message. The advent of social media as a communication tool for business, for example, dominates our thinking
in a lot of ways today. In our business, social media is playing a more significant role in the communication strategies that we develop for our clients (business, government, not-for-profits and individuals). As a professional communicator, I see the benefits every day of proactive communication – regardless of what communication method is selected.
As I wrote earlier, we believe in our community papers. But we believe just as strongly in communicating via new and emerging platforms. Combining the two approaches – with others – is a really effective way to deliver a message to your audience. *Nicolas Turner is the Executive Chairman of Cor Comms, publishers of the Eastern Shore Sun.
10 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
A FINANCIAL MOMENT Master your money in 2021 By Damian Gibson Financial Adviser, Elevate Wealth Solutions
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Issued by Tasplan Pty Ltd. For further information in relation to whether to acquire or hold the products referred to, please read our guides at tasplan.com.au/pds. The trustee of Tasplan Super (ABN 14 602 032 302) is Tasplan Pty Ltd (ABN 13 009 563 062). AFSL 235391. © 2021 Tasplan Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
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with care that makes the difference ph: (03) 6245 0544 www.psfunerals.com Office - 25 Electra Place, Mornington Chapel - 28 Riawena Road, Rosny
THE start of a new year is always a good time to start thinking about your goals and habits for the year ahead, including for your finances. Make 2021 the year you master your money and develop healthy financial habits that stay with you for life. Let’s discuss some strategies to help you master your money in 2021 and beyond. Cashflow Cashflow is the lifeblood of anyone’s financial plan. It is important you get to know your money, understand exactly what is coming in and exactly what is going out and where. If you are not overly disciplined when it comes to managing your cashflow, developing a budget is a holdfast way to understand and take control of your cashflow. A budget will also help you to track your spending and cancel expensive services or subscriptions that are wasteful or unnecessary. An effective budget will help you manage and meet your long-term
wealth accumulation goals. Start saving Once your cashflow is under control you will be able to understand how much you can potentially save. Whether you are saving for your first home, an investment property, a car, a holiday or any other cost, developing a savings plan is a great way to keep you accountable and help you meet your target. Setting up an automatic transfer into your savings account will eliminate the desire to spend unnecessarily. It is important to make sure the amount you are saving is realistic, achievable and sustainable. It is recommended that you have an emergency fund on top of your savings for unexpected expenses. Investing surplus cash If you are in the favourable position of having money left over after taking into account your expenses and savings, maybe it is time to consider investing that
money into assets. Investing your money into assets such as shares, property or bonds can potentially reward you with financial growth and/or income over time. Returns from assets provide another means for funding things such as a holiday, children’s education or retirement. When investing your money, it is important that the structure in which you hold your investments is commensurate with your goals. Different structures provide different benefits and trade-offs. Having the correct structure is equally as important as the investment itself. Review your debt With Australia’s federal interest rate at an all-time low of 0.10 per cent there has never been a better time to shop around or ask for a better rate on your home loan. Additionally, if you have a car loan or personal loan (which generally attract a higher interest rate compared
to a mortgage) you might benefit from consolidating these loans into one. Plan and set goals No matter what stage of life you are in, developing a financial plan for the future could potentially be the difference between achieving your financial goals or not, whether that is an early retirement, being debt free, or paying less tax. While we have only touched the surface here, the above strategies are a starting point for mastering your money. The world of personal finance can be confusing and daunting so talk to Elevate Wealth in January and ask how we can help you. Seeking professional advice today will put you in a better position tomorrow. Any advice in this publication is of a general nature only and has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.
SERVICES AUSTRALIA SUPPORT IN 2021 By Hank Jongen, General Manager, Services Australia
AS 2021 gets off and running, I want to let you know about the financial support available as we begin to recover from the pandemic. The Coronavirus Supplement is being extended until 31 March this year. This means if you’re receiving an eligible income support payment, you’ll continue to receive the supplement of $150
every fortnight until then. The important thing to know is you don’t need to do anything to get the supplement. If you’re eligible, it will be paid automatically into your bank account. You also don’t need to report the supplement payment as part of your fortnightly income, so it won’t affect your regular payment. You can find out more about the Coronavirus Supplement on our website at servicesaustralia. gov.au/coronavirussupplement.
In addition to the continuation of the supplement, the income free area for job seekers has more than doubled. This means you can earn more without having your regular payment impacted. Currently, you can earn up to $300 without losing a cent of your payment. The partner income test also remains at $3,086, which means your partner can earn up to about $80,000 per year before your JobSeeker Payment is reduced to zero. I also want to remind
any year 12 students thinking of studying or doing an apprenticeship in 2021 that they may be eligible for Youth Allowance. If you haven’t already, the time to lodge your claim is now – even if you haven’t been given a course offer yet. Claim online using your Centrelink online account through myGov. For more information, visit servicesaustralia.gov. au/students. Hoping you’re all doing well, and like me, looking forward to a positive 2021.
Community News
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 11
Grants $519 to help $188 $188 improve5.5KG community S D N Y SECOCTS TOP LOAD FACTOR DU VARIOUS PROSIMPSON WASHERS participation CHOFOISSHEEFRR, OFMISHER & S $698 $399
THE Federal Govthe eligible project “I am very pleased ernment recently costs, except for local that there is assistance 519LT 2 DOOR announced round 422LT six government bodies for MASSIVE local community CHEST FREEZERS of the Stronger Com- FRIDGES who can apply for 50 organisations followmunities Programme, per cent of the eligible ing a year that saw a with up to $150,000 project costs. decline in vital fundavailable across the As part of the grant raising opportunities electorate of Franklin. program, Members of as a result of COVThe grants are for Parliament been ONLINE ID-19,” Ms Collins SHOPhave 24/7 WWW.BETTA.COM.AU small capital projects asked to engage with said. which improve local their communities in “It is great to be community participaorder to recommend able to support local tion and contribute eligible projects. community groups to vibrant and viable Member for Frankwhere I can, and communities. lin Julie Collins is I am particularly Grants between seeking expressions of pleased to see that $2,500 and $20,000 interest from comthe requirement on are available to munity groups in the community groups to eligible entities such Franklin electorate match 50 per cent of as local government, to be able to recomthe project cost has incorporated not-formend eligible projects. been removed for this profit organisations Ms Collins will be round.” or an incorporated assisted by a Franklin To get an expression trustee on behalf of a Community Consulta- of interest form Times or Opening trust with responsibiltion Committee, made for moreMon-Fri information, ity for a community up of members of the phone the office of 9am - 5.15pm asset or trust. community, in deterJulie Collins on 6244 MYSTATE Sat - 3pm An approved grant mining which projects 1222 or 10am email Julie. public holidays amount can be up will be asked to apply Closed Collins.MP@aph.gov. ROSNY PARK WINKLEIGH PLACE (UP FROM THE CINEMA) to 100 per cent of to the Programme. au. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM - 5PM SATURDAY 10AM - 2PM
$299 $449
6244 3373
SAME FACES, NEW NAME. Tasmanian Animal Hospitals has been working on a fresh new look so to celebrate the end of a challenging year, it seemed like the perfect time to make this announcement! We are excited to announce that Tasmanian Animal Hospitals has changed its name to...
TASMANIAN VETERINARY HOSPITALS After 30 odd years, we are introducing a new look! You’ll see our new logo on our three hospitals in Bellerive, Sorell and Kingston. Advanced technology, new learnings and the latest in surgical and medical developments have enabled us to secure an exciting future in animal care in Tasmania. We believe our practices and our staff deserved a fresh new look to represent where we are today and where we will be, for generations of pets and their owners in years to come.
You and your pets will receive the same top tier service, attention and care you deserve and expect. In fact we are always learning, growing and finding more ways to exceed expectation and provide better outcomes. So join us in celebrating our new look ready for a new year and many more to come!
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WHO WE ARE, DOES NOT CHANGE. We are still proudly owned and operated in Tasmania by the same passionate, knowledgeable and caring vets, supported by the same kind, compassionate and trained nurses and support staff you have come to know.
Make an appointment at Tasmanian Veterinary Hospitals Bellerive online the easy way at tvh.vet or call
Dr Andrew Dudgeon
Dr Gareth Stephensen
12 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
Community News
The Museum of Old and New Art has reopened following its closure in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo credit: Mona/Jesse Hunniford.
House of Mirrors by Christian Wagstaff and Keith Courtney. Photo credit: Mona/Jesse Hunniford.
MONA REOPENS THE Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) has reopened following its closure in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, unveiling a major revamp of its semi-subterranean galleries and two new outdoor works of art. More than 350 highlights from David Walsh’s extensive personal collection are on display. The gallery spaces have been transformed to showcase the treasure trove of ancient, modern and contemporary art, with hidden gems that have never been shown at MONA before, alongside many favourites – old and new. Newly opened is ‘House of Mirrors’, an art installation composed of
a labyrinth of seemingly endless mirrors. It was created by Australian artists Christian Wagstaff and Keith Courtney and is the world’s largest travelling mirror maze. Visitors can also view, and climb on, a giant bronze sculpture by American artist Tom Otterness. Doubling as a children’s playground, ‘Girls Rule’ is more than seven metres high and features two figures with slides for limbs. “We have taken the opportunity across the past nine months to think about what makes MONA unique, and simply it’s David Walsh’s home,” MONA director of exhibition and collec-
tions Nicole Durling said. “This is what we have focused on for the rehang of the museum. “All of David’s interests are gathered together, and in a way, it reveals his identity. “It’s like a portrait of David.” MONA is open for four days a week from Friday to Monday from 10am to 6pm. All visitors must have a pre-booked ticket. Although entry remains free for locals, all Tasmanians are required to pay a deposit, which can be refunded following a visit. Visitors are required to download MONA’s app, The O, which will become their digital guide to the museum and
Girls Rule by Tom Otterness. Photo credit: Mona/Jesse Hunniford.
grounds, and are encouraged to bring headphones to access additional audio content. The MONA Ferry has resumed its service from Brooke Street Pier to the museum – tickets are $15 until the end of January. The MONA Pavilions
are available to book for overnight stays from Thursday through to Sunday. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit mona.net.au. To download The O, visit https://mona.net.au/ museum/the-o.
From left, Mona director of collections and exhibitions Nicole Durling and Mona co chief executive officer Mark Wilsdon. Photo credit: Mona/Jesse Hunniford.
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 13
Community News
Christmas magic for Risdon Vale children
Delivering free car transport for travellers on the Spirit of Tasmania for more details visit: www.spiritoftasmania.com.au
Ground Floor, 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart 03 6231 2444
senator.duniam@aph.gov.au Authorised by Senator Jonathon Duniam, Liberal Party of Australia, Ground Floor, 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000.
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David O’Byrne Franklin 1300 732 377 Labor Member forRTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au Two of the Risdon Vale children enjoy meeting a ZooDoo local. ADVERTISEMENT
THE cancellation of the annual Risdon Vale Fire Brigade lolly run because of COVID-19 health restrictions, did not stop the children from experiencing some Christmas magic. Instead, the Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre stepped up to provide some muchneeded cheer for the community in what was otherwise a difficult year. Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre coordinator DebbyJane Daniels contacted Clarence Alderman Brendan Blomeley to in turn contact Variety chief executive officer Mohammad Aldergham,
who jumped at the chance to deliver a special Christmas experience for 16 Risdon Vale residents. With Variety’s involvement, nine children and their carers spent an educational and fun-filled day at wildlife park ZooDoo at Richmond. “All the children we had the pleasure of taking to ZooDoo are disadntaged in some way, whether it be by trauma, domestic violence or coming from a low socioeconomic background,” Ms Daniels said. “This was a fantastic experience for them and will live in their
memories for many years to come. “The support of Variety Tasmania was amazing and I’d like to thank Mohammad and Brendan for all their efforts in making this day so special for 16 Risdon Vale residents.” Variety – the Children’s Charity supports Tasmanian kids and families who are facing many challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with additional needs. “To see the smiles and joy on the faces of 16 Tasmanians was a beautiful Christmas present,” Mr Aldergham said. Alderman Blomeley
said the Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre and Variety played an important role in the community. “Thanks to the dedication of both these outstanding Tasmanian organisations, 16 locals were able to enjoy a Christmas present they will cherish for years to come,” he said. The spirit of Christmas continued after the ZooDoo experience, as Risdon Vale local Tamara Knop, with Santa safely in the back of her red ute, generously completed the Risdon Vale lolly run with donated wrapped lolly pops in the days before Christmas.
Always fighting for Franklin Phone:
6212 2328
Email: david.obyrne@parliament.tas.gov.au
1/17 Bligh Street, Rosny, TAS 7018 David O'Byrne David O'Byrne Member for Franklin Member for Franklin Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Energy, Local Government, Planning and Sport. Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Energy, Local Government, and Business Sport. Leader ofPlanning Opposition Leader of Opposition Business Authorised by: Julie Collins, 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park 7018
14 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
COMMUNITY CALENDAR With COVID-19 restrictions starting to ease, community groups and organisations have begun reopening and recommencing events and classes. If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.
BEREAVED PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building in Ellerslei Road, Battery point on the second Tuesday of every second month at 7:30pm. Social gatherings occur in the months in between on a Sunday afternoon. Freecall 1300 064 068 for dates and details.
Community News
Baking an Auslan treat
CLARENCE CLIMATE ACTION COMMUNITY GROUP The Clarence Climate Action community group supports the local community with positive actions working towards a sustainable future. Members are ordinary people who live and work in Clarence, including professionals, teachers, doctors and farmers. For more information, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/clarenceclimaeaction. CLARENCE COMMUNITY KNITTING GROUP Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities. Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am-12noon. Phone Romana Sanders 6244 4736 CLARENCE WALK AND TALK GROUP Meet at Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Monday and Wednesday from 9:30am. For more information on the walks, phone Dot Batt on 6244 6276/0400 607 355 or Mavis Kregor on 6247 8696.
HOBART MINIATURE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY (HMSLS) Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. You don’t need to be an accomplished engineer. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Do you need a JP? The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday from 9:30am to 4:pm. At other time, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.
LINDISFARNE RIVERSIDE ARTS CHOIR INC AGM Thursday 18 February 2021 at 8pm at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre, 37A Lincoln Street.
MASTERS ATHLETICS Track and field athletics at the Domain Athletic Centre for the over 30’s from October to March. Programs are at www.tasmastersathletics.org.au or for more information, please contact the secretary on email on: tasmasterssec@gmail.com or phone: 0402 314 079.
ROKEBY NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre programs for 2021, all welcome. Monday: Clarence Plains Walkers at 9am, and Knopwood Knitters from 9am to 2pm. Tuesday: Sewing and craft at 10:30am, and basis sewing from 1pm to 2pm. Wednesday: Dancing with Hiroko for $10, and Be Connected Basis Computers from 9am to 3pm. Every second Wednesday: Two-course community lunch. Every second Thursday: Basis Photography Group sessions for a gold coin donation. Friday: exercise group Staying Strong Living Well for a gold coin donation. Every second Friday: PINGO from 10am to 12pm, cost is $7.50 and morning tea is included. All programs are located at the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre, 85 Tollard Drive, Rokeby. For more information, phone 6247 6778, email admin@rokebync.org.au, or visit the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre Facebook page.
SOUTH ARM COMMUNITY MARKET South Arm community market has returned. First Sunday of every month, 9:30pm to 1pm. Lots of interesting stalls. Phone Karen to book a site on 0409 029 664. SOUTH ARM PENINSULA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (SAPRA) Bingo is being held twice per month at the South Arm Community Centre, 9 Calverton Place, South Arm. It will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 1pm, and on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Tea and coffee is available for a $2 donation, or BYO nibbles and drinks (including alcohol). Game cards are $1 each and there are 15 games per session. Cash prizes. SUPPORTING FACIAL PAIN SUFFERERS Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com. Don’t suffer alone.
TENNIS IN HOWRAH Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub.org.au. TIME OUT CRAFTS PROGRAM Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am to noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Morning, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session. Recommencing on Thursday 25 February, 2021. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.
YOGA IN LINDISFARNE Gentle Yoga Class on Wednesdays from 11am to noon at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Kate on 0401 177 238.
Australian Christian College student Elizabeth Wilbur learn new Auslan signs during her baking project, ‘Mixing it up with Auslan’.
AUSTRALIAN Christian College student Elizabeth Wilbur’s inclusive baking project, ‘Mixing it up with Auslan’ was recently featured in Australia’s first student-led academic journal ‘Excelencia’. When Elizabeth discovered one in six people in Australia were either deaf or had a hearing impairment, she jumped at the chance to complete a school assignment entirely in Auslan to show her spirit of understanding and inclusion for the deaf community. Auslan is both an effective way to communicate and a proven way to stimulate brain development and mental flexibility for people who are deaf and have a hearing impairment. Through studying Auslan and applying it to a baking video, Elizabeth experienced first-hand that the language was more complex than just signing things word for word. Elizabeth said the project took her about a week to complete, utilising both class time and time at home to learn new signs. “I started to use more Auslan grammar and sentence structure as well as new signs,” she said. “I had to learn all
the signs needed for the video, including ingredients, the method, and then I put it together step by step and actually cooked.”
Elizabeth said she was surprised, but happy to be featured in Excelencia. “The deaf community is growing a lot and I
Clarence Your Waste Calendars Are changing!
feel like we can be more inclusive by learning the language,” she said. “The project helped me grow in my confidence of signing.”
In a continued effort to reduce paper waste, Clarence City Council will no longer be printing and mailing out your waste calendars. Waste collection information and calendars will be available online or for collection at council by 15 February 2021 – which is two weeks prior to the expiration of your existing calendars. If you are unable to source waste collection information online please call 03 6217 9500.
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 15
Community News
The Air Force Cadets are now RECRUITING! F R O M 01 OC T O B E R 2 02 0 T O 31 M A R C H 2 021
Age 13 to 17 Thursdays 1830hrs to 2130hrs No. 501 Squadron Loyd Road Dowsings Point
Start of Works - Midway Point Intersection Solution January 2021 Works will recommence on the Tasman Highway through Midway Point in January 2021. The highway will be duplicated with traffic signals replacing the current roundabout at Penna Road. To minimise impacts to road users, all lanes of traffic will be kept open through Midway Point (one in each direction) between 6am and 7pm. During the construction period the speed limit will be reduced to 40km/hr and motorists should allow an additional 8 minutes extra travel time. Notification will be provided if single lane closures need to occur for safety reasons. The works will include: • Vegetation clearing from the rock face next to the Tasman Highway and between the two causeways. • Modifications to the existing roundabout. • Closure of Raynors Road, which will become a cul de sac. Access to Fenton Street removed. • Clearing and grubbing. • Temporary road widening and traffic management enabling works. • The installation of road safety barriers and adjustments to line marking. • Service relocation works, including trenching. • Excavation of approximately 9 metres of rock face adjacent to the Tasman Highway on the northern side. Removing the rock will allow for the construction of two new lanes on the highway and additional slip lanes into Penna Road. • Penna Road will be widened where it intersects with the Tasman Highway to allow for the new slip lanes. • Two concrete retaining walls will be constructed, one on the eastern side and one on the western side of the Tasman Highway/ Penna Road intersection. Rock bolts will be drilled into the rock face to anchor the new retaining walls. • Realignment and installation of stormwater, sewer, water, power and NBN networks. • Construction of new road pavement. • Construction of a new eastbound bus stop. The route along the Tasman Highway will remain unchanged during this phase of the project as the entirety of the works will take place outside the current Tasman Highway alignment. A reduced speed limit will be in place during work hours. Between 4 January 2021 and 2 February 2021, occasional lane closures and up to 15 minutes delay should be expected outside peak travel periods to allow for tree removal and installation of roadside barriers. Please keep to speed limits and follow the directions of traffic controllers and signs Barriers and screens will be used to minimise the impacts of dust and keep debris and rock fragments away from the road. For further information about the project, please contact our contractor, Fulton Hogan, on 0473 144 399 or email MidwaypointSETS@fultonhogan.com.au. To get the latest information about the project, including road closures and delays, visit transport.tas.gov.au Thank you for your patience during this important work.
FIRST CLASS ACT READY TO PERFORM ON BIG STAGE RECENTLY celebrating 40 years Australia-wide and 28 years in Hobart, O’Grady Drama’s afterschool acting classes are seeing kids thriving in confidence and fun times. Running classes in six locations around Hobart for kids and youth aged six to 26 years, the O’Grady Drama curriculum is specifically created to enhance the social and emotional development of children of all ages. Originally developed in Perth, Western Australia, the original Helen O’Grady teaching methods continue today to foster a supportive and nurturing environment and are aimed at building confidence, self-esteem, speech skills and teamwork. Performance skills such as improvisation,
characterisation, voice and stage work are imbedded in the dynamic, fun weekly classes which are run by trained and experienced teachers. Students have opportunities to perform for family and friends throughout the year, specifically in a fully-staged in-theatre production at the culmination of each year, held at the Playhouse Theatre in Bathurst Street. Older students, aged 16 to 26, working on building advanced acting skills, are part of the On Cue Performance Ensemble. This dedicated class prepare for an annual full-length theatrical production at the Peacock Theatre each year. These productions give students the incredible experience of performing to a very
high standard in a public season of shows. Chris and Katharine Hamley run O’Grady Drama with their individual 20 years of theatre experience, passion and teaching skills. Sixteen classes are running per week at six studio locations including Bellerive, Lindisfarne, Kingston, New Town and West Hobart, new students are always welcome. Students gain the most benefit from attending the full year’s progressive program from term one to four and by participating in various in-class performances. Enrolments are now being accepted for term one and trial classes are available. For more information or to enrol, email hobart@ogradydrama. com.au.
16 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
prime times
Probus Club celebrates 30 years
Some of the 72 members and guests enjoying the festivities.
From left, Probus Club of Lauderdale Combined Inc foundation members Joan Griffiths, Allison Rackett and Rosemary Jankus cut the 30th anniversary cake.
With savings at over 550 Tasmanian and interstate outlets, choosing a business in the 2021-2022 Seniors Card Directory has never been easier. Remember to look for the sign or ask if Seniors Card is accepted. To live more and pay less pick up your free copy of the Directory at Service Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania or Visitor Information Centres. You can also access a copy online at seniors.tas.gov.au or by calling 1300 13 55 13.
AS part of its 30th anniversary celebrations, the Probus Club of Lauderdale Combined Inc held its annual Christmas lunch at the South Arm RSL, with 72 members and guests attending. Foundation members Joan Griffiths, who is also a Life Member, Rosemary Jankus and Allison Rackett attended. The club’s newest member, Sylvia Morris, who was inducted in November 2020, provided a cake that was cut in celebration by the three foundation members. Vice president Scott Jennings hosted the day and Chris Costello organised the drawing of 12 lucky door prizes. President Ian Stopforth outlined the difficult situation the club had encountered during the year because of COVID-19. However, the club was able to open for meetings in September after an
absence of more than six months. Public officer and Life Member Kerry Bowerman provided a historical account of the details and formation of the club as well as its development over the year, with some humorous anecdotes about the significance of the number 30. Mr Bowerman also paid tribute and thanked Maurice Potter for his loyal service – a member for more than 18 years. Mr Potter is leaving the club and his residence in South Arm to be closer to his family in Queensland. South Arm RSL and Community Club Inc staff members Tony and Judy Sproule completed the day by providing not only an enjoyable traditional three course meal and great service, but also a wonderful, relaxed environment for everyone to participate in, catch up with each other and
reflect on the challenging year that 2020 was. Music was provided by young musician Sacha Flores, who received a scholarship from the Clarence Jazz Festival. The Probus Club of Lauderdale Combined meets at 10am on the third Tuesday of each month from February 2021 at the Abundant Life Church, 490 South Arm Road, Lauderdale and welcomes new members. For more information, phone secretary Paul Davidson on 0419 559 298 or send details to PO Box 48 Rokeby 7019. The South Arm RSL and Community Club Inc is open for dinner seven days a week and for lunch on Sundays, which also coincides with the South Arm Market on the first Sunday of each month. For more information, phone 6230 9171.
prime times
Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 17
Being an Honoured Friend of The Salvation Army can help someone in need.
A SALVATION ARMY ‘HONOURED FRIEND’ DOROTHY was inspired to leave a gift in her Will after a childhood introduction to The Salvation Army followed by a later challenge in adulthood. Dorothy’s mum would take her to the local park on Sunday afternoons to hear the band play. “I was always fascinated by the shiny brass instruments,” Dorothy said. “Whenever I think about that, I re-experience the lovely feeling their music engendered in me.” However, it wasn’t until she was an adult and doing some soul-searching that Dorothy returned to The Salvation Army. “I was made to feel very welcome and within about half an hour, I knew The Salvation Army was where I belonged,”
she said. Dorothy made a commitment and has been an official member for more than a decade. “I am very proud to belong to The Salvation Army,” she said. Dorothy has been involved with The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal and other fundraising initiatives, as well as volunteered at Christmas time with hampers and during natural disasters. “What has struck me most with the Sallies (Salvos) is their downto-earth attitude and their humanitarian care – they reach out with no judgment,” Dorothy said. “The Salvation Army ethos relates to, and revolves around, people.” Having seen the Salvos in action – caring for
people in need – Dorothy decided to include a gift to The Salvation Army in her Will. Dorothy said she was proud to be part of the special community of supporters called Honoured Friends. “I hope my bequest to The Salvation Army will provide rehabilitation for somebody who desperately needs support with their drug and/or alcohol addiction,” she said. “Addiction is a cunning, baffling and powerful disease. “Rehabilitation can make the difference between living or dying.” Dorothy spoke from experience about the challenges of addiction. “There’s been a lot of trauma” she said. “Wine ultimately
became my solace, much to my detriment.” Today, Dorothy calls herself a “recovering alcoholic” and has been sober for almost 20 years. The Salvation Army values supporters like Dorothy and those who have generously included a gift in their Will. This gift ensures Salvos will always be there to help Australians in crisis. “It’s satisfying for me to know that my bequest will be used to further The Salvation Army’s rehabilitation services and save precious lives,” Dorothy said. For more information about leaving a gift to The Salvation Army, phone 1800 337 082, email willsandbequests@ salvationarmy.org.au or visit salvationarmy.org.au/ wills.
Have you taken care of your Will?
For $70 we can help Most of us don’t think about it very often, but having a good Will is the simplest way to make sure the people who matter to us are taken care of when we’re gone. And it doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. The Salvos offer a community service in which generous and independent local solicitors prepare simple Wills in exchange for a $70 ($120 per couple) contribution to our work. It’s a great way to ensure you have a Will that reflects your wishes, while also supporting Australians in need.
Community Wills Day – 25 March 9am–7.30pm, The Salvation Army Hobart Corps 180 Elizabeth Street, Hobart 7000
Appointments essential
To make an appointment, book online
at salvationarmy.org.au/willsdays
There is no obligation to leave a gift in your Will to The Salvation Army. If, after taking care of your loved ones, you would like to support our work, please advise the solicitor at your appointment.
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18 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
The Hobart Clinic announces new clinical director
Chefaholic Cooking School School Cooking and Catering Catering and
A paddock to plate cooking experience for all
PUMPKIN BREAD Duck à l’orange CHICKEN CAESAR Ingredients • 250ml PureedSALAD • 1 Tbsp olive oil pumpkin (room • 500g plain flour
Ingredients • 1 x 2kg whole duck • 150g butter temperature) • 100ml Grand Marnier Ingredients 50 mlvinegar warm water ••50ml castor sugar • ••50g 21 Rashes bacon tsp Salt of of baguette 3 oranges • ••Juice 1 mini Tsp sugar • 6 oranges • 2 chicken breasts
Method • Method 1 tub Greek yoghurt
minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes.
• 2 tsp dry yeast.
Remove from and • Pepitas andoven sunflower strain all liquid into a seeds (optional) pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency.
make pumpkin will need a cup Clean and pat dry duck,puree you • 1. ½Toclove garlic Meanwhile peel andofcut and enough water to cover it. heatchopped butter inpumpkin fry pan large
oranges and prep with no • enough ½Either lemon theand stove top in a saucepan or place in toboil holdon duck skin or seed. When sauce is
forcos approximately ahead microwave on high for 8nearly to 10 ready mins. add segments • fry1duck lettuce 5 minutes.
sauce and warm - do not When the pumpkin is softtouse a blender to process • 2. 1tomato
it. Stand aside to cool.
let oranges break down.
duck in oven for cheese • Place ½ block Parmesan
*These next steps can be done with a bread maker on approximately 45 minutes Carve duck and cover dough setting. on 180°C basting as you go. with sauce and arrange TurnInheat down to 160°C 3. a bowl place the 50 ml segments. warm water, sugar and Method ! andyeast cook together. for a further 30and set aside until frothy, Mix Enjoyor about 10 mins. 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan-forced. To 4. prepare In a larger place the flour and Make thebowl ingredients, remove the salt. rind and fata well For further information please contact: in the centre and put inmini olivebaguette oil, cooled pumpkin from the bacon. Cut the into cubes, E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com puree and the Mixtomato together andwedges. turn out the chicken intoyeast stripsmix. and the into P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 for ontoand a floured bench topand andjuice knead 10 mins, if Peel crush the garlic, the lemon. www.chefaholiccookingschool.com dough isslice sticky bit more flour. for Coarsely theadd cosalettuce and flakeSet theaside Parmesan half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for cheese 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour. 2. Place the bacon on one side of a lined oven tray. 5. Place When dough again flatten out slightly the cubeshas of risen the mini baguette on the other and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds ontocook side of the tray. Drizzle with some olive oil and Form intominutes, the shape loafbrowned. you want, inthe thedough. oven for 15-20 or of until containing the into seeds on the inside. Slice the bacon strips.
NOT-FOR-PROFIT mental health treatment centre The Hobart Clinic, located in Rokeby, has announced the appointment of Dr Hannah Lake (pictured) as its clinical director following the retirement of its long-standing clinical director Dr Michael Davie. Dr Lake is a psychiatrist, having returned from two years in Melbourne where she worked in the Department of Neuropsychiatry at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She graduated in Medicine from Monash University and trained as a junior doctor at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Dr Lake has a particular interest in organic brain disorders including young onset dementias and other neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Huntington’s Disease. The Hobart Clinic chair Gayle Johnston said the appointment was made following an extensive recruitment process with candidates from interstate and overseas. “Dr Lake has demonstrated her leadership, strategic,
whole of clinic thinking and sound clinical management since commencing with us,” she said. “With the clinic redevelopment commencing early in 2021, as well as a new strategy under development, we were looking for an incoming clinical director who was adept at change management and able to build on the strong foundation left by Dr Davie.” Ms Johnston said Dr Lake was a talented, committed and driven professional. “We believe Dr Lake will work seamlessly with the clinic executive and the board to drive the organisation through this coming period of change, using her expertise and experience to place a clinical lens over all strategic decisions,” she said. “We are confident she will progress The Hobart Clinic towards a centre of excellence in the delivery of private mental health services in Tasmania.” Dr Lake will commence in the role on 1 February 2021.
OSTEOPATHY Neck and Back Pain Sport Injuries Postural Problems Workplace/Repetitive Strain Injuries Pregnancy Related Problems Headaches/Migraines
6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins. 3. Season the chicken breast strips with salt and 7. pepper. Set oven to 195oC Heat a greased fry pan over a medium-high anddough cook has the risen chicken for 4brush minutes 8. heat When again, the on topeach withside orwater until and cooked through. sprinkle on more seeds.
Chris Kelly, Alira Jensen, Ouita Spalding & Anna Mangan
9. Meanwhile, Bake for 20to – 30 mins, on shapethe of loaf. 4. make thedepending dressing combine yoghurt, garlic, lemon juice, and some salt and 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the pepper. outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with knuckles. 5. Toyour assemble the salad toss the cos lettuce, chicken, bacon 11.tomato Let coolwedges, a bit then eat!and croutons in a large bowl. Drizzle with the dressing and top with the flaked Parmesan cheese.
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Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 19
Two women preparing a meal.
Three things you did not know about your liver By Jo Cordell-Cooper* THREE cheers for the liver. I say this because the liver is a truly remarkable organ and is quite the adaptogen – meaning it can heal and grow and repair given the right environment. I’ve recently been reading a lot about the liver. As part of my holistic personal training business, I work with clients who had had large parts of their liver removed due to cancer, and months later it had completely regrown. Additionally, I work with middle aged women, many who have fatty liver – a condition caused essentially by too much food. The liver becomes sluggish. Without going into the nitty gritty of the function of the liver, think of it as a big filter that excretes and activates many of the hormones and internal chemicals that keep the body healthy. Of interest to me as a women’s wellness coach, is the changing function of the liver as we age. The liver becomes 2040 per cent smaller and
has less blow flow. Eat small meals more often and eat a diet that is rich in plants. Heard of the Mediterranean Diet? This diet is well regarded for improving heart health, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It has plenty of antioxidant rich food that will help reduce inflammation within the body and improve liver function. The ability of the liver to metabolise LDL cholesterol reduces by up to 35 per cent. Reduce animal meat, processed food and takeaway foods cooked in oil. Replace this with plant-based proteins and fish rich in omega 3 (healthy fats), as well as plenty of leafy greens and a colourful range of vegetables to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol entering the body. By the mid 50s, the liver can produce 25 per cent less bile – so metabolism of dietary fats is reduced. Bile lubricates the intestines aiding digestion. Reduce saturated fats in the body as your system cannot break them down like it used to. Saturated fats (think
high heat cooking oils, animal protein, dairy, coconut-based products) may find you running to the loo. Foods believed to stimulate bile production are garlic, beets, radicchio, kale, endive, arugula, celery and radish, so add these to your plate. Read just about any healthy clean eating plan and it comes back to a few dietary basics – eat more vegetables, reduce saturated fats and increase healthy omega 3 fats. You can also consider switching animal protein with plant-based proteins as well as drinking more water and getting regular exercise. Try the tips here as a starting point for improving your liver health and consult your health care team for more individualised advice.
*Jo Cordell-Cooper runs the award winning business Jo CC Holistic PT. For a free smoothies recipe book go to www.jocc. com.au/smoothies. Make contact directly on 0409 862 206, or jo@jocc.com. au for personal training and wellness coaching.
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20 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
Pet Talk
Holidays with your best mate The Dog Grumbler IT’S holiday time. There is no peak hour, no banking, no room in the fridge and the shopping centres are overrun with anyone who would otherwise be in school. It’s COVID holiday time. There’s no hugging, no yacht race, no travel, no concerts, no theatre, no Taste of Tasmania and nothing on the television. And I’m supposed to stay away from the fridge? On the upside there’s more time for expeditions with one’s best pal. Of course, it’s holiday season so we can’t go to a lot of beaches in the daytime, but there are always places where dogs are welcome, and the growing number of off-lead dog parks is a wonderful convenience.
Here are some thoughts for those who are treating their dogs to park visits over the holidays. A dog park is to a dog as side-show alley is to a kid, except they can’t get lost. It’s a big party where dogs can make new friends, catch up with old ones and exchange messages with absentees. It’s a place where your dog can learn that it’s good to be a dog. Where it can learn protocols from other dogs on neutral turf, learn to play dog games. This doesn’t mean that you are on holiday – you shouldn’t just release your dog and forget about it while you socialise with other dog owners. Travelling together bonds dogs. If you need to chat, encourage the other dog
owner/s to walk with you. This will help your dog make friends. In a situation like this, your dog appreciates an opportunity to tell the world “this is my team”. That’s not to say you should walk continuously – stop and rest.
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Move and rest again. Let your dog learn to stay aware of your location. If there are confrontations, walk away and encourage your dog to follow. If there are potential friends, crouch down to let your dog and others know you are friendly. Stay away from the gate unless you are using it. Wait until it’s free, use it and move away. These gates are a pressure cooker for dogs, inside and out. Use them quickly and make space for the next team. Remember that every visit is special for your dog and two short visits are better than a single long one because that way you enact all the associated rituals twice. For many dogs, holidays are a time when someone is home all day. For the lucky ones it’s a time when they get out more. For most, meal quality rises to a zenith (but I’m supposed to stay away from the fridge). It’s a strange, challenging time, but generally dogs will get through it and welcome the return of the old routine. If the new year brings changes they will adapt as they have forever. And as long as they are with us, they will be happy. Whatever happens in 2021, may your dog be with you.
‘The cat stole my bed Mumma!’ Billy and Frankie
Eastlands Pet Supply
Congratulations! Please contact Eastland Pet Supply on 6244 2673 to arrange collection of your prize. *Winner has 30 days from distribution to claim their voucher in store. In the event of a tie, the prize will be split.
To enter your pet in next month’s “Eastern Shore Sun’s Pet of the Month” please email a photo and a few words about your pet to Louise at: advertising@easternshoresun.com.au All entries will be shared on our Facebook page and the winner will be the entrant with the most “likes” at the end of voting. The winning entry will feature in next month’s Eastern Shore Sun and will win a Eastland Pet Supply $50 voucher*!
Entries for February close: Voting starts: Voting finishes 5pm:
Monday 1 February Monday 8 February Wednesday 10 February
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Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 21
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22 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
Community News
Flood mapping
CLARENCE City Council has released flood maps for the urban areas of Clarence. The flood maps show which areas of the city are subject to flooding from a one per cent annual exceedance probability (AEP) storm, a storm event that has a one per cent chance of occurring in any given
Clarence City Council has released detailed flood mapping information for urban areas located in the City of Clarence. To view the flood maps, frequently asked questions, or for more information visit: www.ccc.tas.gov.au/stormwater-and-flooding
year. Clarence City Council Mayor Alderman Doug Chipman said the flood maps were a vital source of information for those concerned about flooding. “These flood maps can be used by residents, designers and developers to inform planning, and improve community understanding and
awareness of flood risk,” he said. “We will also use these studies to prioritise upgrades to our city’s existing stormwater infrastructure and help guide our decisions when planning for new developments.” Council engaged several leading Australian engineering consultancies in stormwater modelling
to undertake the detailed flood studies into the effects of major weather events in the city. “We are very pleased to present this information on our website,” Mayor Chipman said. For more information or to view the flood maps, visit www.ccc. tas.gov.au/stormwater-and-flooding
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Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre celebrated Christmas at their annual community function.
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ROKEBY Neighbourhood Centre ended 2020 on a positive note, holding their annual community Christmas function on 16 December. The festive spirit was high, thanks to food, local singing talent, prizes and an appearance from Santa. “With the COVID-19 restrictions, we were not sure if we would have the Christmas function this year, but the hard work of the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre team ensured the community would be safe and comfortable,” Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre general manager Cate Clark said. “To see all the community members laughing and enjoying themselves was well worth it.” Community member and long-time serving
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volunteer in the Clarence area Betty Appleby said it was fantastic to see people communicating with each other and having fun. “The function was a credit to Cate and the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre team,” she said. Senator Catryna Bylik attended the function.
wonderful volunteers for organising such a great community event. “Neighbourhood centres like the one in Rokeby are the heart of their local communities and during the COVID-19 pandemic, have demonstrated themselves to be more vital than ever.”
From left, Phillip Sullivan, Kerry Cordwell and Jacki Hill.
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“Once again the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre’s annual Christmas luncheon was a resounding success featuring great food, great musical entertainment, heaps of raffle prizes and lots of laughs,” Ms Bylik said. “Thank you to Cate Clark and her army of
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Eastern Shore Sun January 2021 23
Strengthening basketball in southern Tasmania BASKETBALL in southern Tasmania, including clubs on the Eastern Shore, are set to benefit following the establishment of the Basketball Tasmania Southern Commission. The commission, consisting of Andrew Moore as chairperson, Aaron Pidgeon, Craig French, Michelle Hills and John McNamara, provides a vital connection between the southern clubs (CAMs) and Basketball Tasmania (BTAS). Basketball recently underwent significant change, and the independent commission aims to focus on ensuring grassroots basketball is fortified and able to grow in the future. “It is an exciting time for basketball in Tasmania, the establishment of the JackJumpers in the National Basketball League and increasing numbers of people across all abilities and age groups participating, are really encouraging signs for basketball,” Mr Moore said. “The commission want to make sure some of the grassroot structures are in place to ensure members of the community have access to the game and
Young gun revs ahead FROM BACK PAGE
From left, Basketball Tasmania Southern Commission members Craig French, John McNamara, chairperson Andrew Moore and Aaron Pidgeon. Absent, Michelle Hills.
stakeholders (coaches, volunteers, officials and players) have a collective voice.” Basketball has a well-established presence in the south of the state with a depth of talent across all levels, with experienced coaches, administrators and referees supporting players. The commission aims to build strong connections with southern clubs to be able to provide a voice and strengthen basketball in the south of the state, so that participants and volunteers stay involved in the sport. Mr Moore said while
clubs may find it difficult to adjust to the new governance model of moving away from a clubbased delegate model to the independent commission, the new system would have a number of advantages including increased efficiencies and an independent voice. “The commission is looking forward to the appointment of the general manager of basketball that will assist clubs with operations, participation and growth of the sport in southern Tasmania, and the commission looks forward to working closely with them,” he said.
The commission’s makeup includes strong representation from the basketball community along with significant grassroots sports administration, networking and planning skills. “We intend to build on the history of the sport in southern Tasmania, the momentum of the state’s entry into the NBL, and work collaboratively with both BTAS and southern clubs to strengthen the sport,” Mr Moore said. “We think it is important to recognise that the sport is embedded in the community and we aim to build on that.”
Will has represented the state in the Australian Championships in under 16s three times, with his best result being a third place. Will said his aim was to make the top 10 in Australia one day. “The Tasmanian A Grade Title has helped me be more motivated to keep training and keep it up to hopefully keep competing with the big boys and at an Australian level,” he said. Will has been doing moto trial for about five years and said riding was in his blood. “I’ve been riding motorbikes since I was two, so I’ve been doing it my whole life really,” he said. “The reason I love it is because I’ve done it for so long – it’s my passion.” Will said moto trial involved riders navigating obstacles and having a lot of control over the bike, as well as good technique. “You need really good balance, good timing and good hand eye coordination,” he said.
William Thornbury recently won the Tasmanian A Grade Moto Trial Title. Photo credit: Lockhart Photography.
SUMMER IS HERE AND WE’RE READY It’s thanks to the hard work of every Tasmanian that we continue to keep on top of COVID. As we get out and about during the summer months, we need to make sure we do the things that keep us safe:
Public Health Hotline 1800 671 738
24 Eastern Shore Sun January 2021
YOUNG GUN REVS AHEAD WILLIAM Thornbury of Acton Park revved his engine to beat many people his senior to win the Tasmanian A Grade Moto Trial Title at Melrose in late 2020. Will, who just turned 16, won the title at the age of 15 over seven trials across the year. Will said the titles were one of the highest levels of competition in the state and the next youngest competitor was aged in the mid-20s. “I was pretty stoked and I was in disbelief when my name came out at presentations,” he said. “I’ve previously won a C Grade Championship and a C+ Championship, as well as a second in B Grade – I’ve now won A Grade.” STORY CONTINUES PAGE 23
William Thornbury recently won the Tasmanian A Grade Moto Trial Title. Photo credit: Lockhart Photography.
ATHLETES SHOW COMPETITIVE SPIRIT TO CAP OFF 2020 COMPETITIVE spirit was on show at the 10th annual Richmond Athletics Carnival in late 2020. The 2020 event was held at the Richmond Oval on Sunday 29 November and included an event for everyone, from the junior 70 metre races through to a masters 1,600 metre race. The hard work of organisers was rewarded with record entries and good crowds, with there being strong competition across all age groups and events that made it a fun day for all. Labor Member for Lyons Rebecca White sponsored a race at the event alongside fellow Labor members Sarah Lovell and Jen Butler, and congratulated the
organisers of the carnival. “The Richmond Athletics Carnival is a fantastic community event,” Ms White said. “I would like to acknowledge Kath and Ray Quarrell who have been the driving force behind this carnival, along with the Hobart Athletic Club. “I would like to congratulate Kath and Ray on the success of this year’s event and extend my congratulations to all the other volunteers and officials who made the carnival possible, and of course, the competitors who put on such a good show for the crowd. “My colleagues and I see how much joy people get from running and we are proud to be supporters of this event.”
From left, Kath Quarrell, Labor Member for Lyons Rebecca White and Ray Quarrell.