Eastern Shore Sun October 2021

Page 23

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2021 23

App or map – How to not get lost in the bush *Jo Cordell-Cooper

Chefaholic Cooking School School Cooking and Catering Catering and


A paddock to plate cooking experience for all



PINEAPPLE CAKE minutes. Remove from • 1 Tbsp olive oil

Ingredients • 250ml Pureed • 1 x 2kg whole duck pumpkin (room • 150g butter temperature) • 100ml Grand Marnier Ingredients 50 mlvinegar warm water ••50ml • ••50g 21 cups SR Flour castor sugar tsp Salt • Juice of 3 oranges Tsp sugar salt • ••61oranges teaspoon

oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a • 500g plain flour further 5 minutes.

• 2 tsp dry yeast.

Remove from and • Pepitas andoven sunflower strain all liquid into a seeds (optional) pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon consistency.

Method Method

To and make puree you will need a cup Clean patpumpkin dry duck, • 1. 1 ¾ cups white sugar Meanwhile peel andofcut and enough water cover heatchopped butter inpumpkin fry pan large oranges and to prep withit.no boil theoil stove top in a saucepan or place isin holdon duck and • enough 1Either cuptovegetable skin or seed. When sauce fry duck for approximately a microwave on high for 8nearly to 10 ready mins. add segments 5 minutes. • 2. 3When eggs the pumpkin is softtouse sauce and warm - do not a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool. let oranges break down. Place duck in oven for extract • *These 1 teaspoon vanilla next steps can be done with a bread maker on approximately 45 minutes Carve duck and cover dough setting. as you go. with sauce and arrange • on2180°C cupsbasting shredded carrots TurnInheat down to 160°C 3. a bowl place the 50 ml segments. warm water, sugar and ! cook for a further 30and set aside until frothy, together. Mix • and1yeast cup flaked coconut Enjoyor about 10 mins.

• 4. 1Incup chopped walnuts a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well For further information please contact: in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin

E: • chefaholic.tas@gmail.com 1puree can crushed pineapple, drained and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out P: 0407 720bench or 0448 367 for 10 mins, if onto 175 a floured top 820 and knead www.chefaholiccookingschool.com dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for

half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for Method 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

HOW do you know where to go in the bush? Are you using maps, or apps or books or blogs? I’ve always preferred using paper maps when I’m out hiking. I grew up using little more than ‘orienting the map’, meaning you line up your map with the terrain and obvious landmarks. This doesn’t work at all at night or when the fog rolls in. Also, when you’re in unfamiliar territory with a plethora of tracks, you can think you are on one particular track and instead find you are on a different track close by. I’ve been interested in testing various apps that are essentially a digital form of a map with pinpoint accuracy as to where you are. There are advantages and disadvantages of using maps as well as apps. Assuming you know how to ‘orient your map’, there is a great social connection that comes with chatting with hiking buddies over where you are, how far there is to go or how steep it is going to be. The disadvantage is that the map might be old and the track has shifted, or the weather might roll in and obscure

your landmarks. Those experienced in using a compass have an additional set of skills to navigate to the desired destination. Most of us don’t have this level of skill. Paper maps are best in fair weather or on clearly marked paths. In comparison, apps precisely pinpoint your location, but if you are in new terrain or on a mountain bike trail, the trail might not be uploaded into the app. However, you will know where you are, and you will not need to move far to establish whether you are moving in the right direction. The disadvantage is obvious – mobile phones can go flat, so if you are using apps be sure to carry an additional battery for your device and turn it off when your direction is clear to save energy. Three apps I regularly use are MapMy Run, Gaia GPS, and Trailforks. Whenever heading out, it’s a good idea to do a little research on the trail. Blogs and books are often excellent sources of information, but it’s important to check the date of publication to avoid getting outdated information. There are plenty of Facebook groups such as

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly 1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Grease and flour a and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto 9x13 inch pan. the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

2. Mix flour, salt, and cinnamon. Make a well in the 6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins. centre and add sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla. Mix 7. Set oven to 195oC with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in carrots, 8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with coconut, walnuts, pineapple. water and sprinkleand on more seeds. 9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf.

3. Pour into 9x13 inch pan. Bake at 175 degrees for 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the about 45and minutes. thetap centre sinks outside soundsDon’t hollowworry whenifyou it with ayour little.knuckles.

y Eninjo 4. Cake is ready when a skewer is inserted the 11. Let cool a bit then eat!

middle and comes out clean. Allow to cool.

For further information please contact:

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 information 720 or 0448 820 367 contact: For further please www.chefaholiccookingschool.com E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

Hobart Horticultural Society Inc. Iris, Rose, Spring Bloom and Floral Art Show 5 November 2021 from 1-5pm 6 November 2021 from 10am-4pm Hobart Town Hall (lift available) Cost: Free entry Gold coin donation gratefully accepted. Come along and enjoying the pleasure of viewing irises, roses and different spring flowers in bloom. There will be a plant stall and also light refreshments available. Don’t miss out! Enquiries: hobarthorticulturalsociety@outlook.com

Jo Cordell-Cooper.

Bushwalking Tasmania Social Group that have enthusiastic recreational hikers willing to share their expertise and opinions on every track imaginable in Tasmania. Just be sure to mention

what level of fitness and experience you have when taking advice, as not all hikers have the same opinion on what is hard and what is easy.

*Jo Cordell-Cooper

owns and operates award-winning Jo CC Holistic PT. To download free hiking fitness resources, go to www. jocc.com.au/hiking or make contact jo@jocc. com.au.




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M-F (03) 6-9pm 6265 2341 Bookings taken from 3:30pm Shop 11/12 Cole St (recommended) Every effort will be made to In the Coles accommodate walk-ins Complex

Shop 11/12 Cole St website for sorellfamilypractice.com.au/ CONTACT US In the Coles Complex after-hours-clinic/

ALL PATIENTS ARE WELCOME Visit details will be forwarded to the regular GP

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