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Community sport promoting fun and inclusivity

THE Eastern Region Junior Soccer Association (ERJSA) has wrapped up another season.

The Eastern Region Junior Soccer Association’s (ERJSA) purpose is to provide a fun and safe environment for children aged between five and 12 to play soccer.

It is entirely a volunteer-based model with overarching support provided by Football Tasmania and is one of three greater Hobart soccer associations, with more than 5000 children playing in the south of the state.

ERJSA president Matt Combey said the association had 12 member clubs which had about 1,300 children in the Clarence region.

The clubs include Bellerive, Cambridge, Dodges Ferry, Eastern Shore Saints, Emmanuel, Howrah, Lauderdale, Lindisfarne, Montagu Bay, Richmond United, Sorell, and South East United.

“It’s all about bringing the community together, with many of our coaches being just mums and dads who give up their time to learn about and train the game,” Mr Combey said.

“Many haven’t even played the sport before becoming involved.”

Mr Combey said the parents and coaches were essential in helping the association operate.

“The parents truly are the heart and soul of our association and they have done a wonderful job in spite of everything 2020 has thrown at us,” he said.

“They gain new friendships, skills,

SOUTH East Districts Little Athletics Centre has been given a much-needed funding boost for its upcoming season thanks to a $3,600 grant from Coles.

The Little Athletics Centre in Sorell is one of 158 grassroots sports clubs across Australia to share in $521,000 for sports equipment from the latest round of the Coles Little Athletics Community Fund.

It is the single largest round of grants distributed to Little Athletics centres since the Coles fund was established two years ago to support young athletes hoping to follow in the footsteps of champions like Sally Pearson and Brandon Starc.

The grant comes amid research from the Australian Sports Founknowledge, but most importantly they all get to have a good time spending time with their children watching them grow and learn over time.

“Many go on to volunteer on committees or other volunteer associations, taking the skills they learn through our sport.

“We even have a number of coaches now whose children have moved past the age of 12 yet they have loved being involved in children’s sport and have returned.”

Mr Combey said there were numerous benefits for the children as well, with the competition being inclusive so all players got equal game time.

“Benefits include being in the outdoors in all types of weather, improved health, new friendships, enjoyment of simply playing, learning, improving motor skills, personal achievement and last but certainly not least, being aware of and caring for others,” he said.

“We place the emphasis on having fun, with our coaches working together to ensure every child walks away from a game happy.

“It doesn’t always go this way, but we aim to improve outcomes every year with a priority placed on a healthy overall culture.”

Small local businesses such as the Lil Blue Coffee Van and Four Seasons Coffee help set up on game day and provide the various locations with coffee on cold mornings or Friday evenings. dation in July which estimated that more than 16,000 local sports clubs were at risk of closing due to reduced revenues and increased costs arising from COVID-19.

South East Districts Little Athletics president Geoffrey Jackson said the grant would help get its athletes and volunteers back on track after a tough year.

“The grant will allow us to purchase a high jump scissor mat that is appropriate for the younger age groups,” he said.

“The new mat will have a huge impact on our younger athletes’ ability to develop their high jump skills and will help the centre cater for more kids.”

Commonwealth Games high jump champion and Coles ambassador Brandon Starc is among

ERJSA is currently working with clubs to have registrations open for next season in early to mid-February, with the competition returning to a normal roster of approximately 14 games commencing from late Photo credit: Clare Combey the Aussie athletes who have been affected by disruptions and restrictions caused by COVID-19.

The Tokyo prospect said he hoped the funding would encourage kids to get back on track this season.

“As a former little athlete, I know how much new equipment means to kids who are starting out their athletics careers,” he said.

“It gives kids a chance to compete and train at their best and reach their full potential.”

Coles state general manager Mark O’Connor said Coles was pleased to continue its support of Sorell’s budding athletes and parent volunteers.

“We know it’s been a difficult six months for everyone involved in community sport, particularly little athletes,” he said. April.

“This year through Football Tasmania, we welcomed new sponsors MyState Bank and Hit 100.9,” Mr Combey said.

“With this sponsorship, it was possible to provide each child a new ball and

“We hope news of this grant will give athletes, families and volunteers a morale boost ahead of the new season.

“Coles is passionate about helping kids lead healthier, happier lives.

“That’s why we’re delighted to have raised nearly $70,000 in Tasmania and more than $1.68 million nationally for local sports clubs through the Coles Little Athletics Community Fund in just two years.”

Funds for the grant are raised through the sale of specially marked chiller bags designed by Aussie kids, with ten per cent of every bag sold directed to the Coles Little Athletics Community Fund.

Coles has raised more than $1.68 million to 376 Little Athletics centres across the country since November 2018. we hope to see this type of sponsorship continue into the future.

“Soccer has the greatest number of players by participation in the state and we expect this growth to continue to increase

From left, Hugh, six, Zoe, six, and Xander, 5. Photo credit: Chris Kidd.

especially in light of Aus-

THE Eastern Suburbs

Rugby Union Football

Club received one of the 180 defibrillators that the Tasmanian

Government distributed to community groups, individuals and notfor-profit organisations across the state as part of the Government’s

Community Defibrillator


Liberal Member for Franklin Jacquie

Petrusma said it was important that community groups like the Eastern Suburbs

Rugby Union Football

Club had access to a defibrillator.

“We know defibrillators save lives, and that a bystander’s response in those first few minutes can be tralia hosting the Women’s World Cup in 2023.

“Tasmania is on the list of hopeful states to host a match, with Football Tasmania recently launching a campaign for additional funding and a fair go for all sports crucial,” she said.

“In fact, evidence suggests that intervention within the first two to four minutes, through both CPR and AED application, may increase the chance of survival by up to 50 per cent.”

Ms Petrusma said

Ambulance Tasmania assessed applications to the program against set criteria to ensure access to defibrillators was maximised throughout the state.

“This program delivers on the Government’s commitment to boost access to lifesaving defibrillators and builds on our commitment to make Tasmanians’ lives better and safer, especially for those living in rural and regional

given other sports receive higher funding levels.”

People can get involved for next season by contacting their local club or contacting the ERJSA through its website at http://erjsa.



com/ or on Facebook. areas,” she said.

“This latest round followed an earlier round in 2019, which delivered 91 defibrillators.

“Ambulance Tasmania provides support and training as part of the Community Defibrillator Fund program, and encourages registration with the Ambulance Tasmania AED Locator smart phone app which shows the locations of community-held AEDs across Tasmania.”

The AED Locator App is available on iOS, Android and Windows mobile platforms, where the app uses a phone’s location to find the closest AED as well as provide the directions.

SOME of the state’s best surfers battled it out at a South Arm beach in the 2020/21 Nudie Australian Boardrider Battle (ABB) teams qualifying event.

The Clifton Beach based South Arm Boardriders team carved up the waves at the ‘RSL’ location at the southern end of Hope Beach, retaining the championship crown.

The team of Luke Bugg, Matt Kennedy, Rudy Davis, Lizzy Stokely, Toby Lawrence and Noah Hassett made the most of the one to one-and-a-halfmetre lefts and rights at the beach break to beat Penguin based North West Boardriders Club and Park Beach Boardriders from Dodges Ferry.

South Arm Boardriders finished on 38.4 points, North West Boardriders on 23.5 points and Park Beach Boardriders on 14.3 points.

South Arm Boardriders topped off its team victory with local gun Rudy Davis taking home the Oakley Prize Performance Award with an average of 8.8. SUNSHINE Tennis Club in Howrah is one of four clubs in southern Tasmania that will play host to the inaugural Southern Tennis Premier League from 31 October to 5 December.

The Southern Tennis Premier League is an initiative established by Domain Tennis Centre business development officer Edward Bourchier and Sorell Tennis Club coach Andrew Bourke as the state’s highest-level in-


Oakley Prize Performance Award winner Rudy Davis. Photo credit: Laif Johannesen/STAS.

The Nudie ABB event features club teams made up of five surfers, with one junior, one female, two open surfers and one over 35.

The winner of the Nudie ABB travels to Newcastle in February to compete in the national final.

The Woolworths Surfer Groms event will be held at Clifton Beach on Saturday 31 October.

Surfer Gloms is a popular Surfing Australia national series event designed for kids and teenagers in under eights, under 10s, under 12s, under 14s and under 16s.

While having a competition aspect, its main aim is to provide kids with a fun beach and surf event.

The entry fee is $55, with kids receiving entry to two divisions, free sponsor products, a barbecue and drinks, a free learn to surf lesson from Coastrider or skills development from Surfing Tasmania coaches, and free beach games.

To enter, visit https://www. surfingaustralia.com/ SurfingTasmania/

Inaugural competition an ace for tennis clubs

events. terclub team competition.

“It’s something that hasn’t been done before, and the reason we wanted to do it was because a lot of the top players don’t actually play in any competitions or leagues at the moment,” Mr Bourchier said.

“We’re trying to get them to galvanise everyone and get them all involved so we can get some high-level tennis going.”

The league will be a combined men’s and women’s competition, with six teams made up of four players per team, and fixtures being two singles games and two doubles games.

Fixtures will be played on Saturdays from October 31 to November 28 at Sunshine Tennis Club, Geilston Bay Tennis Club, Domain Tennis Centre and Glenorchy Tennis Club.

The top two teams will play a final on 5 December.

“By each club having a team associated with them, we can involve the club and have matches there to get their members involved,” Mr Bourchier said.

“The clubs can get behind the league and promote it to its members and wider community to get people down to watch and create an event around it.”

Mr Bourchier said there would be wide range of ages playing, with the youngest player being about 14-years and the oldest in his 60s.

“We will have some top juniors involved, and the league is something for them to look up to and work towards,” he said.

“It’s important to showcase the top level, but having pathways through the whole system for all levels is also very important.”

Sunshine Tennis Club president John Foale said the club was going to hold a social tennis event on 14 November before the competition started.

There will also be a barbecue for people to stay around and watch the competition after.

“We thought the league was a big chance to get some top players here because our membership is more aged and we want to try and get back into the groove as far having competition tennis here,” Mr Foale said.

“By hosting it, we’re trying to build up the momentum to get people interested and get them up to that level.

“We especially want kids to come and watch as a way to learn about etiquette and positioning.”

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