Eastern Shore Sun December 2022

Page 26

A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF CLARENCE AND SORELL Independently owned and published by Cor Comms DECEMBER 2022 BELLERIVE DENTURE CLINIC S .M. Hassett Dental Prosthetist Providing quality care for over 30 years Giving you something to smile about! 6244 6564 www.dentas.com.au info@dentas.com.au 9 Clarence Street Bellerive 7018 Phone: 6248 4994 DECORATIVE GRAVELS AGGREGATES LIMES PINEBARKS FIRE WOOD LOAMS BAG PRODUCTS MANURES AND MORE! HUGE range of landscape products DELIVERIES TO ALL AREAS 131 PITTWATER ROAD CAMBRIDGE Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm Closed Public Holidays Including 24 - 27 December Agentsfor Limil&Quicklime PLEASE SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR OUR LATEST OPENING INFORMATION. Young beekeepers now have a purpose-built shed where they can learn year-round, after the opening of the Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers’ new Bee Hub at Richmond last month. IN THIS ISSUE >> Junior beekeepers Audrey Long, Campbell De La Torre and Abbie De La Torre outside the new shed Candice Gottschalk Director | Property RepresentativeCandice Signa tur e Are you thinking of selling? Contact Candice for a complimentary market appraisal of your property. Candice Gottschalk M 0408 615 769 P 6244 8111 E candice.gottschalk@hcrealestate.com.au 3 Bayfield Street, Rosny Park TAS 7018 W signature.harcourts.com.au Find me on Facebook YOUNG BUZZ
Federal funds for ferry service
Unicorn Op Shop turns 50 FULL STORY ON PAGE 5
Teeing off against cancer SPORT
Excellence Awards winners


Key decisions from council meetings held on Monday, 7 and 28 November included:

7 November

• Newly elected Councillors were sworn in, making their Elected Members Declarations.

• A development application was approved, subject to conditions, for two multiple dwellings at 28 Burgundy Road, Howrah.

28 November

• Approved the distribution of a Partnership Grant totalling $12,000 to Rosny College Springboard Kizuna Drummers.

• Approved the CEO to give notice of intention to dispose of part of the public land at 86 Rosny Esplanade, Rosny for replacement of an existing substation on adjacent land owned by TasNetworks.

• Resolved to dispose of public land at Duntroon Drive, Rokeby to the Department of Housing and one adjoining landowner.

• Adopted Council Meeting Schedule from 5 December 2022 to 16 December 2024.

• Requested council officers prepare a report on potential projects to ‘future-proof’ Clarence’s stormwater system.

• Carried a motion to remove the opening prayer from the beginning of council meetings and, over a period of three months, trial a moment of reflective silence.

• Awarded Tender to State-Wide Earthworks Pty Ltd to undertake stormwater upgrades at Jervis Street, South Arm.

• Awarded Tender to State-Wide Earthworks Pty Ltd for the Percy Street, Bellerive, Stormwater and Pedestrian Infrastructure Upgrade works.

Council’s Annual General Meeting was held on Monday, 5 December, with key decisions to be reported in the next issue.

Upcoming council meeting dates:

Monday, 19 December 2022 and Monday, 16 January 2023. Members of the public may attend the meetings subject to compliance with State Government COVID-19 regulations. Although there are currently no maximum density requirements, please consider your own personal circumstances and vulnerabilities before attending in person.

Members of the public wishing to attend should still register via the online booking system at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/ councilmeetingbookings. If you are unable to access the internet or experience issues with the booking system, you can contact our Corporate Support team on either 6217 9523 or 6217 9524 who can register for you.

Deputations/public question time: If you wish to make a deputation, please contact the Corporate Support team on 6217 9523 or 6217 9524.

Questions on Notice are to be submitted in accordance with council’s Public Question Time procedures (see council’s website).

Roads and footpaths

• Pothole repairs at various locations as per inspections.

• Guidepost replacement continues throughout the municipality.

• Continuation of Ford Parade footpath and road upgrade.

• Reseal preparation at various locations.


• Minor drainage works as required.

• Stormwater maintenance at various locations.

• Construction of an open drain adjacent to Saxon Drive, Acton Park.

• Stormwater improvements, Rosehill Drive, Sandford.

Parks and reserves

• Elevated work platform tree work at various locations.

• Park maintenance as per established maintenance schedules.

• Upgrade of gravel walking tracks within the municipality.

• Rosny Skate Park refurbishment.

• Change room installation at Bellerive Beach.

• Gravelling of Belbins Road carpark, Meehan Range.

• Construction of green flow descent track at Clarence MTB Park.

Natural area management

• Maintenance of walking tracks in natural areas and Tangara Trail.

• Maintenance and management of natural areas as per the various Natural Area Management Plans.

• Maintenance of tracks as per Safety Audit.

• Fuel reduction and heap burns as required in natural areas, as conditions allow.

• Fuel reduction/fire break clearing program.

• Construction of ramp extension, Little Howrah Beach.

THE festive season is now well and truly upon us and as we draw closer to Christmas, it is a time to reflect on all that we have to be grateful for. This could be friends and family - or something as simple as living in a beautiful place or having access to clean drinking water.

For people of faith, Christmas is a sacred time. For many, it is a

time to look forward to simple traditions, enjoying a special meal, spending time with loved ones or supporting the less fortunate in our community.

This year we have again joined with the Salvation Army to offer a free Christmas Brunch for our community.

the community that are supported by council.

Brendan is a highly qualified and proven leader with extensive professional Council for more than 12 years, Brendan has a strong track record of delivering lobbied for the introduction of the Derwent River Ferry Service and the establishment improve access to mental health services for our young people.

On Christmas Day last year, we served more than 120 meals to people who would otherwise go without or have been alone on Christmas Day. Thank you to the dozens of volunteers who make this special event possible.

I have already had the pleasure of attending many events including the Southern Support School’s Garden party to celebrate International Day of a People with a Disability; the SES Southern Regional Unit Award and Council Appreciation Dinner; Howrah Men’s Shed ‘Bloke’s Brekkie’ to mark International Men’s Day; and Springfest 2022 at the Warrane Community Garden.

enjoy our great outdoors. This is also the busiest time of the year for our Arts and Events program. The team is busily preparing for our biggest event of the year, the Clarence Jazz Festival. We have an exciting line-up this year with thousands of locals and visitors expected to flock to hear live swinging tunes for the event’s 27th year.

As we all battle rising cost of living expenses, Brendan will provide the strong Council delivers core services well, whilst keeping rates as low as possible.

Allison’s proven experience in government, business and the NFP sectors leadership and a fresh “people focused” approach to all operations of the Clarence

Allison is currently the General Manager of the Hobart Police and Community Labor Member for Pembroke for 8 years, including as Minister for Planning

The past month has been an exciting one, being formally inducted as the new Mayor of Clarence City Council.

It has been wonderful to already connect with so many different parts of

I was also thrilled to help announce the expansion of the Derwent Ferry in November, which will benefit many commuters plus boost local businesses from retail to hospitality and more.

This summer we are also excited to not only be hosting an event for Mona Foma 2023 in Clarence, but we will also see an event for Ten Days on The Island return to the sunny side as well.

Growing up on the Eastern Shore, Allison intimately understands the needs for her exceptional work ethic and ability to deliver genuine outcomes. Allison protection lobby group “People Protecting Children” and the President of Boxing

As we approach the end of 2022, I want to wish you a happy and safe festive season from all of us at council.



Summertime in Clarence is always a highlight of the year, with many spectacular beaches and locations to

I look forward to the New Year with all the promise and opportunities it offers our community.

Noelle operates her own successful Small Business Coaching & Mentoring their strengths to optimise their

2 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022
Brendan Blomeley, Mayor of Clarence City Council
The Eastern Shore Sun is your community monthly newspaper reaching 29,000 homes and businesses, distributed on the third week of each month Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LIN E S F O R Edit Press Ready Material: J U S T A LI T T L E Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W www.easternshoresun.com.au A D VE R T I S IN G : Justine Brazil 6210 5201 E D I TO RIA L : Kane Young and Mackenzie Archer 6210 5212 advertising@easternshoresun.com.au editorial@easternshoresun.com.au • HOBART FM RADIO GUIDE Page 12 • HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE Page 22 • PETS Page 23-25 • A FINANCIAL MOMENT Page 26-27 • COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 28 • TRADES Page 29 • SPORT Page 30-31 REG ULAR MONTHLY FEATURES JANUARY 2023 Thursday 5 January Monday 16 January Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. WORKS: NOV-DEC 2022
For more information, visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au or call us on 03 6217 9500 Find us on Facebook EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES For information on exhibitions currently open to the public and available workshops, visit www.clarenceartsandevents.net. MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Find where tracks, parks, beaches, community halls, sportsgrounds and dog exercise areas are in Clarence at www.ccc. tas.gov.au/myneighbourhood. Facilities • Clarence Aquatic Centre mechanical services upgrade. • Howrah Community Centre upgrades. • Upgrades to Band room at Lindisfarne Activities Centre.
News ADVERTISEMENT Liberal Member for Lyons MP 15 High Street, New Norfolk TAS 7140 (03) 6701 2170 GuyBarnettMP guy.barnett@dpac.tas.gov.au Authorised by Guy Barnett, 15 High Street, New Norfolk TAS 7140. l Merry Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance Catryna Bilyk Senator for Tasmania Kingston Plaza (03) 6229 4444 catrynabilyk.com Authorised by C. Bilyk, ALP, 3/20 Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas. 46 Cameron Street (PO Box 97) 03 6331 8501 Launceston TAS 7250 Senator.Askew@aph.gov.au SenatorAskew Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew, Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250. SENATOR WENDY ASKEW LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA ADVERTISEMENT Please contact me if I can be of any assistance In October, for a better Clarence, please VOTE 1 – the Better Clarence Team. Yours faithfully, Alderman Brendan Blomeley MBA FAICD FIML
Authorised by Alderman Brendan Blomeley, 72 Lincoln St, Lindisfarne, TAS performance and leadership. been in the corporate arena for over three decades, Noelle brings youth and wellness areas. enthusiasm for local government, coupled with her life experiences community. Kaye is a proud Tasmanian Aboriginal woman that grew up and has continued has science degrees from the University of Tasmania, a Graduate Diploma also an Historical Geographer. Kaye is the President of Manuta Tunapee Puggaluggalia Historical and Cultural Spokesperson for the Lia Pootah Aboriginal Community, President of the Bowen and dual heritage books and academic articles and books about colonial history. Kaye has a keen understanding of the need for green spaces; preserving remaining advocate for people with disability. Anthony is a highly qualified business manager and researcher with a Bachelor degrees in Research and Public Sector Management. The majority of Anthony’s career has been in project management, business management and service delivery – all skills that will be highly valuable to Anthony is currently working to deliver support services to NDIS clients – a incredibly rewarding. Brendan Blomeley for Mayor & Alderman Allison Ritchie for Deputy Mayor & Alderman Noelle Harb for Alderman Kaye McPherson for Alderman
The Better Clarence An exciting new era for Clarence S O N O S S a l e s & I n s t a l l a t i o n | N e t w o r k & W i F i O p t i m i s a t i o n | AV component installation & cabling | Over 20 years' experience providing installation services and user education Working with leading brands and companies Matt Picone knows how to help you get the most out of your home network and entertainment systems | 0484 895 505 | matt@interactAV com au | | www interactAV com au | NEXT MONTH’S SPECIAL FEATURES BACK TO SCHOOL and GET HEALTHY features
Anthony James for Alderman

What’s on at Eastlands and Northgate this Christmas?

GET your photos with Santa at Eastlands this Christmas, including pet-friendly and Sensitive Santa sessions. For more

information visit www.eastlandssc. com.au

Get your Christmas feast sorted at Northgate with the brand-new

Woolworths, a specialty butcher and Coles.

Visit the Light Room, an interactive space great for the kids or a photo with friends.

Scan for your chance to win a $1000 Vicinity Gift Card. Elf on the Shelfvisit the Elf on the Shelf installation at Eastlands or Northgate

to get some photos yourself.

• Longer trading hours - Eastlands is open for longer trading hours to get all your Christmas shopping done.

• Get your gift wrapping done at Northgate and Eastlands. All proceeds go to the Salvation Army.

• If you are stuck for

a gift for someone or have left it too late, you can buy a Vicinity Gift Card which can be used at any Vicinity Shopping Centre.

at Eastlands

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1-Dec 2-Dec 3-Dec 4-Dec 5-Dec 6-Dec 7-Dec 8-Dec 9-Dec 10-Dec 11-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 23-Dec Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day 27-Dec 28-Dec 29-Dec 30-Dec New Year's Eve New Year's Day 2-Jan 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 5:30pm 10am - 4pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 5:30pm 10am - 4pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 6pm 9am 5pm 9am - 6pm 9am - 6pm 9am - 6pm 9am 6pm 8am - 8pm 8am 5pm Closed 9am - 5pm 10am - 4pm 9am - 5.30pm 9am - 5:30pm 9am - 8pm 9am 5pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 4pm


Christmas is almost upon us, and those last-minute gifts can be as simple as a cheerful pot of colour like petunias or marigolds, a gardening book, or a pair of gloves.

If you are planning to go away over summer, it may be worth considering installing a drip irrigation system in your garden before you go. These types of systems will save you water and deliver the water where it is needed - at the roots. This allows you to give your plants a deep soak rather than just watering the mulch, which is often what happens when hand watering.

Once the garden is covered with mulch, it is a great way to keep your plants thriving over the hot summer months. Install a tap timer, which will enable you to set when and how much water you want the plants to get, so they will not die while you are away.


Mayors’ ferry good news for Derwent river service

THE Greater Hobart Mayors have welcomed the Australian Government’s $20 million commitment to the expansion of the popular Derwent Ferry Service.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley, Hobart Acting Lord Mayor Helen Burnet, Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas and Kingborough Acting Mayor Clare Glade-Wright released a joint statement expressing their pleasure at formally securing the funding, which was pledged by Labor in the lead-up to this year’s Federal Election.

The investment will expand Hobart’s commuter ferry service by constructing on-water terminals at new locations on the River Derwent. Several locations are under consideration including Sandy Bay, Lindisfarne and Wilkinsons Point.

Bus services and active transport will be integrated with the terminals, designed to help ease congestion and give locals more choice in how to get around.

“The initial service between Bellerive and Hobart has been a great success,” Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.

“With over 140,000 passengers using the service since the trial began in August 2021, the community has clearly embraced ferry travel.

“From a Clarence perspective, we’ve seen the positive impact of this service and we are excited to plan for improved amenities at Bellerive and future expansion to additional sites such as Lindisfarne.”

The federal funding commitment builds on the Tasmanian Government’s $19

million investment in the Derwent Ferry service in the 2022-23 State Budget.

“The Derwent Ferry has fast become a feature of our beautiful city,” Housing, Homelessness and Small Business Minister Julie Collins said.

“The Albanese Labor Government understands how important it is for us to deliver more public transport for our community.

“Labor is committed to investing in more affordable public transport and helping ease traffic congestion across Greater Hobart.”

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Senator Carol Brown, said Hobart is a “river city” and the investment in the Derwent ferry service will take full advantage of that.

School upgrades


Top up mulch and weed all garden beds.

• Weed and feed lawns. When mowing lawns do not cut them too short; leaving them longer will help protect roots.

• Deep water fruit trees once a week. The best time to water is first thing of a morning or of an evening.

• Keep removing dead flowers from annuals like petunias, and liquid feed to keep them looking their best over the holidays.


EASTERN Shore schools can now apply for grants of up to $25,000 to create better-equipped learning environments and support students after disruptions caused by COVID.

Member for Franklin, Julie Collins MP, said both government and non-government schools can apply for funding towards small-scale projects as part of the Australian Government’s Schools Upgrade Fund.

“School communities in Franklin can receive financial support to upgrade air ventilation, build or improve outdoor

learning spaces, purchase tablets and laptops, and refurbish classrooms.” she said.

Minister for Education Jason Clare said educational infrastructure helps support better student outcomes including attendance, attainment and behaviour.

The Albanese Government has committed $32 million to this first round of grants. Schools can apply for funding at www. education.gov.au/schoolsupgrade-fund

Applications close on 24 February 2023.

4 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 Community News
Vegetable Seedlings Seeds Herb & Flower Seedlings Carrot Celosia Tomato Eggplant Marigolds Chives Sage Thyme Basil Capsicum Lettuce Snapdragons Petunias Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Silver Beet Kale Zucchini Asian Brassicas Spring Onion Beans Sweet corn Pumpkin
MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our customers.
Authorised by Heather Chong, PO Box 182, Richmond 7025 ADVERTISEMENT
~ from Management and Staff Kingborough Acting Mayor Clare Glade-Wright, Hobart Acting Lord Mayor Helen Burnet, Senator Carol Brown, Housing Minister Julie Collins, Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas and Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley at Bellerive recently
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Unicorn’s opportunity to celebrate

LINDISFARNE’S muchloved Unicorn Op Shop has celebrated 50 years of servicing the local community, with longterm supporters and volunteers gathering last month to mark the occasion.

Officially opened in 1972 after the Lindisfarne Church and the Bellerive Church

became Clarence Uniting Church, the Unicorn Op Shop continues to operate from its original location on Wellington Street.

“The money raised instore has funded various community projects and programs that do not receive government funding,” Unicorn Op Shop volunteer Jan

McGrath said.

“The community brings in their donations, items are sold back to the community and the funds raised support key community initiatives in the local area.

“We have funded various PCYC programs, donated to Colony 47, Loaves and Fishes, Orange Sky and

various primary schools on the Eastern Shore.”

Volunteers who have assisted in operating the Op Shop over the past 50 years were invited to join supporters, friends and family for a special 50th anniversary lunch at Clarence Uniting Church in Bellerive on 13 November.

Big buzz for small beekeepers

YOUNG beekeepers now have a purpose-built shed where they can learn year-round, after the opening of the Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers’ new Bee Hub at Richmond last month.

The only youth-focussed beekeeping organisation in Australia, Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers has been teaching local children about the importance of bees to our environment since 2017. Children learn all about bees, and are introduced to the practical skills needed to become a beekeeper.

The work of the group, which has been featured on the ABC’s ‘Landline’ and ‘BTN’, was recognised with the Fonterra Australia Agriculture Award at the recent Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards.

Young beekeepers, their families, sponsors, stakeholders and dignitaries attended the grand opening of the new shed on 19 November.

“The shed will provide a space for more children to be involved in the fascinating world of bees,” Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers president

Anita Long said.

“We’re so excited to finally be up and running in our new shed; built with the support of a generous donor along with a successful grant application.

“The children regularly visit our hives for maintenance, jar and sell their honey and make and sell wax wraps and lip balms, head out on excursion to some of Tasmania’s largest pollination operations and the leatherwood forests, and many other fun activities.”

New members aged 7-17 are always welcome. Phone 0417 032 156 to get involved.

The celebration was an opportunity for old friends to reminisce on fond memories.

“The ladies who volunteer here are a family,” Jan said.

“One volunteer, Roye Smyth, has been involved since the very beginning and is still

donating one morning each week to work in the store.

“Volunteering at the Unicorn Op Shop gives people the opportunity to donate their time to something that really benefits the community.

“We have always prioritised keeping

prices low to meet the needs of the community, with children’s clothing $1 per item and infant clothing priced at six items for $4.”

The Unicorn Op Shop is open from 10am-4.30pm Tuesday to Saturday.


Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 5 Community News Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Place, Hobart Nic Street Liberal Member for Franklin (03) 6165 7830 | Nic.Street@dpac.tas.gov.au Dean Young Liberal Member for Franklin (03) 6165 7825 | Dean.Young@dpac.tas.gov.au
Choices Flooring Boxall 13c Tasman Hwy, Midway Point 6265 2008 choicesflooring.com.au With a range of savings on carpet, timber, laminate, luxury vinyl, hybrid, rugs and window furnishings it’s the perfect time to find the decorating solution for your home. Hurry into your local showroom or view the online sale catalogue at www.choicesflooring.com.au SPRING 2022
Unicorn Op Shop volunteers Dawn Boyle, Roye Smyth, Noeline Heaven, Elaine Grachan and Penny O'Brien at the 50th anniversary lunch

Clarence City Council Christmas Closures

New Rokeby units taking shape

HOBART City Mission has laid the first foundations of 15 new units in Rokeby, which will provide long-term housing and support for older men who have been experiencing or facing homelessness.

Partly funded by the State Government and Hobart City Mission, the units are a mixture of one and two-bedroom, with three of them suitable for people living with a disability.

Hobart City Mission CEO Harvey Lennon said it is important to

develop housing that meets a range of needs in the community.

“Different cohorts and age groups will need different types of housing and different levels of support,” Mr Lennon said.

“It’s important to take this into consideration as we continue to meet the demand for housing in the state.

“Some people who have been experiencing long-term homelessness need extra support when settling into a new home.

“Providing support increases the chances of it being a successful and positive transition and we’ve seen that in our other housing programs.”

Centacare Evolve Housing’s building and construction social enterprise, St Joseph Affordable Homes, are building the units, which are expected to be completed in May 2023.

Once completed, the units will be staffed by a full-time staff member, who will provide support to residents during business hours.

All ongoing costs will be funded by Hobart City Mission, through donations from the community and funds raised through City Mission Op Shops.

“We are very grateful to the people in our community who donate to Hobart City Mission,” Mr Lennon said.

“People who leave a gift in their Will to Hobart City Mission are often able to have a huge transformative effect on the lives of people in their community that they have left behind.”

After hours enquiries

Summer Beach restrictions

Gold Medal for Cr. Chong


The Gold Medal was in recognition of Councillor Chong’s extensive work in the business, community, philanthropic and not-for-profit sectors across Tasmania including many years serving as a Clarence City councillor and Deputy Mayor.

Councillor Chong is a Fellow of the AICD, has held board

positions with listed companies, public sector business enterprises and various not-for-profit and community organisations including Rotary, Meals on Wheels and the Asthma Foundation.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the AICD award was recognition of good governance and strategic stewardship, not just for council but for the many other organisations Councillor Chong has held leadership positions in.

“I’ve often said that being a councillor is akin to being a

director on a board and this recognition shows that Councillor Chong is held in the very highest esteem by her fellow company directors across Tasmania,” he said.

“This award covers the entire state, government, not-for-profit and private enterprise and I congratulate Councillor Chong on behalf of Council.”

The 2022 Tasmanian Gold Medal was presented by AICD Managing Director and CEO Mark Rigotti at an awards luncheon in Hobart on 10 November.

1300 732 377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au 1300 732 377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au
City Councillor and former Deputy Mayor Heather Chong has been awarded the prestigious Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Tasmanian Gold Medal.
To prepare for the bushfire season, owners and occupiers of land within Clarence are reminded to clear any fire hazards within their property. Reducing fire hazards for suburban blocks and blocks up to 2,000 square metres involves clearing and removing all grasses and undergrowth to a height of no more than 75mm. For larger blocks more than 2,000 square metres, fire breaks are required to a width of 10m for flat land or 15m for sloped land from the property boundary. Before undertaking any of these works, please check with council whether your property is subject to environmental protections under the Planning Scheme and what limitations these have on clearing. For more information, visit www.fire.tas.gov.au, phone the Tasmania Fire Service on 1800 000 699 or contact council. Contact: 03 6217 9500 Email: clarence@ccc.tas.gov.au Visit: www.ccc.tas.gov.au Clarence City Council Chambers will close
Centacare Evolve Housing (St Joseph) CEO Ben Wilson, Housing Minister Guy Barnett and Hobart City Mission CEO Harvey Lennon at the Rokeby housing project site
Heather Chong with AICD Managing Director and CEO Mark Rigotti
at 1.00pm Friday, 23 December 2022 and reopen at 8.30am Tuesday, 3 January 2023.
collection bins will be collected
Kerbside Collection Your kerbside
as usual during the Christmas and New Year period. Mornington Park Waste Transfer Station will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Normal opening hours apply for all other days.
For all after hours enquires, including roads and stormwater, please call the after hours number on (03) 6217 9700.
you like to take your
friends onto council
and will remain in place until
Remember, if
commenced Thursday, 1 December 2022,
Wednesday, 1 March 2023.   All council beaches are signposted with the applicable restrictions, you can also check details ahead of your visit online: www.ccc.tas.gov.au/myneighbourhood.

A COMMUNITY planting project during Seniors Week has helped to create social connectedness in diverse communities across Tasmania, including Dodges Ferry.

For the past 12 months, 23 Tasmanians have been designing, developing and implementing community

projects through the Tasmanian Community Fund’s (TCF) Emerging Community Leaders (ECL) program.

With a focus on developing the skills and knowledge to positively contribute as a leader in any sector, ECL participants have been building their governance, finance,

leadership, management, communication and project management skills.

Dodges Ferry resident Dawn Green worked in team of five to deliver their ‘Purposeful Planting’ project, which focused on gardening, sustainability and addressing social isolation in the older population.

Purposeful Planting was delivered in Glenorchy, St Helens, Zeehan, Launceston and Dodges Ferry, where older community members worked with Dodges Ferry Primary students to re-pot and water dozens of plants and flowers at Okines Community House.

“The five community events created a safe space for celebration and connection between the older and younger generation,” Dawn said.

“Together, they got their hands dirty and enthusiastically planted herbs, sunflowers, pansies and tomato plants into pots, using rich compost

produced by the community garden.”

Dawn said being a participant in the ECL program has been truly life changing.

“The ECL program provided me with a unique opportunity to learn leadership skills which can be translated back to my community,” she said.

“A great learning I took from the program is that

being a leader can mean so many things to different people, and we were able to witness that through our interactions with local community leaders. It was very inspiring.”

Participants, mentors and supporters of the program will come

together to celebrate at a graduation ceremony in February.

“This program affords the opportunity to people that have the potential to be leaders to realise their full potential,” TCF chair Sally Darke said.

“The Emerging

Community Leaders program teaches the participants how to work with people from other backgrounds, with different skills and opinions constructively and effectively to benefit the whole Tasmanian community.”

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 7 Community News
JULIE COLLINS MP ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by Julie Collins MP, Australian Labor Party. 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park TAS 7018 Season’s Greetings
My staff and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
JULIE COLLINS MP ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by Julie Collins MP, Australian Labor Party. 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park TAS 7018 Season’s Greetings
and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Rosny Park TAS 7018 julie.collins.mp@aph.gov.au juliecollins.com 18 Ross Ave (PO Box 38)
6244 1222 My office will be closed over the Christmas and New Year break and will reopen on 3 January 2023.
Rosny Park TAS 7018 julie.collins.mp@aph.gov.au juliecollins.com 18 Ross Ave (PO Box 38)
6244 1222 My office will be closed over the Christmas and New Year break and will reopen on 3 January 2023.
My staff and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Rosny Park TAS 7018 julie.collins.mp@aph.gov.au juliecollins.com 18 Ross Ave (PO Box 38)
6244 1222 My office will be closed over the Christmas and New Year break and will reopen on 3 January 2023.
Mackenzie Archer
of leadership personal... with care that makes the difference Phillip Stephens FUNERALS ph: (03) 6245 0544 www.psfunerals.com Office - 25 Electra Place, Mornington Chapel - 28 Riawena Road, Rosny
(L-R) Dodges Ferry Primary School students Jarrah and Charlie helping to re-pot flowers and plants during the Purposeful Planting day at Okines Community House
Dodges Ferry Primary School student Willow getting her hands dirty ADVERTISEMENT

Awards celebrate local business

THE success of local businesses has been celebrated at the 2022 City of Clarence Business Excellence and Service Awards.

Thirty individuals and businesses were recognised for their excellence in areas such as hospitality and tourism, enterprise and innovation, inclusivity and diversity, pride of workmanship, community contribution, retail and professional services.

More than 80 people filled the Century Room at Blundstone Arena for the awards ceremony, with winners joined by Federal Small Business Minister Julie Collins; Tasmanian MPs Nic Street, Dean Winter and David O’Byrne; MLCs Sarah Lovell and Luke Edmunds; Clarence Mayor-Elect Brendan Blomeley and Councillors Beth Warren and Daniel Hulme.

Business Eastern Shore chair Teresa Henley said the Awards had been helping raise the profile of Eastern Shore businesses and fostering pride in the business community for more than 20 years.

“Hearing about what local businesses are achieving gives me

a great sense of pride to be part of such a diverse, successful and innovative business community,” Ms. Henley said.

“Of course, excellence of the standard that was showcased at our Awards Night has only been made possible because of the passion and dedication people have for their businesses.

“I hope that this passion and dedication drives the winners to continue delivering excellent customer service, to set and

achieve even more ambitious business goals, and to continue making a valuable contribution to the local economy and employment on the Eastern Shore.”

Ms Henley also thanked sponsors including the Clarence City Council, the Eastern Shore Sun, Accru Hobart, Eastside Gymnastics Academy, Hobart International Business Park and MEGT Australia for making the Awards possible.

2022 Clarence Business Excellence Awards

Professional Service Award

Other Businesses Service Award

Winner - Phoenix Children's Services Highly Commended - Eastlands Lotto Merit - Eyeline Optometrists

8 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 Community News
professional and personalised hearing health care, since 2001.
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the latest hearing technology to suit your needs and lifestyle.
- Richmond Bakery Winner - Puddleduck Vineyard Highly Commended - Howrah Point Store Merit - Baxter Coffee
Winner - Accru Hobart Highly Commended - Health Change Merit - Cassie's Place Child and Adolescent Psychology Merit - Mulcahy Electrical
Emmanuel Marios from Derwent Finance with Jacinta Preshaw from Beautiful Flowers Gifts and Garden

Boat lovers wooden miss this festival

AFTER a four-year hiatus the much-loved Australian Wooden Boat Festival (AWBF) will return to Hobart in February, with 450 vessels from across the country expected to arrive for the largest iteration of the festival yet.

The four-day festival will take over the Hobart waterfront from February 10-13, showcasing Tasmania’s rich maritime history and continued links to the water through tourism, seafood, trade and leisure.

With focus on legendary Australian boat builders and designers, the 2023 festival will include ten hulking ships from Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania and the renowned ‘Duyfken’ vessel from the Australian National Maritime Museum.

“We are inviting

BYC’s new marina open

The marina can now moor 210 vessels - most of which are in active use by local owners, unlike many other marinas around Tasmania.

The BYC, which was established nearly 100 years ago, now has about 1,000 members and a strong culture of community service.

The club has fundraised more than $40,000 for local charities, while supporting several community-based organisations and making its facilities accessible to the broader Clarence community.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley was honoured to assist with the official launch on 19 November, saying quality recreational facilities were always welcome additions and improved

the liveability of the municipality.

“The impact of the Bellerive Yacht Club extends beyond its members and is known for supporting local charities and the wider community,” he said.

“The club and its members also contribute to the overall amenity, excitement and vibrancy of the wider Bellerive waterfront and it's wonderful to see them continue to grow.”

Community News WINKLEIGH PLACE, ROSNY PARK (UP FROM THE CINEMA) 6244 3373 .BET imes holidays OUR DOOR VENS SECONDS ODUCTSSIMPSON FISHER & THERS T FREEZERS MYSTATE ZAMBRE R OS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM - 5PM SATURDAY 10AM - 2PM CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Uni t 1 / 3 8 Mer t onval e Ci rcui t MONDAY TO FRI DAY 9am- 5pm SATURDAY CHRISTMAS OPENING TIMES OPEN Saturday 24 December, 10am – 2pm CLOSED Sunday 25 December & Monday 26 December CLOSED Monday 1 January OPEN Tuesday 27 December to Friday 30 December, 9am – 5pm OPEN Saturday 31 December, 10am – 2pm MASSIVE BOXING DAY SALE IN STORE TUESDAY 27 DECEMBER
THE Bellerive Yacht Club (BYC) has increased its capacity with the opening of a new marina last month. BYC Life Member Richard Gilbert, Clarence City Council Mayor Brendan Blomeley, Premier Jeremy Rockliff MP and BYC Commodore Jeff Cordell (L-R) AWBF program coordinator Bella Laughton-Clark, senior skipper Bernard Smith and AWBF general manager Paul Stephanus with deck hands Rob Foale, Andrew O’Brien and James Andrewartha on board the ‘Egeria’

Jacob’s love of history leads to memorial prize

BAYVIEW Secondary College student Jacob Watt was one of six Tasmanian students awarded this year’s Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize – the school’s second winner in four years.

Open to all year nine students in the state, The Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize is named in honour of Tasmania’s last surviving WWI veteran.

An essay-based competition, the Prize is designed to help promote and preserve the meaning of the ANZAC

spirit in the Tasmanian community, and plays a vital role in ensuring young Tasmanians remember the stories of our veterans.

Jacob and the five other students selected will embark on a two-week Australian study tour in April to visit sites and landmarks related to Australia’s military history.

Jacob said he has a big love of history that came from his mum.

“It really was a great honour to be selected, there were so many applicants and to be narrowed down to

the final six was just incredible,” he said.

“When I began learning about the two world wars I was instantly intrigued to find out more, so when I heard about the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize it seemed like a

great opportunity to learn more.

“On the trip we will get to visit locations where events have happened, I am really excited to be where those people stood and see what they saw.”


Amy Willey, Tasman District School

Harry Lillywhite, Scotch Oakburn College

Jacob Rittman, Penguin District School

Sarah Brewer, Ulverstone Secondary College

Xander Power, Marist Regional College

Rosetta marks Jubilee

ROSETTA Primary School received an Australian Government Grant in early 2022 to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee for Her Majesty, the late Queen Elizabeth I1.

On Tuesday 15 November, Rosetta Primary hosted an event with staff, students, dignitaries, and community members to commemorate the official opening of the school’s Friendship Grove Garden.

This project further developed the school grounds and it was an honour to have it recognised through the lens of the extraordinary life of The Queen and how, throughout her

time as monarch, she valued looking after the environment.

The memorial grove fulfilled one of The Queen’s goals: the request to the public to plant as many trees as possible for her Platinum Jubilee. Here at Rosetta Primary School we have contributed to that green canopy, thanks to the beautiful selection of advanced trees.

Our students, staff and families will visit the space shaded by the trees, enjoy the natural views down to the Derwent River and appreciate a sense of calm. It has already been enthusiastically received by the

students, with many walking in groups or pairs together to sit in the space and muse.

By creating the Friendship Grove at Rosetta Primary School,

we are continuing the wishes of The Queen: to create “a legacy in honour of her leadership… which will benefit future generations”.

Community News EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED www.deliverfordollars.com.au Supporting people with a disability • Individual and group support • Life skills development • Recreation and Leisure • Supported holidays • School holiday and after school programs • Respite - evening and overnight weekend • Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email enquiries@parkside.org.au www.parksidefoundation.org.au The Parkside Foundation LOCAL AND TASMANIAN Large enough to support you, small enough to care. Welcome to Rosetta Primary School A place where values and future learning have meaning.
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Rosetta Primary supports students on their aspirational journey
Jubilee celebrations at Rosetta Primary 2022 Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize Winners Watt, Bayview Secondary College
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Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize recipient Jacob Watt with Bayview Secondary College Year 9 teacher Mel Burnett

LIVE music returns to the Rosny Barn next month thanks to a new partnership between Clarence City Council and the Cygnet Folk Festival.

Now in its 40th year, the iconic Cygnet Folk Festival brings thousands of visitors to the Huon Valley each January. In 2023, three of the festival’s touring acts will also come to Clarence to perform in the historic Rosny Barn.

To kick off the series, Rosny Barn will host folk legend Eric Bogle on Tuesday 17 January, as part of his final Australian tour. Best known for his classic song ‘The Band Played Waltzing

Matilda’, Bogle’s songs have been recorded by the likes of Joan Baez, Donovan, Slim Dusty, Billy Bragg and The Pogues.

UK-based alt-folk and comedy singer Grace Petrie, who has performed at huge events including Glastonbury and the Vancouver Folk Festival, will then play at Rosny Barn on Wednesday 18 January, supported by local singersongwriter Tuli Morris.

Award-winning New Zealand-based songwriter Holly Arrowsmith will round out the series on Friday 20 January, supported by local singersongwriter Isabel Rumble.

“As well as deepening our relationship with other Southern Tasmanian councils and communities, partnerships such as this greatly broadens the depth of experiences available to Clarence residents,” Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.

“I am thrilled to be welcoming these artists to Clarence in January and encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to see world-class folk music acts in our own backyard.”

Tickets for all three shows are available from clarenceartsandevents.net and are expected to sell out.

Jazz for all tastes

THE annual Clarence Jazz Festival will return to Hobart’s eastern shore for the 27th year in February, with a hot new line up of local and interstate jazz talent and festivities.

The 2023 Clarence Jazz festival program boasts everything from classic jazz to Afrobeat, First Nations truth telling and Indian classical/jazz fusion, performed by a culturally diverse line-up of local and interstate musicians.

The program also features a number of authentic local food and wine experiences -

including the inaugural Clarence Food and Wine Project - and exciting art programs scattered across the city from 1-5 February.

The official festival launch at Rosny Barn on 5 November featured a performance by internationally acclaimed saxophonist and jazz educator Sandy Evans OAM, who is the 2023 Clarence Jazz Ambassador and will work with the Clarence Jazz Scholars throughout the festival.

“The Clarence Jazz

Festival is truly the highlight of our annual events calendar and a very popular event in our Clarence community, and throughout the Greater Hobart region,” Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.

“It is always great to see people of all ages enjoying good music in gorgeous locations together across our city.”

The Clarence Jazz Festival will be held from the 1 - 5 February 2023. The full program is available on the Clarence Arts and Events website.

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 11
Authorised by Senator Jonathon Duniam, Liberal Par Ground Floor 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart 03 6231 2444 senator.duniam@aph.gov.au duniam.com.au SENATOR JONNO DUNIAM LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA Advertisement Wishing everyone a very MerryandChristmas a Happy New Year Community News Would you like a rewarding job that often involves very simple and enjoyable tasks such as helping people with their hobbies and everyday errands? For the right candidates we will consider people who are currently studying towards the qualifications required. For more information and to apply please visit our website here: ontracktasmania.com.au/careers/ We are recruiting Disability Support Workers!
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley, 2023 Clarence Jazz Festival Ambassador Sandy Evans OAM and festival food and beverage curator Rhys Hannan
legend Eric Bogle will perform at Rosny Barn next month Cygnet folk coming to

Natasha named our top trainee

LINDISFARNE dentistry student

Natasha Robbins has capped off an outstanding 2022 by being named Work & Training’s Trainee of the Year.

The organisation held its prestigious annual awards night on 25 November, with a total of 437 people graduating from Work & Training programs.

Natasha, who is studying Certificate III Dentistry, added another accolade to her growing resume after winning Trainee of the Year at the Tasmanian Training Awards in September and being a finalist in the Australian Training Awards.

After eight years working in hospitality, Natasha wanted to pursue something different and approached Work & Training about a business traineeship but was told she was over-qualified.

A conversation with a Work & Training consultant provided her with

a pathway to the dental industry, where she gained a traineeship with Hopkins Dental.

“My traineeship challenges me every day and provides the most rewarding feeling at every step,” she said.

Newstead’s Summer Swan was named Apprentice of the Year, recognised for excellence in her completion of a Certificate IV in Engineering Drafting with host business Progress Switchboards.

Ulverstone Secondary College year 12 student Alec Turale received the Jack Kelleher Perpetual Trophy for Emerging Potential. Alex is completing his Information Technology qualifications as a schoolbased trainee.

Mowbray’s Anna Suitor, who is undertaking a Certificate III in Business, picked up the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Trainee of the Year award.

Other local trainees to be recognised included Honeywood’s Brady Hayden (Runner-Up Apprentice of the Year), Snug’s Noah Bannerman-Roberts (First Year Apprentice of the Year) and West Moonah’s Terri-Lee Fox (Business & Service Industries Student of the Year).

Work & Training CEO Leanne Wallace said the winners’ stories demonstrated the diversity of vocational education pathways.

“Congratulations to all our apprentices and trainees who have demonstrated excellence in their chosen field,” she said.

“Their achievements are a testament to their hard work, and the opportunities vocational pathways can open up to everyone. This is the future of Tasmania’s workforce and it is clearly in good hands.”

Life-saving letterbox drop

RISDON Vale locals are being urged to keep an eye on their letterbox for a life-saving delivery.

Stroke Foundations volunteers are delivering 200 magnets to households and business depicting the signs of stroke and the need to dial triple zero (000) immediately.

Hobart physiotherapist Lesley Hall knew exactly what to do when she realised she couldn’t understand the text on her iPad and her words were scrambled.

“It was like my mouth was working but my brain wasn’t. Thankfully the operator was able to understand my single syllables as I couldn’t form a sentence,” Ms Hall said.

“Thanks to the quick intervention, I was able

to receive life-saving clotbusting medicine. I woke up from the anaesthetic and I could speak, read and understand again. I’m so grateful for modern medicine.”

Stroke Foundation CEO Sharon McGowan said 80 per cent of strokes display at least one of the F.A.S.T (Face, Arms, Speech) signs – but research has found that 28 per cent of Tasmanians cannot recall a single sign of stroke.

“When a stroke strikes, it attacks the brain and kills up to 1.9 million brain cells per minute,” she said.

“That’s why recognising stroke symptoms and dialling triple zero (000) is the vital first step in accessing life-changing stroke treatment.

“This letterbox drop is one way to raise

awareness of stroke and educate the people of Risdon Vale about what to do if they suspect someone is having a stroke.

“We know that 660 Tasmanians will have a stroke each year, and that’s why it’s so important that we all know what F.A.S.T means

and can act quickly to save ourselves and our loved ones.”

• FACE – has their mouth drooped?

• ARMS – Can they lift both arms?

• SPEECH – Is their speech slurred?

• TIME is critical. If any of these signs appears, call 000 immediately.

Derwent water watch under way

THE annual Beach Watch water monitoring program is under way, with the public warned not to swim at one Eastern Shore beach this summer.

Each week the Derwent Estuary Program (DEP), in cooperation with local councils and the EPA Tasmania, collect water samples from more than 35 sites in the Derwent to test for ‘enterococci’, a faecal indicator bacteria.

Water quality results will be published at the end of each week on the DEP’s Beach Watch webpage and Facebook site.

DEP chief executive

Ursula Taylor said water quality at 18 out of 20 beach sampling sites monitored in Hobart is rated as suitable for swimming, based on the Recreational Water Quality Guidelines for Tasmania.

“This result is an enviable situation for a capital city,” Ms Taylor said.

“Beaches with great water quality include Little Sandy Bay, Little Howrah and Windermere.

But it is recommended that the public avoid swimming in the middle of Howrah beach and the northern end of

Kaye Payne

Kingston beach near Browns River this season because of intermittent contamination.

“Good progress has been made in tracking down sources of pollution in the catchments above Howrah Beach and also in Kingston and we are hopeful that sampling results improve this coming season,” Ms Taylor said.

Ms Taylor said simple things like picking up after your dog, washing cars on grass or at a carwash, and avoiding feeding ducks and geese at beaches can help reduce pollution at local sites.

KAYE was born in Queensland and moved to Tasmania in 1992, becoming a Hobart FM listener shortly after.

In 2008 Kaye answered a request for volunteers to become part of the Hobart FM family, and for the past 14 years she has woken up listeners at 6am once a week as a Hobart FM breakfast presenter.

Kaye currently presents breakfast from 6 - 9am on Tuesday mornings, playing anything from classical through to country, jazz and today’s modern grooves.

“After heavy rain, caution is recommended when planning a swim,” she said.

“Most urban areas experience poor water quality after heavy rain, including the ‘good’ rated sites.

“Therefore, swimming is not recommended in the Derwent for several days after a heavy rain, and never in the vicinity of stormwater drains or urban rivulets.”

For further information about water quality at your local beaches and bays go to www. derwentestuary.org.au/ beach-watch

She loves music and loves to entertain - why else would you get up at 4.30am to volunteer your time on a cold and frosty morning?

“I can’t think of a better thing to do,” Kaye says.

“Hobart FM has a family of people who tune in. They give us a call and send us messages on Facebook, and we know their life stories almost as much as we know our own.

Presented by:


6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne.

9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beats and Ballads with Phil Williams.

3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk with Helen Morrison/Ross Sermons.

8pm: Late Nite Hits with Marg.

10pm: Night Owl Club with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Wednesday

6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and

Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Phil Tyson. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Revival show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Thursday

6am Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: Music of Your Life with Karina

Ceron. 2pm: My Collection with Ken Tanner. 4pm: Drive with John Evans. 6pm: Serbian. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

Friday 6am: Rise and Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs and Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Fridays with Mal Dennis. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Drive with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times are Rolling with

Russell and Bob. 9pm: Rock On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight with Craig Cracknell Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 1pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda. 3pm: Various Presenters present The Music of Your Life. 6pm: Kick Back with Kenny White. 9pm: Music of Your Life. Midnight: Music of Your Life



“I also like to promote live music here in Tassie, and play local artists as much as possible.” Monday

6am: Chris Burrows Breakfast. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish Brian Corr. Midday: Italian. 1pm: Nepalese. 2pm: Dove c’e musica Italiana. 3pm: Movie Ticket Radio with Robert Ryan. 4pm: Music of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob and Russell Hevey. 9pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

12 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022
Community News
6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Mandy’s Monday Morning Mix. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Monday Variety with Shirley Nicolle. 4pm:
in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country With Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Music of Your Life
Stroke survivor and volunteer Lesley Hall delivering magnets Trainee of the year Natasha Robbins

Students' time to shine

SOME of the state’s best young STEM minds converged on Clarence last month for the 2022 Tasmanian Model Solar Challenge.

Fifty-two car teams and 11 boat teams from 13 different Tasmanian schools put their sun-powered vehicles through their paces at Clarence High School on 19 November, making this year’s Model Solar Challenge the biggest to date.

A small amount of cloud cover on the day

saw the solar intensity range between 50 and 90 per cent for most of the day – perfect conditions for the car event.

It led to many close and exciting races across the boat pool, the figure-8 car track and the oval pursuit track, with competitors often separated by just a few hundredths of a second.

Fastest lap of the day went to ‘Phil’ from Clarence High with a time of 19.52 seconds, while ‘Lightening King

3.2’ from Collinsvale

Primary recorded the best time of 4.22 seconds in the boat pool.

Hobart City High’s catamaran ‘HCHS’ was the overall winner of the boat event and was also named Best Engineered. Collinsvale Primary finished on top in the primary school division, with the school’s fleet of boats also taking home several other awards.

Woodbridge School's ‘The Petrosaurus’ was crowned the primary

school champion after some extremely close racing against Mt Nelson Primary in the car final, with an extra run needed to separate the two.

There was more close races in the secondary schools car event, with Clarence High filling the top three spots. Bayview Secondary College’s ‘Tubular Balls’ was named the Best Engineered; and most innovative design went to Woodbridge School's ‘Super Shifter’.

Tree change for climate champs

RICHMOND residents

Nat and Jared Mendham have been named this month’s Clarence Climate Champions, ten years after starting southern Tasmania’s first chooseyour-own Christmas tree farm.

“We'd been living in Vancouver, and our twins were born there,” Nat said.

“Every year we used to go out to a farm and choose our own tree from a variety of firs and spruces. It became a tradition.”

On their return to Tasmania in 2012, the Mendhams planted 1000 radiata pine trees on a block of land near Richmond. Eighteen months later they started selling them.

“We had a little gazebo and a couple of deck chairs and when 24 people came up our driveway we were thrilled,” Nat said.

Each November the couple sell a limited number of $30 tickets as a deposit on their trees.

That way they avoid a frenzy on open day.

“Some of our customers have been coming since their children were babies and now they're in high school,” Nat said.

“We like to look after them first. But we break a lot of hearts when people miss out.”

Nat and Jared have worked hard to create a business that aligns with their values. Customers can return their tree in the second week of January, when it will be mulched and used around the farm.

And instead of using plastic netting to wrap their trees, the Mendhams advise their customers to bring an old sheet or tarp.

“We’re always looking for better ways to do things,” Nat said.

“We use jute matting and brush cutting to deal with weed competition instead of spraying, and we employ a local horticulturalist who has helped us develop our spray-free practices.”

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 13 ADVERTISEMENT P: (03) 6212 2330 C: SarahLovellLabor E: sarah.lovell@parliament.tas.gov.au Authorised by Sarah Lovell. 1/33 South Arm Rd, Rokeby Sarah Lovell MLC Labor Member for Rumney Your voice in Parliament ADVERTISEMENT DEAN WINTER Labor Member for Franklin Call 6212 2361 or email dean.winter@parliament.tas.gov.au
everyone! My office will re-open on January 16 and I will keep fighting for what matters on the Eastern Shore. Authorised by Dean Winter MP Shop 86, Channel Court, Kingston 7050
Merry Christmas
Community News
Nat and Jared Mendham with their sons Jack and Alex Crowds gathered to watch the high-speed action at the 2022 Tasmanian Model Solar Challenge

New Mayor Blomeley about town

SUNSHINE Tennis Club in Howrah is now accepting online court bookings from players wishing to play on a casual basis.

Sunshine Tennis Club president Sarah Capes said the club is happy to cater to non-membersparticularly players who are new to the game, so they can have a hit without committing long-term.

“Casual court hire has been available online since September and the club has welcomed many new players in the past three months,” Sarah said.

“We want people in the community to enjoy playing tennis and we are helping them do that by providing easy access to our facilities.

“It has been great to see bookings from parents who are introducing their children to tennis.”

Anyone can book in three quick steps:

• Go to ‘Court Hire’ at Play.Tennis. com.au/SunshineTennisClub/ to check availability

• Choose your preferred available time, book and pay (you’ll need to register online the first time you book)

• Receive confirmation and a pin number to access the courts - it's easy!

If you are looking for a change from your local gym, the club is also offering Cardio Tennis which is a great way to stay fit, with activities that cater to all skill and fitness levels. While it is good for beginners, more experienced tennis players will also have a great time and leave feeling challenged.

Christmas spirit in full swing

THE Christmas spirit was in full swing at Rosny Farm on 4 December for the annual Clarence Swinging Christmas event.

This year the popular family-friendly event saw the Hot Christmas House Band take the stage to jazz up a range of festive tunes, lead by Clarence Christmas favourite Kelly Ottaway.

The lively band was complete with a

full rhythm and horn section and was joined by a host of nationally and internationally renowned musical guests, including Nadira Farid, Nicole Farrow and the 2022 Clarence Jazz Festival scholars Louis Monaghan, Jode Brewster and Finnie River.

Special guest vocalists Mia Valencia and Karai Hemara also graced the stage - but the most special guest-spot

was reserved for Santa himself!

Clarence City Council was also thrilled to feature the work of council’s Positive Ageing Committee - a beautiful crocheted Christmas tree created by the whole community - on stage, and have members of the Committee at the event to chat about the great work they do in Clarence.

Much of the audience enjoyed the evening with

a picnic basket, a rug, and some festive drinks.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said he was delighted to see the return of this fabulous Christmas event.

“It was wonderful to welcome all of these talented musicians to our city, and in particular our jazz festival scholars who were so excited to be joining such accomplished musicians on stage,” he said.

Come to Sunshine Tennis Club in Howrah.

Renew your playing skills, or join Cardio Tennis with our Club Coach - it's a great way to get fit!

We offer a warm welcome, fantastic facilities and social groups playing tennis every day.

See you soon on the courts...

To learn more or book a tennis court on a casual basis, visit Play.Tennis.com.au/SunshineTennisClub/

14 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 Community News ADVERTISEMENT
Book a court and give it a go!
Kate Kristensen and Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley at Springfest 2022 at the Warrane Community Garden Swinging Christmas at Rosny Barn. Photo credit: Rosie Hastie Nigel King, Shasta Bos, Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley and Alfy Smith at the SES 2022 Awards and Appreciation Dinner Clarence Councillor Wendy Kennedy, Luke Edmunds MLC and Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley at the Howrah Mens Shed
Join the
L-R Sunshine Tennis Club members Murray Edwards, John Beard, Ross Mackenzie and Paul O’Rourke
for tennis?
Sunshine Club this summer
NEW Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley has been busy since being elected at October’s local government election, attending a range of events across the municipality. These included the Howrah Men’s Shed “Bloke’s Brekkie” to mark International Men’s Day; Springfest 2022 at the Warrane Community Garden; and the SES 2022 Awards and Appreciation Dinner.

Hobart Airport Marathon run set to return in 2023

FOLLOWING a successful inaugural event, the Hobart Airport Marathon will return in the new year with a new date so keen racers won’t have to wait as long to run the iconic waterfront route.

A huge crowd of 3999 people took part in the first marathon event on 25 September 2022, with close to 600 flying in from interstate and beyond. One race participant, Michael Booth, flew to Hobart to complete his 94th marathon!

Strong interstate attendance is expected for the next marathon on Sunday 2 April 2023, providing a positive boost to local businesses.

“People who travel to take part in such events will often arrive a few days ahead of the race to rest and relax before they compete,” Hobart Airport CEO Norris Carter said.

“Many competitors

will bring their families for support, turning the trip into a short holiday, supporting local tourism operators, restaurants and retail businesses while they’re here.”

The course begins on Hobart’s iconic waterfront, winds along to the Domain, through to historic Battery Point and Sandy Bay.

Competitors can register for the full marathon (42.2km), the half marathon (21.1km), 10km, 5km events and the mini 2km marathon.

Hobart Airport has confirmed that Variety the Children’s Charity will once again be the major beneficiary of the event.

“We’re encouraging people to race for a reason and raise money for a cause,” Mr Carter said.

“Hobart Airport is privileged to work closely with Variety who provide support to disadvantaged children in Tasmania, making

sure that no one gets left behind.”

Registrations are open now for the next

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 15 ADVERTISEMENT
marathon event which offers plenty of activities for competitors and their families, with the PW1 forecourt being transformed into a family area with face painting, balloon modelling, musical performances and more. Register for the marathon at hobartmarathon.com. au and follow Hobart Marathon on socials to stay up-to-date. The Variety heart mascot at the starting line for the Hobart Airport 2km mini marathon held as part of the inaugural race day events

LUKE Edmunds, Labor’s new member for the seat of Pembroke on the Eastern Shore, had a scare last month after presenting with stomach pains and a fever at Royal Hobart Hospital.

Within hours he was in surgery having his appendix removed, and was also treated for sepsis.

Mr Edmunds expressed his gratitude for the support and care provided by staff at the hospital, and advises people to be aware of the symptoms of life-threatening sepsis.

“I had a high temperature, shortness of breath, and was sweating and shaking,” Mr Edmunds said.

Other signs of sepsis include chills, a rapid heart rate, tiredness and


Mr Edmunds, a former Clarence Councillor and journalist, won the Pembroke poll earlier this year with a twoparty preferred vote of 63.33 to 36.67 over Liberal candidate Gregory Brown.

Pembroke takes in the inner Eastern Shore from Tranmere to Geilston Bay, as well as Mornington and Warrane.

Now back at work after recovering from his illness and surgery, Mr Edmunds thanked voters for their support.

“I am honoured to have earned people’s trust, now it is up to me to repay that trust by working hard for our community,” he said.

Since the election Mr Edmunds said he has been working hard to represent Eastern

Animals of Bonorong to benefit from Robin Hood

ROBIN Hood and her merry band have paid a visit to the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary, for two excellent reasons.

Robin, who is more familiar with the squirrels and foxes of Sherwood Forest, wanted to get to know Tasmania’s animals as she prepares to star in Big Monkey Theatre’s annual family show in the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens next month.

While at Bonorong, she also presented director Greg Irons with a cheque for $5000 to help with

the sanctuary’s work in saving the state’s wildlife.

Robin Hood did not steal the money from the rich to give to the poor - it was donated by generous benefactors who are also supporting Big Monkey and other worthy causes.

Solicitors at legal firm Shields Heritage helped the benefactors set up their philanthropic initiative, and in return asked for a donation to be made to Bonorong.

The benefactors were already helping a wildlife hospital in Queensland, and were delighted to


“Our benefactors obviously have a passion for helping both the performing arts in Tasmania and deserving wildlife projects,” Big Monkey chair Jeff Michel said.

“We cannot underestimate the valuable contribution these generous donations

make to organisations such as Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary and Big Monkey Theatre, and therefore our community in general.

“We cannot thank them enough.”

Big Monkey Theatre presents ‘Robin Hood’ in the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens from 3-22 January.

16 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022
he expects to open an electorate office on the
early in the new year. For more information about sepsis and what symptoms to look out for, visit www. healthdirect.gov.au/ sepsis-septicaemia ADVERTISEMENT
Edmunds mlc LABOR MEMBER FOR PEMBROKE Please contact my office if you need assistance with any issues 6212 2304 luke.edmunds@parliament.tas.gov.au fb.com/LukeEdmundsMLC ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by Luke Edmunds, Parliament House Tasmania Merry Christmas and best wishes for the holiday season! A village for people living with all stages of dementia Korongee is a purpose-built dementia care village that provides increased social engagement opportunities and enhanced wellbeing for its residents. It’s unique atmosphere helps residents to feel safe, and their visitors welcome. Contact us to arrange a tour 03 6145 6600 enquiries@glenview.org.au www.glenview.org.au “What a night! A tour de force of entertainment. Congratulations to all the team.” - Paul, the partner of a Korongee resident. www.hilliardchristianschool.com.au (03) 6272 1711
CALL OUR FRIENDLY OFFICE TEAM TO BOOK A TOUR PROVIDING QUALITY EDUCATION FOR OVER 100 YEARS The school is located in an open bushland with spectacular views of the Derwent River. We seek to provide a secure environment promoting excellence in education and character development.
Shore residents in the Parliament on issues like cost of living, power prices and health. Mr Edmunds said
Eastern Shore
Hilliard Christian School
out, Edmunds goes back to work
Luke Edmunds, pictured with Sarah Lovell MLC,
pleased to be back at work after a health scare
‘Robin Hood’ stars Sara Cooper and John X present Bonorong director Greg Irons with a cheque for $5000
SEE PAGE 19 to win tickets to ROBIN HOOD

Dental health in the elderly

IN Australia, we have an ageing population and by 2028, for the first time in history there will be more people aged over 60 than aged under 20 in our country. Ageing should be considered as a normal dynamic healthy process and not as a disease. As people age they will want a better lifestyle and health than aged people have typically enjoyed in the past. Dental health is a component of general health and contributes significantly to quality of life.

There is an increased risk of gum disease and dental caries in the elderly population. The elderly are at risk for root caries because of dentures, lack of dexterity, a shift from complex to simple sugars, and poor oral hygiene. Decreased salivary flow caused by some medications increases the risk of cavities.

Dental care pathways for elderly patients are more complex, requiring the dental team to work with a wider team of healthcare professionals.

It is also very important to choose an ‘Elderly Friendly Dental Practice’ where the dental team are committed to provide appropriate treatments for each patient based on their health status and personal desires.

An Elderly Friendly Dental Practice makes their premises accessible for patients by providing wheelchair access, disabled parking close to the clinic, and peaceful and relaxing waiting areas.

The dentists in such practices are trained and committed to serve the dental care needs of elderly clients by preparing them with optimal dental health before they become frail or are admitted to aged care.

Some of these dedicated practices may also operate a mobile dental clinic to service the elderly population at aged care homes.

With more than 60 per cent of Australians aged over 75 suffering from gum disease and more than one in three having complete tooth loss, a shortage

of sufficient oral healthcare for older Australians can have serious implications on their health and wellbeing.

Malnutrition, social isolation and declining general health are some of the serious impacts of not maintaining a healthy mouth. Poor oral health increases health care costs, reduces residents’ quality of life through unnecessary pain and suffering, and elevates the risk of malnutrition, aspiration pneumonia, atherosclerosis and premature death.

Dental care tips for elderly family members:

• Take your family member to visit their dentist regularly or organise a mobile dental service to visit them

• Ensure that their teeth and denture get cleaned twice daily

• Alert care home staff to any specific oral health issues the family member has

• Limit their sugar intake and ensure they drink plenty of water

Banjo’s Lindisfarne back open and baking, just in time for Christmas

THE much-loved Banjo’s Lindisfarne has re-opened its doors just in time for Christmas.

The heavy rain creating havoc across the country caused damage to the roof at Banjo’s Lindisfarne, forcing the store to close for urgent repairs.

The store officially reopened on 1 December and to celebrate, gave away 1000 free small savouries, including its signature sausage rolls, party pies and mini quiches.

Regular customer Peter Holmes was one of many locals in store on opening day.

“It is fabulous to be back in the store with the same friendly familiar faces,” he said.

“I visit the store multiple times a week and I know

so many others from the community do the same.

“Ben and the staff always make customers feel welcome and I know that is the reason people keep coming back.”

Banjo’s Lindisfarne franchisee Ben Westwood said he was happy to welcome customers back into the store after being forced to close for more than a month.

“We’ve had to close our doors for a little while for a refresh that was needed due to a leaky roof,” he said.

“It was not ideal, but our staff and customers’ safety are always our number one priority, so it had to be done.

“We’re always focused on providing a welcoming and comfortable environment for our loyal

customers and the best working conditions for our staff.

“We’re so glad to be back open, baking our fresh delicious products again. We can’t wait to see and chat to all our regular customers again.”

Open seven days a week, Banjo’s Lindisfarne is serving all your favourite freshly baked breads, pies, pastries and sweets ready for you in-store.

Banjo’s Lindisfarne is also running a competition to WIN free coffee for a YEAR! To enter, simply make a purchase at Banjo’s Lindisfarne on the Banjo’s App for automatic entry, or purchase in-store and fill in an entry form before Sunday 18 December.

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 17 ADVERTISEMENT NOW OPEN IN SORELL! Shop 6 / 35-37 Gordon St, Sorell 193-195 Elizabeth St, Hobart & Contact us! P 6 23 1 23 5 6 E i n f o @ i s l a n d d en t a l h o b a r t . c o m . a u Book online at Dr Sam Yeoh Dr Giselle Parker or scan this QR code: islanddentalhobart.com.au An elderly-friendly practice The only mobile dentist servicing aged care homes in Tasmania!
Banjo’s Lindisfarne franchisee Ben Westwood (right) with regular customer Peter Holmes on re-opening day Dr Girish Sasidharan (third from left) with the Island Dental team

From big idea to small business

HAVE you got an idea for a business? Need help getting started?

The Workforce Australia

Entrepreneurship Facilitator program, delivered by Business South in Greater Hobart and South-East Tasmania, can support you on your journey through the maze to self-employment.

An Australian Government initiative, the program offers free, practical and confidential guidance and support on all aspects of starting and running a small business – from registering business names, website domains and your ABN through to financial, marketing and strategic advice.

“When you’re playing with the idea of starting a business, it can be really overwhelming if you go online and search for support,”

Entrepreneurship Facilitator Sharon Harvey said.

“The advantage of our program is that we offer the opportunity to talk to a real person

Enjoy Christmas cheer without the wax in your ears!

EARWAX is a natural substance that is produced by the body. It helps to protect the ear canal from dust, bacteria and other particles.

Earwax is designed to slowly migrate out of your ears, carrying with it any dirt and particles.

This natural process can be interrupted by ageing, dry skin in the ear canals, some medications, and hearing aids. Using cotton buds to clean ears can also push ear wax back into the ear canal, causing it to block up.

Earwax build-up in ears

can lead to ear pain, itchy ears and clogged ears.

In severe cases, earwax can push up against the eardrum causing a temporary hearing loss, tinnitus and even vertigo.

The good news is that earwax blockage can be easily cleared by microsuction. Micro-suction uses a small vacuum tube to gently remove wax and debris in the canals.

The process takes roughly 20 minutes.

Our audiologist can then advice you on ongoing maintenance to

reset and encourage the normal wax migration process. We can also provide a quick hearing check to ensure that your hearing has been restored.

For the month of December, Ability Hearing and Balance is offering ear wax suction for $80. Limited spots are available, so book early to avoid disappointment and have your ears cleaned before the holiday season. Please mention this offer when booking on 1300 327 776.

in-person or online, brainstorm your idea and talk through the things you need to consider.

“Once we understand where someone’s at in their small business journey, based on their needs we can do further one-on-one mentoring with them or refer them to other relevant programs and services, remembering our services are completely free.”

The Entrepreneurship Facilitator program also offers monthly free workshops and information sessions.

In December we have some great topics on offer – free, online and in-person:

What you need to know when getting started in a small business (Hobart):

Topics will include things to consider before you start out; how to assess your business idea; the basics of planning and marketing; and how to best set yourself up for success.

LinkedIn Basics for Small Business. (Online): LinkedIn is often not at the top of the list when you think about social media platforms to promote your business. But it is a platform that gains traction for people and businesses where personal relationships are

important – and like all social media platforms, it is not something you can sign up for, set and forget. Join the conversation!

Christmas Coffee and Connections (Hobart): Network and meet fellow small business owners.

Networking (Woodbridge): Join Sharon and Mikala from Business South as they meet with makers and creators at an open Networking discussion. Bookings are essential. For more information or to book your FREE place go to www. businesssouth.org.au

18 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT
S k L d O D b Fresh, Clean Ears for the Festive Season
Clinical Audiologist ROSNY PARK NORTH HOBART KINGSTON GLENORCHY LAUNCESTON CALL 1300 327 776 www abilityhearing com au 5 Star Reviews Pay only $80 Ear wax Suction (normally $100)* Gentle, Comfortable & Effective Wax Removal Ear Wax Removal & Hearing Tests Cotton
ears *Offer ends 31st December 2022 Please mention ad when booking
Mr Nick Modrovich
buds block up
Tasmanian audiologist Nick Modrovich provides earwax micro-suction locally and can advice on ongoing earwax management

A SUMMER family favourite is back at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens this January as Big Monkey Theatre presents ‘Robin Hood’.

Adapted and directed by Les Winspear, ‘Robin Hood’ is a romp through Sherwood Forest where Robin Hood, Jill Scarlet and Friar Tuck try to stop

the greedy Sheriff of Nottingham from taking even more money from the poor.

Come along and help Robin and the merry band of outlaws as they save the day for King Richard and the good folks of merry old England.

Some of Hobart’s leading actors including

‘Robin Hood’ is playing Tuesday-Sunday from 3-22 January. Tickets are available through the Theatre Royal box office

(phone 6146 3300), the RTBG Shop or at the Gardens 30 minutes prior to each performance.

For daily show times and bookings visit www. theatreroyal.com.au/ shows/robin-hood

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 19 ADVERTISEMENT
John X, Samantha James-Radford, Andrew Casey, Jeremy Pyefinch, Sara Cooper and Emma Skalicky will take you on a fun-filled adventure with lots of song and laughter.
2 x FAMILY TICKETS TO BE WON To be in the draw to win one of two family tickets please email justine.brazil@corcomms.com.au with ’Robin Hood Family Ticket’ in the subject header and provide your name. Winners will be notified by email on Monday 19 December. A ‘Family Ticket’ allows entry for two adults and two children or one adult and three children.
Clockwise from above: ‘Robin Hood’ stars Jeremy Pyefinch, Emma Skalicky, Andrew Casey, John X, Samantha JamesRadford and Sara Cooper
20 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 GIFT THEM THE BEST EXPERIENCE THIS CHRISTMAS • Super fast electric karts for all ages • Gift an experience not material objects • Support local. Locally owned and operated 22-24 Mertonvale Circuit Kingston, Tasmania 7050 p (03) 6229 1895 E INFO@HYPERDRIVE.RACING GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE SCAN TO ORDER NOW

MacKillop Catholic College is ready to offer Year 11 in 2023

MACKILLOP Catholic College is the Eastern Shore’s only Year 7 to 12 co-education Catholic College. As a faith-based school, the College instils the values of compassion, excellence and service.

The College has been providing quality education for Year 7 through to Year 10 since 1994 and is now excited to announce it be a Year 7 to 12 secondary college from 2023.

On 21 July 2022 MacKillop Catholic College was approved for a change of education type to include Years 11 and 12 from 2023 onward.

The Senior School program strives to prepare students to achieve personal excellence in all areas of school life; and to see each student take their place in the wider community in the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop and Blessed Edmund Rice.

Building upon the excellent work of the Years 7 to 9 programs, the Senior School aims to provide the opportunity for each student to

become an independent and active learner, one who is ready to confront the challenges of an ever-changing world.

To do this, the College offers a rich and engaging curriculum that has a broad range of subject offerings.

In preparation for the introduction of Years 11 and 12, the College has embarked on a building program to ensure that all students will have access to contemporary and vibrant learning environments.

Mid-way through 2022 the College opened new technologies and visual art learning spaces. The new spaces include a hospitality kitchen that meets industry standards to enable the delivery of quality vocational learning.

Future developments will see this expand to new science laboratories, design technologies, general classrooms, a refurbished library and a café.

This expansion has given the College a range of specialist teaching spaces for our senior students that will allow

teaching staff to provide rich and authentic learning experiences.

The College will be offering 23 TASC courses from next year, with the current Year 10 students embracing the offerings and many students choosing to stay to complete their senior secondary education at the College.

The Year 11 students will be looking forward to continuing their involvement in the many sporting, performing arts and academic opportunities within the College’s supportive and caring environment.

The Year 11 students (and all students) will have the opportunity to be involved in the College Musical 2023 –‘High School Musical’.

As part of the senior secondary environment, students will continue to be involved in the College Vertical Pastoral Care system where each student is supported to achieve their personal best on their learning journey. Their wellbeing is monitored to ensure that each student feels safe and connected. This

is a significant part of the College wellbeing program.

Leadership opportunities are available to the senior students. The

College has recently appointed Lachlan Denholm, Lachlan McGill and Gracie Bradburn as College Captains for 2023 as part of the Senior

Student Leadership Program. There are also opportunities for students to be involved in the Student Representative Council.

MacKillop Catholic

College welcomes any enquiries and applications for Years 10 and 11 in 2023 now. Please see the College website for further details - www. mackillop.tas.edu.au

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 21
(L-R) 2023 MacKillop Catholic College captains Lachlan Macgill, Lachlan Denholm and Gracie Bradburn


Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange

Making a claim from your health insurance





• 1 x 2kg whole duck

Get hiking fit for Larapinta

HEALTH insurance gives you peace of mind (and maybe some tax benefits), but you have to claim to really benefit from your cover!

How do you claim?

glasses, physiotherapy and podiatry.

How much can you claim?

Claim amounts depend on your level of cover. Your cover may have per year or per visit limits.

1. Submit your claim as soon as you can. Receipts older than two years often aren’t accepted

• 150g butter

• 2 tablespoon butter

• 100ml Grand Marnier

minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes.

• 1 medium onion, finely diced

• 50ml vinegar

• 50g castor sugar

• Juice of 3 oranges

• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

• 6 oranges

The easiest way is to claim on the spot. So, if your provider can swipe your health cover card, be sure to use your card!

2. Provide all the information you can to avoid any delays or a refusal to pay

• 2 cloves garlic, finely minced or pressed


Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency.

I’VE had my eye on the Larapinta Trail (230km along the West MacDonald Ranges in Central Australia) since visiting the region with my family 10 years ago. Finally, the time is right and I’m going in July 2023 so now I need to get hiking fit for Larapinta.

• 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme (dried thyme also works)

So how do you prepare for an 14-18-day hike with a heavy pack, while simultaneously working three jobs and raising a family? That’s what this article is about.

• a pinch or two of salt and pepper

• 1/4 cup white wine

Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes.

• 1 cup arborio rice (also called risotto rice)

Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down.

• 1 1/2 cups chopped white mushrooms

Most believe the best way was to prepare for multi-day hikes is to hike more. My personal training expertise tells me there are many intelligent, time-efficient and targeted ways to get fit for hiking, especially when you have big goals and a few niggles in the body.

Otherwise, you must give the receipts to your health fund. That usually means dropping into their office, or mailing or emailing a claim form. At HCi, you also can use our free app or online form.

What can you claim?

Stated limits generally apply per person for couples and family policies. For example, $500 dental usually means a couple can claim up to $500 each.

3. Make sure you add your member number to your claim

4. Before treatment, check you are using providers your health fund recognises

5. If you mail a claim, keep copies of the receipts just in case

6. Give your fund your current email address and phone number in case of any queries

• 4 cups hot chicken or vegetable stock

Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30

next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.

• fresh parsley or thyme and Parmesan cheese for garnish

Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy!

In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.

For further information please contact:

Hiking fitness programs always include walking – to neglect this is to invite overuse issues in the ligaments and tendons from about week two, as well as muscle soreness.

That depends entirely on what sort of cover you have. Hospital cover helps pay for your accommodation and care in a private or public hospital.

If you chose a hospital policy with an excess, the excess amount is paid to the hospital, usually at admission. It generally applies to each adult on the policy, but rules vary so check with your fund (before admission if possible). You generally pay an excess once per year.

HCi claiming tips

7. Keep your premiums up to date – you can’t claim if your membership is in arrears.


E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

1. Heat a large saucepan over medium heat and add the butter.

In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

When I hike I want to thrive, be strong and capable and really enjoy the hike. I don’t want to be a burden to others, and I certainly don’t want to have to quit. So prepare I must, and here’s how:

Stage 1: 30 weeks to go

Extras or ancillary cover varies between policies. It can include dental visits, remedial massages,

From more than 80 years’ experience, our suggestions for maximising your claims are:

If you have any other claiming questions, just give HCi a call on 1800 804 950.

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

2. Once the butter is melted, add the onion and garlic and sauté until the onion is soft and translucent.

Goal: to be able to hike eight hours without muscle soreness (currently I’m sore by the six-hour mark)

3. Add the lemon juice, thyme and salt and pepper.

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

7. Set oven to 195oC

What: build endurance, strengthen my fussy hip, work on dynamic balance (see last month’s article), build core and back strength by wearing a weighted pack (even on short walks)

8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.

4. Add the wine and stir as the wine reduces (cook for about five minutes until the wine reduces).

9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf. 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles. 11. Let cool a bit then eat!

5. Turn the heat to medium-low and add the rice. Toss the rice in the onion mixture until it’s coated and move it around the pan for about one minute.

6. Stir in the mushrooms.

7. Add the hot chicken stock (or vegetable stock) about 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly and waiting until the stock is absorbed by the rice until you add another 1/2 cup.

8. Repeat the process above until all the stock has been added and absorbed by the rice and a creamy sauce has formed, stirring constantly throughout.

9. Serve immediately with shaved Parmesan cheese and freshly chopped thyme or parsley.

How: Each week I’ll take my Friday NIGHT beginners hiking session wearing a 6-8kg pack (Meehan Range, Pilchers Hill and Mount Direction are my go-to short sharp training hikes).

Additionally, I’ll do a weekly Pilates reformer class, and something rehabilitative like yoga, foam rollering or swimming. In my gym I will complete two whole body strengthening sessions (30-40 minutes each, focusing on dynamic balance and leg strength and endurance).

Once every four weeks I’ll do a long day hike to check for muscle soreness. Additionally, I’ll do two weekend hikes, minimum three days, similar underfoot to Larapinta (rocky). The first one is booked for late December – in the Lake St Clair region around Shadow Lake there are several mountains to visit. Finally, I’ll complete a daily short walk – wearing a pack while simultaneously walking my dog.

This takes me through to mid-February, so I’ll share the next stage of my fitness preparation then, or you can read my full blog article at jocc.com.au/ hiking-fit-larapinta. There’s free resources also on this page, so if you are wanting to get fit hiking you can access those.

Jo Cordell-Cooper owns and operatives the award-winning Jo CC Holistic PT. She is the current PT and Exercise Instructor of the Year in Tasmania. You can make contact at jo@jocc.com.au or follow ‘Holistic Hiker’on social media

22 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Method • 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature) • 50 ml warm water • 1 tsp Salt • 1 Tsp sugar • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 500g plain flour • 2 tsp dry yeast. • Pepitas and
seeds (optional) 1.
To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it.
boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.
When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool.
paddock to plate
experience for all
Chefaholic Cooking School A

TASMANIAN familyowned business Pets Domain is back in the state, opening a new flagship store in Cambridge on 10 December.

Many locals will remember Pets Domain stores, which were located across the state. The company temporarily left Tasmania to spread its wings and expand into mainland regional Australia, and refine its business operations and product selection.

An increase in pet ownership in Australia since the start of the pandemic has

contributed to Pets Domain’s continuing success in recent years, and the company now has 65 stores across the country.

But Pets Domain came from very humble beginnings. CEO Jason van Peelen began selling live fish out of his garage in northern Tasmania as a teenager, before taking the leap and opening pet stores with his father.

Despite its growth, Pets Domain has kept its core values: providing customers with the products they need at affordable prices and being passionate about pet care.

And CEO Jason’s passion for fish has endured, with the new Cambridge store featuring a dedicated AquaZone room with more than 100 tanks housing an assortment of freshwater and marine fish and live aquatic plants.

Located at the Cambridge Homemakers Centre in Kennedy Drive, Pets Domain Cambridge celebrated its grand opening on Saturday 10 December with a variety of experts in-store to help with any curly questions that pet parents might have.

Fish expert Dr.

back in Tassie

Josiah Pit from leading Australian aquarium fish supplier Aquarium Industries was available to field fish-related questions, and pet fashion brand Dan & Sam’s head designer Danielle Worthington spoke about the inspiration behind the brand.

A Royal Canin dog and cat food expert was on hand to help ensure people’s pets are eating the best possible diet, and a Nature’s Best expert could provide advice on other animals ranging from rabbits through to horses.

Pets Domain

Cambridge stocks an extensive range of dog and cat products from well-respected specialty pet food brands such as Royal Canin, Hill’s Science Diet, ADVANCE and Supercoat.

Pets Domain is the home for all pets so small animals, birds and reptiles don’t miss out, with an extensive range of products available for them too. The company’s return to Tasmania also makes it the state’s only Tasmanian-owned large pet specialty retailer.

Pets Domain offers monthly specials that

ease the burden of caring for pets. Extra-hot opening specials will run until Christmas Eve.

Customers can also use the DIY Dog Wash, which will be FREE as part of the opening until Christmas Eve. After then the DIY Dog Wash will be an affordable $10 per wash.

The Pets Domain team are passionate about the care and welfare of all pets, and strive to provide pet parents with everything they need to care for and spoil their pets – which is why the company introduced the +PLUS Club Loyalty

Program, ensuring you get the best price possible every single day.

Pets Domain also supports pets in the community that may not be so lucky by holding adoption days, and welcomes all submissions from local shelters and rescue groups.

The business also offers a free Click and Collect service. Simply purchase items from the online store (petsdomain.com. au) and receive a notification when the purchased item can be picked up in-store.

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 23
the home for pets CAMBRIDGE Tassie’s Only Large Pet Retailer That’s Tasmanian Owned! Store Opens Saturday 10th December On sale until 24th December 2022 Tenancy 4, Cambridge Park Homemaker Centre, 66 Kennedy Drive, Cambridge Tas, 7170 Just in time for Christmas!
Pets Domain team member Sophie with Pepper the puppy (left), and Diago and Enzo check out Pets Domain’s range of dog food



Tasmanian Dog Regulations

MILLY Domestic longhair female tabby, 11 years and 10 months.

Help Milly. She is an old girl who has had a lot of trauma, has protective behaviour and needs someone willing to be patient, allow time for her to trust them and to love her for the remainder of her days. Will you give Milly a chance at a secure, safe, loving furever home?

American Satin, male, tan & white.


American Satin, male ginger & white.

Our adoptable guinea pigs are correctly assessed, sexed and paired to ensure no unexpected pregnancies or that you don’t go home with a mixed pair. Bonded pairs: guinea pigs are social animals and require the company of their own kind in order to communicate and express themselves freely.

There is no doubt that there is significant public interest in the welfare of companion animals.

Considering that 51% of all animal cruelty complaints made relate to dogs, RSPCA Tasmania believes that greater understanding of the regulations will lead to a reduction in breaches. This benefits dogs by reducing physical harm and mental suffering and benefits the community by reducing fines and restrictions, handed down to dog


owners and by reducing anxiety in our neighbourhoods caused by a misunderstanding of the regulations.

If we take tethering as an example, the Dog Regs 2016 are very clear.

Dogs who are tethered must be supervised, have access to water and weatherproof shelter.

The tether must be fitted with a swivel to prevent becoming tangled and the dog must be provided with an oppor-

tunity to have daily exercise. The dog must not be tethered to a moveable object or an adjacent to a fence, so that it is placed in danger of injury or death by hanging.

We have joined forces with the state government to develop a campaign about these regulations. Look out for our billboards, bus backs and brochures and help us help Tasmanian dogs.


24 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022
CALL 1300 139 947 OR
If this issue and issues like it interest you, then the best thing you can do for your animals is to learn about the legislation that regulates animal welfare in your community.
is the state with the highest incidence of petownership, with 44% of its residents living with at least one dog,
34% living with at least one cat, and 16% living with at least one of each.
NOVA Holland Lop/Dwarf Female, 13 months, medium size, black & white. Sweet & gentle girl suited only to indoor living in a single rabbit household, loves attention, cuddles, pats & brushes, is house trained (uses a litter box). SEE IT. REPORT IT. If a dog is tethered for more than 30 minutes they BE SUPERVISED, have water, food, shelter and regular exercise. MUST ANYTHING LESS IS A CRIME! 1300 139 947 ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE reportit@rspcatas.org.au
The legislation is about to be updated as the Animal Welfare Act Amendment 2022 has passed through parliament as of November 2022 and now awaits Royal Assent. If
feel passionate about animal welfare,

Open your heart and your home

Foster caring can be one of the most rewarding and uplifting aspects of volunteering. Our foster care program is an essential part of our work looking after our kitties. You don’t have to foster all the time, fostering even for a short time - a week or two - helps with our vital work.


can I help?

Fostering is a truly wonderful experience which is extremely rewarding for you and lifesaving for the cats or kittens you care for.

Some of the reasons our kitties need foster care before they can be adopted are:

• Shy or timid

• Too young

• Illness

The Ten Lives Cat Centre provides full support and everything you need to care for a cat or kitten in your home. We provide:

• food & bowls

• kitty litter & trays

• toys, blankets & beds

• 24 hour support

• medicines and vet care You provide:

• a loving environment

• care for our cats and kittens


find out more about the Ten Lives foster care program and other ways you can help at tenlives.com.au

The one thing that shouldn’t be under your tree this Christmas

THE kittens are here!

The WHETHER it’s for a friend, family member or your own children, there are a few reasons why giving a pet as a gift is not such a great idea. As Christmas approaches, Ten Lives is taking the opportunity to reinforce this message that a cat is not a gift.

“Although it doesn’t happen often, we do refuse anyone adopting a cat for someone else,” Phoebe Van Doorn from the Ten Lives Operations Team said.

Cats can be a wonderful addition to your family but choosing the right cat for your personal circumstances is important.

“Each cat has their own personality and their own needs, so making sure

you get the right match is a decision one can only make for themselves,” Phoebe said.

When people adopt a pet, they need to understand the commitment they are entering into; cats can often live for more than 20 years. When you bring a pet into your home you are committing to their ongoing care and love for the duration of that period.

Along with that is the financial commitment in providing their nutrition, flea and worming treatments, bedding and toys, and yearly checkups or unexpected vet visits. There is also a daily commitment to consider of changing litter trays, feeding, and enrichment and playtime.

These commitments are not without great reward - the love and

bond that develops with being a part of a cat’s life is greatly fulfillingbut it is not something you would impose on someone else as a gift.

Often a child may express interest in adopting a cat but may not be capable or responsible enough to manage the daily tasks of looking after them. The responsibility then falls on the parent to step in, who may not have the time to do so.

Giving a cat as a gift to a child instils that the cat is property when we should be reinforcing the idea that they are longterm family members.

If you are adopting a cat around Christmas

time, it’s important to differentiate between the two.

Ten Lives will always be there for when things don’t work out. As an open intake shelter, we take cats no matter what their circumstances. But we have an obligation to their welfare to ensure they are matched to a family that suits their individual circumstances.

Bringing a cat into your family is a wonderful experience full of love and life lessons, but we must think past the fluffy kitten stage, and understand the long-term commitment.

As for gift giving this holiday season, stick to the things we know make

great presents. We offer adoption vouchers that allow the receiver to spend time making the right decision.

For your cat-loving friends, Ten Lives has a wide range of cat-themed giftware available in our New Town shop; or you can make a donation on their behalf to assist us in helping the cats and kittens of southern Tasmania.

Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved: tenlives.com.au

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 25 ENFIELD KENNELS & CATTERY DOG & CAT RESORT Only 15 minutes from the airport! 0459 998 009 Enfield Lane – Campania www.enfieldkennels.com.au We look after your prized dogs and cats, and give them a holiday whilst you are on holiday!
Are you
Every cat has a story.
part of it?
Ten Lives 12 Selfs Point Road, New Town Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 4.00 Sun 10.00 - 2.30 6278 2111 tenlives.com.au Ten Lives _ Gazette - 2 Cats 1 Pic Blurb _ ADOPT.indd 1 30/08/2021 1:39:34 PM
Rich East –Ten Lives Cat Centre Ten Lives team member Eliza poses with a cat available for adoption. Photo credit: Rich East A cat can be a wonderful addition to your family but consider their ongoing needs. Photo credit: Jamie Riley

Borrowing capacity takes another hit with rate rise

BORROWING capacity has plummeted more than 20 per cent since the RBA began raising rates.

PropTrack senior economist Paul Ryan said it's one of the sharpest contractions in borrowing capacity that Australia has

ever seen. “It is natural that households will have some difficulty adjusting to what is a very sharp change in financing conditions over what has been a pretty short period of time,” Mr Ryan said.

While the modelling is based on the impact of interest rates, it doesn’t take into account other factors such as the rising cost of living.

“Rising expenses is the other part reducing borrowing capacity

not used in these calculations,” Mr Ryan said.

“It’s kind of a double whammy at the moment.”

How far borrowing power has fallen

The PropTrack data shows last month’s interest rate hike may have reduced the amount a buyer can borrow by tens of thousands of dollars – on top of what has already been lost this year.

A borrower who qualified for a $500,000 loan in April would now only be able to borrow $391,962, the data shows - a fall of $108,000.

A borrower previously able to borrow

$750,000 may now only be eligible for a loan of $587,944, a more-than $160,000 decline.

These calculations assume lenders pass on each rate hike in full to variable home loan customers.



Change April 0 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 0 May +0.25% $489,077 $733,616 $978,155 $1,467,232 $1,956,310 -2.18%

June +0.5%

$466,311 $699,466 $932,621 $1,398,932 $1,865,243 -6.74%

July +0.5% $444,233 $666,349 $888,466 $1,332,699 $1,776,931 -11.15%

August +0.5% $422,055 $633,082 $844,110 $1,266,164 $1,688,219 -15.59% September +0.5% $401,997 $602,396 $803,194 $1,204,791 $1,606,389 -19.68%

October +0.25% $391,962 $587,944 $783,925 $1,175,887 $1,567,850 -21.61%

For a borrower who was initially able to borrow $1 million, they may now only be eligible for around $784,000.

As a general rule of thumb, Mr Ryan said a buyer’s borrowing capacity drops by roughly 5 per cent each time the RBA increases the cash rate by 50 basis points –assuming a lender passes on the hike in full.

However, it’s worth noting there are several

factors that influence a buyer’s borrowing capacity beyond interest rates, such as their monthly expenses, employment and household debt.

Borrowers urged to stay engaged with their broker

With interest rates expected to continue rising over the months ahead, Mortgage Choice broker Christopher

Ladley said regular communication between clients and brokers is more important than ever.

“Customers absolutely need to keep in touch with what they're looking at and what's going on, just so that we're across any potential issues before they become issues,” Mr Ladley said.

He said it’s also important for borrowers to be aware of their bank’s terms on pre-

approval, with some lenders not honouring the pre-approved loan amount for the 90-day period if interest rates rise.

“What we have learned when all this started going on is that some lenders will absolutely honour the 90-day period,” Mr Ladley said.

“But some lenders who may have issued preapprovals when interest rates were 3 per cent, may now not honour

[the pre-approved amount], given rates are now around 4.5 per cent.”

One way borrowers may be able to improve their borrowing capacity, Mr Ladley said, is to look at their discretionary spending.

“There's not much people can do about gas bills or their electricity or petrol costs,” he said.

“A lot of people out there still spend a lot of money on Uber Eats deliveries, going out to dinner three nights a week, so there's still a lot of discretionary spending going on.

“If you can cut back some of that discretionary stuff, then maybe you can actually get the loan you want.’’

Credit cards, buy-nowpay-later accounts and personal debts also weigh on borrowing capacity.

Borrowing capacity falling faster than property prices

Property prices fell 0.19 per cent nationally in September, according to the latest PropTrack Home Price Index, with prices now down 3.4 per cent from the March 2022 peak.

For borrowers who have been holding out for a more affordable property, Mr Ryan said falling borrowing capacities may become the next hurdle.

“We're not expecting property prices to fall as much as their borrowing capacity so it means that households may need to find that money elsewhere because they can't borrow it,” he said.

Alternatively, Mr Ryan said buyers would need to realign their expectations.

“Broadly speaking, there’s evidence that people are adjusting their expectations towards more modest homes,” he said.

Sydney-based buyer’s agent Sebastian James said that was already happening with a growing number of clients.

“We see it as a sensitivity from not wanting to overextend themselves,” Mr James said.

“We're being engaged a lot more frequently these days, purely to stop them from overspending because people are unsure of values.”

It comes as a new

survey from NAB revealed borrowing capacity tops the list of what’s most important when purchasing a home.

The survey of real estate agents, owners, investors and property professionals found more than eight in ten (82 per cent) said the amount buyers were prepared to borrow to buy was the biggest factor, up from 74 per cent a year ago before interest rates started rising.

Location ranked second, with 60 per cent highlighting good local shopping, restaurants and other amenities as key. House size was also increasingly important at 57 per cent, up from 50 per cent in 2021.

Copyright 2022 Mortgage Choice Pty Limited (ABN 57 009 161 979, Australian Credit Licence 382869) and Smartline Operations Pty Limited (ABN 86 086 467 727 Australian Credit Licence 385325) are owned by REA Group Limited. Your broker will advise whether they are a credit representative of Mortgage Choice or Smartline.

26 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022
Richard Denholm m 0438 569 719 e richard.denholm@mortgagechoice.com.au w MortgageChoice.com.au/richard.denholm *Your Mortgage Choice broker is paid by the lender once you get your home loan. Lender fees and charges may also apply. Smartline Operations Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence 385325 With rates on the rise, do you know if your home loan is still competitive? It’s important to have an expert Mortgage Broker in your corner. We offer a free* Home Loan Health Check to see how your home loan compares to others on the market. We compare your loan with thousands of others from over 35 lenders, including all the big banks.
a home loan with a lower interest rate, better features or a cashback offer.
better deal available, we will help arrange the refinance for you.
you through fixed & variable rates, and how to structure your loan so you’re better off in the long
a loan.
look for
If there’s a
run. You’re never
RBA Hike
Source: PropTrack


Getting more from your Age Pension

THE Age Pension plays a vital role for many Australians in helping them meet their income needs in retirement. Making sure you are getting the maximum Age Pension entitlement can put you ahead by thousands of dollars over your retirement.

Here we will discuss several strategies that can help boost the rate of Age Pension you receive.


Protect yourself from scams

HI everyone.

It’s unfortunate that you, or someone you know, is likely to be affected by a scam at some point. New scams are popping up all the time and scammers will often pretend to be from trusted brands like myGov, Centrelink, Child Support and Medicare.

I want you to know that Services Australia takes the protection of your personal information very seriously. We have strong security processes in place, including fraud detection systems, to protect you.

There are also things that you can do to protect yourself against scams.

Identifying and reporting scams

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have already received emails, text messages or phone calls from people trying to scam


There are some signs you can look out for to help you spot a possible scam. These include:

• an unexpected email, text message or phone call

• a sense of urgency or an unreasonable deadline

• a promise you are owed money, or a threat of fines.

If you think you may have fallen victim to an agency related scam or you think your identity has been stolen, we have a Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk who can offer support.

The Helpdesk is available 8am–5pm, Monday to Friday to assist you with all Centrelink, Medicare, Child Support or myGov-related identity theft concerns. The helpdesk can be contacted on 1800 941 126.

Protecting yourself from pretenders

If you’ve been contacted by trusted brands like Services Australia, you should always check that it’s the real deal.

If you get a suspicious email or text message, just delete it. If you open it, don’t click on any links.

We won’t ask you to click a link in an email or text message, except from within your official myGov inbox. Always access myGov by typing www.my.gov. au into your web browser.

There’ll be times where we need to contact you. However, if you are concerned, you can call one of our payment lines to check it’s genuine. Remember, only use our official phone numbers. You can find these on our website.

We’ll never ask you to: • pay money to get a payment or benefit, or • pay for our assistance, like with setting up online accounts.

For more information about how to protect yourself, go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/scams

Speak to you next time, Hank Jongen.

Centrelink allow you to gift assets valued up to $10,000 per financial year or up to $30,000 over five years (not exceeding $10,000 in a single financial year) before there is any impact on your Age Pension.

Gifts made above these limits are considered deprived assets and are counted towards your asset test. They are and subject to deeming under the income test for a period of five years from the date of the gift.

Renovating your home

The value of your primary residence is exempt under the Centrelink asset test. If you have surplus cash, spending money on home improvements can increase the value of your home and reduce the value of your assessable assets, thereby boosting your Age Pension.

The work bonus

If you decide to go back to work, you can take advantage of the Work Bonus incentive.

Centrelink will allow you to earn up to $300 per fortnight which will not be assessed under the income test.

If your work is sporadic, Centrelink will add $300 to your Work Bonus balance each fortnight which will be compounded until it reaches $7,800. This amount excludes the one-off work bonus credit of $4,000 outlined in the October 2022 Federal Budget.

Update the value of your personal assets

The value of personal assets (vehicles, caravans and boats etc) should be based on re-sale value, not insured value. It is common for people to mistakenly overvalue their personal assets with Centrelink.

Reduce your debt

It is a common belief that Centrelink will reduce the value of your assets by the level of debt you have. While this is true for investment debt, such as a rental property mortgage, it is not true for personal debt.

If you have a personal loan, car loan, credit card, home mortgage or any other personal debt, Centrelink do not reduce the value of your assets. By paying down your personal debt you not only save money on interest, but also increase your age pension by using the money in your bank (an assessable asset) to pay off the loan.

Use your younger spouse

If one member of a couple is under Age Pension age, money may be contributed to a super accumulation account in the younger spouse’s name where the money is exempt from the asset test. This requires the older member of the couple withdrawing funds from their super and contributing the proceeds into their younger spouse’s account (provided contribution eligibility criteria is satisfied).

Funeral bond or prepay funeral

Purchasing a funeral bond or pre-paying your funeral can be an effective way to reduce your assets. Centrelink allow you contribute up to $13,500 into a funeral bond which then becomes exempt from the asset test. This could potentially increase your Age Pension by $1,033 per year. There is no limit on the amount you can pre-pay for your funeral.

These are only some of many strategies available to help you get more from your Age Pension. While there are benefits to each, there are also risks and consequences. Prior to adopting any of these strategies you should seek professional advice.

Any advice in this publication is of a general nature only and has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 27



Tasmanian Masters Athletics commenced its summer season on 5 October. Track and field athleticsfor over-30s is held at the Domain Athletic Centre from October to March. People of all capabilities are welcome to come along and try.

First time is free! Go to www.tasmastersathletics.org.au, phone 0402 314 079 or email tasmasterssec@gmail.com for enquiries.


With the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience friendship, camping and adventures while learning leadership, management skills and much more. If you are aged 13-17 years old, register your interest today. Go to www.armycadets.gov.au or email 63acu@armycadets.gov.au




Join our first Sunday of the month or Monday working bees, from 10am – noon. Phone Graeme on 0467 514667 or Tassie on 0417 516176 and help us care for our coastline.


Our members meet on weekdays at 17 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. Groups include painting and drawing, needlecraft, textiles and threads of all types, card making, artist's books and basket making. Visitors are welcome. Check our website or call secretary Lynne on 0407 470 214 for more information.


Meetings are held at 7pm on the first Wednesday of each month, from February to November, at the Howrah Community Centre, 9 Howrah Road. New members are welcome, or just visit a meeting to listen to a guest speaker. For more information visit www.facebook.com/bellerivehistory or phone Mike Geard on 0400 974 056.


Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building, Battery Point. Call 1300 064 068 for dates and details.



Bel Canto Australia will present a Christmas concert – on 20th December in St. David’s Cathedral at 7pm. The concert is called ‘Scenes from Opera’ and will feature Michael Lampard, Tasmanian baritone and Opera Australia principal artist, and several artists from interstate. There are several children in the concert, and 20 performers in all. All proceeds from the concert will be given to the cathedral for their charity work in the community.


The Clarence City Band is based at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. The band caters for all tastes and ensembles and provides a development program for members of the community to learn a musical instrument.

For more information, visit www.ClarenceCityBand.com.au



A local community group working towards positive climate solutions, with the view that together, people can make a better future. For more information, visit clarenceclimateaction.org or the Clarence Climate Action Facebook page.


Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities. Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am - 12pm. Phone Romana Sanders on 6244 4736.


Held every Tuesday night from 7pm10pm at the Howrah Community Centre. Listen and dance to a great resident band and walk-up singers. There are door prizes, raffles, spot dances and lucky number cards. Entry fee is $4.

For more information, visit Clarence Country Facebook page or email clarence. country@gmail.com


Meets at the Clarence GP Super Clinic in Rosny Park on the first Friday of the month. Bus trips on the fourth Monday of the month. Come along and share a cuppa and conversation. Contact president Shirley Sonners on 0408 129 093.


A monthly event where you can buy locally made items, produce, upcycled and secondhand products. 11 Ralph Terrace, Rokeby from 10am-2pm on the third Saturday of each month. Everyone welcome!


Meet at Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny on Wednesdays from 9:30am. Phone Dot Batt on 6244 6276 or 0400 607 355.


The Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre hosts the Clarence Plains Growers and Crafters Market on the third Saturday of every month. The market is held at the Grace Centre, 11 Ralph Terrace, from 10am - 2pm.


Singing studio on the Eastern Shore now taking students from six years of age to adults. Phone 0407430902.




An aerobic fitness program designed for over-55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30pm - 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.



Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.



Come along and try pickleball. Monday and Thursday 9.30-11.30am at the Clarence Sports Stadium, Montagu Bay. Cost is $6. All equipment provided. For more information, contact Jenny Kitchener on 0414 486 896 or majelaja2@yahoo.com.au

PITTWATER ART GROUP Painting in all mediums. For more information, phone Gail Ellen on 0427 658 775.



St Mark’s Anglican Church Op Shop at Bellerive operates Wednesday and Friday from 9am –3pm. We sell fresh produce, plants, preserves, books, toys and general products. There is also a coffee shop on Fridays. Corner of Scott and Clarence streets.


The Coal River Valley Garden Club Inc meets on the fourth Monday of the month from January to November at the Richmond Football Club Rooms, Richmond War Memorial Oval, Victoria Street, at 7:30pm and includes guest speakers, trade table and supper. New members always welcome. For more information, phone 6260 2727.



Cremorne Bowls Club is looking for experienced bowlers interested in playing in the Thursday Div-2 pennant team for the 2022-23 season. Membership subs are very reasonable and the club will provide players with a top and jacket. Contact Teresa Newman on 0408 526 038.


Crew Fitness is a not-for-profit community fitness group offering bootcamp and highintensity interval training. Classes run for 45 minutes, Monday – Friday at 6am, Saturdays at 7:45am. It is based out of the Lindisfarne Sailing Club. New members welcome.



Looking for dance partner, female needed aged 35 - 45 for lessons and socials in Ballroom, Salsa and Tango. For more information, phone 0412 699 748.



The Eastern Shore Bridge Club has relocated and now meets at the Clarence Uniting Church in York Street Bellerive on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. If you are interested in learning to play bridge or wish to join the walk-in sessions, phone John Cummings on 0423 187 588. All levels are welcome.


Love to play Mahjong? We're looking for new members to join us. Come along to the Rosny Library in Bligh St from 1-4pm on Thursday afternoons. The cost each week is $5. Some playing experience is essential. Bring along your own cup, tea bag or coffee for afternoon tea. Please contact Sue on 6244 5021 for more information.


Meets at the Sunshine Centre, Howrah Road on Monday from 9am - 12:30pm, Wednesday noon - 3:30pm, and Saturday 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Contact Ailene on 0418 425 843 (Monday and Wednesday) and Marianne on 0408 487 445 (Saturday).


Need a household item repaired for free? Every last Saturday of the month between 2pm - 4pm visit the Warrane Mornington Community House, 150A Bligh St, with your broken items. Volunteers will be there to help you fix your clothing, crockery, cutlery, garden tools, furniture, toys, jewellery, gadgets and more. Contact Katie on 0499 078 490 or email eastsiderepaircafe@gmail.com


Learn about “looking after yourself” by attending the monthly informal gettogethers presented by All About Fitness. Entry is by gold coin donation (and includes a cuppa). Please book early as seating is limited. Email paul@allaboutfitness.net.au or call 0417 836 988 to enquire.


Free group fitness sessions in parks across Clarence, open to all. For details, go to liveclarence.com.au/fitness-in-the-park


The Forcett Community Hall is holding a Handmade and Farmers’ Market on the third Sunday of each month from 10am1pm. There will be a range of local produce, craft, art, baking and plants. The hall is located at 699 Arthur Highway, Forcett.

Radio controlled, fixed wing and rotary aircraft at Kelly Field on the Richmond/ Campania Road. Flying every day from 9am until early afternoon, weather permitting. Instruction available and visitors most welcome. For more information, phone Barry Gerrard on 0417 032 901, email bgerrard@bigpond.net.au or visit hobartmodelaeroclub.org.au.


Meeting at Howrah Community Centre every Friday, 10am - 12pm. Guest speakers, varied activities and occasional bus trips. Phone Brian on 0438 779 969 for enquiries.



The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday, 9:30am - 4 pm. At other times, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.


Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am - noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.



The Lauderdale Canal Model Boating group meets at the Northern Terrace in Lauderdale each Saturday morning from 9am, weather permitting. A wide selection of model boats can be seen and everyone is welcomed. Come along and see the models sailing, and maybe you will be encouraged in taking up the hobby and joining the group. For more information, call Randall on 6287 7158.


Come along and have a look at our library. Includes fiction, non-fiction, large print and a Tasmanian books section. Hours are Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm and Saturday 10am - noon. Membership is $7 yearly. For more information, phone Diane on 0400 043 297.


Lindisfarne Riverside Arts Choir Inc meet at the Activity Centre on Lincoln Street every Thursday night at 7pm. All welcome. For more information, phone 0408 326 544.


Committed to serve the community. Meets at Lions Clubrooms, 10 Binalong Road, Mornington on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For more information, visit clarence.tas.lions.org.au



If you are interested in finding out what Masons do, then Masonic Membership may be for you. Email your enquiry to lindisfarnelodge46tc@gmail.com Advise your name and contact phone, and we will respond.


Suitable for every body. Gentle Yoga: Wednesday 11am; Mat Pilates: Friday 12.30pm. At the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au


Gentle Flow Yoga: Monday 8.30am; Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Monday 9.45am; Mat Pilates: Wednesday 9am. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au

The Probus Club of Lauderdale Combined Inc meets at the Abundant Life Church, South Arm Road, Lauderdale on the third Tuesday of each month (except December and January) at 10am. The meeting is followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include a walking group, dining out, trips and entertainment, a card group and a craft group. There is also a barbecue every second month, Christmas lunch in early December, Ausmas in July and a Quiz day in January. For further information please visit our website or phone Paul Davidson on 0419 559 298.



Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre programs for 2022, all welcome. Monday: Clarence Plains Walkers and Knopwood Knitters. Tuesday: Sewing and craft and basis sewing. Wednesday: Dancing with Hiroko, and Be Connected Basis Computers. Every second Wednesday: Two-course community lunch. Every second Thursday: Basic Photography Group sessions. Friday: exercise group Staying Strong Living Well. Every second Friday: PINGO, cost is $7.50 and morning tea is included. Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre, 85 Tollard Drive, Rokeby. For more information, phone 6247 6778, email admin@rokebync.org.au, or visit the Facebook page.


Monthly working bees planting and maintaining native bushland usually held on the third Sunday of the month from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Locations vary between Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area or the Rosny Montagu Bay Foreshore Reserve. For more information, email rmbcareinc@gmail.com or phone John on 0419 826 052.


Classes in painting, embroidery, paper craft and cards, beading, quilting, cooking and bear-making. Meets Thursdays from 9.30am at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 28 Rowena Rd. Phone Irene on 0407 489 833 or Kay on 62438060.



The Shoreline Combined Probus Club meets at the Howrah Community Centre from 10am on the third Monday of each month. The morning consists of a meeting followed by morning tea, a guest speaker and/or other activities. For more information email pv423392@bigpond.net.au or write to The Secretary, Shoreline Combined Probus Club, PO Box 777 Rosny Park, Tasmania 7018.


The South Arm Community Market is held on the first Sunday of the month at the South Arm Community Centre, from 9.30am to 1pm.



Bingo is held on the first Tuesday of each month at the South Arm Community Centre, 9 Calverton Place. Doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.15pm. $15 plays 15 games. Cash prizes. BYO drinks and nibbles (alcohol permitted). Tea, coffee and snacks available for purchase. Enquiries 0426821530.


On 18 December starting 1.30pm at Simmons Park in Lindisfarne, Music in the Park gets underway for this season with a little Christmas and lots of Music to Enjoy including some original music from the Southern Districts Concert Band. Future events are planned for 19 February, 19 March and 23 April next year in collaboration with the Clarence City Band. Contact the SDCB via our Facebook page or text 0447773056.


Square dancing for beginners, couples and singles welcome. Currently being held in Bellerive; coming to Moonah. Fortnightly classes on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@hotmail.com

SUPPORTING FACIAL PAIN SUFFERERS Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com.


365 Support Fitness run senior strength, balance and flexibility classes on Mondays at noon, Tuesdays at 9am, Wednesday at 12.30pm, and Friday at 9am and noon. They are held at the PCYC in Bellerive and cost $8 a class. For more information, phone 0407 967 961 or email 365sfitness@gmail.com.


Looking for an experienced Tai Chi instructor to facilitate a new park class at Montrose foreshore, mid-morning on a weekday. Please phone Anna on 0480 209 415.


Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub.org.au.


Thylacine lutruwita is a not-for-profit wildlife protection hospital and cat desexing clinic based at 553 Pass Road, Mornington. They do cat desexing and a microchip for only $49.99.

To book an appointment, phone 6146 0699 or visit www.thylacinelutruwita.com.au.


Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am - noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session, working during school terms. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.



U3A Clarence is a co-operative learning organisation for retired and semi-retired people, run entirely by volunteers. We offer a variety of courses including Painting, Clarence History, Trivia, The writers, Aspects of Geology, Poetry, Mah Jong, French for Beginners, Play Reading and more. We have three tenweek sessions each year, with classes held at Rosny Library between 9.30am and 1pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. More details available from u3aclarence.com.



The Warrane Community Garden hosts a monthly working bee on the second Sunday of the month 9am-12pm. Weekly mini-bees are on Friday between 10-12pm. 18 Heemskirk St, Warrane. All are welcome. Please bring a cup, your garden gloves, and a favourite weeding tool if you have one. 0499 078 490 or visit wmnc.org.au/community-garden for more information.



Visit www.wmnc.org.au for up-to-date information about programs, services, events and the Warrane Community Garden, including: Yoga, Computer Class, Food Assistance, Community Lunch, Craft Group, Wellness Workout, and Community Garden Working Bee. All programs located at Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre at 150a Bligh Street. For more information phone 6244 6346, email info@wmnc.org.au or visit www.wmnc.org.au



Back friendly yoga classes on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and Pilates at 7pm at the Howrah Recreation Centre. For more information, phone Jackie on 0467 197 499.


Yoga classes for beginners are held at the Clarence PCYC (10 Scott St, Bellerive) from 1.30pm on Mondays and Fridays. The cost is $10, phone 0407967961 for more information.

28 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022
If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.
Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 29 WANTED TO BUY COINS & NOTES Round 50c, pre decimal & decimal coins, silver coins, gold coins, mint sets, proof sets, PNCs, carded coins, Australian paper notes. No collection too big or too small. 0405672050 Devil Coins & Collectibles 124 Mornington Road - Mornington Rokeby Se R vice c ent R e 73 Droughty Point Road Ph: 6247 1354 Full mechanical repairs Tyres & Wheel Alignments Transport approved inspection site CITY AUTOMOTIVE MORNINGTON Ph: 6245 0000 Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 5pm or later by appointment 295 Cambridge Road, Mornington Email: office@cityautomotive.net.au Full mechanical repairs for all your vehicle maintenance, services and repair needs. Family friendly and a local family operated business since 1995. • Approved Inspection Station • Modification Plates • Engine Remapping • Courtesy Loan Cars • Local Pickup & Delivery • Suspension, Snorkels, Bull Bars, Winches • Roof Tents, accessories & all things 4WD Ph: 6244 4474 • Woodheating Specialists Flue and Chimney Cleans • Safety Checks • Re-flues and Installations Replacement parts • Sales of new heaters • Fully insured and all work completed to Australian Standards 0407 040 641 Inspiration. Design iD JoInery Specialising in quality • Kitchens • renovations • Bathrooms/vanities • Laundries/wardrobes BIRD AND EMBER PROOF GUT TER GUARD 100% TASMANIAN OWNED GUT TER PROTEC TION PROFESSIONALS 3 Gutter replacements 3 Colorbond fascia covers 3 PVC downpipes 6239 6615 | 0428 293 619 gutterprotectionsolutions com au • msmi5860@bigpond net au Experienced, professional, loc al ser vice FREE, no obligation quote 1 7 6 0 0 1 • Hot water cylinder repairs and replacements • Blocked drains • LPG and Natural Gas • Domestic and commercial plumbing CALL HARRY TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE Mobile: 0499 555 010 Email: gloverplumbingandgas@gmail.com LOUIS FENCING SERVICE Hobart area. Phone: 0488 247 492 Community News WE OFFER - VEHICLE SERVICING AND REPAIRS - GEARBOX AND DIFF REPAIRS - AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL AND DIAGNOSIS - BRAKE AND CLUTCH REPAIRS - 4WD AND DIESEL REPAIRS - TIMING BELT AND HEADGASKET REPAIRS 6247 2089 17 DROUGHTY POINT ROAD ROKEBY Installation / repair Leak prevention Gutter cleaning 0421 435 537 Before After Before After Enquires www.progutters.com.au admin@progutters.com.au Call us We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 P A Y I N G C A S H A u s t r a l i a n a n d W o r l d c o i n s , b a n k n o t e s s t a m p s j e w e l l e r y c o l l e c t a b l e s C O N T A C T Phone: (03) 6200 Shop 11/113 Main Road info@tasmaniannumism To advertise in the ‘Trades, Services & Classifieds’ section, contact: justine.brazil@corcomms.com.au Call us on 0450 658 420 or visit our website tassyhospitalitysolutions.com.au to find out more. Tassy Hospitality Solutions is a leading commercial refrigeration equipment supplier to hospitality and retail businesses in Tasmania.

Junior Roosters have plenty to crow about

THE Eastern Suburbs

Rugby Union Football Club juniors rounded out a long winter and spring with a three-week Sevens competition that finished on 18 November.

The young Roosters fielded teams in the

Under 10, 12, 14 and 16 Girls competitions.

The Under 10s, coached by Feenix Thow, were the absolute babies of the competition, often overpowered by much larger opponents, But what they lacked in size, they compensated for

with great heart and enthusiasm.

The Under 12s were coached by Marc Whitfield, who took the opportunity to be involved with his son Ryley.

The Roosters formed an alliance with the Glenorchy Stags

and together they produced an extremely competitive team.

The Under 14s also formed an alliance with the Stags, with the Roosters forming a brilliant backbone for the team.

Zavier Thow, Emma Pritchard, Luke Hodge,

Rhyan scoring his first ever try was a highlight of round one. Not satisfied with just one try, he went on to score three—and on his birthday!

Matching their performance in the

winter competition, and again facing Hutchins, the Rooster-Stags finished second in the under 14s Grand Final.

The Under 16 Girls again remained unbeaten throughout the competition.

The spring Sevens competition suffered

from low participation, with only Easts and a team from Clarence High School.

To their credit, the Clarence girls battled valiantly but the Rooster girls continued to prevail through their superior technique and experience.

HOT summer ahead

THE Hobart Out Tennis (HOT) Tournament will return to Hobart for the eighth year next month, as a part of the Gay and Lesbian Tennis Alliance (GLTA).

Players from across the globe will travel to Tasmania in January to compete in the state’s largest amateur tennis tournament for the 2022/23 summer.

Held over three days, matches will take place at both the Hobart Domain and Lindisfarne, with 14 different divisions to cater to all skill levels.

The event’s 2022 overall champion, Shaun Thomas, encourages any tennis lover looking for an inclusive space to consider signing up.

“This year’s tournament was such a special event that really prioritised inclusivity,” he said.

“Being around similar people and

having supportive spectators really took the event to the next level.”

HOT club secretary Brendon OliverEwen hopes the upcoming tournament will attract a large number of Tasmanian players, after what has been a challenging time for the gender diverse and LGBTQIA+ community in sport.

“Sport isn’t necessarily an inclusive space,” he said, “and what we want here at Hobart Out Tennis is for people in our community to show their genuine selves and even more to be accepting of diversity, inclusion and allies.

“We want to bring the community together.”

The tournament will run from 13-15 January. To find out more or register as a player, visit glta.net/world-tourcalendar/ and click on Hobart Out Tennis Tournament.

30 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 Sport
Les Marshall Henry Mann and Rhyan Mason excelled. Easts junior players Mia Mason, Talia Smith, Ellie Pritchard and Mystique Thow
HOT Tennis members Shaun Thomas, Brendon Oliver-Ewen, Hendry Lukman, Moira Callan, Rod Oliver-Ewen, Sam Philpott, Pippo Fontana and Olive Wilson
BUCK Clarence Christmas Brunch When: 10.30am - 12.30pm Sunday 25 December Where: Howrah Community Centre For more information contact Clarence City Salvos at clarencechristmasbrunch@outlook.com or call 0417 190 413. Freeevent!

GOLFERS across the state will hit their local course this month to take part in The Longest Day, a golfing challenge designed to test skill, strength and stamina while raising critical funds for Cancer Council Tasmania.

The Longest Day challenges golfers to play either 36 (The Long Day), 54 (The Longest Day) or 72 (The Ultimate Challenge) holes in one

day. The official date for this year’s event is 12 December, but golfers can tee off on any day that best suits them.

Golf enthusiast and prostate cancer survivor Paul Fallon is passionate about raising muchneeded funds for Cancer Council Tasmania. He has set himself and his friends at the Royal Hobart Golf Club a target of raising $25,000.

“We’re hoping to get as many players on board as possible and hit our

target,” he said.

“There is very little support for Tasmanians impacted by cancer and having been a cancer survivor myself I know just how important the work being done by Cancer Council Tasmania is for Tasmanians doing it rough.

“The Longest Day is a great opportunity to contribute to the fundraising efforts of Cancer Council Tasmania while playing a sport enjoyed by many.”

Paul and his colleagues plan to complete The Ultimate Challenge of playing 72 holes in one day.

“Over the course of the day we will play four rounds of 18 holes and walk more than 42kms,” he said.

“Last year I started at 5.15am and did not finish until 7.10pm that evening.

“Putting my name forward and raising funds for this organisation feels like the least I can do to

support Tasmanians who are struggling.”

Cancer Council Tasmania director of engagement and fundraising Jill Bannon said golfers across the state are out practicing for The Longest Day, with Tasmanian golf clubs committed to promoting the event.

More than 40 players have already registered, and Ms Bannon is encouraging more people to sign up – whether they’re

seasoned golfers or completely new to the sport.

“We have people registered right across the state including golfers from Ratho Farm (Bothwell), Flinders Island and everywhere in between,” she said.

“In 2021 the challenge raised $40,000, but this year I encourage Tasmanians to go even further.

“The challenge is a great opportunity to test your skill and stamina,

while raising funds for an essential Tasmanian service.”

Every dollar raised by The Longest Day will stay here in Tasmania.

The Cancer Council Tasmania is more than 85 per cent funded by the community and every cent that is raised is critical for the organisation to continue to provide vital services to locals impacted by cancer.

To sign up, go to www.cancer.org.au/tas

Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022 31 WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: info@stairliftsalestasmania.com.au • W: www.stairliftsalestasmania.com.au INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY www.mobility4all.com.au Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I info@mobility4all.com.au 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? 23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
Cancer survivor Paul Fallon, left, prepares for the Longest Day golf challenge with Young Dawkins and Scott Laycock Mackenzie Archer
32 Eastern Shore Sun DECEMBER 2022

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