A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF CLARENCE AND SORELL Independently owned and published by Cor Comms JUNE 2024 BELLERI V E D EN T UR E C LINI C S Providing quality care for over 30 years Giving you something to smile about! 6244 6564 www.bellerivedentureclinic.com.au info@dentas.com.au 9 Clarence Street Bellerive 7018 Phone: 6248 4994 ► PINEBARKS ► LOAMS ► DECORATIVE GRAVELS ► AGGREGATES ► MANURES ► LIMES ► FIRE WOOD ► BAG PRODUCTS ► AND MUCH MORE! HUGE range of landscape products: DELIVERIES TO ALL AREAS 131 PITTWATER ROAD CAMBRIDGE Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm Closed Public Holidays LimilAgentsfor&Quicklime PLEASE SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR OUR LATEST OPENING INFORMATION. IN THIS ISSUE >> Candice Signa tur e I’M YOUR LOCAL. Thinking of selling? Call Candice Gottschalk for a complimentary, no-obligation, market appraisal of your property today. M 0408 615 769 P (03) 6244 8111 candice.gottschalk@harcourtssignature.com.au 3 Bayfield Street, Rosny Park, TAS 7018 signature.harcourts.com.au SPACE TO PLAY Children and families in Tranmere can now access a brand new playspace boasting inclusive equipment, fully equipped picnic areas and stunning views down the River Derwent. FULL STORY ON PAGE 4 Masters’ anniversary SPORT New Lauderdale doctors Community champions Airport upgrades
Eastern Shore children Maddie and William at Pindos Park in Tranmere
Key decisions from the Council meeting held on Monday 27 May 2024:
• Council approved a development application for additions and alterations at 16 Douglas Street, Bellerive, subject to conditions and advice.
• Council approved a planning application made for a Caravan and Camping Park (visitor accommodation) at 8 Opus Drive, Acton Park, subject to conditions and advice.
• Council approved a planning application for a service station and two drivethrough takeaway restaurants on Commerce Drive, Howrah, subject to conditions and advice.
• Councillors adopted the January-March 2024 Quarterly Report.
• Council approved the financial assistance grants recommended through the February-March 2024 round of the General Grants Program.
• Councillors noted and discussed the AFL/AFLW High Performance Centre public meeting held on 15 May 2024 and noted the decisions (motions passed) at that meeting.
• Council approved a request to consider the rezoning (and possible subdivision) of council land at 34, 36 and 46 Mannata Street, Lauderdale.
• In a split Notice of Motion,
• Council passed part A which stated, “That Council affirms its aspiration to be the home of a suitably located High Performance Centre for the Tasmania Devils AFL Team”.
• Part B of the same motion which stated, “As a matter of urgency requests representatives from Cricket Tasmania, the Tasmania Devils AFL club and relevant state government stake holders to investigate opportunities for reuse of Blundstone Arena, including as a potential site for a future AFL High Performance Centre” was lost.
A meeting was also held on Monday 17 June, with key decisions to be reported in the next issue.
Upcoming Council meeting dates:
Upcoming Council meeting dates are now available on Council’s website at www.ccc. tas.gov.au/your-council/council-meetings/ meetings-schedule. Members of the public may attend the meetings subject to compliance with State Government COVID-19 regulations. Although there are no longer maximum density requirements, please consider your own personal circumstances and vulnerabilities before attending in person.
Members of the public wishing to attend should still register via the online booking system at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/ councilmeetingbookings. If you are unable to access the internet or experience issues with the booking system, you can contact our Corporate Support team on either 6217 9523 or 6217 9524 who will be able to register for you.
Deputations/public question time:
If you wish to make a deputation, please contact council on 6217 9523 or 6217 9524.
Questions on Notice are to be submitted in accordance with council’s Public Question Time procedures (see council’s website for information).
Roads and footpaths
• Pothole repairs in various locations as per inspections.
• Guidepost replacement continues throughout the municipality.
• Reseal preparations in various locations.
• St. John Circle footpath extension and upgrade, Richmond. Drainage
• Stormwater maintenance in various locations.
• Table drain maintenance in various locations.
• Beach Street stormwater upgrade, Bellerive.
• Balaka Street stormwater upgrades, Rosny.
• Roches Beach Road stormwater and bus stop upgrades, Lauderdale.
Parks and reserves
• Elevated platform tree work at various locations.
• Park maintenance as per established maintenance schedules.
• Broadleaf treatment, Clarence ovals.
• Tree planting program, various locations.
• Installation of new interpretive signage in Richmond.
• New link from Fairisle Court to the Rokeby Hills Track.
Natural area management
• Maintenance of walking tracks in natural areas and sections of the Tangara Trail.
• Maintenance and management of natural areas as per the various Natural Area Management Plans.
• Autumn fuel reduction burns.
• Priority weed management at Potters Hill Bushland Reserve, Blessington Street Coastal Reserve and Rosny-Montagu Coastal Reserve.
• Landscaping at entrances to Toorittya Bushland Reserve and Rokeby Hills, off Oceana Drive.
• Planting of native coastal vegetation and mulching about mound areas, post completion of playground construction at Pindos Park.
• Rehabilitation of Bellerive Beach sand dunes after completion of storm water upgrades adjacent to Beach Street.
• Howrah Community Centre upgrades.
• Crossover renewal at the Rosny Farm entry, Rosny Park.
• Installation of solar panels and battery storage for energy security at the South Arm Community Centre.
• Installation of an all-accessible toilet at the Risdon Vale Hall.
For more information, visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au or call us on 03 6217 9500
Community News
Brendan Blomeley, Mayor of Clarence City Council
I AM proud to announce the council has set its budget for the next 12 months, demonstrating our commitment to supporting the sustainable growth of Clarence whilst creating a more resilient community for the future.
Our aim is to respond to the needs and expectations of our community whilst seeking to minimize the impact of the rising cost of living on our residents, ratepayers and businesses.
The budget incorporates a general rate increase of 6.48 per cent as a responsible balance between sustainably managing increasing costs, maintaining infrastructure and minimising financial impacts on our ratepayers.
The centrepiece of the budget is a $21.6 million capital works program which prioritises critical renewal
projects as well as new infrastructure developments to support future growth opportunities.
Highlights include the further expansion of the Clarence Foreshore Trail, upgrades to the Bayview Park playground and toilet renewal, Clarendon Vale Oval lighting and pavilion design and construction and further progress on the proposed Anzac Park Community Sports Pavilion.
Clarence is an appealing and dynamic place to live, work and play, evidenced by the fact that the council’s planning approvals remain consistently higher than other parts of the state despite rising construction costs and land prices.
In order to manage this projected growth across the city we have prioritised the development, design and delivery of masterplans for key areas.
We want to harness new development to ensure that it delivers true social, economic and environmental benefit to our community.
Rising costs, particularly in construction, also affect the council’s own capital works and careful consideration has been given to ensuring existing assets are maintained alongside the delivery of new projects.
Stormwater management is critical to environmental and community health and the council is continuing to invest significantly in future-proofing the city with a further $2.14m to be spent on priority stormwater upgrades. Keeping people safe on our roads is a key priority for the council and this year we have budgeted $2.5m for major digouts and pavement reconstruction, as well as $1.42m for footpath, kerb and gutter renewal, $1.3m for road resealing and another $875,000 for footpath, kerb and gutter reseal preparation.
Of course, we will continue to carry out our other responsibilities to the highest possible standards, such as waste and recycling, animal management, issuing permits, certificates, notices and assisting with building and plumbing matters.
Clarence boasts one of the strongest financial positions of any council in Tasmania and this year’s budget continues our consistent trend of responsible fiscal management.
As stewards of our vibrant city the council is committed to fostering a thriving, inclusive and sustainable environment for all residents and businesses in the Clarence community.
2 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024
ADVERTISEMENT Daniel Hulme Clarence City Council 0447 000 867 clr_dhulme@ccc.tas.gov.au facebook.com/ DanielHulmeCCC Authorised by D. Hulme 42 Anstey Street Howrah
Budget to support sustainable growth and build resilience
Find us on Facebook
Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance Catryna Bilyk Senator
Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250.
for Tasmania Kingston Plaza (03) 6229 4444
Authorised by C. Bilyk, ALP,
Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas. Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew,
ASKEW LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. 46 Cameron
senator.askew@aph.gov.au SenatorAskew @senatoraskew Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 130 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. The Eastern Shore Sun is your monthly community newspaper, reaching over 30,000 homes and businesses, distributed on the third Tuesday of each month. Advertising Justine Brazil advertising@easternshoresun.com.au 6210 5201 Editorial Simon Andrews editorial@easternshoresun.com.au 6210 5218 This publication is the product of Nicolas Turner, Justine Brazil, Ben Hope, Simon Andrews, Tobias Hinds and guest contributors, with support from advertisers. In this issue • HOBART FM GUIDE Page 4 • COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 18 • A FINANCIAL MOMENT Page 19 • PETS Page 20 – 21 • TRADES, SERVICES AND CLASSIFIEDS Page 22 • SPORT Page 23 – 24 Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by The Mercury newspaper Know your deadlines July 2024 Editorial / Advertising 27 June 2024 Press Ready Material 8 July 2024 Level 2, 130 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 www.easternshoresun.com.au ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by G Barnett, 76 Emu Bay Rd, Deloraine TAS 7304 Guy Barnett Liberal Member for Lyons 15 High St, New Norfolk TAS 7140 6701 2170 GuyBarnettMP guy.barnett@tas.liberal.gov.au Thank you for your support ADVERTISEMENT
Street, Launceston TAS 7250 6331 8501
Airport upgrades clear for take off
THE Federal Government has signed off on a business plan for the Hobart Airport runway expansion with delivery of the project to be supported by a $60 million election promise.
The project, due to commence in July, will see the runway, taxis and apron become fit for use by larger aircraft including Boeing 787 and Airbus 350. It will enable Hobart Airport to service longdistance freight and international passenger flights, including direct flights to Asia for the first time.
Construction is predicted to be completed in March 2025 with a further $70 million of funding provided by Hobart Airport Pty Limited.
Federal Member for Franklin Julie Collins said she was proud to be part of a Government
that was delivering on the commitment it made to the Hobart Airport.
“This vital upgrade will further increase Hobart’s infrastructure capabilities as Australia’s Antarctic gateway, helping to retain and grow economic activity from the Antarctic and
Southern Ocean sectors in Tasmania,” she said.
“It will also provide a welcome jobs boon for our region and transport industry, with nearly 200 construction jobs and a further 1,261 ongoing jobs across Tasmania set to be created thanks to the upgraded runway.”
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown said the increased capacity of the airport would improve flight safety and provide a boost for local tourism.
“This is a project for Tasmania’s future, ensuring contemporary and future needs are met for our growing state,” she said.
“I’m thrilled the Albanese Government is investing in this vital project as it demonstrates our commitment to improving key infrastructure in Tasmania.”
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 3 Community News 1800 668 722 ONTRACKTASMANIA.COM.AU SUPPORT COORDINATION SUPPORTED ACCOMODATION COMMUNITY ACCESS AND MENTORING LUKE EDMUNDS Labor Member for Pembroke Do you have any concerns with health, housing, energy or other state government issues? Please get in touch. I’m here to help. 6212 2304 | Shop 3, 76 Howrah Rd, Howrah | luke edmunds@parliament tas gov au Authorised by Luke Edmunds Shop 3, 76 Howrah Rd, Howrah ADVERTISEMENT I' m listening
Hobart Airport CEO Norris Carter, Downer CEO Stuart Billing, Federal Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell, Federal Member for Franklin Julie Collins and Tasmanian Senator Catryna Bilyk
Community News
Its winter and it may seem easier to curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good book, but there are things you can do in the shed. How about putting up a blackboard, this can be really handy for keeping track of jobs that need doing, and things like crop rotation in the vegi patch or how plants respond to different fertilizers and notes on things that may not be doing so well.
Now is the time to give the brassicas pride of place in the vegi garden, these include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts. Most of the cabbage white butterflies have gone now but the planting of some sage in with the seedlings is a good companion planting as it helps to repel them.
New playspace opens in Tranmere
THE upgraded state-of-the-art, inclusive and family-friendly Pindos Park playspace in Tranmere boasts stunning views of the River Derwent.
Some of the park features include all ages play equipment, a large climb, play and slide structure, nature play equipment and a fully enclosed paling fence.
Significant upgrades have been made to the park’s surrounding landscape design which includes two new picnic areas with BBQs
and improved access to the Clarence Foreshore Trail.
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the park was a fantastic project to serve the growing needs of the Clarence community.
“Parks are such an amazing asset for a community. They offer a place for people to connect with each other and the place they live, and an environment that encourages activity and general wellbeing,” he said.
“The Pindos Park
redevelopment is another fantastic space to add to our growing list of parks in the region.
“We know from the opening of Blossom Park in Cambridge just last year, our community loves and values parks.
“The council are currently working on the review and consultation for the Bellerive Beach Masterplan as well as the Open Spaces Strategy and parks will be a strong feature in those conversations.”
Honouring Clarence’s Champions
JODIE Presnell has been an active member of the Pipe Clay Coastcare group since its inception in 2007 and played a key role in the establishment of the Pipeclay Playgroup in Cremorne.
This long-standing dedication towards creating unique opportunities for the local community saw her awarded 2024 Citizen of the Year at the annual Clarence Community Spirit Gala and Citizenship Awards ceremony in May.
• Prepare ground for
rooted roses and trees
• Keep an eye out for slugs and snails
• Prune hydrangeas now - cutting back to a strong pair of leaf buds.
• Prune vines and weed.
Ms Presnell was commended alongside several other community groups and members who have made outstanding contributions to Clarence.
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the gala was a celebration of the people who worked and made a difference in the community.
“This is a time to showcase the generosity and hard work that our nominees put into making Clarence a better place for others,” he said.
“Despite the varied backgrounds and affiliations, a common thread
among the nominees and winners was their selflessness and strong work ethic.
“The recipients and nominees of these awards embody the spirit of selflessness within our community.
“They are unsung heroes whose remarkable contributions have enriched the lives of others without the expectation of acknowledgment or praise.”
The Richmond Bicentenary claimed the Community Event of the Year Award, chair of the Youth Network Advisory Group Grace Williams was named Young Citizen of the Year and the Senior Citizen of the Year award went to Barry Ford. For more information and the full list of nominees visit www.ccc. tas.gov.au/community/communityservices/australia-day-awards
4 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024
Vegetable Seedlings Seeds Herb & Flower Seedlings Onions Violas Cabbage Broad Beans Primulas Brussel Sprouts English Spinach Polyanthus Cyclamen Broccoli Cauliflower Peas
HAPPY GARDENING FROM FRONT PAGE Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with Brett Marley. 9am: Monday Music Mix with Mandi Bennett. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Suzi Hodgkinson. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country with Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Double Or Nothing with Jack Wilson. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne. 9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beat & Ballads with Phil Williams. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Rebecca Rupel. 4pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis 6pm: Mostly Folk with Owen Gardner. 8pm: The Early Late Show with Margs. 10pm: What’s Next with The Catman. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Wednesday 6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and Breezy Mix with Kath. Midday: Music of Your Life with Frank McIvor. 2pm: Music of Your Life Handpicked with Ron Andersen. 4pm: The Johnny Dallas Revival Show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Night Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell Hevey / Bob Hevey. 10pm: Wednesday Night with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Thursday 6am: Thursday Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix
8pm: Hobart FM Jazz.
Greek. Midnight:
Friday 6am: Rise
Brian Corr. Midday: Music of Your Life
Karina Ceron. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Friday Drive with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times Rollin’ with Bob Hevey / Russell Hevey. 9pm: Rockin’ On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music Of Your Life Overnight with Craig Cracknell. Saturday 6am: Saturday Breakfast with Chris Burrows. 9am: Polish with Bogdan Piteri. 10am: Croatian with Jelena Cupac. 11am: Greek Program. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 2pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda Sims. 3pm: Music of Your Life with Various Presenters. 6pm: Kickback with Kenny White. 9pm: Saturday Night with Rob Maisey. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Sunday 6am: Sunday Breakfast with Ian Campbell. 9am: German Program with Karina Ceron. 10am: Spanish Program. 11am: The Irish Show with Brian Corr. Midday: Italian Program with Vic Ferri. 1pm: Nepalese Program with Subin. 2pm: Dove C’e Musica Italiana. 3pm: Music Of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Music of Your Life with Craig Cracknell. 8pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
with Tom Payne. Midday: From The 40s to The 00s with Robyn Guy. 2pm: The Music Of Your Life with Kenny White. 4pm: Thursday Drive with Luca Forest. 6pm: The Serbian Program with Alek Djeric. 7pm: Mandarin and Cantonese.
Music of Your
with Ria
2024 Clarence Citizen of the Year Jodie Presnell with Mayor Brendan Blomeley
Local children Jack and Xavier play in Tranmere’s Pindos Park
cost of living relief Our Budget is providing to Tasmanians Tax cuts for every taxpayer Energy bill relief for every household bill More homes for more Tasmanians Cheaper Medicines Authorised by Julie Collins MP, Australian Labor Party, 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park, TAS 7018 ADVERTISEMENT
Labor Member for Franklin
Julie Collins
Labor Senator for Tasmania
Catryna Bilyk
E: rosalie.woodruff@parliament.tas.gov.au Ph: 6212 2260 | tasmps.greens.org.au
Working with plastic
EASTERN Shore resident Tash Lowe set up her business, Plasticus Tasmania, with the goal of decreasing plastic waste and creating striking pieces out of recycled material.
“We think of plastic as cheap but it doesn’t have to be. It has a beautiful sheen to it and can be a really nice feature in a home,” Ms Lowe said.
Ms Lowe set up Plasticus Tasmania with the help of open source designs from Precious Plastics, a global recycling movement based in the Netherlands.
Her first large source of plastic waste was from Dark Mofo and shortly after people collecting ‘lids for kids’ started messaging her on Facebook.
After a bit of experimentation, Ms Lowe realised that if she wanted to offer a standardised product,
she needed to commit to a few big purchases, like a proper aluminium mould and a custom shredder.
She designed the mould herself, had it laser cut by engineers, sourced parts for the shredder and found a second-hand kitchen oven.
After months of work with the help of her uncle, her dad and an electrician friend the shredder was built.
Ms Lowe sorts and washes plastic by hand and shreds it before she puts it in the sandwich press which gives a nice even mix of colours.
The molten plastic is then put into a mould to form and set.
At the 2024 Sustainable Living Festival in Launceston, Ms Lowe showcased her plant pots, vessels and clocks to the public for the first time and was a finalist in the Tasmanian Sustainable Business and Community Awards.
“I’m learning as I go. My work isn’t yet food grade but I’m aiming towards it,” Ms Lowe said.
Tash only accepts type two, four and five plastics as indicated by a recycling symbol somewhere on the item.
“If they’re not marked I can’t use them,” Ms Lowe said.
“All plastics release chemicals when heated to a particular temperature and these temperatures differ. I can’t risk breathing in the toxins.”
Ms Lowe currently has two drop-off points for plastic at the Glenorchy Recycling opposite the tip shop and ‘Just for Lids’ at the Warrane/Mornington Neighbourhood Centre.
She is working on getting two more up and running.
Tash Lowe has been chosen by Clarence Climate Action as its Climate Champion for June.
6 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 Community News Authorised by Heather Chong, PO Box 182, Richmond 7025 ADVERTISEMENT
Authorised by Rosalie Woodruff, Parliament House Hobart, TAS, 7000. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT Liberal Senator For Tasmania Authorised by Senator Claire Chandler, Liberal, 42 Bridge St, Richmond TAS 7025 SENATOR CLAIRE CHANDLER SenatorChandler 03 6260 2018 42 Bridge Street, Richmond, TAS 7025 Senator.Chandler@aph.gov.au Contact my office if you require assistance Authorised by
Winter MP Parliament House, Hobart DEAN WINTER Labor Member for Franklin 6212 2361 dean.winter @parliament.tas.gov.au Proud to stand up for the Eastern Shore ADVERTISEMENT
Plasticus Tasmania founder and Clarence Climate Action Climate Champion Tash Lowe
A place for reflection in Clarence
A NEW welcome plaque featuring artwork by Tasmanian Aboriginal artist Allan Mansell and words acknowledging the unceded lands of the Mumirimina people of the Oyster Bay Nation has been unveiled at the entrance of the Clarence City Council chambers.
The plaque was unveiled during National Reconciliation Week and features a sandstone
beach alongside, serving as a contemporary welcome point for all visitors to the Bligh Street building.
The installation also provides a place for recognition and contemplation, inviting visitors to sit and interact with the sculpture.
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said he was pleased to see more recognition of First
Nations people’s stories woven through the region.
“We are pleased to have again showcased Allan’s artwork, this time at the council chambers as it depicts an important story,” he said.
“It is important these stories are shared with our community so that we can evolve and learn together.
“takara limuna, along with recent installations in Richmond and now the welcome plaque outside chambers are examples of the council’s commitment to acknowledge the past atrocities and injustices committed against Australia’s First Nations people and to no longer shy away from the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us.”
The words featured on the plaque were developed by the council’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group with guidance from members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.
“While we mark the installation of our new welcome plaque we recognise that National Reconciliation Week is about reflecting on the work yet to be done,” Mayor Blomeley said.
“We are committed to listening to, learning from and recognising our First People of Lutruwita.”
Mornington roundabout upgrades
PART of the Australian Government’s $219 million investment through a Tasmanian roads package will go towards upgrades to the heavily-used Mornington roundabout.
Federal Member for Franklin Julie Collins said the Mornington roundabout was
a key pinch point that caused congestion and safety concerns.
“This investment will ensure the necessary upgrades for improved driveability and traffic flow,” she said.
“I welcome the additional funding for vital infrastructure projects in my electorate of Franklin, including for the
Mornington roundabout and the Algona Road upgrade.
“These projects have long been a concern for people in our local community.
“I look forward to continuing to work with the Tasmanian Government to ensure we can implement the best possible solutions for our community.”
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 7 Community News
Tasmanian Aboriginal artist Allan Mansell and Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley with the new welcome plaque at the entrance of the Clarence City Council chambers
The new welcome plaque, featuring artwork by Allan Mansell
Federal Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell, Federal Member for Franklin Julie Collins, Senator for Tasmania Helen Polley and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Medical centre’s new life
THREE doctors have joined forces to revitalise the Lauderdale General Practice at 444 South Arm Road.
Dr Zhan Chen, who grew up in New Zealand and had extensive training in Tasmania, has fulfilled a lifelong dream by spearheading the centre’s revival with support from Dr Hailey Woolveridge and Dr Jerome Muir Wilson.
The clinic also received support from the Tasmanian Government.
Dr Chen said the revitalised practice was committed to restoring reliable continuity of care and plans were underway to recruit two or three permanent doctors who share a passion for delivering quality, comprehensive healthcare to the Lauderdale community.
“We are excited to embark on this journey to revitalise Lauderdale General Practice,” he said.
“Our aim is not just to reopen its doors but
establish a beacon of healthcare excellence that our community can rely on for generations to come.”
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the centre was a health service Clarence residents deserved.
“This is fantastic news for Clarence and I thank Health Minister Guy Barnett for his efforts in supporting this critical service in our region,” he said.
“This practice is a key regional health clinic servicing hundreds of people living in Lauderdale and down the South Arm Peninsula.
“Healthy communities rely on their local GP and practices such as these so they can grow and thrive.
“At a time when health services across the state are stretched it is critical to keep services like the Lauderdale practice open to alleviate some of the pressure on the public hospital system.”
For more information visit www.lauderdalemc. com.au
8 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 Community News
TWO Eastern Shore primary schools, Clarendon Vale and Rokeby, will soon commence work on vital projects funded through the Australian Government’s Schools Upgrade Fund. Rokeby Primary received $250,000 while Clarendon Vale will utilise $400,000 for upgraded classrooms, new playground equipment and resurfaced and upgraded sporting facilities. Federal Member for Franklin Julie Collins said the upgrade fund made a real difference to schools, teachers and students across Tasmania. “Whether it is funding to build new classrooms, or a new multipurpose hall upgrade, everyone wins when local schools get more support so teachers and students can enjoy better facilities,” she said. “I want all students to get access to a quality education, including access to quality facilities to learn in and play on.
is another important step in building a better and fairer education system. “I am proud to be part of a government that is delivering important needs-based funding to Tasmanian schools.” Local schools get a facelift from federal funding boost The current play area at Rokeby Primary School EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED www.deliverfordollars.com.au
Dr Zhan Chen, Guy Barnett, Jacquie Petrusma and Dr Hailey Woolveridge at the Lauderdale Medical Centre
Rosny College musical soars
ROSNY College students are flying high off the back of dazzling audiences with their 2024 theatrical production of Catch Me If You Can The Musical.
“Rosny College has a proud and long-standing tradition of musical productions,” director Clare Latham said.
“This year’s production was a big and bright spectacle with high-energy dance numbers and an entertaining, actionpacked narrative.
“It showcased the range of skills and talents our students bring to their performances with spectacular dance numbers, beautiful songs and heartfelt and comedic dialogue.
“Our production team, where possible, was comprised of industry professionals and Rosny College alumni who gave our students the aspiration and understanding that a
career in the performing arts was achievable.”
The musical, based on the 2002 Steven Spielberg film adaptation, follows the true story of American con artist Frank Abagnale Junior who successfully posed as a pilot, doctor and lawyer whilst evading the FBI in the 1960s.
Production manager Andrew Holmes said the school musical was a student-driven experience focused on learning and developing skills across all areas of the musical theatre industry.
“These areas include stagecraft, singing, dancing, acting, backstage, sound design, lighting operation, costuming, front of house and being part of the musical band,” he said.
“It’s a really special and unique experience to witness students undertake this collaborative and handson learning journey.”
Tassal opens a new round of club grants
recently relaunched its Better Together Program at the Salmon Shop in
more local communities in 2024.
Tassal is encouraging Tasmanian community groups and clubs to apply for the chance to
The Parkside Foundation
feature on an in-store community jar and potentially receive a Tassal Better Together Grant.
Three groups will be selected each month with store customers receiving a Tassal token for every purchase, which can be used to cast a vote for their preferred group to receive sponsorship from the Tassal Community Foundation.
Applications are now open and will be reviewed each month.
For more information and to apply visit www. tassalgroup.com.au/ our-people/tassalcommunity-foundation
Lauderdale local picks up major Aquaculture Award
resident and Tassal team leader Blake
has been awarded the Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s (ASC) Young Person in Aquaculture Award alongside Tassal claiming the Above and Beyond Award during the Sustainable Food Week.
“I feel chuffed to receive such an award and want to thank Tassal for being an incredible support in my career journey,” Mr Newell said.
“I love being able to share my insights with the next generation
of young workers through connecting and supporting Tassal’s school farm tours.”
Chief commercial and risk officer Matt Vince said the Above and Beyond Award was recognition for Tassal’s responsible business, marketing and innovation projects launched in the last 12 months.
“Reducing our waste impact is a key priority for our business and we know from our consumer research that innovative and recyclable packaging is a key component for their top
sustainability priorities,” he said.
“We’ve removed more than 15 million soaker pads using sealed air hydrolock technology that was existing in other proteins and implemented that in seafood.
“In addition, our congratulations go to Blake Newell for his work as team leader at our channel site in Tasmania.
“Beyond Blake’s responsibilities as an operations team leader he actively supports the management team by proposing strategies to reduce fuel consumption and monitoring.”
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 9 Community News Supporting people with a disability
Individual and group support
Life skills development
Recreation and Leisure
Supported holidays
School holiday and after school programs
Respite - evening and overnight weekend
Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email enquiries@parkside.org.au www.parksidefoundation.org.au
enough to support you, small enough to care.
Salamanca as the team prepares to support
Rosny College students during the school’s 2024 production Catch Me If You Can The Musical
Tassal senior manager innovation and development Leanne Misener and operations team leader channel Blake Newell
Tassal’s community jars for the Better Together Grant Program
Community News
1 Preheat the oven to 180C.
2 Put chopped dates and sugar in a bowl and then add sliced butter.
3 Pour in boiling water, stirring until butter has melted completely.
4 Add sifted flour and then bicarbonate of soda, mixing well. Add vanilla.
5 Bake in a well greased loaf tin in a moderate oven for 45-50 minutes.
Aurora volunteers step up
AURORA Energy has teamed up with the St Vincent De Paul Society (Vinnies) to assemble and distribute thousands of snack packs for children in need during National Volunteer Week.
The initiative has seen all 250plus Aurora team members lend a hand to create the packs which will be distributed at Vinnies’ emergency relief offices.
Vinnies Chief Executive Officer Heather Kent said Aurora was showcasing the power of volunteering and what could be achieved when organisations banded together to support those less fortunate.
“It’s great to see a Tasmanian energy retailer like Aurora embrace volunteering and recognise the enormous impact initiatives like this can have on Tasmanian communities,” she said.
“These food packs will greatly assist school-aged Tasmanian children who would often go without food and also have to face the social stigma of not having a decent meal.
“We recently had roughly 250 of these packs delivered to the Vinnies emergency relief hub and they were all gone within a week.
“At Vinnies, we could not operate without our volunteers and we owe everything to those members who play an integral role in helping us support Tasmanian communities.”
Aurora Energy Chief Executive Officer Nigel Clark said the food packs were part of a 12-month effort to involve more staff in volunteer work.
“This year we have seen a 600 per cent increase in our volunteering efforts at Aurora,” he said.
“Supporting organisations such as Vinnies is important to our culture.”
Early testing for ferry expansion
THE four greater Hobart councils are taking the initiative to progress the expansion of the Derwent Ferry service and help get the expanded ferry service happening.
“Geological testing is currently being undertaken at Lindisfarne by Burbury Consulting as part of preliminary site assessments for potential ferry terminal
locations,” Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.
“I must stress this is very early investigative work to assess if the area in vicinity of Lindisfarne Sailing Club could support a ferry terminal before any decision to investigate the site further can be considered.
“Burbury Consulting has been engaged by the City of Hobart on
behalf of the four greater Hobart councils.
“With the support of the Australian Government, our councils have already secured $20 million in federal funding for ferry terminals at Lindisfarne, Sandy Bay and Wilkinsons Point and will keep working to progress this vital service for our city.”
10 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 Hobart Su ppor t grou p for people living with Crohn’s or colitis Third Wednesday of ever y month at 6.30pm. Level 2, 130 Macquar ie St, Hobar t For more infor mation, visit crohnsandcolitis org au/ su ppor t- grou ps For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Method
250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature)
50 ml warm water
1 tsp Salt
1 Tsp sugar • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 500g plain flour • 2 tsp dry yeast. • Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional)
To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.
When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool.
next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.
In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.
In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.
When dough has risen again flatten out slightly
sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside. 6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins. 7. Set oven to 195oC 8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds. 9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf. 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles. 11. Let cool a bit then eat! Enjoy PUMPKIN BREAD Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Chefaholic Cooking School A paddock to plate cooking experience for all Ingredients • 1 x 2kg whole duck • 150g butter • 100ml Grand Marnier
50ml vinegar
50g castor sugar • Juice of 3 oranges • 6 oranges Method Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes. Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency. Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down. Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy! A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL Ingredients DATE
1 cup dates chopped
1 cup brown sugar lightly packed
60g butter
1 cup boiling water • 1 3/4 cups self-raising flour sifted • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda • 2 tsp vanilla essence
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(Centre) Vinnies CEO Heather Kent and Aurora Energy CEO Nigel Clark with Aurora volunteers. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
The Derwent Ferry docked at the Bellerive Public Pier
Community News
Providing relief from the cold
FORMER disability support
worker ‘Irish’ credits the St Vincent De Paul Society’s (Vinnies) with saving his life –twice.
After losing his job, dealing with the breakdown of his marriage and suffering from a serious brain injury, Irish lived in his car for several months before walking straight up to the front door of Vinnies’ Bethlehem House.
As it had done for many other Hobart men, Bethlehem House provided the support and shelter Irish desperately needed to get his life back on track.
“Being here, I feel safe and cared for,” Irish said.
“Bethlehem House took me in when I was at my darkest point and I am so grateful to the care and support they have shown me.
“My hope is that Tasmanians can get behind the Vinnies
Winter Appeal this year so they can continue to assist people like me.”
Funds raised through the Winter Appeal will address the rising cost-of-living pressures and affordable housing shortages affecting vulnerable Tasmanian communities.
Vinnies chief executive officer Heather Kent said she was concerned about the current crisis in Tasmania and in particular the number of people not able to find appropriate housing.
“A staggering 2,350 Tasmanian were reported as homeless in the 2021 census,” she said.
“We know the number has grown since then. In February of this year there were 4,705 people on the waiting list for social housing with the average time to house priority applicants being 92.6 weeks.
“With the cost of housing
continuing to rise amidst supply shortages, a record number of people are experiencing housing stress.”
Funds raised through the appeal will go towards providing emergency food hampers, food vouchers, financial assistance, funding for prescription medication and warm blankets and clothing for Tasmanians experiencing homelessness.
“Vinnies is working hard to reduce the number of Tasmanians having to spend sleepless nights in a tent, car or in insecure accommodation,” Ms Kent said.
“Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who are struggling during these challenging times.”
Donations to the Vinnies Winter Appeal can be made by calling 13 18 12 or online at www. donate.vinnies.org.au/appeals-tas/ winter-warmth-tas
Focus on felines in Clarence City
the introduction of a Dog Policy in 2021, the Clarence City Council is seeking community feedback on cat ownership and management.
Community members can have their say on cat registration, identification, curfews, confinement, roaming, microchipping, desexing and cat-prohibited areas to protect wildlife.
Pet owners and non-pet-owners are encouraged to have their say during the consultation period to ensure a range of views are
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the consultation was an opportunity to understand community expectations around cat management.
“This is a fantastic chance to learn more about cat ownership and experiences in our region and ensure we are doing what we can as a council to make it a positive experience for all,” he said.
“We also hope to receive a broad range of views, including those who don’t own a cat, so we can better understand community
perceptions and thoughts on the introduction of a cat management policy.
“We know that some of our neighboring councils have effective pet management policies in place that balance the needs of their community.
“Like our Dog Policy does, having a Cat Policy could work as a mechanism to protect the interests of both cat owners and non-cat-owners.”
To have your say on cats in Clarence visit www.yoursay.ccc. tas.gov.au
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 11 personal... with care that makes the difference Phillip Stephens FUNERALS ph: (03) 6245 0544 www.psfunerals.com Office - 25 Electra Place, Mornington Chapel - 28 Riawena Road, Rosny
Meet new people, join bus trips and in-house activities. To discuss our competitive daily rates and your transport options to and from Bisdee call us on 03 6277 8800 CELEBRATING YEARS Bisdee Community Centre give yourself a break! 2-10 WINDSOR ST GLENORCHY glenview.org.au No Spray Register Applications opening soon Applications will be open for one month, closing 30 June 2024. Clarence City Council’s No Spray Register will be open to new applications on 1 June 2024. Find out more at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/nospray
Vinnies chief executive officer Heather Kent with Bethlehem House resident ‘Irish’. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
Visit a waterfall wonderland this winter
Jo Cordell-Cooper
I LOVE bush walking, I love everything about it from the journey, the camaraderie, the solitude and the destination.
I love the hunger I get and the tiredness over the day.
I love feeling warm on a really cold day and there is nothing more perfect than hiking into a waterfall just after it’s rained. Today it rained, so while I write this I have waterfalls on my mind. Here are my favourite waterfalls you might like to explore alone, with your family or your four legged friend (check which are dog friendly).
All are within a 40 minute drive from Hobart.
• Silver Falls Fern Tree in Wellington Park (kunanyi) a one kilometre well marked track with a gentle incline at the end, you can retrace your steps or continue along a circuit that is a little more strenuous.
• Cascade Falls and Secret Falls can be accessed from the
end of Old Farm Road, South Hobart
• Snug Falls is a 2 km wellformed track, about an hour return. This popular track leads to a magnificent waterfall and it’s a dog friendly track also. It’s worth taking a snack because you can explore along this river quite safely.
• Collinsvale Waterfall is also known as Mrytle Forest Falls, again it’s an easy road to follow and then a bush track and some stairs.
• O’Grady Falls are also on Mt Wellington, kunanyi and can be accessed a number of ways.
• Strickland Falls are in South Hobart off Strickland Avenue.
• Gentle Annie Falls can be accessed by foot via the Waterworks Reserve.
Waterfall visits (actually, any nature experience) are a great way to de-stress.
The feel good hormones that are released as we move outdoors, whether for gardening, bushwalking or walking beside
our beautiful river are well documented.
Taking note of the sounds around us, the wind and the icy blasts are grounding.
They bring us to the here and now, a wonderful application of mindfulness that ultimately calms the mind.
I strongly encourage you to get out and about over winter and celebrate his beautiful place we live in.
If you’d like to research a little further I found website Waterfalls of Tasmania a great source of information.
If you’d like to share your waterfall on socials tag my facebook group Holistic Hiker.
Jo Cordell-Cooper is an award winning Personal Trainer (PT of the Year twice). Make contact at jocc. com.au, jo@jocc.com.au for personal training and Friday NIGHT Hikes –beginners hiking group. Jo is about to take a group of clients to hike the world-renowned Larapinta Trail in Central Australia. To follow on socials go to Holistic Hiker.
Seeking community champions
THE search for Tasmania’s inspiring individuals, local businesses and community groups are now open through nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards.
Nominations are open in 11 categories recognising the community members that showcase the empowerment of diversity, sustainability, health
and wellbeing, customer service and community safety.
Since 2007, the Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards have been encouraging, acknowledging and rewarding the valuable contributions that individuals, communities and business make throughout Tasmania.
The awards recognise significant success and achievements in local
Teeth grinding and clenching
BRUXISM is the grinding or clenching of the teeth that is not part of normal chewing movements. It can lead to damage to the teeth and jaw joints and can occur during the daytime or at night whilst sleeping.
When grinding the teeth during sleep, the person has no conscious control over these actions.
Signs and symptoms
Teeth grinding or clenching: This may be loud enough to wake up your sleep partner.
Dental damage: Fractured, chipped, or loose teeth, multiple broken fillings.
Tooth pain or sensitivity: Worn tooth enamel, exposing deeper layers of your tooth.
Jaw discomfort: Tired or tight jaw muscles, soreness, or a locked jaw.
Headache: Dull headache, ear ache or jaw pain.
If you experience any of these signs, consider consulting a dentist for an examination and appropriate treatment.
The exact cause of bruxism is not fully understood but it may be related to a combination of physical, psychological and genetic factors.
Stress, anxiety, certain medications, alcohol and caffeine consumption, smoking and other mental disorders can increase the risk of developing bruxism.
Some sleep disorders like snoring and Sleep Apnea is also identified as a risk
factor for Bruxism.
Treatment for bruxism varies depending on its severity.
Mild cases may not require treatment while more severe cases might need a combination of dental approaches, therapies and medications.
Common treatment options
Behavioural and stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, counselling or massages can help manage stress and reduce bruxism.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) can be effective, especially if stress or anxiety is a significant factor.
Dental approaches
For people with ongoing teeth clenching or grinding causing discomfort or tooth damage, a dentist may recommend an occlusal splint which works to protect the teeth from the effects of grinding when sleeping and decreases the symptoms such as discomfort from the muscles and jaw joint linked to the grinding.
Custom-made devices by
a dentist are typically more effective than over-thecounter options.
If snoring or sleep apnea is involved special intraoral appliance, a mandibular advancement splint, can be made by your dentist to treat bruxism and the sleep disorders.
In severe cases dental work to align the teeth properly may be recommended.
Dental fillings or crowns may be required to repair the damaged or worn tooth structure.
Severe tooth wear can affect the appearance of teeth and a smile.
In extreme cases badly damaged teeth may need to be removed.
Self-care and home remedies
Relaxation techniques such as warm baths, massages or a hot compress on the jaw before bedtime can reduce symptoms.
If you would like specific advise or would like to discuss about your suitability for custom made oral appliance to treat bruxism or sleep apnea, contact Island Dental on 6231 2356.
communities which contribute to making Tasmania a better place. Each category winner will be presented with a Career College prize package and a trophy.
To submit a nomination visit www.awardsaustralia.com/tascaa or call 6234 9677.
Nominations close Wednesday
21 July, for further assistance call the awards office on 6234 9677 or email caa@awardsaustralia.com
12 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024
Shop 6 / 35-37 Gordon St, Sorell & Contact us! Phone 6 231 235 6 Email i n f o @ i s l a n d d en t a l h o b a r t c Scan here or visit islanddentalhobart.com.au to book an appointment. Dr Sam Yeoh Dr Joey Wong Dr Mamta Arya The Caring Dental Team In both Hobart and Sorell! NOW OFFERING Implant replacements for missing teeth. Advertisement Community News
The Secret Falls near the end of Old Farm Road in South Hobart
Joining forces for Tasmania’s biggest cat adoption event
SOUTHERN Tas Cat Rescue Inc (STCR) and Birchgrove Feline Assistance Inc (BFA) are joining forces to host a huge cat and kitten adoption event on Saturday 22 June at the Moonah Community Centre, 7 Gormanston Road Moonah.
This special event will feature a wide range of felines ready for adoption.
Attendees can meet kitties of different
ages, personalities and colours with volunteers on hand to ensure each cat finds the perfect match with a loving family.
Each cat is socialised, desexed, microchipped, parasite treated and vaccinated and ready to find their forever home.
Both organisations are registered charities and volunteer-run foster and home-based rescues.
STCR, based in the Huon Valley and
Kingborough, has been rescuing cats since 2016.
Its team of very experienced rescuers and foster carers offers cat management advice and assistance to property owners.
BFA, in Dodges Ferry, was founded in 2021 by two passionate feline lovers dedicated to helping rehome stray and surrendered cats.
Birchgrove’s mission now extends to community support,
offering cat care advice, promoting cat containment and running a pet food pantry program in the Sorell municipality, providing free pet food to those in need. Both rescues rely entirely on volunteers and public donations. For more information contact Southern Tas Cat Rescue or Birchgrove Feline Assistance via the organisations’ website or Facebook pages.
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 13 Calculate yours at taxcuts.gov.au Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra Tax cuts for every taxpayer Estimate yours with the tax cut calculator. Coin, Stamp & Collectables Fair Saturday 22nd
coin donation entry) Howrah Community Centre, 11 Howrah Road, Howrah Multiple stall holders buying and selling Enquires please call Aaron 0405 672 050 S A T U R D A Y J U N E 2 2 N D 1 0 A M - 4 P M M O O N A H C O M M U N I T Y C E N T R E 7 G O R M A N S T O N R D , M O O N A H Scan for more Event Info ENFIELD KENNELS & CATTERY DOG & CAT RESORT Only 15 minutes from the airport! 0459 998 009 Enfield Lane – Campania www.enfieldkennels.com.au
June 10am to 2:30pm (Gold
look after your prized dogs and cats, and give them a holiday whilst you are on holiday!
STCR rescue Arrow
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Grace’s journey is a story of resilience, dedication and care
GRACE Shimomura, a single mother from the Philippines moved to Launceston in 2022 to care for her ageing mother, Rita, not knowing the full extent of what dementia care entailed.
Grace’s journey into caring was sudden. Rita had suffered a fall and was struggling to live alone after the death of her second husband in 2021.
Rita, an 82-year-old war widow, suffers from vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s and Lewy body dementia (LBD).
Due to her mother’s deteriorating health, Grace had to abruptly leave her career and teenage children in the Philippines.
She is now working on their migration documents to reunite with them in Tasmania, which will enable her to continue caring for Rita.
Rita’s condition requires constant care which includes arranging transport to medical appointments, managing prescriptions and handling financial matters.
“Before coming here, I didn’t know much about dementia beyond forgetfulness,” Grace said.
“I quickly learned that being a full-time carer involves managing every aspect of my mother’s life.”
One of the biggest challenges Grace faces is navigating the Australian healthcare system, particularly as a newcomer to the country.
“Navigating these systems is overwhelming but I have found tremendous support from Carer Gateway,” Grace said.
Carer Gateway has provided Grace with crucial resources and support including free counselling, mental health workshops and peer support groups.
Particularly helpful has been Carer Gateway’s coaching service which offers practical guidance and emotional support.
Through free coaching sessions,
Grace has learned to break down her tasks into manageable steps and has received practical advice on organising her mother’s care.
“Carer Gateway has been a lifeline,” grace said.
“My coach was thorough and encouraging. She helped me create actionable steps, which made everything less overwhelming.
“She has been my accountability partner and has been instrumental in helping me focus and stay on track.”
Grace also benefits from peer support groups facilitated by Carer Gateway, where she connects with other carers, shares experiences and gains insights that help her in her role.
She now volunteers a couple of hours every month to lead her local carers group.
“Knowing I have a support through Carer Gateway gives me peace of mind. It’s comforting to share and hear stories from others in similar situations,” Grace said.
Despite the challenges of caring, Grace cherishes the moments she spends with her mother.
“Most days, mum is mobile, has an appetite, and enjoys her choir and Sunday outings. These moments are precious,” she said.
“Being a carer can be lonely and isolating sometimes. So, knowing that there is help out there, one number I can call just gives me peace of mind.”
Grace’s journey as a carer is a testament to her love and dedication.
With the support of Carer Gateway, she continues to provide her mother with the best possible care.
If you are in a similar situation and need help with your caring role contact Carer Gateway’s Tassie team at Care2Serve.
Call 1800 422 737 (and select 1 from the menu) or visit the website at www.carergateway.gov.au
Grace is a carer for her mum Rita, who has dementia.
With Carer Gateway’s support, Grace was able to access free coaching and counselling and connect with other carers through her local Peer Support Group.
Care2Serve is the local Tassie team connecting Tasmanian carers to Carer Gateway.
If you are a carer and would like help too, contact us.
Support is free, inclusive and confidential.
16 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 Advertisement Call 1800 422 737 (press 1) or visit carergateway.gov.au
Carer Gateway’s Tasmanian team provided free support and helped us access services. Grace - Carer PRINCES WHARF 1 in HOBART 9am - 4pm Saturday 6 July 10am - 4pm Sunday 7 July Find a new favourite read and help kids in need! Free entry, kids activities, family fun, food & bargain books. 100% of the funds go to support Tassiekids!
Carer Grace Shimomura and her mother Rita
The benefits of having a will and power of attorney
A WILL in Australia serves as a crucial legal document outlining how you want your assets distributed after your death, here are some key benefits.
Clarity and control
With a Will, you have the power to decide who receives your assets, money and possessions which ensures your wishes are clearly documented and followed, minimising the potential for disputes among family members.
Protection of loved ones
A Will allows you to provide for your family and loved ones even after you’re gone.
You can designate guardians for minor children, ensuring they’re cared for by people you trust. Additionally, you can make provisions for the financial support of family members who may rely on you.
Efficient estate administration
Without a Will your estate is subject to intestacy laws which dictate how your assets will be distributed.
This can lead to your estate passing to people you do not wish to benefit.
It can further lead to delays and complications
in settling your affairs. A properly drafted Will can streamline the probate process, making it easier for your executor to manage your estate.
Tax efficiency Through strategic estate planning in your Will you can minimise the tax burden on your estate and beneficiaries.
This may involve structuring your estate in a way that maximises tax benefits or takes advantage of available exemptions and deductions.
Peace of mind
Creating a Will provides peace of mind, knowing
Make time for a Will
The team at Simmons Wolfhagen Lawyers
that you’ve taken steps to ensure your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are provided for.
It also relieves your family of the burden of making difficult decisions during a time of grief.
In summary, having
a Will in Australia empowers you to control the distribution of your assets, protect your loved ones, streamline estate administration, optimise tax outcomes and achieve peace of mind.
An enduring power of attorney serves as a document giving a trusted person the control of your legal, business and financial life if you have lost capacity for decision making.
Whilst a Will operates after your death an
enduring power of attorney operates during your lifetime.
It is an essential tool to ensure your life runs as smoothly as possible if you cannot make decisions for a short, medium or long term.
Simmons Wolfhagen Lawyers Wills & Estate Planning team will ensure your affairs are secure and your wishes for your family and loved ones are legally protected in case the unexpected happens. Make time for a Will.
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Cross-country and road running for the over 30s from April to September at various locations in southern Tasmania. Go to tasmastersathletics.org.au or email tasmasterssec@gmail.com for enquiries.
With the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience friendship, camping and adventures while learning leadership, management skills and much more. If you are aged 13-17 years old, register your interest today. Go to www.armycadets.gov.au or email 63acu@armycadets.gov.au
Piano and singing lessons for ages seven to adult. Performance opportunities, AMEB exams and eisteddfods. Phone Suzanne Ortuso on 0407 430 902.
Join our first Sunday of the month or Monday working bees, from 10am – noon. Phone Graeme on 0467 514 667 or Tassie on 0417 516 176 and help us care for our coastline.
Our members meet on weekdays at 17 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. Groups include painting and drawing, needlecraft, textiles and threads of all types, card making, artist's books and basket making. Visitors are welcome. Check our website or call secretary Lynne on 0407 470 214 for more information.
Bellerive CWA hold meetings on first Monday of each month (except January), starting at 11.30am for handcraft and continuing with a meeting at 1pm. Phone 0408 478 546 for further information.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, alternating day/night, at the Howrah Community Centre, 11 Howrah Road Howrah. Come and enjoy our guest speakers. For more information phone Mike Geard on 0400 974 056 or visit www.bellerivehistory.com
Come visit the Bellerive Sound Museum. Re-live the early days of recorded music and Radio. Located at 19 Cambridge Rd, Cambridge, in the old Bellerive Post Office. Open Wednesday to Friday 11am to 3pm and Saturday 10am to 1pm. Enquiries: contact 6135 4814.
Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building, Battery Point. Call 1300 064 068 for dates and details.
The Eastern Shore Ramblers club meet every Sunday to enjoy bushwalking. There are walks for a range of fitness and experience levels, with friendly members ready to welcome and guide you. We also enjoy social gatherings throughout the year with some weekends away. For more information email easternshoreramblers@gmail.com
The Clarence City Band is based at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. The band caters for all tastes and ensembles and provides a development program for members of the community to learn a musical instrument. For more information visit www.ClarenceCityBand.com.au
A local community group working towards positive climate solutions, with the view that together, people can make a better future. For more information, visit clarenceclimateaction.org or the Clarence Climate Action Facebook page.
Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities. Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am - 12pm. Phone Romana Sanders on 6244 4736.
Held every Tuesday night from 7pm - 10pm at the Howrah Community Centre. Listen and dance to a great resident band and walk-up singers. There are door prizes, raffles, spot dances and lucky number cards. Entry fee is $4. For more information, visit Clarence Country Facebook page or email clarence.country@gmail.com
Clarence Ladies Probus Club meets at Bellerive Yacht Club at 10am on the third Monday of each month. Come along and meet our friendly group.
Meets at the Clarence GP Super Clinic in Rosny Park on the first Friday of the month. Bus trips on the fourth Monday of the month. Come along and share a cuppa and conversation. Contact president Shirley Sonners on 0408 129 093.
A monthly event where you can buy locally made items, produce, upcycled and second-hand products. 11 Ralph Terrace, Rokeby from 10am-2pm on the third Saturday of each month. Everyone welcome!
Meet at Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny on Wednesdays from 9:30am. Phone Dot Batt on 6244 6276 or 0400 607 355.
The Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre hosts the Clarence Plains Growers and Crafters Market on the third Saturday of every month. The market is held at the Grace Centre, 11 Ralph Terrace, from 10am - 2pm.
The Coal River Valley Garden Club Inc meets on the fourth Monday of the month from January to November at the Richmond Football Club Rooms, Richmond War Memorial Oval, Victoria Street, at 7:30pm and includes guest speakers, trade table and supper. New members always welcome. For more information, phone 6260 2727.
Crew Fitness is a not-for-profit community fitness group offering bootcamp and high-intensity interval training. Classes run for 45 minutes, Monday – Friday at 6am, Saturdays at 7:45am. It is based out of the Lindisfarne Sailing Club. New members welcome.
Eastern Shore Croquet Club would like to invite new players to the club. Equipment and lessons are provided, in a friendly environment. 59 South Street, Bellerive. Phone Ian Smith on 0457 194 772.
The Eastern Shore Bridge Club meets at the Clarence Uniting Church in York Street Bellerive on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. If you are interested in learning to play bridge or wish to join the walk-in sessions, phone our secretary Warren Papworth on 0439 323 505 or email esbctas@gmail.com All levels are welcome.
Love to play Mahjong? We're looking for new members to join us. Come along to the Rosny Library in Bligh St from 1-4pm on Thursday afternoons. The cost each week is $5. Some playing experience is essential. Bring along your own cup, tea bag or coffee for afternoon tea. Please contact Sue on 6244 5021 for more information.
Meets at the Sunshine Centre, Howrah Road on Monday from 9am - 12:30pm, Wednesday noon3:30pm, and Saturday 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Contact Ailene on 0418 425 843 (Monday and Wednesday) and Marianne on 0408 487 445 (Saturday).
Need a household item repaired for free? Bring it along to the Eastside Repair Cafe at Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre, 150A Bligh St. Volunteers will be there to help you fix your clothing, crockery, garden tools, furniture, toys, jewellery and more. Phone Katie on 0499 078 490 or email eastsiderepaircafe@gmail.com
Learn about “looking after yourself” by attending the monthly informal get-togethers presented by All About Fitness. Entry by gold coin donation, and includes a cuppa. Book early as seating is limited. Email paul@allaboutfitness.net.au or call 0417 836 988
Free group fitness sessions in parks across Clarence, open to all. For details, go to liveclarence.com.au/fitness-in-the-park
The Forcett Community Hall’s Handmade and Farmers’ Market is usually held on the third Sunday of each month.
An aerobic fitness program designed for over-55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30pm - 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.
Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.
Radio controlled, fixed wing and rotary aircraft at Kelly Field on the Richmond/Campania Road. Flying every day from 9am until early afternoon, weather permitting. Instruction available and visitors most welcome. For more information, phone Barry Gerrard on 0417 032 901, email bgerrard@bigpond.net.au or visit hobartmodelaeroclub.org.au.
Regular gatherings at our new headquarters (274 Shark Point Road, Penna) from 9am Wednesdays. Enquiries phone 0408 373 900 or email hvmssec@gmail.com
Meeting at Howrah Community Centre every Friday, 10am - 12pm. Guest speakers, varied activities and occasional bus trips. Phone Brian on 0438 779 969 for enquiries.
The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday, 9:30am - 4pm. At other times, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.
Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am - noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members
welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.
A knitter’s group for anyone who loves to knit while having a chat. We meet every Tuesday, 11am to 12:30pm at the Good News Christian Church, Berega Street Howrah. There is no cost and all are welcome. Sorry, no child minding available.
An opportunity to join a fun and friendly social club in your local community. We meet at the Motor Yacht Club in Lindisfarne from 10am on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include regular bus trips, Christmas Lunch and more. New members welcome. Phone 0437 804 440 or email plindisfarneladies@gmail.com
The Lauderdale Canal Model Boating group meets at the Northern Terrace in Lauderdale from 9am each Saturday, weather permitting. Everyone is welcome. Come along and see a wide selection of model boats sailing, and maybe you will be encouraged to take up the hobby and join the group. For more information call Randall on 6287 7158.
Rehearsals at Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre, with concerts around Hobart. Phone Rob Billing on 0418 146 224.
Come along and have a look at our library. Includes fiction, non-fiction, large print and a Tasmanian books section. Hours are Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm and Saturday 10am - noon. Membership is $7 yearly. For more information, phone Diane on 0400 043 297.
We are a friendly community choir, always happy to welcome new members. We rehearse on Thursdays at 7 pm at Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Maggie on 0407 717 423 or Janet on 0423 970 039.
Meets at the Lindisfarne Activities Centre from 1011.45am Fridays. We have guest speakers every week, on topics including health, travel, history, sport, food and music. New members always welcome. Join us for an interesting talk, a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit. Phone Claire Chalmers on 6243 6689 for enquiries.
Committed to serve the community. Meets at Lions Clubrooms, 10 Binalong Road, Mornington on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Rod on 0447 002 112.
Come and enjoy a game of mahjong at the Eastern Shore Croquet Club (59 South Street, Bellerive). New and experienced players are welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Phone Francine on 0439 485 114 for more details.
If you are interested in finding out what Masons do, then Masonic Membership may be for you. Email your enquiry to lindisfarnelodge46tc@gmail.com Advise your name and contact phone, and we will respond.
Suitable for every body. Gentle Yoga: Wednesday 11am; Mat Pilates: Friday 12.30pm. At the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au
MOVEMENT IN WARRANE Gentle Flow Yoga: Monday 8.30am; Mat Pilates: Wednesday 9am. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au
Play at Wentworth Park, Howrah. Mens, womens, mixed and juniors competition, all ages and skill levels welcome. Email phantomstfc@hotmail.com for more information or follow @phantomstouchfootball on instagram.
Painting in all mediums. The group meets from 9.30am12.30pm Tuesdays. For more information phone Gail Ellen on 0427 658 775.
The Club meets at the Abundant Life Church on South Arm Road from 10am on the third Tuesday of each month (except December/January). The meeting is followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include dinners, excursions, quizzes, Christmas events and walking, cards and craft groups. For further information please visit our website or phone Scott Jennings on 0458 009 786.
Monday: Clarence Plains Walkers and Knopwood Knitters. Tuesday: Sewing and craft and basic sewing. Wednesday: Dancing with Hiroko, and Be Connected basic computers. Wednesday 11am: Zumba with Karoline. Every second Wednesday: Two-course community lunch (free). Every second Thursday: Basic Photography. Friday: Staying Strong Living Well exercise group. Every second Friday: PINGO ($10, inc. morning tea). 85 Tollard Drive, Rokeby. Phone 6247 6778 or email admin@rokebync.org.au
Monthly working bees planting and maintaining native bushland usually held on the third Sunday of the month from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Locations vary between Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area or the Rosny Montagu Bay Foreshore Reserve. For more
information, email rmbcareinc@gmail.com or phone John on 0419 826 052.
Classes in embroidery, paper craft and cards, beading, quilting and bear-making. Meets Thursdays from 9.30am at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 28 Rowena Rd. Phone Irene on 0407 489 833 or Kay on 6243 8060.
Rotary Talks - Ben Hornsey from Involve Wealth will explain how to retire sooner without running out of money. 6.15pm Wednesday 17 July 2024. Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania Ford Parade Lindisfarne. Secure your free ticket at https://bit.ly/3KjO48P
The Club meets at the Howrah Community Centre from 10am on the third Monday each month. Mornings consist of a meeting followed by morning tea, a guest speaker and/or other activities. For more information email elvina7@bigpond.com or write to The Secretary, Shoreline Combined Probus Club, PO Box 777 Rosny Park, TAS 7018.
The market runs from 9.30am-1pm on the first Sunday of each month.
Square dancing for beginners, couples and singles welcome. Currently being held in Bellerive; coming to Moonah. Weekly classes on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@hotmail.com
St Mark’s Anglican Church Op Shop at Bellerive operates Wednesday and Friday from 9am –3pm. We sell fresh produce, plants, preserves, books, toys and general products. There is also a coffee shop on Fridays. Corner of Scott and Clarence streets.
Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com
365 Support Fitness run senior strength, balance and flexibility classes on Tuesdays at 9am and noon and Fridays at 9am and noon. They are held at the PCYC in Bellerive and cost $8 a class. For more information, phone 0407 967 961 or email 365sfitness@gmail.com
TASMANIAN RETIREMENT VILLAGE RESIDENTS Tasmanian Retirement Village Residents (TRVR) are missing out compared to their mainland counterparts, who each have a TRVR Association. We do not. A group of residents in the north are trying to rectify that by setting up the Tasmanian Association for Residents of Retirement Villages. Southern members are needed. More information at TARRV.online
Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub.org.au.
Thylacine lutruwita is a not-for-profit wildlife protection hospital and cat desexing clinic based at 553 Pass Road, Mornington. They do cat desexing and a microchip for only $49.99. To book an appointment, phone 6146 0699 or visit www.thylacinelutruwita.com.au
Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am - noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session, working during school terms. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.
U3A Clarence is a co-operative learning organisation for retired and semi-retired people, run by volunteers. We offer a variety of courses including Painting, Clarence History, Trivia, Aspects of Geology, Poetry, Mah Jong, French for Beginners, and more. Three ten-week sessions each year. Classes held at Rosny Library between 9.30am and 1pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. More details: u3aclarence.com
The Warrane Community Garden hosts a monthly working bee on the third Sunday of the month 9am - 12pm. Weekly mini-bees are on Friday between 10 - 12pm. 18 Heemskirk St, Warrane. All are welcome. Please bring a cup, your garden gloves, and a favourite weeding tool if you have one. For more information, call 0499 078 490 or visit wmnc.org.au/community-garden
Mondays: Yoga 8.30am and 9.45am, Youth After School
Program 3pm. Tuesdays: Food and Fun 10am, Loui’s Van 6.10pm, Pilates 5pm and 6pm. Wednesdays: Community Breakfast 8:30am, Food Assistance from 9am, Community Lunch fortnightly 12pm ($5 donation). Thursdays: Pilates 10am. Fridays: Wellness Workout 10.30am ($5 per class). Last Saturday of the month: Eastside Repair Café 2–4pm. Sundays: Pilates 8:30am. 150a Bligh Street. Phone 6244 6346, email info@wmnc. org.au or visit www.wmnc.org.au for more information.
YOGA AND PILATES IN HOWRAH Gentle yoga classes on Tuesdays at 5:30pm at the Howrah Recreation Centre. For more information phone Jackie on 0467 197 499.
18 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024
you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.
The 2024-25 federal budget A FINANCIAL MOMENT
Damian Gibson, Partner and Financial Adviser, Elevate Wealth
Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down his third budget in May 2024. Similar to his last budget, the Government was faced with many of the same economic challenges with the key theme being cost of living.
During periods of high inflation, policy makers are faced with a dilemma when it comes to balancing
the provision of financial support to those who need it and injecting too much cash into the economy, which can further increase inflation.
The Government has proposed a range of cost of living measures to help Aussies.
Here we look at some of the main budget items impacting Australians.
Energy bill relief
All Australian households will receive an energy rebate of $300 and eligible
* Plus Medicare levy/surcharge where applicable.
Freeze on cost of PBS medicines
The maximum Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) copayment of $7.70 will be frozen for pensioners and Commonwealth concession cardholders until 31 December 2029. For all other Medicare card holders the copayment of $31.60 will be frozen until 1 January 2026.
The co-payment is the amount that must be contributed towards the cost of PBS subsidised medicines.
Super on Paid Parental Leave Superannuation
Guarantee contributions will be paid to all recipients of Government-funded Paid Parental Leave from 1 July 2025.
Contributions will be at the same rate as employer contributions under the Superannuation Guarantee, which will be 12% from 1 July 2025.
Deeming rates to stay frozen in 2024/25
The ‘deeming rates’ that are used to assess income from financial investments such as bank accounts, shares and managed funds will remain unchanged until 30 June 2025. Instead of assessing actual investment and bank account earnings, the deeming rates are used to determine the income that certain financial investments earn for the purpose of calculating entitlements to certain payments and benefits. This may benefit Age Pensioners, other income support recipients and concession card holders.
Instant asset write-off extended Small businesses with a turnover less than $10 million will be able to claim an immediate tax deduction for the full cost of eligible assets costing less than $20,000 for another 12 months until 30 June 2025.
small businesses will receive $325 from 1 July 2024. It’s not yet known exactly when rebates will be applied to accounts.
Tax cuts for all taxpayers
From 1 July 2024, 13.6 million taxpayers will pay less tax compared to the current financial year, when the re-worked Stage 3 tax cuts take effect.
The table below outlines the new rates and thresholds from 1 July 2024 compared to the current financial year.
The $20,000 threshold applies to each eligible asset purchased.
The asset must be first used or installed ready for use between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025. The measures announced as part of the 2024/2025 Budget are subject to Royal Assent and are not yet law.
If you would like to discuss how best to take advantage of these measures, get in contact with your Financial Adviser who can tailor a plan to suit your needs.
The information in this article is factual in nature. It reflects our understanding of existing legislation, proposed legislation, rulings etc as at the date of issue, and may be subject to change. In some cases, the information has been provided to us by third parties. While it is believed the information is accurate and reliable, this is not guaranteed in any way. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.
Preparing for the 2023-24 tax time
Hank Jongen, General Manager, Services Australia
HELLO everyone.
Many people lodge a tax return at tax time, which is from July to October every year.
Whether you need to lodge one or not, there’s often something to do.
Check if you need to lodge a tax return
The easiest way to check if you need to lodge is using the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) ‘Do I need to lodge a tax return?’ tool. It’s available at ato. gov.au from 1 July 2024.
If you need to lodge, and you get payments from us or other income from employment, all these details should pre-fill in ATO myTax through myGov by late July.
Using pre-filled information helps to avoid mistakes and the need to amend and re-submit your tax return. myTax will tell you when you’re tax ready.
Understanding what happens and what you may need to do at tax time
If you get certain payments from us, you can check the
amount and deductions for tax you made that financial year on your Centrelink payment summary.
You can access this from early July in your Centrelink online account through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
Some payments don’t show on the payment summary and won’t pre-fill in ATO myTax. You might need to add them to your tax return yourself. This includes disaster and pandemic payments.
If you’re not eligible for Medicare for all or part of the financial year and want to claim the Medicare levy exemption you can ask us for a Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES). You can claim from March, so claim early to avoid the rush. You need a MES to apply for the Medicare levy exemption in your tax return. The ATO will decide if you need to pay the Medicare levy.
If you get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS), we’ll balance your payments after you lodge your tax return, or you tell us online that you don’t need to lodge.
What you need to do depends
on the payment you get and your family’s circumstances.
Watch out for scams
Scams and identity theft often increase during tax time.
Scammers may tell you to click on a link or ask you to enter your myGov sign in details so they can steal your personal information.
Be wary of emails, phone calls, texts and social media messages claiming to be from us, the ATO, myGov or another government department. If in doubt, don’t respond.
To safely access your myGov account and linked services, use the official myGov app or sign in at my.gov.au.
Prepare for 2024-25
There are things you can do to prepare for next financial year.
This includes setting up a deduction for tax from your eligible Centrelink payment or updating your family income estimate, if you get FTB or CCS. Read more about how to prepare, what to do and what you can expect next at tax time at my.gov.au/taxtime.
Until next time.
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 19
Current financial year New rates from 1 July 2024 Taxable income Tax rate Taxable income Tax rate Up to $18,200 Nil Up to $18,200 Nil $18,201 – $45,000 19% $18,201 – $45,000 16% $45,001 – $120,000 32.5% $45,001 – $135,000 30%
– $180,000 37% $135,001 – $190,000 37% > $180,000 45% > $190,000 45%
What an incredible month May has been! Over the past three Sundays, we held our highly anticipated Million Paws Walks across the state. The excitement kicked off in Devonport on the 12th, followed by Launceston on the 19th, and concluded with a spectacular event in Hobart on the 26th.
We hope many of you and your furry family and friends enjoyed the Hobart Million Paws Walk at the Soldiers Memorial Oval on the Domain, with the picturesque route along Max’s Infinity Loop. The day was packed with activities including agility courses, best dressed competitions, dog games, and the ever-popular Sniffari enrichment trail. A special thanks to the fantastic Triple M Hobart team—Rhea, Kaz, and Tubes—for their support, alongside our wonderful MC, John Harris.
We were fortunate to have Robert Black, an interstate volunteer, who creatively set up the start and finish points and captured some amazing footage. Additionally, Sam Childs Photography was on site in the afternoon, so be sure to check our Facebook page for some lovely photos and stay tuned for a video on YouTube!
Our Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, Elizabeth Parsons, was delighted by the exemplary behavior of all the dogs and the enthusiastic participation of the community saying “It was heartwarming to see so many people coming together to give their dogs a fun-filled day while supporting our cause through ticket sales and other fundraising activities.”
“The funds raised from these events are crucial in helping RSPCA Tasmania care for less fortunate dogs in our shelters and centers, in foster care, and through community outreach programs like Safe Beds. This initiative supports animals whose families are fleeing domestic or family violence, ensuring their pets are cared for until the families can reunite.”
As we approach the end of the financial year, we encourage those who wish to reduce their taxable
income to consider making a donation by June 30th. Your generosity will directly impact the lives of many animals in need.
Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and supported the Million Paws Walks. Your contributions have made a significant difference, and we look forward to seeing you and your furry friends at future events.
20 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024
BY SEE IT. REPORT IT. CALL 1300 139 947 OR EMAIL reportit@rspcatas.org.au
Kristie Johnston, Freddie, Kaz, Tubes and Phoebe at Million Paws Walk Hobart
Gathering on the Start/Finish line
Ruth, Sophie, Poppy and Luna.
The Davis Family
Joel Diprose, Ten Lives Cat Centre
ASLAN is a stunning three-year-old grey, smoky and floofy cat! Friendly and affectionate, her beautiful coat requires regular brushing and maintenance to keep it in top condition.
Aslan arrived as a stray, and we initially thought she must
belong to someone due to her friendly nature. Unfortunately, she wasn’t microchipped and our efforts to locate her owner were unsuccessful.
During her time in our care, Aslan has shown that she doesn’t get along well with other cats. Consequently, she would thrive best in a home where she is the only feline. This made her
a perfect candidate for adoption from one of our op shops.
Our cats are available for adoption from all of our op shops, located in Margate, North Hobart, New Norfolk and coming soon to Moonah! This initiative helps us connect more closely with our supporters and showcase the mission of Ten Lives.
“We do it because our volunteers and customers love it and it’s a great opportunity for cats that may find it difficult in the shelter,” explains Ten Lives Manager, Noel Hunt.
Aslan enjoys spending time in the large enclosure in the front window—a favourite spot for op shop cats—where she enjoys watching people walk by and snoozing in the sun. Our op shops feature an impressive cat run, allowing the cats to roam high above the clothing racks and bric-a-brac treasures to a quiet enclosure by the bookshelves at the back of the store.
Before the shops open each morning, the cats get to run around the shop, though it’s sometimes a struggle to get them back into their enclosures!
Many customers drop in regularly to see the latest op shop stars or to say hello to a favourite feline before browsing for bargains. Recently, an 11-year-old tortie named Frankie spent nearly eight weeks at the shop before finally finding her new family. Her story is
just one of many success stories we’ve had.
Apart from including our furry friends, our op shops in Margate, North Hobart, and New Norfolk are traditional op shops that raise much-needed funds for the work undertaken by Ten Lives. These funds support over 10,000 vet procedures every year, providing hope for cats in need. With your support, we can continue to provide loving homes for cats like Aslan and many others. Visit one of our op shops today in Margate, North Hobart, New Norfolk and soon in Moonah and meet your new furry friend! If you love cats and treasure hunting, why not consider becoming a volunteer? Pop in and say hi to our friendly teams in Margate, North Hobart, or New Norfolk, or join the first team in Moonah to help open our exciting new store!
Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity relying on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome unwanted cats and kittens in Tasmania. Learn how you can contribute at tenlives.com.au
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 21
Visit tenlives.com.au or 6278 2111 Holly 6 YEARS OLD FEMALE ADOPT Scan to see more kitties )> Learn more: tenlives.com.au/adopt 12 Selfs Point Road New Town 6278 2111 | tenlives.com.au Volunteer here! Scan to apply )> Edu.Cat is an exciting Australian-first Kinder – Year 7 Curriculum aligned feline education program focusing on fostering responsible cat ownership with the aim to create social change in how people care for cats and protect wildlife.
Science and Technologies based program inspires students in these professional fields and empowers them to make positive choices in cat ownership.
Edu.Cat program is free to all schools in Tasmania can be tailored to your students needs.
45 minute presentation
teacher resources Printable student workbooks • Bookmark and certificate for students
The cat’s out of the bag! NEW OP SHOP OPENING SOON IN MOONAH!
The program includes: 30 to
• Printable
For Bookings and Information tenlives.com.au/educate edu.cat@tenlives.com.au 03 6278 2111
Three-year-old Aslan is available for adoption at Ten Lives Cat Centre
purrfect matches at our op shops
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Tourney makes a racquet
THE 2024 Banjo’s Shoreline Tennis Club Championships featured a full line-up of competitive men’s and women’s matches across a sunny late-autumn weekend in May.
Eastern Shore local and former Australian Cricket captain George Bailey claimed the men’s singles crown over James Alcock.
Fresh of her Pizzey Cup experience, Margaret
Getahun faced off against Zoe Hanlon in the women’s singles final in front of a large crowd.
Getahun claimed the title thanks in part to coaching from Sahil Singh of Inspire Tennis Academy.
Mark Donaghy and James Alcock claimed the men’s doubles title and Roseanne Rose and Harriet Miller-Brown won the women’s doubles.
A large field of 16 teams contested the mixed doubles with the final being won by Kristina Cassimaty and Colin Richardson.
“Many thanks to Banjo’s Shoreline for providing sponsorship towards the weekend and for all the members who came out to compete in the championships,” club captain Mike Beard said.
Local umpire takes on the world
maths teacher Sam Nogajski has been named in the full list of match officials for the 2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup in the USA and Caribbean.
“It was a little bit of a shock,” Nogajski said.
“I’ve put forward a couple of consistent seasons recently and I am incredibly excited to be one of the 20
umpires chosen for the major international tournament.
“Naturally I fell a little bit nervous but I think that is a good thing as it will help me prepare properly for a such an important milestone in my career.
“Taking part in an international tournament like this is a dream come true and
hopefully puts me on a pathway towards similar appointments in the future.”
Nogajski said he was looking forward to seeing the next generation of umpires come through the ranks and encouraged them to build a strong support network along the way.
“As umpires we have the best seat in the house and that is such a privileged position to be in,” he said.
“We need more match officials across all sporting codes and my message to the next generation is to just stay involved.
“I would like to thank my family, umpire coaches and everyone at Hutchins for their amazing support.
“This strong network has enabled me to give more of my time focusing on umpiring and it’s great to see that work paying off.”
The 2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup will run from the 2 to 30 June.
Fostering future footy stars
TASMANIA’S next generation of AFL and AFLW stars will soon start an exciting journey through the state’s newly established talent academies. Almost 300 boys and girls aged 13 to 15 from the north, north-west and south of the state will make up the academies’ first intake in 2024. Players will work with some of Tasmania’s top coaches led by talent pathways skills acquisition coach Brad Cox-
Goodyer and additional support form strength and conditioning and wellbeing staff.
“This is the first step in an exciting journey for Tasmania’s talented young football players,” Cox-Goodyer said.
“With this first intake they are the first of hopefully many to come through a professional, supportive and inclusive pathway.
“They now have access to elite coaching and support for
many years to hopefully give them the best opportunity to one day play in the AFL/W, ideally in a Tasmania Devils guernsey.”
Players will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a series of academy games held in July and September.
During that time, trial games will also be held for 12-yearolds looking to enter the academy program in 2025.
Inclusive competition a whole new ball game
DUE to the recent success of its Inclusion Netball program, Netball Tasmania will provide a further competitive outlet for female athletes with an intellectual disability by fielding its first state team for the 2024 Marie Little Shield.
The Marie Little Shield is a competition for all-abilities teams from each state and will be hosted by Queensland in September 2024. Hobart inclusion program facilitator Rani Milne said the recent growth in participation had prompted the decision to field an inaugural state team.
“It’s really exciting to provide
unique opportunities like this where we are able to witness the positive outcomes first hand,” she said.
“The program promotes the benefits of physical fitness, teamwork and social interaction.
“The competition in Queensland later this year is the perfect opportunity for our female athletes to pull on the green jumper and proudly represent their state.”
Netball Tasmania chief executive officer Mitch Coulson said dozens of participants had joined inclusion programs in both the north and south of the state.
“We are really proud to provide
a platform for people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy our game,” he said.
“It’s very special to give these participants the same opportunities as everyone else and the feedback from players has been overwhelmingly positive.
“We would like to thank all of the coaches, umpires and volunteers for their invaluable contributions to this fantastic program.”
For more information about Netball Tasmania’s Inclusion Netball Program visit www.tas.netball.com.au/ inclusionnetballprogram
Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024 23 Sport
Banjo’s Shoreline Sunshine Tennis Club 2024 Championship players and attendants on the club deck after a day of competition
Local resident and ICC 2024 World Cup umpire Sam Nogajski.
Photo credit: Simon Andrews
Netball Tasmania Inclusion program participants at the Hobart Netball Sports Centre
Club stalwart Nat Franklin
notched up his 150th Tasmanian State League (TSL) game in the Bombers’ 68 point win against Glenorchy in round 10.
The major milestone comes during what has been a career best year for the Lauderdale life member.
The club captain, best and fairest winner, state representative and TSL Team of the Year member racked up 38 disposals, 18 contested possessions and six clearances in the win at Skybus Oval.
Franklin said the overwhelming support he received throughout the week leading up to the
game made for a really special day.
“I actually played my first game for Lauderdale in 2014 at home against Glenorchy, so it was like coming full circle in a way,” he said.
“To be a Life Member with this club and play alongside my closest mates every week is something I hold very close to my heart.
“I’m pleased with how I’m going this year, my body feels right and I’m starting to string together some consistent games which is nice.
“Taking up the captaincy this year has been an amazing experience and I am lucky to have such a wealth of experience around me as well.”
With 10 rounds before finals, Lauderdale is sitting in third place on the TSL ladder, one spot ahead of reigning premiers Kingborough.
“The most important part of the day was getting the win and it’s great to see the team starting to gel and play in a style that will hold us in good stead for the rest of
the year,” Franklin said.
“It’s been important to look after our home games and start to make Skybus a fortress for us which it has been in the past.
“Having several former captains in the leadership group provides a great base for us to lead and inspire the next crop of players coming through.”
Two Blues celebrate 25 years
THE Lindisfarne AFL Masters Football Club will celebrate its 25 year anniversary with a gala dinner at Wrest Point on 22 June.
Since 1999, the club has been a staple of the southern domestic competition and is one of only two remaining clubs from the inaugural year.
Club member Luke Spink has been involved with the Two Blues since 1999 and has seen multiple clubs come and go during that time.
“Off the field, our
committee has had some amazing people who volunteer their time to make sure our club keeps on keeping on,” Spink said.
“Over the journey, the Two Blues Masters have fielded touch footy teams, AFL 9s sides, up to three teams in Barefoot Bowls at Rosny, a Jet Ski group, a sailing group and a cycling group.”
Life member and club legend Andrew Moore said the club was focused on spreading positive messages about men’s
“It is vital for blokes over 35 to have an outlet to stay connected, a safe space where they can share, talk and laugh about life and importantly where there is a network that can help and support our members to navigate whatever challenges life throws at us in middle life,” he said.
“Having this focus has helped attract and retain sponsors, volunteers and players.”
Club president Noel Reid said it was
important to celebrate the past and ensure the club continues to grow over the next 25 years.
“At Lindisfarne we are incredibly proud to field teams at every level, including two in the Southern Football League competition,” he said.
“Everyone is excited about our gala dinner and I’m sure there will be plenty of stories spread throughout the room.
“We are also looking forward to unveiling our team of the quarter century.”
24 Eastern Shore Sun JUNE 2024
Nat Franklin being chaired off after his 150th Tasmanian State League game
Lindisfarne Football Club players Daniel Conning, Peter ‘Doc’ Clements, Adrian Pennicot and Luke Spink