A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF CLARENCE AND SORELL Independently owned and published by Cor Comms MARCH 2024 BELLERI V E D EN T UR E C LINI C S Providing quality care for over 30 years Giving you something to smile about! 6244 6564 www.bellerivedentureclinic.com.au info@dentas.com.au 9 Clarence Street Bellerive 7018 Phone: 6248 4994 DELIVERIES TO ALL AREAS 131 PITTWATER ROAD CAMBRIDGE Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm Closed on Public Holidays Closed Good Friday to Easter Monday PLEASE SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR OUR LATEST OPENING INFORMATION. ► PINEBARKS ► LOAMS ► DECORATIVE GRAVELS ► AGGREGATES ► MANURES ► LIMES ► FIRE WOOD ► BAG PRODUCTS ► AND MUCH MORE! HUGE range of landscape products: HAPPY EASTER From The Pines IN THIS ISSUE >> Candice Signa tur e I’M YOUR LOCAL. Thinking of selling? Call Candice Gottschalk for a complimentary, no-obligation, market appraisal of your property today. M 0408 615 769 P (03) 6244 8111 candice.gottschalk@harcourtssignature.com.au 3 Bayfield Street, Rosny Park, TAS 7018 signature.harcourts.com.au HOME GROWN The Warrane-Mornington Community Garden Harvest Festival will return on Saturday 23 March with an impressive display of food, live music, workshops and family friendly activities organised by local gardening experts. FULL STORY ON PAGE 8 Derwent Dragons SPORT New space for Clarence canines Airport upgrades Celebrating neighbours Warrane-Mornington Community Garden workers Ailsa Fergusson and Katie Kristensen with garden kitchen stallholder Julia Deniss. Photo Credit: Simon Andrews
Key decisions from the Special Council meeting held on Monday 13
• Council approved a planning application for a bulky goods, takeaway food premises and boundary adjustment at 66 Kennedy Drive and 63 Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge, subject to conditions and advice.
Key decisions from the Council meeting held on Monday, 26
• Council approved a development application for demolition of an existing dwelling and two new multiple dwellings at 11 Sunnyside Road, Lindisfarne.
• Council endorsed the Quarterly Report for 1 October to 31
December 2023.
• Council noted the submission regarding the Local Government Board’s Final Report on the Future of Local Government and authorised the Chief Executive Officer to forward the submission to the Minister for Local Government.
Upcoming council meeting dates:
Upcoming council meeting dates are now available on council’s website at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/your-council/ council-meetings/meetings-schedule.
Members of the public may attend the meetings subject to compliance with State Government COVID-19 regulations. Although there are no longer maximum density requirements, please consider your own personal circumstances and vulnerabilities before attending in person.
Members of the public wishing to attend should still register via the online booking system at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/ councilmeetingbookings. If you are unable to access the internet or experience issues with the booking system, you can contact our Corporate Support team on either 6217 9523 or 6217 9524 who will be able to register for you.
Deputations/public question time:
If you wish to make a deputation, please contact the Corporate Support team on 6217 9523 or 6217 9524.
Questions on Notice are to be submitted in accordance with council’s Public Question Time procedures (see council’s website for information).
Roads and footpaths
• Pothole repairs in various locations as per inspections.
• Guidepost replacement continues throughout the municipality.
• Reseal preparations in various locations.
• Stormwater maintenance in various locations.
• Table drain maintenance in various locations.
• Beach Street stormwater upgrade, Bellerive.
• Wisteria Avenue stormwater upgrade, Cremorne.
Parks and reserves
• Elevated platform tree work at various locations.
• Park maintenance as per established maintenance schedules.
• Aeration for all ovals.
• Construction of new park and play space, Pindos Park, Tranmere.
Natural area management
• Entrance landscaping at Single Hill Bushland Reserve and Seven Mile Beach.
• Maintenance of entrances to the Tangara Trail at Acton Park and Sandford.
• Repair and maintenance at Risdon Vale Rivulet, Grass Tree Hill Rivulet and Clarence Plains Rivulet.
• Maintenance of walking tracks in various bushland reserves, coastal reserves and sections of the Tangara Trail.
• Priority weed management at Single Hill Bushland Reserve, Seven Mile Beach Coastal Reserve and Mortimer Bay Coastal Reserve.
• Maintenance and management of natural areas as per the various Natural Area Management Plans.
• Wetland maintenance at Lauderdale Wetland, Cambridge Park Wetland and Otago Lagoon Reserve.
• Howrah Community Centre upgrades.
• Alma Street, After School, and Family Day Care building replacement.
• Crossover renewal at the Rosny Farm entry, Rosny Park.
• Internal and external upgrades to the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre.
• Upgrading car park lighting at the Rosny Bowls Club.
Brendan Blomeley, Mayor of Clarence City Council
THE year is racing by, and there is much excitement around Clarence, as there is much to do. As the end of this financial year approaches, Council is undertaking the important task of preparing our budget for coming 2024/25 financial year.
Developing the annual budget is one of the most crucial and detailed tasks on the calendar and each year staff and Councillors work to carefully balance the needs, wants, and desires of the Clarence community.
Now is the time to talk to your local representatives and let us know what you’d like to see happen in your city in the coming
as Easter closes in
years - you can find our contact details on our website or call 6217 9500 and council staff can help get you in touch.
Those who attended the 28th Clarence Jazz Festival are no doubt still buzzing from this fantastic event - as am I. Congratulations to all involved in bringing this iconic event to Clarence – including the performers, volunteers, staff, and of course everyone who attended. It’s also been a busy time in sport here on the sunny side. This month, Council was proud to sponsor two fantastic multi-day sporting events here in Clarence. The 2024 Clarence Tennis Open, at the Rosny Park Tennis Park from 7-9 March and Clifton Beach Surf Life Saving Club hosted the Surf Life Saving Tasmania Junior State Titles on 2- 3 March.
Council is also supporting a new and exciting event happening in Richmond.
The Crave Harvest Festival will be held on the 6 to 7 April, celebrating the wonderful food, wine, beer, spirits, and entertainment from the Coal
River Valley region, held over two beautiful autumnal days. There will also be musical performances from local entertainers and a family-friendly kids’ zone.
The Crave Harvest Festival is a ticketed event, visit www. craveharvestfestival.com.au to purchase yours.
Finally, as we embrace the joy and renewal that Easter brings, I extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you. Easter is a time of reflection, renewal, and hope. It is a moment to celebrate faith, family and community.
May this Easter season inspire us to extend kindness to those in need, to reach out to those who may feel alone, and to embrace the diversity that enriches our neighborhoods and our city.
As the Mayor of Clarence, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve this vibrant and diverse community. Together, let us continue to work towards a future filled with promise, opportunity, and shared prosperity for all.
On behalf of council and myself, I wish you and your loved ones a blessed and joyful Easter.
2 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024
There’s plenty happening in
ADVERTISEMENT Daniel Hulme Clarence City Council 0447 000 867 clr_dhulme@ccc.tas.gov.au facebook.com/ DanielHulmeCCC Authorised by D. Hulme 42 Anstey Street Howrah
Community News
For more information, visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au or call us on 03 6217 9500 Find us on Facebook EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES For information on current exhibitions and workshops, please visit www.clarenceartsandevents.net. Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance Catryna Bilyk Senator for Tasmania Kingston Plaza (03) 6229 4444 catrynabilyk.com Authorised by C. Bilyk, ALP, 3/20 Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas. Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew, Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250. SENATOR WENDY ASKEW LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. 46 Cameron Street, Launceston TAS 7250 6331 8501 senator.askew@aph.gov.au SenatorAskew @senatoraskew Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 130 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. The Eastern Shore Sun is your monthly community newspaper, reaching over 30,000 homes and businesses, distributed on the third Tuesday of each month. Advertising Justine Brazil advertising@easternshoresun.com.au 6210 5201 Editorial Simon Andrews editorial@easternshoresun.com.au 6210 5218 This publication is the product of Nicolas Turner, Justine Brazil, Ben Hope, Simon Andrews, Tobias Hinds and guest contributors, with support from advertisers. In this issue • HOBART FM GUIDE Page 15 • WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH FEATURE Page 23 • HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE Page 24 • TRADES, SERVICES AND CLASSIFIEDS Page 25 • PETS Page 26 – 27 • A FINANCIAL MOMENT Page 29 • SPORT Page 30 – 31 Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by The Mercury newspaper Know your deadlines April 2024 Editorial / Advertising 28 March 2024 Press Ready Material 8 April 2024 Level 2, 130 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 www.easternshoresun.com.au ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by P. Coulson, 185 Invermay Rd, Invermay TAS 7248. Guy Barnett Liberal Member for Lyons Vote 1 15 High St, New Norfolk TAS 7140 6701 2170 GuyBarnettMP guy.barnett@tas.liberal.gov.au ADVERTISEMENT
A SMALL group of volunteers braved the blustery conditions during a Sunday afternoon in March to clean up litter around the heavily used western end of Bellerive Beach.
The collective effort was run as part of Clean Up Australia Day and the group plans to attract more volunteers for regular events in the future.
“We had roughly 15 people sign up on the website but understandably there were a few cancellations due to the weather,”
organiser Bridgette Watts said. “There is often a sizable amount of rubbish build up around the beach especially near the bluff due to its proximity to Blundstone Arena and neighbouring public park.
“Although our small team did an amazing job there is still a lot of rubbish left. We will be running another clean-up day on 24 March and all are welcome to roll up their sleeves for a good cause.
“We were grateful to have Clarence Councillor Daniel Hulme
join us on Clean Up day. It’s nice to see council members taking a direct interest in keeping our public spaces clean.”
The next clean up event on 24 March will be promoted through the public Bellerive Community Facebook Group.
Clean Up Australia Day is an annual event which inspires and mobilises communities to improve and conserve the environment, eliminate litter and end waste.
For more information visit www.cleanup.org.au
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 3 1800 ONTRACK (1800 668 722) Need Help Navigating the NDIS? Our knowledgeable Support Coordination team will guide you through your NDIS plan, ensuring you maximise your funding for tailored support. Contact us today for more information! Community News Eric Abetz Liberal for Franklin Authorised by P Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Pl, Hobart TAS 7000 Experience & Stability ADVERTISEMENT LABOR CANDID FOR FRANKLIN Kaspar DEANE
facebook com/KasparDeane/ Authorised by Dean Winter, Parliament House, Hobart TAS ADVERTISEMENT
Bellerive volunteers help to turn the tide on litter
(Right) Clarence Councillor Daniel Hulme with Bellerive Beach clean up volunteers Gudrun Wells, Brudgette Watts and Sheenah Neill
Community champions of Clarence
now open for the Clarence City Council’s Citizenship Awards which recognise local individuals, groups and events that go above and beyond to make the community a brighter
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said it was important to recognise the vital contributions volunteers made in Clarence.
“Our annual Citizenship Awards are
the perfect way to shine a light on the time, effort and passion volunteers contribute to make positive impacts on our city,” he said “The council is always excited to highlight actions that exemplify
a spirit of service and dedication in Clarence.” Awards are presented in the categories of Citizen of the Year, Senior Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Event of the Year.
Help Tassie Mums
TASMANIAN organisation Tassie Mums is seeking support to ensure it can continue to help Tasmanian children.
Tassie Mums assists kids across Tasmania by providing vulnerable children and infants with basic essentials including clothes, nappies and toiletries.
Recent events have led to founder Clair Harris and her team seeking support to secure a vehicle to help accept and transport donations.
“The community’s need for
our free service has more than doubled in recent years,” Ms Harris said.
“We have now submitted letters to all major parties requesting funding.”
Tassie Mums supports more than 100 organisations across Tasmania, more than half of which are government departments.
By June 2024 Tassie Mums will have delivered close to $1 million worth of goods to the Tasmanian community.
Tasmania has the highest rate of childhood poverty of any state or territory in Australia, and Tassie Mums is determined to change this.
“It’s time to acknowledge the value of children, break this cycle of poverty and make sure the children of Tasmania are supported,” Ms Harris said.
“We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Tasmanians that allows us to support vulnerable Tassie kids with items like clothing, nappies and toiletries.”
“We are looking forward to announcing the winners of each category at our Community Spirit Gala in May which will be held during National Volunteers Week,” Mayor Blomeley said.
“I urge everyone to take time to nominate a person, group or event that has made a positive impact on our community so they can be added to the long list of inspiring past nominees who have
come from all walks of life, ages and corners of Clarence,” Mayor Blomeley.
Nominations are open until 28 March 2024, for more information visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au/ citizen2024
Upcoming event celebrating neighbours
Australia will be running multiple free community events across the Eastern Shore on Sunday 31 March in celebration of Neighbour Day and its ‘Neighbours Every Day’ campaign.
Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community and encourages people to build connections and reduce loneliness.
In 2022, Relationships Australia Tasmania launched the Neighbours
Every Day community grants for which organisations could apply for up to $1,250 to support neighbourly activities that create social connection and address loneliness in the community.
This year, the grant round received more than 80 applications, 53 of which were successful, with more than $60,000 in funding provided.
Proposed neighbourly activities range from picnics, street libraries,
community barbeques and seed swaps. Events on the Eastern Shore include the Warrane Community Garden’s Harvest Festival, a connection day at the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre and an inclusive event for people with disabilities promoting physical activity at the Howrah Sunshine Tennis Club.
For more information visit www.tas. relationships.com.au
4 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Community News Discover the holiday of your dreams with Andrew Jones Travel. P: 03 6215 8799 E: hobart@ajtravel.com
2023 Clarence Citizen of the Year Lewis Taylor with Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley
Lindisfarne school joins a reading revolution
ST CUTHBERT’S Catholic School in Lindisfarne has become part of a national reading revolution where schools are moving away from reading instruction of decades past to try more targeted methodologies backed by scientific research.
The Grattan Institute, an independent national research and public policy think-tank, released a report in February advising schools to move away from the whole language approach, which became popular in the 1970s.
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In the report, the institute recommends a structured literacy approach with a strong emphasis on phonics from the early years.
“Phonics instruction is a comprehensive approach that combines letter recognition, sound-
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symbol correspondence, blending, segmenting, sight words and phonemic awareness,” St Cuthbert’s prep teacher Brigitte Gralak said.
“It sets a strong foundation for early literacy skills and prepares students for more
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advanced reading and writing tasks.”
“Since the implementation of explicit literacy instruction, we have seen a substantial improvement in our school’s literacy results across all grade levels.”
Three teachers at St
Email: chickennmeat@robboscm.com.au HACCP
Cuthbert’s are currently receiving professional learning and coaching through Catholic Education Tasmania CET’s Insight program.
Ms Gralak, one of the teachers receiving the coaching, said she was excited to see improved
reading outcomes continue throughout 2024.
“These techniques can positively impact all students, through their academic achievement, their motivation to learn and their overall learning experience,” Ms Gralak said.
Certified Community News
DEAN WINTER Tassie power. Tassie prices. LABOR FOR FRANKLIN ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by Dean Winter MP, Parliament House, Hobart
St Cuthbert’s Catholic School prep teacher Brigitte Gralak with students Isabella, Harriet (prep), Rocco and Giovanni (grade 1)
March is usually one of the dryer months so if you have birds in your garden it might be nice to put in a bird bath, this can be as simple as a terracotta saucer or a pedestal type. Just remember to place it near shrubs or low growing trees to give them somewhere to dry off in safety.
If you do not fancy a bird bath but have an area that needs a bit of a lift, an urn or statue can give the garden a focal point. A blue pot with yellow flowers like pansies will add the ‘wow’ factor to a drab area.
Vegetable Seedlings Seeds
Celery Beetroot
Herb & Flower Seedlings
Kale Garlic Snapdragons Poppies
Cabbage Silverbeet Lettuce Stocks Broccoli Turnip
• Maintain weed control.
• Prepare bulb beds by digging in compost and fertilizer, if you put your bulbs in the crisper to chill make sure they are in an area with no vegetables as the vegetables give off a gas retarding growth.
• Divide perennials & herbs that have become too large.
• Cut back fruiting canes on raspberries.
• Keep an eye out for caterpillars and spray with Dipel.
• Remove all spent summer vegies and dig in compost and manures ready for Autumn.
• Feed citrus and lawns if it’s not too hot.
Climate Champion creating a welcoming space for wildlife
established,” Ms Cunningham said.
“I had to think of what would flower in different seasons and what would provide habitat for different birds and animals.
LAUDERDALE resident Lou Cunningham has been named this month’s Climate Champion by community group Clarence Climate Action for transforming her property into a wildlife paradise.
When Ms Cunningham lived on 10-hectares at Eaglehawk Neck, she was a member of the Tasmanian Land Conservancy’s Land for Wildlife program and shortly after moving to Lauderdale five-years-ago she signed up to its suburban cousin, Gardens for Wildlife.
As well as the Gardens for Wildlife logo Ms Cunningham’s fence has a ‘go slow’ sign with an image of a bandicoot and in spring she puts up a ‘watch out for blue tongues’ notice for visitors.
“We need safe corridors for birds and animals to roam and find food. As our suburbs become more built-up, native gardens give wildlife a better chance of survival.”
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“It was nearly all lawn when I arrived, there was no shade and I didn’t want to waste water keeping it green, plus I love trees. I wanted a native garden that would look after itself once it was
The Land For Wildlife program, facilitated by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy, helps private landowners with nature conservation with the message that everyone, no matter how small their garden, can contribute to the survival of wildlife and increase awareness of protecting natural diversity.
“I encourage other people to register with Gardens for Wildlife, even if they only have a few pots on a balcony to attract bees and insects. It costs $30, which covers the sign plus helpful information about what to plant,” Ms Cunningham said.
“Since joining I have planted callistemons, correas, lemon scented myrtle, running postman, pincushion hakeas, native boronia, banksias, westringias and white flag iris.”
To register your garden email gardensforwildlife@tasland.org.au
6 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Community News
Clarence Climate Action’s March climate champion Lou Cunningham on her Lauderdale property
THE Sorell Council, in partnership with TassieCat and Ten Lives, has installed eight camera traps around the Midway Point region to add further detail to its recent survey on the habits of feral and domesticated cats in the area.
The council’s regional
cat management coordinator, Sara Balouch, said results from the Midway Point Cat Management Community Project Survey shed light on significant concerns related to the roaming patterns of cats in the area.
“The survey
highlighted the efficient predatory nature of free-roaming cats, posing threats to numerous native species,” she said.
Ten Lives chief executive officer Noel Hunt said the project had gathered essential baseline data on cats within the Midway Point
and the vicinity of the Pittwater and Orielton Lagoon.
“The overarching purpose of collecting this information was promoting responsible cat ownership to enhance the welfare of cats, protect native wildlife and reduce the intake of
unwanted animals into shelters,” he said. The Sorrell Council distributed flyers to Midway Point ratepayers with a link and QR code to the survey.
“The community’s robust participation in the surveys resulted in an impressive 285
submissions,” Sorell Mayor Kerry Vincent said.
“Positive outcomes were observed in Midway Point signifying a commendable sense of responsibility among cat owners including notable percentage of cats that are microchipped or desexed.
“The results also underscore the urgent need to improve communication methods for responsible cat ownership stemming from public concerns about roaming cats posing a threat to endangered wildlife
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 7
in the area.” Serious about sleep FI5298 *Offer ends Sunday 24th March, 2024. Receive 50% off a huge range of mattresses and 30% off a huge range of bedroom furniture. The offer is only available on selected mattresses and selected bedroom furniture; exclusions apply. Excludes Sleepsavers range, Boori, Harrison Spinks, Luxury and Everyday Low-Price items. The offer must be completed in one transaction during the promotional period. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. No rain checks. Delivery, installation, and additional costs may apply. Lay-buy not available at all stores, please contact your local store for availability. At participating stores only. Products and prices may vary from store to store. 40 years of Celebrating SALE 30% OFF furniture* bedroom 50% OFF mattresses* Forty Winks Cambridge Unit 11, Cambridge Homemaker Ctr, 66 Kennedy Drive, T: 6248 4215 fortywinks.com.au Community News A feline focus at Midway Point
and stakeholder
specialist Dom Hughes and Ten Lives CEO Noel Hunt. Photo Credit: Simon Andrews
Mayor Kerry Vincent, TasWater community
Growing excitement for garden festival Gov promising ferry upgrades on the horizon
Members of the community are invited to visit the garden at 18 Heemskirk Street in Warrane between 9:30am to 12:30pm and learn from local experts on a range of topics including beekeeping, cooking, weeding and much more.
Garden coordinator Katie Kristensen said funds raised from the event would go towards the development of a new sustainable on-site shelter
which would be available to volunteers and members of the public.
“Our garden team are proud of our efforts in transforming this space and we are so excited to once again share this with the community at our family friendly harvest festival,” she said.
“This event is a great opportunity for people to enjoy a democracy sausage and a coffee after casting their vote.
“It also provides a chance to meet, and learn from, many of the talented individuals in the neighbourhood.
“We are so grateful to have
many passionate stall holders who will create a vibrant display of plants, produce, children’s activities, live music and engaging workshops.
“Our harvest headwear competition will return this year.
“Attendees are encouraged to don their most creative
home-made headpiece which will be judged on sustainability, creativity and fabulosity with prizes for an overall winner, junior winner and the most outrageous entry.”
For more information and full list of stallholders visit wmnc.org.au/events-one/ harvest-festival-flxlw-h8fza
THE Liberal Government has revealed its plan to upgrade the River Derwent Ferry service, promising to add new stops at Lindisfarne, Wilkinsons Point and Sandy bay if re-elected in the 23 March state election.
“The Bellerive ferry service has been a raging success with more than 120,000 trips in 12 months,” Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff said.
“The ferry expansion is tipped to take around 1,650 cars off the road in peak hours. This will go a long to saving time for families doing school drop-off and CBD workers caught in the rat-race on the Brooker Highway, Tasman Bridge and Sandy Bay Road.”
Minister for Infrastructure and
Transport Michael Ferguson said the new commuter services would deliver many benefits.
“It’s more than just a relaxing commute, the new ferry runs will also provide JackJumper fans an excellent transport option to and from MyState Bank Arena,” Minister Ferguson said.
“Construction of the new facilities will also deliver a major boost to the Tasmanian economy, creating more than 100 jobs as well as ongoing operational roles.
“We will continue to work on other priority ferry terminal locations along the River Derwent identified under the draft masterplan including Howrah Point, Kingston Beach and Regatta Point under a future expansion.”
8 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Community News
THE green-thumbed volunteers at the Warrane Mornington Community Garden have been working hard through the summer months preparing for the return of its annual Harvest Festival on 23
Premier Jeremy Rockliff, Liberal Member for Franklin Dean Young and Derwent Ferry skipper Josh Newton
(Left) A display of produce from the Community Garden and (right) Garden coordinator Katie Kristensen showing off her harvest headwear in 2023
Airport upgrades clear for take off
“There will also be four more food and
a wider range of
“The expansion will provide approximately 450 direct and indirect jobs during construction and hundreds of further jobs once completed in areas such as security screening, cleaning,
retail and hospitality. “Hutchinson Builders has been awarded the contract to expand the facility and we are looking forward to working with them over the next three years on this transformational
project.” Hutchinson Builders chief operating officer Paul Hart said he was delighted to be awarded the contract and proud to be associated with such an important development for the
Tasmanian economy.
“We welcome the opportunity to partner the airport on this exciting redevelopment and look forward to making a start in the coming months,” he said.
Eastern Shore Dog Club
Do you have a Greyhound?
Would you like to do some targeted foundation training?
Eastern Shore Dog Club ran beginner Greyhound obedience classes last year and are looking to run some again this year.
You and your noodle will learn some basic cues such as Eye Contact, Down, Mat training, Recall, Hand touch and some basic tricks.
If you’re interested, contact us through our email: info@easternshoredogclub.com.au
10 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Community News ENFIELD KENNELS & CATTERY DOG & CAT RESORT Only 15 minutes from the airport! 0459 998 009 Enfield Lane – Campania www.enfieldkennels.com.au We look after your prized dogs and cats, and give them a holiday whilst you are on holiday! C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE www.deliverfordollars.com.au Choices Flooring by Boxall 13c Tasman Highway, Midway Point • (03) 6265 2008 Our ‘Carpet by design’ sale features savings on many carpet styles and designs. Visit us in-store or view at choicesflooring.com
has commenced on the $200 million upgrades to the Hobart Airport which will see the facility’s main terminal double in size upon completion in early 2027.
Airport chief executive officer Norris Carter said the upgrade would provide increased seating capacity for both domestic and international flights, two more departure gates and a third security screening lane.
additions will ensure a more comfortable experience for travellers,”
he said.
more retail outlets with
products to choose from.
of the upgraded Hobart Airport terminal, scheduled for completion in early 2027
Strong future for women in STEM
IN honour of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, the Zonta Club of Hobart recently celebrated a group of talented year 10 girls who have chosen to further their
education in Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) subjects at Government House.
The occasion was hosted by Governor of Tasmania Barbara Baker and served as a platform
to acknowledge the students’ passion and dedication to STEM.
The Governor presented the Zonta Club of Hobart Scholarship for STEM to Phoebe Mason, recognising
her exceptional achievements and commitment to the STEM field.
Phoebe completed year 10 at Clarence High School last year and is now studying STEM subjects at Rosny
Six other candidates received a certificate recognising their commendable achievements.
The Zonta Club of Hobart is a local chapter of Zonta
International dedicated to building a better world for women and girls. Empowering them in their pursuit of education and careers in STEM is a testament to the
Club’s commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for women in science.
For more information about the Zonta Club of Hobart visit www. zontahobart.org.au
Delivering for the Eastern Shore Vote 1
Jacquie Petrusma
Liberal for Franklin
and vote 2-7 for the other Liberal candidates in the order of your choice.
“Having worked alongside Jacquie Petrusma for over 10 years in the Tasmanian Parliament, I know Jacquie to be a trusted, hardworking and passionate representative for the people of Franklin. Jacquie is deeply committed to the welfare of our community, and brings integrity, compassion, and a proven track record of delivering - making her a clear choice in Franklin.”
Will Hodgman, Former Premier
“Whilst serving as Mayor of Clarence, I always found Jacquie to be a caring, dedicated and influential advocate for our Clarence community. I am absolutely delighted that Jacquie is again, putting up her hand to represent the City of Clarence, our community and our people.”
Doug Chipman, Former Mayor of Clarence
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 11 Community News
by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Pl, Hobart TAS 7000.
Governor of Tasmania Barbara Baker with Zonta Club of Hobart president Jill Taylor and the STEM scholarship candidates
Having those ‘Awkward Conversations’
PALLIATIVE Care Tasmania (PCT), with the help of the Tasmanian Government, has launched a new campaign encouraging conversations about Advance Care Planning.
The campaign encourages people to complete an Advance Care Directive, which
informs doctors and family members how patients want to be cared for if they become unable to communicate for themselves.
“While the prospect of discussing health care and end-oflife wishes may be uncomfortable at first, the benefits of having
these conversations far outweigh any initial discomfort,” Palliative Care Tasmania CEO Venéy Hiller said.
“If you find yourself suddenly too ill to make treatment decisions, who would make those decisions on your behalf?
If you are no longer able to communicate,
how would your family, friends or healthcare workers know what you wanted?
“Starting that healthcare conversation right now may seem awkward but it is incredibly important.”
By initiating these conversations with a loved one, Tasmanians
can actively shape their health care journey and ensure they receive the treatment that is right for them.
Hannah Butler completed an Advance Care Directive with her mother Libbie, who has emphysema.
“We had the conversation over a
cup of coffee, and it’s brought us a sense of clarity and peace. I now feel confident I know what care to choose for Mum,” she said.
“Equally important, my Mum feels secure and empowered knowing her wishes will be met.”
The new campaign will reach Tasmanians
through television, radio, print, social media and has a dedicated website offering resources translated into eight different languages.
To learn more about making an Advanced Care Directive, visit https://pallcaretas. org.au/advance-caredirective/
12 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Community News Authorised by Heather Chong, PO Box 182, Richmond 7025 ADVERTISEMENT
Palliative Care Tasmania CEO Venéy Hiller, Hannah Butler and her mother Libbie Rothbauer, and Judi Adams. Photo credit: Tobias Hinds
Bright past and future for Tasmanian women
Ebony Altimira
MARCH is Women’s History Month when, as a nation, we recognise the meaningful and diverse impact women have made throughout history.
That is one of the reasons I am proud to be standing as a Labor candidate in Franklin at the State Election on 23 March.
Women first got the vote in Tasmania 120-years-ago in 1904 but were not allowed to stand for Parliament until 1922.
The Tasmanian Labor Party has always been at the forefront of women’s representation in State Parliament with Labor women MPs first elected to the House of Assembly in 1925.
It wasn’t until 1980 that the first woman minister was appointed, Labor’s Bass MHA Gill James, who was followed by Fran Bladel (Franklin) and Judy Jackson (Denison/Clark) in 1989.
Tasmanians first and
only female premier, Lara Giddings, was appointed in 2011
Even now with 10 women, six of whom are Labor, making up 40 per cent of the House of Assembly chamber, we still lag the ACT, NSW, NT, Victoria and WA.
With the theme for Women’s History Month this year being ‘Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’ we have a chance on 23 March to further even the balance.
I believe in equality, diversity and creating opportunities for all. If elected, I will strive to bring my extensive experience in leadership roles in business in the finance sector and in sports administration as a past president of the Tasmanian Rugby Union to help further this goal.
But of course, the need goes far beyond just representation in Parliament. Having been a single mother, I understand the pressures
of the rising costs of living, the complexities of returning to the workforce and accessing childcare.
Labor plans to tackle these issues head on. We’ll build new rental homes and expand help for first home buyers to lower the cost of housing.
Labor also plans to expand childcare so parents can go to work and pay the bills. We will provide more access to high-quality, affordable childcare by setting up 50 additional childcare centres in Tasmania, including 30 new early childhood centres near schools, offices and transport terminals. We will also expand before and after school care in 20 locations.
Education unlocks the ability for people to achieve their best and take advantage of opportunities, but the rising cost of living is hitting family budgets such that children are going to school hungry, which impacts on their
A small but practical way of addressing this which has the potential to have a big impact is Labor’s policy to help people cope by providing free school lunches at every
Tasmanian government school to help kids and family budgets.
It is estimated this will save families an average of $80-$100 a week on the weekly grocery shop bill.
At a time when 67 per
cent of teachers report having students come to school hungry or without having eaten breakfast, Labor’s plan will provide welcome relief while focusing on one of the most important things in a
child’s day.
I would be honoured to be elected to represent the people of Franklin to strive for greater equality, diversity and access to opportunities for everyone.
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 13
Labor Franklin Candidate Ebony Altimira and Margaret Luckman
WEDNESDAY 13 March marked the 40th anniversary of the Tasmanian-born, Banjo’s Bakery Café, with multiple celebrations and promotions across the state.
Since opening in Launceston in 1984, Banjo’s has expanded to 46 franchises with more than 800 staff members across Australia.
Adding to the celebrations, Banjo’s gave away 40,000 free small
sausage rolls and savoury rolls in stores nationwide on 13 March.
Chief executive officer Jessica Saxby said Banjo’s was incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated staff and customer base for the past 40 years.
“We are so grateful to serve our loyal customers on a daily basis and have an incredible team of passionate staff who always go
best possible service,” she said. “Our bakers and customer service teams across Australia work tirelessly to provide quality food with a welcoming, customer-first approach.
“I would like to extend a big thank you to our customers for supporting us over the past four decades and allowing us to cement ourselves in the hearts, minds and
14 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024
Advertisement Supporting people with a disability • Individual and group support • Life skills development • Recreation and Leisure • Supported holidays • School holiday and after school programs • Respite - evening and overnight weekend • Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email enquiries@parkside.org.au
The Parkside Foundation LOCAL AND TASMANIAN Large enough to support you, small enough to care. Community News
Authorised by Rosalie Woodruff, Parliament House Hobart, TAS, 7000.
You now need to number at least 7 boxes when you vote in the upcoming Tasmanian State Election. This is because the Tasmanian House of Assembly is increasing from 25 members to 35, with each division increasing from 5 members to 7. Voting is compulsory, so make sure yours counts. www.tec.tas.gov.au | 1800 801 701 A toast to 40 years
(Centre) Banjo’s CEO Jessica Saxby with Banjo’s Hobart staff members Olivia Pearce-Davis and Lucy Nischler
Innovative insights at the first BA5 meeting of 2024
ATTENDEES at the first Business After 5 event in 2024 at the Motor Yacht Club in Lindisfarne heard from local professionals about emerging pharmaceutical practices and the residential real estate industry.
Community Pharmacist Kristina Fox spoke about the establishment
of Complete Care Pharmacy in Rosny which offers an innovative approach to pharmacy and integrated health care.
“To protect patient confidentiality, medicines are dispensed via private ‘pods’ by a dispensing robot,” Ms Fox said.
“There are a number of allied health professionals
working on site with private consulting rooms, including nurse practitioners, lactation consultants, a diabetes educator and a continence nurse.
“Patients’ access to the services they need are handled by a triage desk with self-service check-in terminals.
“Complete Care Pharmacy also offers a pharmacist-led men’s
health service, NDIS products, personalised medicinal cannabis products and a ‘quiet hour’ with dimmed lights to cater to patients with sensory needs.”
Complete Care Pharmacy’s innovative approach to health care earned them the Gold Award in the innovation category in the 2023 Business
10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
Thursday 6am: Thursday Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: From The Noughties to
Eastern Shore Awards and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s 2022 Community Engagement Award.
PRD property representative Barry Wheeler gave a presentation about the residential real estate market in Tasmania.
Mr Wheeler said the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania’s December Quarterly Report
the Forties with Robyn Guy. 2pm: The Music Of Your Life with Kenny White. 4pm: Thursday Drive with Luca Forest. 6pm: Serbian with Aleksander Djeric. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek Program with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
Friday 6am: Rise & Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs & Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Karina’s Karousel with Karina Ceron. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Friday Drive
showed solid results for the final quarter which were the second strongest for the year and on par with December 2022.
“The quarter saw house prices rebound, the strongest first home buyers for the year, and improving investor and mainland buyer participation,” he said.
“There was improvement in the
with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times Rollin’ with Russell Hevey. 9pm: Rockin’ On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music Of Your Life Overnight with Craig Cracknell.
Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim Kingston. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek with Sotiris Kalogeropoulus
Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 2pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda Sims. 3pm: Music of Your Life with various presenters. 6pm: Kickback with Kenny White. 9pm: Saturday Night
rental market with supply increases and rental price stability but there is still a shortage of bottom end accommodation.”
Business After 5 is Business Eastern Shore’s monthly business information and networking event and is free for Business Eastern Shore members and $10 for nonmembers.
with Rob Maisey or Underside with Spook & Mike. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
Sunday 6am: Sunday Breakfast with Chris Burrows. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish with Brian Corr. Midday: Italian Program. 12.30pm: Nepalese program. 2pm: Dove c’e’ musica Italiana. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob Hevey. 8pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 15 Community News
Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Monday Morning Mix with Mandi Bennett. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Jenny Berry. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with David Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country with Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Double Or Nothing with Willie Jackson.
Music of Your Life Overnight.
(Right) Business Eastern Shore chair John Beard with guest speakers Kristina Fox and Barry Wheeler
6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne.
Bringing Back the Memories with David Batchelor. Midday: Beat & Ballads with Phil Williams.
Tuesday Drive
Mal Dennis.
Mostly Folk. 8pm:
Early Late Show with Margs.
The Late Late Show with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday:
Frank McIvor.
Showtime with Ron Andersen.
Johnny Dallas Revival Show with Johnny Dallas.
Wednesday Lunch with
Country Jukebox with Russell Hevey.
Wednesday Night Juke
wagging for new greyhound exercise
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said feedback was overwhelmingly supportive of the trial.
“Due to the Dog Control Act 2000, greyhounds can only be exercised off leash in specific areas declared by local councils,” he said.
“Greyhound owners want the best for their pets, so council has listened and undertaken the work to make changes to reflect the
current needs of the community.”
The Clarence City council has also made the paved Bellerive Boardwalk, which was previously restricted from dogs, as an onleash area except in the case of a special event.
“There was a great number of responses from residents and, in the case of the boardwalk, businesses as well,” Mayor Blomeley said.
“We heard the boardwalk was a valued place and the community enjoy walking their dogs nearby.”
Live site in Clarence for AFL team reveal
THE Clarence City Council will host a free entry, community live site at Charles Hand Park on Monday 18 March for the unveiling of the Tasmanian AFL team’s name, colours and jumper.
Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the council was thrilled to offer the people of Clarence, and the wider community, the opportunity to witness this historic moment in Tasmania’s sporting history at the site of the team’s future home.
“This is a momentous occasion and it is very fitting that we can bring the announcement to the community from below where the community oval of the high performance centre is planned to be located,” he said.
“We saw just how quickly
tickets to attend the various launch sites around the state were snapped up, particularly in Hobart, and reached out to the club to offer our support.
“A Tasmanian AFL team is well overdue and there is an air of excitement building around the announcement of the name, logo, colours, and jumper. I’m sure this will be a fantastic event where the community can come together to celebrate the launch of our AFL and AFLW teams.”
In December 2023, it was announced that Rosny Parklands, and Adjacent Charles Hand park, would be the site for the Tasmanian AFL and AFLW teams’ high performance training facility.
“Having Tasmania’s AFL team based in Clarence is an exciting opportunity and game
changing for our city, opening a wide range of possibilities for the surrounding businesses in Rosny and Bellerive,” Mayor Blomeley said.
“It also provides Clarence City Council the opportunity to design the Rosny Parkland and Charles Hard Park precinct around the centre using the principles of the City Heart Plan to build something truly wonderful for our community that will be a source of pride for generations.”
People attending the event are encouraged to bring picnic rugs and fold-out seating. Some food and drink will be available but attendees are welcome to bring their own food and drink to the event.
Parking will be available at the Rosny Bowls Club and Rosny College.
16 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 L u k e E d m u n d s M E M B E R F O R P E M B R O K E Please get in touch if you have concerns with energy, health, housing or anything else I can assist with 6212 2304 Shop 3, 76 Howrah Rd, Howrah luke edmunds@parliament tas gov au Authorised by Luke Edmunds Shop 3 76 Howrah Rd Howrah ADVERTISEMENT I’m here to listen. ADVERTISEMENT Dean Young Liberal Member for Franklin MP Nic Street Liberal Member for Franklin MP Vote 1 - 7 Liberal in Franklin Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Pl, Hobart TAS 7000. ADVERTISEMENT Liberal Senator For Tasmania Authorised by Senator Claire Chandler, Liberal, 42 Bridge St, Richmond TAS 7025 SENATOR CLAIRE CHANDLER SenatorChandler 03 6260 2018 42 Bridge Street, Richmond, TAS 7025 Senator.Chandler@aph.gov.au Contact my office if you require assistance Community News CLARENCE greyhound owners can now access one of only two specially designed off leash greyhound exercise zones in Tasmania at the South Street Reserve in Bellerive. The trial zone will be open for 12-months and has been implemented in response to local residents’ feedback and recent changes to the Clarence City Council’s dog management policies. The area is adjacent to a smaller space designed for vulnerable dogs,
those which are old, small or recovering from serious injury or
Clarence greyhounds enjoy their new space at Bellerive’s South Street Reserve
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 17 Sca Sca if th if coa coa thi Healthy oceans are vital to the personal... with care that makes the difference Phillip Stephens FUNERALS ph: (03) 6245 0544 www.psfunerals.com Office - 25 Electra Place, Mornington Chapel - 28 Riawena Road, Rosny 2-10 WINDSOR ST GLENORCHY CELEBRATING YEARS • Providing p hearing health • Our Independe treat hearing diso • Prescribing the l suit your needs and li P 6244 1993 W www.helixhearing. Hear Reconnect OFFER25ENDSTHFEB Retirement Living – New Town with The Mary Ogilvy Homes Society Located centrally in New Town, these modern and elegant Self Care Units are approximately five minutes by car from the Hobart CBD. Each purpose built unit offers privacy without isola�on and the freedom to come and go as you please. All are a short walk from New Town Plaza Shopping Centre. To arrange an inspec�on please call: (03) 6279 4200 email: recep�on@maryogilvy.com.au
EXCEL Roofing and Cladding has delivered roofing services in Tasmania, catering to both commercial and residential projects with a polished and professional approach.
Director Matt Merchant said Excel Roofing’s fully qualified tradespeople possessed the necessary skills and expertise to handle all aspects of metal roofing.
“Excel Roofing and Cladding adhere to strict safety work procedures and the team is well-trained to execute projects with the highest level of safety,” he said.
“The team employs only professionally-installed scaffolding on our projects, guaranteeing a safe working environment for employees and maintaining compliance with industry standards.
“The team members are ticketed to use industry lifting equipment when necessary, ensuring efficient and secure operations.
“Excel Roofing is committed to staying up to date with the latest roof methods and industry practices,
investing in training and education to ensure that our team is equipped with the most current knowledge and techniques.”
Mr Merchant said the team’s attention to detail set it apart from the competition, as team members understood that even the smallest aspects could significantly impact the overall quality and longevity of the roof.
“When you choose Excel Roofing, you can expect prompt and on-time delivery of your roofing projects,” he said.
“We proudly serve all areas in Tasmania, bringing our expertise and reliable services to both urban and rural locations.
“No matter the size or type of building, Excel Roofing and Cladding has the perfect roof plumbing solution for you.
“Our goal is to make the entire process as easy and stress-free for you as possible.
“From the initial consultation to the completion of the project. We are dedicated to providing the very best roof plumbing services in Tasmania.”
18 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Advertisement
Clarence, have your say on the issues that impact you. Open now! • Clarence Coastal Access Strategy • Clarence Bushfire Mi�ga�on Strategy • Clarence Natural Area Strategy • Rokeby Kayak launch point • Off-Leash Greyhound Area Trial Coming soon • Li�le Howrah Beach Master Plan www.yoursay.ccc.tas.gov.au • AFL/AFLW High Performance Centre • Clarence Mountain Bike Park and Meehan Range Survey results now available For further details and to have your say please visit Reach new heights in roofing services 0409 546 532 03 6128 3525 matt@excel-roofing.com.au Providing Quality Roofing Solutions in Tasmania We Provide Domestic & Commercial Metal Roofing Guttering & Fascia Wall Cladding Skylights & Downpipes Contact Us MATT MERCHANT 0402 414 447 03 6128 3525 chris@excel-roofing.com.au CHRIS HOLBROOK www.excel-roofing.com.au 9 Pardalote Close Opossum Bay 7023 EXCEL ROOFING & CLADDING P/L St Cuthbert's Catholic School 26 Corinna Road Lindisfarne TAS 7015 P 03 6243 9864 E stcuthberts@catholic.tas.edu.au W stcuthberts.tas.edu.au
Unravelling creativity at new Fabric Studio
LOCATED at 162 Argyle Street in Hobart, Decorama has officially opened its Fabric Studio which features an extensive array of fabrics including discontinued lines, vintage selections and premium options.
Since 1975, Decorama has been a recognised provider of bespoke soft furnishings and has extended these offerings with this new addition.
Alongside the fabric assortment and catering to various creative needs, visitors can explore track accessories, craft bundles, ready-made curtains, threads and more.
As a gesture of appreciation to the community, Decorama offers an exclusive offer to readers. Present this article in-store before 31 March to receive a complimentary fabric bundle valued at $10.
While Decorama doesn’t manufacture soft furnishings from these fabrics, the team is more than happy to assist you with all your custom window furnishing needs in the showroom on level one.
All materials in the fabric studio are priced at 50 per cent or less than retail.
The new Fabric Studio has been a labour of love and the team at Decorama are excited to share this creative space with visitors.
Situated on the lower ground of the Argyle Street showroom, the Fabric Studio is open every Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30am to 4:00pm.
ALDO Antolli has officially declared his candidacy for the role of Franklin Liberal Candidate.
Reflecting on the decision made in conjunction with his family. Mr Antolli said the choice was solidified a few days before Christmas, driven by a deeply rooted passion for public service cultivated through dedicated service as a Councillor in Kingborough.
His commitment to public service is further underscored by his role as the CEO of Pathways Tasmania Limited, a Tasmanian charity that works with the homeless.
“The fulfilment I’ve experienced in these roles, both as a community representative and the CEO of Pathways
Tasmania, has been immeasurable,” Mr Antolli said.
Mr Antolli is a leader in Tasmania’s social services sector and brings a unique background and perspective to his candidacy.
Born to a Croatian refugee father and an Italian mother who fled post-World War II Europe, Mr Antolli said his late father worked as an engineer on the Snowy Mountain Scheme.
“He was part of a migrant generation who helped build this country,” he said. His decision to enter the political arena is driven by a broader vision for Tasmania’s future.
Mr Antolli believes that the Liberal Party is wellpositioned to guide the state towards progress and stability.
“With the expansion of Parliament, there is an evident need for capable and compassionate leadership in government,” Mr Antolli said.
“I want to help bring about a secure future for all Tasmanians, mine and your children included.”
Mr Antolli’s peoplefirst approach to local government, advocating for reduced bureaucracy and red tape in planning, increased individual freedom and robust social support, is a cornerstone of his candidacy.
“Regardless of your political stance, I hope you resonate with my people-first approach to local government that I want to take into Parliament and create a strong economy as the foundation for a
flourishing society,” Mr Antolli said.
In addressing concerns about his dual roles Mr Antolli said he was committed to keeping his roles as a candidate and independent Councillor politically separate.
“By laying down two roles for just one in Parliament, I am certainly not doing this for the money, but to make sure the new Parliament has a strong voice for those who are vulnerable and for the wisdom of a fair and strong economy in Tasmania,” he said.
As the political landscape in Franklin takes shape, Mr Antolli said he was a candidate with a compelling blend of experience, dedication and a genuine commitment to the welfare of the Tasmanian community.
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 19
HOBART FABRIC STUDIO INCLUDES: Fabrics at 50% and below retail price Ready Made Curtains Tracks Remnants & Craft bundles Accessories OPENING DETAILS: Lower Ground 162 Argyle Street, Hobart WEDNESDAYS - THURSDAYS 10:30AM - 4PM 0 3 6 2 7 3 2 2 2 2 s a l e s @ d e c o r a m a n e t a u W W W D E C O R A M A H O B A R T C O M A U
a wide assortment of fabric options at Decorama’s Fabric Studio
Aldo Antolli declares candidacy for Franklin Aldo Antolli Liberal for Franklin Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Place, Hobart TAS 7000 ADVERTISEMENT
On the path to independence
MEET Luke, a determined individual who recently accomplished his dream of transitioning from living with his mother to independent living with the invaluable assistance of OnTrack, Tasmania’s Support Coordination service.
OnTrack Tasmania is a locally owned NDIS provider in Southern Tasmania that offers Supported Accommodation, Community Access and Support Coordination services to individuals with disabilities, to help them lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.
Three-years-ago, Luke harboured the aspiration of living independently, but it wasn’t until he connected with OnTrack Tasmania that his dream started to materialise.
With the guidance and support of his dedicated Coordinator of Support (COS) Sarah, Luke navigated the daunting process of finding suitable accommodation, managing finances and preparing for the responsibilities that come with independent living.
Sarah’s unwavering support, practical advice and encouragement played a
pivotal role in Luke’s successful transition to his new home in a serene neighbourhood in Moonah.
Luke’s journey exemplifies the transformative impact of personalised Support Coordination services provided by OnTrack Tasmania.
From helping him budget and plan for living on his own to offering emotional support and practical assistance, Luke’s COS ensured that he felt empowered and well-prepared every step of the way.
As Luke settles into his newfound independence, he looks forward to embracing the challenges and joys that come with this significant life change, knowing that he has a dedicated support system in place to help him thrive.
For NDIS participants like Luke who aspire to achieve lifelong goals, OnTrack Tasmania stands as a beacon of support and guidance.
With a proven track record of empowering individuals to realise their aspirations, OnTrack Tasmania is committed to helping
NDIS participants live their best lives.
With OnTrack Tasmania by your side, the path to independent living under the NDIS becomes not just achievable, but fulfilling and empowering.
To learn more about its Support Coordination services and success stories like Luke’s, visit ontracktasmania.com.au or reach out to the friendly team at 1800 668 722.
(HLBA) has existed for more than 40 years and caters for ladies of all abilities and ages who want to keep fit and have fun while doing so.
Social ladies’ doubles games are played at the Southern Tasmanian Badminton Association (STBA) Hall at 101 Cascade Road South Hobart on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30am.
Competitive ladies’ doubles roster games are also held on Tuesday mornings.
Just wear comfortable clothing to play in and wear non-marking sports
shoes, racquets (and shuttles) are provided.
A new player who is recently retired said she appreciated the opportunity to continue playing the sport they loved.
“At last, after all these years I can now enjoy playing without worrying about getting up to go to work the next day.”
Many participants play in the Atalanta Jamboree, the annual Australasian badminton competition.
This year, the Jamboree will be held in Melbourne and in other years has been played in Perth, Queensland and New Zealand.
20 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Advertisement 6244 1222 Julie.Collins.MP@aph.gov.au www.juliecollins.com 18 Ross Ave (PO Box 38) Rosny Park TAS 7018 JULIE COLLINS MP ADVERTISEMENT If you require assistance on any Federal matter please contact me. Authorised by Julie Collins MP, ALP Tasmania, 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park TAS 7018. T: E: W: A:
OnTrack Support Coordination service participant Luke
THE Hobart Ladies Badminton Association
for fun and fitness at the HLBA
One of the Hobart Ladies Badminton Association playing groups
AGE IS NO BARRIER The Hobart Ladies Badminton Association invites you to join Daytime ladies badminton Come and join us to play social games or regular roster on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mor nings from 9.30am at the Southern Tasmanian Badminton Association Hall, 101 Cascade Road, South Hobart. Contact us: secretar yhlba@gmail.com | hlbatasmania.wixsite.com/hlba Facebook Free parking close to the hall All grades of players welcome (including beginners) Racquets and shuttles provided
HLBA players high-five after a fun doubles game
Fix loose dentures with implants
LOOSE dentures can have various negative effects on health and well-being.
Inadequate chewing due to loose dentures can lead to poor digestion and gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, bloating and malabsorption of nutrients.
Inadequate intake of essential nutrients can affect overall health and increase the risk of various health problems.
Poorly fitting dentures can rub against the gums, causing irritation, soreness and inflammation.
When dentures do not fit properly, they may not provide adequate stimulation to the underlying jawbone. This can lead to bone resorption, where the jawbone gradually shrinks in size and density.
Bone resorption can result in changes in facial appearance. The discomfort, embarrassment and
frustration caused by loose dentures can have a negative impact on mental health and self-esteem.
Individuals may experience anxiety, depression and social withdrawal as a result. It’s essential for individuals experiencing issues with their dentures to seek prompt evaluation and adjustments from a dental professional to address any concerns and minimize potential health risks.
Fixing ill-fitting dentures can be done by relining, rebasing or replacement of dentures for improved comfort and function. Implant supported dentures may be recommended for individuals seeking a more stable and secure denture.
Implant supported dentures differ from traditional dentures in how they are anchored within the mouth. As the name suggest these dentures are anchored using dental implants
which are titanium screws inserted into the jawbone.
This can generally enhance denture stability, chewing and overall comfort. The stability provided by implants enables individuals to bite and chew with greater force and confidence allowing for a more varied diet and better nutritional intake.
Implants also stimulate the jawbone and preserves its density. This can maintain facial structure and prevent sunken appearance that often occurs with traditional dentures due to bone loss.
With proper maintenance and care these implant dentures can last longer than traditional dentures. Implant denture can be removable or fully fixed.
If you want to know more about dental implants or to see if it works for you, contact Island Dental on 62312356 for a free implant consultation.
JESSICA Phillips, inspired to become a support worker after witnessing the care her grandmother received from Community Based Support (CBS), has now been a full-time disability support worker for five years.
“I love every day. My eyes are open, my feet are on the floor, everyone’s full of energy and off I go,” Jessica said. Jessica obtained her Certificate III while working with a flexible schedule thanks to CBS and now
helps clients with personal care, household chores and getting out into the community.
“Respect and communication are key in our job,” Jessica said.
“For anyone looking to enter the aged care or disability support fields, go for it. You can do anything you want to do.”
Looking ahead, Jessica is excited to continue her career at CBS and is eager to join in future personal development and training opportunities.
Her journey so far shows her commitment to supporting her community and highlights the values and dedication to personal and professional growth at CBS.
CBS has a dedicated training calendar for all staff to pursue their professional development and is currently hiring for several roles including domestic assistance and support worker roles on the Eastern Shore.
For more information visit cbsaust.org.au/careers
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 21 Advertisement
cbsaust.org.au/careers Visit our website to find out more and apply today Join our team at CBS We’re currently looking for in your area • Support Workers • Domestic Assistants Caring for the community Community Based Support disability support worker Jessica Phillips Shop 6 / 35-37 Gordon St, Sorell Elizabeth St, & Contact us! Phone 6 231 235 6 Email i n f o @ i s l a n d d en t a l h o b a r t c o m a u Scan here or visit islanddentalhobart.com.au to book an appointment. Dr Sam Yeoh Dr Joey Wong Dr Sanjay Mali The Caring Dental Team In both Hobart and Sorell! NOW OFFERING Implant replacements for missing teeth. The Island Dental Hobart team
MacKillop Catholic College recognises outstanding achievements
THE educational team at MacKillop Catholic College pride themselves on fostering an environment where excellence is not only encouraged but celebrated.
Throughout 2023 students from Year 7 to Year 11 excelled in their studies, embracing challenges and striving for excellence in every endeavour.
The students’ success is a testament to the support provided by dedicated staff and the strong partnerships they share with parents and families.
The Academic Excellence Awards Assembly at the beginning of this year served as a poignant reminder of the talent and determination
that thrives within the College community where the students were recognised and applauded for their commitment to their studies and achievements across learning areas. It also served as a moment of reflection to draw inspiration from their dedication to academic excellence. Congratulations once again to all the Academic Excellence Award winners of 2023.
MacKillop Catholic College’s goal is not only to impart knowledge but to instil in students the skills, values and confidence they need to succeed in an everchanging world.
Educators at MacKillop seek to continually strive for excellence, drawing
inspiration from the achievements of their students and fostering a culture where everyone can reach their full potential.
2024 is a landmark year for MacKillop Catholic College, with its expansion to include Year 11 and 12.
This expansion comes as a response to the evolving educational landscape and the school’s commitment to providing students with a seamless transition from secondary to tertiary education or vocational pathways.
One of the key highlights of this expansion is the introduction of a diverse range of subjects to cater to the varied interests and career aspirations of students.
Alongside traditional academic subjects tailored to the university pathway, the curriculum includes vocational education and training (VET) subjects aimed to equip students with practical skills and industry certifications.
MacKillop Catholic College is proud to partner with local industries to offer schoolbased apprenticeships, providing students with invaluable handson experience while pursuing their studies.
Principal Stephen Hill said this marked a significant milestone in the school’s journey towards providing holistic education that catered to the diverse needs and aspirations of students.
“By extending our
offerings to Year 11 and 12 and incorporating vocational education and training subjects we are not only preparing students for success in tertiary education but also equipping them with the practical skills and experience necessary to
thrive in an ever-changing workforce,” he said.
“The decision to extend to Year 12 with a diverse curriculum underscores MacKillop Catholic College’s unwavering commitment to fostering excellence, innovation and inclusivity
in education.
“As the College embarks on this transformative journey, it reaffirms its dedication to nurturing the next generation of leaders, thinkers and innovators who will shape the future landscape of our society.”
2023 Academic Excellence Award Winners
Year 7
Jai Hand
Lachlan Hughes
Madeline Iles
Juliet Monks
Mitchell Scott
Aili Thomas
Year 8
Simone Angel
Lucas Brown
Noah Capaci
Logan Elliott
Lillian Latham
Ella Lennon
Isabella Patten
Sofia Smith
Lachlan Szczerbanik
Year 9
Joe Ashlin
Alyssa Knowles
Nikolai Warner
Poppy Woodberry
Year 10
Henry Fraser
Elliott Stee
Nena Timsar
Year 11
Evelyn Hicks
Lachlan Macgill
22 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024
MacKillop Catholic College celebrates its 2023 Academic Excellence Award Winners
PSA are your estate planning specialists
PAULA Sutherland & Associates (PSA) specialise in estate planning and administration, dispute resolution and litigation, and conveyancing.
PSA’s lawyers offer specialist advice tailored to meet specific client needs, providing practical solutions and options whilst identifying risks and possible consequences.
In delivering legal services, PSA focuses on transparency, achieving the best outcome for the client, and anticipating their future needs.
When providing a premium estate planning service, no matter how big or small their estate, PSA encourage everyone to have a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney,
Do your family circumstances feel too complex? Or do you have specific assets that you want to leave to your loved ones? Life is unpredicatable, but so too is death. Having a valid will protects everything that is important to you. At Paula Sutherland & Associates, no matter the size or complexity of your estate, if you want control over your assets after you pass away, then tick this one off your list today.
We offer comprehensive, accessible and affordable assistance for all your estate planning needs.
STANDARD WILLS $440* per person | $715* per couple *Includes
Women in government
Julie Collins, Federal Member for Franklin
WOMEN who advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion is the theme of this year’s Women’s History Month and I’m proud to be part of a government that is working hard to address inequity, bias and discrimination for women in this country.
Just last month, the gender pay gaps for nearly 5,000 Australian private sector employers were published for the first time.
It comes after the Albanese Labor Government’s reforms passed parliament last year, a key driver for employer action
to speed up progress to close the gender pay gap in the work force.
It’s our government that will deliver a bigger tax to 94 per cent of Tasmanian women from 1 July, right when they need it most.
We are also making it easier for women to work and raise their families by delivering cheaper childcare and by expanding the paid parental leave to six months.
For my part as the Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness, I understand how important a safe and affordable place to call home is.
That’s why our government has established the $10 billion
Housing Australia Future Fund which will see 30,000 new social and affordable homes built in the fund’s first five years.
Four thousand of these new homes will be for women and children impacted by family and domestic violence as well as older women who are at risk of homelessness.
This is just the start. Our government knows there is more to do but with more women in the government and cabinet and with a Prime Minister who respects and listens to women, I believe we can create real lasting change for women in our country that we know will benefit all Australians.
Paula Sutherland and Associates legal team
Julie Collins with Colony 47’s Dianne Underwood and Angela Abbott at the Women in Leadership event at Crowne Plaza
• ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for pan
• 1⅓ cups blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, or halved or quartered strawberries (use any berries you like or a mixture)
• 2 Tbsp. plus 1 cup sugar
• 1½ cups plain flour
• 1½ tsp. baking powder
1 Preheat oven to 350°. Brush a 9”-diameter cake pan with extravirgin olive oil. Line bottom with a parchment paper round. Combine 1⅓ cups berries and 2 Tbsp sugar in a medium bowl. Using a fork, mash
• 1 tsp. salt
• ½ tsp. baking soda
• 1 (heaping) Tbsp. finely grated lemon zest
• 3 large eggs
• 2 tsp. vanilla extract
• Juice of 1 large lemon
• 230g. ricotta
large lemon and ricotta and mix just until combined. Add reserved dry ingredients and mix with a rubber spatula until incorporated and batter is mostly smooth.
4 Scrape batter into prepared pan and spoon reserved (now syrupy) berries on top. Bake cake until golden brown on top and a tester inserted into the centre comes out clean, 45–50 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack; let cool in pan. Invert cake onto a large plate; peel away parchment and discard. Turn cake right side up.
Cooking School and Catering
For further information please contact:
E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com
P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com
• 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature)
• 50 ml warm water
• 1 tsp Salt
• 1 Tsp sugar
• 1 Tbsp olive oil
• 500g plain flour
• 2 tsp dry yeast.
• Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional)
Fuel your adventure with my trail mix
Jo Cordell-Cooper
EMBARKING on a hiking adventure involves more than just choosing the right trail and lacing up your hiking boots.
One essential aspect of a successful hike is ensuring you have the perfect snack to keep you energized and satisfied throughout the journey.
Enter the hiking trail mix, a delightful blend of nuts, seeds,
dried fruits, and a touch of sweetness that not only fuels your body but also adds a burst of flavour to your outdoor experience.
I’ve previously shared my sensational Scroggin recipe (Scroggin is another word for trail mix and literally stands for what it contains and there is some dispute as to where the word originated) but let’s go with sultanas, chocolate, raisins and other
goodies, glucose, imagination and nuts.
Scroggin recipe
This recipe includes equal amounts of:
• Pumpkins and pepitas – oven dried – rolled in soy sauce (you need the sodium from the soy sauce) – trust me it is worth the effort, the salt is very much needed if you sweat a lot.
• M and M’s, or choc drops
1. To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in
For further information please contact:
E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com
P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com
• Snakes, lollies, jelly beans (full sugar)
• Nuts you like, dates, dried apricots, sultanas + the surprisingly addition of wasabi peas (don’t knock it until you try it).
After a few weeks of hiking the Larapinta Trail last year I cannot face this recipe. It seems I overdosed. So, on return I sought out this new recipe and I love it!
New Scroggin recipe
• 1 cup of cashews, almonds and pecans
• 4 tbsp coconut oil
• 2 tsp coconut palm sugar
• 4 tbsp curry powder
• ½ tsp salt
• 1 tsp cumin
• Cayenne pepper to taste.
Preheat your oven to 150 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray with baking paper.
Melt the oil with the sugar, curry powder, salt, cumin & cayenne powder.
Stir for a few minutes until the sugar has dissolved.
Pour the mixture over nuts and stir well to coat.
Spread the nuts out on the lined baking sheet and bake for 25-30 mins until golden brown.
Let it cool and store in an airtight contain and take what you need on each adventure.
Additionally, this is an excellent afternoon snack whether you are hiking or not! For an extended article on food for day hikes go to jocc.com.au/scroggin
Jo Cordell-Cooper is an awardwinning personal trainer (PT of the Year, twice) with a specialisation if preparing people of adventure, as well as working with clients whose needs aren’t met in a mainstream gym.
If interested make contact on jo@ jocc.com.au or 0409 862 206. Jo offers beginners hiking sessions on Friday evenings.
24 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 Hobart Support group for people living with Crohn’s or colitis Third Wednesday of every month at 6.30pm. Level 2, 152 Macquarie St, Hobart. For more information, visit crohnsandcolitis.org.au/ support-groups WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: info@stairliftsalestasmania.com.au • W: www.stairliftsalestasmania.com.au INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY www.mobility4all.com.au Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I info@mobility4all.com.au 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au
23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
Jo’s Larapinta Trail hiking buddy Elaine Overington
a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.
When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool.
next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.
In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.
In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.
When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.
Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.
Set oven to 195oC
When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.
Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf.
Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.
Let cool a bit then eat! Enjoy PUMPKIN BREAD Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Chefaholic Cooking School A paddock to plate cooking experience for all Ingredients • 1 x 2kg whole duck • 150g butter
100ml Grand Marnier • 50ml vinegar • 50g castor sugar • Juice of 3 oranges
6 oranges Method Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes. Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency. Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down. Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy! A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL Ingredients
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 25 Inspiration. Design JoInery Specialising in quality p: 0488 123 174 e: info@idjoinery.com.au Kitchens enovations Bathrooms/vanities Laundries/wardrobes • Hot water cylinder repairs and replacements • Blocked drains • LPG and Natural Gas • Domestic and commercial plumbing CALL HARRY TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE Mobile: 0499 555 010 Community News WE OFFER - VEHICLE SERVICING AND REPAIRS - GEARBOX AND DIFF REPAIRS - AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL AND DIAGNOSIS - BRAKE AND CLUTCH REPAIRS - 4WD AND DIESEL REPAIRS - TIMING BELT AND HEADGASKET REPAIRS 6247 2089 17 DROUGHTY POINT ROAD ROKEBY Installation / repair Leak prevention Gutter cleaning 0421 435 537 Before After Before After Enquires www.progutters.com.au admin@progutters.com.au Call us We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 Louis Fencing Hobart area. Phone: 0488 247 492 Vacuum Cleaning Gutters Solar Panel Cleans Gutter Guard Installation Reliable, respectful, skilled plumbing professionals We perform the following services: Contact us now to make a booking General maintenance nallyplumbing.com.au Hot water cylindersinstallation & maintenance Renovations/fixture upgrades Unblocking toilets & drains 0400 134 260 admin@npgtas.com.au 124 Mornington Road - Mornington To advertise in the ‘Trades, Services & Classifieds’ section, contact: justine.brazil@corcomms.com.au Amy Yun 0451 095 985 • galleriatiling@gmail com GALLERIA TILING TAS PTY LTD Residential and Commercial New Homes and Renovations Floor and Wall Tiling Tile Removals and Repairs Waterproofing Screeding and Levelling Underlaying All Types of Tiles Fully insured and reliable service Call today for a free quote! WANTED TO BUY COINS & NOTES Round 50c, pre decimal & decimal coins, silver coins, gold coins, mint sets, proof sets, PNCs, carded coins, Australian paper notes. No collection too big or too small. 0405 672 050 Devil Coins & Collectibles Chris Kelly, Alira Jensen, Ouita Spalding and Anna Mangan Ph 0488 176 129 2/8 Percy Street, Bellerive www.osteopathhobart.com.au MAIB, WorkCover, Private Health Insurance Rebates Apply Neck and Back Pain Sport Injuries Postural Problems Workplace/Repetitive Strain Injuries Pregnancy Related Problems Headaches/Migraines OSTEOPATHY Chris Kelly, Alira Jensen, Ouita Spalding and Anna Mangan Ph 0488 176 129 2/8 Percy Street, Bellerive www.osteopathhobart.com.au MAIB, WorkCover, Private Health Insurance Rebates Apply Neck and Back Pain Sport Injuries Postural Problems Workplace/Repetitive Strain Injuries Pregnancy Related Problems Headaches/Migraines OSTEOPATHY
Million Paws Walk Dog-A-Thon is an opportunity for dogs and people to have a great day out, raising awareness and funds for disadvantaged animals with the aim of having at least 250,000 animals attend nationally, which is where we get the name A “Million Paws Walk ” from.
We guarantee you will meet like minded dogs and people from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences providing every opportunity for you to form social connections and new lasting friendships.
We are looking forward this year to a bumper attendance at RSPCA Tasmanias Million Paws Walk Dog-A-Thon being held at the Soldiers Memorial Oval and Max’s Infinity Loop on the Hobart Queens Domain on Sunday 26th of May 2024. We’d love our supporters and networks to pledge support early with our goal being to see 500 doggos on the 26th of May and to raise $15,000 of funds for Tassie animals in need. There is something for everyone and to encourage interactions, as well as the walk led by our top fundraisers, we also have dog and human themed games, competitions and the opportunity to try your skills at guiding your dog through dog agility courses.
There will be exhibitors to meet and shop with, fundraising raffles to join in on and giveaways for your dog from our fabulous partners at Tidbits.
On the 26th of May, we’ll meet you at 10.00am for check in at the Muster Point on Solidiers Memorial Oval (don’t worry, there will be lots of signage and there is plenty of parking).
At 11am we will all set off along Max’s Infinity Loop which has full accessibility including wheelchair and pram access. After approximately 2.4km, you will have walked the route
Ticket prices are:
Adults $25.00
Concession $20.00
Child $15.00
Family (2 adults, 2 children up to 13 years old) $65.00
Adult, Concession and Child tickets all include a free hot or cold drink and tassie shortbread biscuit. Family tickets include two free hot or cold drinks and two tassie shortbread biscuit.
03 6709 8100
back to the start with our team. Once everyone is back past the muster point, we will start the games and other things.
Nationwide, since 1994, more than 750,000 people and 400,000 pooches have participated in Million Paws Walk, raising a phenomenal $16 million for animals in need.
To fundraise or buy tickets, please visit the online event site below and buy a ticket, maybe even consider purchasing tickets for family and friends for Easter or as a gift, and follow the prompts.
If you don’t like using an online system, please call 6709 8100 during office hours or email us at events@rspcatas.org.au for us to organise this for you.
Last year we had quite a lot of teams attending and competitively fundraising. We look forward to seeing familiar teams and faces this year and new ones as well - Go Teams!
Wanting to do your own version of Million Paws Walk? (Perhaps your dog doesn’t like going out in a crowd, or you live too far away to make it to our event location,) please sign up for Walk This May Dog-A-Thon whereby you register, donate/fundraise and paw up some kilometers in lieu of attending the walk.
Get in touch today to find out how!
School principles, teachers, parents and students, you too can show your schools approach to social responsibility and compassion by getting your school behind this event and registering with us to do Lap It Up This May - our the Million Paws Walk Dog-A-Thon version for schools. To register please get in touch with us today at events@rspcatas.org.au or phone 036709 8100 and we will tailor an experience package for your school!
How your funds are used:
• $90 can help transport injured and abused animals to get medical care.
• $252 can help us care for a dog in one of our shelters for a whole week.
• $1,008 can help us care for a mistreated, abused or abandoned dog in our shelters for a whole month!
Thanks ‘a million’ for
26 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024
BY SEE IT. REPORT IT. CALL 1300 139 947 OR EMAIL reportit@rspcatas.org.au SCAN THE QR TO FIND OUT MORE
our shelter.
$36 can help provide a dog with a warm bed, love and care for one day in
$58 can help a shelter dog learn to trust again with
training and affection.
pledging to be a part of our history!
Joel Diprose, Ten Lives Cat Centre
THE decision to surrender a beloved pet is never easy. Circumstances often arise beyond an owner’s control, prompting the need to seek alternative arrangements.
One common challenge currently faced by families is the struggle to find rental accommodation that welcomes pets.
“Every week, we see families who have to part with their pets because they can’t find suitable accommodation,” Ten Lives CEO Noel Hunt said.
This unfortunate situation not only impacts the families involved but also puts the well-being of the pets at risk, sometimes leading to abandonment when no alternative options are available.
Angel’s journey to Ten Lives began when his owner faced the difficult realisation that pet-friendly housing was elusive. With a heavy heart but a commitment to Angel’s welfare, the decision was made to surrender him to Ten Lives, where compassionate care and a second chance awaited.
At Ten Lives, the mission extends far beyond temporary shelter. The team is dedicated to providing guidance and support to pet owners, offering resources and assistance to explore all possible avenues before considering surrender.
Whether it’s problemsolving tips through fact sheets available on their website or more personalised consultations over the phone, Ten Lives strives to empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their pets’ future.
Furthermore, Ten Lives reinforces that surrendering a cat comes at no cost.
Whether an owned pet, an abandoned soul, or a found stray, every feline is welcomed with open arms, ensuring that financial concerns never stand in the way of providing a cat the care they need.
As Tasmania progresses towards a more inclusive rental policy regarding pet ownership, there’s hope on the horizon. Advocacy efforts and community cooperation aim to alleviate the challenges faced by pet owners, promising a brighter
future where families and their beloved pets can thrive together.
However, the work of Ten Lives relies heavily on the support of the community. As a self-funded animal charity, donations
and volunteers play a crucial role in providing care and finding loving homes for Tasmania’s unwanted cats and kittens. Every contribution, whether big or small, makes a meaningful difference
in the lives of these animals.
their mission
make a difference, visit tenlives.com.au
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 27
how you can
part of
Apply now tenlives.com.au/volunteer Shiggie 3 YEARS OLD FEMALE ADOPT Scan to see more kitties )> Learn more: tenlives.com.au/adopt 12 Selfs Point Road New Town 6278 2111 | tenlives.com.au Scan to apply or call 6278 2111 Scan to apply or call 6278 2111 )> MARGATE, CITY & NEW NORFOLK OP SHOPS Edu.Cat is an exciting Australian-first Kinder – Year 7 Curriculum aligned feline education program focusing on fostering responsible cat ownership with the aim to create social change in how people care for cats and protect wildlife. The Science and Technologies based program inspires students in these professional fields and empowers them to make positive choices in cat ownership. The Edu.Cat program is free to all schools in Tasmania can be tailored to your students needs. The program includes: 30 to 45 minute presentation • Printable teacher resources Printable student workbooks • Bookmark and certificate for students For Bookings and Information tenlives.com.au/educate edu.cat@tenlives.com.au 03 6278 2111 Ten Lives _ Gazette - Jan2024.indd 1 26/02/2024 12:14:27 PM Another chance of happiness comes at no cost Pepper and Helen were surrendered as an unwanted litter of kittens. Photos credit: Rachael Daniels Angel had to be rehomed after his family couldn’t find pet friendly accommodation
support Ten
Cat Centre
be a
Free online presentation on managing dementia on Thursday the 28 March at 11:30am at Montrose Bay Yacht Club. Please book early as seating is limited. All enquiries to paul@allaboutfitness.net.au or 0417 836 988.
Cross-country and road running for the over 30s from April to September at various locations in southern Tasmania. Go to tasmastersathletics.org.au or email tasmasterssec@gmail.com for enquiries.
With the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience friendship, camping and adventures while learning leadership, management skills and much more. If you are aged 13-17 years old, register your interest today. Go to www.armycadets.gov.au
or email 63acu@armycadets.gov.au
Piano and singing lessons for ages seven to adult. Performance opportunities, AMEB exams and eisteddfods.
Phone Suzanne Ortuso on 0407 430 902.
Join our first Sunday of the month or Monday working bees, from 10am – noon. Phone Graeme on 0467 514 667 or Tassie on 0417 516 176 and help us care for our coastline.
Our members meet on weekdays at 17 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. Groups include painting and drawing, needlecraft, textiles and threads of all types, card making, artist's books and basket making. Visitors are welcome.
Check our website or call secretary Lynne on 0407 470 214 for more information.
Bellerive CWA hold meetings on first Monday of each month (except January), starting at 11.30am for handcraft and continuing with a meeting at 1pm.
Phone 0408 478 546 for further information.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, alternating day/night, at the Howrah Community Centre, 11 Howrah Road Howrah. Come and enjoy our guest speakers. For more information visit www.bellerivehistory.com or phone Mike Geard on 0400 974 056.
Come visit the Bellerive Sound Museum. Re-live the early days of recorded music and Radio. Located at 19 Cambridge Rd, Cambridge, in the old Bellerive Post Office. Open Wednesday to Friday 11am to 3pm and Saturday 10am to 1pm. Enquiries: contact 6135 4814.
Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building, Battery Point. Call 1300 064 068 for dates and details.
‘Lightness is not to be taken lightly’ talk, guided meditation and Q&A. Free community event at the Multicultural Hub in Hopkins St, Moonah from 6.30pm-8pm Tuesday 6 February. Booking essential via http://tiny.cc/lightness For enquiries email hobart@au.brahmakumaris.org
The Eastern Shore Ramblers club meet every Sunday to enjoy bushwalking. There are walks for a range of fitness and experience levels, with friendly members ready to welcome and guide you. We also enjoy social gatherings throughout the year with some weekends away. For more information email easternshoreramblers@gmail.com
The Clarence City Band is based at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. The band caters for all tastes and ensembles and provides a development program for members of the community to learn a musical instrument. For more information visit www.ClarenceCityBand.com.au
A local community group working towards positive climate solutions, with the view that together, people can make a better future. For more information, visit clarenceclimateaction.org or the Clarence Climate Action Facebook page.
Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities. Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am - 12pm. Phone Romana Sanders on 6244 4736.
Held every Tuesday night from 7pm - 10pm at the Howrah Community Centre. Listen and dance to a great resident band and walk-up singers. There are door prizes, raffles, spot dances and lucky number cards. Entry fee is $4. For more information, visit Clarence Country Facebook page or email clarence.country@gmail.com
Clarence Ladies Probus Club meets at Bellerive Yacht Club at 10am on the third Monday of each month. Come along and meet our friendly group.
Meets at the Clarence GP Super Clinic in Rosny Park on the first Friday of the month. Bus trips on the fourth Monday of the month. Come along and share a cuppa
and conversation. Contact president Shirley Sonners on 0408 129 093.
A monthly event where you can buy locally made items, produce, upcycled and second-hand products. 11 Ralph Terrace, Rokeby from 10am-2pm on the third Saturday of each month. Everyone welcome!
Meet at Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny on Wednesdays from 9:30am. Phone Dot Batt on 6244 6276 or 0400 607 355.
The Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre hosts the Clarence Plains Growers and Crafters Market on the third Saturday of every month. The market is held at the Grace Centre, 11 Ralph Terrace, from 10am - 2pm.
The Coal River Valley Garden Club Inc meets on the fourth Monday of the month from January to November at the Richmond Football Club Rooms, Richmond War Memorial Oval, Victoria Street, at 7:30pm and includes guest speakers, trade table and supper. New members always welcome. For more information, phone 6260 2727.
Crew Fitness is a not-for-profit community fitness group offering bootcamp and high-intensity interval training. Classes run for 45 minutes, Monday – Friday at 6am, Saturdays at 7:45am. It is based out of the Lindisfarne Sailing Club. New members welcome.
Eastern Shore Croquet Club would like to invite new players to the club. Equipment and lessons are provided, in a friendly environment. 59 South Street, Bellerive. Phone Ian Smith on 0457 194 772.
The Eastern Shore Bridge Club meets at the Clarence Uniting Church in York Street Bellerive on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. If you are interested in learning to play bridge or wish to join the walk-in sessions, phone Warren Papworth on 0439 323 505. All levels are welcome.
Love to play Mahjong? We're looking for new members to join us. Come along to the Rosny Library in Bligh St from 1-4pm on Thursday afternoons. The cost each week is $5. Some playing experience is essential. Bring along your own cup, tea bag or coffee for afternoon tea. Please contact Sue on 6244 5021 for more information.
Meets at the Sunshine Centre, Howrah Road on Monday from 9am - 12:30pm, Wednesday noon - 3:30pm, and Saturday 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Contact Ailene on 0418 425 843 (Monday and Wednesday) and Marianne on 0408 487 445 (Saturday).
Need a household item repaired for free? Bring it along to the Eastside Repair Cafe at Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre, 150A Bligh St. Volunteers will be there to help you fix your clothing, crockery, garden tools, furniture, toys, jewellery and more. Phone Katie on 0499 078 490 or email eastsiderepaircafe@gmail.com
Learn about “looking after yourself” by attending the monthly informal get-togethers presented by All About Fitness. Entry by gold coin donation, and includes a cuppa. Book early as seating is limited. Email paul@allaboutfitness.net.au or call 0417 836 988
Free group fitness sessions in parks across Clarence, open to all. For details, go to liveclarence.com.au/fitness-in-the-park
The Forcett Community Hall’s Handmade and Farmers’ Market is usually held on the third Sunday of each month.
An aerobic fitness program designed for over-55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30pm - 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.
Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.
Radio controlled, fixed wing and rotary aircraft at Kelly Field on the Richmond/Campania Road. Flying every day from 9am until early afternoon, weather permitting. Instruction available and visitors most welcome. For more information, phone Barry Gerrard on 0417 032 901, email bgerrard@bigpond.net.au or visit hobartmodelaeroclub.org.au.
Regular gatherings at our new headquarters (274 Shark Point Road, Penna) from 9am Wednesdays. Enquiries phone 0408 373 900 or email hvmssec@gmail.com
Meeting at Howrah Community Centre every Friday, 10am - 12pm. Guest speakers, varied activities and occasional bus trips. Phone Brian on 0438 779 969 for enquiries.
If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.
The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday, 9:30am - 4pm. At other times, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.
Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am - noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.
An opportunity to join a fun and friendly social club in your local community. We meet at the Motor Yacht Club in Lindisfarne from 10am on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include regular bus trips, Christmas Lunch and more. New members welcome. Phone 0437 804 440 or email plindisfarneladies@gmail.com
The Lauderdale Canal Model Boating group meets at the Northern Terrace in Lauderdale from 9am each Saturday, weather permitting. Everyone is welcome. Come along and see a wide selection of model boats sailing, and maybe you will be encouraged to take up the hobby and join the group. For more information call Randall on 6287 7158.
Rehearsals at Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre, with concerts around Hobart. Phone Rob Billing on 0418 146 224.
Come along and have a look at our library. Includes fiction, non-fiction, large print and a Tasmanian books section. Hours are Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm and Saturday 10am - noon. Membership is $7 yearly. For more information, phone Diane on 0400 043 297.
Meets at the Lindisfarne Activities Centre from 1011.45am Fridays. We have guest speakers every week, on topics including health, travel, history, sport, food and music. New members always welcome. Join us for an interesting talk, a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit. Phone Claire Chalmers on 6243 6689 for enquiries.
Committed to serve the community. Meets at Lions Clubrooms, 10 Binalong Road, Mornington on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Rod on 0447 002 112.
Come and enjoy a game of mahjong at the Eastern Shore Croquet Club (59 South Street, Bellerive). New and experienced players are welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Phone Francine on 0439 485 114 for more details.
If you are interested in finding out what Masons do, then Masonic Membership may be for you. Email your enquiry to lindisfarnelodge46tc@gmail.com Advise your name and contact phone, and we will respond.
Suitable for every body. Gentle Yoga: Wednesday 11am; Mat Pilates: Friday 12.30pm. At the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au
Gentle Flow Yoga: Monday 8.30am; Mat Pilates: Wednesday 9am. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au
Play at Wentworth Park, Howrah. Mens, womens, mixed and juniors competition, all ages and skill levels welcome. Email phantomstfc@hotmail.com for more information or follow @phantomstouchfootball on instagram.
Painting in all mediums. The group meets from 9.30am12.30pm Tuesdays. For more information phone Gail Ellen on 0427 658 775.
The Club meets at the Abundant Life Church on South Arm Road from 10am on the third Tuesday of each month (except December/January). The meeting is followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include dinners, excursions, quizzes, Christmas events and walking, cards and craft groups. For further information please visit our website or phone Scott Jennings on 0458 009 786.
Monday: Clarence Plains Walkers and Knopwood Knitters.
Tuesday: Sewing and craft and basic sewing. Wednesday: Dancing with Hiroko, and Be Connected basic computers.
Wednesday 11am: Zumba with Karoline. Every second
Wednesday: Two-course community lunch (free). Every second Thursday: Basic Photography. Friday: Staying Strong Living Well exercise group. Every second Friday: PINGO ($10, inc. morning tea). 85 Tollard Drive, Rokeby. Phone 6247 6778 or email admin@rokebync.org.au
Monthly working bees planting and maintaining native bushland usually held on the third Sunday of the month from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Locations vary between Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area or the
Rosny Montagu Bay Foreshore Reserve. For more information, email rmbcareinc@gmail.com or phone John on 0419 826 052.
Classes in embroidery, paper craft and cards, beading, quilting and bear-making. Meets Thursdays from 9.30am at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 28 Rowena Rd. Phone Irene on 0407 489 833 or Kay on 6243 8060.
The Club meets at the Howrah Community Centre from 10am on the third Monday each month. Mornings consist of a meeting followed by morning tea, a guest speaker and/or other activities. For more information email elvina7@bigpond.com or write to The Secretary, Shoreline Combined Probus Club, PO Box 777 Rosny Park, TAS 7018.
The market runs from 9.30am-1pm on the first Sunday of each month.
Square dancing for beginners, couples and singles welcome. Currently being held in Bellerive; coming to Moonah. Weekly classes on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@hotmail.com
St Mark’s Anglican Church Op Shop at Bellerive operates Wednesday and Friday from 9am –3pm. We sell fresh produce, plants, preserves, books, toys and general products. There is also a coffee shop on Fridays. Corner of Scott and Clarence streets.
Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com.
365 Support Fitness run senior strength, balance and flexibility classes on Tuesdays at 9am and noon and Fridays at 9am and noon. They are held at the PCYC in Bellerive and cost $8 a class. For more information, phone 0407 967 961 or email 365sfitness@gmail.com.
Tasmanian Retirement Village Residents (TRVR) are missing out compared to their mainland counterparts, who each have a TRVR Association. We do not. A group of residents in the north are trying to rectify that by setting up the Tasmanian Association for Residents of Retirement Villages. Southern members are needed. More information at TARRV.online
Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub.org.au.
Thylacine lutruwita is a not-for-profit wildlife protection hospital and cat desexing clinic based at 553 Pass Road, Mornington. They do cat desexing and a microchip for only $49.99. To book an appointment, phone 6146 0699 or visit www.thylacinelutruwita.com.au.
Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am - noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session, working during school terms. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.
U3A Clarence is a co-operative learning organisation for retired and semi-retired people, run entirely by volunteers. We offer a variety of courses including Painting, Clarence History, Trivia, Aspects of Geology, Poetry, Mah Jong, French for Beginners, and more. Three ten-week sessions each year. Classes held at Rosny Library between 9.30am and 1pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. More details: u3aclarence.com
The Warrane Community Garden hosts a monthly working bee on the third Sunday of the month 9am - 12pm. Weekly mini-bees are on Friday between 10 - 12pm. 18 Heemskirk St, Warrane. All are welcome. Please bring a cup, your garden gloves, and a favourite weeding tool if you have one. For more information, call 0499 078 490 or visit wmnc.org.au/community-garden
Mondays: Yoga 8.30am and 9.45am, Youth After School Program 3pm. Tuesdays: Food and Fun 10am, Loui’s Van 6.10pm, Pilates 5pm and 6pm. Wednesdays: Community Breakfast 8:30am, Food Assistance from 9am, Community Lunch fortnightly 12pm ($5 donation). Thursdays: Pilates 10am. Fridays: Wellness Workout 10.30am ($5 per class). Last Saturday of the month: Eastside Repair Café 2–4pm.
Sundays: Pilates 8:30am. 150a Bligh Street. Phone 6244 6346, email info@wmnc.org.au or visit www.wmnc.org.au for more information.
Gentle yoga classes on Tuesdays at 5:30pm at the Howrah Recreation Centre. For more information phone Jackie on 0467 197 499.
28 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024
Changes to tax cuts from 1 July
Damian Gibson, Partner and Financial Adviser, Elevate Wealth
IN response to higher than normal inflation and cost of living pressures, the government has passed legislation to amend the tax cuts which will apply from 1 July this year.
The changes are explained below, along with some things you may wish to think about to help maximise your savings.
The Stage 3 tax cuts were already legislated and due to come into effect on 1 July 2024.
The recent amendments changes some of the personal income tax rates, as well as the income brackets that certain tax rates apply to.
The tax-free threshold (which is the amount of income that you can earn before tax is payable), will remain at $18,200.
Compared to the original tax cuts, the changes reduce the 19 per cent tax rate to 16 per cent, reinstate the 37 per cent tax bracket (which was going to be removed from 1 July), but increase the income band to which this applies from $120,000 to $135,000 and decrease the threshold above which the 45% tax rate applies, from $200,000 to $190,000.
The following table compares the tax rates for the current financial year with both the
original Stage 3 tax cuts, and the new rates which will come into effect from 1 July 2024 (rates are not inclusive of the 2% Medicare levy).
The changes to the tax rates will reduce the amount of tax that’s withheld from certain payments made to you.
For example, employers and superannuation providers who pay you an income stream will adjust the amount of tax withheld from these payments.
This will result in incremental tax savings throughout the year. You don’t need to make changes to the way that you complete your tax return.
You should consider the impact the new tax rates may have on the potential tax benefits.
For example, if your marginal tax rate is going to decline in 2024/25, you may gain a greater benefit by making a personal deductible super contribution before 30 June 2024.
Conversely, if your marginal tax rate won’t change in 2024/25 the tax benefit from making a personal deductible contribution will be the same this financial year and next.
Are you thinking of selling assets that would create a capital gain? If your marginal tax rate is going to be lower in 2024/25, you may pay less capital gains tax (CGT) by selling after 1 July
But before you decide to defer any asset sale, it’s important to consider the market risk (the value of the asset could decline and offset or eliminate any tax benefit from selling next financial year) and holding costs, which for real property may include rates, insurance and interest payments.
There are a range of other benefits and items to consider from 1 July 2024 with respect to these tax cuts.
Contact Elevate Wealth and talk to one of our Advisers if you would like to discuss how you can get the most from these changes.
Any general advice in the publication has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Before you act on any general advice in this publication, you should consider whether it is appropriate to your individual circumstances.
Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.
Damian Gibson
Permanent changes to the Work Bonus
Hank Jongen, General Manager, Services Australia
HELLO everyone.
In December 2022, the government changed the maximum amount that you can build up in your Work Bonus balance from $7,800 to $11,800. It was introduced as a temporary measure but on 1 January it became permanent. This means anyone eligible is able to earn an additional $4,000 from work without it affecting their rate of pension.
So, who can get the Work Bonus and how does it work?
If you receive Age Pension, or you’re getting Carer Payment or Disability Support Pension and you’re over Age Pension age, you can take advantage of the Work Bonus for employment income. Work Bonus automatically exempts the first $300 per fortnight you earn from. It doesn’t
apply to other sources of income like investment income.
Every fortnight you aren’t working, or have been paid less than $300 from work, you are contributing to your Work Bonus balance. This balance can grow until it reaches the maximum of $11,800.
If you are working, any Work Bonus eligible income over $300 in a fortnight will reduce any Work Bonus balance you may have before the income starts to reduce your pension. The excess income won’t affect your pension rate until your Work Bonus balance is used up.
What does the 1 January change mean for pensioners over Age Pension age?
If you’re already on a pension, you won’t see any changes. Everyone already on a pension has received the benefit of the $4,000 one-off top up from December 2022, either by an increase in
their Work Bonus balance, or an increase in their rate of pension as their employment income used up the bonus balance top up.
If you’re applying for a pension now, you will start with a Work Bonus balance of $4,000 straight away.
That means you could start work straight away if you wanted to and you’d have to use up your bonus balance before your employment income affected your rate.
The nice thing about the Work Bonus and Work Bonus balance is that it’s all worked out automatically.
You don’t need to do anything to take advantage of it, except report your income, as you are required to do. You can look at your existing Work Bonus balance by going online.
Until next time, Hank Jongen
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 29
WNCL Tigers secure historic three-peat
THE Tasmanian Tigers Women’s National Cricket League (WNCL) team has cemented its spot in Tasmanian sporting history by clinching a third straight WNCL title against the Queensland Fire at Blundstone Arena.
The Tigers held Queensland to just 248 runs in the first innings with Heather Graham claiming three wickets in the process. Graham was also influential with the bat marking up 63 runs off
75 balls and Elyse Villani looked strong at the crease before exiting on 32 runs.
Player of the match Nicola Carey claimed one wicket with the ball and 111 runs with the bat, leading the way to a miraculous three-peat.
“I’m relieved to be honest, it was so stressful out there,” Carey said.
“We were really happy to keep them under 250 runs on a really good wicket, but that was hard work.”
Captain Elyse Villani
THE Dominoes Basketball Club has been named Tasmania’s 2023 Good Sports Club of the Year for going above and beyond to improve the health and wellbeing of its members, inspiring positive change and building a more inclusive club environment.
The Good Sports Awards recognise strong clubs and dedicated people who are passionate about the community and supporting individuals live healthy, happy lives.
The triumph is not the first for the Warrane-based club, having won the 2020 Good Sports Tasmanian Club of the Year award
and the runners-up prize in 2022.
Club president Daniel Ogg said Good Sports had helped the entirely volunteer-run club promote healthy behaviours, leading to changed attitudes towards alcohol and other drug consumption.
“Dominoes Basketball Club has reached the highest level of the Good Sports program, having implemented policies that cover alcohol and tobacco management, illegal drugs, mental health and safe transport,” he said.
“We believe that educating families on what a healthy lifestyle looks like has a far-
reaching impact beyond the basketball court, helping reduce the likelihood of young people engaging in unhealthy behaviours including risky alcohol consumption, smoking, vaping and other drug use.
“Dominoes prides itself on being a family-oriented club and our older age group leaders are role models to our younger participants.
“Dominoes is more than just a place to play basketball, it’s a place that creates a sense of belonging, promotes positive behaviours and is welcoming of all.”
said the team felt a great wave of support throughout the week leading up to the final.
“We are so grateful to everyone behind the scenes for the work and support you have given us this year,” she said.
“We are also grateful for the community we have created which includes passionate fans, families, businesses, schoolkids and hopefully some future players that we can inspire.
“We have built a culture that we are really proud
of and we hope that all of our fans are proud of us as well.
“I am incredibly honoured to be part of this group and it feels special to train and play alongside everyone in this squad.”
A RE-ELECTED Liberal Government will provide an additional $150,000 to the Tasmanian Football Umpires Association (TFUA) towards the construction costs of the TFUA’s ‘home for AFL football umpires’ project.
TFUA President Kim Dillon welcomed the new commitment and said he was looking forward to working with the government, AFL Tasmania, the City of Clarence and other stakeholders to make this important project a reality.
“The TFUA ensures that men, women, boys and girls can play AFL football in around 80 games in
the TSL, southern and midlands Tasmania each weekend,” Mr Dillon said.
“The Liberal Party’s additional commitment towards our project is a significant step toward delivering a permanent home base for umpires to train, hold meetings, as well as undertake social and fundraising events, and is really welcome.”
Minister for Sport and Recreation and Candidate for Franklin Nic Street said the government had already previously allocated $150,000 towards the project.
“I support TFUA
President Kim Dillon’s passion for growing the
game in our state and helping Tasmanians to participate at all levels of footy,” Mr Street said.
“We know that construction costs have increased, which has meant the scope of this vital project has grown, and this is reflected in this new commitment that will bring our total support of the project to $300,000.
“I commend Mr Dillon’s ongoing efforts to bring this project to life and in particular his successful negotiations with Clarence City Council to provide a suitable ground at North Warrane oval, where the new home for umpires will be built.”
30 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024
The Tasmanian Tigers Women’s team celebrate a third straight WNCL title
Backing in a new home for umpires Full court community support Minister for Sport and Recreation Nic Street with TFUA president Kim Dillon at North Warrane Oval
Dominoes Basketball Club president Daniel Ogg and Dominoes good sports officer Angela Ogg
FORMER Clarence District Cricket Club player, statelevel pathways graduate and veteran Tigers pace bowler Sam Rainbird has announced his retirement from Tasmanian cricket.
Since making his firstclass debut in 2012, Rainbird played 56 games for Tasmania, amassed 170 wickets and was named the Tasmanian Tigers Sheffield Shield player of the
year in for the 2013-14 season.
He also holds the record for the best figures in a single innings by a Tasmanian bowler claiming eight wickets and conceding just 21 runs against Queensland in 2022.
“Thank you to Cricket Tasmania and the Tasmanian Tigers family for allowing to me represent my state for 13 years. Playing for my home state was something I dreamed
of doing as a kid,” Rainbird said.
“A massive thank you to my family, my wife Belinda and my daughter, Blake. I understand the sacrifices that you have made to allow me to follow my cricket career.
“To my parents Craig and Roslyn, thank you for always being there for me throughout my journey, driving me to training and games as a kid,
Dragons on the Derwent
MORE than 100 interstate dragon boat enthusiasts will descend on Lindisfarne in March for the 4 Bridges Paddling Marathon.
Hosted by the Derwent Storms Dragon Boat Club at Lindisfarne, the event on 23 March will follow a format similar to previous long-distance events on the Derwent.
The 40-kilometre endurance event will start at New Norfolk around 7.30am and continue downstream to finish at the Lindisfarne Rowing Club at lunchtime.
Paddling in six 20-seat dragon boats, the visitors will pass under four
bridges spanning the River Derwent including New Norfolk, Bridgewater, the Bowen and Tasman. Event director Andrew Lovibond said 116 paddlers from Victoria, ACT, New South Wales and Queensland had registered.
“Many participants have taken part in past events on the Derwent and the Huon Rivers,” he said.
“They really enjoy coming back to Tasmania. Our waterways provide such a variety of conditions and the scenery is fantastic.
“It takes a lot of people to organise an event like
this and the support and hospitality of Derwent Storms members is second to none
“We are also very fortunate to have the backing of the Tasmanian Government through Events Tasmania to stage the 4 Bridges.” A group of spectators will follow the fleet aboard the Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania’s launch Egeria. After they reach Hobart, the dragon boat crews will celebrate with lunch at the Lindisfarne Rowing Club and most will be back in their boats the following day for a mini regatta at Lindisfarne Bay.
supporting me and motivating me to persevere.
“Lastly to my teammates, thank you for being more than that, the game has given me friends for life and for that I will be forever grateful. To share a change room with players I grew up idolising and current players that I admire has been a privilege.”
Cricket Tasmania Male Program head coach Jeff
Vaughan said Rainbird was the ultimate team man and a much-loved member of the squad.
“He has a great connection across the entire playing group from our oldest and most senior players to our newest rookie players. He epitomises ‘team’, what Tasmanian cricket stands for and has immense pride in the Tasmanian badge.” he said.
Despite his playing days coming to an end, Rainbird has expressed interest in taking up a coaching role and guiding the next generation of Tasmanian cricket talent.
Vaughan said Rainbird would remain a huge part of Cricket Tasmania.
“We look forward to his future involvement in what may become a very successful coaching pathway,” he said.
Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024 31
Sam Rainbird with his wife Belinda and daughter Blake
Members of the Lindisfarne-based Derwent Storms Dragon Boat Club on the River Derwent
32 Eastern Shore Sun MARCH 2024