Eastern Shore Sun October 2022

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A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF CLARENCE AND SORELL Independently owned and published by Cor Comms OCTOBER 2022 BELLERIVE DENTURE CLINIC S .M. Hassett Dental Prosthetist Providing quality care for over 30 years Giving you something to smile about! 6244 6564 www.dentas.com.au info@dentas.com.au 9 Clarence Street Bellerive 7018 Phone: 6248 4994 ► PINEBARKS ► LOAMS ► DECORATIVE GRAVELS ► AGGREGATES ► MANURES ► LIMES ► FIRE WOOD ► BAG PRODUCTS ► AND MUCH MORE! HUGE range of landscape products: DELIVERIES TO ALL AREAS 131 PITTWATER ROAD CAMBRIDGE Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm Closed Public Holidays LimilAgentsfor&Quicklime PLEASE SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR OUR LATEST OPENING INFORMATION. FULL STORY ON PAGE 2
couple Stanley and Elsie Harris have chalked up a momentous 75 years of marriage, recently celebrating the rare ‘second diamond’ wedding anniversary. Tool library opens doors Have your say on Clarence Plains plan IN THIS ISSUE>> Stanley and Elsie Harris make a toast to their 75th wedding anniversary Candice Gottschalk Director | Property RepresentativeCandice Signa tur e Are you thinking of selling? Contact Candice for a complimentary market appraisal of your property. Candice Gottschalk M 0408 615 769 P 6244 8111 E candice.gottschalk@hcrealestate.com.au 3 Bayfield Street, Rosny Park TAS 7018 W signature.harcourts.com.au Find me on Facebook DIAMOND DUO T20 World Cup comes to townSPORT + FEATURE Prime Times


Key decisions from the council meetings held on 5 and 26 September included:

5 September

• Approved development applications for a dwelling in Opossum Bay, a warehouse in Rokeby, and a secondary residence in Geilston Bay.

• Approved the reallocation of funds from the 2022-23 Stormwater Management Capital Budget.

• Approved community consultation on the draft Clarence Plains Master Plan.

• Received the Quarterly Report April-June 2022.

• Received an update and outcome of the 4 July 2022 Notice of Motion regarding council master plans.

• Approved amendments to current arrangements triggering Special Council (Planning Authority) meetings.

• Endorsed an amendment to the Rules of the Copping Refuse Disposal Site Joint Authority.

26 September

• Approved development applications for additions and alterations to a dwelling in Bellerive, the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of three multiple dwellings in Bellerive, and two multiple dwellings in Geilston Bay.

• Noted a petition to consider upgrading Pass Road to mitigate flooding and enhance safety for road users.

• Authorised the CEO to respond to any advice or request from Chambroad, with the aim of preserving council’s rights, until the new council can consider any advice or requests following the conclusion of the upcoming election.

• Accepted a tender for the provision of the 2022-24 Asphalt Supply, Cart and Lay within Clarence, a tender for the Parking Monitoring and Management Solution, and a tender for the Richmond Riverbank Park Infrastructure Upgrade works.

Upcoming council meeting dates:

Monday 17 October and Monday 7 November 2022 at 7pm.

Members of the public may attend the meetings subject to compliance with State Government COVID-19 regulations.

Although there are no longer maximum density requirements, please consider your own personal circumstances and vulnerabilities before attending in person.

Masks must be worn where physical distancing requirements cannot be met (except when speaking to allow for clear communications).

Members of the public wishing to attend should still register via the online booking system at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/ councilmeetingbookings.

If you are unable to access the internet or experience issues with the booking system, you can contact our Corporate Support team on either 6217 9523 or 6217 9524 who will be able to register for you.

Deputations/public question time:

If you

Roads and footpaths

• Pothole repairs at various locations as per inspections.

• Guidepost replacement continues throughout the municipality.

• Continuation of Ford Parade footpath and road upgrade.

• Reseal preparation various locations.

• Woodhurst Road – footpath and traffic intersection upgrade.

• Pavement reconstruction – Carrum Close, Howrah.


• Minor drainage works as required.

• Stormwater maintenance


• Construction of an open drain adjacent

• Stormwater

Parks and Reserves

• Elevated work platform tree work at various locations.

• Park maintenance as per established maintenance schedules.

• Soft bark replacement in all parks.

• Upgrade of gravel walking tracks within the municipality.

Natural Area Management

• Maintenance of walking tracks in natural areas and Tangara Trail.

• Maintenance and management of natural areas as per the various Natural Area Management Plans.

• Maintenance of tracks as per Safety Audit.

• Fuel reduction and heap burns as required in natural areas, as conditions allow.

• Fuel reduction/fire break clearing program.

• Timber access stairs replacement to the uneven and deteriorating sandstone staircase, Little Howrah Beach (separate investigations underway to improve access at the bottom of the ramp).

• Howrah Community Centre carpark to cycleway link concrete path construction.



Cheers to diamond duo

HOBART couple Stanley and Elsie Harris have celebrated a momentous 75 years of marriage surrounded by family.

Now both aged 94, Stanley and Elsie first met at a country dance outside Hobart when they were just 18 years old.

“I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world,” Stanley said.

They were married 18 months later. Living on a small farm on the Eastern Shore, Stanley worked in the agriculture sector while Elsie had her hands full raising their 10

children and caring for the property.

Daughter Jeanette Harris remembers everyone in the household always being busy with household chores and farm work.

“We all had our chores, helping with the cooking, milking the cows and picking fruit,” she said.

“Dad would play the guitar and sing country and western, and mum would often sing in the morning to wake us all up.

“I also remember how we would all sing while we picked raspberries, it

made us laugh and kept our spirits up.”

On 16 August Stanley and Elsie celebrated the rare ‘second diamond’ wedding anniversary, and became one of the last couples in Australia to receive a congratulatory card from Queen Elizabeth II before her death.

The couple marked the occasion with champagne and cake with family – a smaller affair than some of their previous milestone anniversaries, including a huge bash and for their 50th anniversary and a ride in the sidecar of a Harley Davidson for their 70th.

Now residing at the Uniting AgeWell Sorell Community Ningana, Stanley and Elsie are enjoying a slower life, but keep busy reading, listening to music and spending quality time with family.

So what’s their advice for maintaining a happy marriage?

Elsie said it’s about being patient and tolerant, and being grateful for what you have. Stanley suggested never going to bed angry - you won’t be able to sleep, and the problem will still be there the next day.

After 75 years, their advice is still working.

2 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 The Eastern Shore Sun is your community monthly newspaper reaching 29,000 homes and businesses, distributed on the third week of each month Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LIN E S F O R Edit Press Ready Material: J U S T A LI T T L E Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W www.easternshoresun.com.au A D VE R T I S IN G : Justine Brazil 6210 5201 E D I TO RIA L : Kane Young and Mackenzie Archer 6210 5212 advertising@easternshoresun.com.au editorial@easternshoresun.com.au • HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Page 21 • PET TALK Page 22-23 • PRIME TIMES SPRING FEATURE Page 24-26 • A FINANCIAL MOMENT Page 27 • COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 28 • TRADES, SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS Page 29 • HOBART FM RADIO GUIDE Page 30 • SPORT Page 30-31 REG ULAR MONTHLY FEATURES NOVEMBER 2022 Thursday 27 October Monday 7 November Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. EFI SERVICE IMMOBILISERS AIR CONDITIONING    10% off labour for Senior Card holders 13 TULLAH ROAD MORNINGT 6244 2322 WORKS: OCT-NOV 2022
at various
to Saxon Drive, Acton.
improvements at Spitfarm Road, South Arm and Rosehill Drive, Sandford. For more information, visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au or call us on 03 6217 9500 Find us on Facebook
Beach (Day Use Area #1) –construction of a new DDA compliant public toilet.
Clarence Aquatic Centre mechanical services upgrade.
Howrah Recreation Centre upgrades.
wish to make a deputation, please contact the Corporate Support team on 6217 9523 or 6217 9524. Questions on Notice are to be submitted in accordance with council’s Public Question Time procedures (see council’s website for information). Community News John Peers (Alderman) Clarence City Council 0419 309 220 Email: Mail: peersccc@netspace.net.au PO Box 2 - Rosny Park TAS 7018 ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Liberal Member for Lyons MP Thank you for your support in re-electing me. 15 High Street, New Norfolk TAS 7140 (03) 6701 2170 GuyBarnettMP guy.barnett@dpac.tas.gov.au Authorised by Guy Barnett, 15 High Street, New Norfolk TAS 7140. NEXT MONTH: BUSHFIRE AWARENESS and CHRISTMAS SPIRIT features

No limits for judo juniors

A COMMUNITY martial arts club in Montagu Bay has been named as a finalist in the 2022 Community Achievement Awards.

For the past two and half years Seishin Martial Arts has been running judo classes for people of all ages and abilities.

Seishin delivers 30 hours of judo classes each week including the No Limits Judo sessions, which are designed to help develop motor, social and emotional regulation skills.

Social worker and judo enthusiast Carla Willing established Seishin Martial Arts after noticing there was nothing that catered for players with a disability.

“Seishin Martial Arts aims to cater to anyone of any ability or level –everyone should have the opportunity to patriciate and feel a part of something,” she said.

Seishin Martial Arts is the largest disability inclusive club in Australia, with more than 100 players currently involved.

“Our program really seeks to apply skills learnt in classes to real life situations,” Carla said.

“Not only do players learn judo but they also develop fine motor skills, emotional regulation skills, social skills, focus, resilience and balance.”

This is the second time Seishin Martial Arts has

been named as a finalist in the Community Achievement Awards.

“To be named as a finalist in the Tasprint Community Group of the Year Award is such a privilege and really acknowledges the impact this program is having on the community,” Carla said.

“People often stumble across what we do by sheer coincidence but by putting clubs, community initiatives and businesses out into the public eye through awards like these services become more known.

“It is so important to give the community access to services, supports and community

groups like ours and others that are nominated.”

Other finalists in the Tasprint Community Group of the Year Award category include the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House, Longfordbased charity Just Cats, and the Launceston City Mission’s ‘Mission2aFuture’ project.

Established in 2007, the Community Achievement Awards are a way to acknowledge the community contributions organisations, not-forprofits, businesses and individuals make to the Tasmanian community.

“When we established

the awards we were looking across disciplines, industries and category areas that really covered the broad spectrum of contribution,” Awards managing director Geoff Griffin said.

“We currently have nine different categories, and we hope to expand this further in coming years to further represent the diverse Tasmanian community.”

This year’s awards will be presented at the Hotel Grand Chancellor on 28 October. To purchase tickets, visit humanitix.com

To find out more about Seishin Martial Arts go to www. seishinmartialarts.com.au

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Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 3 Community News
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Seishin Martial Arts students (L-R) Rupert, Rosie, Tom and Riley
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Bringing a mass of colour to your garden is quicker, easier and less expensive than you may think. You can create that mass of colour seen in English-style herbaceous borders or cottage gardens using annuals. They are cheaper to buy; you may get two or three punnets of up to ten seedlings for the price of one perennial plant.

Plant your seedlings in a sunny spot that has had compost or manures dug into the bed, and plant in clumps of six to eight plants, avoiding straight rows - this will give you blocks of colour.

When choosing your seedlings look at their heights, putting the taller plants like larkspurs, snapdragons and cosmos at the back; plants like salvias, marigolds and petunias in the middle; and lobelias, alyssum and begonias at the front. You can choose a colour theme like pinks and whites or just go for a mix of colours.

Remove the dead flower heads regularly and give an occasional liquid feed and you should have a lovely display until autumn.


Vegetable Seedlings


Seeds Herb & Flower Seedlings


What Matters to Tassie kids?







A LOCAL student has won an award in a national writing competition that attracted about 4000 entries from across the country.

Clarence High School student Oenone Schofield was an overall finalist and

won the Artistic Merit Award in this year’s What Matters? Writing Competition with her entry about eating disorders, ‘A Toast - To Bringing Back the Good Times’.

Inspired by Gough Whitlam’s commitment to involving young

people in the shaping of Australia’s future, What Matters? has been running for 18 years and is open to school students in Years 5-12.

Responding to the simple question ‘what matters’, entrants are free to express their views on any matter

they care about. The competition is a catalyst for young writers to develop a perspective on where we’re heading as a society, and helps dispel the notion that young Australians are apathetic towards politics and their role as citizens.

What Matters? Tasmanian State Competition results:

Years 5-6

Winner: Lucy Breen (St Mary’s College), ‘Different but the same’ Runner-up: Pallavi Haribhakth (Scotch Oakburn College), ‘She is Perfect’ Highly Commended: Jorgia Eyles (St Mary’s College), ‘Weathering the Storm’

Years 7-8


• Trim new growth on hedging plants.

• If thinking about establishing a hedge or windbreak or planting in a drought-hardy area, now is the time to get the plants in, to toughen them up before summer.

• Feed citrus plants with a complete citrus food.

• Feed pot plants and re-pot if pot bound or potting mix has broken down.

• Keep an eye out for aphids and caterpillars on new growth.


Winner: Eve Charlesworth (Taroona High School), ‘Summer Days’ Runner-Up: Hamish Ayre (Scotch Oakburn College), ‘The Pirate of Maria Island’ Highly Commended: An Le (Hobart City High School), ‘YOU’

Years 9-10

Winner: Freya Smith (Hobart City High School), ‘Stories Matter’ Runner-Up: Oenone Schofield (Clarence High School), ‘A Toast – To Bringing Back the Good Times’ Highly Commended: Dorcas Sezabo (Mackillop Catholic College), ‘Seeking Protection’

Years 11-12

Winner: Zoe Gangell (The Friends’ School), ‘The Line Went Silent’ Runner-Up: Nicola Morgan (St Mary’s College), ‘What Matters is Time’ Highly Commended: Amelia Donaldson (Scotch Oakburn College), ‘Forever Fragile’

Overall Tasmanian State Competition Winner: Zoe Gangell (The Friends’ School), ‘The Line Went Silent’

4 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 Community News
Capsicum Carrot
Salvia Larkspur Impatiens
Glove Dahlia Cucumber Zucchini
Pumpkin Leek Lettuce Spring Onion Tomato Parsnip Peas Pumpkin Silverbeet Sweet corn Potato
Oenone Schofield with Craig Reucassel at the Awards Ceremony

Getting active, staying stronger

GOOD music, fun challenges, a variety of exercises and new social connections are just a few of the highlights of the Staying Stronger exercise class in Rokeby.

Funded by Clarence City Council, the free weekly exercise program

encourages older adults from across Clarence to get active and stay strong.

A fun, social approach to staying active, the classes are ideal for those looking for a lowimpact exercise class in a friendly environment, focusing on gentle

exercises that are simple, safe and effective for older adults.

“I’m so glad I come to this class,” one regular participant said.

“Since coming along I have noticed improvements in my balance, I find it easier

to bend down to tie my shoelaces and I can even get up out of my chair quicker!”

The classes are facilitated by Paul Hamilton from All About Fitness, a highly qualified and passionate fitness leader with years

of experience.

He the best part of running the class is seeing the improvement in the participants.

“I am so grateful to see people come along, rain or shine, and achieve personal results while also having a bit of

fun,” he said.

“Seeing people improve at a personal level while working on coordination, flexibility, cardio and strength is fantastic.

“The class focuses on both physical and mental fitness. Keeping

your mind focused and active is very important as we get older.”

Classes are held at the Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre from 9-10am every Friday. Bookings are essential. If you are interested in attending, phone 6247 6778.

Lions lend a helping hand

MEMBERS of the Lions Club of Clarence are constantly busy helping their local community, from hosting barbecues to assisting families who are doing it tough.

The Lions Club of Clarence was chartered in February 1965 and its members have been serving the City of Clarence and the greater Hobart area ever since.

The Warrane

Mornington Neighbourhood Centre is one of the latest beneficiaries of the club’s efforts.

The Neighbourhood Centre put out a plea for help when its pantry was getting desperately low and the Lions responded, recently donating $500 worth of groceries for distribution to community members in need.

The IGA Lindisfarne

helped make the donation possible and Bakers Delight Lindisfarne has also recently come on board as a sponsor, providing the Lions with leftover bread to use at their many barbecues.

Sausage sizzles are a popular and relatively easy way for Lions and other community organisations to raise funds, and the Clarence Lions Club are regulars at

Bunnings Mornington –keep an eye out for them this summer.

The Lions Club of Clarence meets at the Lions Clubrooms at 10 Binalong Road, Mornington on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

For more information on the club’s activities and how you can get involved, go to clarence. tas.lions.org.au

Clarence City

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 5 Community News ADVERTISEMENT Vote Daniel Hulme for
Council Deputy Mayor & Councillor For action on: ✓ Economic development & jobs ✓ Affordable housing ✓ Traffic congestion Remember… voting is now compulsory! The ballot closes 2pm on Tuesday 25 October. Post your ballots or drop them off at the Council chambers. Authorised by D. Hulme, 42 Anstey Street, Howrah TAS.
Paul Hamilton, Judith Crossin, Anne Mifsud, Jan Barwise, Tony Barwise and Sherran Morgan at the Rokeby Staying Stronger exercise class Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre manager Ben Cooper (second left) accepts a donation of groceries from Clarence Lions Peter Arnott, Christine Tilyard and Stephen Smith

Eastlands dog best in show

COLES Eastlands’ coin Collection Dog has been recognised by Guide Dogs Australia as Tasmania’s ‘Top Dog’, The iconic Collection Dog at Coles has been changing lives one coin at a time with the support of local shoppers, who helped it to become the state’s highest fundraising Collection Dog for Guide Dogs Tasmania last financial year.

Every coin dropped

into one of the in-store Collection Dogs helps Guide Dogs Tasmania assist someone with low vision or blindness.

While the charitable organisation is best known as a provider of Guide Dog services, it also raises and trains Autism Assistance, Facility and Companion Dogs.

Guide Dogs Tasmania client Dianne said money raised by shoppers is helping her to live a life

without limits with the support of her Guide Dog, Sara.

“Sara has made such a big change to my life,” Dianne said.

“It’s the freedom to get around to places again, feeling safe, and having a constant companion which has made the biggest difference.”

Ambassador Dog Murphy and Guide Dogs Tasmania community fundraising coordinator

Kristy Wright recently visited Eastlands to present the Top Dog Award.

“We’re incredibly grateful to have Coles as a partner of Guide Dogs Tasmania,” Kristy said.

“Thank you to the Tasmania community for so generously supporting Guide Dogs Tasmania and donating through our iconic Collection Dogs – it is truly changing lives.”

6 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 Community News 1300 732 377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au 1300 732 377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au ADVERTISEMENT BETH WARREN Authorised by Deb Rees, Tasmanian Greens, 298 Argyle Street, North Hobart TAS 7000. ADVERTISEMENT CLARENCE CITY COUNCILFOR MAYOR & COUNCILLOR JADE DARKO Authorised by Deb Rees, Tasmanian Greens, 298 Argyle Street, North Hobart TAS 7000. ADVERTISEMENT FOR COUNCILLOR CLARENCE CITY COUNCIL
Guide Dogs Tasmania’s Kristy Wright and Ambassador Dog Murphy with Coles Eastlands store manager Rob Townsend

Primary students building a better bandicoot bunker

HOWRAH Primary School students have teamed up with their local Landcare group and council on a mission to improve the habitat for local wildlife at Wentworth Park.

The Bandicoot Bunker Program, which is supported by the Glebe Hill Landcare Group and Clarence City Council, sees students create a safe haven and future habitat for the suburban population of southern brown and eastern barred bandicoots.

Located between Howrah Primary School and the Wentworth Play Park, the ‘bandicoot bunker’ provides protection from predators and a vital food source.

The southern brown bandicoot is a protected native species and while common in Tasmania, is endangered on mainland

Australia. It requires a dense ground cover of native tussock grasses, sedges and shrubs for shelter and nesting.

Running for the past two years, the program includes regular working bees and incorporates in-class lessons about habitats, native flora and fauna, and the practical side of planting.

Glebe Hill Landcare Group convenor Adam Holmstrom said the group was “incredibly impressed” by the strong interest and hard work of the Howrah Primary students.

“They have prepared, planted and cared for more than 1,000 plants in eager support of the school’s value of biodiversity from education to application,” he said.

Clarence Mayor Doug Chipman said the council was proud

to continue supporting schools and community groups in protecting the city’s important flora and fauna habitats.

“Clarence has significant areas of coastal and bushland reserves and it’s so great to see the community dig in to help protect and restore our native habitats, enhancing the work council is already doing in these spaces,” he said.

“Clarence is home to the protected southern brown bandicoot, and the efforts at Wentworth Park will help revitalise the native habitat and ensure that these wonderful animals can survive and thrive long into the future.”

Go to www.ccc. tas.gov.au for more information on how to join the Glebe Hill or another local Landcare group.

Night Investigations on Macquarie Street

Gathering Information for Macquarie Street and Davey Street Bus Improvements

As part of the Southern Projects, the Department of State Growth is planning bus improvements on Macquarie Street and Davey Street.

Night investigations on Macquarie Street

We will be locating services, conducting road surveys, and collecting road material samples on Macquarie Street, from the Southern Outlet to Elizabeth Street.

These investigations will occur during the night, from 6.30pm to 6.30am, during October 2022, weather permitting.

During these investigations, there will be a reduced number of traffic lanes and lower speed limits to ensure everyone’s safety. Please allow up to eight minutes extra travel time during this period.

No parking in work zones

During these night investigations we will be implementing a work zone on one side of the street. Bollards and signage will be placed in the work zone prior to works starting. In some locations, the work zone will require an overnight, temporary loss of access to driveways. Impacted properties will be notified separately.

Public transport

Public transport services will still run during night-time investigations. We recommend passengers check with their providers about any temporary bus stop closures or route changes.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 7 Community News
Howrah Primary School students taking part in the Bandicoot Bunker Program DEPARTMENT of STATE GROWTH
Register to receive project updates If you are interested in keeping informed about the progress of the Macquarie Street and Davey Street bus improvements project, please scan the QR code to submit your details: You may also visit: www.transport.tas.gov.au/Busimprovements for more information. Public Notices www.tas.gov.au General Practitioners Clinical Psychologists Physiotherapists Exercise Physiologists Dietitians Podiatrists Audiologist Allied Health Assistants Health and Fitness Studio Welcoming new patients We make healthcare easy Phone: 6122 0150 Fax: 6122 0169 Level 3, 31-33 Cambridge Road Bellerive TAS 7018 yourhealthhub.com.au

Court date for quiz kids

MONTAGU Bay Primary School (MBPS) is calling all quiz fanatics to come along for a night of festivities and help raise vital funds for the school.

For the second year MBPS will host its annual quiz night fundraiser to raise the money needed to upgrade the school’s two tennis courts.

MBPS Association chair Stephanie Webb said the current tennis courts are old and unsafe.

“There is a tree next to

the current courts and the roots are starting to lift the surface,” she said.

“On a daily basis children are tripping on the uneven surface and injuring themselves.

“We want to try and replace both surfaces with either a synthetic or flexipave surface that is safer and more practical for the students at the school and the general public.”

Quiz teams are made up of eight people and tickets are $20 per


“We encourage anyone who has purchased a ticket to really embrace the theme of ‘Sports and Spectators’ – there is going to be a prize on the night for the best dressed,” Stephanie said.

“On top of the quiz game, attendees will also have the chance to partake in a raffle and silent auction.

“This project will not only benefit the students at Montagu

Bay Primary School but the entire Montagu Bay community.

“It is a really important recreational area for everyone who lives in Montagu Bay, and it is our hope that the resurfacing of the tennis courts will benefit the wider community.”

The quiz night will be hosted at Montagu Bay Primary School on 12 November. To purchase tickets phone the school reception on 6244 1897.

26TEN lesson After

ATTENDEES at Business Eastern Shore’s monthly Business After 5 networking event have learned about the Tasmanian Government’s 26TEN adult literacy program.

Rosny Library literacy coordinators Alex Holmes and David Wizenberg spoke at last month’s

event about the program, which has helped thousands of Tasmanians to improve their literacy.

Mr Wizenberg encouraged businesses to join the free 26TEN Network, which offers businesses guidance on how to refer staff and clients, access to support and advice, and online

promotion. Employers can also access grants to improve the numeracy and literacy of employees.

More information is available at 26ten.tas. gov.au

For updates on future Business After 5 events, visit www. businesseasternshore. com.au

Montagu Bay students Louis, Amelia, Audrey and Elvis on the school's current tennis courts

Have your say on plans for Clarence Plains

CLARENCE City Council is calling on all community members to help shape the future of the Clarence Plains area, as it opens the second stage of consultation on the Clarence Plains Draft Master Plan.

Clarence Plains, which includes the suburbs of Clarendon Vale, Glebe Hill, Oakdowns and Rokeby, is one of the fastest growing areas in southern Tasmania.

The council has been planning for more growth by creating a Clarence Plains Master Plan which will help guide future development in the region and create a unified approach to the community’s future.

The new Master Plan builds on the 2014 Master Plan for Rokeby and Clarendon Vale, commissioned by Mission Australia, but encompasses the larger

study area of Clarendon Vale, Glebe Hill, Rokeby and Oakdowns.

Key objectives of the Master Plan project include strategies for community development, identifying opportunities for improving and expanding housing stock, strategic directions for public open space and connectivity, infrastructure, and partnership


Clarence Mayor Doug Chipman hopes the community will share its views on future planning where they live, work and play.

“It is vitally important that community members take the time to have their say on this draft master plan that will play such an important role in guiding the growth of our region,” he said.

“The first stage of the consultation received almost 300 responses, and we are hoping that this second stage, where we are seeking feedback on the Draft Master Plan, will attract even more interest.

“It’s important that we recognise that we are not just making plans for the current day, but rather putting into place plans that will serve future generations.

“By putting the needs of people and communities at the heart of the urban planning process we the healthier and happier our communities will be in the long term.”

Community consultation with key stakeholders including community groups, State Government bodies, education providers and Landcare groups was undertaken during the

first stage of consultation in October and December 2021.

You can have your say on the Clarence Plains Draft Master Plan at www.yoursay.ccc.tas. gov.au/clarence-plainsmaster-plan until 21 October.

Once consultation closes, community feedback will be used to refine the draft strategy before it is presented to council for endorsement.

Tool Library opens doors

A NEW tool library designed to foster connection and provide a low-cost alternative to buying expensive tools or paying for repairs is now open for all local community members.

The first of its kind in Tasmania, the Clarence Plains Tool Library is a Mission Australia Initiative, hosted by Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre and the Clarence Plains Community Shed.

The idea for a tool library came out of ‘Home Handy’ workshops run by Mission Australia, which teach people how to do repairs around the home.

There was good attendance at the workshops, but organisers noticed people did not

have the tools they needed.

“The Tool Library will allow everyone to have access to the things they need to look after their home, mow the lawn, trim hedges, do repairs or paint a wall,” Mission Australia Tasmania Community Development Manager Stephen Dimsey said.

“People through Clarence Plains want to keep a tidy home but cannot afford the equipment to do so, for many reasons.

“When conducting inspections of social homes, we sometimes noticed damage to property that the tenants could fixed easily.

“Rather than billing the tenants for repairs, this is

a great way to make sure the tenant has everything they need to undertake the repairs themselves.

“Hosting the Tool Library will help build more relationships with community as people drop in to collect and return tools.

“A small yearly fee will go towards the neighbourhood centre raising much-needed funds or adding to the content of the library.

“This fee entitles the person to hire any tools they need to keep their home looking good.”

Yearly membership to the library is $25 per year for someone in social housing or on a pension and $60 for someone earning a wage.

Summer program returns

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 9 For full details, visit www.liveclarence.com.au
3 october 2022 Community News
arial view of the Clarence Plains region
(L-R) Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre manager Kristy Leishman and Mission Australia Community Development Manager Stephen Dimsey at the launch of the Tool Library. For details, go to toollibrary.com.au

Girls Afternoon Out to raise big money for cancer respite

LOCAL fundraising event Girls Afternoon Out is aiming to raise $100,000 this month for charity service Homely Retreats, which provides respite and full family support for Tasmanians going through cancer.

Girls Afternoon Out founders Hayley Baker and Kath Cooper have both felt the impacts of cancer, and for the past three years they have supported people affected by cancer through an annual fundraiser.

Last year, Girls Afternoon Out raised more than $50,000 for Homely Retreats – a charity that gifts Tasmanian families experiencing cancer the opportunity to take a weekend away with loved ones.

Homely Retreats founder Jay Chipman said this time is invaluable for families dealing with cancer.

“A whole family going through cancer can get away together and have

a break and go and do something fun together,” she said.

“For some families the respite is a glimmer of hope in a very long cancer journey. For others it is a final family trip together.

“The respite is a chance to create happy memories together in what is sometimes a very sad and challenging time.”

Hayley and Kath are hoping to raise $100,000 for Homely Retreats

through this year’s Girls Afternoon Out.

“The annual event brings together the most incredible group of women that had either been through cancer or had been touched by cancer,” Jay said.

This year’s event will be held at Crowne Plaza from 2-6pm on 30 October. Tickets are $165 and include food and drinks.

To purchase tickets visit www.trybooking.com/ events/landing/945999

South Arm speed drop

THE Commissioner for Transport has recently approved a reduction in the speed limit on a 5km section of South Arm Road between Sandford and just south of Clifton Beach Road.

The former speed limit of 100 km/h has been reduced to 80 km/h, bringing this into line with other similar roads.

In deciding to lower the speed limit, consideration was given

to the characteristics of the road, including the alignment and the number of accesses.

The changed speed limit was expected to come into effect by the end of September. ‘New

speed limit ahead’ signs were also placed to warn road users of the change. Road users are reminded to follow the posted speed limits and always drive to the conditions.

10 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 Community News Authorised by Senator Jonathon Duniam, Liberal Party of Australia, Ground Floor, 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000. Ground Floor, 85 Macquarie Street, Hoba 03 6231 2444 senator.duniam@aph.gov.au duniam.com.au SENATOR JONNO DUNIAM LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANI Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance. Advertisement • Providing professional and personalised hearing health care, since 2001. • Our Independent Audiologists can assess and treat hearing disorders for adults and children. • Prescribing the latest hearing technology to suit your needs and lifestyle. P 6244 1993 E wehearyou@easternaudiology.com.au W www.easternaudiology.com.au Hear all the secrets Reconnect by improving your hearing We need your crocheted squares for a community Christmas tree. All red, green, white coloured 10cm x 10cm granny squares welcome. To find out more, please contact Allyson Byrne on 03 6217 9500 or email abyrne@ccc.tas.gov.au. Crochet for Christmas! EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED www.deliverfordollars.com.au
Homely Retreats founder Jay Chipman with Girls Afternoon Out founders Hayley Baker and Kath Cooper at last year’s event

Birthday Bree's marathon effort

SANDFORD resident Bree Hunter recently celebrated her 41st birthday by running a marathon to raise money for local community organisation Clarence Climate Action.

Her run followed the Clarence Foreshore Trail, starting at Geilston Bay at 7.45am and heading towards the halfway mark at Tranmere.

“It was really social and fun,” Bree said.

“I had different people running with me the whole time, so it went by really quickly and didn’t feel like hard work.”

Bree, who grew up in Southern California, ran her first half-marathon when she was 17 and has been running long distances ever since.

When she was 21, she moved to New Zealand and took up trail running. Her longest run was the 82km Heaphy


In 2012, Bree moved to Tasmania to work as a wildlife ranger on Macquarie Island. While she was there, she met her nowhusband Jeremy and the pair later moved to Sandford, where their daughter Isla was born.

The birthday marathon took Bree three hours and 50 minutes to complete, and with the help of friends and family she raised $1625.

“Clarence Climate Action is a great grassroots community organisation,” she said.

“It shows people how they can do small things to reduce the impacts of climate change. Education is a big step in the right direction.”

Last year, for her 40th birthday, Bree ran a marathon to raise money for Lauderdale Primary School. And she has plenty of ideas for

future fundraising.

“We've all got skills, we can all do something,” she said.

''I'm good at running. So if I can use my strengths

to help community organisations, I'm going to give it a go.”

Bree has been chosen by Clarence Climate Action as this month's Climate Champion.

Welcome to Rosetta Primary School

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 11
Community News Choices Flooring Boxall 13c Tasman Hwy, Midway Point 6265 2008 choicesflooring.com.au With a range of savings on carpet, timber, laminate, luxury vinyl, hybrid, rugs and window furnishings it’s the perfect time to find the decorating solution for your home. Hurry into your local showroom or view the online sale catalogue at www.choicesflooring.com.au SPRING 2022 6244 1222 Julie.Collins.MP@aph.gov.au www.juliecollins.com 18 Ross Ave (PO Box 38) Rosny Park TAS 7018 JULIE COLLINS MP ADVERTISEMENT If you require assistance on any Federal matter please contact me. Authorised by Julie Collins MP, ALP Tasmania, 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park TAS 7018. T: E: W: A: Residences for those who would like some extra care To arrange a tour call 03 6277 8800 2-10 Windsor St Glenorchy enquiries@glenview.org.au www.glenview.org.au Windsor Street, Glenview has a range of purpose-built residences that provide social opportunities and enhanced wellbeing. The friendly atmosphere helps residents to feel safe, and their visitors welcome. Our activities team make sure we have some unique visitors too!
A place where values and future learning have meaning. Rosetta primary School creates a learning environment where students develop as confident and creative learners. Our students receive opportunities to extend their thinking into actions through a caring and supportive environment, with a focus on wellbeing. Rosetta Primary supports students on their aspirational journey to academic excellence and future learning. facebook.com/rosettaps instagram.com/rosettaps w: rosettaprimary.education.tas.edu.au e: rosetta.primary@education.tas.gov.au To book a tour please call our welcoming office team at: 03 6208 1200 32 Riverview Parade, Rosetta TAS TAXATION MADE EASY Let Suzanne’s experience and friendly approach work for you and make your taxation needs a breeze. Services include: • Personal and business tax preparation • BAS and annual reporting • Taxation advice Online and onsite appointments available. Visit www.taxtasmania.com.au Suzanne Margetts Call 0466 978825
Bree Hunter, this month's Climate Champ

Tails wag at the Dog's Day Out

FROM the fluffy to the scruffy, the Eastern Shore’s best dogs (and the owners that love them) headed to Simmons Park on 2 October for the Clarence City Council’s annual Dog’s Day Out.

Treats and prizes were on offer for the bestdressed and best-behaved pups, while the crowd could watch the fur fly in the agility contests and the inaugural Dachshund Dash race.

Clarence Mayor Alderman Doug Chipman said it was always a joy to deliver such a well-loved event.

“This family-friendly event is always a great day out for all, both human and canine, and I am thrilled that the event has now celebrated its 16th year,” he said.

“Last financial year Clarence had close to 10,000 dogs registered in the community, with figure expected to grow.

“This indicates we are a dog-loving city,

and this event lets us celebrate the special place they hold in our community.”

The Dog’s Day Out coincided with a school holiday animation workshop with animator Beale Gurney, and the council’s annual Poochibald Art Prize dog ‘paw-traiture’ exhibition.

Now in its 10th year, the popular event is an opportunity for community members and artists to unleash their creativity and submit a painting, drawing, print or small sculpture of their own dog, a dog they know or even a famous dog.

This year, 113 artists entered works in the adult, kids and junior categories, with the youngest artist only six years old.

Mayor Chipman was delighted to see the quality and quantity of entries.

“The Poochibald is one of our most popular events in the calendar and appeals to young

and old,” he said.

“We had a fantastic turnout this year in all categories. I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the winners, and to all the entrants in this year’s prize.”

We’re helping to prevent bushfires around the state

With bushfire season fast approaching,

be entering

Ranger’s Selections:

Junior Child: Mila Bischoff, ‘Royal Puppy’

Senior Child: Rosie McClean, ‘Roger’

Adult: Anna Holan, ‘Bubble’


Winner: Lynden Coad, ‘Gus’

Runner-up: Hanna Batstone, ‘Daisy’


Winner: Neo Pan, Untitled Runner-up: Melody Zhang, ‘The Posh Pooches’


Winner: Lucy Chenlu, ‘Down in the Japanese Garden’

Runner-up: Yunying Qu, ‘Cup Dog’

12 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
Community News
TasNetworks and our authorised contractors will
properties across Tasmania over the coming weeks, to clear trees growing too close to TasNetworks-owned powerlines. If you see trees growing too close to powerlines, please report them to TasNetworks by visiting tasnetworks.com.au or by calling 1300 137 008 If you are a concession card holder you can collect RATs from Service Tasmania centres. For PCR tests –just turn up during opening hours and get tested. Request a RAT via the online form or by calling the Public Health Hotline. Remember • Get tested if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms and isolate until you receive a negative test result. • Close contacts must return a negative test each day before leaving home. • Continue to follow COVID-safe behaviours and be aware of the current COVID-19 risk. Testing clinic changes Public Health Hotline 1800 671 738 | coronavirus.tas.gov.au No bookings required for state-operated PCR testing clinics Henry and Jo Thompson with their dog Nellie at Dog's Day Out Winner of the Adult category, Lynden Coad Call now for all your gardening needs PH: 131 546 or book online jim sm owing net Fully Insured and Police Checked Checked. 2022 Poochibald Art Prize winners

Council elections 2022

ELECTIONS are being held this month to fill councillor, mayor and deputy mayor positions on all 29 of Tasmania’s local councils, including the Clarence City Council.

More than 500 people across the state have nominated to run as councillors.

In Clarence, there are 27 candidates running for 12 positions on the council. Four have nominated to replace the outgoing Doug Chipman as mayor, and 11 are up for the role of deputy mayor.

Recent amendments to the Local Government

Act 1993 mean that voting in local government elections is now compulsory for all electors on the Tasmanian electoral roll.

Local government elections in Tasmania are a full postal ballot, with the introduction of compulsory voting expected to lead to an increase in the number of postal ballots returned.

Tasmanians should have received their postal ballot packs in the mail earlier this month.

Electors need to fill out their voting paper, carefully following the instructions, and send it

back in the post as soon as possible.

The poll closes at 2pm on Tuesday 25 October.

“The announcement from the Tasmanian Electoral Commission that more than 500 candidates have nominated for the October council elections shows that democracy is well and truly alive in Tasmania’s local government sector,” Local Government Minister Nic Street said.

For more information about the election, visit www.tec.tas.gov. au/local-government/ elections-2022

Clarence City Council (enrolment 44,703)

Councillor: (12 to be elected)

BATEMAN, Anna (Warrane)

BLOMELEY, Brendan (Lindisfarne)

CHONG, Heather (Richmond)

COLLINS, Jimmy (Warrane)

COMBEY, Matt (Lindisfarne)

DARKO, Jade (Rokeby)

FIGG, Mike (Lauderdale)

GOYNE, Emma (Sandford)

HARB, Noelle (Lindisfarne)

HULME, Daniel (Howrah)

HUNTER, Bree (Sandford) JAMES, Anthony (Bellerive)

JAMES, Richard (Lindisfarne)

JENNER, Andrew (Richmond)


BLOMELEY, Brendan (Lindisfarne)

CHONG, Heather (Richmond)

Deputy Mayor:

FIGG, Mike (Lauderdale)

HULME, Daniel (Howrah)

HUNTER, Bree (Sandford) JAMES, Richard (Lindisfarne) KENNEDY, Wendy (Seven Mile Beach) PEERS, John (Rose Bay)

KENNEDY, Wendy (Seven Mile Beach)

McPHERSON, Kaye (Risdon Vale)

MULDER, Tony (Howrah)

PEERS, John (Rose Bay)

RAINBIRD, Kate (Lindisfarne)

RITCHIE, Allison (Rose Bay)

TILLEY, Dave (Howrah)

von BERTOUCH, Sharyn (Sandford)

WALKER, BJ (Howrah)

WALKER, James (Lindisfarne) WALKER, Simon (Mornington)

WARREN, Beth (Lindisfarne)

WILLINK, Hans Jurriaan (Acton Park)

MULDER, Tony (Howrah)

WARREN, Beth (Lindisfarne)

RITCHIE, Allison (Rose Bay)

TILLEY, Dave (Howrah)

von BERTOUCH, Sharyn (Sandford)

WALKER, James (Lindisfarne) WILLINK, Hans Jurriaan (Acton Park)

Local government elections are on now and voting is compulsory. Eddie the envelope was delivered during the week of 3 October. Voting is easy – all you have to do is consider the candidates, complete your ballot papers and put them in the mail or deliver them to Council so they are received by 2pm, Tuesday 25 October.

If you haven’t received your postal ballot pack, simply visit your local council office to collect a pack, or call us and we’ll send one to you.

Remember, voting is now compulsory, so pick up your pen and make a mark on your community today.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 13 Community News 6503M www.tec.tas.gov.au | 1800 801 701 2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS
Tasmanian voters are set to head to the polls this month

(9) remote radio units, antenna mounts and cabling

Vodafone regards the proposed installations as Low-impact Facilities under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”), based on the description above.

2. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Should you require further information or wish to comment, please contact Vanessa Wan at Axicom, 02 9495 9000, community@axicom.com.au or Level 1, 110 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 by Thursday 3 November 2022. Further information may also be obtained from www.rfnsa.com.au/7170003.


The proposed facility consists of the addition of new equipment and associated works, including 5G, as follows:

• Removal of existing Vodafone antennas and equipment

• Installation of three (3) panel antennas, 2.7m long, on the existing headframe

• Installation of ancillary equipment including nine (9) remote radio units, antenna mounts and cabling

1. Vodafone regards the proposed installations as Low-impact Facilities under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”), based on the description above.

2. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Should you require further information or wish to comment, please contact Vanessa Wan at Axicom, 02 9495 9000, community@axicom.com.au or Level 1, 110 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 by Thursday 3 November 2022. Further information may also be obtained from www.rfnsa.com.au/7172001.

Clarence, have your say on the issues that affect you. Sustainability Strategy 2022-32 Culture and Creative Strategy 2022-32 Digital Strategy 2022-32 Visit www.yoursay.ccc.tas.gov.au Upcoming consultations Open consultations Clarence Plains Draft Master Plan Supporting people with a disability • Individual and group support • Life skills development • Recreation and Leisure • Supported holidays • School holiday and after school programs • Respite - evening and overnight weekend • Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email enquiries@parkside.org.au www.parksidefoundation.org.au The Parkside Foundation LOCAL AND TASMANIAN Large enough to support you, small enough to care. personal... with care that makes the difference Phillip Stephens FUNERALS ph: (03) 6245 0544 www.psfunerals.com Office - 25 Electra Place, Mornington Chapel - 28 Riawena Road, Rosny Tasmanian Made 2 9 - 3 0 O C T M A C 0 2 1 8 H U N T E R S T H O B A R T Christmas Market 1 4 0 H A N D M A D E A R T I S T S , Y U M M Y F O O D , C O M E S U P P O R T L O C A L H A N D M A D E & D O A L L Y O U R C H R I S T M A S S H O P P I N G ! F R E E E N T R Y PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE VODAFONE MOBILE PHONE BASE STATION AT CAMBRIDGE INCLUDING 5G 3807 Cambridge: 770 Cambridge Road, Cambridge TAS 7170 (RFNSA 7170003) The proposed facility consists of the addition of new equipment and associated works, including 5G, as follows: • Removal of existing Vodafone antennas and equipment • Installation of three (3) panel antennas, 2.7m long, on the existing headframe • Installation of ancillary equipment including nine

Second Echo removing barriers


organisation Second Echo Ensemble thinks that now is the time to try a new support structure for diversity in the arts; one that recognises the creative contributions of all Tasmanians and offers a stable salary in these challenging times.

Second Echo Ensemble [SEE]’s mission is to redefine expectations of possibility and to challenge assumptions we hold about ourselves and others.

They make art to shake up stereotypes and give voice to untold stories.

They passionately believe that everyone, everywhere, has the right to thrive, to be seen, to be heard and to be a part of our community.

At the heart of SEE is an ensemble of diverse artists living with a range of abilities. Fifty per cent of the ensemble live with disability.

Through their innovative Pathway to Work Program they create opportunities for local artists to learn, train and work in the creative industries. SEE artists work two or three days per week on a 12-month

fixed-term contract, on a salary in the range of $62,000 -$72,000 FTE (full-time equivalent).

Alongside their creative work, each artist has input to SEE’s core business matters as part of their job. They contribute insight into the strategic and operational plans.

SEE’s programs address the barriers which prevent disabled and marginalised people from realising their ambitions and finding employment within the creative industries

“We employ them as artists living with disability

alongside and as equals with their counterparts who do not identify as living with disability,” SEE Creative Director Kelly Drummond Cawthon said.

As Tasmania’s only fully professional inclusive arts company, SEE set an example for what is possible when barriers are removed and artistic exploration is prioritised. Get in contact with Second Echo Ensemble to explore opportunities, your interests, strengths, and most importantly, your next step.

Perfect match – you and Banjo's platters

BANJO’S Bakery have all your upcoming events sorted with catering options to suit every occasion.

As we move into the holiday season, Banjo’s wants to make your life simpler by offering a range of delicious platters perfect for any event.

Banjo’s Rosny franchisee Robbie Iles said the bakers at Banjo’s Lindisfarne, Shoreline, Sorell and Rosny are up early each morning, making a wide range of delicious, handmade

products that are fresh from the oven daily.

“Customers love that we are flexible and our staff can recommend the best platter option to suit their needs but most of all they love the fact that we offer freshly baked products and that if they need delivery then we happily oblige,” he said.

“We cater anything from small office get-togethers and children’s birthday parties to 50th birthday celebrations where the party pies and sausage rolls go down a real treat.”

The easiest way to order is on the Banjo’s App –get your order in before 4pm and the team at your local Banjo’s will have it ready for the next day.

Phone or pop into your local Banjo’s Bakery if you would rather chat with a friendly staff member who can help you by suggesting the perfect platter for your next gettogether.

Download the Banjo’s App from the App Store or on Google Play to discover the extensive range of platters on offer.

Breakfast Toastie Platter: Filled with 12 yummy Toasties: Egg & Bacon, Ham & Cheese, Chicken & Cheese, and Ham Cheese Tomato!

Classic Hot Pastry Platter: Filled with our freshly baked range of small savouries including Sausage Roll, Spinach & Ricotta Roll, Savoury Roll, Vegetarian Roll, Party Pie and Mini Ham Quiche.

Sweet Platter: Includes a yummy selection our signature Housecakes, Danishes and Muffins.

Classic Sandwich Platter: Including classics like Ham Salad, Curried Egg, Chicken Seeded Mustard and Cajun Chicken.


Loaded Salad Roll Platter: Packed with the freshest ingredients and full of flavour. Handmade fresh on our delicious topped rolls.

Cakes & Slices Platter: Full of everyone’s favourite Housecakes, Yummy French Vanilla Slice, Freshly Baked Danish and Scrumptious Sweet Slices.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 15 ADVERTISEMENT
Second Echo Ensemble. Image by Dan Cripps
Develop skills in art making, performance, and arts administration. Connect with other artists, who work to make art in inclusive spaces. Connect to the arts sector through events and performances Perform and create your own work Build job readiness Be supported to access traineeships and work placements Pathways to work is a program that focuses on removing barriers of access to the arts You will have the opportunity to: Second Echo Ensemble Pathways
Work Are you interested in working in the arts but not sure where to start? Our programs are personalised just for you and aim to lead you into volunteering work, employment opportunities, regular community access programs, or a combination of the above, all depending on your individual goals and ambitions What is Pathways to Work? Community workshop BSB10120 in partnership with Link Education [RTO 60154] Work Placements and Traineeships The Core Our professional ensemble of artists, who have transitioned through our traineeship programs into paid work with SEE Certificate I in Workplace Skills Contact us today to get involved: P: 03 6108 1384 E: hello@secondechoensemble.org

New Hobart group for those with IBD, Crohn’s and colitis

A NEW support group for people living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) will help Tasmanians navigating the condition.

Not-for-profit organisation Crohn’s and Colitis Australia (CCA) is the peak body that supports people living with IBD, delivering a wide range of services including telephone helplines, access to specialised IBD nurses, and nation-wide support groups.

CCA’s support group services are open to everyone living with some form of IBD, and those performing caring roles –and a new support group is set to meet in Hobart for the first time this


CCA Volunteers and Programs Coordinator Bart Walus said that for many people, these support groups are the only place they can speak openly about their challenges without feeling embarrassed or misunderstood.

“Our support groups create a safe and secure space where people can share,” he said.

“The support group is a form of emotional support for people living with IBD whilst also being a place to come for useful information.

“If you are wanting to expand your network and become connected with people also living with

IBD I encourage you to come along to a Hobart session.”

Support sessions are free and are open to anyone in the community, not just CCA members.

The sessions are run by volunteers who typically have IBD issues themselves or are a career of someone living with IBD.

Hobart sessions will be held on the every third Wednesday of every month, from 6.15pm – 7.45pm at 108-110 Bathurst Street. The first is on 19 October.

Email support@ crohnsandcolitis.org.au or phone 1800138 029 to express interest.


Hilliard Christian School

The school is located in an open bushland with spectacular views of the Derwent River.

seek to provide a secure environment promoting excellence in education and character development.

16 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 oomphco ffee.com.au 6244 3079 Local coffee roaster based on the Eastern Shore, just off the Mornington round-about Coffee bean sales direct to the public Wholesale and business subscription opportunities available 2022 Tasmanian Fine Food Awards Champion Coffee Gold Medallist Silver Medallist Our Award-Winning Coffee is available at 2/123 Mornington Road, Mornington ADVERTISEMENT www.hilliardchristianschool.com.au (03) 6272 1711
New support group for people living with Crohn’s or colitis FIRST MEETING Wed 19 Oct, 6:15pm Lower Mathers House, Hobart For more information, visit crohnsandcolitis.org.au/ support-groups
Now open in Sorell!
Girish Sasidharan Dr Sophie Lomas Dr Sam Yeoh Shop 6 / 35-37 Gordon St Sorell 193-195 Elizabeth St Hobart & Contact us! P 6 23 1 23 5 6 E i n f o @ i s l a n d d en t a l h o b a r t c o m a u Book online at islanddentalhobart.com.au or scan this QR code:

Bellerive Fiesta hits a six for T20 World Cup

AS punters get ready to swarm the iconic Bellerive Oval later this month for the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2022, the popular Australian sporting pastime won’t be the only form of spring entertainment on offer.

To welcome disembarking ferry patrons in style as they start their leisurely walk to Bellerive Oval, Clarence City Council will be hosting its very first Bellerive Fiesta on Friday 21 and Sunday 23 October.

The Bellerive Boardwalk will be transformed into a fun and festive space for the whole family, featuring a wonderful play space by Soda Projects (MONA, Taste of Summer), giant bubble play for kids – big and small – to create their very own giant bubbles, and the chance to try juggling, stilt walking, diablo or poi throwing with Social Circus Tasmania.

The event will also include free face painting, the brilliant Hugo Bladel with Off

Ya Trolley Mobile Disco, Beat Latina dancers and a host of other roaming performers, as well as food from your favourite food trucks including Kaki Lima, Wattlebanks, Munchies Street Food and more.

Clarence Mayor Doug Chipman said it will be great to welcome visitors to the beautiful City of Clarence with a fun and festive fiesta.

“Come and enjoy a springtime festival atmosphere down at your boardwalk – and all for free,” he said.

“We are so excited to be hosting the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2022 at our very own Bellerive Oval, and what better way to kickstart a day for the whole family than with a riverside festival backdropped by the picturesque kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

“The Derwent Ferry service has already proven a popular mode of transport when travelling across the Derwent for the cricket – as we saw first-hand during the Ashes Test in January this year.

“Clarence City Council has fully welcomed the announcement by the State Government of the introduction of permanent Saturday sailings, just in time for the warmer months, and we encourage the community to continue to embrace this new and exciting method of transportation.

“I can’t think of a better family outing than enjoying a relaxed sail across our iconic River Derwent followed by an afternoon of family activities, delicious Tasmanian food, and finishing with a rousing match of ICC Men's T20 World Cup cricket.

“So, don your Aussie colours and join us on the boardwalk for our inaugural Bellerive Fiesta.”

Bellerive Fiesta will be held on the Bellerive Boardwalk on Friday 21 October (noon to late) and Sunday 23 October (noon to 8pm).

For more information on the Derwent Ferry, visit derwentferries. com.au

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 17 ADVERTISEMENT
Join us on the Bellerive Boardwalk! Friday 21 Oct – 12pm until late & Sunday 23 Oct – 12pm until 8pm FAMILY FUN ON THE BOARDWALK Food trucks, roving ente ainers, circus workshops, facepainting and LOTS MORE! FREE activities!
Social Circus Tasmania performer Christian Florence will be in action at the Bellerive Fiesta

Quality of Life conference comes to Hobart

PALLIATIVE care and end-of-life planning isn’t only about death and dying - it is about living the best life you can while living with a life-limiting condition, accessing the most appropriate supports, and ensuring your end-of-life wishes are understood.

It is all about ‘quality of life’, which is the theme of this year’s palliative care conference being held in Hobart on 17-18 November.

Featuring international and national guest

speakers, 24 concurrent information sessions and a trade show of service providers, the 2022 Tasmanian Palliative Care Conference will bring together leading minds to exchange and share experiences. As well as professional and personal development, it will be a great opportunity to network with more than 200 palliative care professionals from a range of disciplines.

The two-day conference is open to the community and to people working

across the sector including clinical and non-clinical health care professionals, aged care workers, home care providers, community service organisations, volunteers, carers or anyone supporting someone living with a life-limiting condition or grieving.

The conference will showcase more than 20 speakers including Dr Leeroy William, the director of Supportive and Palliative Care Service at the Eastern Health Clinical School; Professor

Kimberly D. Acquaviva from the University of Virginia School of Nursing; Professor Steven Z Pantilat from the University of California San Francisco; and Dr Lidia Engel and Dr Katrin Gerber from the National Ageing Research Institute in Victoria. See the website for a full program list.

To register for the conference at Wrest Point, go to www. taspallcareconference. com.au or phone Palliative Care Tasmania on 6231 2799.

Rebel square dance caller on a mission

ACCREDITED square dance caller Gary Petersen is reinvigorating square dancing in southern Tasmania.

Last century there were many square dance clubs in the Hobart area, but most have now closed.

With more than 25 years’ experience as a sought-after square dance caller, Gary recently moved to Hobart with a plan to get people away from their TVs and computers and onto the dancefloor to try “one of the best social activities around”.

Often described as “fun and friendship set to music”, square dancing is a noncompetitive interactive dance that involves eight dancers working

together to solve the puzzle the caller delivers.

The more calls the dancers know the more the caller has to work with, creating fun and intrigue.

Gary and his wife started square dancing in Queensland in 1994, and he was instantly hooked. He soon started calling and then teaching square dancing, and by 2017 was calling up to nine sessions per week at four different clubs –a total of about 24 hours of calling weekly.

He has called at festivals and conventions all across Australia, and overseas in Germany and New Zealand.

Gary likes to use a broad range of music when calling and is

particularly known for using upbeat tracks and dance remixes, earning him the nickname ‘the Rebel Caller’.

Now he is hoping to reintroduce square dancing to the Hobart community and remove the stigma associated with the activity.

He is planning to start a group at Moonah’s Caledonian Society Hall on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm, before expanding into other areas in Hobart early next year.

Anyone interested in learning square dancing can contact Gary on 0499088680 or email therebelcaller@gmail. com

As Gary says, “dare to be square, it’s fun with flair!”


Learn to Square DanceLearn to Square Dance

with accredited caller Gary “the Rebel” Petersen

18 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
At the Caledonian Society Hall, 31 Homer Avenue, Moonah Tuesday Nights at 7.30pm Casual Dress 8 week beginner course starts 1st November $40 in advance or $8 pp per night Registrations to therebelcaller@gmail.com Enquiries call Gary on 0499088680
Experienced square dance caller Gary Petersen (L-R) Palliative Care Tasmania board member Sally Faulkner, Palliative Care Tasmania CEO Colleen Johnston and Palliative Care Australia CEO Camilla Rowland


Pension hearing aids –Ability Hearing tells you what you need to know

YOU may have heard that you can get hearing aids through the pension.

The Australian government provides eligible pensioners with hearing services under the Hearing Services Program.

If you hold a Pensioner concession card, a Department of Veteran Affairs White or Gold card, or are a dependent of someone who holds these cards, you may be eligible. There are also other categories for eligibility.

You can find more information at hearingservices.gov.au

The program provides a comprehensive hearing assessment and access to a wide range

of fully and partially subsidised hearing aids, including the fitting and review of devices by a qualified provider.

Another benefit is the option of an annual maintenance agreement, for a small fee, so you can receive repairs and batteries for your hearing aids.

You also have a choice of hearing services providers for the program, so you can decide which clinic best suits your needs.

At Ability Hearing and Balance, we are a Tasmanian-owned provider with clinics in Kingston, Rosny Park, Glenorchy and North Hobart.

Our patients choose us because

Study nursing with HERC

HAVE you ever wanted to study nursing? Now is the perfect time!

In 2013, the ANMF Tasmanian Branch established the Health Education and Research Centre (HERC) in Hobart in order to provide accessible, high-quality training for health professionals.

The HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing reflects the role of an Enrolled Nurse working under supervision of a Registered Nurse.

This qualification covers the application of skills and knowledge required to undertake your role competently and professionally within a variety of health care settings.

Once qualified you will be eligible to apply to AHPRA for registration as an Enrolled Nurse.

The 18-month course is comprised of faceto-face, online learning, and structured work placement of 12 weeks

in total. This course requires full-time study – two days per week of face-to-face learning (9am to 3pm), plus the equivalent of three days per week of self-directed learning.

There are 25 units in this course - 20 compulsory units and five electives. To achieve this qualification, students are also required to complete a minimum of 400 hours of successful clinical placement in the aged care, acute care and mental health settings.

Studying nursing opens the door to a broad range of career pathways to work in a variety of exciting and challenging areas.

HERC’s nationally accredited training will provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to kick-start your career in the health industry. Students at HERC have successfully graduated with widely accepted qualifications

at Certificate III and Diploma levels.

However, it just doesn’t stop there. Once you have your initial qualification, HERC also offers opportunities to meet your continuing professional development (CPD) needs.

We continue to offer enrolments in our programs, and you are welcome to contact us via email info@herc.tas. edu.au or phone 6223 6777 and press option 2 if you have queries about how we can meet your educational needs.

our audiologists also provide earwax micro-suction. This means, should you come to your hearing test or hearing aid appointment with your ears full of wax, we can remove it there and then and get on with the appointment.

Our experienced audiologists fit hearing aids of all brands at competitive prices, including “free” government-funded hearing aids. Our clinic is not tied to manufacturers and is fully independent. We can match the best brand to your needs.

To find out if you are eligible and make a booking, call 1300 327 776.

Earwax Suction & Hearing Test

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 19 ADVERTISEMENT S k L d O 0 D b
www abilityhearing com au 5 Star Reviews 20 years of experience Accredited Audiologists Tasmanian Owned & Operated Obligation free 14 day hearing aid trials *FREE hearing aids for eligible Pensioners *Conditions apply under Australian Government Hearing Services Program
The Commonwealth Hearing Services Program provides fully and partially subsidised hearing aids for eligible pensioners
HERC is the training division of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch. HERC proudly delivers accredited training delivered by ASQA Registered Training Organisation with ANMEC (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Education Centre), RTO Code 40064. This arrangement enables HERC to deliver ANMEC’s CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) and HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing. Skills Tasmania subsidies available. The JobTrainer Fund is a jointly-funded initiative of the Australian and Tasmanian Governments. Register your interest for the February 2023 course at herc.tas.edu.au HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing is a qualification suited to those looking to kickstart their career in an expanding healthcare sector. WANT

From big idea to small business

HAVE you got an idea for a business? Need help getting started?

The Workforce Australia Entrepreneurship Facilitator program, delivered by Business South in Greater Hobart and South-East Tasmania, can support you on your journey through the maze to self-employment.

An Australian Government initiative, the program offers free, practical and confidential guidance and support on all aspects of starting and running a small business – from registering business names, website domains and your ABN through to financial, marketing and strategic advice.

“When you’re playing with the idea of starting a business, it can be really overwhelming if you go online and search for support,” Entrepreneurship Facilitator Sharon Harvey said.

“The advantage of our program is that we offer the opportunity to talk to

a real person in-person or online, brainstorm your idea and talk through the things you need to consider.

“Once we understand where someone’s at in their small business journey, based on their needs we can do further one-on-one mentoring with them or refer them to other relevant programs and services, remembering our services are completely free.”

The Entrepreneurship Facilitator program also offers monthly free workshops and information sessions.

In October we have some great topics on offer – free, online and in-person:

What you need to know when getting started in a small business (Kingston):

Topics will include things to consider before you start out; how to assess your business idea; the basics of planning and marketing; and how to best set yourself up for success.

Email Marketing 101 (Hobart):

Are you using or plan to use email marketing in your small business? This workshop is for you. Practical advice and tips, including some of the tech needed to start a campaign.

Coffee and connections (Sorell): Network and meet fellow small business owners.

Roadshow (Bruny Island):

Join Sharon and Mikala from Business South as they tour

southern Tasmania, meet new people and spread the love about entrepreneurship and self-employment. Bookings are essential. For more information or to book your FREE place in the program, go to www.businesssouth. org.au

Curtains & Blinds for


NDS Day/Night

20 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT Main Road, Moonah City side of Cooleys Hotel Personalised Service Tasmanian Family Business
your home
Ready Made and Ready to Hang From an incredible $30 pair BLI
Roller Blinds From only $50 WE WILL ARRANGE TO HAVE YOUR CURTAINS MADE Doonas | Quilts | Sheets Towels | Blankets | Rugs PLUS LOTS OF Bring in your measurements Pick your fabric Decide your tracks, poles and linings We do the rest! M 1 5 5 5 3

Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering

Chefaholic Cooking School

A paddock to plate cooking experience for all

Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange




• 1 x 2kg whole duck

150g butter


100ml Grand Marnier

50ml vinegar

Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes.

• 2 tbs peanut oil

50g castor sugar

Juice of 3 oranges

6 oranges Method

• 1 large onion, grated

• 500g pork mince

Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large

Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until


• 2 garlic cloves, crushed

to hold duck and fry duck for approximately


• 1 tbs freshly grated ginger

Hiking fitness real dynamic balancing act

Why have private health insurance?

offers you three levels of extras cover to help offset these health costs.

• 1/4 cup (60ml) char siu sauce

duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes

180°C basting as you go.

• 1 tsp Chinese five spice powder

heat down to 160°C


cook for a further 30


• 1/3 cup (80ml) Chinese rice wine

For further information please contact:

• 100g packet fried noodles


0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367

• Chopped long red chilli, toasted

WHENEVER I go hiking there is the inevitable conversation about what the best way to get fit for hiking is.

MANY people question the need for private health insurance. Here are some advantages to having private health cover and not just relying on Medicare.

Peace of mind

a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.


• Cashews, coriander leaves, snipped, to serve

• Chives and lime cheeks, to serve

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

7. Set oven to 195oC


8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.

We all appreciate that hiking is a great way to get fit for hiking, but if you are time-poor you might like to incorporate these exercises to improve cardio fitness, muscle strength and dynamic balance.

Dynamic balance is all about being able to cope with uneven surfaces without rolling your ankle or slipping or tripping. It’s about staying on your feet.

switch legs. The real benefit of this one is in the control of stepping down. Be slow and steady and lead with the heel, bending the support leg each time. You’ll become stronger and improve your dynamic balance with this exercise, and that’s great for both hiking up and descending.

Ensuring the health of you and your family is very important.

Private hospital cover gives peace of mind by guarding against large and unexpected hospital and health care bills.

Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS)

Private health insurance also helps high earners avoid paying the MLS of up to 1.5 per cent of their income. This surcharge is on top of the Medicare Levy paid through tax.

control over who treats you where. Usually, elective surgery wait times are significantly less than the public system.

HCi covers over 500 private hospital facilities, and more than 30,000 doctors.

Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading

9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf.

Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.

1. Heat oil in a frypan over medium-high heat. Cook onion, stirring, for 3-4 minutes until softened. Increase heat to high, add pork and cook, stirring, for 8-10 minutes until golden. Add garlic, ginger, char siu sauce and five spice, and cook for 2 minutes or until fragrant. Add the rice wine and cook for 3-4 minutes until caramelised.

Divide noodles among plates. Top with pork, chilli, cashews, coriander, and chives. Serve with lime cheeks to squeeze over.

My experience is that most people struggle more with this when they are coming down a steep hill, and towards the end of a long hike and the body is tired. Try these exercises:

1. Heel-toe polka –stand with your right leg on a rolled-up yoga mat (the thicker the better). With your right leg on the mat, heel tap to the front with the left leg, then toe tap to the back left leg. Pulse the right leg up and down and keep joints soft –you will wobble, but that’s ok. Tap front to back 20 times, then switch legs.

2. Step repeatersusing a stair or stable low bench, step up and tap back to the ground with the same leg 15-20 times, then

3. Step-overs –practise stepping over a box about knee height. Practise stepping forwards, sideways, diagonally and backwards. This is fabulous for preparing you for stepping over fallen tree trunks.

Do 15-20 each leg leading.

If you complete three rounds of these three exercises as well as some slow lunging and squatting while wearing your backpack you’ll be really preparing your body for all kinds of hiking adventures!

Happy hiking! If you’d like to download my free ‘preparation for hiking’ resources go to https:// jocc.com.au/hiking-series

Jo Cordell-Cooper

is Jo CC Holistic PT.

She offers beginner Friday NIGHT Hikes (weekly) on the Eastern Shore, and regular intermediate half-day hikes. Check out her website at https://jocc. com.au/hiking for more information, or phone

Plus, extras cover can reduce costs for dental visits, glasses, physio sessions and much more – making it easier to afford health.

Other health care costs Medicare does not cover the cost of dental, optical, physiotherapy, chiropractic and many other health services. HCi

Medicare covers hospital and medical costs as a public patient in a public hospital. It gives you no choice of doctor and usually means a shared ward. There is often a substantial waiting time for treatment, especially for elective surgery.

With HCi health cover, if you or your family need hospital care, you get greater

LHC is a financial loading added to hospital cover rates. If you join early and continue hospital cover, you get lower premium rates than those starting cover when older.

A loading of two per cent applies for each year you are over 30 when starting cover, up to a maximum of 70 per cent. So, if you join at 40, you could pay an extra 20 per cent on your hospital cover costs.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 21 For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com
For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Method • 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature) • 50 ml warm water • 1 tsp Salt • 1 Tsp sugar • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 500g plain flour • 2 tsp dry yeast. • Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional) 1. To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins. 2. When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool. *These next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting. 3. In a
place the 50 ml
water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins. 4. In
11. Let cool a bit then eat! Enjoy
a nice consistency.
peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down. Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy! A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL Ingredients A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL
0409 86 2206.


Life after COVID-19: Preparing our dogs for the future



6 years old, desexed, vaccinated and well trained.

Chips is a gentle, well trained boy who was previously a much loved companion of an elderly person. Chips is an inside boy and ideally his new family will have a good sized fenced garden, enjoy playing ball and going out together for daily walks


Delilah is a lovely young lady who has had an unfair start to life. Delilah and her babies were found one by one taking shelter in someone’s garden along with her brothers and sisters. It seems they have been someones pets then left to fend for themselves. Given time Delilah will make someone a lovely furry friend she just needs someone to trust. Delilah is a special sort. This darling girl even took in another stray kitten, nursing and caring for him as he was her own! She has showed with her foster carers she makes special bonds with people and other cats. Delilah needs the best of homes where she can finally have the life she deserves!

Our four-legged friends have been reaping the benefits of our extra time at home: more walks, more play time, more chin scratch es. And in turn, they’ve been an enormous source of comfort during this scary time. But part of being a responsible pet owner is preparing your dog for what comes next. When we inevitably go back to work, school and study, our pets must once again adjust to being home by themselves for many hours of the day. This is true of pets who have been part of the family for many years, as well as those who have only recently come into our lives.

Here are some tips to prevent your dog from feeling confused after you head back to a regular routine after COVID-19. Stick to a routine

Just like us, dogs are creatures of habit. Create a routine that includes enrichment, rest, ex ercise and alone time during the day, putting aside time to head out of the house without them if you can.

Let them sleep

Dogs’ sleep pattern vary according to their age, activity levels, health and individual characteristics. Most dogs sleep for an average of 10-14 hours a day (which basically puts them on par with their human’s self-isolation patterns), while puppies sleep more. If you spot them catching some shut eye, leave them to rest and only ask them to play with you once they’ve woken up on their own.

There is such a thing as too many walks

Most dogs need 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise per day, dependant on health status; some may need more and some less. Even though we’re all tempted to take our dogs out for extra walks at the moment, please exercise your dog within their own capabilities and keep to an exercise routine that you are able to keep up once you return to work or study. Encourage your dog to play with their toys Make your dog toys more interesting by smearing dog-safe foods on them, such as

peanut butter or canned dog food. If your dog has any health problems, check with your vet first. Start rotating the toys frequently too, rather than leaving them lying around. If you collect and clean a toy once your dog is fin ished with it, and then place it away in a toy box, it will greatly increase the novelty value next time it comes out.

If you’re still not having much success, try different types of toys like rope toys, Kongs, balls, squeaky toys, soft toys, etc. Invest time into training

Now is a great time to invest in some re ward-based training and education. This can be done at home, as many professional dog trainers have on-line resources and classes you can take advantage of. However, make sure that you only use trainers who use ex clusively reward-based training methods and never aversive techniques or equipment. Use this time to revisit basic life skills training such as sit, come, drop/down and stay.

Consider canine nose work or sensory walks where the aim of the outing is to let your dog sniff whatever they want for as long as they like and allow them to lead you to where you want to go (these are also called a ‘sniffari’).

Banish the bowl

Eating food from the same old bowl everyday isn’t so fun. Think of some creative feeding techniques like Kong toys, puzzle feeders, chew bones and scatter feeds to increase the time and mental energy spent foraging and eating. These feeding solutions will also keep your pup en tertained while you’re away from home.

What is separa tion anxiety?

A more serious behavioural issue is ‘separation anxiety’, a general term that is used to describe a dog’s distress and destruc tive behaviours when they’re left alone, or even when their owner starts to prepare to leave the home.

Separation anxiety can include urinating and defecating in new places, escaping, digging, chewing, howling, barking and pacing. It’s important to note that separation anxiety

Foster care gives animals that are initially not ready to be re-homed, or in our care as emergency boarders, an opportunity to settle into a temporary home life, The aim of foster care is to help animals that are overwhelmed in, or unsuitable for, a shelter environment . This may be due to the fact that the fostered

must be diagnosed by a veterinary be haviourist. If you think your dog is displaying signs of this behaviour, please get in touch with your veterinarian.

To help your dog, you can:

• Increase the time your dog spends alone gradually and ensure they have a comfort able ‘safe haven’ where they can relax and rest. Use the above enrichment sugges tions, like smearing tasty food on their toys or use a long-lasting chew for them whilst they are in this area.

• Create a comfortable and safe space in which your dog wouldn’t mind spending time alone. The area should include clean food and water bowls, toys, bed and a toileting area.

• Make your backyard more complex and ad venture filled. Think a digging pit, kennel, and extra toys.

• Start off by giving your dog time alone in smaller increments. Leave them alone for a few minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, then 20, then 30 and so on.

Remember, never punish unwanted be haviour. This will only make the situation worse.

Planning ahead

When life does eventually get back to normal, you could always look at other ways to in volve your dog in your day-to-day life. Bring your dog along to outings where pos sible, like picking the kids up from school or extended family gath erings. You could also hire a dog walker to take your dog out for regular exercise during the day, or invest in a doggy day care.

Alternatively, tap your friends with dogs on the shoulder and ask if they’d be happy with you dropping your dog at theirs for the day. Both pups can enjoy each other’s company while the adults are out!

If your dog struggles to adapt to these changed routines, consult your vet to explore further options.

animals are too young or too small for adoption or because they are recovering from illness or surgery, or they need special TLC as is sometimes the case with animals seized by our inspectors. We also take care of companion animals of people experiencing family/domestic violence, homelessness, or needing inpatient care in a

medical facility. We have very strict rules around sharing information to ensure the anonymity and safety of all concerned. We will ensure that we match animals and carers and give you the support of a foster care coordinator and team. Sound like you? Please apply today.


Archangel Pigeons are beautiful, unusual and make great pets. These pigeons need to be adopted in pairs to ensure social enrichment and longevity (7-10 years). They enjoy bathing in shallow bird baths and being misted to encourage healthy grooming. Natural perches of varying widths and textures should be provided to exercise their feet and prevent pressure sores. Birds should be able to wrap their feet around two-thirds to three-quarters of the whole perch’s circumference. Platforms may also be provided. A large aviary or loft is needed to ensure these birds can display natural behaviours and stretch their wings. Uziel and Matriel are just two of the archangels available.

22 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
BECOMING A FOSTER CARER Contact: 6709 8100 IT'S YOU TO THE rEScUE Walk, run, or roll 56km from 18 31 October and help save animals from cruelty ScAn HErE TO rEGISTEr TODAY rspcarescuerun.org.au

Open your heart and your home

Foster caring can be one of the most rewarding and uplifting aspects of volunteering. Our foster care program is an essential part of our work looking after our kitties. You don’t have to foster all the time, fostering even for a short time - a week or two - helps with our vital work.

How can I help?

Fostering is a truly wonderful experience which is extremely rewarding for you and lifesaving for the cats or kittens you care for.

Some of the reasons our kitties need foster care before they can be adopted are:

Shy or timid

Too young


The Ten Lives Cat Centre provides full support and everything you need to care for a cat or kitten in your home.

We provide:

food & bowls

kitty litter & trays

toys, blankets & beds

24 hour support

medicines and vet care


a loving environment

care for our cats and

Three inspiring cats and the army of people behind them

ONE of the greatest things about working at Ten Lives is getting to see the success stories first-hand.

Of course, there are many cats that breeze through the Centre, clear their medical examinations, and quickly find their new homes. Then there are the cats that seem to have the odds stacked against them, and an army of people behind them who get them to that finishing line. It’s these cats that I find particularly inspiring.

Twelve-week-old Romeo arrived in April alongside his two littermates, Callie and Kiwi. White and black Romeo presented with a distressing abnormality to his right hind knee.

He was sent offsite for x-rays to get a better idea of the issue and they found that he had a severe medial

patella luxation. This required amputation and extensive recovery in foster care.

Having only three legs wasn’t going to hold Romeo back, and after 63 days in care it only took two days in the adoption rooms to find his new family.

Two-year-old Lucy came to us in May in a bad way. It was likely that she had been hit by a car and she required amputation of her left hind leg due to multiple fractures

It took two weeks before she could start walking again and she required daily physio sessions to build her strength.

She is now in foster care to see out the rest of her rehabilitation and we are sure that she will be snapped up when she arrives in the adoption rooms.

Then there was George, or Curious George as his foster carers called him. This

sweet kitten arrived at five weeks old with a congenital condition known as eyelid agenesis.

This is a painful condition where his right eyelid hadn’t formed properly so fur would rub and irritate his eyes. The condition had progressed such that the eye had to be removed.

George spent nearly three months in foster care before arriving in the adoption rooms and took just one day to find his new family.

I find the resilience of these cats inspiring - how they accept adversity and get on with their lives –

but also the families who accept them as they are.

For each cat, there is an army of people behind them; from the intake staff who welcome them into the Centre, the vet team who provide medical care, to the animal attendants who feed and clean their kennels.

However, it is our foster carers who open their homes with love and support for cats and kittens in need during their rehabilitation. Foster carers volunteer their time to look after cats in their home and are provided with all training,

supplies and food.

Ten Lives simply couldn’t do what we do without our foster carers to see cats like George, Lucy and Romeo through to their adoption day.

If fostering a cat in need is something you might be interested in, reach out and talk to us.

Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved at tenlives.com. au

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 23
kittens FOSTER #FOSTER Every cat has a story. Are you part of it? You can find out more about the Ten Lives foster care program and other ways you can help at tenlives.com.au Ten Lives 12 Selfs Point Road, New Town Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 4.00 Sun 10.00 - 2.30 6278 2111 tenlives.com.au Ten Lives _ Gazette - 2 Cats 1 Pic Blurb _ ADOPT.indd 1 30/08/2021 1:39:34 PM
Rich East – Ten Lives Cat Centre George
was quick to be adopted and even made a new best friend, Willow. Photo credit: Tiarna Bricknell
foster carer, Aneeka, brought him to all his vet check-ups provided by Ten Lives. Photo credit: Sue Medlock ENFIELD KENNELS & CATTERY DOG & CAT RESORT Only 15 minutes from the airport! 0459 998 009 Enfield Lane – Campania www.enfieldkennels.com.au We look after your prized dogs and cats, and give them a holiday whilst you are on holiday! Pet Talk

prime times

Barbershop singers on the way to Hobart

SOME of the country’s best barbershop quartets and choruses will hit Hobart early next month for the Australian Barbershop Harmony Festival.

Singing fans are sure to be inspired and elevated by vibrant harmonies, spinetingling chords and superb storytelling as they immerse themselves in four days of free and ticketed events.

Free events include the Barbershop Pub Chorus at The Cathedral (In the Hanging Gardens) on Wednesday 2 November. Beginning at 6pm, hundreds of local singers and visiting

barbershoppers will join together to belt out a rendition of the Crowded House classic ‘Better Be Home Soon’.

Other free events include admission to semi-final sessions of the Barbershop Quartet Contest at the Theatre Royal on 3 and 4 November.

The 12 top quartets from across the country will battle it out in the Quartet Final on the Friday evening; before the festival continues on the Saturday when 400 singers will take part in the contest to decide Australia’s best

barbershop chorus.

The festival’s big finale is the A Cappella Spectacular at the Federation Concert Hall on the Saturday evening, headlined by award-winning female jazz quartet The Velvetones and also featuring performance by the best of the best ensembles from the Barbershop Festival.

The Barbershop Harmony Festival will run from Wednesday 2 to Saturday 5 November.

Tickets and more information are available from www.barbershopconvention.

Community Transport Services Tasmania (CTST) is seeking volunteer drivers to join their team to provide door-to-door transport services for clients around the state.

For the past 30 years, CTST has been a trusted not-forprofit provider of affordable door-to-door community transport for eligible clients.

Kerry Pohle is one of the volunteer drivers who help clients maintain their independence and social connections by driving them to non-emergency medical appointments, shopping and social outings.

“I became a volunteer driver because I love people,” Kerry said.

“I particularly wanted to provide a service to people with a disability and help them get out and about in the community.

“I pride myself on delivering a good service and making clients feel comfortable while in the car with me, having a laugh or sing-along.”

Kerry has been a volunteer driver with CTST for more than three years and encourages anyone to get involved.


people looking for something to do while they are retired for example, then I’ll give them a flyer and encourage them to be a driver,” she said.

To be a driver with CTST, all you need is a valid driver licence and everything else is taken care of. Drivers are given the flexibility to choose the days they can volunteer and how far they are comfortable to drive.

Drivers are provided with a vehicle and comprehensive training. They receive support on the road and there is a generous reimbursement program.

For more information, email Michelle at peopleandcapability@ctst.org. au or visit www.ctst.org.au/ volunteer

24 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
DO you love to drive?
I’m out, if I hear
DRIVE YOUR COMMUNITY www.ctst.org.au/volunteer Contact Michelle at 0460 735 694 peopleandcapability@ctst.org.au VOLUNTEER TODAY CTST volunteer driver Kerry Pohle CTST on the lookout for volunteer drivers ballet for seniors it's never too late to learn free daily classes during seniors week october 17th to 21st for more information visit www.felicityryanballet.com or call 0438 303 863 Hobart’s Deep South Chorus will be performing in the chorus contest

Taking a holistic approach to hearing loss and balance

TASMANIANS now enjoy the convenience of having earwax micro-suction and hearing tests in the same appointment, since the launch of Ability Hearing and Balance 18 months ago. Owner and audiologist Mr Nick Modrovich has been looking after the hearing health of Tasmanians since 2007.

Nick and wife Heidi - also an experienced audiologisthave been at the forefront of hearing healthcare for decades.

“We were the first to bring our hearing clinics out into the suburbs of Kingston, Glenorchy and Rosny back in 2010,” Nick said.

“We are now the first to offer a full suite of balance and vestibular testing in Tasmania. Patients no longer have to travel interstate to be tested.

“We offer the convenience of having all things audiology in one place.

“If you come to your hearing test or hearing aid adjustment with your ears full of wax, we can sort this out for you there and then. No need to reschedule your appointment to have your ears cleaned at the doctors.

“Balance concerns often go hand in hand with hearing loss, and we can talk to you about your symptoms at your hearing


“We provide a holistic approach to audiology – our main point of difference is that we are a clinic, not a shop.

“If you are after amazing deals on hearing aids, we offer this too. We only fit major manufacturerbranded hearing devices so you know exactly what you are buying.

“And by supporting a local Tasmanian family, you are choosing to support your local community!”

Call us on 1300 327 776 to see why so many Tasmanians recommend Ability Hearing and Balance to their family and friends.

Providing mobility for all

THE best way to get the right home care products or mobility aids is by talking with the experts at Mobility4All.

Located at 23 Derwent Park Rd, Mobility4All’s showroom is easily accessed with free parking right at the front door and is stocked with a large range of mobility products.

In addition to the wide range of mobility aids, Mobility4All also sell, service and repair mobility scooters, powerchairs, wheelchairs,

walkers/rollators and daily living aids, which enable customers to live at home for longer and get the most out of every day.

The staff at Mobility4All understand that everyone has different requirements, and they believe in the importance of discussing your circumstances – this way they can best advise you on which products are most suitable.

As a specialist store, Mobility4All appreciates the value of backing up its

products with after-sales service. So if anything goes wrong, the team who know the products inside-out will fix the issue either at the store or visit you in your home if required.

With a range of quality mobility products, Mobility4All boasts a huge range of goods and services to make daily living easier and more comfortable.

For more information, phone 6273 8300 or email info@mobility4all.com.au

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 25 prime times SPRING EDITION St k L t d O y 10 D i b Great Hearing Aid Prices Earwax Micro suction Pension Hearing Aids Tinnitus Specialists Vestibular/Balance Children's Hearing Auditory Processing Follow Us Tasmanian Owned & Operated Nick Modrovich Heidi Modrovich Accredited Audiologists 20 Years of Experience Family Clinic Call 1300 327 776 Independent Audiologists www.abilityhearing.com.au ROSNY PARK GLENORCHY KINGSTON NORTH HOBART 5 Star Reviews
audiologists Nick and Heidi Modrovich bring a holistic approach to hearing care through Ability Hearing and Balance INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY www.mobility4all.com.au I 23 Derwent Park Road, Derwent Park Ph (03) 6273 8300 info@mobility4all.com.au
Mobility4All offers freedom and independence for those with mobility issues

prime times


Discover Seniors Week

WITH an overall theme of ‘enrich’ and its now-entrenched tagline ‘Discover. Imagine. Together’, the 24th Tasmanian Seniors Week is set to go ahead from 17-23 October.

More than 400 interesting and varied Seniors Week events for older Tasmanians will take place across the state this year - a significant increase from last year.

More than half of the events are in the south, with the Eastern Shore alone offering more than 50 activities.

These include physical activities such as exercise classes, croquet, table tennis, bowls, and walking tours, an

introduction to Parkrun, and even ballet for seniors!

A concert by former Seeker Keith Potger heads the entertainment and social event list, which also features high tea, singalongs, knitting and community garden events.

Information events include health checks, historical and family history tours, U3A sessions and the always popular IT “how to” sessions for understanding digital devices.

Seniors Week major sponsors TasNetworks and the Public Trustee are both conducting information sessions offering useful consumer advice.

The official 80-page Seniors Week events guide is now available free from outlets including Service Tasmania, Australia Post, libraries, council offices and community houses.

The guide again features the popular Daily Planner section, allowing readers to easily identify events that appeal to them and plan their Seniors Week activities.

The guide is also available on the COTA Tasmania website, cotatas.org.au/ seniorsweek

Seniors Week enquiries can be made by emailing admin@ cotatas.org.au or phoning 6231 3265.

f More than 400 interesting events around Tasmania!

Get all the details in the official events guide — available now at all Australia Post outlets, online access centres, local councils, community health centres, Service Tasmania shops, community houses, many community pharmacies, or online at www.cotatas.org.au

Celebrating life

TURNBULL Funerals has been supporting the families of Tasmania since 1936. Our experienced funeral directors are local to the community and understand the importance of trust, commitment and respect when arranging a funeral service.

We believe that no two goodbyes are the same and will ensure you receive a memorable service that truly reflects the life that was lived.

We have two chapels within our beautiful heritagelisted building that can cater to funerals of all sizes. The larger chapel is equipped with modern webcasting and audio-visual capabilities. You can continue the celebrations of life in our fully licensed

function room with a built-in bar.

Most importantly we are the only funeral home in Hobart with an onsite crematorium.

With Turnbull Funerals you will know exactly where your loved one is and who is caring for them, every step of the way.

Turnbull Funerals is a place for family and friends to come together when they need it most. Feel free to stop by 71 Letitia St, North Hobart to meet the team or tour the facilities.

At Turnbull Funerals, You can be the author of your own story

These days we’re able to plan for almost anything,

including our funeral.

Traditionally this has been a taboo subject but now that has changed.

Planning means celebrating your life, your way - and saying goodbye on your own terms, ensuring you have a farewell that reflects you. You can take the opportunity to record your wishes by prearranging and prepaying a future funeral service at today’s price.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but with a little forward thinking comes peace of mind, security and protection of those we care for.

It only takes one phone call to start carrying out your wishes. Call us today on 6234 4711 or go to turnbullfunerals. com.au

Lucy’s greatest passion was playing her violin. When she died, we arranged for her band to play at her funeral. A spotlight marked her usual place, so she could be part of one last performance and take her final bow.

The best way to say goodbye is just the way they would have wanted.

Turnbull Funerals knows how.

26 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
Turnbull Funerals’ chapel in North Hobart now offers webcasting of funeral services
There’s activities for everyone this Seniors Week 17–23 OCTOBER 2022


Why is my super falling?

FINANCIAL markets have taken a hit in 2022. We have seen the Bond market (generally a safe asset) have one of its worst years in history and some share markets fall into a bear market (a decline of 20 per cent or more).

Why is this occurring? The main reason is inflation. For a country to tame inflation it must increase interest rates, which generally has a negative impact on most asset classes.

crucial, especially in the current environment.

On average, most Aussies are invested in default balanced investment funds which hold approximately 70 per cent of your money in growth assets (risky) and approximately 30 per cent in defensive assets (safe).

To some people this mix of growth and defensive might be too risky. The more you have invested in growth assets, typically the more volatile your portfolio will be.

providers offer cash accounts which can be a very useful tool in times of economic instability. When retired, or approaching retirement, a cash account can be used to store future income.

Authorising someone to help

HI everyone,

There are many reasons why you may want someone else to help you manage your Centrelink payments when dealing with Services Australia.

You could be travelling, caring for someone, have too much on your plate, or finding it too difficult to keep your information up to date.

If it’s something you think you’ll need, you can authorise someone to help you do your everyday business with us.

You might want to let friends or family ask us questions to help you better understand your

payments. Giving them permission to enquire allows us to talk to them and tell them what’s going on. You can go also give them authority to update your records if you want.

There may be times when you need someone to make decisions for you, or even receive your payments on your behalf to help you manage your finances.

If you do, you can choose to authorise a ‘Correspondence Nominee’ and/or a ‘Payment Nominee’. If you already have a Power of Attorney, we would recommend you also appoint that person to be your nominee.

You may want help

from a loved one as you age. You can authorise a ‘correspondence nominee’ to make decisions and act on your behalf. They can ask questions, make updates, even make claims for payments and services on your behalf.

A copy of the letters we send you will also be sent to them. They can even access your Centrelink Online Account to manage your online business with us.

If it’s hard for you to manage your bills, you can authorise a ‘payment nominee’ to help you with your living expenses.

They’re required to keep a record of all payments received and how they’ve

spent your payment on your behalf.

They can ask questions about how much you’ll be paid and where the payments will go to and they will have limited access to your Centrelink online account.

Remember that having an arrangement in place doesn’t prevent you from speaking with us or doing your business with us. You can cancel any arrangement you have set up at any time. Just call us or cancel it online.

To find out more about the different types of arrangements, go to servicesaustralia.gov.au and search for ‘nominee’. See you next time.

Interest rates significantly influence how an economy performs. When rates rise, the cost of money increases, which reduces borrowing and investment, and consequently slows business activity.

While Central Banks have been rapidly increasing interest rates to combat high levels of inflation, financial markets have been pricing in the next concern for the global economy.

It is widely speculated that a global recession is looming and may hit in 2023. If current levels of inflation are persistent it will increase the likelihood of recession. This could see financial markets continue their downward trend.

When you are near, or in, retirement, protecting your super balance becomes equally, if not more important than chasing high returns. Understanding how your super is invested is

Equally important as reviewing your investments is having a plan to fund your income in retirement.

History shows that recessions have been short-lived, with the average life of a recession being one year or less.

In most cases, money inside super will be invested in assets that are subject to volatility.

In times of economic downturn some assets will fall in value. If your super balance falls and you need to draw income from your super, it can have adverse impacts on your balance long-term.

This is because when your super fund sells assets to fund your regular income, it must sell down a larger portion of assets to fund the same amount of income. This results in your balance reducing faster than expected over time. However, it can be avoided.

Isolating a portion of your balance in a cash option will remove the volatility risk for that portion of money.

Some superannuation

This means that instead of your super fund selling your assets at a low point, income can be withdrawn from a cash account instead. This will not only give you certainty of income, but it will also reduce the risk of depleting your balance if financial markets continue to fall.

Recession is the last thing pre-retirees and retirees want to experience, so it is understandable if you’re re-thinking your retirement plans or are nervous about what the future holds for financial markets.

Receiving professional financial advice in times like this is invaluable, not only to help protect your money, but also to provide certainty and a sense of direction.

Information in this article is of a general nature only and has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 27
Damian Gibson


Tasmanian Masters Athletics commenced its summer season on 5 October. Track and field athleticsfor over30s is held at the Domain Athletic Centre from October to March. People of all capabilities are welcome to come along and try. First time is free! Go to www. tasmastersathletics.org.au, phone 0402 314 079 or email tasmasterssec@gmail.com for enquiries.


With the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience friendship, camping and adventures while learning leadership, management skills and much more. If you are aged 13-17 years old, register your interest today. Go to www.armycadets.gov.au or email 63acu@armycadets.gov.au



Join our first Sunday of the month or Monday working bees, from 10am – noon. Phone Graeme on 0467 514667 or Tassie on 0417 516176 and help us care for our coastline.


Our members meet on weekdays at 17 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. Groups include painting and drawing, needlecraft, textiles and threads of all types, card making, artist's books and basket making. Visitors are welcome. Check our website or call secretary Lynne on 0407 470 214 for more information.


Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month, from February to November, at the Howrah Community Centre, 9 Howrah Road. New members are welcome, or just visit a meeting to listen to a guest speaker. For more information visit www. facebook.com/bellerivehistory or phone Mike Geard on 0400 974 056.


Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building, Battery Point. Call 1300 064 068 for dates and details.


The Clarence City Band is based at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. The band caters for all tastes and ensembles and provides a development program for members of the community to learn a musical instrument. For more information, visit www.ClarenceCityBand.com.au


A local community group working towards positive climate solutions, with the view that together, people can make a better future. For more information, visit clarenceclimateaction.org or the Clarence Climate Action Facebook page.


Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities. Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am-12 noon. Phone Romana Sanders on 6244 4736.


Held every Tuesday night from 7pm until 10pm at the Howrah Community Centre, Howrah Road. Listen and dance to a great resident band and walk-up singers. There are door prizes, raffles, spot dances and lucky number cards. Entry fee is $4. For more information, visit Clarence Country Facebook page or email clarence.country@gmail.com


A monthly event where you can buy locally made items, produce, upcycled and second-hand products. 11 Ralph Terrace, Rokeby from 10am-2pm on the third Saturday of each month. Everyone welcome!


Meet at Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Monday and Wednesday from 9:30am. For Wednesday walks, phone Dot Batt on 6244 6276/0400 607 355. For Monday walks, phone Ainslee Walker on 0412 333 171.


The Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre hosts the Clarence Plains Growers and Crafters Market on the third Saturday of every month. The market is held at the Grace Centre, 11 Ralph Terrace, from 10am-2pm.



Singing studio on the Eastern Shore now taking students from six years of age to adults. Phone 0407430902.


The Coal River Valley Garden Club Inc meets on the fourth Monday of the month from January to November at the Richmond Football Club Rooms, Richmond War Memorial Oval, Victoria Street, at 7:30pm and includes guest speakers, trade table and supper. New members always welcome. For more information, phone 6260 2727.


Cremorne Bowls Club is looking for experienced bowlers interested in playing in the Thursday Div-2 pennant team for the 2022-23 season. Membership subs are very reasonable and the club will provide players with a top and jacket. Contact Teresa Newman on 0408 526 038.


Crew Fitness is a not-for-profit community fitness group that offers bootcamp and high-intensity interval training. Classes run for 45 minutes from Monday until Friday at 6am and on Saturdays at 7:45am. It is based out of the Lindisfarne Sailing Club. New members are welcome.



Looking for dance partner, female needed aged 35-45 for lessons and socials in Ballroom, Salsa and Tango. For more information, phone 0412 699 748.



The Eastern Shore Bridge Club has relocated and now meets at the Clarence Uniting Church in York Street Bellerive on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. If you are interested in learning to play bridge or wish to join the walk-in sessions, phone John Cummings on 0423 187 588. All levels are welcome.


Love to play Mahjong? We're looking for new members to join us. Come along to the Rosny Library in Bligh St from 1-4pm on Thursday afternoons. The cost each week is $5. Some playing experience is essential. Bring along your own cup, tea bag or coffee for afternoon tea. Please contact Sue on 62445021 for more information.


Meets at the Sunshine Centre, Howrah Road on Monday from 9am to 12:30pm, Wednesday from noon to 3:30pm, and on Saturday from 12:30pm to 3:30pm. Contact Ailene on 0418 425 843 (Monday and Wednesday) and Marianne on 0408 487 445 (Saturday).


Need a household item repaired for free? Every last Saturday of the month between 2–4pm visit the Warrane Mornington Community House, 150A Bligh St, with your broken items. Volunteers will be there to help you fix your clothing, crockery, cutlery, garden tools, furniture, toys, jewellery, gadgets and more. Contact Katie on 0499 078 490 or email eastsiderepaircafe@gmail.com


Learn about “looking after yourself” by attending the monthly informal get-togethers presented by All About Fitness. Entry is by gold coin donation (and includes a cuppa). Please book early as seating is limited. To enquire, email paul@allaboutfitness.net.au or phone 0417 836 988.

FITNESS IN THE PARK Free group fitness sessions in parks across Clarence, open to all. For details, go to www.liveclarence.com.au/ fitness-in-the-park


The Forcett Community Hall is holding a Handmade and Farmers’ Market on the third Sunday of each month from 10am to 1pm. There will be a range of local produce, craft, art, baking and plants. The hall is located at 699 Arthur Highway, Forcett.



An aerobic fitness program designed for over 55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30 to 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.



Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.


Radio controlled, fixed wing and rotary aircraft at Kelly Field on the Richmond/Campania Road. Flying every day from 9am until early afternoon, weather permitting. Instruction available and visitors most welcome. For more information, phone Barry Gerrard on 0417 032 901, email bgerrard@bigpond.net.au, or visit hobartmodelaeroclub.org.au.


Meeting at Howrah Community Centre every Friday, 10am-12 noon. Guest speakers, varied activities and occasional bus trips. Phone Brian on 0438 77 99 69 for enquiries.



The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday from 9:30am to 4 pm. At other time, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.


Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am to noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.




The Lauderdale Canal Model Boating group meets at the Northern Terrace in Lauderdale each Saturday morning from 9am, weather permitting. A wide selection of

model boats can be seen and everyone is welcomed. Come along and see the models sailing, and maybe you will be encouraged in taking up the hobby and joining the group. For more information, call Randall on 6287 7158.


Come along and have a look at our library. Includes fiction, non-fiction, large print and a section of Tasmanian books. Hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm and Saturday 10am to noon. Membership is $7 yearly. For more information, call Diane on 0400 043 297.


Lindisfarne Riverside Arts Choir Inc meet at the Activity Centre on Lincoln Street every Thursday night at 7pm. All welcome. For more information, phone 0408 326 544.


Committed to serve in the Clarence community. Meets at Lions Clubrooms at 10 Binalong Road, Mornington on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For more information, visit https://clarence.tas.lions.org.au


Sit back, relax and be guided through mind-body relaxation. For anyone interested in meditating, including beginners. Provided as a free community service by the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre. Every Friday 12.30pm-1pm. Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy. Enquiries 6278 3788 or email hobart@ au.brahmakumaris.org


If you are interested in finding out what Masons do, then Masonic Membership may be for you. Email your enquiry to lindisfarnelodge46tc@gmail.com Advise your name and contact phone, and we will respond.


Suitable for every body. Gentle Yoga: Wednesday 11am; Mat Pilates: Friday 12.30pm. At the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au.


Gentle Flow Yoga: Monday 8.30am; Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Monday 9.45am; Mat Pilates: Wednesday 9am. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates. com.au



Come along and try pickleball. Monday and Thursday 9.30-11.30am at the Clarence Sports Stadium, Montagu Bay. Cost is $6. All equipment provided. For more information, contact Jenny Kitchener on 0414 486 896 or majelaja2@yahoo.com.au


Painting in all mediums. For more information, phone Gail Ellen on 0427 658 775.



Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre programs for 2022, all welcome. Monday: Clarence Plains Walkers and Knopwood Knitters. Tuesday: Sewing and craft and basis sewing. Wednesday: Dancing with Hiroko, and Be Connected Basis Computers. Every second Wednesday: Two-course community lunch. Every second Thursday: Basic Photography Group sessions. Friday: exercise group Staying Strong Living Well. Every second Friday: PINGO, cost is $7.50 and morning tea is included. Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre, 85 Tollard Drive, Rokeby. For more information, phone 6247 6778, email admin@ rokebync.org.au, or visit the Facebook page.


Monthly working bees planting and maintaining native bushland usually held on the third Sunday of the month from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Locations vary between Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area or the Rosny Montagu Bay Foreshore Reserve. For more information, email rmbcareinc@gmail.com or phone John on 0419 826 052.


Classes in painting, embroidery, paper craft and cards, beading, quilting, cooking and bear-making. Meets Thursdays from 9.30am at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 28 Rowena Rd. Phone Irene on 0407 489 833 or Kay on 62438060.



The Shoreline Combined Probus Club meets at the Howrah Community Centre from 10am on the third Monday of each month. The morning consists of a meeting followed by morning tea, a guest speaker and/or other activities. For more information email pv423392@bigpond.net.au or write to The Secretary, Shoreline Combined Probus Club, PO Box 777 Rosny Park, Tasmania 7018.


The South Arm Community Market is held on the first Sunday of the month at the South Arm Community Centre, from 9.30am to 1pm.


Bingo is held on the first Tuesday of each month at the South Arm Community Centre, 9 Calverton Place. Doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.15pm. $15 plays 15 games. Cash prizes. BYO drinks and nibbles (alcohol permitted). Tea, coffee and snacks available for purchase. Enquiries 0426821530.


We play music for the audience and players to enjoy. We meet on Thursday evenings and welcome new players. To contact us, email southerndistrictsconcertband@gmail.com or go to Facebook.


Square dancing for beginners, couples and singles welcome. Currently being held in Bellerive; coming to Moonah. Fortnightly classes on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@hotmail.com


St Mark’s Anglican Church Op Shop at Bellerive operates Wednesday and Friday from 9am –3pm. We sell fresh produce, plants, preserves, books, toys and general products. There is also a coffee shop on Fridays. Corner of Scott and Clarence streets.


Please note the change of date because of Show Day: Have you lost a parent to suicide? Would you like to meet people in a similar situation? Come to the Rosny Library on Wednesday, 19 October and Thursday 17 November, 6.15-7.45pm. Tea and coffee on offer; BYO mug.


Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com.


365 Support Fitness run senior strength, balance and flexibility classes on Mondays at noon, Tuesdays at 9am, Wednesday at 12.30pm, and Friday at 9am and noon. They are held at the PCYC in Bellerive, with it costing $8 a class. For more information, phone 0407 967 961 or email 365sfitness@gmail.com.


Looking for an experienced Tai Chi instructor to facilitate a new park class at Montrose foreshore, mid-morning on a weekday. Please phone Anna on 0480 209 415.


Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub. org.au.


Thylacine lutruwita is a not-for-profit wildlife protection hospital and cat desexing clinic based at 553 Pass Road, Mornington. They do cat desexing and a microchip for only $49.99. To book an appointment, phone 6146 0699 or visit www.thylacinelutruwita.com.au.


Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am to noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session, working during school terms. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.



U3A Clarence is a co-operative learning organisation for retired and semi-retired people, run entirely by volunteers. We offer a variety of courses including Painting, Clarence History, Trivia, The writers, Aspects of Geology, Poetry, Mah Jong, French for Beginners, Play Reading and more. We have three ten-week sessions each year, with classes held at Rosny Library between 9.30am and 1pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. More details available from www. u3aclarence.com.



The Warrane Community Garden hosts a monthly working bee on the second Sunday of the month 9am-12pm. Weekly mini-bees are on Friday between 10-12pm. 18 Heemskirk St, Warrane. All are welcome. Please bring a cup, your garden gloves, and a favourite weeding tool if you have one. 0499 078 490 or visit https://wmnc.org.au/community-garden for more information.



Visit www.wmnc.org.au for up-to-date information about programs, services, events and the Warrane Community Garden, including: Yoga, Computer Class, Food Assistance, Community Lunch, Craft Group, Wellness Workout, and Community Garden Working Bee. All programs located at Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre at 150a Bligh Street. For more information phone 6244 6346, email info@wmnc. org.au or visit www.wmnc.org.au



Back friendly yoga classes on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and Pilates at 7pm at the Howrah Recreation Centre. For more information, phone Jackie on 0467 197 499.


Yoga classes for beginners are held at the Clarence PCYC (10 Scott St, Bellerive) from 1.30pm on Mondays and Fridays. The cost is $10, phone 0407967961 for more in formation.

28 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
COMMUNITY CALENDAR If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.
Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 29 WANTED TO BUY COINS & NOTES Round 50c, pre decimal & decimal coins, silver coins, gold coins, mint sets, proof sets, PNCs, carded coins, Australian paper notes. No collection too big or too small. 0405672050 Devil Coins & Collectibles 124 Mornington Road - Mornington Rokeby Se R vice c ent R e 73 Droughty Point Road Ph: 6247 1354 Full mechanical repairs Tyres & Wheel Alignments Transport approved inspection site CITY AUTOMOTIVE MORNINGTON Ph: 6245 0000 Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 5pm or later by appointment 295 Cambridge Road, Mornington Email: office@cityautomotive.net.au Full mechanical repairs for all your vehicle maintenance, services and repair needs. Family friendly and a local family operated business since 1995. • Approved Inspection Station • Modification Plates • Engine Remapping • Courtesy Loan Cars • Local Pickup & Delivery • Suspension, Snorkels, Bull Bars, Winches • Roof Tents, accessories & all things 4WD Ph: 6244 4474 • Woodheating Specialists • Flue and Chimney Cleans Safety Checks • Re-flues and Installations • Replacement parts Sales of new heaters • Fully insured and all work completed to Australian Standards 0407 040 641 Inspiration. Design iD JoInery Specialising in quality p: 0488 123 174 e: info@idjoinery.com.au • Kitchens • renovations • Bathrooms/vanities • Laundries/wardrobes Vacuum Cleaning Gutters Solar Panel Cleans Gutter Guard Installation Fully Insured BIRD AND EMBER PROOF GUT TER GUARD 100% TASMANIAN OWNED GUT TER PROTEC TION PROFESSIONALS 3 Gutter replacements 3 Colorbond fascia covers 3 PVC downpipes 6239 6615 | 0428 293 619 gutterprotectionsolutions com au • msmi5860@bigpond net au Experienced, professional, loc al ser vice FREE, no obligation quote 1 7 6 0 0 1 • Hot water cylinder repairs and replacements • Blocked drains • LPG and Natural Gas • Domestic and commercial plumbing CALL HARRY TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE Mobile: 0499 555 010 Email: gloverplumbingandgas@gmail.com LOUIS FENCING SERVICE Hobart area. Phone: 0488 247 492 Community News Opening on April 26 Taking bookings now! Call us at: 6247 2089 Log book servicing Installation / repair Leak prevention Gutter cleaning 0451 171 227 Before After Before After Enquires www.progutters.com.au admin@progutters.com.au Call us We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 P A Y I N G C A S H A u s t r a l i a n a n d W o r l d c o i n s , b a n k n o t e s , s t a m p s , g o l d , j e w e l l e r y , s m a l l c o l l e c t a b l e s a n d m o r e C O N T A C T U S Phone: (03) 6200 8637 Shop 11/113 Main Road Moonah TAS info@tasmaniannumismatics.com.au Car Cleaning & Detailing 0409 878 391Richmond Village Coal River To advertise in the ‘Trades, Services & Classifieds’ section, contact: justine.brazil@corcomms.com.au • • • • • Call us on 0450 658 420 or visit our website tassyhospitalitysolutions.com.au to find out more. Tassy Hospitality Solutions is a leading commercial refrigeration equipment supplier to hospitality and retail businesses in Tasmania.

Nothing but net

THE Southern Tasmanian Netball Association (STNA) held its Annual Awards and Presentation Night for the 2022 season at Ladbrokes Park Elwick recently.

The largest netball association in southern Tasmania, featuring 12 clubs from across the Greater Hobart area, the STNA coordinates programs and competitions for participants of all abilities, starting from the age of five.

Last year the STNA had 2184 players hit the court, including 1052 juniors and 933 senior players.

Local Liberal Member for Clark Elise Archer

attended the Awards Night to present awards, and had the pleasure of presenting the Elise Archer STNA Club Championship shield to the Cripps Waratah Netball Club.

“As a sponsor and supporter of many local sporting and community clubs in my electorate, I was delighted to be able to attend in person again to show my support for the positive impact sport can play in our lives,” she said.

“Our local sporting clubs provide a significant role in the health and wellbeing of our community, and I am committed to continuing my

support to clubs in my electorate of Clark.

“The STNA Awards importantly recognise players, coaches and umpires and inducts life members to the Southern Tasmanian Netball Association.

“Congratulations to all recipients and those acknowledged and celebrated for their hard work and contributions to our community.”

Ms Archer said the 2022-23 State Budget allocated a $200,000 boost to Netball Tasmania, taking the total Tasmanian Government funding to Netball Tasmania to $500,000.




Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne. 9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beats and Ballads with Phil Williams.

3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk with Helen Morrison/Ross Sermons.

Time for cricket

THE Wilson Homes Cricket Tasmania Premier League (CTPL) 2022-23 season is underway, after being officially launched at Blundstone Arena last month.

The Men’s and Women’s First Grade competitions commenced on 1 October, with four Men’s and two Women’s matches played across the weekend.

In the Men’s competition, Glenorchy beat the Greater Northern Raiders by four wickets with 16 overs to spare thanks to batter Nicholas Davis, who smashed 130 not out off just 82 balls.

The University of Tasmania

bowled out New Town for 127, with Tim Oakley taking 4/28 off his 10 overs.

Uni then lost only two wickets in the run chase, with Tim Ward (48) and captain Jake Doran (40) leading the way.

Former Test captain Tim Paine was 20 not out at the end.

Clarence (5/203) beat Lindisfarne (7/202) at Kangaroo Bay, with Clarence openers Zach Elliott (63) and Clinton Hinchcliffe (40) setting the side up for the win. Keegan Oates made 72 for Lindisfarne.

At home in Kingston, Kingborough made 194 off their 50 overs and held South Hobart/Sandy Bay to 151 in

Kaye Payne

KAYE was born in Queensland and moved to Tasmania in 1992, becoming a Hobart FM listener shortly after.

In 2008 Kaye answered a request for volunteers to become part of the Hobart FM family, and for the past 14 years she has woken up listeners at 6am once a week as a Hobart FM breakfast presenter.

Kaye currently presents breakfast from 6 - 9am on Tuesday mornings, playing anything from classical through to country, jazz and today’s modern grooves.

response, despite 48 from middle-order batter Sam Voss. Thomas Martin (4/30) was the main wicket-taker for Kingborough.

In round one of the Women’s First Grade T20 competition, North Hobart (3/114 off 14.5 overs) defeated the Greater Northern Raiders (3/113), with North Hobart star Nicola Carey scoring 50 from just 25 balls.

Clarence limited New Town to a score of 8/89 off their 20 overs, and then raced to 4/92 thanks to 55 from Heather Graham.

The lower grade competitions will commence their seasons on Saturday 15 October.

She loves music and loves to entertain - why else would you get up at 4.30am to volunteer your time on a cold and frosty morning?

“I can’t think of a better thing to do,” Kaye says.

“Hobart FM has a family of people who tune in. They give us a call and send us messages on Facebook, and we know their life stories almost as much as we know our own.

“I also like to promote live music here in Tassie, and play local artists as much as possible.”

Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Mandy’s Monday Morning Mix. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Monday Variety with Shirley

Nicolle. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country With Glenn Gillie.

8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Music of Your Life overnight

8pm: Late Nite Hits with Marg. 10pm: Night Owl Club with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Wednesday

6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and

Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Phil Tyson. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Revival show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Thursday 6am Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: Music of Your Life with Karina

Ceron. 2pm: My Collection with Ken Tanner. 4pm: Drive with John Evans. 6pm: Serbian. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

Friday 6am: Rise and Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs and Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Fridays with Mal Dennis. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Drive with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times are Rolling with

Russell and Bob. 9pm: Rock On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight with Craig Cracknell

Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims.

1pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda. 3pm: Various Presenters present The Music of Your Life. 6pm: Kick Back with Kenny White. 9pm: Music of Your Life. Midnight: Music of Your Life

Chris Burrows

German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish Brian Corr. Midday: Italian. 1pm: Nepalese. 2pm: Dove c’e

3pm: Movie Ticket Radio with Robert Ryan. 4pm: Music of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob and Russell Hevey. 9pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

30 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022
overnight Sunday 6am:
Breakfast. 9am:
musica Italiana.
CTPL team representatives at the season launch at Bellerive Oval Liberal Member for Clark Elise Archer presents the shield to Cripps Waratah Netball Club president Sonia Shelverton

THE highly coveted ICC Men’s T20 World Cup trophy has arrived at Bellerive Oval, as Hobart prepares to host seven international teams –and their fans - this month.

The West Indies, Scotland, Ireland, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and South Africa will play a total of nine matches at Bellerive from 17 October, with Hobart hosting more games than any other Australian city.

Forecast to be the biggest broadcast event in Australia this year, the World Cup is anticipated


to reach more than one billion live TV viewers around the world.

Local cricket fans are excitedly gearing up for the World Cup, and had a chance to see the sought-after hardware when the World Cup Trophy Tour reached Bellerive on 30 September.

ICC men’s T20 World Cup 2022 local organising committee chief executive Michelle Enright said the people of Hobart would not want to miss out on the tournament.

“It is a real treat for Tasmanians to have

some of the world’s best cricket right here in Bellerive,” she said.

“This is a World Cup for everyone, and we want this to be a celebration not only of cricket but of the many cultures that make up its extraordinary global fanbase.

“The power of a World Cup is the way that it really brings generations and cultures together.

“I encourage everyone, including non-cricket fans to come along and experience the electric atmosphere at the stadium.”

Sport and Recreation Minister Nic Street said the global exposure the event will bring to Tasmania is “phenomenal”.

“Any time you bring events involving international teams to a city, you attract not only the teams but also the supporters,” he said.

“We would be hopeful that people from all over the globe are going to come to Hobart to support their teams in this T20 World Cup.”

To find out more about the event and buy tickets, go to www. t20worldcup.com

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022 31 WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: info@stairliftsalestasmania.com.au • W: www.stairliftsalestasmania.com.au INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY www.mobility4all.com.au Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I info@mobility4all.com.au 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? 23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
fans prepare for the Men’s ICC T20 World Cup, which is coming to Bellerive Oval on 17 October
Former Australian cricketer Xavier Doherty, ICC T20 World Cup Australia CEO Michelle Enright, Sport and Recreation Minister Nic Street, Clarence Mayor Doug Chipman and Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds with the 2022 trophy
32 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2022

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