Eastern Shore Sun October 2023

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A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF CLARENCE AND SORELL Independently owned and published by Cor Comms OCTOBER 2023 BELLERI V E D EN T UR E C LINI C S Providing quality care for over 30 years Giving you something to smile about! 6244 6564 www.bellerivedentureclinic.com.au info@dentas.com.au 9 Clarence Street Bellerive 7018 Phone: 6248 4994 ► PINEBARKS ► LOAMS ► DECORATIVE GRAVELS ► AGGREGATES ► MANURES ► LIMES ► FIRE WOOD ► BAG PRODUCTS ► AND MUCH MORE! HUGE range of landscape products: DELIVERIES TO ALL AREAS 131 PITTWATER ROAD CAMBRIDGE Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm Sunday: 10am - 3pm Closed Public Holidays LimilAgentsfor&Quicklime PLEASE SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR OUR LATEST OPENING INFORMATION. IN THIS ISSUE >> Maggie Cameron and Monique Licht with Simba, Duke and Rosie at the Dog's Day Out Candice Signa tur e Are you thinking of selling? Contact Candice on 0408 615 769 for a complimentary market appraisal of your property. Candice Gottschalk Director | Property Representative M 0408 615 769 P (03) 6244 8111 E candice.gottschalk@hcrealestate.com.au 3 Bayfield Street, Rosny Park TAS 7018 W signature.harcourts.com.au Find me on Facebook I’M YOUR LOCAL. FEATURE Prime Times DOG'S DAY OUT Crowds of canines and their families flocked to Lindisfarne on 1 October for all the four-legged fun of the 17th annual Dog’s Day Out. FULL STORY ON PAGE 13 Tennis Tasmania Awards SPORT Win Hobart Show Tickets Hit the Garage Sale Trail


Key decisions from the Council meeting held on Monday, 18 SEPTEMBER included:

• Council approved a development application for alterations and additions at 7 Tanundal Street, Howrah. The approval was made subject to conditions.

• Council deferred consideration of the development application for 476 South Arm Road and 488 South Arm Road, Lauderdale – landfill.

• Council approved the tender submitted by Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd for the 2023-24 provision of asphalt supply for the council’s operations.

Upcoming council meeting dates:

Upcoming council meeting dates are now available on council’s website at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/your-council/ council-meetings/meetings-schedule.

Members of the public may attend the meetings subject to compliance with State Government COVID-19 regulations. Although there are no longer maximum density requirements, please consider your own personal circumstances and vulnerabilities before attending in person.

Members of the public wishing to attend should still register via the online booking system at www.ccc. tas.gov.au/councilmeetingbookings. If you are unable to access the internet or experience issues with the booking system, you can contact our Corporate Support team on either 6217 9523 or 6217 9524 who will be able to register for you.

Deputations/public question time: If you wish to make a deputation, please contact the Corporate Support team on 6217 9523 or 6217 9524. Questions on Notice are to be submitted in accordance with council’s Public Question

Time procedures (see council’s website for information).


For information on exhibitions currently open to the public and available workshops, visit www.clarenceartsandevents.net


Find where tracks, parks, beaches, community halls, sportsgrounds and dog exercise areas are in Clarence at www.ccc.tas.gov.au/myneighbourhood.

Find us on Facebook

Brendan Blomeley for Mayor & Alderman

The Better Clarence Be prepared for summer

Roads and footpaths

• Pothole repairs various locations as per inspections.

• Guidepost replacement continues throughout the Municipality.

• Minor dig outs various locations.

• Road surfacing works various locations.

• South Arm Road shoulder widening.

• Marston Street footpath construction.


• Stormwater maintenance at various locations.

• Table drain maintenance various locations.

• Percy Street stormwater and pedestrian infrastructure upgrade, Bellerive.

• Risdon Street stormwater upgrade, Risdon Vale.

• Sunnyside Road stormwater upgrade, Lindisfarne.

• South Arm Road Stormwater upgrade, Rokeby.

• Storm Water renewal Carella Street and Balia Road, Howrah.

Parks and reserves

• Elevated platform tree work at various locations.

• Park maintenance as per established maintenance schedules.

• Street tree replacement.

• Mulching of garden beds in various parks and reserves.

• Fertilising of all ovals and grub control with insecticide for all ovals.

• Construction of new centre pitch Risdon Vale Oval.

• Construction of new jump/flow trail Clarence MTB Park, Meehan Range.

• Construction of new centre pitch and practice net, Clarendon Vale Oval.

• Construction of new park and play space, Pindos Park, Tranmere.

Natural area management

• Maintenance of walking tracks in natural areas and Tangara Trail.

• Maintenance and management of natural areas according to council Natural Area Management Plans.

• Fire trail management, various locations.

• Seasonal brush cutting program.

• Mays Beach track works, Lauderdale.

• Clearing vegetation on mountain bike park tracks.

• Clarence Plains Historic Trail landscaping.


• Howrah Community Centre upgrades.

• Alma Street, After School and Family Day care building replacement.

• Rosny Farm entry crossover renewal.

For more information, visit www.ccc.tas.gov.au or call us on 03 6217 9500

Brendan Blomeley, Mayor of Clarence City Council

WE are now well into spring, and along with the warmer, windy weather comes the arrival of the bushfire season.

Tasmania has experienced many devastating bushfires throughout our history, destroying countless properties and claiming many lives.

Tasmania has recently been reminded of those risks with our first major bushfire threat this season, on the East Coast near tourism hotspot Coles Bay.

Thankfully there was little damage to property – but we should all be reminded that even in milder conditions, weather factors

like wind can increase the risk, and have a big influence on the severity of a bushfire.

The bushfire at Coles Bay also serves as a timely reminder to those in bushfire-prone areas to prepare their property for the upcoming season and ensure a bushfire plan is in place should the worst occur.

Brendan is a highly qualified and proven leader with Council for more than 12 years, Brendan has a strong lobbied for the introduction of the Derwent River Ferry improve access to mental health services for our young

The relatively dry winter we have just experienced means we are expecting a potentially dangerous bushfire season ahead.

council are not the first responders to bushfires, council collaborates closely with the TFS to support them in any emergency response.

The TFS website has a wealth of information and is the best place to learn more about how to best prepare for the bushfire season.

As we all battle rising cost of living expenses, Brendan Council delivers core services well, whilst keeping rates

In Clarence, while we all benefit from many incredible, local bush reserves - often close to where we live - these spaces also pose a significant bushfire risk.

Each of our reserves has its own bushfire management plan, all of which can be accessed on our website.

Council’s operation teams use a variety of methods year-round such as planned burns to mechanical vegetation management and fire trail maintenance to ensure our managed bushland reserves are well prepared for the peak bushfire season.

At www.fire.tas.gov.au you can access the Bushfire Safety Guide and Bushfire Plan, which are fantastic tools to preparing yourself, your family, and your property for bushfires.

You can learn about bushfire planning: when to leave, how to prepare your property, preparing an emergency kit, and much more. It can even be done online, in just five minutes.

Allison’s proven experience in government, business leadership and a fresh “people focused” approach to Allison is currently the General Manager of the Hobart Labor Member for Pembroke for 8 years, including Growing up on the Eastern Shore, Allison intimately for her exceptional work ethic and ability to deliver genuine protection lobby group “People Protecting Children”

The Tasmanian Fire Service is the leading organisation for managing bushfires in Tasmania, and while

The TFS website also has Community Bushfire Protection Plans for specific areas that are particularly at risk of bushfire. These plans provide members of the local communities with specific information on their options when a bushfire threatens and can help locals assist with the development of personal Bushfire Plans. There are protection plans available for some areas in Clarence including Mount Rumney, Sandford, South Arm, and Risdon Vale.

Noelle operates her own successful Small Business their strengths to optimise their performance and leadership.

Having been in the corporate arena for over three decades, youth and wellness areas.

Noelle’s enthusiasm for local government, coupled community.

Daniel Hulme

Clarence City Councillor

Kaye is a proud Tasmanian Aboriginal woman that grew has science degrees from the University of Tasmania, also an Historical Geographer.

Kaye is the President of Manuta Tunapee Puggaluggalia Spokesperson for the Lia Pootah Aboriginal Community, and dual heritage books and academic articles and

Kaye has a keen understanding of the need for green advocate for people with disability.

Anthony James for Alderman

0447 000 867


Authorised by D. Hulme, 42 Anstey Street, Howrah.

Anthony is a highly qualified business manager and degrees in Research and Public Sector Management.

The majority of Anthony’s career has been in project management and service delivery – all skills that will Anthony is currently working to deliver support services incredibly rewarding.

2 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023
The Eastern Shore Sun is your community monthly newspaper reaching 29,000 homes and businesses, distributed on the third week of each month Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LI N E S F O R Edit Press Ready Material: J U S T A L I T T L E Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W www.easternshoresun.com.au A D V E R T I S I N G : 6210 5201 E D I TO RI A L : Kane Young 6210 5212 editorial@easternshoresun.com.au NOVEMBER 2023 THURSDAY 3 NOVEMBER MONDAY 13 NOVEMBER Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. Community News Alderman Brendan Blomeley MBA FAICD FIML Authorised by Alderman
Allison Ritchie for Deputy Mayor & Alderman Noelle Harb for Alderman Kaye McPherson for Alderman
ADVERTISEMENT Liberal Member for Lyons MP Thank you for your support in re-electing me. 15 High Street, New Norfolk TAS 7140 (03) 6701 2170 GuyBarnettMP guy.barnett@dpac.tas.gov.au Authorised by Guy Barnett, 15 High Street, New Norfolk TAS 7140. Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance Catryna Bilyk Senator for Tasmania Kingston Plaza (03) 6229 4444 catrynabilyk.com Authorised by C. Bilyk, ALP, 3/20 Channel Highway, Kingston, Tas. Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew, Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250. SENATOR WENDY ASKEW LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. 46 Cameron Street, Launceston TAS 7250 6331 8501 senator.askew@aph.gov.au SenatorAskew @senatoraskew

High marks for Winslow

THE winner of this year’s Clarence Prize has been announced, with Patrick Adeney’s beautiful Winslow Armchair taking out the prestigious award.

Australia's richest acquisitive furniture design prize, the Clarence Prize is a biannual exhibition that has been running since 2007 and celebrates the finest in innovative Australian furniture design.

Mr Adeney’s stunning piece uses Tasmanian blackwood and paper cord to create a chair that balances form and function.

“It was very surreal to win,” Mr Adeney said.

“The work is made for the public, it is consumer-driven. It is designed to be functional and do the things a chair is supposed to do.

“It is very precious material to be using. The blackwood is really offset with the raw and natural colour of the paper cord.”

Mr Adeney studied fine art at Monash University before getting an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker and moving to Tasmania.

“I moved down here in 2019 and I got involved with a workshop in North Hobart which serves as an incubator for emerging designers,” he said.

“That was where I could hone the skills I learned as a cabinet maker and refine those into more creative woodworking and let that creativity from the fine arts days come back and marry together.”

Fourteen finalists – including five Tasmanians - were selected from 47 entries for the 2023 Prize.

“Patrick is an extraordinarily talented Tasmanian artist and is a well-deserved winner of this year's prize,” Clarence Mayor Bendan Blomeley said.

“I can’t wait to have his piece showcased in council offices.” Clarence

Christmas at Urban Attic

THE countdown is on - only two months to Christmas!

Alarming as that may be for some, just think of the fun and satisfaction you will feel while seeking out and procuring beautiful, decorative and unique gifts for those special people on your Christmas gift list.

At Urban Attic we have a range of new and preloved decor and home styling ideas; along with an eclectic selection of Tasmanian-produced body products, scented candles, jewellery, artworks, stationery and cards.

Any of these items would make a lovely

gift, and the discerning shopper can put together the most thoughtful, quality gifts for little outlay.

And let's not forget about Urban Attic’s fantastic range of preloved clothing. Urban Attic is becoming widely known for having a range of hand-picked pieces of clothing for any occasion, from everyday wear to smart casual and designer garments. All of the clothing is presented for sale in clean, good condition.

Urban Attic will also have plenty of festive season decorations and adornments to create

a happy, sparkly and special Christmas in your home.

Urban Attic proprietor Ruth and her loyal fourlegged shop assistant Ziggy welcome everyone to the store, and hope that their regular customers and new shoppers alike will come into the relaxing space and embrace all that Urban Attic has to offer. Enjoy a shopping experience that is away from the hustle and bustle and expensive parking. There is plenty of free parking right out the front of the store for convenience and ease when carrying those parcels to your vehicle.

Make Christmas gift shopping enjoyable

Great gift ideas and small affordable add-ons to complete the parcel.

Also stocking… décor, jewellery, stationery, art, candles, pre-loved clothing, body products and more.



Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 3 Community News T H I R D E D I T I O N 8-13 NOV 2023 Salamanca Art Centre LONG GALLERY
Shop 6/46 South Arm Road, Rokeby PH 0409 666 011 (near Discount Pharmacy) Winter trading WED – FRI 9.30 – 4.30 SAT 10 – 1 Follow Us Urban Attic stocks plenty of festive decorations to create a sparkly and special Christmas in your home
Mayor Brendan Blomeley and Clarence Prize winner Patrick Adeney with his ‘Winslow Armchair’


October is traditionally tomato time; there are more varieties of tomatoes than any other vegetable, so it is always interesting to try a couple of new varieties each year. The heritage varieties are great for that big tomato flavour, but are not as disease-resistant as the more modern varieties. Plant your seedlings into your prepared beds, making sure you have added potash and the beds drain well. A well-prepared bed will not need fertilising again until the fruit set, then a complete tomato food will give the plants a boost. Regular watering is important - a good soaking is better than a quick spray with the hose. To help prevent fungal diseases, water below the leaves or in furrows between the rows of plants. Irregular watering can cause the fruit to split or the bottom of the tomato to blacken.


Vegetable Seedlings








Zucchini Parsnip

Celery Peas

Pumpkin Leek Pumpkin Silverbeet

Lettuce Sweet Corn

Spring Onion Potato


Sweet Corn


& Flower Seedlings


Fox Glove Dahlia









• Feed lawns with high nitrogen fertilizer to promote strong growth before the hot weather.

• If thinking about establishing a hedge or windbreak or planting in a drought-hardy area, now is the time to get the plants in, to toughen them up before summer.

• Prune frost-damaged plants.

• Feed citrus plants with a complete citrus food.

• Feed pot plants and re-pot if pot-bound or potting mix has broken down.

• Keep an eye out for aphids and caterpillars on new growth.


Clarence Lions nearing 60 years of helping the local community

THE devoted members of the Clarence Lions Club are nearing an impressive milestone few other organisations can boast –supporting the local community for six decades.

Clarence Lions have been there for locals in need for the past 58 years, with the club’s volunteers assisting in many ways – from running events to benefit the vulnerable, to helping Neighbourhood Houses provide vital support to families, and helping Loui’s Van feed the homeless.

Lions member Stephen Smith said the dedicated group of volunteers was the main reason

for the club’s longevity and they would continue to do their part to assist vulnerable members of the community.

“It’s an incredibly rewarding job. There is a genuine feeling of fulfillment when you see someone benefit from your work,” he said.

“We are a very committed bunch of people who are willing to do whatever we can to support our community.”

One of the club’s major fundraising activities is a regular sausage sizzle at Mornington Bunnings. Club president Peter Goldstone-James recently presented Dale Barr and Lindy

Jackson from Bunnings with a plaque thanking them for their ongoing support.

“We have great ongoing relationships with various businesses and organisations including the Clarence Council, St Vincent De Paul and Bunnings,” Mr Smith said.

“We are excited to be closing in on our 60-year celebrations. It can be tough to keep our events running but we will continue to support the Clarence community.

“We are always seeking more volunteers to join us in making a positive impact on people’s lives.”

To find out how you can get involved, go to lionsclubs.org.au

Clarence hosts Youth Summit

MENTAL health was at the forefront of discussions at the 2023 Youth Summit hosted by the Clarence City Council youth services team and Youth Network Advisory Group (YNAG).

About 75 young people from across Tasmania attended the Summit at Blundstone Arena, which was held in Clarence for the first time.

The key issue discussed on the day was youth mental health, which has been found to be both one of the most important issues and biggest personal challenges for young people in Australia.

Workshops and breakout sessions were held to facilitate discussions and help to equip attendees with the information and skills to navigate the modern world. Attendees also heard from a keynote speaker, Speak Up, Stay ChatTY founder Mitch Mcpherson.

Launching the summit, Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said he was proud of the local young people who had helped organise the event and encouraged attendees to share their thoughts and give feedback.

“The summit was a fantastic opportunity to listen to the voices of our youth,” Mayor

Blomeley said.

“They face challenges today that just didn’t exist when many adults were younger. The more we can learn about the issues facing them from the young people themselves, the better we can support them.

“The pandemic alone has had a big impact on mental health - I hope there are many learnings taken from information shared at the event.”

As well as informal conversations, there was also an opportunity for young people attending to complete a more formal survey, with results to be shared later.

4 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Community News
Authorised by Heather Chong, PO Box 182, Richmond 7025
(L-R) Lions Leon Spencer, Peter Arnott, Christine Tilyard, Prue Spencer, Rod Wright, Peter Goldstone-James and Di Sherwood with Bunnings team members Lindy Jackson and Dale Barr

Craft group makes lifelong friendships

CREATIVE locals have been sharing their craft work, swapping stories and nurturing friendships for 30 years at the Rosny Neighbourhood Craft Classes.

Weekly classes welcome new and longstanding

members to learn, create and share their pieces of paper craft, card, beading, embroidery and quilting in a welcoming environment.

The classes were founded in September 1993 by the late Noela


“She said by doing this she was giving something back to the community,” class member Kay Cleary said.

“At our peak attendance numbers grew to about 70 members.

“Through Noela’s leadership we donated to Danny’s Bus by making and selling jams; arranged successful Biggest Morning Teas for the Cancer Council; and contributed to Ronald McDonald House.”

Lauderdale speed change

LAUDERDALE motorists must abide by a new speed limit, with a reduction from 70km/h to 60km/h designed to improve road safety across the busy Ralphs Bay foreshore.

The revised speed limit affects a two kilometre stretch of South Arm Road between the Acton turn off and Dona Road.

Transport Commissioner Gary

Swain said the decision to lower the speed limit was made in collaboration with the Lauderdale community.

“There is a significant amount of traffic moving in and out of businesses on the eastern side of the road and a large volume of traffic travelling through,” he said.

“The speed limit was reviewed following a request from the local

community and is supported by the Tasmanian Speed Zoning Guidelines.

“New speed limit ahead signs have been placed to warn road users of the change.

“The permanent signs are now installed and road users are reminded to follow these posted speed limits and always drive to the conditions.”

The class’s 30-year milestone was celebrated in late September with a large gathering of members, including Noela Warland’s daughter Kim. After three decades the group still meets every Thursday at the Rosny

Seven Day Adventist Church to learn new skills, share ideas, enjoy lunch and forge life-long friendships.

“Irene, a very dear friend of Noela, promised to continue the group when Noela entered

aged care – a promise that has been delivered unquestionably,” Ms Cleary said.

“One of the greatest gifts we have received in this group are the lifetime friendships that have grown over the years.”


Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 5 PERSONAL AND BUSINESS ORDERS WELCOME HOME DELIVERIES OR PICK UP IN STORE W here Meat and Poultr y Matter GLENORCHY www.robboschickennmeat.com.au
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Kim Merhulik, daughter of class founder Noela Warland, (centre) with class members Irene Woolley and Kay Cleary
1300 732 377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au 1300 732 377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au

Come along and celebrate the season at Springfest

THE community is invited into the Warrane Community Garden this month for the third annual Springfest, a fun morning of seasonal celebration and shared garden knowledge.

Springfest, which won the Clarence City Council’s 2023 Community Event award, will showcase the

beautiful, productive community garden and all the good things that can go into, and come out of, gardens and gardening.

Springfest also hopes to raise awareness of the Warrane Community Garden and its role in the Clarence community.

Garden coordinator

Katie Kristensen said this year’s event would

play an important role in fundraising for a new garden structure.

“Over the next six-to-12 months we’re aiming to raise $10,000 towards the construction of an accessible, all-weather multi-purpose space at the garden,” she said.

“We hope to build on the success of last year’s Springfest and are looking

forward to seeing plenty of new faces as well as those we recognise.”

This year Springfest organisers are excited to have Laura and Frank Rittenhouse offering a talk on bees and beekeeping.

Springfest 2023 will also offer community and market stalls, plants, fresh flowers and produce sales, coffee, live music,

workshops, dancing, children's activities, a barbeque and more.

Last year’s number one drawcard, Roscoe Thomas’s wide range of tomato seedling varieties, will be back again; along with another popular feature of last year’s event, Boots And All Line Dancing, and the Scarecrow Exhibition

, e c o n o m i c , o r e n v i r o n m e n t a l o u t c o m e s i n T a s m a n i a A p p l i c a t i o n s c l o s e 3 1 O c t o b e r A p p l y n o w h o b a r t a i r p o r t c o m a u / c o m m u n i t y g r a n t s

featuring with from local children.

“Springfest is a family event, and we’re looking forward to welcoming new people from the neighbourhood and seeing people of all ages engage with the garden,”

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.

“This is a fantastic place to not only learn

about gardening, but to connect with other people with similar interests.”

Held in partnership with the Clarence City Council and Families Tasmania, Springfest will take place at the Warrane Community Garden (18 Heemskirk Street) from 9.30am-12.30pm on Saturday 21 October.

6 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Place, Hobart Nic Street Liberal Member for Franklin (03) 6165 7830 | Nic.Street@dpac.tas.gov.au Dean Young Liberal Member for Franklin (03) 6165 7825 | Dean.Young@dpac.tas.gov.au Your Local Liberal Team in Franklin. Please contact our offices for any assistance. ADVERTISEMENT Community News 2 0 2 3 H o b a r t A i r p o r t C o m m u n i t y G r a n t s P r o g r a m A p p l y f o r a C o m m u n i t y G r a n t o f u p t o $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 W e ’ r e a w a r d i n g g r a n t s t o l o c a l c h a r i t i e s t h a t h e l p o u r c o m m u n i t y c o n n e c t T h e r e a r e $ 5 0 0 0 a n d $ 1 5 0 0 0 g r a n t s a v a i l a b l e f o r p r o j e c t s t h a t w i l l m a k e a d i ff e r e n c e t o s o c i a l
Laura and Frank Rittenhouse with Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley at the Warrane Community Garden

Serving up food security

A NEW school lunch project at St John II Catholic School in Rokeby provides education and nourishment to students by promoting healthy eating habits and removing food insecurities.

The school has partnered with Andrea Comino, a former chef at Sandy Bay restaurant Don Camilo, who prepares more than 180 meals for students every day.

“It can be challenging because children at this age are pretty fussy, but the more they eat and

expand their palate the easier it gets,” Mr Comino said.

“The best part is when students rush through the doors and we see the smiles on their faces as they are given a fresh, healthy and delicious meal.

“It’s sad to think that without this project some of these children might go hungry which would impede their ability to concentrate in the classroom.”

School principal Brendan Gill said the project reassured

teachers and parents that students had access to nutritious meals and hunger would no longer be a factor that impacted their education.

“Food security is a big issue in the area for some of our families. This has been a very popular project supported by the parent community,” he said.

“We now know that the students are getting healthy food each day which assists their ability to learn and grow.”

LSC’s new rescue boat

THE Lindisfarne Sailing Club has upgraded its ability to keep sailors safe on the water with the purchase of a new rescue boat, which has been named in honour of a club legend.

The new boat was acquired thanks to a $22,712 grant from the State Government’s Sport and Recreation Equipment Grants Program.

At the opening of the club’s 69th season of sailing, Liberal Member for Franklin Dean Young said he was proud of the support on offer for this longstanding club.

“The Lindisfarne Sailing Club has been ensuring that Tasmanians can get out on the water for generations now and this upgraded capacity to their safety capabilities means even more can enjoy this lifestyle,” he said.

“In keeping with club tradition, the new boat is named after a life member of the club, and I want to extend my congratulations to club stalwart John Mills on this deserved honour.

“The Lindisfarne Sailing Club is an institution of the Eastern Shore community, and I am proud to be able to support its ongoing success.

“They really do it all - not only do they have 20 kids lined up for their upcoming learn-to-sail



program, but their clubhouse plays host to Crew-Fit, R&S Dance Revolution and the Van Diemen Art Group.

“Congratulations to this cornerstone of our community on the strong role that you play in making our lives better.”

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 7
Community News MEMBER FOR FRANKLIN E: rosalie.woodruff@parliament.tas.gov.au Ph: 6212 2260 | tasmps.greens.org.au TASMANIAN GREENS LEADER
Authorised by Rosalie Woodruff, Parliament House Hobart, TAS, 7000. Advertisement
John Paul II Catholic School Lunch Project chef Andrea Comino (centre) with prep students Holly Coates-Grant and Tate Hathaway. Photo credit: Simon Andrews Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley, former Lindisfarne Sailing Club Commodore John Mills and Liberal Member for Franklin Dean Young launch the new boat

Expo’s mental health focus

A DEDICATED group of educators hosted a Wellbeing Expo at Rokeby Primary School last month to promote positive mental health practices to students and the wider community.

Student support and wellbeing lead Kim Stocks floated the idea of the expo to staff last year when the school was searching for an effective alternative to its annual fair.

“We feel it is more meaningful to help families and children look after their mental and physical health through the expo,” Ms Stocks said.

“Hopefully the messages will be well received by the children and they will pass on this knowledge to their families.

“COVID significantly impacted children’s sense of belonging so there has been a big focus on strengthening positive connections within schools and the wider community.

“Events like this benefit students and their parents by promoting a positive community safety net, making them aware of what local services are available.”

The expo featured donations from businesses such as IGA and Liv Eat as well as interactive stalls from local organisations SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY, Coles and Bunnings.

Other stalls were run by physical education teachers, safeguarding officers, school nurses and Aboriginal education workers.

Principal Ben Richardson said promotion of wellbeing had become more important since COVID impacted students’ ability to actively engage in their education.

“A student’s ability to learn is significantly impacted when under stress, which is why we have made wellbeing and mental health a focus over the past few years,” he said.

“We held our first expo last year and the amount of growth this year has been significant.

“We are incredibly grateful to all the businesses who were willing to come onboard. It’s fantastic to see the entire community come together to support our students’ wellbeing.”

Future-proofing our water supply

ONE of the state's largest infrastructure upgrades, TasWater’s $243.9 million upgrade to the Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant near New Norfolk, is set to provide safe, clean and reliable drinking water for generations of Tasmanians.

“The Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant upgrade is a step towards future-proofing water supply to Greater Hobart for the next half-century,” Premier Jeremy Rockliff said.

TasWater CEO George Theo said the official opening last month of TasWater’s largest ever capital works project was “a landmark day for southern Tasmania”.

“Drinking water for about 200,000 customers is in safe hands with the new plant able to treat

160 million litres of water per day,” he said.

“And the plant has been designed for future population and economic growth in the region, with the potential to be expanded to treat another 40 million litres of water per day if required.”

Water from Bryn Estyn winds its way through 433km of water mains and 145 reservoir tanks before reaching taps in Hobart, Glenorchy, Kingborough, Brighton, Derwent Valley, Southern Midlands, Sorell and Clarence.

“The upgraded Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant will ensure a continued and reliable drinking water service for the city of Clarence,” Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.

“Importantly, the upgraded plant

has the capacity to grow with our city and accommodate the needs of our growing population.”

During construction, about 1500 people were employed directly on the project, and an additional 500 were indirectly supported by it.

“What makes this achievement even more remarkable is about 70 per cent of the contracted work for this project was awarded to Tasmanian companies,” Deputy Premier and Infrastructure Minister Michael Ferguson said.

“TasWater successfully delivered this monumental project on time and within budget.

“This achievement showcases the abundant talent within Tasmania's local workforce and the ability to build world-class infrastructure within the region.”

8 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Community News Authorised by Senator Jonathon Duniam, Liberal Party of Australia, Ground Floor, 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000. Ground Floor, 85 Macquarie Street, Hoba 03 6231 2444 senator.duniam@aph.gov.au duniam.com.au SENATOR JONNO DUNIAM LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANI Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT Liberal Senator For Tasmania Authorised by Senator Claire Chandler, Liberal, 42 Bridge St, Richmond TAS 7025 SENATOR CLAIRE CHANDLER Contact my office if you assistancerequire SenatorChandler 03 6260 2018 42 Bridge Street, Richmond, TAS 7025 Senator.Chandler@aph.gov.au senatorchandler.com.au Rokeby
Primary School students create fidget toys at one of the Wellbeing Expo’s stalls
A drone shot of construction works at the Bryn Estyn water treatment plant from October 2021

Kids approve of new playspaces

TWO new playspaces were opened in Clarence last month, with the final design and equipment selections of both spaces informed by community consultation and feedback.

Blossom Park at Cambridge and South Arm Playspace next to the South Arm Oval have proven to be popular additions, with a flurry of visitors since opening and an amazing community response on social media.

“The South Arm play space really knits together the existing facilities including the oval, skatepark, barbeques, and nearby community centres,”

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said.

“Native planting at the park will provide shade when established and plenty of seating and picnic options are also available for families to meet and gather.

“I hope this will be enjoyed by locals to the area as well as visitors to this lovely seaside township.”

Custom design features of the playground include the ‘South Arm Store’ shopfront for imagination and social play. And if you look closely, you might also spot some pied oystercatchers hiding in the ‘shallow waters’ of the playground.

Situated on Blossom Crescent, the new playspace in Cambridge was named Blossom Park following Clarence City Council-run community survey.

Consultation was also undertaken with the local community including Cambridge Primary School, and community ideas and suggestions for the park’s design, aesthetics and facilities were included in the final park Master Plan.

The park features an inclusive playspace, picnic area, outdoor exercise equipment and a grassed area, and is fenced along Blossom

Crescent for safety and to prevent dog access.

Blossom Park is classified as a ‘local’-level park, meaning it has been designed to provide passive recreation


facilities predominantly for the surrounding Cambridge community - visitors are welcome but should be aware there are no public toilet facilities.

Mayor Blomeley thanked the Cambridge community for their support and patience while council has worked through supply delays.

“It is an ongoing priority for council to deliver high-quality parks and playspaces, and we hope people from across Clarence will enjoy these facilities,” he said.

Get in the swing at Cambridge Golf Park

THE highly anticipated new Cambridge Golf Park officially opened on 22 September, providing a world-class and high-tech golf facility for families and communities in the Hobart region.

After a major makeover, Golf Park is now open and catering

to everyone from avid golfers to beginners, families and group functions.

The Golf Park team is ready to help and guide visitors through their first Golf Park experience.

Every bay is fully equipped with brand new

Callaway balls, hitting mats and the latest Top Tracer technology, which gives everyone the ability to instantly track their distance and accuracy on big screens in each bay.

Top Tracer provides golfers with many interactive options, from virtually playing on the

world’s best courses, through to practicing and improving your game.

After more than 500 labour hours supported by BuildItTasmania, Oomph Coffee, Callaway Golf, Top Tracer, Manning Electrical and Schweppes, the park is now fully operational.

A private launch event just prior to the official opening saw more than 10,000 golf balls hit by patrons utilising the brand-new Top Tracer technology.

These are exciting times for Golf Park and the local golfing community, with Top

Tracer operational and further plans to expand the centre in the futureincluding a new mini-golf course opening next year.

There is no need to book at Cambridge Golf Park. Just come on down and the Golf Park team will set you up in one of the state-of-the-art

golfing bays, available seven days a week.

After-hours memberships are available from $50 per month, which allows access to Golf Park via a member code. Visit golfpark.com.au or phone 0404369462 and speak to Zack or Coco.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 9
Community News
Patrons test out the upgraded facilities on launch day at the new Golf Park in Cambridge The new South Arm Playspace has already proved a popular addition to the local community

Public notice

Cambridge Road Water Main Renewal

We would like to thank businesses, local residents, Clarence City Council and Metro for their continued patience throughout the delivery of this project. We are currently undertaking works in Pembroke Place, Anglesea Street and remediation of Cambridge Road. These are the final works for the project and will be completed by the end of October 2023.


Glebe Hill doctors lead the charge


DR Alice and Kieran Frampton have been named by Clarence Climate Action as this month’s Climate Champs, for installing two electric vehicle chargers in the staff carpark at the Glebe Hill Family Practice.

“Mostly we were motivated by being an attractive place for environmentally conscious health professionals and staff to work,” Kieran said.

“It also makes it easier for people working with us to make the choice to buy electric vehicles and be able to charge at the workplace.

“At times we also have the luxury of producing more power through our PV array than the practice uses, and I’d prefer to use this excess power to help reduce the living costs of the people we work with.”

The solar battery system Alice and Kieran implemented six years ago has not only reduced the businesses emissions but also had significant financial benefits, with the pair saving more than $20,000 through consumption of solargenerated electricity and exporting excess power to the grid.

“I believe everyone has a responsibility to do what they can,” Kieran said.

“As business owners, decisions around sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions can amplify the result significantly, so small decisions can have a more profound impact.

“Making decisions to be more environmentally sustainable can also help a business with financial viability, it doesn’t have to come with a significant out-of-pocket expense.”

0487 012 535 info@perigoncare.com.au perigoncare.com.au

Sea Rescue’s labour of love

NEW facilities for Dodges Ferry Sea Rescue - including a heated training room, offices and a kitchen - have been officially opened.

Dodges Ferry Sea Rescue receives $10,000 in government operational funding, but its rescue and training operations are funded entirely by volunteers and fundraising events.

Volunteers have put many hours of labour into improving the organisation’s headquarters, with federal funding secured through the office of Federal Member for

Lyons Brian Mitchell MP helping pay for the new training facilities.

“Dodges Ferry Sea Rescue has been responsible for hundreds of rescues over the years and is absolutely essential for the southern beaches,” Mr Mitchell said.

“It was terrific to see federal funding being put to such a good cause but even better to see firsthand what is being achieved from the dedication and commitment of Sea Rescue volunteers.”

Mr Mitchell said the upgrades make the headquarters more

comfortable, and they can also be used to provide shelter for volunteers during disasters.

“We hope they never need to use it for those purposes but preparation is key, and Dodges Ferry Sea Rescue is now prepared,” he said.

Mr Mitchell said the group was now actively seeking to replace its main rescue vessel and was looking for $150,000 - $200,000.

“The work of volunteer groups never ends, and I look forward to doing what I can to help them achieve their goals,” he said.

10 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 CHURCH OF CHRIST MorningtonHill Join us for worship! Mornington Hill is an independent church in Hobart, Tasmania. We gather for worship and communion at 9.30am every Sunday, followed by Bible Classes for all ages at 11.00am. You can find us up the hill at 18 Carbeen St, Mornington. All are welcome! e contact@morningtonhill.church p 0439 210 392 CambridgeRd tasman hwy BinalongRd Car been StreetDarinya St Community News
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Dr Boris Ng and Dr Yee Ng, right, charge their electric vehicle with practice owners Kieran Frampton and Dr Alice Frampton Federal Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell with Dodges Ferry Sea Rescue volunteers

Turn your trash into cash on the Garage Sale Trail

CLARENCE residents are being encouraged to turn their unwanted items into cash or bag a bargain at next month’s Garage Sale Trail events.

Featuring garage sales across the country on the weekends of 11-12 and 18-19 November, the Garage Sale Trail is a great chance to turn your stash into cash and pick up pre-loved stuff at bargain prices.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said selling or shopping at garage sales is a fun and simple way we can become a more sustainable community.

“Garage Sale Trail helps neighbours connect, turns would-be trash into cash, and help keeps reusable items out of landfill,” he said.

“Clarence City Council

is committed to diverting items from landfill and motivate a behaviour change in our community. This is represented by the creation of a Manager of Waste and Sustainable position within council.

“To help improve community awareness around waste and recycling, council is looking at providing education around household recycling habits and helping rethink waste as a valuable resource.

“Council has also joined the newly formed Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority, whose main objective is to advance waste and resource recovery endeavours collectively across the southern 12 councils.”

Registration to take part in the Garage Sale

Trail is free, and includes access to how-to guides, promotional resources, and even touchfree PayPal QR code payments.

“More sales means more bargains and you never know what you’ll find at a garage sale – designer fashion, furniture, cookware, vinyl records, kids stuff, tools and more,” Mayor Blomeley said.

In the leadup to the sale weekends there will be a series of free online ‘Trail Tutorials’ featuring experts and familiar faces like Barry du Bois and Veronica Milsom sharing sustainable living tips that are kind on both planet and pocket.

Visit www. garagesaletrail.com. au/clarencecouncil to register your garage sale.

Café's excellence rewarded

than 700 representatives gathered at the Hobart Botanical Gardens this month to celebrate the diversity and quality of Tasmania’s hospitality sector at the annual Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) Awards for Excellence.

Lauderdale café Angie Sue was named Best Café. North Hobart newcomer Ogee claimed the Best Fine Dining award and Restaurant of the Year (Metro); while Rude Boy took out Best Bar Experience. The Salamanca Inn was named Best Self-Contained Apartments

or Suites; Bar Wa Izakaya was awarded Best International or Speciality Cuisine; and the team at Hadley’s Orient Hotel took home Best Tourism Experience.

This year featured a record number of nominations, with more than 200 venues across the state submitting almost 500 total entries.

“This has proven to be another exceptional event which showcased the best hospitality businesses across the state,” THA CEO Steve Old said.

“The quality and volume of the nominations this year was unprecedented.

“The casual dining award had 58 nominations alone, and in most of the categories the judges found it extremely difficult to split the votes.

“All our winners will now get the opportunity to represent Tasmania at the national awards at Adelaide Oval on 27 November and will have great confidence in continuing the state’s success of the past few years.”

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 11 Community News
CCC Waste and Sustainability Manager Micky Young and Mayor Brendan Blomeley encourage locals to take part in the Garage Sale Trail
Call me on 6212 2361 or email dean.winter@ parliament.tas.gov.au What matters to you? Let me be your voice for the Eastern Shore. Authorised by Dean Winter MP Shop 86, Channel Court Kingston 7050 DEAN WINTER Labor Member for Franklin ADVERTISEMENT Luke Edmunds ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by Luke Edmunds, Shop 3, 76 Howrah Rd, Howrah 6212 2304 Shop 3, 76 Howrah Rd, Howrah fb.com/LukeEdmundsMLC Communityoffice nowopen MEMBER FOR PEMBROKE I’m here to listen to your concerns about health, housing, energy and other issues. Angie Sue staff with their award for Best Café at the Tasmanian Hospitality Association Awards for Excellence THA Awards for Excellence 2023 – Notable Winners Best Café Angie Sue Restaurant of the Year Regional – Furneaux Restaurant Metro – Ogee Accommodation Venue of the Year Regional – Saffire Freycinet Metro – The Tasman, A Luxury Collection Hotel/Pub Tavern of the Year Regional – Great Lake Hotel Metro – The Plough Inn

Paint party ready to run

Join in the conversation

EASTERN Shore residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds are enhancing their language skills and building strong personal bonds at the Rosny Library’s term three English Conversation Group classes.

Sessions are run by a dedicated team of tutors and volunteers who cater to both beginners and advanced English speakers, assisting the development of their pronunciation, comprehension and overall vocabulary.

Rosny Library literacy coordinator David Winzeberg said everyone was welcome to attend

with no need for prior registration.

“Our topics are as diverse as our community,” he said.

“Sessions encompass vocabulary building, listening comprehension and pronunciation practice. However the real magic happens through dynamic and interactive conversations on a wide range of topics.

“This is informal learning at its finest. It has a strong social element that helps nurture and strengthen both community bonds and individual relationships.

“Beyond language learning these sessions foster a sense of

belonging and community by providing opportunities to build meaningful connections with fellow participants.”

Conversation topics include discussing cultural festivals, unravelling the mysteries of Australian slang, and exploring the shared joys of seasons, cuisine, hobbies and pet ownership.

The group has expanded to running two sessions a week in the Rosny Library Learning Lounge during school terms, with advanced classes 10-11am Mondays and beginners from 11.30am-12.30pm Tuesdays.

ROSNY Parklands will be a riot of colour next month when Clarence City Council hosts its first ever colour run event, ‘Paint, Party, Run!’ Presented by the council’s Youth Network Advisory Group (YNAG), the full day of free, familyfriendly activities for all ages including the colour run

The colour run was initially scheduled to be held during Youth Week in May with hundreds of people registered for both races, but unseasonably bad weather saw the event postponed.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said that the event is a great way to celebrate the diversity and colour of

the city.

“Clarence is an incredibly vibrant and culturally rich place to live, work, and play, with an enormously diverse community which, of course, includes a huge cohort of youths and young families who have so much to contribute to the future of our city,” he said.

“We are so fortunate to have an abundance of incredible urban, coastal and rural green public spaces in Clarence, and what better way is there to celebrate our community’s love of the outdoors than with a fun run – with a messy difference – for the masses.

“Wear light-coloured

clothing and eye protection, and prepare to get messy!”

As well as the colourruns, there is a full program of free events including live music, dance workshops and performances, interactive activities, craft, prizes and food vans.

Paint, Party, Run!

Runs from 1pm - 4pm on Saturday 4 November at the Rosny Parklands. The event is free to attend however participants must register online for a free ticket. Those registered for the May event will have the first chance to nab a spot. For more information or to register for a ticket, head to www. clarenceartsandevents.net

Free energy advice

Torch relay lights way for Legacy

THE Legacy Centenary Torch Relay recently completed a 12-kilometre journey through Hobart, with the Governor of Tasmania, Barbara Baker AC, igniting the cauldron at Lindisfarne’s Anzac Park.

“Legacy has played a vital role in supporting the loved ones of fallen or injured servicemen for almost 100 years,” Ms Baker said.

“I was honoured to play a small role in celebrating and promoting Legacy’s significant contributions to the lives of thousands of Australians.”

Torchbearer and legatee David Waddle said the relay was of

particular significance to Hobart Legacy.

“Hobart is the birthplace of Legacy in Australia and that’s why it’s important to celebrate it here today,” he said.

“I’m incredibly honoured to be the first Hobart torchbearer for this significant event in Legacy’s history.

“It’s a privilege to be a part of this great team as we make our way through the city and raise awareness for the services Legacy provides.”

Legacy Australia chairman Eric Easterbrook said the relay was a fitting way to celebrate the organisation’s work and promote

the vital role it still plays in people’s lives.

“Across Australia there are more than 40,000 beneficiaries we support including 1200 children and 1000 people with disability,” he said.

“One hundred years is a significant milestone and it’s wonderful to be here in person for the Hobart leg.”

The torch completed its six-month, 50,000km journey at Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance on 13 October after visiting all 44 Legacy clubs across Australia.

To support Legacy visit www. legacy.com.au/donate

12 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Community News Book your free appointment: 1800 313 126 tasnetworks.com.au/uniting Get help with: • Energy efficiency tips • Concessions and discounts • Understanding your energy bill • Payment plan support, and more.
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(L-R) Class tutor Jane works with Harbir and Ariel Legacy Centenary Torch Relay Hobart torchbearers at the finish line in Lindisfarne’s Anzac Park Kids will love next month’s colour run event at the Rosny Parklands

Community News

Canine creativity shines in the Poochibald spotlight

THE 2023 winners of the Clarence City Council’s much-loved annual pawtraiture exhibition, The Poochibald Art Prize, have been announced.

Now in its 11th year, the highly anticipated Poochibald exhibition is an annual opportunity for community members and artists to unleash their creativity and submit an artwork of their own dog, a dog they know, or even a famous dog, to be judged and exhibited at Rosny Farm.

This year organisers received more than 150

entries, with artists ranging in age from as young as six to 80-plus.

Winners were announced at the official opening event on 28 September. Clarence

Mayor Brendan Blomeley said he was delighted to see the quantity and quality of entrants in this year’s prize.

“Unfailingly, The Poochibald is one of our most popular exhibitions and attracts participants and visitors from all ages and stages of life,” he said.

“We continue to

be blown away by the support for this Prize and if this year’s record number of entrants is anything to go by, we may need a bigger space next year!

“This year’s pieces are as impressive as they are heart-warming, and I encourage everyone to come along and enjoy this truly fantastic exhibition.”

The Poochibald Art Prize Exhibition is on display at Rosny Farm in the Schoolhouse Gallery from Wednesday –Sunday until 22 October.

2023 Poochibald Prize Winners

Main Prizes

Adult winner – Tip Hartley for “Encanto”

Runner up – Jenae Hall for “My Lady”

Senior Child winner – Grace Swan for “Rosie, Rosie”

Runner up – Lia Makrogamvrakis for “Beg”

Junior winner – Daisy Lucas for ”MacGyver”

Runner up – Chloe Dynan for “Rocky caught in the clothes basket”

Ranger’s Selections

Adult – Alec Burgos for “Evie"

Senior Child – Melody Zhang for “Staring”

Junior – Elaine for “Jump for Joy”

Every dog has its day

THE 17th annual Dog’s Day Out was a howling success, with crowds of canines (and their humans) enjoying a

fur-family-friendly day at Simmons Park in Lindisfarne on Sunday 1 October.

From staffies to

sausage dogs, poodles to pugs and shepherds to shih-tzus, every man and his dog is welcome at the much-loved Dog’s

Day Out - a fun-filled day full of activities, competitions, stalls and more.

The ever-popular Dachshund Dash dazzled the cheering spectators with a fur-raising display of sausage-dog speed, while other pooches battled it out to be crowned Best-Dog-OnDay, Best Dress Up, Coolest Trick, or to win the highly coveted Longest Sit and Waggiest Tail contests.

This year Clarence City Council welcomed its first ever Dog’s Day Out ‘AmbassaDog’ from the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania, Nala, who completed several important duties on the day including honorary judging and treat testing.

Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the Dog’s Day Out continues to be a clear crowd favourite on Clarence’s event calendar, with more than 10,000 dogs registered in the municipality.

“It was an absolute joy to see so many members of our dogloving community – both human and canine - at this year’s Dog’s Day Out,” he said.

“On behalf of Clarence City Council, I want to extend my congratulations to all of the very-well deserving dogs who were crowned winners on the day and assure all of the other competitors that they’re all very good dogs in my eyes.”

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 13
Junior winner Daisy Lucas with her painting "MacGyver" Bekki and Cooper with Loki
Pebbles strikes a pose
The fast and furious Small Dog Race at the Dog’s Day Out
Pranali and Kanwaljit with Bubbles

OnTrack artists re-imagining the future


OnTrack Tasmania’s art program will display their creative expressions and celebrate their artistic achievements at the organisation’s third annual art exhibition in November.

OnTrack Tasmania is a registered NDIS service that provides supported accommodation,

community access and support coordination services to people who live with disabilities and experience mental illness.

OnTrack’s Making Tracks program offers an ever-growing variety of fun and engaging activities for NDIS participants including music, gaming, cooking, sports, digital literacy,

movie nights and other social events in a safe and welcoming environment.

One of the most popular activities is the weekly arts and crafts session, which allows participants to express themselves creatively and bring out their inner artists using mediums such as clay, textiles and paints.


Presented by:

Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne.

9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Batchelor. Midday: Beat & Ballads with Phil Williams.

3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal

Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk. 8pm: The Early Late Show with Margs.

The activity help participants improve their artistic skills, gain confidence and make new friends. One participant remarked that he finds the sessions “peaceful, fun and fulfilling”.

The art sessions have led to two successful exhibitions featuring more than 100 paintings,

providing a platform for participants to share their artwork with the public.

The annual exhibition allows participants to gain exposure and experience the fulfilment of their artwork being appreciated and valued by others. Sales of artworks validates the participant’s creativity

Luca Forrest

TASMANIAN through and through, Luca is a young man whose great wish in life is to entertain others and break into the radio and TV industry.

After training with 96.1 Hobart FMTasmania’s first FM radio station – Luca now presents the ‘Thursday Drive with Luca Forrest’ program from 4-6pm every Thursday.

Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Frank McIvor. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Johnny Dallas Revival Show with Johnny Dallas.

the Forties with Robyn Guy. 2pm: The Music Of Your Life with Kenny White. 4pm: Thursday Drive with Luca Forest. 6pm: Serbian with Aleksander Djeric. 7pm: Chinese.

and demonstrates the community’s support for both the artist and their work.

This year's theme is "re-imagining the future", with the exhibition set to be a thought-provoking and intriguing experience featuring artworks that envision new possibilities for

technology, society and the environment. The exhibition will be on display in the Salamanca Arts Centre’s Long Galley from 7 to 13 November. To attend the event, learn more about the art sessions or other programs contact 1800 668 722 and ask to speak to a Community Access team member.

On Luca’s shows you can expect a great range of classic hits and some of the world’s favourite artists. He also delves into local issues - “opening up a can of worms each week, and we love it”, as one listener put it. Luca would love you to join him and the other presenters on 96.1 Hobart FM, where we play The Music of Your Life. You can also follow Luca on Instagram (lucaforrest_96.1).

with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times Rollin’ with Russell Hevey. 9pm: Rockin’ On with Ray Kemp.

Midnight: Music Of Your Life Overnight with Craig Cracknell.

with Rob Maisey or Underside with Spook & Mike. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Monday Morning Mix with Mandi Bennett. Midday:

Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Music Of Your Life

with Jenny Berry. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with David Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country with Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Double Or Nothing with Willie Jackson.

10pm: The Late Late Show with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Wednesday 6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and

6pm: Wednesday Night Juke Box with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell Hevey. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Thursday 6am: Thursday Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: From The Noughties to

8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz.

10pm: Greek Program with Benny.

Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Friday 6am: Rise & Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs & Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Karina’s Karousel with Karina Ceron. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Friday Drive

Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim Kingston. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek with Sotiris Kalogeropoulus

Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 2pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda Sims. 3pm: Music of Your Life with various presenters. 6pm: Kickback with Kenny White. 9pm: Saturday Night

Sunday 6am: Sunday Breakfast with Chris Burrows. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish with Brian Corr. Midday: Italian Program. 12.30pm: Nepalese program. 2pm: Dove c’e’ musica Italiana. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob Hevey. 8pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

14 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023
Community News
A thought-provoking selection of artworks will be on display at the OnTrack exhibition

Business Eastern Shore AGM

BUSINESS Eastern Shore’s September Business After 5 information and networking event last month heard from guest speakers Roger Hosie from RSM Tasmania and Tiffany Brooks from the Department of Home Affairs.

Mr Hosie, who founded insurance provider RSM Tasmania in 2006 in partnership with the RSM Group, spoke about the various insurance needs of businesses and the value of professional insurance advice.

Mr Hosie said that some events, such as natural disasters, need to be insured against because the potential loss is disastrous, while some insurance coverage is required by law. Other events such as burglary or goods lost in transit are less critical, but insurance can provide peace of mind.

Ms Brooks introduced herself as one of the Department of Home Affairs’ Business Industry and Regional Outreach Officers, or BIROs, whose responsibility is to help employers understand the migration programs and visa pathways that help them fill skilled workforce shortages.

She outlined a range of employersponsored visa options and how employers can take advantage of them.

The Business After 5 event immediately followed Business Eastern Shore’s 2023 Annual General Meeting, at which John Beard was elected chair of the organisation.

Mr Beard paid tribute to the outgoing chair, Teresa Henley, for her leadership and service to the business community.

Food Relief Grants announced

THREE Eastern Shore organisations that go above and beyond to provide much-needed food relief to those in need have received a boost from the Tasmanian Community Food Relief Grant program.

In April the State Government announced the $300,000 food relief grant program, which provides grants of up to $10,000 to eligible organisations that provide either low-cost or free ready-to-eat meals and food hampers.

The Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre Inc and Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre recently received $10,000 each to put towards food relief service provision and low-cost nutritious meal options.

The Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre was granted $9,600 to ensure vulnerable families, youths and the elderly in the area have access to ready-to-eat meals and food hampers if they need them.

Liberal Member for Franklin Dean Young said the food relief grants are money well spent.

“Investing in community organisations who are making a real difference is a cause close to my heart,” he said.

“The people of the Eastern Shore know that our government is listening to our local communities and working hard to support those fantastic grassroots organisations.”

Lindisfarne black spot targeted

INCREASED safety measures will be implemented at Flagstaff Gully Road in Lindisfarne as part of the Federal Government’s Black Spot Program’s $2.57 million upgrade to 15 Tasmanian roads.

A new right turn lane will be installed on Flagstaff Gully Road where there has been three crashes in the past five years, with one being classed as serious.

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown said this was an example of the positive impact the Black Spot Program would have on the safety of roads and road users.

“Across the state the safety investments will make Tasmanian roads safer for all road users,” she said.

“In announcing this project we are affirming the government’s commitment to reducing deaths on Tasmanian roads, with the ambition of halving deaths on our roads by 2030.”

Labor Member for Franklin Julie Collins said anyone could identify a road black spot for a review.

“If anyone in the electorate of Franklin has identified a local road that may need safety upgrades I urge you to contact my office,” she said.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 15 THE SHOW IS BACK! The ‘PETstock Royal Hobart Show’ is back at the Regatta Grounds! Children ten, Adults fifteen and Families only Forty dollars! Save even more when you buy online at www.hobartshowground.com.au Early bird ticket prices available online for bookings made before 16 October. Your ticket is valid for any day you choose at the ‘PETstock Royal Hobart Show’! Thursday 26 to Saturday 28 October! Thursday from 9am – 5pm Friday from 9am – 10pm Saturday from 9am - 4pm ◦ Carnival rides ◦ Farm animals ◦ Noah’s racing pigs ◦ Show bags ◦ Animal Wranglers ◦ Eljay’s Junk Yard action show and amazing jet pack entertainment ◦ Friday night fireworks + so much more! Community News 6244 1222 Julie.Collins.MP@aph.gov.au www.juliecollins.com 18 Ross Ave (PO Box 38) Rosny Park TAS 7018 JULIE COLLINS MP ADVERTISEMENT If you require assistance on any Federal matter please contact me. Authorised by Julie Collins MP, ALP Tasmania, 18 Ross Avenue, Rosny Park TAS 7018. T: E: W: A:
Business Eastern Shore chair John Beard, centre, with Tiffany Brooks (left) and Roger Hosie

Let Glenview work for You Our help at your place

Clare puts her hand up

A NEW community-minded independent candidate is vowing to put Franklin first at the next state election.

Kingborough Council Deputy Mayor Clare Glade-Wright has begun campaigning despite an election not having been called.

“It’s time to allow Tasmanians the opportunity to elect a fresh parliament that can work more cooperatively on the decisions that affect the state,” she said.

“I am passionate about bringing a collaborative approach to politics. I believe dialogue rather than debate produces better decisions.

“As an independent I’ll be free

to truly advocate for Franklin rather than sticking to a party line.”

Ms Glade-Wright, a mother of two and former eco-tourism operator, said she started campaigning after learning that many of the issues that really matter to the community need to be addressed at a state level.

“I’m not waiting for the election to be called to advocate for State Government action on issues that matter to the people in my community,” she said.

“I am hearing how stressful it is becoming to find rentals, the need for improved sporting facilities at grounds which are at capacity,

improved public transport like the expansion of the ferry service, emergency services hubs and urgent care centres.

“These are only a handful of the problems people tell me they’re concerned about, and we have to find innovative solutions.

“I’m out there at shopping centres and events, listening to the community so I can represent its interests.

“Putting Franklin First means state decisions must benefit our community so everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”

Ms Glade-Wright will take leave from her role as Deputy Mayor once an election is officially called.

Fun by the bridge

MONTAGU Bay Primary School will be the hottest ticket in town on 20 October when it throws open its gates for the Festival by the Bridge - a community fundraising event combining school fair activities with local business stalls, entertainment, food and beverage vendors, and much more.


A celebration for the whole community, the Festival by the Bridge will be jam-packed with free or cheap family-friendly activities including laser tag, sports skills, gumboot throwing,

arts and crafts, giant games and more.

There will be a photo booth and a chocolate wheel, face painting, animal displays, hair braiding, a dance party and a silent disco.

The afternoon will also feature plant, cake and craft stalls; free live music and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy; and food vans including Wattlebanks, Fried & Loaded, Taco Taco and Robbie’s Pizza.

Hosted by the Montagu Bay Primary P&F, Festival by the Bridge will be held at Montagu Bay

Primary School, just by the bridge on the school oval on Conara Rd, from 4pm–7.30pm on Friday 20 October.

‘Festival dollars’ will be available to pre-purchase from the school in the leadup to festival, or cash can be used on the day. Some EFTPOS facilities will be available but not for all activities.

Festival by the Bridge is a Towards Zero Waste event, with patrons encouraged to BYO green bags, mugs and drink bottles. For more information go to facebook.com/MBPSPF

16 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023
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Community News
Clare Glade-Wright and her children

Boosting the value of your property with revegetation

INCREASING the value of your property and restoring its natural biodiversity are not separate endeavours. Instead, they go hand in hand, and are a result of purposeful land management.

Revegetating your land with native trees can bring about real and interlinked environmental, aesthetic and economic benefits. Consequently, investing in the biodiversity of your land directly translates into care and control over your asset.

Pies, prizes and a tonne of fun for Archie’s 100

JOIN us on Thursday 9 November for a morning of excitement and charity at Banjo's Rosny, with the Triple M breakfast crew broadcasting live from 6-9am.

This event isn't just about fun and gamesit's also about making a difference, raising essential funds for local charity Archie's 100.

After the loss of their son Archie in a tragic boating accident, Damien and Hayley Green started Archie’s 100 in 2021 to support emergency service workers and raise funds for the Royal Hobart Hospital’s Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, which supported Archie and

his family following the accident.

Earlier this year

Damien and a group of supporters ran 400km from Stanley to Hobart over four days to raise awareness about the importance of organ and blood donation, while also raising funds for children’s wards in Tasmanian hospitals.

Along the way, the runners were supplied with food from Banjo's stores across the state.

Now Banjo’s Rosny is supporting Archie’s 100 again, hosting a fun-filled morning on 9 November featuring Tubes Taylor and the Triple M breakfast crew.

Expect games, prizes and the ultimate challenge: a pie-eating

contest! Who will emerge as the Eastern Shore’s Pie Champion? It could be you!

Participating in the festivities is easy –simply show up on the day and be part of the action. Plus, keep an eye on social media and on Triple M radio for exciting auction items leading up to the event.

Let's come together as a community, enjoy some great moments, and contribute to a cause that truly matters. See you at Banjo's Rosny on 9 November for a memorable day of giving and fun!

To find out more about Archie’s 100, follow along on Facebook.

Notably, well-managed properties that offer both amenity and aesthetic value hold greater appeal for potential buyers.

Studies have shown that properties with native forests and bushland have higher property values than those with bare paddocks or unmanaged invasive species.

This is especially the case for properties in rural areas, where air and water quality, recreational opportunities, privacy and connection to the land are all key selling points. Deciding to engage in land management can involve a number of activities such as weed eradication, mulching and tree planting. How each of these activities are implemented and incorporated into a broader

management plan will impact the success or failure of a revegetation project.

At Tasmanian Tree Care, we provide expert advice and industry-standard practices acquired through years of experience. We offer a number of land management services, including:

Weed management and ecomulching

Our forestry mulcher is a heavy-duty machine that is used for clearing weeds such as Gorse and Spanish Heath. After shredding the vegetation, the mulched material is then left on the ground to decompose, reducing the ability of the weeds to regrow while creating a rich environment for natives to be planted into.

Tree planting

To ensure that the newly planted trees thrive and grow to their full potential, it is important to select the right tree for the right location. Our re-veg tree planting services include site preparation, planting, staking and tree protection, mulching and follow-up care. With these services, you can be sure that your new trees will be healthy, strong and beautiful for years to come.

How we can he help

Whether you own a small urban property or a large rural lot, Tasmanian Tree Care has the knowledge and resources o assess your property's unique needs and create a tailored plan that maximises your property's value, ecological benefits, and aesthetic appeal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start planning your re-veg project, call 0428 997 068 or visit www.tastreecare.com.au

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 17
Banjo’s Rosny owner Robbie Iles, Archie’s 100 founder Damien Green and Banjo’s employee Jaycob Martin at Banjo’s Rosny. Photo credit: Tobias Hinds
Tree Removal & Pruning · Land Management Weed Eradication · Revegetation · Eco-Mulching Tree Selection · Elm Leaf Beetle Control Habitat Creation · AirBnB Asset Management Call 0428 997 068 tasmaniantreecare.com.au RESPONSIBLE PROFESSIONAL RELIABLE Get a free quote online
Our re-veg tree planting services include site preparation, planting, staking and tree protection, mulching and follow-up care

EVDS the next wave of water safety tech

MOST people remember the popular ABBA song ‘SOS’. They also remember SOS is the international distress signal for ships and all other maritime craft. SOS was chosen as the preferred signal because the ‘three short, three long, three short’ signal was easily recognisable. It was later that SOS was interpreted as Save Our Souls or Save Our Ship.

The first recorded use of SOS was on 10 June 1909 when the Cunard liner RMS Slavonia was wrecked off the Azores. Two ships heard the distress signal and went to the aid of the passengers and crew, and it is reported that all on board were rescued. Three years later the Titanic used SOS to signal her own sinking. It is this same technology that is the basis of the new Electronic Visual Distress Signal (EVDS).

MAST has introduced this option instead of the two red and two orange hand flares Tasmanian boaties are required to carry in sheltered waters if they are carrying a GPS enabled EPIRB and a VHF radio.

Hand flares last for 60 seconds. An EVDS must operate for at least six hours and be visible up to five nautical miles. Flares have to be replaced every three years and since MAST has taken over the disposal of old flares, about $30,000 has been spent every year in disposal costs.

Most EVDS models operate on standard alkaline batteries and the boat owner can test the unit before heading out to sea. Once the unit has been purchased it is only a matter of replacing the batteries annually to be compliant with MAST by-laws.

With the introduction of EVDS, boaters will need to familiarise

themselves with the old Morse code signals in case they spot an oddlooking light signal on the water.

MAST believes that the six-hour operational life of an EVDS is a superior option to 60 seconds for a pyrotechnic flare.

With the requirement to carry a GPS-enabled EPIRB and a VHF radio, for daytime signalling, along with your EVDS, we also think safety bases are well and truly covered.

Boat and yachting clubs around the Tasmania will soon receive a document that has been a collaboration between Australian Sailing and MAST.

For many years

MAST has worked closely with Rowing Tasmania to improve the safety outcomes for rowers operating within designated port areas. Sailors from clubs around the state regularly interact with commercial vessels whether it is pilot

boats, cruise ships, tugs, fishing boats or the Bruny Island ferries.

This work has been a development of the regular meetings that MAST facilitates between Hobart-based yacht clubs and TasPorts.

The result of these meetings has been a greater understanding between TasPorts staff, pilots, the VTS radio room and the race management teams from the yacht clubs.

The Sailing Safely in Tasmania document will give yacht clubs across the state information about safety equipment, navigation light requirements for coach boats and sailing dinghies, and the rights of piloted vessels and pilotexempt vessels.

MAST wishes all sailors the best for the coming season and for those participating in Nationals or the offshore races stay safe, have fun and enjoy this wonderful sport.

WITH the summer sailing season on the horizon it’s the perfect time to get onto the water with a Bellerive Yacht Club membership.

BYC general manager David Harries said club memberships are open to new and returning sailors - from novices with no experience through to those wanting to reconnect with their passion for sailing.

“Our SailBYC Academy can take you from a complete novice to a

sailing there are always skippers looking for new crew members.”

There is no need to own a boat to gain a BYC membership, which provides full access and a 15 per cent discount at the newly refurbished club, bar and café areas open seven days a week.

“Members can utilise our fantastic facilities for special family events, business meetings, corporate functions, workshops and weddings,”

18 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Advertisement
Clarence, have your say on the issues that impact you. CONSULTATIONS Open this month!
Clarence Sports Facili�es - Community Needs Survey
Bellerive Boardwalk - Proposed declared area change to allow dogs on lead
South Street Reserve – trial greyhound off-leash area and declared area changes
Clarence Mountain Bike Park and Meehan Range
Parking Sensor Public Data Survey
Bellerive Yacht Club members Lillian Stewart and Mel Butcher onboard the SailBYC training yacht
Bellerive Yacht Club Marina Ber t hs Available Bellerive Yacht Club 64 Cambridge Road, ROSNY PARK TAS 7018 (03) 6244 1353 of ce@byc.org.au byc.org.au Please visit the website for hours, events and membership information. Join the BYC crew this sailing season

MYCT is all decked out for summer

THE newly completed deck and function area at the Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania in Lindisfarne provides delicious and affordable meals with the best views on the Eastern Shore and is open to everyone.

Open seven days a week and available for small celebrations and larger events, the enclosed deck space has stunning 250-degree views of the River Derwent.

“There is seating available for up to 80 people in the restaurant, with another 50 spaces on the deck all with fabulous views,” MYCT general manager David Beard said.

“Our Club is open from 8.30am, with plenty of free parking and a new alfresco area for dog walkers to park their pets.

“Although you don’t have to be a member, we do have memberships available from $75 which is less than half the cost of some other similar clubs.

“Members receive a birthday meal voucher and up to 10 per cent off food and beverage prices.”

The Motor Yacht Club is also the base of the Lindisfarne RSL and was recently awarded a prize at the annual Tasmanian Hospitality Awards for Best RSL, Sporting or Community Club.

Yachties set sale for a bargain

The Rotary Club of Linsdisfarne and the crew of the historic Motor Launch Egeria have again joined forces

The Rotary Club ran a barbecue, the Clarence City Band entertained patrons and ML Egeria was open for tours.

so, the club decide to hold it again this year.

"Although the number of stalls was slightly down on last year, feedback

birthday on 30 October." Rotary also had a successful day, with funds raised going towards projects

“Our friendly staff and immaculate spaces are available for all types of functions, conferences and specialised events, with full catering options available.

“Our volunteers maintain the historical ML Egeria, a classic Tasmanian antique vessel which is available for private charters, business meetings or weddings.

“Our personalised night out is perfect as a Christmas gift and includes the best table for two in the house with uninterrupted water views, pre-selected three course meal and matching wines for just $200, with a champagne cruise onboard the Egeria available at a small additional cost.”

To make a booking or enquire about a function or event phone the club on 6243 9021

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 19
5 OFFER ENDS 22/10/23 LINE WWW.B ET TA .COM.A U WWW.BET TA .COM.A U Circuit, KINGSTON 6229 7765 TURDAY 10am-2pm CLOS ED Pub ic Holidays M 6 7 3 9 ONLINE WWW.B ET TA .COM.A U tonvale Circuit, KINGSTON 6229 7765 am-5pm S ATURDAY 10am-2pm CLOS ED Public Holiday OFFER ENDS 22/10 WINKLEIGH PLACE, ROSNY PARK (UP FROM THE CINEMA) 6244 3373 5pm S ATURDAY 10am-2pm CLOS ED Public Holidays OFFER ENDS 22/10/23
culinary excellence meets breathtaking water views Enjoy your morning coffee daily on The Deck from 8.30am Make a reservation in Reflections Restaurant to savour delectable dishes with one of the many options from our extensive wine list (03) 6243 9021 1 Ford Parade, Lindisfarne www.motoryachtclub.org Lunch | Thursday - Friday 12.00 - 2.00pm Dinner | Tuesday - Friday 5.30 - 7.30pm Christmas function bookings available now! Open for meals Tue - Sun (Jan & Feb) Patrons enjoy the food and view on the Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania restaurant deck
All sorts of things were available at the Spring Clean Marine and Boot Sale
The MYCT offers delicious and affordable meals

The Playhouse: behind the scenes

MOST us are used to seeing some truly wonderful and talented actors on stage, performing in a range of shows – from Shakespeare to comedy to pantomime to drama or even those popular who-dunnits! Have you ever stopped to think about all of the people who work behind the scenes?

Bellerive resident Wayne Wagg is one of those people that you never see but who has the crucial role of production photographer for Hobart Rep’s upcoming production of ‘The Glass Menagerie’.

We’ve all bought a show program at some point and marvelled at the high quality of the photos taken by talented photographers. They really bring the essence of

each production to life - capturing special lighting effects, the changing expressions of actors during performance, not to mention the fabulous costumes, sets and backdrops.

But their photos are not only used in programs. They also appear online, on posters and flyers, in social media and marketing and really help to inform the audience about the production.

Wayne works closely with the production team for each show to ensure that he captures the director’s vision. For ‘The Glass Menagerie’ he is working with legendary Australian actor/director Jeff Kevin to achieve just the right look and feel for the show.

'The Glass Menagerie’ story draws strongly on playwright

Tennessee Williams’ own turbulent family history.

The Wingfield family all dream of a better life. Whether it’s the profoundly introverted Laura, living in an imaginary world of make-believe where looking after her glass animals is her only refuge.

Or the mother, Amanda, who relives her glory days as a Southern belle, and hopes Laura can be married off to a gentlemen caller named Jim.

Tom, the son dreams of becoming a writer and spends all his spare time at the movies and longs to escape his boring job.

Hobart Rep present ‘The Glass Menagerie’ at The Playhouse Theatre in Bathurst Street from 13-28 October. For bookings go to playhouse.org.au/book-now

Tennessee Williams

The Glass Menagerie

Be the author of your own story at Turnbull Funerals

SINCE 1936, Turnbull Funerals has been a steadfast pillar of support for families in Tasmania during their most challenging times. Our local funeral directors understand the importance of trust, commitment and respect when arranging a funeral service.

Traditionally, discussing one's funeral has been deemed taboo, but that narrative is rapidly evolving. Today we invite you to become the author of your own story by preplanning your farewell, an act that celebrates your life on your own terms.

Pre-planning with Turnbull Funerals offers an opportunity to document your wishes and secure your future funeral service at today's prices. By doing so, you not only ensure your goodbye reflects your unique journey but also provide peace of mind, security and protection for your loved ones. Saying farewell is never easy, but with a touch of foresight you can create a legacy that brings solace to both you and your family. When the inevitable moment arrives, it takes just one phone call to set Turnbull Funerals into motion.

Our dedicated team is at your service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we offer support services to help your loved ones navigate the process. By choosing Turnbull Funerals for your preplanning needs, you're not just securing a funeral service; you're crafting a testament to your life's journey. Contact Turnbull Funerals to begin planning ahead. Contact us via 6234 4711 or visit turnbullfunerals.com. au. Discover the peace of mind that comes from being the author of your own story with Turnbull Funerals by your side.

20 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Advertisement
Bookings at
- 28 October
Hobart Repertory Theatre Society proudly presents by arrangement with ORiGiN TM Theatrical, on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. a Concord Theatricals Company.
directed by Jeff Kevin designed by Jill Munro
Photographer Wayne Wagg taking a photo of ‘The Glass Menagerie’ director Jeff Kevin Location Manager Jarrod Howard, centre, and the Turnbull Funerals team
Be the author of your own story Speak with our specialist planners. 03 6234 4711 turnbullfunerals.com.au Pre-plan your funeral and tell your story.

Study with HERC

GRADUATION is such an exciting time for graduates and staff alike. Watching a classroom of nervous, excited and aspirational students on day one develop into confident skilled and knowledgeable students ready to embark on their future as Enrolled Nurses 18 months later is one of the best parts of my job.

It is a time to reflect on what brought them to Nursing in the first place and remind them that due to their hard work they

can now do what they previously only dreamed of.

One of our graduates, at the commencement of her course wrote:

“It has been my passion to be a nurse since I was young. I love the idea of being able to take care of people and be with them on their journey of recovery.

I love how I can make a positive impact on people’s lives.”

For me, as the Education Manager of HERC and a Registered Nurse, I am proud to work with a great team who help make these students dreams a reality.

I am proud of the

commitment our students make and I am proud that as an organisation we contribute to my profession, providing the healthcare industry and vulnerable members of society with approximately 45 new Enrolled Nurses each year.

If you are wondering if this could be you, if you want to make your dreams a reality, and if you want a job where you make a difference every single day, contact us or visit our website for more information about our upcoming Diploma of Nursing intakes.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 21 Advertisement
Start your healthcare career with us today herc.tas.edu.au HERC is the training division of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch. HERC proudly delivers ANMAC & ASQA accredited training delivered under a third-party agreement with Registered Training Organisation ANMEC (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Education Centre), RTO Code 40064. This arrangement enables HERC to deliver ANMEC’s HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing. Skills Tasmania subsidies may be available.
‘10 years of graduat ing exceptiona l health professionals!’
HERC staff (L-R) Emily Brinckman, Alexandra Kavic, Jo Worsley, Alison Percy, Heidi Dobson, Ashley White and Tamara Gee with ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd

Digital dentistry improves patient care

DIGITAL dentistry involves the use of advanced dental technologies and devices to further enhance patient care and experiences.

In modern dentistry this is used in various aspects of dental practice including diagnosis, treatment planning, patient communication and fabrication of dental restorations and dentures.

Digital dentistry enhances the patient experience in several ways, making dental care more comfortable, efficient and patient-centred.

At Island Dental we have embraced digital dentistry in every possible aspect:

• Digital imaging and radiography to produce high-quality dental X-ray images with lower radiation exposure.

• Digital impression for making crowns, bridges and dentures.

• Same day crowns: we can design and fabricate dental crowns and bridges on the same day, in-house. This avoids weeks of waiting, and eliminates the need for temporary crowns.

• Digital treatment planning: using software to plan, visualise and communicate with patient the predicted results of treatments.

• Practice management software: using digital systems and tools for managing patient records, appointments, billing and more.

Since incorporating digital dentistry at Island

Dental we have observed these improved patient experiences:

• Reduced discomfort and anxiety: using a 3D camera to capture images of your mouth eliminates the need for uncomfortable traditional gooey impression materials that trigger a gag reflex.

• Quick turnaround time: we can copy the existing dentures, if they only need minor modifications. These digital copies can be made in one or two visits with very minimal chair time.

• Improved

communication: intraoral cameras and 3D visualisation enhance patient understanding of their oral health issues.

• Precision and accuracy: digital impressions, same day crowns and other restorations improve accuracy and fit, reducing the likelihood of complications.

It is important to note that while same-day crowns and digital dental restorations are suitable for many cases, there may be situations where traditional crowns or other dental treatments are more appropriate, depending on the specific needs of the patient. If you would like to learn more or want to know if you can benefit from digital dentistry, please call our practice on 6231 2356 to schedule an appointment.

Have you had COVID-19?

The Persistent cardiovascular effects of COVID-19 viral infection study (PERCEIVE) is looking for people who have had COVID-19

The PERCEIVE study aims to understand whether COVID-19 causes damage to the heart and impacts functional capacity

We also want to know if best practice management (e g. heart medication or exercise training) can restore function

Who can participate?

• People aged 40 years and over, and

• Have had a COVID-19 infection and have ongoing symptoms

Scan the QR code to find out more or to participate. Alternatively, contact Kristyn Whitmore, Study Coordinator: perceive.menzies@utas.edu.au or 6226 4235

Sign up for COVID study

THE Menzies Institute for Medical Research is looking for people aged over 40 who are experiencing ongoing COVID symptoms to take part in a community study.

The Menzies Institute for Medical Research is an independent, Australian-based medical research facility recognised

internationally for its contributions to medical science.

The Institute’s work extends from the laboratory to wide-scale community studies, such as the current Long COVID PERCEIVE study.

“The PERCEIVE study seeks improve understanding of Long-

COVID and the appropriate treatment response to the problem,” Menzies Institute cardiologist Professor Tom Marwick said.

“Participants undergo a series of screening questionnaires about health, wellbeing and physical activity, walking tests of exercise capacity, and some of them undergo an echocardiogram and formal exercise stress test.

“Suitable participants will be randomly allocated to medical therapy (if there is cardiac involvement, which is rare) and exercise training by a personal trainer. Progress is tracked over 12 months.”

The Long COVID PERCEIVE study currently has 36 Tasmanians randomised into study, with several more undergoing screening.

The Menzies Institute is actively looking for more people who are aged 40-plus, have had a COVID infection and are experiencing ongoing symptoms.

If you are interested in taking part, or for more information, phone research nurse Kristyn Whitmore on 62264235; email perceive.menzies@utas.edu.au; or go to https://baker.edu.au/research/ clinical-trials/perceive-study

22 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 Shop 6 / 35-37 Gordon St, Sorell 193-195 Elizabeth St, Hobart & Contact us! P 6 231 235 6 E i n f o @ i s l a n d d en t a l h o b a r t c o m a u Book online at
Dr Sam Yeoh
or scan this QR code: islanddentalhobart.com.au An elderly-friendly practice
Dr Joey Wong
The only mobile dentist servicing aged care homes in Tasmania!
Dr Girish Sasidharan and Dr Sam Yeoh discussing clinical cases using a digital dental scanner
The team at Island Dental offers the latest in digital dentistry Cardiologist Professor Tom Marwick
This study has been approved by the University of Tasmania Human Research Ethics Committee H0027543


Cafés creating memorable moments

BACK in 2019, brother and sister duo Rod Dann and Katrina Williams had their hands full running their Wattlebanks Catering food vans and mobile catering business.

Opening a café was the furthest thing from their minds.

But when an unexpected opportunity arose in the picturesque historic town of Richmond, the siblings decided to take the leap.

“We hadn’t really thought about running a café, because we were enjoying catering at some wonderful festivals, events and functions with our two food vans,” Katrina said.

“But we saw the venue and location and thought

it was beautiful, with a wonderful feel to it.

“It felt like a great next step for our business; an exciting opportunity.

“We’re located in a lovely town, with wonderful support from locals.and other business owners in the region.

“We’re all about creating memorable moments with family and friends, showcasing local produce and creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, and Richmond really lent itself to that.”

Wattlebanks Café and Providore at Richmond is open seven days a week between 9.30am and 3.30pm. Additionally, on Fridays the café operates

@ Home Meals

between 3.30pm and 7.30pm serving a takeaway local seafood and chips menu.

There is also a private function room with a fireplace and floor-toceiling sliding doors that open onto the outdoor garden event space.

Despite the challenges of COVID, Wattlebanks’ Richmond café was such a success that Rod and Katrina soon expanded further, opening the Wattlebanks Coastal Café & Providore at Orford on Tasmania’s beautiful east coast in late 2020.

Open 7.30am to 3.30pm seven days a week, Wattlebanks Coastal

a wonderful selection of dine-in and take-away food and excellent coffee in a fresh, coastal-style relaxed environment.

Wattlebanks @ Home ready-made meal range has proved especially popular at the Orford store, with customers calling in to stock up on their way to or from the east coast.

Wattlebanks cafes are the perfect place to share a meal with family and friends.

Menus are seasonally updated and include a great selection of dishes for both adults and children, with a mix of classics and daily specials.

“We strive to make memorable moments

through fresh Tasmanian produce,” Katrina said.

“For us, a memorable moment could be a wedding, anniversary or engagement party. But it could also be sharing lunch with family, or welcoming friends from interstate and bringing them to Wattlebanks for a showcase Tassie produce in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

“We’ve really focused on delivering personable customer service. We invest a lot in training and teambuilding days so our staff really feel like part of the business, and that shines through in the service customers receive.”

Wattlebanks is also big on sustainability -

food scraps and coffee grinds from the cafés are collected by local farmers and producers; while ‘The Udder Way’ milk

dispensing system has recently been installed at Orford, using refillable glass bottles to cut down on plastic waste.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 23
2 Choose your meals and add them to your cart 3 Choose ‘Delivery’ or ‘Pick Up’ 4 Make payment online 5 Enjoy your meals in the comfort of your own home 1 Scan the QR code to see our weekly menu HE R E’S H OW TO P R E-O RD E R RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER AT CHECKOUT Pre-order our ready-made meals and take the night off! RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER AT CHECKOUT We’re ma
Pre-order our take-home meals and take the night off!
king life a little bit easier! We’re making life a little bit easier!
Wednesdays 10 30am 0419 897 121 enquiries@wattlebankscatering.com.au wattlebanks.com.au O UR W EEK LY M EN U C YCL E • Menu opens: • Menu closes: Pick Up: • Delivery: Sundays 10 30amWattlebanks Coastal Café & Providore, 1 Charles Street Orford, 1pm - 4pm orWattlebanks Café & Providore, 27 Bridge Street Richmond, 2pm - 4pm - Orford, Richmond and surrounding suburbs 2pm - 5pm - Greater Hobart area 2pm - 6pm - Wednesdays Wattlebanks Café & Providore, 27 Bridge Street Richmond, 1pm - 4pm - Thursdays Wattlebanks Coastal Café & Providore, 1 Charles Street Orford, 1pm - 4pm - Wednesdays Greater Hobart & Richmond surrounding suburbs, 2pm - 6pm Thursdays Orford and surrounding suburbs, 2pm - 5pm S CA N TO VIE W O U R M E N U The tranquil outdoor space at Wattlebanks Café and Providore at Richmond

This beautifully refurbished one-bedroom unit boasts picturesque mountain views and features an open-plan living space, a brand new kitchen and bathroom with a convenient walk-in shower, along with fresh paint and new floor coverings throughout.

Nestled in the charming Lindisfarne locale, it enjoys easy access to local shops and the serene bay, making it the perfect choice for those seeking a new home and the chance to be a part of our welcoming community.

If you’re a veteran living in Tasmania, you may be eligible to receive a FREE $100 voucher to put towards your membership or registration fees at a participating Tasmanian gym or sporting club. By taking

24 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 PRIME TIMES Spring edition Are you eligible for a free $100 Vetera n Wellbeing vouc her?
mental wellbeing,
new friends
nd out
FREE $100 VETERANWELLBEING VOUCHER FOR A PARTICIPATING GYM OR SPORTING CLUB Do you want to join our Retirement Village Community in Lindisfarne? 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom 1 Car (parking space)
advantage of this o er, you can boost your physical and
and establish
more, visit www.veterans.tas.gov.au/wellbeing-vouchers
Charming One-Bedroom Retreat with Mountain Views in Serene Locale Contact Maya Cuatt 0455 933 440 South Tasmania Villages, Lindisfarne respect.com.au Not quite ready to down-size but planning for the future? Contact Maya on 0455 933 440 to be placed on our retirement living expressions of interest list. Our villages have a variety of locations around Lindisfarne and range from 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units.


A revolution in natural bone health

IN the heart of Hobart, a ground-breaking solution is quietly transforming the landscape of bone health.

OsteoStrong Hobart, a specialist wellness centre, has emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking to improve their bone density and overall strength and well-being.

At OsteoStrong Hobart, science and technology intertwine to offer a unique approach to skeletal wellness.

Unlike traditional methods of exercise that deliver solely on muscle strength, OsteoStrong builds bone density and increases bone health through osteogenic

loading – a system process that triggers the body’s natural bone-growing abilities.

Members, regardless of age or fitness level, engage in a weekly one-on-one session with a coach to enhance their bones, balance and strength, and reduce their risk of falls and fractures.

Beyond its revolutionary technology, OsteoStrong Hobart’s team of dedicated coaches guide members through their wellness journey. The centre’s warm and inviting ambiance fosters a sense of community, where individuals can connect, learn and prioritise their bone

health together.

The impact of OsteoStrong on the Hobart community has been nothing short of remarkable. As word spreads about the centre’s transformative results, more individuals are taking charge of their well-being and building their bone health naturally.

OsteoStrong Hobart stands as a testament to human innovation and our ongoing quest for improved quality of life. With its fusion of advanced technology, guidance and positive outcomes, it is reshaping how we perceive and prioritise bone health.

Osteostrong is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to help people improve their bone density and overall skeletal strength. It is designed to benefit various age groups and backgrounds, particularly those at risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and other conditions related to low bone density.

Helping Tasmanians stay in their homes

IN 1994 Southern Cross Care established a community care arm. This has now developed into the Home and Community Care Office, which provides professional assistance services across Tasmania.

The southern Tasmania home care team offers therapeutic and practical services that allow people to stay in their homes and remain independent for as long as possible.

Southern Cross Care deputy executive of integrated services

Paula Harkins said the highly trained team was constantly growing and evolving.

“People want to remain as independent as possible and we assist them to do that in their own home by providing cleaning, personal care,

shopping and social support services,” she said.

“We have 120 staff members state-wide providing a variety of professional services to more than 500 clients.

“All our workers are experienced and hold the relevant qualifications for their positions, and we have an amazing learning and development department which provides extra training in areas such as dementia care, palliative care, leisure and lifestyle.

“We have a really committed team of caring people who are dedicated to empowering people to stay in their homes.”

Business development manager Erica Ramage said Southern Cross Care is regularly listening to feedback

from clients and making improvements to its service delivery.

“Our clients can provide feedback at any time and in a recent survey the responses were incredibly positive,” she said.

“We are constantly listening to feedback and implementing effective changes to improve the delivery of our services.

“We have a social support centre here at our southern office ready for new participants today and we are looking for opportunities to further evolve these community programs.”

Southern Cross Care and their friendly team embrace innovative technologies to assist people to improve safety and accessibility and enjoy living.

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 25 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
Contact us 88 Bathurst St, Hobart (+61) 6215 4777 hobart@osteostrong.com.au osteostrong.com.au
The OsteoStrong Hobart team can help improve your bone density, overall strength and well-being
don’t last a life time.
The Southern Cross Home Care team at its New Town office
Suppor ting independent living across Tasmania with lifest yle village communities , per fectly designed for those who want to get the maximum out of life with the minimum of worries Helping people to stay independent at home by providing personal and clinical ser vices , and helping you to remain connected to your communit y with transpor t and social outing assistance Providing Residential C are in a safe and nur turing environment with a professional care team including 24/ 7 on-site nurses professional chefs allied coordinators Southern Cross C are is Tasmania s largest not-for-profit aged care provider dedicated to delivering flexible health and lifest yle ser vices to suit you and the people you love We are a wholly Tasmanian provider and one of the state s largest employers with over 1 ,10 0 full and par t time employees O ur range of ser vices are designed to make you feel right at home Feel right at home. Fo r f urthe r i nfor m ation e m a i l e n q uir i es @ s c c t a s .org. a u o r c a l l 6 1 4 6 1 8 0 0

Community Transport Services Tasmania

We are a statewide not-for-profit service that delivers affordable door-to-door shared community transport to support people to live well, maintain their independence, and connect with their community.

We can take you to:

medical appointments shopping visiting friends and family

local events, activities, and more - just ask us

Carers travel with us for free.


If you are aged 65 years+ (50 years+ for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islanders), please request transport assistance through My Aged Care. Once this is complete, give us a call to register with our service.

1800 781 033 www.ctst.org.au info@ctst.org.au

ARE you aged 65 years or over (50-plus for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) and without transport to get to medical appointments, the shops, bank, pharmacy or social activities?

CTST can help.

CTST is a communitybased organisation that provides affordable, entry-level door-to-door community transport across the state. Our vehicles and friendly

volunteer drivers are located around the state, and you will enjoy peace of mind travelling with us in a safe environment.

Some of our vehicles can accommodate wheelchairs, and we will also transport your guide dog or assistance animal. Registered carers travel with us free of charge. To access our service, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to request transport assistance. Once transport

assistance is approved, call CTST on 1800 781 033 to register and we will soon be able to take you to where you need to go.

Interested in becoming a CTST volunteer driver?

If you enjoy driving, have a few hours to spare and would like to volunteer with us, give us a call on 1800 781 033. More information about our service and volunteering is available from our website at www.ctst.org.au

If you have applied for or been approved for at-home care support please give us a call on 1800 466 300 To read more

26 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
can help take you to where you need to go CTST keeps you connected 1800 243 232 | anglicare-tas.org.au Do you need some extra support at home? Anglicare can help you. Anglicare Tasmania is taking on new funded Home Care Clients in Hobart’s Northern and Eastern shore areas.
have a locally based team of friendly,
drivers, like John,
reliable nurses and home care support
Their goal is to support your independence and wellbeing.
about Anglicare Tasmania’s Home Care Services visit
or use the QR Code.

Helping you achieve your goals

HOBART Exercise Physiology opened their doors in South Hobart in January 2022, and have been helping people achieve their exercise goals ever since.

The team of Accredited Exercise Physiologists has grown from three to eight over this time, assisting a wide variety of people to improve their fitness and quality of life.

Exercise Physiologists are Allied Health professionals who are qualified and specialise in helping individuals move their body in a better way to reduce pain and maintain independence.

Despite being able to work with individuals of all ages and abilities, Hobart Exercise Physiology has found that helping individuals over

the age of 50 has the most rewarding benefits.

“As we age we tend to use our bodies less and less, whether that is due to pain, decreased confidence or other health issues,” Hobart Exercise Physiology director Robb Macmillan said.

“However, there are so many benefits to exercising beyond the ‘younger’ years of our lives.

“Exercise Physiologists can help individuals reduce pain, lose weight, improve their balance, improve confidence in their body, and so much more.”

With a fully functioning private gym and a friendly and supportive team of experts, Hobart Exercise Physiology prides itself on making the gym space a welcoming one

for individuals of all ages and abilities.

“We certainly aren’t your usual ‘gym’,” Robb said.

“All our clients book in for private sessions with an EP to be supervised and all our clients are working towards bettering their lives through exercise.

“We want to create an environment where everyone can come in and feel supported and comfortable whilst exercising to achieve their goals.”

Exercise Physiology sessions can be accessed without a referral and claimed through private health. We also accept NDIS or Work Cover referrals, and Medicare rebates may be available through talking with your GP.

Seniors Card helping to ease the pressure

TASMANIA’S community is experiencing significant hardships due to cost-of-living increases. These pressures can be particularly difficult for seniors, who may no longer be in full time employment.

As part of the Tasmanian Government’s plan to ease these pressures, the Tasmanian Seniors Card Program provides a free discount card to residents who are aged 60 years and over and

not in paid employment of more than 20 hours per week, averaged over a 12-month period.

The Program has 600 Tasmanian businesses which offer discounts and concessions on goods and services including council rates, power bills, and many others.

More than 120,000 Tasmanians have already joined the program and are

enjoying the many benefits that it offers. This represents 26 per cent of the Tasmanian population and 87 per cent of Tasmanian population aged 60 years and over.

In 2022 the Tasmanian Government launched the online Seniors Card Program, with a website where older Tasmanians can apply for a Seniors Card, replace lost cards, update their details and more.

The new Seniors Card website also features a new online Discount Directory which provides access to the latest discounts and benefits, and lists the names, locations and types of businesses that provide discounts to Seniors Card Program members.

The 2023-2024 Tasmanian Seniors Card Directory is now available. Hard copies are available at all Service Tasmania service centres; libraries; Tasmanian Visitor Information Centres; and the offices of Members of the Parliament of Tasmania.

For more information visit a Service Tasmania Shop, phone 1300 135 513 or go to www. seniors.tas.gov.au

With savings at over 600 Tasmanian and interstate outlets, choosing a business in the 2023-2024 Seniors Card Directory has never been easier. Remember

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 27 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
to look for the sign or ask if Seniors Card is accepted. To live more and pay less, pick up your free copy of the Directory at Service Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania or Visitor Information Centres. You can also access a copy online at seniors.tas.gov.au or by calling 1300 135 513
Accredited Exercise Physiologists Robb Macmillan and Clare Goss work with clients Jo and Len Gibbs, of Sandford

Support in the home and the community

CBS offers Home Care Packages and a comprehensive range of services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program and Veterans Home Care to individuals in their homes and in the community.

CBS provides day respite social activity programs, known as ‘Hubs’, enabling individuals to stay connected and active in their community. Programs feature a range of interactive activities including special events, wellness activities, guest speakers, arts and crafts, recreational activities and outings.

Client Maria Vialle is a regular visitor to the social hubs.

“The Social Hub staff are so friendly and helpful, they walk me to my car and I feel so safe and supported,” Maria says.

“They are very supportive and inclusive to all, making sure I always have something interesting to do.”

Other popular services include the Home Maintenance Program which

covers a wide range of small repair and maintenance tasks in the home, and the Home Modifications Program which focuses on improving safety and accessibility in the home.

The Ageing Backwards movement program is offered in key locations around southern Tasmania, supporting positive ageing in a relaxed group exercise class. The focus is on building strength in daily movement patterns while having fun. The class caters to those who require mobility aids of any type.

CBS offers a dedicated Client Services team to support people at a time when they are making significant decisions about their life. The aim is to make the journey to getting the right support for older Tasmanians as simple and stress-free as possible.

CEO Allyson Warrington knows the importance of putting clients first.

“Forming the Client Services team was an initiative to ensure our clients are well taken care of and supported right from the

outset,” she says.

“The team provides their undivided attention, from initial steps through to the commencement of services.”

But how does this differ from other providers? Ms Warrington explains.

“Many providers have intake staff to sign you up but don’t offer the full suite of service assistance.

“What’s more, in a time of ever-increasing waiting on the phone or being put on hold, our team are picking up new calls within 10 seconds.”

Client Service team member Rachael loves that she spends her day helping people to discover supports available to them.

“When people become aware of the range of services we have available for them, it is a joy to relieve that worry, knowing we can make a real difference in their life,” she says.

If you’d like support navigating the ins and outs of getting support, or identifying what type and level of service is right for you, call the CBS Client Services team on 1300 227 827.

28 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
Our range of services will support you in the home and in the community so you can maintain your independence and social connections. Stay in the place you’re familiar with and keep connected with friends and family with support from CBS. The right amount of support from the right people can go a long way. home care packages | domestic support | personal care | social hubs | garden maintenance | social support | home maintenance and modifications cbsaust.org.au | 1300 227 827 Your life, your choice, our focus. Visit a Hub and talk to the CBS Client Services team

Seniors Week celebrations

SENIORS Week is all about celebrating this year. Celebrating how ageing is positive, how it can present new opportunities, and how it can be a friendly reminder of the importance of looking after yourself.

As of June 2022, 213,000 senior Australians were

receiving home care services - a 300 per cent increase over the previous five years.

While there are many reasons for such an increase, OneCare has seen more Tasmanians taking control over their ageing and learning how to ask for help when they need it.

Fundamentally, a person’s own home is often the very best place they can be. With the proper support, remaining in your home can be good for your heart, soul and body.

That is why OneCare is dedicated to providing exceptional home care services that enable you or your loved ones to continue living comfortably in the place you call home.

Our state-wide home care service has been helping Tasmanians live comfortably and independently for many years, providing services that take the weight off you or your loved one’s shoulders.

We get so used to doing everything for ourselves that it can be difficult to recognise when we need support.

In sharing the load of care, cleaning and companionship with someone else, we often see just as many social benefits as well as physical benefits for our clients.

Home care can help with lots of things such as daily tasks, appointment transport, or administering specialised

medical support. Some clients like having some help preparing nutritious meals, while others prefer a green thumb be put to good use in the garden.

Everyone has unique needs and preferences; therefore, every home care package will look different.

You may need home care services if you’ve seen a decline in your energy and ability to look after yourself, or perhaps you are recovering after an illness and need

intermittent help to get back on your feet.

As your needs change, so can your service.

Rest assured, the people delivering your care are just as invested as you in improving your wellbeing.

All OneCare employees receive regular training and accreditations to ensure the care we provide follows best practice for support work and meets our company standard of being Tasmania’s leading provider.

As we celebrate another Seniors Week, OneCare is thrilled to play a part in so many Tasmanian lives. Our state-wide home care service is helping many Tasmanians live in their communities for longer.

The positive impact of these services is often underestimated until you experience it for yourself. Reach out today to OneCare’s home care team on 1300 555 409 or visit onecare. org.au

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 29
Stay comfortable and healthy in your own home, while receiving unrivalled care and support from our statewide OneCare team. We provide: • Personal care • Meal preparation • Social support • Cleaning • Shopping • Home and garden maintenance • Nursing services • Massage therapy • Transport • Equipment hire and purchase • Allied health services • Hydrotherapy • Podiatry • Physiotherapy • Clinical care PLUS • Private fee for service. Your local Tasmanian, not-for-profit home care provider. OneCare is here to help you and your family. To find out more, call us on 1300 555 409 or visit onecare.org.au to speak to a member of our friendly team.
Our Home Care service can help you with everyday tasks and provide you with the care you need to remain in your home for as long as possible. We’re here to help you make the most of every day.
PRIME TIMES Spring edition
30 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 PRIME TIMES Spring edition Celebrate with us this Seniors Week! See what’s on at www.cotatas.org.au Supported by

Hiking Larapinta Trail


HIKING the entire Larapinta Trail in Central Australia was lifechanging for me. It’s the longest hike I’ve ever done (230km over 17 days). It pushed me to the edges of my endurance. It wowed me with its magnificence. This was a unique and wonderful experience, and I am returning next year. Once was not enough.

We began the hike from its western edge, Mount Sonder and Redbank Gorge, walking east towards Alice Springs. We had sensational clear blue skies every day. We had two food drops to look forward to and two tourist areas with canteens and showers!

I was mesmerised from day one: the ever-changing landscape, the vibrant colours, the variety of flowers in bloom, the bird life, the deep and sacred gorges and the delightful waterholes were simply awesome. It was the most spectacular visual overload. I was expecting parts of the trail would be boring, but it wasn’t like that at any time. It was pristine and


The topography (amount of up and down) of the Larapinta Trail did not look overly hard to me. But what I underestimated was how hard the ground was, so managing my sore feet was my biggest challenge despite not getting blisters at all.

The amount of elevation is rarely more than 600 meters and the trails had been considerately carved into the landscape. These are ancient trails made more prominent for the many tourists that visit the area.

The sky seems to go on forever and the caterpillar ranges reach for miles and miles – words really do not do it justice and my camera couldn’t really capture the grandeur of it all either. The remote and untouched Hugh Gorge was my favourite place and is only accessed by hiking in with only six people visiting it on the day we were there.

The sacred Inarlanga Pass made me stop and deeply reflect on the traditional owners of this land. I felt the privilege of

being able to walk through this remarkable place. You could feel how important this place was and still is to the aboriginal people. Birthday Waterhole was another highlight and this one is easier to access if you have a four-wheel drive.

So if adventure to remote and diverse places is on your bucket list I invite you to travel with me next year (I have three spots left on my private tour with full catering and light packs), or you can read the full version of this blog and see more photos at https://jocc.com.au/larapinta-trail. Make contact if this is of interest to you at jo@jocc.com.au or 0409 86 2206.

Jo Cordell-Cooper was recently named “Personal Trainer of the Tear – Tasmania” by industry-leading organisation AusActive for the second consecutive year.

Jo operates her award-winning business Jo CC Holistic PT from Geilston Bay. Typically Jo’s clients are a little complex, so reach out if that’s what you need.

Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering

Chefaholic Cooking School


A paddock to plate cooking experience for all


Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange





• 3 cups of chopped pumpkin (no skin)

• 1 x 2kg whole duck

• 150g butter

• 500g rigatoni

• 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature)

• 100ml Grand Marnier

• 200g bacon diced

• 50 ml warm water

• 50ml vinegar

• 50g castor sugar

• 1 tsp Salt

• 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped

• Juice of 3 oranges

• 1 Tsp sugar

• ½ cup cream

• 6 oranges



• 1 tbsp fresh chopped parsley

• 1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Steam the pumpkin until it is soft and gently mash.

• 500g plain flour

minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes.

• 2 tsp dry yeast.

2 In a large saucepan of boiling salted water cook the pasta until al dente.

• Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional)

Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency.

3 Meanwhile in a small frying pan cook the bacon and garlic, stirring often, until the bacon is crisp.

4 Place the mashed pumpkin in a saucepan and gradually stir in the cream. Stir in the bacon mixture and parsley, and gently heat the sauce. Season with pepper to taste.

• Ground pepper

• 1 cup parmesan cheese.

Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes.

1. To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.

5 Drain the pasta and return to the pan. Stir in the cheese. Add the sauce, toss to combine, and serve.

2. When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool.

For further information please contact:

Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down.

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com

Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go.

*These next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30

Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments.

3. In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.

For further information please contact:

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

4. In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

7. Set oven to 195oC

8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.

9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf.

10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.

11. Let cool a bit then eat!

For further information please contact:

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 31
EnjoyHobart Support group for people living with Crohn’s or colitis Third Wednesday of every month at 6.30pm. Level 2, 152 Macquarie St, Hobart. For more information, visit crohnsandcolitis.org.au/ support-groups WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: info@stairliftsalestasmania.com.au • W: www.stairliftsalestasmania.com.au INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY www.mobility4all.com.au Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I info@mobility4all.com.au 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? 23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
Jo Cordell-Cooper on the Larapinta Trail



3 years and 9 months old

Having had nearly 4 years of a less than ideal life, Mia is now ready to be adopted by her forever family. She is a beautiful girl with a lot of love to give.


SASS, SVEN I-2 years old

These Silkie Roosters are gorgeous; very tame, with fluffy feathers and friendly dispositions. Excellent human companions, Silkies shine when guarding and watching over hen flocks ensuring the wellbeing of their feathered companions. These Silkies will make a delightful addition to any farmyard.

People have long been fascinated by fireworks.

Scientists tell us the unexpectedness of colour is why fireworks are so captivating; even if we wanted to, we’re hardwired not to look away from the light, and we seem to be excited by the anticipation of a slightly scary experience.

Unfortunately, they can be terrifying and dangerous for animals - and for vulnerable people too.

The RSPCA receives many calls about runaway animals after fireworks displays. In particular, dogs and horses often try to run away when frightened by fireworks. Wildlife can also be affected by the unexpected noises and bright lights fireworks produce.

A dog can hear 10 times better than a human. Fireworks typically explode at a staggering 145-150 decibels - as loud as a jet engine at close quarters - so these explosions can be frightening and even harmful. Terrified animals may flee their homes trying to escape the



2x Black Satin, 1 x long haired Peruvian

All 2 years, 6 months old males

Guinea Pigs are interesting and fun little characters who are very social together. When provided with everything that they need, they can be delightful family pets.

In Australia, both the ACT and Victoria acknowledge animal sentience and have already included it in policy. It is only a matter of time until other Australian jurisdictions do the same. For these reasons, and other safety concerns, all Australian jurisdictions, except for Northern Territory and Tasmania, have already banned fireworks use by members of the public.

Tasmanian legislation already acknowledges that fireworks can cause stress and anxiety to animals, as exclusion zones or “Sensitive Areas” around zoos, sanctuaries, kennels, or commercial horse businesses are identified in the Regulations.

startling and confusing blasts. Many of these animals can end up several kilometres from home. Dogs have been known to jump through plate glass windows to escape loud noises, and easily jump over, or dig their way under fences that would normally contain them. Sometimes, they end up lost or get hit by cars.

On June the 1st 2023; Tasmania’s ‘Cracker Night’ there were many reports on social media over the following week of lost pets. RSPCA Tasmania also received many phone calls from members of the public regarding missing dogs who escaped during the fireworks and sadly some who have not returned home. Most distressingly RSPCA Tasmania were also made aware of several dogs who were killed as a result of escaping. Thirty two countries throughout the world now recognise animals as “sentient” beings. This means that it is accepted that animals have feelings and awareness and can suffer from stress and anxiety.

As a general principle, the RSPCA is opposed to fireworks displays. We believe that there is no justification in causing harm - or even death - to any animal purely for entertainment.

Having said that, we recognise that many people consider fireworks displays an important part of public celebrations like the ones being held in Hobart in late October.

We therefore urge the government to consider limiting fireworks displays to only these major public events. In the review of the Regulations, domestic pets should also be protected with some form of exclusion zone. The organisers of public events should be required to ensure neighbours and pet owners in the immediate vicinity are given appropriate notification.

Advertising fireworks displays in advance is important – as it can give people vital time to plan and prepare for the distressing experiences their pets may face.

We would of course be pleased to provide further comment should that be required

3. 4. 5.


1 year and 8 month old

Salty is a lovely large female greyhound, playful and energetic, Salty would be a great companion for another dog with a similar zest for life! She is smart and very affectionate.

Her vision is slightly impaired, which has not affected her outgoing, gorgeous personality.

32 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023
BY SEE IT. REPORT IT. CALL 1300 139 947 OR EMAIL reportit@rspcatas.org.au SCAN THE QR TO FIND OUT MORE
can spare for Tasmanian
in need $50
Keeps an RSPCA inspector on the road, fighting animal cruelty for another day. Gives vet care and vaccinations Provides flea and worm treatment. PARTNERS
scan this code to donate
visit rspcagivingday.com/tas
All donations received before midnight Thursday October the 5th 2023 will be matched by our generous partners, Royal Canin,
and Peter
So that will DOUBLE your kind donation ANIMALS,

Joel Diprose, Ten Lives Cat Centre

MEET Spike, a radiant ginger tabby with a heart full of affection. The then five-month-old arrived at the Ten Lives Cat Centre on 18 April accompanied by her sister, Bluey.

Within just two days, she was nestled into the arms of a foster family, the first of five that would aid her five-month journey towards finding a forever home.

Spike is more than just a playful kitten with golden eyes that complement her vibrant coat. She loves scaling heights and the fun rattle of ping pong balls. However, this spirited tabby also battled health issues, including a prolonged period of tummy troubles.

Thanks to a specialised diet, she began to mend. While she might need

a dietary transition in the future, expert vet consultation remains imperative. Additionally, the discovery of earlystage cataracts in her eyes underscores the need for regular check-ups.

Spike’s journey highlights the irreplaceable role foster carers play in the recovery and wellbeing of cats. Ten Lives, an organisation deeply devoted to feline welfare, urgently seeks shortterm foster carers, especially for adult cats.

Spike finally made her way to the adoption rooms on 18 August, and after some 136 days in Ten Lives care, she was adopted on 1 September.

For those who cannot commit long-term, or who often travel, work or study from home, fostering offers a purrfect opportunity. A short stay, even if just for a week or two, can be

transformative in a cat’s life.

Kitties like Spike, who may need more time to address medical issues, will recuperate faster in loving foster homes compared to the shelter environment. However, future caregivers, be warned – the soothing purrs and affectionate nudges might lead to a delightful “foster fail” – where you can’t help but adopt your foster cat yourself!

A brief chapter in your life can rewrite the entire story for a kitty. For many, like Spike, fostering is the bridge to a love-filled future.

Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 33
relies on donations and
for and
can get
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The Centrelink Age Pension

CENTRELINK can be confusing at the best of times. When terms like Asset Test, Income Test and Deeming Rates are thrown around it adds another layer of confusion altogether, particularly when the tests and rates are forever changing. Here we cut through the jargon to make some sense of it all.

Apart from being the right age, your eligibility for the Age Pension is determined by the value of your assets (the asset test) and your income (the income test). The test that delivers the lower amount of Age Pension is the test applied to you.

The Financial Information Service

HELLO everyone,

If you’re considering returning to work, planning for the future, learning about superannuation and investments, or managing a lump sum, Services Australia’s Financial Information Service (FIS) can help.

The FIS provides free, independent and confidential information to help you make informed decisions about your current and future financial needs.

• FIS is available to everyone, not just people receiving Services Australia payments and services.

• FIS also works with financially vulnerable people to improve their financial capability.

• FIS fosters self-sufficiency by looking at financial options beyond the payments and services offered by us.

• FIS provides information and resources online, in community information sessions, and through webinars.

The Financial Information Service is staffed by specialists located across the country.

These officers have an expert understanding of social security payments and financial concepts. They can help people of all ages build their financial capability, so they can make informed decisions to achieve their financial goals.

How can FIS help?

FIS Officers can explain:

• how financial products work, and how they interact with government payments.

• how government payments work, and how changes in your circumstances may affect your eligibility.

• resources to help you with financial matters.

• how a range of government and community services can help you.

Our free FIS webinars can help you understand your finances and increase your confidence with financial matters. You can register for upcoming live and interactive webinars or watch a range of recently recorded webinars covering topics of interest for people of all ages, including ‘Financial Fitness’, ‘Mortgage Basics and Creating Savings’, and ‘Super for Women’.

You can find our webinars by searching servicesaustralia.gov.au/ fiswebinars

It’s important to point out FIS Officers are not financial planners or financial counsellors. They don’t give or sell advice or promote or purchase investment products. They do not advocate with agencies, businesses or government departments on your behalf. FIS officers do not make decisions about your payments.

To speak to a Financial Information Service Officer

To speak to the Financial Information Service, call them on 132 300. Say ‘Financial Information Service’, when prompted for the reason for your call. This will take you through to a FIS Officer who will help you with your enquiry. Depending on your circumstances, the FIS Officer may book a video chat appointment, or a further faceto-face interview for you, in or near your local Services Australia Service Centre.

Until next time, Hank Jongen

Asset test

This test assesses the value of the assets you and/or your partner own. Common assets assessed include, but are not limited to, superannuation, real estate (excluding your family home), household contents, cash, shares, cars and caravans.

A common question is “How much money can I have in my bank before it affects my pension?”. Your bank account balance counts towards your asset test. Centrelink assess the money in your bank exactly the same way as they assess your other assets.

To receive the full Age Pension your assets must be below $301,750 if you are a single homeowner, or under $451,500 for a couple who own their home. If however, the value of your assets exceeds these thresholds, you may still be eligible to receive a part Age Pension.

If your assets are above the full Age Pension threshold(s), the amount you receive will reduce by

$3 per fortnight per $1,000 of assets. The greater the value of your assets, the less Age Pension you receive until it completely cuts out when your assets exceed $667,500 for a single homeowner or $909,500 for a couple who own their home.

As the value of your assets changes, the amount of Age Pension you receive can change as well. For example, if the value of your superannuation fund falls, you might be eligible to receive a higher Age Pension.

Income Test

This test assesses the level of income you and/ or your partner earn. Common sources of income assessed include, but are not limited to, employment income, rental income, and deemed income from your financial assets.

To receive the full Age Pension, your fortnightly income must be below $204 a fortnight if you are a single, or below $360 a fortnight if you are a couple. Like the asset test, if your income exceeds these thresholds then you may still be eligible to receive a part Age Pension.

If your income is above the full Age Pension threshold(s), the amount you receive will reduce by 50c for every $1 you earn per fortnight until it completely cuts out when your fortnightly income exceeds $2,397.40 for a single or $3,666.80 for a couple.

Deeming rates

Money in your bank, and other assets such as term deposits, shares, and your super are all classed as financial assets. These financial assets are considered by Centrelink to earn you a certain amount

of income using deeming rates.

For example, if you have $50,000 in a term deposit earning you four per cent interest, Centrelink deems this money to earn a certain amount by applying their deeming rates, not the rate of your term deposit. The deemed income from your financial assets is then applied to the income test.

The deeming rate for singles is 0.25 per cent for the first $60,400 of your financial assets and then 2.25 per cent on any amount above that. For couples, a rate of 0.25 per cent is applied to the first $100,200 and then 2.25 per cent is applied to any amount above that.

For example, if a single person has $80,000 in a bank account and $100,000 in super these financial assets would be deemed to earn you $2,842 per annum by Centrelink. This deemed income would then be applied to your income test.

Over time the value of your assets and income can change. It is important to update Centrelink of any changes to ensure you are receiving the appropriate rate of Age Pension.

A Financial Adviser can help ensure you are maximising the amount of age pension you are entitled to receive. Please contact us if you would like to ensure you’re receiving the right age pension.

Any general advice in the publication has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you act on any general advice in this publication, you should consider whether it is appropriate to your individual circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.

34 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023


Managing your home loan

MANAGING your home loan repayments effectively is crucial to achieving financial stability and homeownership goals. There are various strategies you can employ to make your home loan more manageable and ensure you stay on top of your repayments.

Richard Denholm, a Finance Broker from Mortgage Choice in Rokeby, suggests several key strategies to consider:

1. Review your interest rate: The interest rate on your home loan has a significant impact on your monthly repayments. Periodically review your interest rate to ensure it remains competitive. If your current rate is higher than what is available in the market, contact your lender and ask they review your interest rate. A simple phone call could result in your interest rate being reduced.

2. Refinance to a more competitive interest rate: Refinancing your home loan involves replacing your existing loan with a new one that offers better terms, such as a lower interest rate. This strategy can result in reduced monthly repayments, making it easier to manage your finances. However, be mindful of any refinancing costs, such as an application fee and ensure the long-term benefits outweigh any expenses.

3. Refinance to a longer loan term: Some lenders offer a 35-year loan term. A longer loan term will reduce your loan repayment. This strategy could be useful in the early years when meeting the loan repayment may be difficult. In later years, you can increase your repayments and this means you will pay the loan off faster.

4. Consider interest-only payments: Some lenders offer interest-only home loans, where you only pay the interest for a specific period (usually fiveto-10 years) before switching to principal and interest payments. This option can reduce your monthly repayments during the interest-only period, making it suitable for investors or those with irregular income. However,

it's essential to have a plan in place for repaying the principal when the interest-only period ends.

5. Create a budget: Establishing a budget is a fundamental strategy for managing home loan repayments effectively. Track your income and expenses to gain a clear understanding of your financial situation. Allocate a portion of your budget to cover your mortgage payments and ensure you stick to it. This discipline can help you avoid financial strain and ensure you meet your repayment obligations.

6. Make extra repayments: If your financial situation allows, consider making extra repayments on your home loan. Even small additional payments can have a substantial impact on reducing the principal amount and the interest you pay over time. Set up a systematic plan to accelerate your early mortgage payoff.

7. Emergency buffer: Building an emergency buffer is essential to manage unexpected expenses without affecting your home loan repayments. Having a financial safety net can prevent you from falling behind on your mortgage if unforeseen circumstances, such as medical bills or car repairs, arise. Make sure you pay a little extra so that you build a buffer.

8. Seek professional advice: It's crucial to consult with a qualified finance broker

like Richard Denholm from Mortgage Choice Rokeby. They can provide personalised guidance tailored to your financial situation and help you explore various strategies to manage your home loan effectively. A finance broker can also assist you in navigating the complexities of refinancing and securing a competitive interest rate.

In conclusion, managing your home loan repayments requires careful consideration of your financial situation and strategic planning. Reviewing your interest rate, refinancing when necessary, adjusting your loan term, and creating a budget are all practical steps to ensure you can comfortably meet your repayment obligations. Additionally, consult with a reputable finance broker like Richard Denholm to receive expert guidance and make informed decisions regarding your home loan. With the right strategies in place, you can achieve financial stability and successfully manage your home loan repayments.

Copyright 2022 Mortgage Choice Pty Limited (ABN 57 009 161 979, Australian Credit Licence 382869) and Smartline Operations Pty Limited (ABN 86 086 467 727 Australian Credit Licence 385325) are owned by REA Group Limited. Your broker will advise whether they are a credit representative of Mortgage Choice or Smartline

With rates on the rise, do you know if your home loan is still competitive?

It’s important to have an expert Mortgage Broker in your corner. We offer a free* Home Loan Health Check to see how your home loan compares to others on the market. We compare your loan with thousands of others from over 35 lenders, including all the big banks.

• We look for a home loan with a lower interest rate, better features or a cashback offer. If there’s a better deal available, we will help arrange the refinance for you.

• We talk you through fixed & variable rates, and how to structure your loan so you’re better off in the long run.

You’re never a loan.

Richard Denholm

m 0438 569 719

e richard.denholm@mortgagechoice.com.au

w MortgageChoice.com.au/richard.denholm

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 35
*Your Mortgage Choice broker is paid by the lender once you get your home loan. Lender fees and charges may also apply. Smartline Operations Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence 385325




Cross-country and road running for the over 30s from April to September at various locations in southern Tasmania. Go to tasmastersathletics.org.au or email tasmasterssec@gmail.com for enquiries.


With the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience friendship, camping and adventures while learning leadership, management skills and much more. If you are aged 13-17 years old, register your interest today. Go to www.armycadets.gov.au or email 63acu@armycadets.gov.au



Piano and singing lessons for ages seven to adult. Performance opportunities, AMEB exams and eisteddfods. Phone Suzanne Ortuso on 0407430902.


Join our first Sunday of the month or Monday working bees, from 10am – noon. Phone Graeme on 0467 514 667 or Tassie on 0417 516 176 and help us care for our coastline.


Our members meet on weekdays at 17 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. Groups include painting and drawing, needlecraft, textiles and threads of all types, card making, artist's books and basket making. Visitors are welcome. Check our website or call secretary Lynne on 0407 470 214 for more information.


Bellerive CWA hold meetings on first Monday of each month (except January), starting at 11.30am for handcraft and continuing with a meeting at 1pm. Phone 0408 478 546 for further information.


Meetings are held at 2.30pm on the first Tuesday of each month, from February to November, at the Howrah Community Centre, 11 Howrah Road. New members are welcome, or just visit a meeting to listen to a guest speaker. For more information visit www.facebook.com/bellerivehistory or phone

Mike Geard on 0400 974 056.


Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building, Battery Point. Call 1300 064 068 for dates and details.


The Eastern Shore Ramblers club meet every Sunday to enjoy bushwalking. There are walks for a range of fitness and experience levels, with friendly members ready to welcome and guide you. We also enjoy social gatherings throughout the year with some weekends away. For more information email easternshoreramblers@gmail.com


Business Excellence and Service Awards are now open. If you know an excellent business nominate them by 16 October. For information or to submit a nomination visit businesseasternshore.com.au/awards. Winners presented 16 November.



The Clarence City Band is based at the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. The band caters for all tastes and ensembles and provides a development program for members of the community to learn a musical instrument. For more information, visit www.ClarenceCityBand.com.au


A local community group working towards positive climate solutions, with the view that together, people can make a better future. For more information, visit clarenceclimateaction.org or the Clarence Climate Action Facebook page.


Knit and crochet for friends, families and charities.

Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny. Wednesdays 10am - 12pm. Phone Romana Sanders on 6244 4736.


Held every Tuesday night from 7pm - 10pm at the Howrah Community Centre. Listen and dance to a great resident band and walk-up singers. There are door prizes, raffles, spot dances and lucky number cards. Entry fee is $4. For more information, visit Clarence Country Facebook page or email clarence.country@gmail.com


Clarence Ladies Probus Club meets at Bellerive Yacht Club at 10am on the third Monday of each month. Come along and meet our friendly group.


Meets at the Clarence GP Super Clinic in Rosny Park on the first Friday of the month. Bus trips on the fourth Monday of the month. Come along and share a cuppa and conversation. Contact president Shirley Sonners on 0408 129 093.


A monthly event where you can buy locally made items, produce, upcycled and second-hand products. 11 Ralph Terrace, Rokeby from 10am-2pm on the third Saturday of each month. Everyone welcome!


Meet at Clarence Integrated Care Centre, Bayfield Street, Rosny on Wednesdays from 9:30am. Phone Dot Batt on 6244 6276 or 0400 607 355.


The Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre hosts the Clarence Plains Growers and Crafters Market on the third Saturday of every month. The market is held at the Grace Centre, 11 Ralph Terrace, from 10am - 2pm.


The Coal River Valley Garden Club Inc meets on the fourth Monday of the month from January to November at the Richmond Football Club Rooms, Richmond War Memorial Oval, Victoria Street, at 7:30pm and includes guest speakers, trade table and supper. New members always welcome. For more information, phone 6260 2727.


Crew Fitness is a not-for-profit community fitness group offering bootcamp and high-intensity interval training. Classes run for 45 minutes, Monday – Friday at 6am, Saturdays at 7:45am. It is based out of the Lindisfarne Sailing Club. New members welcome.


Eastern Shore Croquet Club would like to invite new players to the club. Equipment and lessons are provided, in a friendly environment. 59 South Street, Bellerive. Phone Ian Smith on 0457 194 772.


The Eastern Shore Bridge Club has relocated and now meets at the Clarence Uniting Church in York Street Bellerive on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. If you are interested in learning to play bridge or wish to join the walk-in sessions, phone Warren Papworth on 0439 323 505. All levels are welcome.


Love to play Mahjong? We're looking for new members to join us. Come along to the Rosny Library in Bligh St from 1-4pm on Thursday afternoons. The cost each week is $5. Some playing experience is essential. Bring along your own cup, tea bag or coffee for afternoon tea. Please contact Sue on 6244 5021 for more information.


Meets at the Sunshine Centre, Howrah Road on Monday from 9am - 12:30pm, Wednesday noon3:30pm, and Saturday 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Contact Ailene on 0418 425 843 (Monday and Wednesday) and Marianne on 0408 487 445 (Saturday).


Need a household item repaired for free? Bring it along to the Eastside Repair Cafe at Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre, 150A Bligh St between 2-4pm on September 23 or November 4. Volunteers will be there to help you fix your clothing, crockery, garden tools, furniture, toys, jewellery and more. Phone Katie on 0499 078 490 or email eastsiderepaircafe@gmail.com


Learn about “looking after yourself” by attending the monthly informal get-togethers presented by All About Fitness. Entry by gold coin donation, and includes a cuppa. Book early as seating is limited. Email paul@allaboutfitness.net.au or call 0417 836 988


Free group fitness sessions in parks across Clarence, open to all. For details, go to liveclarence.com.au/fitness-in-the-park


The Forcett Community Hall’s Handmade and Farmers’ Market returns in September after a winter break. It is usually held on the third Sunday of each month.


An aerobic fitness program designed for over-55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30pm - 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.



Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com.


Radio controlled, fixed wing and rotary aircraft at Kelly Field on the Richmond/Campania Road. Flying every day from 9am until early afternoon, weather permitting. Instruction available and visitors most welcome. For more information, phone Barry Gerrard on 0417 032 901, email bgerrard@bigpond.net.au or visit hobartmodelaeroclub.org.au.


Meeting at Howrah Community Centre every Friday, 10am - 12pm. Guest speakers, varied activities and occasional bus trips. Phone Brian on 0438 779 969 for enquiries.



The Tasmanian Society of JPs and Service Tasmania has a Justice of the Peace on duty at Service Tasmania, Rosny Park every Tuesday, 9:30am - 4pm. At other times, go to www.tsjpi.asn.au and click ‘Find a JP’.


Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am - noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the

Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.



An opportunity to join a fun and friendly social club in your local community. We meet at the Motor Yacht Club in Lindisfarne from 10am on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include regular bus trips, Christmas Lunch and more. New members welcome. Phone 0437 804 440 or email plindisfarneladies@gmail.com


The Lauderdale Canal Model Boating group meets at the Northern Terrace in Lauderdale from 9am each Saturday, weather permitting. Everyone is welcome. Come along and see a wide selection of model boats sailing, and maybe you will be encouraged to take up the hobby and join the group. For more information call Randall on 6287 7158.


Rehearsals at Lindisfarne Community Activities

Centre, with concerts around Hobart. Phone Rob Billing on 0418 146 224.


Come along and have a look at our library. Includes fiction, non-fiction, large print and a Tasmanian books section. Hours are Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm and Saturday 10am - noon. Membership is $7 yearly. For more information, phone Diane on 0400 043 297.


Lindisfarne Riverside Arts Choir Inc meet at the Activity Centre on Lincoln Street every Thursday night at 7pm. All welcome. For more information, phone 0408 326 544.


Meets at the Lindisfarne Activities Centre from 1011.45am Fridays. We have guest speakers every week, on topics including health, travel, history, sport, food and music. New members always welcome. Join us for an interesting talk, a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit. Phone

Claire Chalmers on 6243 6689 for enquiries.


Committed to serve the community. Meets at Lions Clubrooms, 10 Binalong Road, Mornington on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Rod on 0447 002 112.


Come and enjoy a game of mahjong at the Eastern Shore Croquet Club (59 South Street, Bellerive). New and experienced players are welcome. Afternoon tea provided. Phone Francine on 0439 485 114 for more details.


If you are interested in finding out what Masons do, then Masonic Membership may be for you. Email your enquiry to lindisfarnelodge46tc@gmail.com Advise your name and contact phone, and we will respond.


Suitable for every body. Gentle Yoga: Wednesday 11am; Mat Pilates: Friday 12.30pm. At the Lindisfarne Community Activities Centre. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au


Gentle Flow Yoga: Monday 8.30am; Mat Pilates: Wednesday 9am. Phone Rhiannon on 0411 688 905 or visit sunfloweryogapilates.com.au


Season starting 9 October at Wentworth Park, Howrah. Mens, womens, mixed and juniors competition, all ages and skill levels welcome. Email phantomstfc@hotmail.com for more information or follow @phantomstouchfootball on instagram.


Painting in all mediums. The group meets from 9.30am12.30pm Tuesdays. For more information phone Gail Ellen on 0427 658 775.


The Club meets at the Abundant Life Church on South Arm Road from 10am on the third Tuesday of each month (except December/January). The meeting is followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Other activities include dinners, excursions, quizzes, Christmas events and walking, cards and craft groups. For further information please visit our website or phone Scott Jennings on 0458 009 786.


Monday: Clarence Plains Walkers and Knopwood Knitters. Tuesday: Sewing and craft and basic sewing. Wednesday: Dancing with Hiroko, and Be Connected basic computers. Wednesday 11am: Zumba with Karoline. Every second Wednesday: Two-course community lunch (free). Every second Thursday: Basic Photography. Friday: Staying Strong Living Well exercise group. Every second Friday: PINGO ($10, inc. morning tea). 85 Tollard Drive, Rokeby. Phone 6247 6778 or email admin@rokebync.org.au


Monthly working bees planting and maintaining native bushland usually held on the third Sunday of the month from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Locations vary between Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area or the Rosny Montagu Bay Foreshore Reserve. For more information, email rmbcareinc@gmail.com or phone John on 0419 826 052.


Classes in embroidery, paper craft and cards, beading,

quilting and bear-making. Meets Thursdays from 9.30am at the Seventh Day Adventist church, 28 Rowena Rd. Phone Irene on 0407 489 833 or Kay on 6243 8060.



The Club meets at the Howrah Community Centre from 10am on the third Monday each month. Mornings consist of a meeting followed by morning tea, a guest speaker and/or other activities. For more information email elvina7@bigpond.com or write to The Secretary, Shoreline Combined Probus Club, PO Box 777 Rosny Park, TAS 7018.


After taking a break over winter, the South Arm Community Market resumed on Sunday September 3. The market runs from 9.30am-1pm on the first Sunday of each month.


Bingo is held on the first Tuesday of each month at the South Arm Community Centre, 9 Calverton Place. Doors open 7pm, eyes down 7.15pm. $15 plays 15 games. Cash prizes. BYO drinks and nibbles (alcohol permitted). Tea, coffee and snacks available for purchase. Enquiries: 0426 821 530.


Square dancing for beginners, couples and singles welcome. Currently being held in Bellerive; coming to Moonah. Weekly classes on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@hotmail.com


St Mark’s Anglican Church Op Shop at Bellerive operates Wednesday and Friday from 9am –3pm. We sell fresh produce, plants, preserves, books, toys and general products. There is also a coffee shop on Fridays. Corner of Scott and Clarence streets.


Online meetings, emails, and phone chats support those with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other facial neuralgias. In future, face to face meetings will resume. For more information and support, contact support group leader Helen Tyzack on 0459 022 883 or newtyzack@gmail.com.


365 Support Fitness run senior strength, balance and flexibility classes on Tuesdays at 9am and noon and Fridays at 9am and noon. They are held at the PCYC in Bellerive and cost $8 a class. For more information, phone 0407 967 961 or email 365sfitness@gmail.com.


Tasmanian Retirement Village Residents (TRVR) are missing out compared to their mainland counterparts, who each have a TRVR Association. We do not. A group of residents in the north are trying to rectify that by setting up the Tasmanian Association for Residents of Retirement Villages. Southern members are needed. More information at TARRV.online


Come along to one of our daily social tennis groups at the Sunshine Tennis Club. You’re sure to find a group playing at your level, we’re a friendly bunch. For more information, visit www.sunshinetennisclub.org.au.


Thylacine lutruwita is a not-for-profit wildlife protection hospital and cat desexing clinic based at 553 Pass Road, Mornington. They do cat desexing and a microchip for only $49.99. To book an appointment, phone 6146 0699 or visit www.thylacinelutruwita.com.au.


Come and join in on Thursdays 9:30am - noon at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington, for a range of crafts, morning tea and friendship. $5 per session, working during school terms. For more information, phone Raie Semmens on 6244 2586.



U3A Clarence is a co-operative learning organisation for retired and semi-retired people, run entirely by volunteers. We offer a variety of courses including Painting, Clarence History, Trivia, Aspects of Geology, Poetry, Mah Jong, French for Beginners, and more. Three ten-week sessions each year. Classes held at Rosny Library between 9.30am and 1pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. More details: u3aclarence.com


The Warrane Community Garden hosts a monthly working bee on the third Sunday of the month 9am-12pm. Weekly mini-bees are on Friday between 10-12pm. 18 Heemskirk St, Warrane. All are welcome. Please bring a cup, your garden gloves, and a favourite weeding tool if you have one. 0499 078 490 or visit wmnc.org.au/community-garden for more information.


Mondays: Yoga 8.30am and 9.45am. Tuesdays: Loui’s Van 6.10pm. Wednesdays: Food Assistance from 8.30am, Pilates 9am, Community Lunch fortnightly 12pm ($5 donation), More Than A Free Lunch (alternate Wednesdays, free). Fridays: Wellness Workout 10.30am ($5 per class). Last Saturday of the month: Eastside Repair Café 2–4pm. 150a Bligh Street. Phone 6244 6346, email info@wmnc.org.au or visit www.wmnc.org.au


Gentle yoga classes on Tuesdays at 5:30pm at the Howrah Recreation Centre. For more information phone Jackie on 0467 197 499.

36 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023
If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@easternshoresun.com.au.
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Back-to-back Lynch medals for Lauderdale star Siggins

LAUDERDALE star Sam Siggins has topped of a sensational 2023 season winning his third Tasmanian State League (TSL) Alastair Lynch Medal, becoming the third player to claim the accolade in back-to-back years.

Siggins now finds himself in rare company as the second three-time winner, alongside former Glenorchy captain Jaye Bowden.

“This one feels special. With only six wins this year I didn’t think I was chance,” Siggins said.

“I’m extremely grateful to have won. I think this was my most consistent season and I felt more comfortable in my role.”

Siggins’ historic season was highlighted with his selection as vice-captain in the TSL team of

the year and multiple leagueleading stats including average disposals (34), contested possessions (22), clearances (14), inside 50s (6) and score involvements (8).

Siggins’ year also included representing Tasmania at North Hobart Oval against Queensland in June, playing an integral role in the home side’s victory and claiming the Lefroy medal for best on ground with three goals.

Lauderdale failed to reach the finals in 2023 and Siggins said he would give up any individual accolades for a chance at team success.

“It’s a weird feeling to get votes in a losing side. It’s nice to know I have given my all but I’d much rather not get the votes

and win games instead,” he said.

“The Lauderdale Football Club means everything to me and I am focused on winning a premiership with this team next year.”

Siggins is confident Lauderdale has the right base for a stronger season in 2024 with Allen Christensen staying on as head coach and searching for fresh talent.

“We need to address some key areas during the off-season,” Siggins said.

“Bringing in some more experienced players will take the load of our younger guys and help them develop.

“Some new talent will put us in a great position to compete at the top next year and beyond.”

Youth sports grants available

A NEW round of grants under the State Government’s Junior Travel Assistance Program (JTAP) is open, helping young athletes with the costs of competing in national sporting championships.

Funding is available for Tasmanians aged 12-18 years who are selected to travel interstate to complete in a national sporting championship. The program started as a trial in May, with $50,000 delivered across 200 grants of $250.

“The first round of the Junior Travel Assistance Program was such a success, that we have doubled the funding available for round two to $100,000,” Sport and Recreation Minister Nic

Street said.

“This means that we will be able to support 400 more young Tasmanians compete and represent our state on the national stage.

“That’s a total of 600 young Tasmanian athletes who will have had some of the financial burden competing interstate eased this financial year.”

Applications close on 30 May 2024 or when the available funding has been exhausted.

Tasmanian sporting bodies also have time to apply for Active Infrastructure Grants funding to support improvements of local sporting facilities.

Applications for large grants are

open until November 13.

“The Active Infrastructure Grants program follows $25 million invested into 160 projects through the hugely popular and successful Levelling the Playing Field and Improving the Playing Field grant programs over recent years,” Minister Street said.

While applications for small grants closed on 4 October, sporting organisations can still apply for the large grants valued from $70,001 to $500,000. Applicants must contribute at least 20 percent of the project costs.

More information on both grants programs is available at www.active.tas.gov.au

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Sam Siggins claims his third Alastair Lynch Medal at the 2023 State League Awards function. Photo Credit: Solstice Digital


THE state’s tennis community came together in Hobart recently to honour the contributions of volunteers, clubs, players, coaches, officials and schools at the 2023 Tasmanian Tennis Awards –with multiple trophies heading to the Eastern Shore.

Ten award recipients were recognised for their outstanding achievements and exceptional contributions to the sport.

Sorell Tennis Club took home the award for Most Outstanding Club, while the

2023 Tasmanian

Excellence in Officiating

Peter Beckett

Geilston Bay Open was named Most Outstanding Event.

Former pro Richard Fromberg was inducted into Tasmania's Tennis Hall of Fame.

Ulverstone-born Fromberg, who now lives in Melbourne, was also guest speaker at Awards.

“The Awards are fantastic and it’s a big surprise to receive this award,” he said.

“I started playing tennis when I was nearly 10 years old and loved it. We just had a racquet lying around at home and I used to go and hit against

Tennis Awards

Most Outstanding Athlete with a Disability

Nic Heames

Coaching Excellence

Domain Business Team

(Nick Martin & Catherine Krueger)

Most Outstanding Tennis Senior 30+

Shaun Summers

Most Outstanding Event

Geilston Bay Open


a brick wall for hours and hours every day.

“Some of the best advice I’ve had is probably ‘don’t ever give up’ – the hardest point to win for a lot of players is the last point. Even though you could be close to losing a match you’re actually very close to winning at the same time. So just keep going and never give up.

“The tennis community is fantastic to be part of. Hopefully we have more Tasmanian players in the future that can follow along.”

Most Outstanding Club

Sorell Tennis Club

Volunteer Achievement Award

Brendon Oliver-Ewen

Junior Athlete of the Year – Girl

Arwen Koesmapahlawan

Junior Athlete of the Year – Boy

George Anderson

Most Outstanding School Kingston Primary School

Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023 39
Members of the Sorell Tennis Club with their Most Outstanding Club trophy at last month's Tasmanian Tennis Awards Tennis Tasmania president Martin Turmine and Hall of Fame inductee Richard Fromberg
40 Eastern Shore Sun OCTOBER 2023

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