10 minute read
With COVID-19 restrictions starting to ease, community groups and organisations have begun reopening and recommencing events and classes. If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact editorial@glenorchygazette.com.au.
BBEREAVED PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building in Ellerslei Road, Battery point on the second Tuesday of every second month at 7:30pm. Social gatherings occur in the months in between on a Sunday afternoon. Freecall 1300 064 068 for dates and details.
CCLAREMONT COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Claremont Community Library reopened its doors in July after being closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. To raise funds, enabling new books to be purchased, the volunteers welcome new and old friends to another of their popular fiction/ non-fiction book sales on Saturday 28 November 2020 at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the corner of Main Road and Bilton Street, Claremont, between 9am and 3pm – if possible bring own bags. Normal COVID restrictions will apply. For more information, phone 0481 047 591 or 0418 339 871.
COMBINED PROBUS CLUB OF CLAREMONT INC This social club welcomes active retirees seeking friendship, fellowship and fun. It meets on the first Monday of each month at Claremont RSL from 10am until approximately noon. The session comprises a short business meeting, followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Activities are at the suggestion of members. A lunch outing is organised on the second Sunday of each month. Annual subscription is now $20, meeting day $3. Contact secreatory on 6275 0219.
DDANCING Line Dancing at Chigwell Barn, 10 Bucaan St, Chigwell. Thursdays: Basic Beginners Thursdays 10am-11am ($3) and Beginners Plus 11:30am12:30pm ($4). Fridays: Basic Beginners 1pm2pm ($3) and Improvers 2pm-2:30pm ($2). Our emphasis is on having fun. Drop ins okay. Inquiries: Laura 0448 007 751.
DANCING FOR ALL AGES Dancing for all ages at Granton Memorial Hall every second and fourth Saturday of the month. New vogue and old-time dancing. Starting time is 8pm to 11pm. Cost is $8. Please bring a plate. For more information, phone Marie on 0438 282 638.
GGLENORCHY PROBUS CLUB COMBINED Meets at the Glenorchy Football Club on the first Tuesday of the month. Meeting starts at 10am followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Lunch follows at a local venue. Other outings/functions are monthly. We welcome all enquiries at 0419 326 707.
GLENORCHY RODMAN BOWLS CLUB Barefoot bowls every Wednesday night from 5pm starting from 21 October. $5 a head which includes a sausage sizzle and cheap drinks. Bring your mates or come solo. Teams of four can be made up on the night. It’s a great night out where you get make new friends and whoop it up a bit. Many great players over the years started out simply by coming along and playing this great game of ours. For more information, phone the club on 6273 2293.
HHOBART MINIATURE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY (HMSLS) Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. You don’t need to be an accomplished engineer. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit www.hmsls.com
HOBART VINTAGE MACHINERY SOCIETY Are you interested in collecting and working on vintage machinery and memorabilia? The Hobart Vintage Machinery Society meets every Wednesday between 9am and 2pm at the red building behind the Main Grandstand of the Hobart Showgrounds. For more information, contact Phil on 0400 428 326.
LLIONS CLUB OF GLENORCHY The Glenorchy Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at One Care, Barossa Park at 6.45pm. New members and visitors welcome. For more information, phone Jenny on 0417 311 779.
MMASTERS ATHLETICS Track and field athletics at the Domain Athletic Centre for the over 30’s from October to March. Programs are at www.tasmastersathletics.org. au or for more information, please contact the secretary on email on: tasmasterssec@gmail.com or phone: 0402 314 079.
MOONAH LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets first Monday of the month at Rodman Bowls Club rooms, Glenorchy. Meeting starts 10am followed by morning tea and guest speaker. Finishes 12noon. Monthly bus trips and dining out days. Annual subscription $30. Meetings $5. Ph. 6247 7572.
NNEW TOWN CROQUET CLUB Come and try croquet at 3 St John’s Avenue, New Town. Entrance from Creek Road, behind the basketball courts. Please contact New Town Croquet Club secretary Lizzie Bassett on 0409 799 462 for more information. All very welcome. Flat shoes needed, equipment provided.
TTAI CHI Tai Chi classes have resumed each Monday night (except public holidays) at the Golden Years Club, 314 Main Road Glenorchy. 6:00pm until 7:30pm, $7 concession, $10 employed. For enquiries, phone Bill Pearson on 0409 972 668.
Community News
Claremont College hits the national stage online
WITH Musical Theatre students at Claremont College unable to present their scheduled musical this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, they had to show resilience and commitment to their education to come up with a creative approach to their studies.
Learning much of the choreography online and even having vocal lessons via the same platform, the students performed a polished and highly energised musical showcase which was streamed online.
Teachers Greg Souter and Angela Barnard, along with vocal coach Brett Budgeon, ensured the students continued to have a quality musical experience while learning at home.
Choreography was taught in real time from the college’s dance studio and the students practiced in their lounge rooms.
Vocal lessons were interactive and included masterclasses on performance techniques.
When the students returned to learning on campus, they worked diligently to bring together a performance they could share with friends and family in a virtual space.
From this, they were inspired to participate on the national stage.
The highly acclaimed Sydney Eisteddfod went online this year with a ‘Crowd Favourites’ competition.
The Claremont College students put together a song which was recorded by one of their Music Technology students and they created a video to accompany it.
More than 500 entries were received nationally and internationally, and the Claremont College entry made it to the quarter finals and placed in the top 33.
Students are now looking forward to the 2021 musical, which was announced as the smash hit ‘The Addams Family’.
It will be presented in June and bring together students from the college’s diverse and rich performing arts program.
Students wishing to be part of the cast or band can enrol in the Musical Theatre course at Claremont College.
Claremont College musical students rehearsing.

Request for Proposal New Bridgewater Bridge - The Department of State Growth is seeking proposals from Community Consultation on Reference Design prequalified contractors for the design and construction of the $576 million New Bridgewater Bridge. A Request for Proposal (RFP) Have your say on the reference design for the document is now available and outlines information relevant to the New Bridgewater Bridge! project and the requested responses. All contractors prequalified to R5, B4 and F150+ under the As part of the Hobart City Deal, the Australian and Tasmanian governments have National Prequalification Scheme for civil (road and bridge) committed $576 million for a new Bridgewater Bridge. This is the largest ever construction contracts should be eligible to submit a proposal. investment in a single transport infrastructure project in Tasmania’s history. The proposals will provide a basis for shortlisting two contractors The reference design has now been released to the community for consideration to participate in an Early Contractor Involvement process leading and feedback.to a Design and Construct contract. Visit www.transport.tas.gov.au/newbridgewaterbridge to view the reference design. The closing date for RFP submissions is AEST 2pm, 7 October 2020. Community consultation closes on Friday, 13 November 2020.For further information, please contact For further information on this project, call 1800 517 290 or email:bridgewaterbridge@stategrowth.tas.gov.au bridgewaterbridge@stategrowth.tas.gov.au.www.tenders.tas.gov.au
A PROJECT by the Council on the Ageing (COTA) Tasmania is planning to spruce up a tired looking wall on Cooper Street in Glenorchy in 2021.
‘Piecing it Together’ is an intergenerational street art project that brings younger and older people together to break down the stereotypes around ageism.
The project challenges stereotypes about being younger and becoming older, promoting respect and understanding in our community.
COTA Tasmania launched a crowdfunding campaign to see the project come to life next year.
COTA Tasmania chief executive officer Sue Leitch launched the crowdfunding campaign in October alongside Mayor of Glenorchy Kristie Johnston.
“Cooper Street is looking a bit unloved and we would really love to activate the space and make it a place that people come together and appreciate the artwork created by younger and older people in the community,” Mayor Johnston said.
The aim of the project is to bring younger and older people together to reinvigorate blank spaces in the community with colourful street art, and create spaces for everyone to interact and appreciate as a visual reminder of the community spirit.
The project in Glenorchy will be the third project of its kind for Piecing it Together.
Ava Shultz and her grandfather were part of the second project where participants spray painted planter boxes depicting birds leaving the safety of their nests to step into the unknown and “taking a risk” to take flight – a theme identified by all participants as important throughout their own lives.
“I must be honest, before the program, I had mixed feelings about the idea,” Ava said.
“Older and younger generations often have contradicting ideas and opinions, but to see everyone contributing and moving the program along was amazing.”
To support the project, visit COTA Tasmania’s website at https://www. cotatas.org.au/programs/ piecingittogether/.

From left, COTA Tasmania chief executive officer Sue Leitch, Ava Shultz and Mayor of Glenorchy Kristie Johnston.

What do we want Glenorchy GLENORCHY MASTER STORYto look like in 2040?

Have your say!
Greater Glenorchy Plan

The Greater Glenorchy Plan sets out a vision for Glenorchy, Moonah and Claremont in 2040.
It describes what our people want our cities to look like in 2040 and it provides a precinct plan for each one. The precinct plans propose where new development will occur, where the green space will be, and how people will move around.
We want to know what you think of these plans and if you have any other ideas about how our cities could be improved. Please consider these plans carefully and have your say.
Tell us what you think!

Head online for more information: letstalk.gcc.tas.gov.au Or in person: Council Chambers Foyer You can also call Customer Service on 6216 6800

Step into your future Enrol now for 2021 at Claremont College

Full range of Level 3 & 4 subjects VET programs – be work ready Specialised pre-university program UTAS uniHUB on site Tutoring program College musical Careers Centre On-site clubs/activities State of the art facilities Free breakfast club daily

For further information please phone 6249 6894 or email cctransition@education.tas.gov.au.