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Golden Years Club retiring chair Kathleen Jones.

End of an era for Kathleen

LONG time serving chair of the Golden Years Club Kathleen Jones has announced her retirement from the position following a successful tenure seeing the club grow.

Ms Jones joined the Golden Years Club in 2000 to play cards and became heavily involved as a volunteer.

In 2004, she came into the position of chair, managing the club and the office.

Ms Jones also held the position of president for a time.

“When I originally joined the club it gave me a reason to get out of bed,” Ms Jones said.

“I’ve always been a goer and I love helping other people.”

Ms Jones said during her time as chair she introduced bus trips once a month as well as multiday bus trips once a year.

“I used to hold morning teas, organise Christmas and Easter, and used to hold fundraisers for the Cancer Council,” she said.

Ms Jones has also worked with intellectually handicapped people and ran Special Olympics ten pin bowling.

Ms Jones said the decision to resign was because she moved closer to her family and the trip to the club was too far, but she would still come for lunches once a week.

The Golden Years Club provides two course lunches every Monday and Tuesday for about 45 people, while crib, euchre and 500 helps entertain members two days per week.

Bowls is held every Tuesday and Thursday once a month, bingo and choir is held on Monday, exercise is run on Tuesday, and Shoot n Shuffle is played on Thursday.

“There is nowhere else in Glenorchy where older people can go to and enjoy themselves – this is the place for them to come,” Ms Jones said.

“It’s the ideal space for the community.”

The Golden Years EX-SERVICE organisations that help veterans and their families can now apply for the 2021 Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) grants program.

Ex-service organisations across the country deliver extensive services to veterans and their families, including leisure activities, transition support, assisting with claims, rehabilitation and wellbeing programs, and hosting many commemorative events and activities.

BEST grants help ex-service organisations provide vital advocacy services for current and former serving men and women, helping with their compensation claims and ensuring they get access to their entitlements and services.

“The services ex-service organisations provide can help veterans and their families access local support and resources, empowering them to improve their health and wellbeing, stay well, age well and engage in a full life,” Tasmanian Senator Eric Abetz said.

Applications for the grants are open online, with advocacy service providers encouraged to submit their application before the closing date of 14 April 2021.

“A BEST grant can help contribute towards paying the salary costs of administrative assistants and advocates, and any equipment they might need to deliver their services,” Senator Abetz said.

“Local communities know best what will benefit veterans and their families, and these grants will provide opportunities to community organisations to extend the important support they provide to veterans and their families.”

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs offers a range of grant programs to assist with providing support to veterans and their families.

To apply for a grant or for more information on BEST grants, visit https:// www.communitygrants. gov.au.


Club is located at 414 Main Road, Glenorchy.

For more information, visit the Golden Years Club Facebook page or phone 6272 8402.

Do you live with two or more chronic conditions or care for someone who lives with two or more chronic conditions?

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Learning never stops at Glenorchy’s U3A

From left, Pat Strk, Independent Member for Clark Sue Hickey and Joy Haines.

From left, Claire Britton, Jeannine Connors, Christine Lewer, Helen Coles, Steve Oddie, Joy Haines, Independent Member for Clark Sue Hickey, Pat Strk and Maureen Duff. Absent, Margaret Wilson.

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AFTER a tough year, the University of the Third Age (U3A) Glenorchy has begun preparing for a busy 2021.

U3A is a cooperative learning community for retired and semi-retired people that is run across Australia by volunteers.

The Glenorchy branch has been going since 2008 and is held at the German Australian Club of Tasmania on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30am to 12:30pm.

It is affiliated with U3As throughout Australia.

U3A Glenorchy president Jean Walker said the group was formed with the aim of sharing learned experiences, with members getting together for education, welfare and companionship.

“There are no qualifications required to join U3A, just a desire to develop new interests with new friends in a sociable, supportive and fun group,” she said.

Ms Walker said there were a lot of benefits in attending U3A.

“At U3A you will meet new people and have the opportunity to build lasting friendships,” she said.

“It’s a great way to learn new skills and ideas in a friendly and relaxed environment.

“Coming to U3A gives you a reason each week to be out and about, and be part of something.

“The topics we offer will stimulate your brain, and boost your feelings of wellbeing and confidence.”

There are a number of courses on offer, including Creative Writing, Art, Musical Taster, weekly guest speakers, and MahJong.

“We always learn something new and interesting – our speakers cover a wide range of topics,” Ms Walker said.

Independent Member for Clark Sue Hickey said U3A was an important establishment for the community.

“I am a big fan of lifelong learning,” Ms Hickey said.

“It keeps the mind active and I feel a real sense of achievement whether I am studying a dementia course or learning machine knitting.

“The U3A also provides a wonderful opportunity for friendship and social connection.”

Term two start on 27 April.

For more information, contact U3AGlenorchy@ gmail.com or phone 6249 2384

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